Liquid Analysis v3 Powell-Cumming 2010 Stanfordgw

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Stable Isotopes

Delta Deuterium - per mil








-22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10

Delta Oxygen 18 - per mil

440634251.xlsx 10/06/2019
Discharge Enthalpy - kj/kg







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Chloride - ppm
Q u a r tz G e o th e r m o m e te r E n th a lp y - k j/k







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Chloride - ppm










0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-1 -4

Log(PCO2) bar
0 -3

1 -2

2 -1


3 0
4 1

5 2
log (K2/Mg)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

SiO2 mg/kg

200 22




Partial Equilibration

Immature Waters
Li - Rb - Cs Ternary



440634251.xlsx 10/06/2019
Li - Rb - Cs Ternary

440634251.xlsx 10/06/2019
ns A
ns B
80% grid
80% anio
ns C
60% 60%

40% 40%

20% 20%
Prospect Map

UTM North




350000 355000 360000 365000 370000
UTM East
Temperatures in degrees C

Amorphous Alpha Beta Chalcedony Quartz

Silica Cristobalite Cristobalite conductive conductive
Sample Name
Wairakei spring 145 225 176 265 279
Ngawha well 90 166 116 199 216
Ngawha spring 105 183 133 217 232
Zunil well 39 111 61 137 161
Zunil spring 192 273 227 320 374
Miravalles well 56 130 80 159 181
Miravalles spring 145 225 176 265 279
Ruiz acid spring 23 93 44 118 144
Ruiz neutral spring 40 113 63 139 163
Araro spring 50 123 73 151 173
Manikaran spring 33 104 55 130 155
Fang spring 3 71 23 93 122
Paraso spring 55 128 79 157 179
Yasur spring 39 111 61 137 161
Lake Nyos 77 153 103 184 202
Waitangi soda spring -18 47 0 67 97
Morere spring 48 121 72 149 172
Maui well -36 25 -19 44 76
White Island spring -26 37 -9 56 88
Ohaaki well 0 0 0 0 0
Ohaaki meteoric 0 0 0 0 0
Wairakei well 0 0 0 0 0
Wairakei meteoric 0 0 0 0 0
Tongonan well 0 0 0 0 0
Tongonan meteoric 0 0 0 0 0
Miravalles well 0 0 0 0 0
Miravalles meteoric 0 0 0 0 0
Zunil well 0 0 0 0 0
Zunil meteoric 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Na/K Na/K
Quartz Na-K-Ca Na/K Na/K Tonani
Na-K-Ca Truesdell Giggenbach
adiabatic Mg corr Fournier 1979 1980
1976 1988
238 242 242 250 229 262 270
196 224 181 229 203 244 240
208 222 222 204 171 220 204
153 198 177 189 152 206 184
270 273 273 287 280 296 327
168 201 14 249 229 262 270
238 228 228 234 209 248 247
138 174 110 149 106 169 132
154 310 53 497 624 479 734
162 211 159 239 216 253 255
147 184 184 189 153 206 185
120 207 161 298 296 307 346
167 179 175 183 146 201 177
153 215 150 252 233 265 274
185 188 188 174 135 192 164
98 49 31 348 368 351 429
161 182 46 203 170 219 203
79 106 106 86 37 107 56
90 199 111 172 132 190 161
0 204 6 223 195 238 232
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Na/K Na/K
Nieva & Nieva Arnorsson
Giggenbach 1986
1987 1983
236 234 314
216 209 155
191 179 206
176 162 148
272 281 330
235 234 81
220 215 315
138 117 129
479 583 112
225 221 132
177 162 167
283 296 100
171 156 123
238 238 132
161 145 181
332 361 40
190 178 90
76 49 94
159 142 153
210 202 97
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Liquid chemistry plotting spreadsheet version 3

Powell Geoscience Ltd. 3 September 2012

Copy water chemistry data into data field below. Use negative numbers to
plotted at detection. Cut & paste or move data but do not d

