Senior High School Research Presentation Rubric

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte
Kananga, Leyte


(OCTOBER 14, 2019)
RESEARCH TITLE: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

4-5 2-3 0-1 Total

Standards Score Weight
Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable Score
Has a clear opening Has opening statement Has no opening
statement that catches relevant to topic and gives statement or has an
audience’s interest; outline of speech; is mostly irrelevant statement;
Organization maintains focus throughout; organized; provides adequate gives listener no focus or X2
summarizes main points “road map” for the listener outline of the

Demonstrates substance Covers topic; uses appropriate Does not give adequate
and depth; is sources; is objective coverage of topic; lacks
Content comprehensive; shows sources X2
mastery of material

Delivers a conclusion that is Summarizes presentation‘s Has missing or poor

well documented and main points; draws conclusions conclusion; is not tied to
Quality of persuasive based upon these points analysis; does not
Conclusion summarize points that
support the conclusion
Has natural delivery; Has appropriate pace; has no Is often hard to
modulates voice; is distracting mannerisms; is easily
understand; has voice
articulate; projects understood; that is too soft or too loud;
enthusiasm, interest, and has a pace that is
Delivery X1.5
confidence; uses too quick or too slow;
body language effectively demonstrates one or
more distracting
Uses slides effortlessly to Looks at slides to keep on track; Relies heavily on slides
enhance presentation; has uses an appropriate number of and notes; makes little
Use of
an effective presentation slides eye contact; uses slides X1.5
without media with too much text

Demonstrates full Shows ease in answering Demonstrates little grasp

knowledge of topic; questions but does not of information; has
Response to
explains and elaborates on elaborate undeveloped or unclear X1
all questions answers to questions

Grand total: _____________________________

Rater: _______________________________________________

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