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Structural systems for Large span Sports Complex structures

Article · January 2017


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Subramanian C.V.
Periyar Maniammai University


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Structural systems for Large span Sports Complex structures
C.V.Subramanian 1, Lydia Clemmie 2
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Periyar Maniammai University, Tamil Nadu
U.G. Student, Department of Architecture, Periyar Maniammai University, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract—The roof structures exceeding 12m in length are called long span roofs. They create
internal space which are barrier free and flexible. The sufficiently advanced stage of cast iron
structures provided us with long span enclosures. There are many types of structures which can be
used according to their spans, material, and aesthetics. By far, steel is the most commonly used
material. Advancement in technology is providing us with large options of materials. Sports
buildings these days have been given importance and the long span structures are being widely used
in the sports field. Various types of large span structures and their efficacy are analysed to arrive out
design recommendations.
Keywords—Long span structures; Space frames; Cable structures; Tent; Pneumatic; Sports complex

Nowadays long span structures are widely used in various fields such as sports, commercial,
industrial, social and other activities. From the previous experiences it was evident that long span
structures are best capable in solving many problems that cannot be faced with the help of traditional
building types. Also these days’ technical aspects by adopting modern technology in execution
operation with the use of computers to solve constructional problems are followed.


Structure systems vary in their frames as well as in their resistance methods of force.
They form:
1. Active structure systems
2. Bulk-Active structure systems
3. Vector active structure systems
4. Surface active systems’

Again broadly classified as

 Traditional structures
 Surface structures
 Space structures
 Tent structures
 Cable structures
 Pneumatic structures
2.1 Traditional Structures
These are the methods being followed from a very ancient period of time. These structures can be
subdivided into the Bulk active structures, Form active structures and Vector active systems.

2.1.1 Bulk Active structures

It is represented by horizontal elements i.e beams - free or fixed places on vertical elements i.e
pillars. The principle is distribution of load into two directions.

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International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER)
Volume 03, Issue 01; January - 2017 [ISSN: 2455-1457]

2.1.2 Form Active Structure

Form active structures are represented by arches that carry only direct stress and no bending take
place. These types of structure are wind resistant. In case of increase in span increase in dead weight
takes place.

2.1.3 Vector Active System

These systems are represented by flat truss. It comprises of compressive and tensile members in
assembly put together with hinged joints. It receives asymmetrical and changing loads. It can support
large spans without intermediate support. Le parc Desprince stadium in Paris is a good example.

2.2 Shell Structural System (Surface Systems)

This is also called as surface systems. In this system the span is defined both internally and
externally by geometric system. Because of their light weight and expressive structural system both
internally and externally they are considered as one of the best concrete fixed permanent structural
system. Load here is carried for enormous span with short sections.

2.2.1 Shells of Revolution

These shells are obtained when a plane curve is rotated about the axis of symmetry. Examples are
paraboloids of revolution, hyperboloid of revolution cones, segmental domes.

Fig 1.Shells evolved by revolution

2.2.2 Hyperboloids of Revolution

It is generated when a straight line is connected to two rings above and below and both the rings
twisted in opposite direction. It is used in cooling towers.

Fig 2: Hyperboloids of revolution

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International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER)
Volume 03, Issue 01; January - 2017 [ISSN: 2455-1457]

2.2.3 Conoidal Shells

It is a ruled surface formed by one end of a lining sliding on a vertical curve while the other end
slides on a horizontal line. Doubly curved surface generated from straight lines. It can span up to
12m length.

Fig 3. Doubly curved surfaces generated from straight lines

2.2.4 Hyperbolic Paraboloids

These are anti elastic ruled surfaces. A properly reinforced shell can absorb tension and compression
at any point and in any direction tangential to its curved surface. These are most economical in terms
of material consumption and their shuttering is easy.

Fig 4. Hyperbolic paraboloids

2.2.5 Cylindrical Shell

It is generated by curve moving on a straight line or vice versa. Cylindrical shells behave like a
folded plate composed of numerous narrow strips. Cylindrical shells have three fold bearing action:

 Arch action
 Plate action
 Slab action

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International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER)
Volume 03, Issue 01; January - 2017 [ISSN: 2455-1457]

Fig 5 .Types of cylindrical shells bearing actions

2.3 Structures with Tension Skewers (Cable Structures)

In this type of active structures non-metallic structures made of elastic material of desired shape is
used to cover a place. They are fixed in corners to bear weight only. They are also known as cable

Fig 6. Forces and moments in a loaded cable

Due to its smaller cross section it can resist to bending when it is loaded. A cable roof can be defined
as one in which a cable or a system of cables is used as a load carrying element.

2.4 Space Structures

These are vector active structure comprising units which are straight, short, hard in a articulated
manner and are formed by assembling these and facilitating transfer of loads to their ends inside the
above mentioned units. It differs from cable structures for having a hard surface and not a elastic one
and differs from flat truss in that its functions in various direction.

