PACCAR Engine Manuals - PACCAR - MX-13 - Engine - Operator - Manual-English PDF

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©2013 Paccar Inc - All Rights Reserved

This manual illustrates and describes the operation of features or equipment which may be either standard or optional on
this vehicle. This manual may also include a description of features and equipment which are no longer available or were
not ordered on this vehicle. Please disregard any illustrations or descriptions relating to features or equipment which are
not on this vehicle.

PACCAR reserves the right to discontinue, change specifications, or change the design of its vehicles at any time without
notice and without incurring any obligation.

The information contained in this manual is proprietary to PACCAR. Reproduction, in whole or in part, by any means is strictly
prohibited without prior written authorization from PACCAR Inc.

Safety Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5

Important Reference Number . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6

Illustrations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7

General Safety Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 1-1


Introduction WARNING
Safety Alerts WARNING!
Please read and follow all of the Do not carry additional fuel containers
safety alerts contained in this manual. in your vehicle. Fuel containers, either
The safety alert following this symbol
They are there for your protection full or empty, may leak, explode, and
and signal word provides a warning
and information. These alerts can cause or feed a fire. Do not carry ex-
against operating procedures which
help you avoid injury to yourself, your tra fuel containers. Even empty ones
could cause death or injury. They could
passengers, and help prevent costly are dangerous. Failure to comply may
also cause equipment or property
damage to the vehicle. Safety alerts result in death, personal injury, equip-
damage. The alert will identify the
are highlighted by safety alert symbols ment or property damage.
hazard, how to avoid it, and the
and signal words such as "WARNING",
probable consequence of not avoiding
"CAUTION", or "NOTE". Please do not
the hazard.
ignore any of these alerts.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 1-3



The safety alert following this symbol The alert following this symbol and
and signal word provides a caution signal word provides important
against operating procedures which information that is not safety related
could cause equipment or property but should be followed. The alert
damage. The alert will identify the will highlight things that may not be
hazard, how to avoid it, and the obvious and is useful to your efficient
probable consequence of not avoiding operation of the vehicle.
the hazard.
CAUTION Pumping the accelerator will not assist
Continuing to operate your vehicle in starting the engine.
with insufficient oil pressure will cause
serious engine damage. Failure to
comply may result in equipment or
property damage.

1-4 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


Foreword engine. When replacement parts are

needed, we recommend using only 1
This manual contains information for genuine parts from PACCAR.
the correct operation and maintenance
of your PACCAR engine. Read and
follow all safety instructions. Refer
to the WARNING in the “General
Safety Instructions” beginning on
page 1-7. Keep this manual with
the equipment. If the equipment is
traded or sold, give the manual to
the new owner. The information,
specifications, and recommended
maintenance guidelines in this manual
are based on information in effect
at the time of printing. PACCAR
reserves the right to make changes
at any time without obligation. If you
find differences between your engine
and the information in this manual,
contact your local PACCAR Authorized
Repair Location or write to PACCAR
c/o PACCAR Engines, PO Box 1518,
Bellevue, WA 98009. The latest
technology and the highest quality
components were used to produce this

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 1-5


Important Reference
Fill in the part name and number in the blank spaces provided below. This will give you a reference whenever service or maintenance is required.

Part Name Number

Engine Model
Engine Serial Number (ESN)
Oil Type (Use API CJ-4 oil only)

Filter Part Numbers:

Air Cleaner Element

Lubricating Oil

Fuel (Use ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel only)


Belt Part Numbers:

1-6 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


Illustrations General Safety Instructions the fan blades, causing premature

General Information Important Safety Notice fan failure. 1
Some of the illustrations throughout WARNING! • Work areas should be dry, well lit,
this manual are generic and will not ventilated, free from clutter, loose
Improper practices, carelessness, or tools, parts, ignition sources and
look exactly like the engine or parts
ignoring any warnings may cause hazardous substances.
used in your application.
death, personal injury, equipment or
The illustrations are intended to show property damage. • Wear protective glasses and
repair or replacement procedures. protective shoes when working.
The procedure will be the same for all Before performing any repair, read and
• Do not wear loose-fitting or torn
applications, although the illustration understand all of the safety precautions
clothing. Remove all jewelry when
can differ. and warnings. The following is a list of
general safety precautions that must
be followed to provide personal safety. • Before beginning any repair,
Failure to follow these instructions disconnect the battery (negative
may cause death or injury. Special [-] cable) and discharge any
safety precautions are included in the capacitors.
procedures when they apply.
• Put a "DO NOT OPERATE" tag in
• Use the proper tool for manually the operator's compartment or on
rotating the engine. Do not attempt the controls.
to rotate the crankshaft by pulling
or prying on the fan. This practice • Allow the engine to cool before
can cause death, personal injury, slowly loosening the coolant filler
equipment damage, or damage to cap to relieve the pressure from
the cooling system.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 1-7


• be properly emptied and filled

1 Always use blocks or proper
using equipment that prevents
• Naptha and Methyl Ethyl Ketone
stands to support the vehicle (MEK) are flammable materials
or vehicle components before the release of refrigerant gas.
and must be used with caution.
performing any service work. Federal law requires capturing
Follow the manufacturer's
Do not work on anything that is and recycling refrigerant.
instructions to ensure safety when
supported only by lifting jacks or • When moving or lifting any heavy using these materials. Always
a hoist. equipment or parts, make sure keep any chemicals OUT OF
to use proper techniques and REACH OF CHILDREN.
• Before removing or disconnecting
any lines, fittings, or related items, assistance. Ensure all lifting
devices such as chains, hooks, or
• When working on the vehicle,
relieve all pressure in the air, oil, be alert for hot parts on systems
fuel, and cooling systems. Remain slings are in good condition and
that have just been turned off,
alert for possible pressure when are of the correct load capacity.
exhaust gas flow, and hot fluids in
disconnecting any device from a Make sure any lifting devices are
lines, tubes, and compartments.
system that contains pressure. positioned correctly.
Contact with any hot surface may
High pressure oil or fuel can cause • Corrosion inhibitors and lubricating cause burns.
death or personal injury. oils may contain alkali. Do not get
the substance in eyes and avoid
• Always use tools that are in good
• Always wear protective clothing condition. Make sure you have
when working on any refrigerant prolonged or repeated contact
the proper understanding of how
lines and make sure that the with skin. Do not swallow. In
to use the tools before performing
workplace is in a well ventilated case of contact, immediately wash
any service work. Use only
area. Inhalation of fumes can skin with soap and water. In case
genuine replacement parts from
cause death or personal injury. of harmful contact, immediately
To protect the environment, contact a physician. Always keep
liquid refrigerant systems must any chemicals OUT OF REACH

1-8 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


• Always use the same fastener • California Proposition 65 Warning

part number (or equivalent) when - Diesel engine exhaust and some
replacing items. Do not use of its constituents are known to Corrosive chemicals can damage the
a fastener of lesser quality if the State of California to cause engine. Do not use corrosive chem-
replacements are necessary. cancer, birth defects, and other icals on the engine. Failure to com-
reproductive harm. ply may result in equipment or property
• Do not perform any repair when damage.
impaired, tired, fatigued or after • The catalyst substrate located
consuming alcohol or drugs that in the Diesel Particulate Filter
can impair your functioning. contains Vanadium Pentoxide.
Vanadium Pentoxide has been
• Some state and federal agencies determined by the State of
in the United States of America California to cause cancer. Always
have determined that used engine wear protective clothing and eye
oil can be carcinogenic and can protection when handling the
cause reproductive toxicity. Avoid catalyst assembly. Dispose of the
inhalation of vapors, ingestion, catalyst in accordance with local
and prolonged contact with used regulations. If catalyst material
engine oil. gets into the eyes, immediately
flood eyes with water for a
• Coolant is toxic. If not reused,
minimum of 15 minutes. Avoid
dispose of coolant in accordance
prolonged contact with skin. In
with local environmental
case of contact, immediately wash
skin with soap and water. In case
of harmful contact, immediately
contact a physician.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 1-9


You Need Roadside Assistance . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

Stop Engine Lamp Turns On . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

Engine Oil Pressure Lamp Turns On. . . . . . . . 2-4

Check Engine Lamp Turns On . . . . . . . . . . 2-5

Engine is Overheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 2-1


WHAT TO DO IF... of services offered, hours of Stop Engine Lamp Turns On

operation and contact information.
Stop Engine Lamp - If the
You Need Roadside • They can assist with jump and Stop Engine warning lamp
illuminates, it means you
Assistance pull starts, tires, trailers, fines and have a serious engine system
permits, chains, towing, hazardous problem. 2
Call toll-FREE to talk to someone at clean-up, out of fuel (roadside),
the PACCAR Customer Center: mechanical repairs and preventive WARNING!
• Kenworth customers, maintenance services.
This should be considered an emer-
call 1-800-KW-ASSIST • They have multilingual agents and gency. You should stop the vehicle as
(1-800-592-7747). access to a translation service safely as possible and turn OFF the ig-
to ensure quality assistance nition. The vehicle must be serviced
• Peterbilt customers, call
and the problem corrected before driv-
1-800-4-PETERBILT for customers who speak any
language. ing again. Failure to do so may result
in personal injury, severe engine dam-
• Open 24-7-365 days a year. • They can’t answer your warranty age, equipment or property damage.
questions but can get you in
• They can help you get roadside contact with an authorized dealer
assistance. who can.

• They have a custom mapping • The PACCAR Customer Center

system which locates authorized service is FREE.
PACCAR engine dealers and
Independent Service Providers
(ISPs) near you and lists types

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 2-3


Engine Oil Pressure Lamp pressure ranges for your vehicle's

engine. 6. Wait a few minutes to allow oil
Turns On to drain into the engine oil pan,
Engine Oil Pressure Gauge • If the oil pressure suddenly drops, and then check the oil level. (See
- It is important to maintain or the audible alarm and engine Inspection of the Engine Oil Level
2 oil pressure within acceptable
limits. If oil pressure drops
oil pressure warning light come on on page 5-4.)
below the minimum psi a while driving, do the following:
7. Add oil if necessary. If the problem
Red Warning Lamp on the oil
pressure gauge and the Stop 1. Slow down carefully. persists, contact an authorized
Engine Lamp will come ON. PACCAR engine dealer as soon
2. Move a safe distance off the road
as possible.
and stop.
3. Place the transmission in
CAUTION neutral and set the parking
brake. (See Parking Brake
Continuing to operate your vehicle Valve and OPERATING THE
with insufficient oil pressure may TRANSMISSION in your
cause severe engine damage, equip- vehicle Operator's Manual,
ment or property damage. for transmission shifting and
parking brake information.)
• If the oil pressure fails to rise within
10 seconds after the engine starts, 4. Turn OFF the engine.
stop the engine and determine the 5. Turn ON the emergency flasher
cause. and use other warning devices to
• See Lubricating Oil System on alert other motorists.
page 5-12, for the correct oil

2-4 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


Check Engine Lamp Turns Engine is Overheating

On If the engine coolant temperature
CAUTION warning lamp comes on and the
Check Engine Lamp - Turns audible alarm sounds showing an
on when a problem exists, but The cooling system may overheat
overheat condition, or if you have any
the vehicle can still be safely
driven. Vehicle should be
if the engine coolant is at the mini-
other reason to suspect the engine 2
mum level. A sudden loss of coolant,
serviced to correct the problem may be overheating, DO NOT TURN
but the situation should not be caused by a split hose or broken hose
OFF THE ENGINE unless a low water
considered an emergency. clamp could also lead to an overheat
warning device indicates a loss of
condition. Always inspect to ensure
coolant. Follow these steps:
hoses and clamps are not cracked,
worn, or loose. Failure to comply may • Reduce engine speed or stop.
result in equipment or property dam- When stopped, place the
age. transmission in neutral and set the
parking brake. See the vehicle
NOTE operator's manual for instructions
on transmission shifting and
The system may also temporarily over-
parking brake information.
heat during severe operating condi-
tions such as: • Check to ensure that the oil
pressure gauge reads normal.
• Climbing a hill on a hot day.
• Stopping after high-speed/high- • Increase the engine speed to
load driving. 1,100 to 1,200 rpm maximum for
2-3 minutes.
• Debris blocking air flow through
the cooling module (radiator).

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 2-5


• Monitor the engine temperature. WARNING! WARNING!

