DNA Replication

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DNA Replication:

DNA replication: a biological process occurring in all living organisms by which a

cell duplicates its DNA into another copy that is passed on to daughter cells.
Key Points:

 DNA replication occurs at nucleus of eukaryotic cell and at nucleoid region of

prokaryotic cells.
 DNA replication takes place at S-phase of cell division

Models for DNA Replication

There were three models suggested for DNA replication: conservative, semi-conservative, and

 The conservative method of replication suggests that parental DNA remains together and
newly-formed daughter strands are also together.

 The semi-conservative method of replication suggests that the two parental DNA strands
serve as a template for new DNA and after replication, each double-stranded DNA
contains one strand from the parental DNA and one new (daughter) strand.

 The dispersive method of replication suggests that, after replication, the two daughter
DNAs have alternating segments of both parental and newly-synthesized DNA
interspersed on both strands.

 Meselson and Stahl, using E. coli DNA made with two nitrogen istopes (14N and 15N)
and density gradient centrifugation, determined that DNA replicated via the semi-
conservative method of replication.

Enzymes involved in DNA Replication:

DNA Replication in Prokaryotes
DNA replication employs a large number of proteins and enzymes, each of which plays a
critical role during the process. One of the key players is the enzyme DNA polymerase, which
adds nucleotides one by one to the growing DNA chain that are complementary to the template
strand. The addition of nucleotides requires energy; this energy is obtained from the nucleotides
that have three phosphates attached to them, similar to ATP which has three phosphate groups
attached. When the bond between the phosphates is broken, the energy released is used to form
the phosphodiester bond between the incoming nucleotide and the growing chain. In
prokaryotes, three main types of polymerases are known: DNA pol I, DNA pol II, and DNA
pol III. DNA pol III is the enzyme required for DNA synthesis; DNA pol I and DNA pol II are
primarily required for repair.

i. Origin of replication: DNA replication begins at specific nucleotide sequences called
origins of replication where replication begins (with respect to cells; eukaryotic cell contain
larger DNA so have many origin of replications, prokaryotic cell contain small DNA so only
one origin of replication).
In E. coli, which has a single origin of replication on its one chromosome (as do most
prokaryotes), it is approximately 245 base pairs long and is rich in AT sequences. The origin
of replication is recognized by certain proteins that bind to this site.
ii. Unwinding: An enzyme called helicase unwinds the DNA by breaking the hydrogen bonds
between the nitrogenous base pairs. ATP hydrolysis is required for this process. As the DNA
opens up, Y-shaped structures called replication forks are formed. Two replication forks at
the origin of replication are extended bi-directionally as replication proceeds.
iii. Prevention from winding back: Single-strand binding proteins coat the strands of DNA
near the replication fork to prevent the single-stranded DNA from winding back into a
double helix.

Formation of RNA Primer:

RNA primer is a small segment of RNA synthesized by the help of enzyme RNA primase.

DNA polymerase is able to add nucleotides only in the 5′ to 3′ direction (a new DNA strand
can be extended only in this direction). It also requires a free 3′-OH group to which it can add
nucleotides by forming a phosphodiester bond between the 3′-OH end and the 5′ phosphate of
the next nucleotide. This means that it cannot add nucleotides if a free 3′-OH group is not
available. Hence, RNA primase, synthesizes an RNA primer that is about five to ten nucleotides
long and complementary to the DNA, priming DNA synthesis. A primer provides the free 3′-
OH end to start replication. DNA polymerase then extends this RNA primer, adding
nucleotides one by one that are complementary to the template strand.

Elongation/polymerization (synthesis of new DNA strand)

The DNA polymerase add nucleotide to 3′-OH end of RNA primer and extend the DNA. The
replication fork moves at the rate of 1000 nucleotides per second.
DNA polymerase can only extend in the 5′ to 3′ direction, which poses a slight problem at the
replication fork. As we know, the DNA double helix is anti-parallel; that is, one strand is in the
5′ to 3′ direction and the other is oriented in the 3′ to 5′ direction. One strand (the leading
strand), complementary to the 3′ to 5′ parental DNA strand, is synthesized continuously
towards the replication fork because the polymerase can add nucleotides in this direction. The
other strand (the lagging strand), complementary to the 5′ to 3′ parental DNA, is extended away
from the replication fork in small fragments known as Okazaki fragments, each requiring a
primer to start the synthesis. Okazaki fragments are named after the Japanese scientist who first
discovered them.