Sample UTM east UTM north

Sample Name Lab Number Date Label Elevation
Wairakei well WK
Wairakei spring wk
Ngawha well NG
Ngawha spring ng
Zunil well ZU
Zunil spring zu
Miravalles well MV
Miravalles spring mv
Ruiz acid spring ra
Ruiz neutral spring rb
Araro spring ar
Manikaran spring ma
Fang spring fn
Paraso spring pr
Yasur spring ya
Lake Nyos ln
Waitangi soda spring ws
Morere spring mo
Maui well MU
White Island spring wi
Ohaaki well OH
Ohaaki meteoric oh
Wairakei well WK
Wairakei meteoric wk
Tongonan well TG
Tongonan meteoric tg
Miravalles well MV
Miravalles meteoric mv
Zunil well ZU
Zunil meteoric zu
CFB Ternary
Cl 1
ld below. Use negative numbers to indicate detection limit. Data will be Ternary plot
& paste or move data but do not delete lines or columns. multiplier factors: F 25
B 25

Temp C Fraction pH Li Na K Ca Mg SiO2
240 8.5 10.7 1170 167 20.0 0.01 590
99 7.7 14.5 1220 140 30.0 4.50 320
230 7.1 10.9 880 75 3.0 0.10 385
80 7.2 10.4 910 64 11.0 1.40 150
300 8.4 8.1 1030 210 11.0 0.01 890
87 8.7 0.6 260 37 43.0 43.00 200
245 7.5 5.7 1970 238 73.0 0.02 590
73 8.5 3.4 1970 79 22.0 6.50 112
62 1.2 0.3 280 224 214.0 155.00 154
94 8 3.8 610 78 48.0 5.10 180
92 8.1 6.6 705 50 30.0 0.30 135
94 7.4 1.2 93 21 51.0 3.30 75
99 9 0.6 122 8 1.0 0.10 195
56 5.6 1.8 1210 178 289.0 26.60 150
99 8.8 0.03 1270 73 17.0 0.30 270
23 5.4 0.01 15 5 30.0 35.00 45
49 7.3 1.7 285 24 17.0 8.90 176
47 7 4.6 6700 84 2360.0 80.00 27
130 7.5 3.6 7890 440 190.0 48.00 36
98 0.6 2.9 5910 635 3150.0 3800.00 0





CLB Ternary LRC Ternary CSH Ternary NKM Ternary XYZ Ternary
factor factor factor factor column element
Cl 1 Li 1 Cl 1 Na 1 K Li
Li 100 Rb 4 SO4 1 K 10 Y Rb
B 25 Cs 10 HCO3 1 Mg^.5 1000 Z Cs

B Cl F SO4 HCO3 CO3 NH4 As Rb Cs

26 1970 35 5 2.20 2.00
43 2100 30 30 2.30 2.10
895 1240 26 310 0.30 0.75
850 1290 446 330 0.29 0.60
45 1700 61 150 1.90 2.00
5 170 195 500 0.08 0.02
54 3300 36 40 1.05 0.60
48 2600 120 910 0.21 0.14
8 1350 10670 0 0.37 0.04
19 1000 41 175 0.56 0.62
75 1010 135 63 0.43 1.12
3 130 35 190 0.15 0.14
-1 27 22 145 0.14 0.29
16 2340 205 6 0.74 0.09
21 1690 280 75 0.16 0.01
-1 -1 -1 400 0.00 0.00
3 365 48 265 0.11 0.07
57 15800 -3 30 0.10 0.00
15 12600 18 630 0.71 0.08
160 38700 4870 -1 5.40 0.36
YZ Ternary Isotopes Piper Plot
factor Separation of plot fields
1 Position of fractionation cluster -10 -20 0.2
4 Position of meteoric trend line label -16

Cond sum sum

Sr Ba Fe Mn umhos/cm del 18O del D cations anions
57.71 56.38
60.61 60.36
41.93 40.60
43.38 51.09
51.89 51.69
18.03 17.05
96.25 94.50
89.84 90.76
103.97 260.23
31.89 31.93
34.42 32.34
7.57 7.51
5.66 3.60
74.06 70.38
57.99 54.73
5.16 6.61
14.84 15.64
418.61 446.27
368.41 366.15
992.69 1193.14
-4.5 -40 0.00 0.00
-7.0 -45 0.00 0.00
-5.7 -43 0.00 0.00
-6.7 -45 0.00 0.00
-0.6 -30 0.00 0.00
-6.5 -40 0.00 0.00
-2.0 -25 0.00 0.00
-4.8 -28 0.00 0.00
-8.5 -78 0.00 0.00
-11.5 -85 0.00 0.00
ion of plot fields