After the temperature returns to
normal, allow the engine to idle To reduce the chance of personal in- Removing the fill cap on a hot engine
3–5 minutes before shutting it off. jury and/or vehicle damage caused by can cause scalding coolant to spray
2 This allows the engine to cool engine overheating, never leave the out and burn you badly. If the en-
gradually and uniformly. engine idling when the vehicle is unat- gine has been in operation within the
tended. If the engine overheats, im- previous 30 minutes, be very care-
• If the overheating came from mediate action is required to correct ful in removing the fill cap. Protect
severe operating conditions, the the condition. Continued unattended face, hands, and arms against escap-
temperature should have cooled operation of the engine, even for a ing fluid and steam by covering the
by this time. short time, may result in serious en- cap with a large, thick rag. Do not
gine damage or a fire. Failure to com- try to remove it until the surge tank
• Check the coolant level at the ply may result in death, personal injury, cools down or if you see any steam
cooling module surge tank. equipment or property damage. or coolant escaping. In any situation,
remove the cap very slowly and care-
fully. Be ready to back off if any steam
or coolant begins to escape. See the
vehicle operator's manual for instruc-
tions on checking and filling the cool-
ing module surge tank.

2-6 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


Prolonged periods of idling after the If the truck is equipped with PTO
engine has reached operating temper- equipment, the engine shutdown sys-
atures can decrease engine tempera- tem can be deactivated when the PTO 2
ture and could cause engine damage is operational; however, engine idle
from inadequate lubrication. The nor- periods should not exceed 5 minutes
mal torsional vibrations generated can whenever possible. Failure to comply
also cause transmission wear. An idle may result in equipment or property
shutdown feature, available on PAC- damage.
CAR engines, can be programmed to
shut the engine down after a period of
low idle operation with no driver activ-
ity. A flashing warning lamp will inform
the driver of an impending shutdown.
Failure to comply may result in equip-
ment or property damage.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 2-7


Operating Instructions
Engine Warning Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3

Engine Operating Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6

Engine Braking System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 3-1

Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions Check Engine Lamp turn off the warning lamp and shut
down the engine.
Engine Warning Lamps
General Information

The following engine warning lamps

cover only the lamps controlled by the
engine’s Electronic Control Module The check engine warning lamp will
(ECM). Please refer to the vehicle illuminate when a problem exists,
Operator's and Engine Aftertreatement
but the vehicle can still be safely
Systems manual for additional warning driven. The vehicle should be serviced
lamp information. to correct the problem, but the
situation should not be considered an

The lamp will also illuminate when a

DPF regeneration or addition of Diesel
Exhaust Fluid is required. Another
function of the check engine lamp is to
warn the operator of an impending idle
shutdown. When the idle shutdown
timer is 30 seconds from expiring, the
engine ECM begins flashing the check
engine warning lamp once per second.
When the timer expires, the ECM will

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 3-3

Operating Instructions

Stop Engine Lamp flash 30 seconds before the engine

automatically shuts down. The
warning lamp alerts the operator to the NOTE
impending shutdown. The Malfunction Indicator Lamp
(MIL) will illuminate if the OBD (On-
The lamp will also illuminate when board Diagnostics) system detects
the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) tank a possible emissions system fail-
is almost empty or the soot level in ure.
The stop engine warning lamp will the DPF is at full capacity. At this The vehicle should be brought in
3 illuminate, and an audible tone will level warning, regeneration cannot be for service at the next opportunity to
sound, when a major engine problem performed and engine power will be ensure the condition is corrected.
exists. derated.

WARNING! Engine may automatically shut down

This should be considered an emer- if the Check Engine light and Stop
gency. You should stop the vehicle as Engine light are illuminated and the
safely as possible and turn OFF the ig- operator does not correct the condition.
nition. The vehicle must be serviced
and the problem corrected before driv-
ing again. Failure to comply may result
in personal injury, severe engine dam-
age, equipment or property damage.

For engines with the engine protection

shutdown feature enabled, the
stop engine lamp will begin to

3-4 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Operating Instructions

Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) High Exhaust System Temperature Check Engine Lamp (CEL)
Warning Lamp (HEST) Warning Lamp

Check Engine Lamp

HEST Warning Lamp
DPF Warning Lamp Refer to Engine Aftertreatment 3
Refer to Engine Aftertreatment Systems Operator's Manual for
Refer to Engine Aftertreatment Systems Operator's Manual for additional information.
Systems Operator's Manual for additional information.
additional information.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 3-5

Operating Instructions

Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Lamp Engine Operating Range

General Information
Operating the engine beyond the max-
CAUTION imum engine speed can cause severe
Operating the engine at full throttle be- engine damage. Use proper operating
low peak torque will shorten engine techniques for the vehicle to prevent
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Lamp life to overhaul, can cause serious en- engine overspeed. The maximum en-
gine damage, and is considered en- gine speed specification is listed in
3 Refer to Engine Aftertreatment gine abuse. Do not operate the engine the “General Engine Specifications” on
Systems Operator's Manual for at full throttle operation below peak page 5-12. Failure to comply may re-
additional information. torque rpm for more than 30 seconds. sult in equipment or property damage.
Failure to comply may result in equip-
ment or property damage. NOTE
For applications with high idle time,
PACCAR engines are designed to to help reduce soot loading in the af-
operate at full throttle under momentary tertreatment system, avoid long pe-
conditions down to peak torque engine riods of idling. If idling is required
speed. This is consistent with increase idle speed using the cruise
recommended operating practices. control function.

3-6 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Operating Instructions

Engine Braking System

WARNING! The service brakes must be used in Do not use the compression brake
Do not operate the engine compres- an emergency. The engine compres- when operating on road surfaces with
sion brake when driving/operating sion brake alone might not stop the ve- poor traction (such as wet, icy, or
your vehicle bobtail or with a loaded hicle fast enough to prevent an acci- snow covered roads or gravel). Com-
or unloaded trailer on road surfaces dent. The engine compression brake pression brakes can cause the wheels
with poor traction (wet, icy, or snow is NOT intended as the primary brake to skid on a slippery surface. You
for the vehicle, nor is it an emergency could lose control of the vehicle and/or
covered roads) or in heavy traffic.
brake. The engine compression brake jackknife if the wheels begin to skid,
Braking caused by the normal opera-
tion of the engine compression brake only helps the service brakes by using resulting in an accident. Failure to
could cause you to lose control of the engine backpressure to slow the drive- comply may result in death, personal
vehicle resulting in an injury accident. train. Use the service brakes for quick injury, equipment or property damage.
Failure to comply may result in death, stops. You could be seriously injured
personal injury, equipment or property if you relied only on the engine com- NOTE
damage. pression brake to stop the vehicle in
an emergency. Failure to comply may If your vehicle is equipped with anti-
result in death, personal injury, equip- lock brakes (ABS), operation of the
ment or property damage. compression brake (if turned ON) may
be interrupted if the ABS system de-
tects wheel slip due to operation on
slippery surfaces.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 3-7

Operating Instructions

Compression Brake
An engine compression brake is NOTE
standard on the PACCAR MX-13 With the compression brake switch
If your vehicle is equipped with the
engine. When activated, the engine ON, the brake automatically creates its
Eaton Vorad® system, operation of the
compression brake creates a braking braking effect when you remove your
compression brake may be automati-
effect on the drive wheels. This foot from the accelerator pedal.
cally activated.
device uses engine power to slow
the vehicle down. Because it can The brake switch is located on the
help keep your vehicle’s brakes from accessory dash panel. It controls
3 overheating, it can save wear and tear whether the brake is ON (ready to slow
on the service brakes. However, the the vehicle down) or OFF (no braking
engine compression brake is not an action).
emergency brake.
• Do not use the engine
Ideally (on normal road surfaces), compression brake to slow
you should slow your vehicle with the the vehicle down when you are
compression brake (where permitted bobtailing or pulling an empty
by law) and use the service brakes only trailer.
for stopping completely. Operating this • Make sure the brake is OFF before
way will greatly prolong the life of the starting the engine.
service brakes.
• After the engine is started, warmed
up, and you are ready to get under
way, turn the engine compression
brake switch ON for added braking

3-8 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Operating Instructions

Compression Brake Controls

Engaging conditions for the engine CAUTION
Two (2) switches on the dash panel compression brake are:
Operating the engine with a compres-
control the engine compression brake.
A master switch turns the system ON
• Engine speed must be above sion brake that will not automatically
1,000 rpm. deactivate (i.e. when the dash switch
or OFF. A second switch, located is off, clutch pedal is depressed or
next to the master switch, controls • Coolant temperature must be throttle is applied) will cause severe in-
the braking effect. This switch allows above 59°F (15°C). ternal engine damage. Do not operate
you to choose progressively stronger the engine if the compression brake
braking to slow the vehicle down. Deactivation conditions for the engine 3
will not deactivate. Failure to comply
compression brake are: may result in equipment or property
Engine compression brake controls
• Accelerator pedal is depressed. damage.

• On/Off switch. • Clutch pedal is depressed.

• 3-position selector switch. • Engine speed falls below 800 rpm.

• Clutch switch. • ABS control is active.

• Throttle sensor. • Engine ECM recognizes a system

• Service brake pressure switch.

• Eaton Vorad® Anti-Lock Braking


(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 3-9

Operating Instructions

Engine Compression Brake Level brake, the compression brake will

Switch Operation engage to maintain the cruise set
There are 2 switches that control your
vehicle’s engine compression brake.
One switch turns the system on/off and
the second switch controls the braking
level. These switches are located on
the dash switch panel. On/Off Switch Symbol
For the 3-position engine compression
brake level switch, there will be 100%
engine braking when the switch is in
the up (HIGH) position. In the middle
(MEDIUM) position, there will be 66%
engine braking. In the down (LOW)
position there will be 33% engine Compression Brake Level Switch
braking. Symbol

With the compression brake switch

ON, the compression brake will be
engaged when the service brake is

If the cruise control is operated in

conjunction with the compression

3-10 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


Operating Instructions
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

Normal Starting Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4

Cold Weather Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

Starting Procedure After Extended Shutdown or Oil

Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

Operating the Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6

Engine Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) . . . . . . . . 4-6


(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 4-1

Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions
General Information Combustible vapors near the air intake
system could be ingested into the en-
Correct care of your engine will result gine, causing the engine to suddenly
in longer life, better performance, and accelerate and overspeed. This condi-
more economical operation. tion could result in operator losing con-
trol of the vehicle if an unexpected in-
Follow the daily maintenance checks crease in engine rpm occurs. Com-
listed in “Maintenance Schedule” on bustible vapors could also cause a fire.
page 5-4. Do not operate your vehicle in an area
Check the engine oil pressure and where combustible chemicals or va-
engine coolant gauges, warning lights, pors may be present. Failure to com- 4
and other gauges daily to make sure ply may result in death, personal injury,
they are operational. equipment or property damage.


(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 4-3

Operating Instructions

Normal Starting Procedure

Starting CAUTION
1. Ensure the parking brake is set Engaging the starter motor for more
ON and the transmission shift than 30 seconds in any 5 minute pe-
lever is in neutral. For automatic riod may cause it to overheat and can
transmissions that have park damage the starter motor.
position, place the shift lever in • If starter is engaged continuously
park. for 30 seconds, you must wait 5
2. With the accelerator pedal in the minutes before trying to start the
With the key in the ON position, the
idle position, turn the ignition key engine to allow the starter motor
engine warning lamps will come on
to the START position. to cool down.
momentarily and then go out. The
4 3. Release the key after 10 seconds
If the engine does not start, or runs
engine warning lamps include:
if the engine does not start. Then 1. Check engine lamp; yellow in
erratic, follow the procedure under
wait 10 seconds and try again. color.
“Starting After the Fuel Tank Has Run
Dry”, see on page 5-30. 2. STOP engine lamp; red in color.
If the engine is running, do not in- 3. Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)
crease engine speed (rpm) or operate status indicator; yellow in color.
the vehicle until the low oil pressure
4. High Exhaust System Temperature
warning lamp turns off.
(HEST); amber in color.