The leading strand can be extended by one primer alone, whereas the lagging strand needs a
new primer for each of the short Okazaki fragments. The overall direction of the lagging strand
will be 3′ to 5′, while that of the leading strand will be 5′ to 3′. The sliding clamp (a ring-shaped
protein that binds to the DNA) holds the DNA polymerase in place as it continues to add

Release of tension caused due to unwinding of DNA: due to unwinding the upper DNA can
undergo tension/stress i.e. the DNA helix can become either over-wound or under-wound.
Topoisomerase prevents the over-winding of the DNA double helix ahead of the replication
fork as the DNA is opening up; it does so by causing temporary nicks in the DNA helix and
then resealing it.

As synthesis proceeds, the RNA primers are replaced by DNA. The primers are removed by
the exonuclease activity of DNA pol I, while the gaps are filled in by deoxyribonucleotides.
The nicks that remain between the newly-synthesized DNA (that replaced the RNA primer)
and the previously-synthesized DNA are sealed by the enzyme DNA ligase that catalyzes the
formation of phosphodiester linkage between the 3′-OH end of one nucleotide and the 5′
phosphate end of the other fragment.
DNA Replication in Eukaryotes
DNA replication in eukaryotes occurs in three stages: initiation, elongation, and termination,
which are aided by several enzymes.

Because eukaryotic genomes are quite complex, DNA replication is a very complicated process
that involves several enzymes and other proteins. It occurs in three main stages: initiation,
elongation, and termination.

Eukaryotic DNA is bound to proteins known as histones to form structures called nucleosomes.
During initiation, the DNA is made accessible to the proteins and enzymes involved in the
replication process. There are specific chromosomal locations called origins of replication
where replication begins. In some eukaryotes, like yeast, these locations are defined by having
a specific sequence of basepairs to which the replication initiation proteins bind. In other
eukaryotes, like humans, there does not appear to be a consensus sequence for their origins of
replication. Instead, the replication initiation proteins might identify and bind to specific
modifications to the nucleosomes in the origin region.

Certain proteins recognize and bind to the origin of replication and then allow the other proteins
necessary for DNA replication to bind the same region. The first proteins to bind the DNA are
said to “recruit” the other proteins. Two copies of an enzyme called helicase are among the
proteins recruited to the origin. Each helicase unwinds and separates the DNA helix into single-
stranded DNA. As the DNA opens up, Y-shaped structures called replication forks are formed.
Because two helicases bind, two replication forks are formed at the origin of replication; these
are extended in both directions as replication proceeds creating a replication bubble. There are
multiple origins of replication on the eukaryotic chromosome which allow replication to occur
simultaneously in hundreds to thousands of locations along each chromosome.

During elongation, an enzyme called DNA polymerase adds DNA nucleotides to the 3′ end of
the newly synthesized polynucleotide strand. The template strand specifies which of the four
DNA nucleotides (A, T, C, or G) is added at each position along the new chain. Only the
nucleotide complementary to the template nucleotide at that position is added to the new strand.

DNA polymerase contains a groove that allows it to bind to a single-stranded template DNA
and travel one nucleotide at at time. For example, when DNA polymerase meets an adenosine
nucleotide on the template strand, it adds a thymidine to the 3′ end of the newly synthesized
strand, and then moves to the next nucleotide on the template strand. This process will continue
until the DNA polymerase reaches the end of the template strand.

DNA polymerase cannot initiate new strand synthesis; it only adds new nucleotides at the 3′
end of an existing strand. All newly synthesized polynucleotide strands must be initiated by a
specialized RNA polymerase called primase. Primase initiates polynucleotide synthesis and by
creating a short RNA polynucleotide strand complementary to template DNA strand. This short
stretch of RNA nucleotides is called the primer. Once RNA primer has been synthesized at the
template DNA, primase exits, and DNA polymerase extends the new strand with nucleotides
complementary to the template DNA.

Eventually, the RNA nucleotides in the primer are removed and replaced with DNA
nucleotides. Once DNA replication is finished, the daughter molecules are made entirely of
continuous DNA nucleotides, with no RNA portions.

The Leading and Lagging Strands

DNA polymerase can only synthesize new strands in the 5′ to 3′ direction. Therefore, the two
newly-synthesized strands grow in opposite directions because the template strands at each
replication fork are antiparallel. The “leading strand” is synthesized continuously toward the
replication fork as helicase unwinds the template double-stranded DNA.

The “lagging strand” is synthesized in the direction away from the replication fork and away
from the DNA helicase unwinds. This lagging strand is synthesized in pieces because the DNA
polymerase can only synthesize in the 5′ to 3′ direction, and so it constantly encounters the
previously-synthesized new strand. The pieces are called Okazaki fragments, and each
fragment begins with its own RNA primer.