Fig 7. Curved Truss system

2.5 Tent Structures

These structures are included under form active structures systems. They are elastic, flexible and
consist of a cover .They are similar to a great extent to the structures with tension skewers in that
they are under tension and are based on support points in the case of compression.

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International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER)
Volume 03, Issue 01; January - 2017 [ISSN: 2455-1457]

Fig 8. Typical tent structure

Tent structures constitute membranes stretched in frames rigid in bending or rings rigid in
compression. The formation is subjected to the position of tension points. These points can take the
shape of simple pillars, arches or other shapes. They are flexible and are difficult to close these
structures in front thus finding it difficult to air condition the building.

2.6 Pneumatic Structures

These systems have air as the bearing systems thus they are called as Pneumatic structures (Air
structures). This is done by filling a cover with air and fastening it to the ground exposing the cover
to tension and thus it is shaped in accordance with the cover shape made by the air pressure.

Figure 9. Forces on a pneumatic structure

Membrane material for the pneumatic structure should have good tensile strength tear resistance
higher value of elasticity modules. It should be light in weight, permeable to air and flexible in
nature. Presently used materials are:

 Plastic films
 Coated fabric
 Woven metallic fabric
 Metallic foils.

@IJRTER-2017, All Rights Reserved 43

International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER)
Volume 03, Issue 01; January - 2017 [ISSN: 2455-1457]


The various types of structures suitable for sports facilities are analysed in the table 1

Table 1. Types of building structures and their properties


A) Bulk active Not suitable for large spans
B) Arches Large span will Height can be Monotonous Brick ,stone
lead to increase in varied by making structures results and concrete
height of the arch segmental or in skyline not materials are
structure as the semi-circular but broken /punctured good in
ratio of span: height not to a great much. compression
is high. extent else it will
C) Plane Truss To achieve By arranging the This essentially Pre-stressed
System triangulation of members in singly rigid vector active concrete,
forces span to or doubly curved structure can be laminated,
height needs to be planes, the converted into a wood, iron.
high. Large span advantages of form active
are possible, but form-active structures.
due to heavy redirection of
weight of materials forces is
there is a limitation. integrated.
SHELL Surface must be These structures New varying Concrete .As
STRUCTURE geometrically must be defined forms can be loads are
SYSTEMS defined. curves which acts achieved using carried as
as a limitation but shells thus giving membrane
its possible to the structure a stresses for
achieve forms that single unified large spans we
are not easily character. Skyline need only short
possible in other cannot be section.
structural system. controlled.
CABLE These structures are Highly flexible Infinite varieties Steel cables,
STRUCTURES susceptible to wind cables can be made of curves can be supporting
uplift, vibration and to span more. By generated. concrete roof.
to asymmetrical varying the profile Skyline can be
and moving loads. of end members controlled by
cables can be made creating strong
to follow several point in space.
varieties of curves
SPACE Have minimal Many roof forms With space grids A combination
STRUCTURES limitations. High are possible with interesting of steel and
span to height ratio curved truss patterns can be concrete is
for geodesic domes. system. For developed for ideal for curved

@IJRTER-2017, All Rights Reserved 44

International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER)
Volume 03, Issue 01; January - 2017 [ISSN: 2455-1457]

example vault, given spans. space

cylinder or domes. structures.
TENT Too flexible. It is The flexibility can As the materials PVC (Poly
STRUCTURES difficult for the result in large are translucent, Vinyl Chloride)
fronts to close column-free spans, the spaces coated
under tents. unlike enclosed within polyester cloth
conventional remain bright and PTFE
roofing systems LED backlighting (Poly Tetra
that require rigid can change the Fluro Ethlene)
immediate support. structure’s look at (Teflon) coated
night. glass cloth.
PNEUMATIC The possibility of Membrane can Provide Cotton and
STRUCTURES the structures support both fascination among PVC
collapsing as a tension and observers and by
result of compression and standers.
mechanical failure thus withstand
in inflation bending moment
equipment or as a
result of tears in

In addition to the above some more reasons for application of long span structures in sports complex
 They give column free spaces.
 The structures are cost saving with guaranteed fixed overall project cost.
 They have a short production time and rapid installation properties.
 As these structures are demountable and therefore can be resold, reconfigured, extended or
 They have more life span.

The design of sports building has been given a great deal of care during the last few years. This is
leading to new architectural aspects of design by searching for new concepts, good design and
beautiful formation. Also the structural aspects integrated with architectural design create realistic
expression of forces affecting the structures. The attempt to device new methods of construction
leading to weight reduction and material development to increase the efficiency is continuously
The structural framework adopted in the construction of any building is essential as the structure is
greatly similar to man’s skeleton defining many of its characteristics. When dealing with sports
buildings we find the problem is deeper than those of other buildings. Hence several
recommendations arrived based on materials, aesthetics, limitations and flexibility for different types
of structures can be made use appropriately during the construction of sports facilities.

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