4-4 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Operating Instructions

Cold Weather Starting Starting Procedure After

General Information For coolant temperatures below 150°
F (70° C), use a low gear and drive
Extended Shutdown or Oil
Follow the “Normal Starting Procedure” at moderate engine speed until the Change
engine coolant has reached operating General Information
on page 4-4.
temperature. Do not let the engine idle
longer than necessary. Follow the “Normal Starting Procedure”
Refer to the vehicle operator's manual
on page 4-4.
instructions for any additional cold
weather starting procedures. CAUTION
Do not operate the engine at low idle
If starting a cold engine, slowly
for long periods of time when the
increase the engine speed. This
coolant temperature is below the nor-
provides adequate lubrication to the
mal operating range. This could result
bearings and gives ample time to allow
in the following:
the oil pressure to stabilize.
• Fuel dilution of the lubricating oil
The use of cold starting aids are
not recommended for ambient • Carbon buildup in the cylinder
temperatures above 0° F (-18° C). • Sticking of the valves in the
cylinder head
If an engine must idle for an extended
period of time, it should be done at • Reduced performance
a fast idle (1000 rpm maximum) at • Damage to aftertreatment
coolant temperatures below 150° F components
(70° C).

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 4-5

Operating Instructions

Operating the Engine Engine Shutdown

Normal Before Stopping the Engine
Interference (EMI)
General Information
Monitor the oil pressure and coolant NOTE
temperature gauges frequently. Refer If not installed correctly, some vehicle
Do not shut off the engine immediately.
to “Lubricating Oil System” and accessories (CB radios, mobile
A hot engine stores a great amount of
“Cooling System” for recommended transmitters, etc.) can generate and
heat and it does not cool down imme-
operating pressures and temperatures. use radio frequency energy that may
diately after it is shut off. Always cool
Shut off the engine if any pressure cause electromagnetic interference
the engine down before shutting it off.
or temperature does not meet the (EMI) between the accessory and
You will greatly increase its service life.
specifications. the electronic controlled fuel system.
Under these conditions, PACCAR
Idle the engine at 1,000 rpm for 4
is not liable for any performance
4 minutes. Then low idle for 30 seconds
problems with either the fuel system or
before shutdown. This will allow
the accessory. EMI is not considered
circulating coolant and lubricating oil
by PACCAR to be an engine failure
to carry heat away from the cylinder
and therefore is not warrantable.
head, valves, pistons, cylinder liners,
turbocharger, and bearings. This way
you can prevent engine damage that
may result from uneven cooling.

4-6 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Operating Instructions

System EMI Susceptibility System EMI Radiation Levels ° Determine the optimum
antenna location by obtaining
PACCAR products are designed Electronic components are required
antenna reflective energy data
and tested for minimum sensitivity to pass various PACCAR and industry
to incoming electromagnetic energy. EMI specifications. Our testing
The fuel system EMI susceptibility has shown that when the engine is ° Ensure that the optimum
has been designed with a high properly installed and maintained, it antenna type and mounting
tolerance against EMI and in most will not interfere with properly installed arrangement is being used.
normal circumstances, if not all, onboard communication equipment.
electromagnetic energy-emitting ° Ensure the accessory
devices that meet the Federal If any interference condition is noticed, equipment is properly
Communications Commission legal follow these suggestions to reduce the constructed for maximum
requirements should cause no amount of EMI: filtering to reject incoming
interference. electromagnetic noise. 4
1. Locate the accessory receiving
antenna further away.
2. Check with the accessory supplier
representative in your area to:

° Accurately calibrate the

accessory for proper
frequency, power output,
and sensitivity.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 4-7


Maintenance Guidelines
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

Maintenance Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4

Maintenance Specifications
General Engine Specifications . . . . . . . . . 5-12

Lubricating Oil System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13

Filter Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14

Fuel Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14

Warranty and the Use of Biodiesel Fuel . . . . . 5-16

Lubricating Oil Recommendations and Specifications 5-17

Coolant Recommendations and Specifications . . 5-18

Maintenance Procedures
Oil Pan Drain Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21

Inspection of the Engine Oil Level . . . . . . . . 5-21

Topping Up the Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22

Replacing Engine Oil Filters . . . . . . . . . . 5-23

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-1


Replacing Fuel Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27

Replacing Coolant Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31

Emergency Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35

5-2 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Guidelines

Maintenance Guidelines Oil Drain Intervals

If your engine is equipped with
a component or accessory not Oil drain interval recommendations are
manufactured by PACCAR Inc, refer based on vehicle application or engine
General Information
to the component manufacturer's duty cycle. PACCAR recommends
PACCAR recommends that the maintenance recommendations. the use of high quality lubricating oil
engine be maintained according to the as indicated in the Lubricating Oil
maintenance schedule in this section. Recommendations in the Maintenance
Specifications Section.
If the engine is operating in ambient
temperatures below 0°F (-18°C)
or above 100°F (38°C), perform
maintenance at shorter intervals.
Shorter maintenance intervals are also
required if the engine is operated in a
dusty environment or if frequent stops
are made.
Some of these maintenance
procedures require special tools
or must be completed by qualified
personnel. Contact your local
PACCAR authorized repair location for
detailed information.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-3

Maintenance Guidelines

Severe Duty Normal Duty

Vocational** Line Haul
Fuel Consumption
Miles per Gallon Less than 6 MPG 6 MPG or greater
Kilometers per Liter Less than 2.6 km/L 2.6 km/L or greater
Gross Vehicle Weight More than 80,000 lb 80,000 lb or less
More than 36,300 kg 36,300 kg or less
Oil Drain and Filter Interval 25,000 miles/40,000 km Less than 20% idle time:
800 hours or 12 months 60,000 miles/96,000 km
1200 hours or 12 months
More than 20% idle time:
40,000 miles/64,000 km
1200 hours or 12 months
**Vocational vehicle applications include: Agriculture, Concrete Mixers, Construction, Crane, Dumps, Emergency/Fire, Heavy Equipment, Loggers,
Mining, Oil Field, Refuse, Pick-up & Delivery, Snowplows, and Wrecker

Maintenance Schedule
General Information NOTE NOTE
5 This maintenance schedule is for a The crankcase ventilation is good for
Perform maintenance at whichever
Normal Duty Cycle engine operation. the life of the engine.
interval occurs first. At each scheduled
Severe Duty / Vocational applications
maintenance interval, perform all
will need to adjust mileage, kilometer,
previous maintenance checks that are
hour, or time interval based on the Oil
due for scheduled maintenance.
Drain Interval Guidelines listed above.

5-4 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Guidelines

Daily or Refueling – Maintenance • Air Intake Piping – Inspect: • Aftertreatment Exhaust Piping –
Check Inspect:
° Hose/Pipe condition –
• Engine Lubrication Oil Level - deterioration/signs of leaking ° Cracks
To check engine oil level, park ° Hose clamps for tightness ° Clearance to other
vehicle on level ground and wait 15 components (i.e. electrical
minutes after shutting off engine. ° Clearance to other harnesses, etc.)
° Remove dipstick and wipe it ° Hose/pipe condition –
off with a clean, lint free rag. ° Check Air Restriction Gauge deterioration/signs of leaking
° Reinsert dipstick all the way in • Cooling Fan – Inspect:
and pull it out again to check
oil level. ° Cracks

° Correct oil level is between ° Clearance to other

the low (L) and high (H) marks components
on the dipstick. 5
• Engine Fuel Filter / Water
Separator – Automatic water
drain, no maintenance required

• Chassis Fuel Filter / Water

Separator – Drain trapped water
(if equipped)

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-5

Maintenance Guidelines

• Engine Coolant Level – may result in cooling system

Check/Correct: plugging and overheating
With the engine off and problems.
temperature cool: • Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Level
° Check coolant level. It should – Check/Top Up:
be visible through the clear
plastic surge tank. NOTE
It is recommended to top up DEF when
° Add coolant as necessary by refueling. See Engine Aftertreatment
removing the pressure cap on Systems Operator’s Manual for DEF
the neck of the surge tank or information.
sight glass.

° Replacement or top up • Check for any signs of fluid

coolant should have the same leaks
antifreeze concentration and • Ensure all access caps/covers are
5 corrosion inhibitor content installed and tight.
as the original coolant in the
cooling system.

° Always dilute antifreeze to

the correct concentration
based on freeze protection
before adding it to the cooling
system. Adding or using 100%
antifreeze in a cooling system

5-6 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Guidelines

Maintenance Schedule

Maintenance Interval Miles Kilometers Hours Months

Maintenance Schedule – Normal Duty/Line Haul
A 30,000 48,000 900 6
B 60,000 96,000 1,800 12
C 120,000 190,000 3,600 24
D 180,000 290,000 4,500 24
E 240,000 380,000 5,400 24
F 300,000 480,000 6,750 24
G 480,000 770,000 13,500 48 (4 years)
H 750,000 1,200,000 12,000 48 (4 years)
Maintenance Schedule – Severe Duty/Vocational
A 12,500 20,000 400 6
B 25,000 40,000 800 12
C 40,000 64,000 1,280 24
D 160,000 256,000 5,120 24
E 200,000 320,000 6,400 24
F 300,000 480,000 9,000 24
G 480,000 770,000 13,500 48 (4 years) 5
H 750,000 1,200,000 12,000 48 (4 years)

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-7

Maintenance Guidelines

Perform maintenance at whichever previous maintenance checks that are

interval occurs first. At each scheduled due for scheduled maintenance.
maintenance interval, perform all
Recommended Preventative Maintenance Interval

Recommended Preventative
Component Maintenance Task Maintenance Interval
Aftertreatment • Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) – Clean using DPF cleaning machine.
The aftertreatment DPF clean/replace interval is based on the use of lubricating oils that
meet the SAE 10W30 API CJ–4 oil specification.
• Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Dosing Unit (DEF Module) Filter – Replace •
Air System & Air Compressor – Check/Correct for carbon buildup •
Compressor Air Cleaner – Check/Correct for restriction:
5 • Service filter element when air cleaner restriction gauge (option) locks in the extreme
high position. •
• Hose/pipe condition – deterioration/ signs of leaking
• Hose clamp torque

5-8 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Guidelines

Recommended Preventative
Component Maintenance Task Maintenance Interval
Charge Air System Charge Air Piping – Check/Correct:
• Hose/pipe condition – deterioration/signs of leaking

• Hose clamps for tightness
• Clearance to other components
Charge Air Cooler – Check/Correct:
• Cracked tubes or header
• Clogged fins/tubes •
• Hose/pipe condition – deterioration/signs of leaking
• Hose clamp torque
Charging / Electrical Harness/Cables – Check:

Cranking System • Inspect for loose connections, corrosion, chafing, and broken retention clips.
Batteries, Cables, and Connections – Check:
• Condition – electrolyte level, cracks, signs of leaking, overcharging

• Hold–downs – Tightness
• Battery Box Mounting Bolt – Torque
Cooling System Antifreeze – Check
• Coolant composition

• Coolant level
• Coolant protection
Radiator Hoses – Check
• Hose condition, deterioration/signs of leaking •
• Hose clamp torque
• Replace Coolant Filter •
• Change Extended Life Coolant*

See Extended Life Coolant on page 5-18.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-9

Maintenance Guidelines

Recommended Preventative
Component Maintenance Task Maintenance Interval
Crankshaft Vibration Damper – Check:
• Inspect for cracks, nicks, leakage •
• Check fastener torque
Drive Belts Belts – Check/Correct:
• Condition, signs of wear/ deterioration •
• Alignment
Fan Belt Tensioner – Check/Correct:
• Mounting bolt torque •
• Tensioner maintains proper belt tension
Poly-v Belts – Replace •
Engine Lubrication Filters and Oil – Change:
– Line Haul • Oil filters

• Oil, less than 20% idle time – every 60,000 mi (96,000 km)
• Oil, greater than 20% idle time – every 40,000 mi (64,000 km)
Engine Lubrication Filters and Oil – Change:
– Severe Duty • Oil filters •
5 • Oil, every 25,000 mi (40,000 km; 800 hours or 12 months)
Fuel System • Fuel Filter, Canister and Spin–on Type – Replace •
Mounting Bolts Engine Mounting Bolts – Visual check •
Valves – Initial Valve Clearance:
Service • Inspect and adjust if necessary

• Valve cover gasket seal – Replace
(Next required service interval: D)
Valves Valve Clearance:
• Adjust •
• Valve cover gasket seal – Replace

5-10 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Guidelines

Recommended Preventative
Component Maintenance Task Maintenance Interval
* Extended Life Coolant A heavy–duty extended life coolant (ELC) that meets ASTM D 6210 chemical composition specifications must be used.
The change interval is 750,000 miles (1,200,000 km) or 12,000 hours on–road use (8 years or 15,000 hours off–highway use) on initial fill with
no extender added. The change interval is 1,000,000 miles (1,600,000 km)/20,000 hours/8 years with an extender addition at 500,000 miles
(800,000 km)/10,000 hours/4 years. Antifreeze is essential for freeze, overheat, and corrosion protection. The use of supplemental coolant
additives (SCAs) is not recommended.