Liquid_Analysis_v3_Powell&Cumming_2010_StanfordGW Geochemical Plotting

The charts and geothermometry report in this spreadsheet are described in an accompanying article b
Cumming delivered at the 35th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, S
California, February 1-3, 2010. References for the calculations and charts can be found in that docum
This spreadsheet accepts water chemistry and stable isotope data and plots them in standard ternary a
geothermometer grids. Data are pasted into the 'Input' sheet and appear on all the graphics applicable
type. Data may also be cut, pasted and moved within the data entry field without changing cell addres
Graphics can be edited directly as EXCEL97 graphics and certain grid dimentions (e.g. multipliers on t
and evaporation cluster location on the stable isotope grid) can be changed on the 'input' sheet. Fields
these parameters are located above the data entry field.
Data entry field:
Rows 7 through 36 accept data for the plots (30 data points). The first 3 columns (Sample Name
Date) are not referenced by the plots and are there for user reference.

Sample Label' in column D is a text field that will determine the label for points on the plots. The
'X-Y chart labeler 97' can also be used to label the charts
Columns E, F, G & H are for UTM location, elevation and sample temperature. These will be us
locations on the "Map" sheet. Scales on the "Map" chart will need to be adjusted to accomodate t
square-dimentioned empty text box is included in the upper left corner to assist in rectifying the N-
scales of the map

Enter or copy in laboratory analysis data (as mg/kg) in columns I through AD. Parts per million (pp
to mg/kg. Data in moles/liter can be converted to mg/kg by multipying by the appropriate molecula
analyte. Henley, Truesdell & Barton (1984) suggest that mg/litre can be converted directly to mg/k
noticable error below about 35,000 mg/kg total dissolved solids, which can be approximated by th
analytes. At higher concentrations a correction for the density of the sample is needed. Data are s
in weight percent, which can be directly converted to mg/kg (1wt%=10,000 mg/kg). For a more co
discussion of units reported in analyses and their conversion to mg/kg, see Hem (1970). Negative
interpreted a "below detection" and are plotted at the detection limit.

Enter stable isotope data as "del" expressed in per mil (parts per thousand) in columns AE and AF
computed relative to the SMOW standard, such that del = (R - R SMOW) / RSMOW, where R is the isoto
sample (18O/16O or D/H) and RSMOW is the isotope ratio of the standard. For most geothermal fluids
del D will be negative.

Columns BJ through BL present the sums of cations and anions charge (in meq/mg) and the char
percentage of the total ionic charge of the solution [cations-anions]/[cations+anions]. Charge in m
kg (meq/kg) is calculated using the conversion factors in Row 5 of hidden columns AG to BI. The c
for iron assumes Fe+2. The sum of cations includes pH only if a pH value is entered. Charge balan
+-5% are highlighted in red font. An excess of anions or cations greater than this indicates an erro
of one of the major ionic species or a missing major ionic species
Points plotted on the grids are accompanied by labels input in column D. Empty data rows (rows
chemical or isotope data) are plotted outside of the chart area (99, -99, 999, etc) and their data lab
Labels for incomplete data will sometimes be plotted to the left outside the chart area. These can
presentation by adjusting the plot ranges of the charts. This may, however, permanently remove t
the data range beyond the plot range. It is recommended that graphs to be altered for presentatio
moved to a separate sheet (Menu:"Edit"/"Move or Copy Sheet"/"Create a Copy" checkbox)
Ternary vertex multipliers (the amounts multiplying the elements in the ternary plots) can be chang
above the data input field. It should be noted that in most cases the values in the box are those u
originator (i.e, W Giggenbach). The location of the evaporation trend cluster in the isotope chart (
meteoric trend line label can be changed in the box on the upper right.
The "Report" sheet gives the results of standard geothermometer calculations for the chemical an
sample name, source and date.
Columns AG to BI are hidden. These cells copy the cells in the input field based upon fixed cell ad
data can be cut/pasted and moved in the input data field without changing cell addresses in the ca
2) Columns BM to CT are hidden. These cells contain the geothermometer and ternary grid calculat
Two additional sheets used to generate the plots are hidden but available. Tgrid has the plot data
grids. Ref has reference plot data for the ternaries and cross plots.
Input units are in mg/kg of the chemical species indicated. Data reported for a different variety of
4) NH3 rather than NH4) needs to be adjusted by the ratio of molecular weights (i.e. mg/kg NH4 = m
Some labs report total inorganic carbon (H2CO3+HCO3 -+CO3=) instead of bicarbonate and carbo
generally reported in units of bicarbonate ("as bicarbonate") and, confusingly, is often called bicarb
5) inorganic carbon is entered into the bicarbonate field it will result in an excess of anions over catio
H2CO3 does not have a charge in solution. Data should be requested as concentrations of these
carbonate specie (i.e., carbonic acid or dissolved CO2, bicarbonate and carbonate)

