Questionnaire For Students

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Questionnaire for students

Name: ………………………………………………………….. Name of College: ………………………………………………

………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………

Course enrolled in: ………………………………………… Semester: …………………………………………………………

Place you belong to: ………………………...…………… Medium of instruction in school: ………………………

Schooling from: ……………………………….……………

1. Language you use while communicating with your friends /classmates

a) Mother tongue b) English
2. Language you use while communicating with your teachers
a) Mother tongue b) English
3. Do you know what soft skills are?
a) Yes b) No
4. Do you think soft skills are beneficial for you?
a) Yes b) No
5. How do you think soft skills can be helpful to you?( Please number them in the order of
a) It develops confidence

b) It improves Performance

c) It improves interpersonal skills

d) It develops Leadership skills

e) It makes you a better person

6. Have you received any soft skills training?

a) Yes b) No
7. Are you aware of aspects covered under soft skills?
a) Yes b) No
8. Mentioned below are the soft skills. Number them in the order of preference.
a) Communication skills

b) Body Language

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c) Positive Thinking

d) Presentation skills

e) Interview skills

9) How do you think soft skills can be of help to you to perform better at the time of interview?
a) Improved level of confidence

b) Improved communication skills

c) Effective presentation skills

d) Being Assertive

e) Ability to cope up with stress

10) Do you think communicating (conversing) in English is helpful for you to achieve success in
a ) Yes b) No

11) Are you comfortable in conversing with others in English?

a ) Yes b) No

12) Which skill do you think is more important for professional success?
a) Oral skill
b) Written skill

13) Which of the following oral skills do you think are important for a person?
a) Conversation skills
b) Presentation skills
c) Group discussion
d) Telephonic conversation

14) Conversation skills help you in :

a) Personal life b) Professional
15) Do you agree that Non-verbal communication is important ?
a) Yes b) No

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16) Do you think proper Body Language helps you to create a good impression on others?
a) Yes b) No

17) Which Non-verbal skill is most important in our day today personal/professional
a) Body language

b) Charts

c) Dress

d) Color

18) Which of the following aspects are included in body language?

a) Gestures

b) Posture

c) Expression in eyes

d) Grooming

19) Do you think a person can improve his/her oral communication skills and body language by
proper training?
a) Yes b) No
20) Do you think there is a need to increase the awareness about importance of these skills?
a) Yes b) No
21) Would you like to attend Soft skills training, if such an opportunity is provided to you?
a) Yes b) No
22) Suggestions if any….

Name: -----------------------------------------------------------

Signature: -------------------------------------------------------

Place: -------------------------------------------------------------

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Verbal communication


I. Please answer the questions honestly keeping in mind your current situation.
II. There are fifteen (15) statements having three/four options. Select only one best applicable
to you.
III. There is no right or wrong answer. So, please answer them carefully and honestly.

1. I have to translate my ideas in English as my thought process is in my mother tongue.

a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
2. I have difficulty putting my thoughts into words while speaking in English.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
3. I speak fluently in English.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
4. I vary the tone, volume and pitch of my voice appropriately during conversation.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
5. People understand what I say.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
6. My accent and intonation in English is correct.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
7. I am comfortable in conversing with varied kind of people.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
8. My sentence construction in English is influenced by my mother tongue.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
9. I speak at an average rate i.e. neither too slow nor too fast.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
10. While speaking I give a lot of audible pauses.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never

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11. While speaking in English I mix the words of other languages.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
12. I am particular about speaking grammatically correct English.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
13. I have to repeat my sentence as people don’t understand what I want to say.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
14. I feel more comfortable to speak in my mother tongue as compared to that in English.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) Never
15. I think I need to work on my vocabulary in English.
a) To great extent b) to some extent c) not at all



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Non –Verbal Communication


I. Please answer the questions honestly keeping in mind your current situation.
II. There are fifteen (15) statements having three/four options. Select only one best applicable
to you.
III. There is no right or wrong answer. So, please answer them carefully and honestly.

1. When communicating with other ,I pay attention to Non-verbal signals – body language, facial
expressions and gesture
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
2. I make eye contact with others while talking to others.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
3. While conversing I hold my head still.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
4. When standing before people to speak I shake with nervousness.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
5. While speaking I make involuntary movements like tapping feet, touching hair/nose.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
6. While speaking my face is usually blank.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
7. I use gestures to emphasize what I am saying.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
8. I maintain eye contact with the listener/s.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
9. I am careful about my postures while in formal conversation.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
10. I use a lot of hand gestures while talking to others.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never

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11. When talking to people I pay attention to their body language.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
12. My verbal and non-verbal messages complement each other.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
13. I prefer to maintain sufficient physical space with people in formal situation.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
14. I shift weight from one leg to another while talking.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never
15. I clench my hands when talking to others.
a) Always b) Frequently c) Sometimes d) never



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Name of activity:

Date of activity: Location of activity:

Name of observer: Job title of observer:

Name of participant:

Highlights of the activity

General comment:

Specific points:

Points for development by candidate

General comment:

Specific points:

Name: Signature: Date:


How do you rank?

Not so good Okay Very good

1. I speak clearly

2. I speak/articulate my words

3. I don’t’ speak too quickly

4. I do not pause too long between words

5. I watch that people are listening Before I continue to speak

6. I wait my turn to speak

7. I use gestures to support what I am saying

8. I communicate one complete Idea at a time

9. I speak in full sentences

10. I use correct grammar

11. I use a polite tone

12. I try not to be opinionated

13. Other: ____________________ ____________________

Details of factor analysis done for three questions to obtain factor namely Verbal Skills

Q. No Description
10 Use of conversing in English language for professional success
20 Need to improve awareness of oral skills
22 Willingness to attend training for oral skills

Question No. Initial Extraction

10 1.000 .502

20 1.000 .474

22 1.000 .491

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Eigen value: 1.467

Factor loading
Question No. Factor 1

10 .708

20 .689

22 .701
Details of factor analysis done for three questions to obtain factor namely Non Verbal

Q. No Description
15 Importance of nonverbal communication
16 Importance of body language
19 Improvement in non-verbal skills through training

Question No. Initial Extraction

15 1.000 .469

16 1.000 .357

19 1.000 .475

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Eigen value:1.300

Factor loading
Question No. Factor 1

15 .685

16 .597

19 .689

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