Follow the manufacturers' recommended maintenance procedures for the starter, alternator, batteries, electrical components, radiator, air compres-
sor, air cleaner, refrigerant compressor, and fan clutch.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-11

Maintenance Specifications

General Engine
Horsepower See EPA label on top of the valve cover or on the mixer manifold.
See EPA label on page 6-5.
Firing Order 1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4
Crankshaft Rotation (viewed from front of engine) Clockwise
Displacement 784 CID (12.9 liters)
Bore and Stroke 5.12 in. (130 mm) × 6.38 in. (162 mm)
Dry Weight (excludes Flywheel and Air Compressor) 2,600 lb. (1,179 kg.)
Idle Speed Approximately 650 rpm
Maximum Loaded Engine Speed 1,900 rpm
Maximum Governed No-Load Engine Speed 2,200 rpm
Maximum Engine Compression Brake Speed 2,100 rpm

5 Lubricating Oil System

Oil Pressure At Low Idle (minimum allowable) 27 psi (187 kPa) at 191°F (88°C) oil temperature
At Road Speed 900-1,900 rpm (minimum 40 psi (276 kPa) at 215°F (102°C) oil temperature
Regulated Oil Pressure 72 psi (496 kPa) at 223°F (106°C) oil temperature
Total System Capacity (Oil Pan and New Oil Filters) 42 qt (40.0 liters)

5-12 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Specifications

Cooling System
Coolant Capacity Approximately 14 to 15 gallons (53 to 57 liters) depending on chassis
model and cab/ sleeper heater options
Minimum Recommended Pressure Cap 15 psi (103 kPa)
Maximum Top Tank Coolant Temperature 111°F (44°C) above outside temperature

Coolant is toxic. Do not get the fluid
Coolant is harmful to the environment.
in eyes. If contact with the eyes oc-
Unused coolant must be stored as a
curs, flood eyes with large amounts
toxic hazardous material in leakproof
of water for 15 minutes. Avoid pro-
containers. Used coolant must be pro-
longed or repeated contact with skin.
cessed as industrial chemical waste.
In case of contact, immediately wash
Please follow HAZMAT guidelines with
skin with soap and water. Do not take
both used and unused coolants.
internally. If swallowed, seek immedi-
ate medical attention. Do not induce
vomiting. Failure to comply may result 5
in death, personal injury, equipment or
property damage.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-13

Maintenance Specifications

Filter Specifications Fuel Recommendations

General Information CAUTION
WARNING! Dirt or water in the fuel system can
PACCAR is not responsible for cause severe damage to both the fuel
The use of diesel fuel that has been
problems caused by non-genuine filters pump and the fuel injectors. Due to
mixed with other fuels may cause an
that do not meet PACCAR performance the precise tolerances of diesel injec-
explosion. Do not mix gasoline, alco-
or durability requirements. tion systems, it is extremely important
hol, or gasohol with diesel fuel. Make
sure you know your fuel source and that the fuel be kept clean and free of
Contact your local PACCAR authorized
use the recommended diesel fuel as dirt or water. Know your fuel source
repair location for specific part
indicated in this section of the manual. and make sure all steps are taken for
Failure to comply may result in death, dispensing or using clean fuel in your
personal injury, equipment or property vehicle. Failure to comply may result
damage. in equipment or property damage.
Use of non-genuine oil filters can
cause severe engine damage. CAUTION
Lighter fuel can reduce economy or
5 possibly damage fuel system compo-
nents. Lighter fuels typically do not
have enough lubricity elements in the
fuel to properly lubricate the fuel in-
jection system. Be sure you follow
the fuel recommendations as indicated
in this section of the manual. Failure
to comply may result in equipment or
property damage.

5-14 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Specifications


Using diesel fuels blended with lubri- If ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel is not PACCAR recommends that the cetane
cants may cause damage to your ex- used, the engine may not meet emis- number of diesel fuel be a minimum
haust aftertreatment system. Service sion regulations, and damage may oc- of 45 for engines that are expected to
intervals for aftertreatment systems cur to the exhaust aftertreatment sys- operate at temperatures below 32°F
will be reduced. Do not use diesel fuel tem. The use of high-sulfur diesel fuel (0°C) and a minimum of 42 for en-
blended with lubricating oil in engines will damage the exhaust aftertreat- gines that are operated at tempera-
equipped with an aftertreatment sys- ment system and impact the engine tures above 32°F (0°C).
tem. Failure to comply may result in emission. Ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel
equipment or property damage. is required for correct operation of Using diesel fuel with a
the aftertreatment system. The en- lower-than-recommended cetane
CAUTION gine has been optimized for use with number can cause hard starting,
an aftertreatment system to meet the instability, and excessive white smoke.
Do not use high-sulfur diesel fuel as 2013 U.S. Environmental Protection To maintain satisfactory operation
it will damage the exhaust aftertreat- Agency regulations. Failure to comply at low ambient temperatures, it is
ment system. Also, the engine will may result in equipment or property
not meet emission regulations. Use damage.
important to specify diesel fuel of the 5
correct cetane number.
only ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD)
fuel. Failure to comply may result in PACCAR requires all permissible
equipment or property damage. fuels to have adequate fuel lubricity.
Lubricity can be determined by ASTM,
specification D6079, ISO 12156, High
Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR)
in which the fuel must have a wear scar
diameter of 0.02 in. (0.5 mm) or less.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-15

Maintenance Specifications

Warranty and the Use of as defects of parts or workmanship

The use of Ultra-Low-Sulfur diesel by PACCAR and therefore will not
fuel is required for this engine in
Biodiesel Fuel
be covered by the PACCAR engine
order to meet emission regulations PACCAR Inc approves the use of warranty.
and to prevent damage to the engine biodiesel fuel blends up to 5% by
and exhaust system. The use of volume in diesel fuel that meets all of
other grades of diesel fuels other the following three conditions:
than Ultra-Low-Sulfur diesel fuel will
be considered a use of incorrect • The biodiesel used in the blend
fuel for the engine. PACCAR is not meets ASTM Standard D 6751 or
responsible for failures caused by the EN 14214 specifications.
use of incorrect fuel, oil or catalytic
reagent or by water, dirt or other • The biodiesel used in the blend
containments in the fuel or catalytic is sourced from a BQ-9000
reagent. Accredited Producer.

• The finished blend meets the fuel

properties of ASTM Standard D
5 975 or EN 590 specifications.

The use of approved biodiesel fuel

does not affect the PACCAR engine
warranty. Failures caused by the use
of nonapproved biodiesel fuels or other
fuel additives that are of unacceptable
quality or do not meet specified
industry standards are not considered

5-16 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Specifications

Lubricating Oil and filter change interval beyond the oil helps improve engine cranking in
Recommendations and manufacturers recommendations may low-temperature conditions, reduces
decrease engine life. deposit formation and increases
engine durability.
General Information
New Engine Break-In Oils
CAUTION It is the operator’s responsibility to
abide by these recommendations to PACCAR does not approve the use of
Extending the oil and filter change in-
ensure that the engine warranty does special “break-in” engine lubricating
terval beyond the recommendations
not get affected. oils for new or rebuilt PACCAR
will decrease the engine life due to
factors such as corrosion, deposits, engines. It is recommended to use
and wear. Engine oil filters capture PACCAR recommends the use of the same lubricating oil for engine
dirt and remove deposits from the oil high-quality SAE 10W30 API CJ-4 break-in that will be used during normal
to prolong the life of internal moving heavy-duty engine oil. operation.
components. Follow the oil and filter
change intervals as recommended in The primary PACCAR
this section of the manual. Failure recommendation is for the use of
to comply may result in equipment or 10W30 multigrade lubricating oil 5
property damage. for normal operation at ambient
temperatures above 5°F (-15°C).
For ambient temperatures below
A major factor in maintaining engine
5°F (-15°C) SAE 5W30 may be
performance and durability is the
used, provided it meets API CJ-4
proper use of quality engine lubricating
oil specifications and biodiesel or
oils used in conjunction with the
biodiesel blended fuel is not used as
appropriate oil drain and filter change
fuel for the engine. Using a multigrade
intervals. Attempting to extend the oil

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-17

Maintenance Specifications

Aftermarket Oil Additive Usage Coolant Recommendations

and Specifications CAUTION
PACCAR does not recommend the use
Use of non-genuine coolant filters can
of aftermarket oil additives. Today's The cooling system in your vehicle cause severe engine damage.
high-quality engine lubricating oils are was factory filled with Extended Life
very sophisticated. Most oils already Coolant (ELC) that meets or exceeds
contain precise amounts of additives all ASTM D 6210 requirements.
blended into the lubricating oil to meet PACCAR recommends only using a
stringent performance requirements. 50/50 mixture of distilled water and
ELC when cooling system service
These oils meet performance is required. A 50/50 mixture of ELC
characteristics that conform to the and distilled water will provide freeze
lubricant industry standards and protection down to -34°F (- 36.7°C),
are sufficient protection when used which is adequate for most locations
according to the recommendations. in North America. For extremely cold
Aftermarket lubricating oil additives are operating conditions, a 60/40 mixture
not necessary to enhance engine oil (coolant/water ratio) can be used to
5 performance and may in some cases provide freeze protection down to
reduce the oil's capability to protect -62°F (-52.2°C).
the engine.
Your engine is also equipped with a
Coolant Filter designed to capture
and remove harmful deposits from the
cooling system to help prolong system

5-18 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Specifications

Checking Coolant Condition Recommended Extended Life Cooling System Sealing Additives
Coolant Suppliers
To ensure the Extended Life Coolant CAUTION
(ELC) in your vehicle always provides Brand Name Supplier
TRP® Authorized PACCAR The use of sealing additives in the
maximum freeze protection, perform Engine Dealer cooling system can cause damage to
the following tests:
the engine. Sealing additives can plug
1. Check the coolant color at every various areas of the radiator, EGR sys-
maintenance interval. It should be tem and oil cooler. The plugging of
a bright red with no signs of debris the cooling system can hamper heat
or any oil. transfer, causing internal engine dam-
age. Do not use sealing additives in
2. Test the freeze point at least two
the cooling system. The use of seal-
times a year. A refractometer or
ing additives can:
test strips can be used to measure
the protection level. • Build up in coolant low-flow areas.
3. Keep the cooling system at full • Plug the radiator and oil cooler.
levels by topping-up using ELC
• Damage the water pump seal. 5
pre-diluted to 50/50 blend.
Failure to comply may result in equip-
ment or property damage.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-19

Maintenance Specifications

Cooling System Soluble Oils

The use of soluble oils in the cooling
system can cause damage to the en-
gine. Soluble oils in the cooling sys-
tem can:
• Damage heat transfer surfaces.
• Damage seals and hoses.
Failure to comply may result in equip-
ment or property damage.

5-20 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Procedures

Maintenance Inspection of the Engine Oil

1. Make sure that the vehicle frame
Procedures Level rail is standing on a flat and level
Oil Pan Drain Plug
2. Make sure that the vehicle is
After draining the oil, discard the horizontal, both lengthwise and
washer and replace with a new copper crosswise. Check this carefully
sealing washer, torque the bolt to 44 on a vehicle with air suspension.
lb-ft (60 Nm). Note that the engine may be
inclined up to 4° depending on the
vehicle model and wheelbase.
3. Twist the dipstick handle to unlock
it, then pull the dipstick out of the
NOTE holder.
It takes approximately 15 minutes for 4. Wipe the dipstick clean with a
all the oil to run into the sump when the lint-free cloth.
engine is ‘warm.’ If the level is checked
immediately after switching off the en- 5. Place the dipstick back into the
gine, the dipstick will show a low oil holder.
level. 6. Pull the dipstick out again and
check the oil level. The oil level
should always be between the 2
marks on the dipstick.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-21

Maintenance Procedures

7. Reinstall the dipstick and twist to

Topping Up the Engine Oil
lock it in place. 1. Top up with oil, if necessary, via
the filler opening. Use the correct
grade in the correct quantity.
2. After topping up, wait 1 minute and
check the oil level again.
3. Reinstall the oil fill cap and twist
to lock it in place.