- Added User defined XYZ ternary chart, so that User can define elements for the ternary, as well
factors. Elements are chosen by inputing row letter in left column of box
2 - Change to magnesium ion correction at R<5 to correct for error in equasion. Error caused tempe
to be 2 deg C too great
-Added row to top of input sheet to accommodate User Defined XYZ ternary
-Fixed cell address of Sample Name in Report page, due to added row at top of Input page

-Corrected R>5 equation for NaKCa Mg ion correction to equation in Fournier & Potter 1979 GCA
-Added column for steam fraction, so that well samples can be corrected for steam loss. This corr
to geothermometer values, geothermometer plots and chloride enthalpy plot. If steam fraction is l
value is assumed and no correction is applied. No correction is made to isotope data
-The steam fraction correction is made by multiplying the sample concentration by the liquid fractio
complement (1-X) of the steam fraction. Samples with an excess steam correction can be correct
3 the complement of the liquid correction factor for the value of steam fraction
-Added enthalpy-chloride plot for discharge enthalpy, sheet "XClHdisch"
-Added solubilities for alpha & beta cristobalite and amorphous silica to Xkms plot
-Added Piper (Trilinear) Plot in sheet "Piper". Data are plotted as milliequivalents/litre, not ppm. L
cropped by decreasing box size. Separation of plot fields can be increased by changing spacing i
above charge balance
-Added alpha & beta cristobalite and additional Na/K geothermometers to "Report" sheet.
Geochemical Plotting Spreadsheet

n an accompanying article by T Powell & W

eering, Stanford University, Stanford,
can be found in that document
ts them in standard ternary and
on all the graphics applicable to that data
without changing cell addresses in the

entions (e.g. multipliers on ternary diagrams

d on the 'input' sheet. Fields for changing

t 3 columns (Sample Name, Lab Number &


for points on the plots. The Excel 97 add-in

mperature. These will be used to plot the

be adjusted to accomodate the locations. A
r to assist in rectifying the N-S and E-W grid

ugh AD. Parts per million (ppm) is equivalent

by the appropriate molecular weight of the
be converted directly to mg/kg without
h can be approximated by the sum of
sample is needed. Data are sometimes listed
0,000 mg/kg). For a more complete
g, see Hem (1970). Negative values are

sand) in columns AE and AF. Del values are

/ RSMOW, where R is the isotope ratio of the
. For most geothermal fluids both del 18O and

ge (in meq/mg) and the charge balance as a

ations+anions]. Charge in milliequivalents per
den columns AG to BI. The conversion factor
alue is entered. Charge balances greater than
er than this indicates an erroneous analysis
D. Empty data rows (rows without input
9, 999, etc) and their data labels are blank.
e the chart area. These can be removed for
wever, permanently remove the labels from
to be altered for presentation should be
te a Copy" checkbox)
e ternary plots) can be changed in the boxes
alues in the box are those used by the plot
cluster in the isotope chart ("Iso") and the
culations for the chemical analysis, along with

field based upon fixed cell addresses, so that

ging cell addresses in the calculations.
eter and ternary grid calculations
able. Tgrid has the plot data for the ternary

rted for a different variety of that species (i.e.,

weights (i.e. mg/kg NH4 = mg/kg

ad of bicarbonate and carbonate. This is

usingly, is often called bicarbonate. If total
n excess of anions over cations because
d as concentrations of these separate
nd carbonate)

ments for the ternary, as well as multiplier

quasion. Error caused temperature correction

w at top of Input page

Fournier & Potter 1979 GCA paper

ted for steam loss. This correction is applled
py plot. If steam fraction is left blank, a zero
to isotope data
centration by the liquid fraction, which is the
am correction can be corrected by entering
o Xkms plot
equivalents/litre, not ppm. Legend can be
eased by changing spacing in Input field

s to "Report" sheet.

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