Increased Energy Production of First Solar Horizontal Single-Axis Tracking PV Systems Without Backtracking

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Increased Energy Production of First Solar Horizontal Single-Axis

Tracking PV Systems without Backtracking

Lauren Ngan, Calvin Jepson, Anthony Blekicki and Alex Panchula
First Solar, San Francisco, California, 94105

ABSTRACT — Backtracking (“BT”) is a shade avoidance producing energy. The PV cells in First Solar modules are
algorithm for single-axis horizontal tracker PV systems which oriented in a way such that non-uniform shading of the cells is
has historically been regarded as superior to all other tracking very unlikely to occur. When the module is oriented with the
algorithms. Because their internal electrical structure does not shadow perpendicular to the cells, the power loss is roughly
create a large shading penalty, First Solar modules have the
option of not backtracking (also termed “Truetracking” or “TT”)
linear with shading, which allows for the possibility to TT.
while most c-Si modules do not. Experiments on multiple PV This paper presents information regarding energy
systems presented in this paper show that TT yields 1.7% - 2.5% advantages of TT with First Solar modules, including
higher annual energy than BT with First Solar modules. First empirical results from small and commercial-scale systems.
Solar and independent third parties have shown that PVSyst, the Additionally, specifics of predicting energy output of BT and
industry standard PV prediction tool, over-predicts energy for TT First Solar systems with commercially available
systems in BT mode due to an incorrect assumption about diffuse simulation tools such as PVSyst, PV*SOL, and PVWatts is
shading. Additionally, other publically available PV prediction discussed. Finally, ISIS – First Solar’s internal prediction tool,
tools have limitations that prevent them from accurately is used to predict energy gain of TT over BT.
predicting tracking PV system performance. First Solar has
developed its own PV system energy prediction tool, ISIS, which
appropriately accounts for diffuse shading and other differences II. EXPERIMENT ON A 100-KW ARRAY
between BT and TT. ISIS predicts more energy for First Solar
systems in TT mode. Consequently, the default tracking Two test systems are installed in North America. These
configuration for First Solar utility scale systems is TT. systems are identical by all measures (DC/AC, inverter type,
Index Terms — First Solar, Backtracking, shading, PV system row spacing, etc.) except for the tracking algorithm that they
modeling employ. Both systems began their life in BT mode in 2011.
Since that time, they have been periodically switched between
I. INTRODUCTION BT and TT to test the hypothesis that TT produces more
energy with First Solar PV modules.
Backtracking is an algorithm for horizontal single-axis Both systems were backtracking until System A was
trackers that has been historically regarded by crystalline changed to TT on June 16, 2011. Clear days before and after
silicon (“c-Si”) PV system developers as superior to all other this tracking algorithm change are presented in Fig 1. Notice
tracking algorithms because it optimizes energy yield and the relative change in position of the system performance in
reduces the use of diodes which reduces diode failure [1]. In the morning of these two days. When both systems are BT,
backtracking (“BT”) mode, trackers follow the path of the sun their performance is nearly identical. However, after System A
in the middle of the day, aiming to minimize the angle-of- is put into TT mode, its performance exceeds that of the BT
incidence between the sun and the PV modules. However, in System B in the morning. The daily energy difference between
the morning and the evening, as the sun is rising and setting, these systems was 3.1% on this day.
trackers in BT mode no longer directly follow the sun, but Multiple tracking algorithm reversals were conducted
rather move into a shade avoidance tracking algorithm. This throughout the subsequent year, with Systems A and B
technique requires the modules to track “backwards” toward a switching between TT and BT. Each time the tracking
horizontal orientation just enough that no direct beam shading algorithms changed, a reversal in the relative power in the
occurs. In a Truetracking (TT) mode, trackers follow the path morning and afternoon was observed. The ratio of the daily
of the sun as it traverses the sky, minimizing the angle-of- energy produced by the TT system to that of the BT system
incidence between the sun and the panels as closely as the was calculated for one consecutive year (Fig. 2). Values above
single axis of rotation will allow during all hours of the day, 100% represent days where the TT system produced more
regardless of shade patterns. Trackers behave identically in the energy. This calculation is system-agnostic in that the BT
middle of the day for both BT and TT systems. system was switched between System A and System B
BT is a necessity for most c-Si PV modules because they multiple times during this test. The measured annual energy
use bypass diodes to protect the cell strings in the module. gain of TT for this experiment was 1.7%.
Depending on mounting orientation, panels with bypass
diodes have significantly reduced energy output if an entire
row of cells becomes shaded because the bypass diodes will
force entire strings of cells within the module to cease

