Seismic Hazard Modelling For Malaysia
Seismic Hazard Modelling For Malaysia
Seismic Hazard Modelling For Malaysia
Nelson Lam1, Hing-Ho Tsang2, Daniel Looi3 ,Elisa Lumantarna1 and John Wilson2
Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne,
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong.
Malaysia is to adopt Eurocode 8 (EC8) in the seismic design of building structures. Some members in
the authorship of this paper have been researching into the seismic hazard modelling of the region
surrounding Malaysia for a long time and have been key contributors to the drafting of the Malaysia
National Annex (NA to MS EN1998-1). The draft document has been approved by the Technical
Committee who has been granted the charter by the Malaysian government to undertake the task. At
the time of writing this paper the draft NA to MS EN1998-1 is undergoing the public ballot process.
The purpose of this paper is to explain the principles underlying the derivation of the elastic response
spectrum model for all parts of Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah. Topics covered
include modelling of distant earthquakes generated from offshore sources and local earthquakes in an
intraplate tectonic setting, decisions on zonation, modelling of earthquake recurrences, and ground
motion modelling.
Keywords: seismic hazard modelling, intraplate earthquakes, distant earthquakes, Eurocode 8,
1. Introduction
The purpose of this paper is to outline and explain the seismic hazard model for different parts of
Malaysia which are characterised by very different seismicity conditions. This paper presents
arguments surrounding decisions on zonation, earthquake recurrence modelling, ground motion
attenuation modelling, and the elastic response spectra as derived from probabilistic seismic hazard
analysis (PSHA). The modelling outcomes have been incorporated into the draft National Annex
(NA) to Eurocode 8 (EC8) for Malaysia (MS EN1998-1:2015): Design of structures for earthquake
resistance – Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings.
Peninsular Malaysia is subject to a combination of earthquake hazards generated from various
offshore sources. Most of the seismological studies and hazard modelling undertaken to date have
been based on ground motions generated from distant earthquakes because of their high representation
in the strong motion database (Balendra et al., 2002; Lam et al., 2009; Megawati & Pan, 2010;
Megawati et al., 2005; Pan & Megawati, 2002; Pan et al., 2007; Petersen et al., 2004; Pappin et al.,
2011). Whilst potential hazards generated locally can be significant very limited amount of data has
been recorded from the monitoring of seismic activities within the peninsula. In view of this unique
pattern of combined seismicity a hybrid modelling approach has been adopted to take into account
both the distant and local seismic hazards. Thus the seismic hazard model stipulated for the
Peninsular is a composite model which encapsulates results from PSHA of long distance earthquakes
(which characterises the high period behaviour of the response spectrum) and local earthquakes
(which characterises the low period behaviour of the response spectrum) based on broad source zone
modelling in accordance with global seismicity data. The hybrid approach best capitalises on the
benefits of abundant data of distant events, whilst obtaining robust estimates of locally generated
hazards based on resourcing global information. Details of modelling of the two types of hazards will
be described in separate sections of the paper.
Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2016 Conference, Nov 25-27, Melbourne, Vic
Sarawak is also subject to distant seismic hazard from the Kelawit fault and the Bukit Mersing fault
some 500 kms away from the capital city of Kuching but ground motions predicted from these
identified fault sources are very mild. Consequently, the response spectrum model for Sarawak is
essentially based wholly on the considerations of local hazards for the entire period range (covering
both low and high period structures). The seismic hazard modelling of the effects of local earthquakes
affecting the Peninsular and Sarawak is undertaken jointly given their similarities in terms of the
frequency of earthquake recurrence for these parts of Malaysia.
Sabah is in the proximity of areas of high seismicity, unlike Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia. Many
fault zones and their focal mechanisms have been identified. These local and regional fault sources
include the Belait fault zone, Jerudong fault zone and Mulu fault zone in the south-west near Brunei;
the Crocker fault zone and Mensaban fault zone which lie at the vicinity of Ranau and Kota Kinabalu
in the central-north; the Labuk bay-Sandakan basin zone near to Sandakan; the Pegasus tectonic line
near Lahad Datu; and the Semporna fault in the Dent-Semporna Peninsula Zone (JMM & MOSTI,
2009). Thus, the seismic hazard model for Sabah in the period range of engineering interests is
essentially based on results generated from conventional PSHA of empirical seismicity data based on
events occurring within Sabah. However, the higher period part of the response spectrum can be
affected by distant offshore sources. References are made to a published Uniform Hazard Spectrum
(UHS) derived from an earlier studies (Lam et al., 2015b; 2016) but the UHS had to be modified by
incorporating the most up-to-date earthquake ground motion attenuation model.