PACCAR recommends the use of
high-quality SAE 10W30 API CJ-4
heavy-duty engine oil.

1. Engine Oil High Level

2. Engine Oil Low Level

5-22 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Procedures

Replacing Engine Oil Filters on page 5-4, for the recommended oil Oil Filter Removal Preparation
and filter change service interval.
1. Disconnect the chassis battery
cable at the negative battery
Use of non-genuine oil filters can
cause severe engine damage. CAUTION
Before beginning to remove and/or
disconnect any components, wait at
least 5 minutes after the key switch
is turned OFF for the aftertreatment
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) dosing
system to purge the DEF from the
1. Full-Flow Oil Filter
system. The DEF system purges to
2. Centrifugal Bypass Oil Filter
prevent damage from freezing. Fail-
3. Oil Filter Cap Lock
ure to comply may result in equipment
Your engine is equipped with a full-flow or property damage.
oil filter and centrifugal bypass oil filter.
Both filters are designed to capture
contaminants and remove deposits
from the oil to prolong the life of
internal moving components. Always
use quality engine lubricating oils in
conjunction with the appropriate oil
drain and filter change intervals. Refer
to “Maintenance Schedule” beginning,

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-23

Maintenance Procedures

Centrifugal Bypass Oil Filter

Electrical shock hazard: Never dis- Turn off the engine and place the ig-
connect the battery clamp when the nition switch in the OFF position be-
engine is running. Disconnecting the fore disconnecting the battery clamps.
battery clamps while the engine is run- Do not place any tools or other ma-
ning may result in death, personal in- terials on top of or close to the bat-
jury or equipment damage from electri- teries. This can cause a dangerous
cal arcing or damage to electrical com- high current short circuit and, in the
ponents. worst case, a battery explosion. Keep
all objects away from the battery ter-
minals. Always break the contact be-
tween the battery clamp and the neg-
ative terminal before working on the
vehicle. Working on a vehicle while 1. Remove the cap of the centrifugal
the battery is connected may result in oil filter. Use a hexagonal socket
5 electrical injury or damage. Always to avoid damaging the oil filter cap.
disconnect the battery at the negative 2. Remove the centrifugal filter.
terminal when performing service pro-
cedures. Failure to comply may result 3. Remove the O-ring from the screw
in death, personal injury or equipment cap.

2. Place an oil collection pan directly

under the oil filter.

5-24 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Procedures

Centrifugal Bypass Oil Filter

WARNING! Installation 6. Tighten the screw cap by hand
until it reaches the end position.
Lubricating oil can cause skin irritation
or skin injury. To prevent skin injury, 7. Tighten the screw cap to 354 lb-in
avoid unnecessary contact with the lu- (40 Nm). Use a hexagonal socket
bricating oil. Wear protective clothing, to avoid damaging the oil filter cap.
eye wear and gloves when handling lu-
bricating oil. Failure to comply may re-
sult in personal injury.

1. Lightly lubricate the O-ring (1) with

engine oil.
2. Fit the new O-ring (1) onto the cap
(2). 5
3. Mount the centrifugal filter (3) with
its top side in the bearing of the
screw cap (2).
4. Check to ensure the centrifugal
filter (3) can rotate freely.
5. Position the screw cap carefully
onto the oil module.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-25

Maintenance Procedures

Full-flow Oil Filter Removal Full-flow Oil Filter Installation

1. Lightly oil the new O-ring.
Lubricating oil can cause skin irritation
or skin injury. To prevent skin injury, 2. Install a new O-ring onto the screw
avoid unnecessary contact with the lu- cap.
bricating oil. Wear protective clothing, 3. Install the screw cap, with the
eye wear and gloves when handling lu- oil filter cartridge, onto the filter
bricating oil. Failure to comply may re- housing. Tighten the screw
sult in personal injury. cap to 354 lb-in (40 Nm). Use
a hexagonal socket to avoid
damaging the oil filter cap.
1. Unscrew the cap a few turns
and drain the filter housing. Use
a hexagonal socket to avoid
damaging the oil filter cap.
2. Remove the cap, with the oil filter
5 cartridge, from the filter housing.
Then remove the oil filter cartridge
from the screw cap.
3. Remove the O-ring from the screw

5-26 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Procedures

After Replacing Oil Filter(s) ° pull the dipstick and wipe with Replacing Fuel Filter
1. Reconnect the chassis battery a clean, lint free cloth
cable at the negative battery
terminal. See Warnings at
° reinsert the dipstick, then When removing the fuel filter, a quan-
remove and check the oil level tity of fuel will escape. Do not smoke
Centrifugal oil filter removal
preparation. ° add approved engine oil or allow an open flame in close prox-
SAE 10W30 API CJ-4 to the imity. Failure to do so could ignite a fire
2. Add approved engine oil SAE or cause an explosion which could re-
10W30 API CJ-4 to the maximum maximum level marked on the
dipstick sult in serious injury to you and/or by-
level marked on the dipstick. standers. Failure to comply may result
3. Start and run the engine for five in death, personal injury, equipment or
to ten minutes and check for any property damage.
oil leaks.
4. Remove oil collection pan and NOTE
dispose of any spillage properly. The fuel filter and the hand pump are
located on the left-hand side of the en-
5. Check engine oil level and top up
as necessary.

° chassis must be on level


° wait at least five minutes if the

engine has been hot

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-27

Maintenance Procedures

Description Removal
The fuel filter / water separator module
Dirt in the fuel system can lead to sig-
provides fine particle filtration, water
nificant damage to the fuel system.
separation, water in fuel sensing,
Failure to comply may result in equip-
automatic water draining, lifetime
ment or property damage.
purification of drained water with a
charcoal filter, 12v preheating and 3. Remove the fuel filter cap by
system manual priming in a singular rotating it counter-clockwise with a
easy to service module. wrench, automatic draining of fuel
will be initiated, wait 5 minutes for
NOTE complete fuel draining to prevent
The engine and fuel module should be fuel from leaking or dripping on the
operated in cold climates with accept- starter motor
able cold climate fuel blends which no-
ticeably reduces wax gelling of the fuel 1. Fuel Filter Cap NOTE
filter cartridge. The fuel module in- 2. Fuel Filter
5 3. Manual Priming Pump
The fuel filter cartridge is a dispos-
cludes a 12 - volt preheater to support able filter and may not be cleaned and
preheat of the fuel for initial start-up in 4. Fuel Filter Housing
reused. Dispose of the filter as chem-
mild climates. Failure to operate with ical waste.
1. Loosen the fuel tank cap to relieve
acceptable cold climate fuel may result
any pressure in the fuel tank.
in insufficient fuel flow to the fuel injec- 4. Remove the fuel filter cartridge.
tion system. 2. Clean the fuel filter cap and
surrounding area to ensure dirt
does not fall in to the fuel module.

5-28 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Procedures

1. Verify the sealing o-ring that
is supplied with the filter kit is Operate priming pump at a maximum
installed on the fuel filter cap and rate of 30 strokes per minute to pre-
lightly coat the o-ring with fuel. vent damage to pump.

2. Install the new fuel filter cartridge 6. Check for leakage at the fuel filter
to the cap, then insert in to the fuel cap. Tighten if necessary.


3. Tighten the fuel filter cap by
rotating it clockwise until the filter Check the fuel filter for signs of leak-
cap o-ring makes contact with the age. Do not smoke or allow an open
fuel module. Then tighten the flame in close proximity. Failure to do
filter cap to 29 ft-lbs (40 Nm) as so could ignite a fire or cause an explo-
4. Loosen the fuel priming pump knob
specified on the filter cap. sion which could result in serious injury
by rotating it counter-clockwise.
to you and/or bystanders. Failure to
5. Operate the priming pump by comply may result in death, personal 5
moving the knob in and out until injury, equipment or property damage.
pumping resistance increases
noticeably, may require up to 90 7. Start the engine and run it at idle
strokes. Then tighten the knob by speed for several minutes. This
rotating it clockwise. will allow any air in the system
to escape. Check the system for
leakage while idling. Then turn the
engine off and check the system
again for leakage.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-29

Maintenance Procedures

• If the engine does not start, or Starting After the Fuel Tank Has
2. Operate the primer pump by
runs erratic, follow the procedure Run Dry
moving the knob in and out until
under “Starting After the Fuel Tank pumping resistance increases
Has Run Dry”. CAUTION
noticeably. Then tighten the knob
The following instructions should only by rotating it clockwise.
be used in emergency situations when
3. Operate the starter motor until the
the fuel tank has run dry. Failure to
engine starts.
follow the starting instructions below
may damage the starter motor.
The maximum time the starter motor
can be switched on at any given time
is 30 seconds.

Engaging the starter motor for more
5 than 30 seconds in any 5 minute pe-
riod may cause it to overheat and can
damage the starter motor.
• If starter is engaged continuously
for 30 seconds, you must wait 5
minutes before trying to start the
1. Loosen the fuel primer pump knob engine to allow the starter motor
by rotating it counter-clockwise. to cool down.

5-30 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Procedures

Replacing Coolant Filter

4. If the engine does not start within WARNING!
this time, allow the starter motor Your engine may be equipped
to cool down for at least 5 minutes Handle coolant and antifreeze care-
with a Coolant Filter designed to
before repeating the procedure. fully. Ethylene glycol antifreeze is poi-
capture and remove harmful deposits
sonous. Store in original fluid con-
from the cooling system to help
WARNING! tainer only, and always keep out of the
prolong system life. Refer to the
reach of children. Failure to comply
Do not loosen any fuel line fittings in “Maintenance Schedule” beginning for
may result in death, personal injury,
order to bleed the fuel system of air. the recommended coolant filter change
equipment or property damage.
The system is under high pressure service interval.
which, when relieved, could cause • Also, never remove the cap on
death, personal injury, equipment or WARNING! the surge tank while the engine
property damage. Do not remove the radiator cap on is still hot. Wait until the coolant
a hot engine. It can cause scalding temperature is below 120°F
coolant to spray out and you could be (50°C). Scalding steam and fluid
burned. If the engine has been oper- under pressure may escape and
ated within the last 30 minutes, be very cause serious personal injuries.
careful in removing the radiator cap.
Failure to comply may result in death,
personal injury, equipment or property
• Protect face, hands, and arms
against escaping fluid and steam
by covering the cap with a large,
thick rag.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-31

Maintenance Procedures

4. Remove the coolant filter by
rotating it counter-clockwise. Use
a filter wrench to remove.

° A small amount of coolant

could leak out when the filter
is loosened. Use a suitable
container to catch any drips.

The coolant filter cartridge is a dispos-
able filter and may not be cleaned and
reused. Dispose of the filter as chem-
1. Slowly loosen the radiator cap to ical waste.
relieve any pressure in the cooling
system. 5. Remove the O-ring from the
5 2. Close the coolant filter shutoff coolant filter housing, if it has not
valve by rotating the hex key
been removed already.
clockwise and away from the “O”


3. Clean the coolant filter and

surrounding area.

5-32 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Procedures

Installation Radiator Fill Procedure

2. Fill the system with premixed
1. Apply a small amount of coolant to coolant through the surge tank fill
the sealing ring of the new coolant neck.