978-1-4799-3299-3/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 0792

and F remained in BT mode. This change caused the median
70 System A system energy output to increase. The ratio of daily energy
System B production of Systems C and D to the median array decreased
by 2.5% when this change was made, which supports the
June 16, 2011
System A BT
earlier observation of TT gain.
AC Power (kW)

40 System B TT One additional analysis was performed on this system to

further validate the previous two observations of TT
30 advantage. Systems E and F were compared to the median
June 13, 2011
20 Both Systems BT array before and after December 3, 2012 when all arrays
except E and F were changed from BT to TT. A step change in
daily gain ratio is noticeable in Fig 7; the magnitude of this
step change is 2.0%.
Fig 1. (left) June 13, 2011, morning energy profiles when both In summary, three different analyses of changes to this
systems were BT. (right) June 16, 2011 morning energy multi-MW system showed gains in daily energy production.
profiles after System B was changed to TT. The initial gain seen by two systems transitioned from BT to
TT compared to the median array was 2.1%. When the
majority of the site was transitioned to TT, a gain of 2.5% was
observed. Finally, two systems that were left BT experienced
Backtracking AC Energy

Not Backtracking/

104% a 2.0% loss when compared to the median system on site. All
analyses of this system suggest that TT provides an energy
gain of 2.0% to 2.5%.

Predicting these small energy differences requires
detailed calculations of direct, diffuse and albedo shading for
each timestamp, and the impact of these shading factors on the
Fig 2. Ratio of TT to BT energy production measured on 100- energy production. No commercially available PV system
kW test systems. Annual gain of TT was 1.7%. simulation tool appropriately models these factors.
PVSyst (v5.56 and earlier) [3], the industry standard
III. MULTI-MW SYSTEM EXPERIMENT software for predicting PV system energy predicts that a First
Solar BT system produces more energy than a TT system. The
A similar experiment was conducted on a commercial- root cause of the predicted energy being inconsistent with the
scale system in North America with an AC nameplate greater measured results presented in this paper is, simply put, that
than 10 MW. All arrays in this system began their life in BT PVSyst incorrectly sets diffuse and albedo shading losses to
mode. In the autumn of 2012, two of the arrays were changed 0% (only beam shading should be set to 0%). When
to TT mode (TT arrays subsequently referred to as “System
simulating a tracker in TT mode, PVSyst does model a diffuse
C” and “System D”). System C was changed to TT mode on
shading loss. The combination of these factors means that
August 30, 2012; System D was changed on September 18,
predictions run in BT mode will have artificially low shading
2012. Daily power profiles of the two TT arrays were then
compared to the median of the BT arrays on this site. Before losses, thus over-predicting energy. A similar result was
the change, these two arrays performed very similarly to the observed by Vanicek and Stein [2]. This error is true
median array in the morning and afternoon. Improvements in regardless of the module used in the prediction, and thus all
the morning power profiles compared to the median BT BT systems modeled in PVSyst will result in an overestimate
inverter are immediately noticeable after the change to TT of energy. Fig 3 depicts a comparison of the same system
mode, as is shown in Table I. The ratio of daily AC energy predicted in PVSyst, once in TT mode and once in BT mode.
production of the two TT arrays to that of the median BT array In the middle of the day, despite the two systems operating
on site was calculated before the change (Fig. 6). The median identically (as is evidenced by the lack of difference in angle
ratios before the algorithm change were compared to those of incidence), PVSyst predicts 1% - 2% more energy for the
after the algorithm change to calculate the energy gain due to BT system.
TT. On average, the two systems showed a TT energy gain of
2.1% over the median BT array.
On December 3, 2012 all arrays on site except for two
(“System E” and “System F”) were set to TT mode. Systems E

978-1-4799-3299-3/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 0793

35 1.06
Difference in Angle of Incidence 

Predicted Daily Energy Gain (TT/BT)
30 1.05
25 1.03

15 1
5 0.97
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Hour of Day

5% Fig 4. Daily ratio of TT to BT energy predicted using First

4% Solar’s internal prediction tool, ISIS, with meteorological data
Difference in Power Production (%)

3% measured at the system discussed in Section III.