The types of seismic activities characterising the hazards for different parts of Malaysia in the low and
high period ranges are summarised in Table 1.
Table 1 Types of seismic activities characterising the hazards for different parts of Malaysia
Part of Malaysia Peninsular Sarawak and SW NE Sabah
Low period wholly controlled by wholly controlled dominated by local and
(T ≤ 1.25s) local seismicity by local seismicity regional seismicity
High period wholly controlled by wholly controlled dominated by distant
(T > 1.25s) distant (offshore) by local seismicity (offshore) seismicity
The seismic actions model to be presented is for ordinary (Type II) buildings which is defined herein
as “reference seismic actions”, and is based on a notional 475 year return period (RP) being scaled by
a factor of 2/3 of the benchmarked 2475 year RP earthquake.
In the Malaysian context, it has been reviewed from a survey of the literature conducted by the
authors that no existing Malaysian seismic hazard maps were able to predict hazards surrounding
Perak in the northern part of the peninsular where a magnitude 4.1 earthquake occurred in 2013. Prior
to the occurrence of this earthquake tremor most of the attention has been drawn to areas surrounding
Bukit Tinggi where tremors had been recorded. This is one of many examples that local intraplate
earthquakes could occur in areas that had no precedents of recognisable earthquake activities.
Difficulties with predicting the location of intraplate earthquakes have been recognised by many code
drafting bodies in affected countries such as Australia (being wholly away from any tectonic plate
boundaries from a long distance).
In Australia, challenges associated with such uncertainties are being attended to through the adoption
of a threshold value of Zmin=0.08 (where Z is the seismic hazard coefficient and can be interpreted as
the notional peak ground acceleration (PGA) for design purposes) in order to ensure a minimum level
of protection and resilience against earthquake shaking (Wilson et al., 2015). A minimum hazard
value of 0.08g in Australia is consistent with current hazard specifications in the two largest
Australian cities of Sydney and Melbourne (AS1170.4-2007). Neither cities had ever experienced any
destructive earthquakes in their respective vicinity in the past and yet the 0.08g threshold has been
decided to be necessary for these cities.
In the study for peninsular Malaysia (together with Sarawak and Southwestern Sabah), a broad source
zone modelling approach was adopted in order that the recurrence modelling of potentially destructive
earthquakes (of magnitude exceeding 5) is predicted directly by the number of M>5 event count
(defined herein as N5). The counting first focused on earthquake events occurring on land in stable
continental areas away from the tectonic plate boundaries around the globe. Earthquakes exceeding
magnitude 5 were used in the counting process since the records are more complete and the intraplate
hazard is contributed mainly by events in the range M5 – M6. For the same reason the event count
was based on a period of observation of 50 years. In view of the generally very low rate of
occurrence of intraplate earthquakes the number of events counted was normalised to a standard land
area of 1,000,000 square kilometres (sq km) which is consistent with conventions adopted by Bird et
al. (2010) and by Bergman and Solomon (1980). The presented statistics of event counts is not
sufficient to indicate an exact global average value. However, it is clear that this global average value
is within the range of 5 – 10 M > 5 events occurring in an area of 1,000,000 sq km in the past 50
years, in a 50 year period (Lam et al., 2016). A parameter KD is introduced herein to represent the rate
of recurrence of intraplate events where KD = 1 refers to five events and KD = 2 refers to ten events.
Amid the uncertainties and lack of adequate local information, it is prudent to err on the safe side.
Thus, “10” (i.e., KD = 2) is a reasonable, and conservative, normalised event count to assume provided
that (validated) local data of earthquake occurrence does not infer a higher value.
The rate of seismic activity is conventionally defined using the Gutenberg-Richter magnitude
recurrence relationship of the form:
log10 N(M) = 𝑎 − 𝑏M 1a)
where N(M) may be defined as the expected number of earthquakes ≥ M occurring within an area of
1,000,000 km2 over a 50-year period, and a, a5 and b are defined as the seismic constants.