Follow the procedure below to fill
3. Start the engine and idle at low
coolant. Failure to follow this proce-
2. Install the filter, rotating it RPM for 2 minutes.

dure and maintain proper coolant level

clockwise until the sealing ring
can cause engine damage. 4. Top-off surge tank to base of filler
makes contact with the filter
neck while idling.
housing. Then tighten by hand ½ -
¾ of a revolution. 5. Run engine at higher idle until
engine fan turns on and allow
3. Turn the shutoff valve to the Open
thermostat to open.
6. Reduce idle to low RPM and top
4. Reinstall the radiator cap.
off surge tank to base of filler neck.
5. Start the engine and run at idle
7. Run engine a higher idle for 10
speed for several minutes. Check
for leaks. 5
8. Reduce idle to allow RPM and top
off surge tank to base of filler neck.
1. Remove the surge tank fill cap 9. Allow engine to cool and top off
(1). Do not remove the surge tank surge tank to base of filler neck if
pressure cap (2). necessary.
10. Replace the surge tank fill cap.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-33

Maintenance Procedures

If the coolant frequently needs topping
up or there are any signs of coolant
leakage, consult a PACCAR Service

5-34 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Procedures

Emergency Repairs
Replacing Belts

1. Accessory Belt 4. Tensioners 7. Alternator
2. Fan Belt 5. Engine Dampener
3. Water Pump 6. A/C Compressor

Always fit the same type of belts as the ones replaced.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-35

Maintenance Procedures

Poly V-belt and Fan Drive Rotate the flex-bar as shown in

Removal the diagram to relieve belt tension. NOTE

4. With the belt tensioner pressure When installing the belts do not wrap
relieved, remove the poly V-belt belt around the tensioner until after
from the pulleys. the belt has been wrapped around all
other pulleys and idlers.
° The tensioner can be
temporarily blocked with 2. After installing the belt, carefully
a 0.16-0.2 inch (4-5 mm) thick allow the belt tensioner to spring
pin (bore). This facilitates back to its normal position. If the
removal and installation of the tensioner had been temporarily
poly V-belt. blocked, relieve tensioner
pressure enough to remove
5. After removing the belt, carefully the locking pin, then allow the
allow the belt tensioner to spring tensioner to spring back to its
1. Disconnect the electrical ground back to the stop (if it had not been
wire from the battery. normal position.
temporarily blocked).
5 2. Reach between the fan blades and NOTE
6. Inspect the pulleys for damage,
remove the fan blade mounting rust, and grease deposits. Clean Do not reuse nylon patch lock nuts.
bolts using a 9/16” socket to or replace as necessary. Replace with new lock nuts when re-
remove the mounting nuts.
Installation installing parts.
3. Place a flex-bar with a 15-mm
socket on the automatic belt 1. Place the new poly V-belt over the 3. Reinstall fan blade using fan blade
tensioner roller fastener as shown. pulleys, making certain the belt bolts and new 9/16" nylon patch
falls into all the belt pulley grooves. lock nuts.

5-36 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Maintenance Procedures

Poly V-belt, Alternator,

4. Reconnect the electrical ground Air-Conditioning Compressor 3. With the belt tensioner pressure
wire to the battery. Drive and Coolant Pump Drive relieved, remove the poly V-belt
Removal from the pulleys.

1. Remove the poly V-belt from the ° The tensioner can be

fan and coolant pump drive as temporarily blocked with
described in “Poly V-belt and Fan a 0.16-0.2 inch (4-5 mm) thick
Drive” “Removal”. pin (bore). This facilitates
removal and installation of the
NOTE poly V-belt.
Removing the fan blade is not neces- 4. After removing the belt, carefully
sary if only the accessory belt is re- allow the belt tensioner to spring
moved. After removing the fan drive back to the stop (if it had not been
belt from its pulleys the accessory belt temporarily blocked).
can be removed over the fan blade. 5. Inspect the pulleys for damage,
2. Next, place a flex-bar with a
rust and grease deposits. Clean 5
or replace as necessary.
15 mm socket on the alternator
and air conditioning compressor
drive belt tensioner roller fastener
as shown. Move the bar in the
direction shown to relieve pressure
on the belt tensioner.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 5-37

Maintenance Procedures

2. After installing the belt, carefully CAUTION

allow the belt tensioner to spring
back to its normal position. If the Do not direct water onto electrical
tensioner had been temporarily components, plug connectors, seals
blocked, relieve tensioner or flexible hoses on the engine. Water
pressure enough to remove may enter the part causing electrical
the locking pin, then allow the damage or contaminating oil. To pre-
tensioner to spring back to its vent damage to engine components,
normal position. keep the water moving at all times
while cleaning the engine. Failure to
3. Reinstall the fan drive poly V-belt comply may result in equipment dam-
as previously described in “Poly age.
Installation V-belt and Fan Drive” “Installation”.
1. Place the new poly V-belt over the 4. Reconnect the electrical ground
pulleys, positioning the new belt wire to the battery.
so that it falls into all the belt pulley
5 Cleaning the Engine
When cleaning the engine, follow
NOTE the instructions from the vehicle
When installing the belts do not wrap manufacturer Operator's Manual and
belt around the tensioner until after observe all environmental protection
the belt has been wrapped around all regulations.
other pulleys and idlers.

5-38 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


Engine Identification
Engine Component Locations . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

EPA Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5

United States and Canada PACCAR MX-13 Engine

Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6

United States and Canada Fire Apparatus Truck

Applications Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11

Emission Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15

California Emission Control System Warranty,

On-Highway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 6-1

Engine Identification

Engine Identification
Engine Component
1. Coolant Filter
2. Full-flow Oil Filter
3. Centrifugal Bypass Oil Filter
4. Oil Cooler
5. Turbocharger

Right Side of Engine

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 6-3

Engine Identification

6 Left Side of Engine

6. Oil Fill 10. Power Steering Pump 14. A/C Compressor
7. Fuel Filter 11. Low Pressure Fuel Pump 15. Alternator
8. Air Compressor 12. Electronic Control Module (ECM) 16. Dipstick
9. Starter 13. Crankcase Vent

6-4 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

Engine Identification

EPA Label
The EPA label provides many details
The EPA label provides important facts regarding the engine. Some facts that
about the engine. The EPA label is are found on the EPA label include the
located on top of the engine valve following:
cover or on the mixer manifold. The
engine EPA label must not be changed • Fuel rate
unless approved by PACCAR. • Idle speed

• Maximum rated speed

• Valve lash

• Maximum power rating

• Date of manufacture

• Engine displacement

EPA Label Location

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 6-5


Warranty Base Engine Warranty Major Engine Components Warranty

United States and Canada This warranty covers any failures of the There is an Engine Warranty period
Engine which result, under normal use of 60 months, 500,000 miles (800,000
PACCAR MX-13 Engine and service, from a defect in material kilometers) or 12,500 hours, whichever
Coverage or factory workmanship (Warrantable occurs first, after the date of delivery of
Products Warranted Failure). This coverage begins on the the Engine to the first purchaser or first
date of delivery and ends two years or lessee for the following Engine parts:
This warranty applies to new PACCAR 250,000 miles (400,000 kilometers) or
MX-13 Engines sold and used in the 6,250 hours, whichever occurs first, • Cylinder Block Casting
United States or Canada and operated after the date of delivery of the Engine
in on-highway applications with one • Main Bearing Bolts
to the first purchaser or first lessee.
exception – there is different warranty • Cylinder Head Casting
coverage for engines used in the fire Additional coverage is outlined in the
apparatus truck applications. Emission Warranty section. • Cylinder Head Bolts

The PACCAR MX-13 Engine is • Crankshaft

warranted directly to the first purchaser
• Camshaft
or first lessee by PACCAR.
• Cam Follower Assemblies

6 • Connecting Rod Assemblies

• Crankshaft Gear

• Camshaft Gear

• Camshaft Idler Gear

6-6 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


PACCAR Responsibilities pay reasonable costs for a mechanic

• Lube Pump Gear
to travel to and from the location of
• Flywheel Housing PACCAR will pay for all parts and labor the vehicle when an engine repair is
needed to repair the damage to the performed at the site of the failure.
• Water Pump Housing Engine resulting from a Warrantable
• Thermostat Housing
PACCAR will pay for the lubricating
oil, antifreeze, filter elements, belts,
hoses, and other maintenance items
that are not reusable due to the
Warrantable Failure. PACCAR will pay
for reasonable labor costs for Engine
removal and reinstallation when
necessary to repair a Warrantable

PACCAR will pay during the base

engine warranty period of two years or
250,000 miles (400,000 kilometers) or
6,250 hours, whichever occurs first.
Reasonable costs for towing a vehicle 6
disabled by a Warrantable Failure to
the nearest authorized repair station.
In lieu of the towing expense and
in its sole discretion, PACCAR may

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 6-7


Owner Responsibilities Limitations

Owner is responsible for the cost
Owner is responsible for the operation of lubricating oil, antifreeze, filter Your sole and exclusive remedy
and maintenance of the Engine as elements and other maintenance against PACCAR and the Selling
specified in the applicable PACCAR items provided during warranty repairs Dealer arising from your purchase and
Operator’s Manual. Owner is also unless such items are not reusable use of this Engine is limited to the
responsible for providing proof that all due to the Warrantable Failure. Owner repair or replacement of “warrantable
recommended maintenance has been is responsible for communication failures” at authorized United States
performed. expenses, meals, lodging and similar and Canadian PACCAR Engine
costs incurred as a result of a Dealers, or an authorized PACCAR
Before the expiration of the applicable Warrantable Failure. Engine facility where applicable,
warranty, Owner must notify a subject to PACCAR’s time, mileage,
PACCAR authorized engine dealer of Owner is responsible for non-Engine and hour limitations of the engine
any Warrantable Failure and make repairs and for "downtime" expenses, warranty. The maximum time, mileage
the engine available for repair by cargo damage, fines, all applicable and hour limitations of the engine
such facility. The Warrantable Failure taxes, all business costs and other warranty begin running on the Date of
must be brought to the attention of a losses resulting from a Warrantable Delivery to the first purchaser or first
PACCAR authorized engine dealer Failure. lessee. The accrued time, mileage, or
within 30 days of discovery. Owner hours is calculated when the engine is
must also deliver the Engine to the brought into an Authorized Dealer for
authorized engine repair facility during correction of warrantable failures.
6 the warranty period unless deliver is
impossible because the Engine has PACCAR is not responsible for
been disabled by a Warrantable failure. failures or damage resulting from
what PACCAR determines to be
abuse or neglect, including, but not

6-8 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


limited to: damage due to accident; hours from the date of delivery of the a Warrantable Failure assumes the
operation without adequate coolants or Engine to the first purchaser or first identity of the part it replaced and is
lubricants; overfueling; overspeeding; lessee, whichever occurs first. Before entitled to the remaining coverage
lack of maintenance of lubricating, a claim for excessive oil consumption hereunder.
cooling or intake systems; improper will be considered, Owner must submit
storage, starting, warm-up, run-in or adequate documentation to show PACCAR is not responsible for
shutdown practices; unauthorized that consumption exceeds PACCAR damage or loss resulting from Engine
modifications of the Engine. PACCAR published standards. horsepower/torque upgrades.
is also not responsible for failures
caused by incorrect oil or fuel or diesel Failures of belts and hoses supplied by PACCAR reserves the right to
exhaust fluid or by water, dirt or other PACCAR are covered for the first year interrogate Electronic Control Module
contaminants in the fuel, oil, or diesel from the date of delivery of the Engine (ECM) data for purposes of failure
exhaust fluid. Failure of replacement to the first purchaser or first lessee. analysis.
parts used in repairs due to the above
non-warrantable conditions is not PACCAR does not warrant antifreeze, PACCAR DOES NOT COVER WEAR
warrantable. lubricants, filters, filter elements, or OR WEAROUT OF COVERED
any other part which is considered a PARTS.
This warranty does not apply to maintenance item.
accessories supplied by the vehicle THIS WARRANTY AND THE
OEM which are covered by the OEM Parts used to repair a Warrantable EMISSION WARRANTY SET FORTH
vehicle warranty. Failure may be new parts, approved HEREINAFTER ARE THE SOLE
rebuilt parts, or repaired parts. WARRANTIES MADE BY PACCAR 6
Failures resulting in excessive oil PACCAR is not responsible for IN REGARD TO THESE ENGINES.
consumption are covered for the failures resulting from the use of parts
duration of the coverage or 250,000 not approved by PACCAR. A new THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS
miles (400,000 kilometers) or 6,250 approved or rebuilt part used to repair THE SOLE WARRANTY MADE

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 6-9



WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A This warranty gives you specific legal
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. rights, and you may also have other
rights which vary from state to state.