Eukaryotic chromosomes have multiple origins of replication, which initiate replication almost
simultaneously. Each origin of replication forms a bubble of duplicated DNA on either side of
the origin of replication. Eventually, the leading strand of one replication bubble reaches the
lagging strand of another bubble, and the lagging strand will reach the 5′ end of the previous
Okazaki fragment in the same bubble.

DNA polymerase halts when it reaches a section of DNA template that has already been
replicated. However, DNA polymerase cannot catalyze the formation of a phosphodiester bond
between the two segments of the new DNA strand, and it drops off. These unattached sections
of the sugar-phosphate backbone in an otherwise full-replicated DNA strand are called nicks.

Once all the template nucleotides have been replicated, the replication process is not yet over.
RNA primers need to be replaced with DNA, and nicks in the sugar-phosphate backbone need
to be connected.

The group of cellular enzymes that remove RNA primers include the proteins FEN1 (flap
endonulcease 1) and RNase H. The enzymes FEN1 and RNase H remove RNA primers at the
start of each leading strand and at the start of each Okazaki fragment, leaving gaps of
unreplicated template DNA. Once the primers are removed, a free-floating DNA polymerase
lands at the 3′ end of the preceding DNA fragment and extends the DNA over the gap.
However, this creates new nicks (unconnected sugar-phosphate backbone).

In the final stage of DNA replication, the enyzme ligase joins the sugar-phosphate backbones
at each nick site. After ligase has connected all nicks, the new strand is one long continuous
DNA strand, and the daughter DNA molecule is complete.

The End Problem of Linear DNA Replication

Linear chromosomes have an end problem. After DNA replication, each newly synthesized
DNA strand is shorter at its 5′ end than at the parental DNA strand’s 5′ end. This produces a 3′
overhang at one end (and one end only) of each daughter DNA strand, such that the two
daughter DNAs have their 3′ overhangs at opposite ends

Every RNA primer synthesized during replication can be removed and replaced with DNA
strands except the RNA primer at the 5′ end of the newly synthesized strand. This small section
of RNA can only be removed, not replaced with DNA. Enzymes RNase H and FEN1 remove
RNA primers, but DNA Polymerase will add new DNA only if the DNA Polymerase has an
existing strand 5′ to it (“behind” it) to extend. However, there is no more DNA in the 5′
direction after the final RNA primer, so DNA polymerse cannot replace the RNA with DNA.
Therefore, both daughter DNA strands have an incomplete 5′ strand with 3′ overhang.

In the absence of additional cellular processes, nucleases would digest these single-stranded 3′
overhangs. Each daughter DNA would become shorter than the parental DNA, and eventually
entire DNA would be lost. To prevent this shortening, the ends of linear eukaryotic
chromosomes have special structures called telomeres.

Telomere Replication
The ends of the linear chromosomes are known as telomeres: repetitive sequences that code for
no particular gene. These telomeres protect the important genes from being deleted as cells
divide and as DNA strands shorten during replication.

In humans, a six base pair sequence, TTAGGG, is repeated 100 to 1000 times. After each round
of DNA replication, some telomeric sequences are lost at the 5′ end of the newly synthesized
strand on each daughter DNA, but because these are noncoding sequences, their loss does not
adversely affect the cell. However, even these sequences are not unlimited. After sufficient
rounds of replication, all the telomeric repeats are lost, and the DNA risks losing coding
sequences with subsequent rounds.

The discovery of the enzyme telomerase helped in the understanding of how chromosome ends
are maintained. The telomerase enzyme attaches to the end of a chromosome and contains a
catalytic part and a built-in RNA template. Telomerase adds complementary RNA bases to the
3′ end of the DNA strand. Once the 3′ end of the lagging strand template is sufficiently
elongated, DNA polymerase adds the complementary nucleotides to the ends of the
chromosomes; thus, the ends of the chromosomes are replicated.

Telomerase and Aging

Telomerase is typically active in germ cells and adult stem cells, but is not active in adult
somatic cells. As a result, telomerase does not protect the DNA of adult somatic cells and their
telomeres continually shorten as they undergo rounds of cell division.

In 2010, scientists found that telomerase can reverse some age-related conditions in mice.
These findings may contribute to the future of regenerative medicine. In the studies, the
scientists used telomerase-deficient mice with tissue atrophy, stem cell depletion, organ failure,
and impaired tissue injury responses. Telomerase reactivation in these mice caused extension
of telomeres, reduced DNA damage, reversed neurodegeneration, and improved the function
of the testes, spleen, and intestines. Thus, telomere reactivation may have potential for treating
age-related diseases in humans.

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