1% The annual predicted gain for the multi-MW system is
0% 1.1%, which is lower than the measured gains of 2.0% - 2.5%.
‐1% 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 One possible explanation for the measured gain exceeding the
‐2% predicted gain is the increased difficulty of BT compared to
‐3% TT. TT requires less movement of actuators, and therefore less
‐4% precision in tracking than BT. That is, “tracking error” energy
‐5% losses from a theoretically ideal tracker are more likely in BT
Hour of Day
mode than in TT mode. The distributions of energy production
Fig 3. PVSyst prediction outputs. (Top) Difference in observed at the multi-MW site from nominally identical arrays
angle of incidence between BT and TT systems (BT – TT) are tighter in the TT mode (Fig. 5), which supports the theory
(Bottom) Difference in power production between BT and TT of additional tracker losses in BT mode.
systems (BT – TT). Despite the two systems operating
identically in the middle of the day, PVSyst incorrectly
predicts higher power production for the BT than TT.

PV*SOL Pro, another commercially available PV system

energy prediction tool does not allow for parallel rows of
single-axis trackers [4]. Instead, it assumes the entire array is
tracked as a single plane following the sun’s azimuth angle.
Needless to say that diffuse shading is not properly modeled
under these assumptions. PVWatts currently includes the
option to toggle between modeling tracking and fixed tilt
systems, but does not allow for modeling different tracking
algorithms [5].
First Solar has developed its own PV system energy
prediction software, ISIS, which accounts for sub-hourly
diffuse shading in both BT and TT systems. The commercial
system discussed in Section III was modeled using ISIS.
Measured weather data was input into ISIS for the time period
spanning 5/1/2012 through 4/30/2013. The ratio of daily
energy predicted for TT to that for BT is shown in Fig 3.
Consistent with the experimental results presented, ISIS yields
larger predicted energy for TT systems than BT systems. In
addition, the expected gain in winter is lower than in summer,
which is similar to what was observed with the 100kW array Fig. 5. (top) Distribution of BT inverters morning ramp on
test (Fig 2). summer day, (bottom) Reduced distribution of TT inverters
morning ramp on summer day.

978-1-4799-3299-3/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 0794

Fig 6. Daily energy gain of two arrays transitioned to TT in Fall 2012. System D was transitioned on August 30, 2012 (vertical
red line) while System C was transitioned on September 18, 2012 (vertical blue line). On December 3, 2012 (vertical black
line) all systems on site were transitioned to TT, causing an increase in the median system energy production of 2.5%.
Horizontal black lines show median daily gain values in between transitions.

Fig 7. Daily energy gain of two arrays that remained in BT mode after the rest of the arrays on site were transitioned to TT on
December 3, 2012. Horizontal black lines show median daily gain values before and after the change. The difference between
these two lines represents the energy advantage of TT over BT. In this case, the measured energy advantage of TT is 2.0%.

[1] Pancino, David, et al. “BT: A Novel Strategy for Tracking PV
Experiments run on both kW- and MW-scale PV systems Systems”. IEEE. 1991.
show that TT with First Solar modules yields 1.7% - 2.5% [2] Vanicek, Philipp and Stein, Sebastian. “Simulation of the Impact
higher annual energy than identical BT systems. TT is a viable of Diffuse Shading on the Yields of Large Scale Single Axis
option for First Solar systems but not for most c-Si systems Tracked PV-Plants”, 24th European Photovoltaic Solar
Energy Conference, 21-25 September 2009, DOI
due to intrinsically different electrical structure in First Solar 10.4229/24thEUPVSEC2009-4BV.1.39
modules (i.e., PV cell design). No commercially available PV [3] PVSyst 5.56,, Feb 4, 2013
prediction tool appropriately models the complex phenomena [4] PV*SOL Pro 4.0 R2,, Feb 4,
involved in BT. First Solar has developed its own PV system 2013
energy prediction tool which appropriately accounts for [5] PVWatts,, Feb 4,
diffuse shading and predicts 1% - 2% more energy for systems
in TT mode with First Solar modules.

978-1-4799-3299-3/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 0795

Power Profile – All Day Power Profile – Morning Only
500 Median System
System C
System D

AC Power (kW)
AC Power (kW)
August 28, 2012
All systems BT 
200 200
Median System
100 System C 100
System D
0 0
September 9, 2012 500
AC Power (kW)

AC Power (kW)
Median System and 400
System C BT 300
System D
200 200
TT Median System Median System
100 System C 100 System C
System D System D

500 500

400 400
September 20, 2012
AC Power (kW)

AC Power (kW)

Median System BT 300 300

Systems C and D TT 200 200

Median System
Median System
100 System C 100 System C
System D
System D
  0   0

978-1-4799-3299-3/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 0796

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