6-10 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


United States and Canada Base Engine Warranty PACCAR Responsibilities

Fire Apparatus Truck
The Base Engine Warranty covers PACCAR will pay for all parts and labor
Applications Coverage any failures of the Engine which needed to repair the damage to the
Products Warranted
result, under normal use and service, Engine resulting from a Warrantable
from a defect in material or factory Failure.
This warranty applies to new PACCAR
workmanship (Warrantable Failure).
MX-13 Engines sold and used in the
This coverage begins on the date of PACCAR will pay for the lubricating
United States or Canada and operated
delivery to the first purchaser or first oil, antifreeze, filter elements, belts,
in fire apparatus truck applications.
lessee and ends after five years or hoses and other maintenance items
100,000 miles (160,000 kilometers), that are not reusable due to the
whichever occurs first. Warrantable Failure. PACCAR will pay
for reasonable labor costs for Engine
Additional coverage is outlined in the removal and reinstallation when
Emission Warranty section. necessary to repair a Warrantable

PACCAR will pay reasonable costs

for towing a vehicle disabled by a
Warrantable Failure to the nearest
authorized repair location. In lieu
of the towing expense and at its 6
sole discretion, PACCAR will pay
reasonable costs for a mechanic to
travel to and from the location of

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 6-11


the vehicle when its engine repair is Owner Responsibilities unless such items are not reusable
performed at the site of the failure. due to the Warrantable Failure.
Owner is responsible for the operation
and maintenance of the Engine as Owner is responsible for
specified in PACCAR Operator’s communication expenses, meals,
Manual. Owner is also responsible for lodging and similar costs incurred as a
providing proof that all recommended result of a Warrantable Failure.
maintenance has been performed.
Owner is responsible for non-Engine
Before the expiration of the applicable repairs and for downtime expenses,
warranty, Owner must notify a cargo damage, fines, all applicable
PACCAR authorized engine dealer of taxes, all business costs and other
any Warrantable Failure and make losses resulting from a Warrantable
the engine available for repair by Failure.
such facility. The Warrantable Failure
must be brought to the attention of a Owner is responsible for a $100 (U.S.
PACCAR authorized engine dealer Dollars) deductible per each service
within 30 days of discovery. Except visit under this plan in the 3rd, 4th, and
for Engines disabled by a Warrantable 5th years of base engine warranty.
Failure, Owner must also deliver the The deductible will not be charged
Engine to the repair facility. during the first two years of the base
6 engine warranty.
Owner is responsible for the cost
of lubricating oil, antifreeze, filter
elements and other maintenance
items provided during warranty repairs

6-12 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


Limitations limited to: damage due to accident; hours from the date of delivery of the
operation without adequate coolants or Engine to the first purchaser or first
Your sole and exclusive remedy lubricants; overfueling; overspeeding; lessee, whichever occurs first. Before
against PACCAR and the Selling lack of maintenance of lubricating, a claim for excessive oil consumption
Dealer arising from your purchase and cooling or intake systems; improper will be considered, Owner must submit
use of this Engine is limited to the storage, starting, warm-up, run-in or adequate documentation to show
repair or replacement of “warrantable shutdown practices; unauthorized that consumption exceeds PACCAR
failures” at authorized United States modifications of the Engine. PACCAR published standards.
and Canadian PACCAR Engine is also not responsible for failures
Dealers, or an authorized PACCAR caused by incorrect oil, fuel or diesel Failures of belts and hoses supplied
Engine facility where applicable, exhaust fluid or by water, dirt or other by PACCAR are not covered beyond
subject to PACCAR’s time, mileage, contaminants in the fuel, oil or diesel the first year from the date of delivery
and hour limitations of the engine exhaust fluid. Failure of replacement of the Engine to the first purchaser or
warranty. The maximum time, mileage parts used in repairs due to the above first lessee.
and hour limitations of the engine non-warrantable conditions is not
warranty begin running on the Date of warrantable. PACCAR does not warrant antifreeze,
Delivery to the first purchaser or first lubricants, filters, filter elements, or
lessee. The accrued time, mileage, or This warranty does not apply to any other part which is considered a
hours is calculated when the engine is accessories supplied by PACCAR maintenance item.
brought into an Authorized Dealer for which are covered by the OEM vehicle
correction of warrantable failures. warranty. Parts used to repair a Warrantable
Failure may be new parts, approved 6
PACCAR is not responsible for Failures resulting in excessive oil rebuilt parts, or repaired parts.
failures or damage resulting from consumption are not covered beyond PACCAR is not responsible for failures
what PACCAR determines to be the duration of the coverage or 100,000 resulting from the use of parts not
abuse or neglect, including but not miles (160,000 kilometers) or 6,250 approved by PACCAR. A new or

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 6-13


approved rebuilt part used to repair ATTACHMENTS, TRAILERS AND

a Warrantable Failure assumes the THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS CARGO; LOSS OR DAMAGE
identity of the part it replaced and is THE SOLE WARRANTY MADE TO PERSONAL CONTENTS;
entitled to the remaining coverage BY PACCAR AND THE SELLING COMMUNICATION EXPENSES;
damage or loss resulting from Engine OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS LOSSES; ATTORNEYS’ FEES; AND
interrogate Electronic Control Module OF MERCHANTABILITY OR
(ECM) data for purposes of failure WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A This warranty gives you specific legal
analysis. PARTICULAR PURPOSE. rights, and you may also have other
rights which vary from state to state.

6-14 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


Emission Warranty Coverage Replacement Parts

Products Warranted
PACCAR warrants to the first PACCAR recommends that any
This emission warranty applies to purchaser or first lessee and each service parts used for maintenance,
new PACCAR Engines marketed subsequent purchaser that the Engine repair or replacement of emission
by PACCAR that are used in the is designed, built and equipped so control systems be new or genuine
United States in vehicles designed for as to conform at the time of sale approved rebuilt parts and assemblies,
transporting persons or property on a by PACCAR with all U.S. Federal and that the engine be serviced
street or highway. emission regulations applicable at by an authorized PACCAR Engine
the time of manufacture and that it is dealer. Your vehicle contains air,
free from defects in material or factory fuel, and electrical components that
workmanship which would cause it not may affect engine emission controls.
to meet these regulations within the The use of non-genuine engine or
longer of the following periods: (A) vehicle replacement parts that are not
Five years or 100,000 miles (160,000 equivalent to the PACCAR engine or
kilometers) of operation, whichever OEM vehicle manufacturer’s original
occurs first, as measured from the part may impair the engine and vehicle
date of delivery of the Engine to the emissions control system from working
first purchaser or first lessee or (B) The or functioning effectively, and may
Base Engine Warranty. jeopardize your emissions warranty
If the vehicle in which the Engine 6
is installed is registered in the state
of California, a separate California
Emission Warranty also applies.

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 6-15


Limitations Warranty. PACCAR is not responsible or other losses resulting from a

for failures or damage resulting from Warrantable Failure.
Your sole and exclusive remedy what PACCAR determines to be
against PACCAR and the Selling abuse or neglect, including, but not THIS LIMITED EMISSION
Dealer arising from your purchase and limited to: damage due to accident; WARRANTY IS THE SOLE
use of this Engine is limited to the operation without adequate coolants or WARRANTY MADE BY PACCAR
repair or replacement of “warrantable lubricants; overfueling; overspeeding; RELATING TO THE EMISSION
failures” at authorized United States lack of maintenance of lubricating, EQUIPMENT. EXCEPT FOR THE
and Canadian PACCAR Engine cooling or intake systems; improper ABOVE LIMITED WARRANTY,
Dealers, or an authorized PACCAR storage, starting, warm-up, run-in or PACCAR MAKES NO OTHER
Engine facility where applicable, shutdown practices; unauthorized WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR
subject to PACCAR’s time, mileage, modifications of the Engine. PACCAR IMPLIED. PACCAR EXPRESSLY
and hour limitations of the engine is also not responsible for failures DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY
emission warranty. The maximum caused by incorrect oil, fuel or diesel OF MERCHANTABILITY OR
time, mileage and hour limitations of exhaust fluid or by water, dirt or other WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A
the engine emission warranty begin contaminants in the fuel, oil or diesel PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
running on the Date of Delivery to the exhaust fluid. Failure of replacement
first purchaser or first lessee. The parts used in repairs due to the above PACCAR AND THE SELLING
accrued time, mileage, or hours is non-warrantable conditions is not DEALER SHALL NOT BE
calculated when the engine is brought warrantable. LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR
into an Authorized Dealer for correction CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES
6 of warrantable failures. PACCAR is not responsible for INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED
non-Engine repairs, downtime TO: LOSS OF INCOME OR LOST
Failures, other than those resulting expenses, cargo damage, fines, all PROFITS; ENGINE OR VEHICLE
from defects in material or factory applicable taxes, all business costs DOWNTIME; THIRD PARTY
workmanship, are not covered by this DAMAGE, INCLUDING DAMAGE

6-16 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)




(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 6-17


California Emission Your Warranty Rights and

Control System Warranty, Obligations If an emission-related part on your
engine is found to have a defect in
On-Highway The California Air Resources Board material or factory the part will be
Products Warranted
and PACCAR are pleased to explain repaired or replaced by PACCAR.
the emission control system warranty This is your emission control system
This Emission Control System
on your 2013 and subsequent model defects warranty.
Warranty applies to diesel engines
year diesel engine. In California,
(hereafter, engines) certified with
new motor vehicle engines must
the California Air Resources Board
be designed, built, and equipped to
beginning with the year 2013,
meet the State’s stringent anti-smog
marketed by PACCAR, and registered
standards. PACCAR must warrant
in California for use in on-highway
the emission control system on your
diesel engine for the periods of
time listed below provided there has
been no abuse, neglect or improper
maintenance of your diesel engine.

Your emission control system may

include parts such as the fuel injection
system and engine electronic control
6 module. Also included may be hoses,
connectors and other emission related

6-18 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


Manufacturer's Warranty Coverage Owner's Warranty Responsibilities improper maintenance or unapproved

This warranty coverage is provided for As the engine owner, you are
five years or 100,000 miles (160,000) responsible for the performance of the If you have any questions
km or 3,000 hours of engine operation, required maintenance listed in your regarding your warranty rights
whichever first occurs from the date PACCAR Operator’s Manual. You and responsibilities, you should
of delivery of the engine to the first are responsible for presenting your contact the vehicle OEM manufacturer
purchaser or first lessee. Where engine to an authorized PACCAR at the customer center telephone
a Warrantable Condition exists, Engine Dealer as soon as a problem number provided with your vehicle
PACCAR will repair your engine at no exists. The warranty repairs should be operating instructions or the California
cost to you including diagnosis, parts completed in a reasonable amount of Air Resource Board at 9528 Telstar
and labor. time, not to exceed 30 days. Avenue, El Monte, CA 91731.

PACCAR recommends that you retain A warranted part which is scheduled for
all receipts covering maintenance on replacement as required maintenance
your engine, but PACCAR cannot is warranted up to the first scheduled
deny warranty solely for the lack of replacement point.
receipts or for the failure to ensure
the performance of all scheduled Prior to the expiration of the applicable
maintenance. warranty, Owner must give notice of
any warranted emission control failure
As the engine owner, you should also to an authorized PACCAR Engine 6
be aware that PACCAR may deny you dealer and deliver the engine to such
warranty coverage if your engine or a facility for repair.
part has failed due to abuse, neglect,

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 6-19


Emissions Components Statement • Pressure protection valve and

Owner is responsible for incidental for PACCAR MX-13 Engine (2013)
costs such as: communication plumbing to DPF Fuel Injector
Emissions Engine Coverage
expenses, meals, lodging incurred by • DPF Temperature Sensors and
Owner or employees of Owner as a This list of emission control parts may Signal Conditioner
result of a Warrantable Condition. be covered by the Emission Control
System Warranty under certain failure • DPF Pressure Sensors
Owner is responsible for downtime modes.
expenses, cargo damage, fines, all • SCR Temperature Sensor
applicable taxes, all business costs, Aftertreatment System • NOx Sensor
and other losses resulting from a
Warrantable Condition. • Electronic Control Unit • NH3 Sensor
• Diesel Oxidation Catalyst • Decomposition Pipe and Pipe
• Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Elbows

• Selective Catalytic Reduction • Exhaust piping from turbocharger

(SCR) Catalyst to last aftertreatment device
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) System
• DPF Air / Fuel Manifold Assembly
• DEF Tank, Heater, and associated
• DPF Fuel Injector including air,
6 fuel, and coolant lines
• DEF Pump Module and associated
• DPF Fuel Pressure Sensor
• DPF Air Supply Pressure Sensor

6-20 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


• DEF Dosing Module with Injection • Charge Air Cooler and associated • Exhaust Manifold Pressure Sensor
Nozzle and wiring harness plumbing
• Temperature after Turbocharger
• DEF Level/Temperature Sensor • Turbocharger and associated
plumbing • Vehicle Speed Sensor
• DEF Lines and Heating elements
Electronic Control System • Engine Oil Temperature Sensor
• DEF Line Heater Control Relay
• Engine Control Module • Water Pump Speed Sensor
• DEF Tank Heater Coolant Control
Valve • Coolant Temperature Sensor • Fuel Pressure Sensor