For KD = 1, a5 = 0.7 or a = 5.2 (being 0.7 + 0.9 x 5) assuming b = 0.9. Similarly, for KD = 2, a = 5.5.
Given these seismological parameters and a suite of representative ground motion prediction
equations (GMPEs), PSHA can be undertaken to quantify ground motion intensities in probabilistic
terms as described in details in Lam et al. (2016) and summarised in the later sections of the paper.
The shortcoming of the broad source zone modelling approach as described is its failure to capture
“hot spots” of destructive historical activities. There is the option of superimposing the modelled
hazard (for the identified hot spots) on a map showing uniform hazard (that has been derived from the
broad source zone model) in order that no area is stipulated with a level of hazard which is below a
certain hazard threshold. Although this is precisely the concept of “background seismicity” which is
Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2016 Conference, Nov 25-27, Melbourne, Vic
already well known the modelling methodology presented herein provides the rationale (and
transparency) for quantifying this background hazard level. For the Peninsula in particular, and for
Sarawak and South-western Sabah, no such a hot spot which poses a threat to a centre of population
has been identified. Consequently, the level of hazard to be stipulated for this part of Malaysia can be
based entirely on results derived from the broad source zone model.
Table 2 Listing of local M>5 events in Central Sabah and Eastern Sabah in the 50 year period 1966 - 2016
Region Districts Area Magnitude Approximate Year of
(sq. km) of historical epicentral distance occurrence
earthquakes from Kota Kinabalu
Central Sabah Kota Kinabalu 816 M5.3 70 1996
Ranau 3556 M5.1 70 1991
Tuaran 1166 M5.9 60 2015
Kota Belud 1386 M5.3 60 2015
Total area = 6924
Eastern Sabah Semporna 1145 M5.0 264 1976
Lahad Datu 6501 M6.2 270 1976
Kunak 1134 M5.3 250 1976
Total area = 8780 M5.6 270 1984
M5.7 300 1994
The non-cratonic version of AB95 has also been used to determine the design response spectrum for
Sabah based on modifying PSHA results generated by ARUP (Pappin et al., 2011). A higher
reference PGA value of 0.12g is predicted for a notional return period of 475 years.
Table 3 A selection of ground motion models for use in tectonically stable regions
Literature citations Remarks
in legends
Atkinson and Boore (1995) AB95 BSSA article
Pezeshk, Zandieh, Campbell and Tavakoli (2015) PZCT15 PEER report 2015/04
Darragh et al. (PEER, 2015) DASG15 PEER report 2015/04
Shahjouei and Pezeskh (PEER, 2015) SP15 PEER report 2015/04
Al Noman and Cramer (PEER, 2015) ANC15 PEER report 2015/04
Silva, Gregor and Darragh (2002) SGD02 PEA report 2002
Atkinson (2004) A04 BSSA article
Boore, Campbell and Atkinson (2010) BCA10d BSSA article
Boatwright and Seekins (2011) BS11 BSSA article
Atkinson and Boore (2014) AB14 BSSA article
have been undertaken to identify models which give results that match well with instrumented data
collected from the field (Chandler & Lam, 2004). Two GMPEs reported in the literature have been
validated based on benchmarking against ground motion data instrumentally recorded from a long
distance. These two models are: (1) Component Attenuation Model (CAM) and (2) Megawati
attenuation relationship.
CAM was first developed and coded into program GENQKE for generating synthetic earthquake
accelerograms based on stochastic simulations of the seismological model of Atkinson & Boore
(1995) along with the generic crustal model of Boore & Joyner (1997). Refer also Megawati & Pan
(2010) and Lam et al. (2000) for more details. Whilst CAM was initially developed for predictions of
ground motions generated by local earthquakes, the modelling framework was found to be capable of
predicting ground motions generated by large magnitude earthquakes from the far-field. CAM has
successfully demonstrated as capable of modelling distant mega-magnitude earthquake events that
were generated from the Sunda-Arc subduction source offshore of Sumatra and affecting Singapore
and Peninsular Malaysia (Lam et al., 2009; Balendra et al., 2002 and Balendra & Li, 2008). The
simulation model of CAM could have been used to quantify the reduction of hazard across the
peninsular (from west to east) but it is considered prudent not to do so given that the model has been
validated for a site-source distance of up to 600 km. The modelled attenuation of the distant hazard
with increasing distance is so gradual that the change in the level of distant hazard across the
peninsular is very minor. In perspectives, buildings that are vulnerable to collapse and severe damage
in an earthquake is low-rise and medium-rise buildings as opposed to high rise buildings which
respond to long distance earthquakes. In other words, the part of the response spectrum in the low
period range (and the level of PGA) is governed by local hazards anyway. Thus, the long distance
earthquake hazard affecting Peninsular Malaysia is to be based on one response spectral model.
The Megawati’s attenuation relationship for modelling ground motions generated from the Sumatran
fault source (Megawati et al., 2003) and those from the Subduction fault source (Megawati et al.,
2003) was reported in Pan et al. (2007) and was revised in Megawati & Pan (2010). Synthetic
seismograms which were derived from the analysis of a finite-fault kinematic model have been
verified in a manner similar to what has been carried out with CAM. This attenuation relationship is
based on hard rock conditions and site-source distance ranging between 200 and 1500 km. The use of
the developed relationship for making predictions outside this distance range should be treated with
In addition to the deterministic studies as described above, Pappin et al. (2011) conducted PSHA for
Malaysia based on historical earthquake data which has been recorded over the past 40 years since
1972, along with the use of the attenuation relationship in Pan et al. (2007). Based on the earthquake
catalogue compiled from the USGS database, the seismic source zone was divided into four categories
of seismogenic depth up to 500 km, and an earthquake database in which small events (M <5) and
aftershocks have been removed.
The response spectrum produced from PSHA is known as the Uniform Hazard Spectrum (UHS) in
which contributions from multiple fault sources have been taken into account (Pappin et al.2011). The
attenuation behaviour of the simulated ground motions in the development of the UHS was based on
GMPEs developed by Pan et al. (2007). Different parts of the UHS can be identified with very
different contributory earthquake scenarios. According to the latest PSHA (Pappin et al., 2011),
seismic hazard level varies across the entire Peninsular Malaysia (due to the different distances
measured from the potential earthquake sources), with Penang indicating the highest hazard. Seismic
zoning map could be prepared for the region, but it is considered unnecessary for two reasons: (1) the
attenuation behaviour of very long period waves that are characteristics of earthquakes generated from
a very long distance is very gradual and (2) the low level of contribution of distant earthquakes to the
total hazard in the low to intermediate period range. Thus, the UHS for Penang has been selected as
the basis of the recommended design spectrum model for the entire Peninsula Malaysia.
The UHS model that has been developed initially requires modifications because of subsequent
improvements made to the accuracies of the regional specific attenuation relationships. The original
attenuation relationship of Pan et al. (2007) has been updated to Megawati & Pan (2010). In parallel
Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2016 Conference, Nov 25-27, Melbourne, Vic
with improvements made by the Megawati’s model, CAM has also been shown to be able to simulate
ground motions which match the instrumental field recordings from major events including the Aceh
earthquake of 2004 and the Nias earthquake of 2005.
Figure 5 The original and adjusted response spectra representing distant hazard affecting the Peninsula
(a) (b)
Figure 6 Elastic Response Spectrum on rock (a) displacement and (b) acceleration for Peninsular
Malaysia for Type II ordinary buildings (Design PGA = 0.07g, RP = 475 years)
Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2016 Conference, Nov 25-27, Melbourne, Vic
(a) (b)
Figure 7 Elastic Response Spectrum on rock (a) displacement and (b) acceleration for Sarawak and
South-western Sabah for Type II ordinary buildings (Design PGA = 0.07g, RP = 475 years)
(a) (b)
Figure 8 Elastic Response Spectrum on rock (a) displacement and (b) acceleration for Central and Eastern
Sabah for Type II ordinary buildings (Design PGA = 0.12g, RP = 475 years)
6. Summary
The key challenge of quantifying seismic hazard for Malaysia is in how to (i) quantify the recurrence
behaviour of local earthquakes based on the results of a survey of M>5 earthquakes across many
countries in five different continents and (ii) select the most suitable ground motion model (GMM)
which best represents the seismic environment of Malaysia for conducting probabilistic seismic
hazard analysis (PSHA). The additional challenge for modelling the design response spectrum for
Peninsular Malaysia is in encapsulating both long distance (subduction) earthquakes and local
intraplate earthquakes in one response spectrum. Arguments in support of the adopted broad zonation
approach in the modelling of local intraplate hazards have also been presented.
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