Dash Lamp • Intake Manifold Pressure and • Fuel Temperature Sensor

Temperature Sensor
• DEF Lamp • Pressure Sensor after Exhaust
• Turbocharger Speed Sensor Throttle Valve
• Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
• Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) • Wiring harnesses connected at
Crankcase Ventilation System
Temperature Sensor both ends to emission warranty
• Crankcase Ventilation Separator components
• Camshaft Speed Sensor
and associated plumbing Exhaust Gas Recirculation System
Intake System • Crankshaft Speed Sensor (EGR)
• NOx Sensor • EGR Valve and associated
• Air Intake Pipe Mixer
• Pressure/Temperature/Humidity • Ambient Temperature Sensor
Sensor before Turbocharger • Lambda Sensor
• EGR Cooler and associated

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 6-21


Engine Replacement Parts PACCAR Engine dealer and may elect

to use parts other than new or genuine
• Exhaust Manifold PACCAR recommends that any approved rebuilt parts and assemblies
service parts used for maintenance, for such maintenance, replacement
• Exhaust Throttle Valve and
repair or replacement of emission or repair; however, the cost of such
control systems be new or genuine service or parts and subsequent
Fueling System approved rebuilt parts and assemblies, failures resulting from such service or
and that the engine be serviced parts will not be covered under this
• Injectors by an authorized PACCAR Engine emission control system warranty,
• Fuel Pumps and associated dealer. Your vehicle contains air, except for Emergency Repairs as
engine plumbing fuel, and electrical components that described below.
may affect engine emission controls.
The use of non-genuine engine or
vehicle replacement parts that are not
equivalent to the PACCAR engine or
OEM vehicle manufacturer’s original
part may impair the engine and vehicle
emissions control system from working
or functioning effectively, and may
jeopardize your emissions warranty
The owner may elect to have
maintenance, replacement or repair of
the emission control parts performed
by a facility other than an authorized

6-22 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


PACCAR Responsibilities Emergency Repairs Warranty Limitations

The warranty coverage begins when In the case of an emergency where Your sole and exclusive remedy
the engine is delivered to the first an authorized PACCAR Engine dealer against PACCAR and the Selling
purchaser or first lessee. Repairs is not available, repairs may be Dealer arising from your purchase and
and service will be performed by any performed by any available repair use of this Engine is limited to the
authorized PACCAR Engine dealer location or by any individual using any repair or replacement of “warrantable
using new or genuine approved rebuilt replacement parts. A part not being failures” at authorized United States
parts and assemblies. PACCAR will available within 30 days or a repair and Canadian PACCAR Engine
repair any of the emission control parts not being complete within 30 days Dealers, or an authorized PACCAR
found by PACCAR to be defective constitutes an emergency. PACCAR Engine facility where applicable,
without charge for parts or labor will reimburse the Owner for expenses subject to PACCAR’s time, mileage,
(including diagnosis which results in (including diagnosis), not to exceed and hour limitations of the engine
determination that there has been a the manufacturers suggested retail emission warranty. The maximum
failure of a warranted emission control price for all warranted parts replaced time, mileage and hour limitations of
part). and labor charges based on the the engine emission warranty begin
manufacturers recommended time running on the Date of Delivery to the
allowance for the warranty repair and first purchaser or first lessee. The
the geographically appropriate hourly accrued time, mileage, or hours is
labor rate. Replaced parts and paid calculated when the engine is brought
invoices must be presented at an into an Authorized Dealer for correction
authorized PACCAR Engine dealer of warrantable failures. 6
as a condition of reimbursement for
emergency repairs not performed by PACCAR is not responsible for
an authorized PACCAR Engine dealer. failures or damage resulting from
what PACCAR determines to be

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 6-23


abuse or neglect, including, but not during Scheduled Maintenance of

limited to: damage due to accident; the engine as specified in PACCAR PACCAR AND THE SELLING
operation without adequate coolants or Operator’s Manuals. DEALER SHALL NOT BE
lubricants; overfueling; overspeeding; LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR
lubricating or intake systems; improper WITH THE EXPRESS COMMERCIAL INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED
storage, starting, warm-up, run-in or WARRANTIES ARE THE SOLE TO: LOSS OF INCOME OR LOST
is also not responsible for failures DAMAGE, INCLUDING DAMAGE
caused by incorrect oil, fuel or diesel THIS LIMITED EMISSIONS OR LOSS TO OTHER ENGINES,
exhaust fluid or by water, dirt or other WARRANTY IS THE SOLE VEHICLES OR PROPERTY,
contaminants in the fuel, oil or diesel WARRANTY MADE BY PACCAR ATTACHMENTS, TRAILERS AND
exhaust fluid. Failure of replacement AND THE SELLING DEALER. CARGO; LOSS OR DAMAGE
parts used in repairs due to the above EXCEPT FOR THE ABOVE LIMITED TO PERSONAL CONTENTS;
non-warrantable conditions is not WARRANTY, PACCAR AND THE COMMUNICATION EXPENSES;
resulting from improper repair or the SELLING DEALER EXPRESSLY LOSSES; ATTORNEYS’ FEES; AND
use of parts which are not genuine DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTY ANY LIABILITY YOU MAY HAVE IN
PACCAR is not responsible for the PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
material and labor costs of emission
control parts and assemblies replaced

6-24 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)



A warranty and the use of biodiesel

Coolant Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3, 5-9, 5-31

fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16
Coolant Recommendations and

A/C Compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4, 5-35

Bore and Stroke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12


Accessory Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35

Braking System, Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7

checking coolant condition . . . . . 5-19

Aftermarket Oil Additive Usage . . . 5-18

Break-In Oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17

cooling system sealing

Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate Filter

additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19

(DPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

C cooling system soluble oils . . . . . 5-20

Aftertreatment Exhaust Piping . . . . . . 5-5

recommended extended life coolant

Aftertreatment System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19

Air Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

Centrifugal Bypass Oil Filter . . . . . . . . 6-3
Cooling Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5

Air Compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4, 5-8

Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25
Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9, 5-13

Air Intake Piping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5

Removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24
Cooling System Sealing Additives 5-19

Air System & Compressor . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

Charge Air Cooler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Cooling System Soluble Oils. . . . . . 5-20

Alternator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4, 5-35

Charge Air Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Crankcase Vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4

Antifreeze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Charge Air System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Crankshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

Charging / Cranking System . . . . . . . . 5-9

Crankshaft Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

Chassis Fuel Filter / Water

B Separator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5

Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Check Engine Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3, 2-5
Belts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Cold Weather Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Lamp . . 3-6

Biodiesel Fuel
Compression Brake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Level . . 5-6
Coolant Capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 Index-1


engine warning lamps. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

compression brake controls . . . . . . 3-9
check engine lamp . . . . . . . . . . 3-3–4-4

Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Warning

engine compression brake level check engine lamp (CEL). . . . . . . . . 3-5

Lamp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
switch operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) lamp. . 3-6

Dipstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4, 5-21

Engine Component Locations . . . . . . 6-3
diesel particulate filter (DPF) warning

Displacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
Engine Compression Brake Level
lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4–3-5

Drive Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-10, 5-35

Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
general information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3

Dry Weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

Engine Coolant Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
high exhaust system temperature

Engine Coolant Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6

(HEST) warning lamp . . 4-4–3-5

Engine Dampener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35

stop engine lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4

E Engine Fuel Filter / Water

EPA Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5

Electrical Harness/Cables. . . . . . . . . . . 5-9

Separator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)

Engine Identification

general information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6

engine component locations . . . . . 6-3
system EMI radiation levels . . . . . . 4-7
EPA label. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Fan Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35

system EMI susceptibility . . . . . . . . . 4-7

Engine is Overheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Fan Belt Tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

Electronic Control Module (ECM) . . 6-4

Engine Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Fast Idle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

Emergency Repairs
Engine Mounting Bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Filter . . . .6-3–5-5, 6-7–5-14, 5-17–5-18,

poly v-belt and fan drive . . . . . . . . 5-36

Engine Oil Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21
5-23–5-29, 5-31–5-32

poly v-belt, alternator,

Engine Oil Pressure Gauge . . . . . . . . . 2-4
coolant filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9

air-conditioning compressor
Engine Oil Pressure Lamp Turns
filter part numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6

drive and coolant pump

On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Filter Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14

drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37
Engine Operating Range . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
general information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14

replacing belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35

general information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Firing Order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

EMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Engine Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Fuel Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4

before stopping the engine . . . . . . . 4-6

7 Engine Braking System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7

Engine Warning Lamps . . . . . . . 3-3–4-4

Fuel Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4, 5-10, 5-27

compression brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8

Fuel Priming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29

Index-2 Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)


Fuel Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14

L starting after the fuel tank has run

Fuel System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

dry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30


Full-flow Oil Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

topping up the engine oil . . . . . . . 5-22

check engine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3, 2-5

installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26
Maintenance Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7

check engine lamp (CEL). . . . . . . . . 3-5

removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26
daily or refueling – maintenance

diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) lamp. . 3-6

check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5

diesel particulate filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

general information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4

G high exhaust system temperature

oil drain intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

(HEST) warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

General Engine Specifications. . . . 5-12

Maintenance Specifications

stop engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3–3-4

General Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . 1-7

coolant recommendations and

Low Pressure Fuel Pump . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4

Gross Vehicle Weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4

specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18

Lubricating Oil Recommendations and

cooling system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13

Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17

engine specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

H Lubricating Oil System . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

filter specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14

High Exhaust System Temperature fuel recommendations and

(HEST) Warning Lamp . . . . . . . . . 3-5

M specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14

Horsepower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
lubricating oil recommendations and

maintenance schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7

specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17

recommended preventative
lubricating oil system . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

maintenance interval. . . . . . . . . 5-8
Maximum Engine Compression Brake

Idle . . . . 3-3–2-7, 5-10, 5-12, 5-29, 5-33

Maintenance Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

Idle Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

Maintenance Procedures
Maximum Governed No-Load Engine

Important Reference Number . . . . . . . 1-6

inspection of the engine oil level 5-21
Speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

Inspection of the Engine Oil Level 5-21

replacing coolant filter. . . . . . . . . . . 5-31
Maximum Loaded Engine Speed . 5-12

Mounting Bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

replacing engine oil filters . . . . . . 5-23

replacing fuel filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 Index-3


N P Stop Engine Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3–3-4

System EMI Radiation Levels . . . . . . 4-7

New Engine Break-In Oils. . . . . . . . . 5-17

Poly V-belt and Fan Drive . . . . . . . . . 5-36

System EMI Susceptibility . . . . . . . . . . 4-7

Normal Starting Procedure. . . . . . . . . . 4-4

Power Steering Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4

Pulleys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36

Oil Additive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18
R Tensioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35

Oil Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

Radiator Hoses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Topping Up the Engine Oil . . . . . . . . 5-22

Oil Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

Recommended Extended Life Coolant
Turbocharger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

Oil Drain Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

Suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19

Oil Fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4, 5-22

Recommended Preventative

Oil Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-10, 5-23

Maintenance Interval . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

Oil Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5

Replacing Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35

Valve Clearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

Oil Pan Drain Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21

Replacing Engine Oil Filters . . . . . . 5-23

Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

Oil Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4, 5-12

Vibration Damper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

Oil Pressure Gauge. . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3–2-4

Operating Instructions

cold weather starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

general information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

general safety instructions. . . . . . . . 1-7

normal starting procedure . . . . . . . . 4-4
illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
operating the engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
safety alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
California emission control system
starting procedure after extended Starter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
warranty - on-highway . . . . . 6-18

shutdown or oil change . . . . . . 4-5

Starting After the Fuel Tank Has Run
emission warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15

Operating Range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6

Dry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30
PACCAR MX-13 engine -
7 Operating the Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Starting Procedure After Extended
United States and Canada

Overheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Shutdown or Oil Change . . . . . . . 4-5
coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6

Y53-1181-1B1 (07/19/2013)

United States and Canada fire

apparatus truck applications

coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11

Water Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35

What to do if... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

check engine lamp turns on . . . . . . 2-5

engine is overheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5

engine oil pressure lamp turns

on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

stop engine lamp turns on . . . . . . . . 2-3

you need roadside assistance . . . 2-3

(07/19/2013) Y53-1181-1B1 Index-5

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