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SUBJECT DESCRIPTION: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving

skills through qualitative research.

CONTENT: Nature of Inquiry and Research

CONTENT STANDARD: The leaner demonstrates understanding of: (1) the

importance of research in daily life; (2) the characteristics, processes and ethics of
research; (3) quantitative and qualitative research; and (4) the kinds of research
across fields.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner is able to use appropriate kinds of

research in making decisions.

LC Nos. 1 and 2. Shares research experiences and knowledge and explains the
importance of research in daily life.

Research is an investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and
interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or
practical application of such new or revised theories or laws (Merriam-Webster
Dictionary, Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/research).

In this activity, the students will be able to share their personal experiences
about research and cite its importance in everyday living.

ACTIVITY NO. 1 Share your Stuff!

Directions: Share your personal experiences on research by completing the table

below. Answer the guide questions that follow.

Your own Experience of Research What is the importance of this research,

(or research that you know) especially to life?

Guide Questions

1. Based on your experiences, how do you define research?

2. What are the features of a research?
3. Is research really essential in our everyday living?


How do you value research skills as consequential requirement in research



Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Retrieved from https://www.merriam-


Ragma, F. G., Research 1 and 2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research for Senior
High School, ISBN: 978-621-406-100-6 Copyright 2016 by Mindshapers Co.,

LC No. 3. Describes characteristics, processes and ethics of research.

Research involves a systematic process that focuses on being objective and
gathering a multitude of information for analysis so that the researcher can come to a
conclusion. The scientific research process is a multiple-step process where the steps
are interlinked with the other steps in the process. If changes are made in one step of
the process, the researcher must review all the other steps to ensure that the changes
are reflected throughout the process (Retrieved from

In this lesson, the students will be able to describe the characteristics, ethics
and processes of research. The students will also explain each process involving

ACTIVITY NO. 2 Follow and Build (FB) Time!

Directions: Follow each process on the cycle below and build your own mnemonic
device for you to easily remember the research process cycle. Answer the guide
questions that follow.
Process Your Ideas / Notes Term/s to be Used

My mnemonic device to easily remember the research cycle is



1. Which among the processes is the easiest step in a research? Why?

2. How about the most difficult? Why?
3. Based on the activity, what are the characteristics of a research?


How can the different processes of research be applied in your home?

in your school? in your community?



Ragma, F. G., Research 1 and 2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research for Senior
High School, ISBN: 978-621-406-100-6 Copyright 2016 by Mindshapers Co.,

LM Nos. 4 and 5. differentiates quantitative from qualitative research and provides

examples of research in areas of interest (arts, humanities, sports, science, business,
agriculture and fisheries, information and communication technology and social


Qualitative research is a method of inquiry employed in many different

academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences but also in market research
and further contexts.

Quantitative research refers to the systematic empirical investigation of social

phenomena via statistical, mathematical or numerical data or computational

In this lesson, students will be able to differentiate qualitative research from

quantitative research using different examples.

ACTIVITY NO. 3 Guess the Pic!

Directions: Analyze the given pictures and determine which is qualitative research and
quantitative research. Explain your answer on the box below the each picture.

Retrieved from https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=qualitative+versus+quantitative+research

ACTIVITY NO. 4 Tell Me What I Am?

Directions: Complete the table by checking the type of research is each of the given
item. Write your reasons why it becomes qualitative or quantitative. Answer the guide
questions that follow.

Area of Type of Research

Research Title Why?
Interest Qualitative Quantitative
Customer Service
Satisfaction in Jollibee Business
Calamba Branch
Problem Solving Ability
of Senior High School Mathematics
The Pressures of Civil
Engineers in Project Engineering
Why are Students are Social
Addicted to Computer Science,
Games? Computer
The Effectiveness of
Tawa-Tawa in Platelet


1. How do you classify each research title?

2. Based on the table above, how do you describe a qualitative research?
3. How about quantitative research?


How does qualitative research differ from the quantitative research?

What are the salient features of each type of research in terms of data,
research tools, population and treatment of data?



Ragma, F. G., Research 1 and 2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research for Senior
High School, ISBN: 978-621-406-100-6 Copyright 2016 by Mindshapers Co.,

SUBJECT DESCRIPTION: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving

skills through qualitative research.

CONTENT: Qualitative Research and Its Importance in Daily Life

CONTENT STANDARD: The leaner demonstrates understanding of: (1) the value of
qualitative research; its kinds, characteristics, uses, strengths and weaknesses; and
(2) the importance of qualitative research across fields of inquiry.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner is able to decide on suitable qualitative

research in different areas of interest.

LC Nos. 6 and 7. Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and kinds of

qualitative research and illustrates the importance of qualitative research across fields.


The aim of qualitative research is to describe and clarify experience as it is lived

and constituted in awareness (Polkinghorne, 2005).

Moreover, the context of qualitative research is human phenomena; its input

are own experiences and experiences of others and it process words which will give
a product of a better understanding of the human experiences.

In this lesson, students will be able to describe the characteristics, strengths,

weaknesses and kinds of qualitative research which will be resulted with an
understanding of the importance of qualitative research across fields.

ACTIVITY NO. 5 Let Us Explore the Process

Directions: Explore the processes involved in qualitative research and make an

acronym that will summarize the entire cycle. You can use the box below the
qualitative research process.

Whose Which layer of What question What design to

experience? experience? to ask? have?

Where to
How to validate How to analyze How many
source the
findings? the data? selection?

How to present What did I What can I

findings? learn? recommend?

My acronym that will summarize the entire qualitative process is

ACTIVITY NO. 6 Give me a Label

Directions: Study the table below that shows the kinds/designs of qualitative research.
Identify the design being illustrated in Column A. Write your answer in Column B.
Kinds/Designs of Qualitative Research
Nature of Focus of
Qualitative Selection / Product
Question Question
Design Population Realized
Asked Asked
Narrative story-oriented story 1-2
in-depth lessons
Case Study issue 1 to many
descriptive learned
20 or more
Grounded use theory of
process process theory
Theory Saturation
phenomenology essence meaning 3 - 13

*Moderatum generalization is a modest, practical generalization based on personal

experience that makes daily life possible through semblance of order and consistency
to social interaction (Payne and Williams, 2005).
Column A Column B
1. What makes students anxious of mathematics?
2. How do cooperative learning activities reduce
mathematics anxiety?
3. How do under achieving business students view
problem-solving activities?
4. What constitutes a tension-free math classroom?
5. What factors affect failures?
6. What are the research experiences of students?
7. How does a student view failure?
8. What student programs have been conceived in
9. How do students create projects?
10. To what extent has anxiety affected the lowering
self-esteem of students?

ACTIVITY NO. 7 Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses (E-SAW)

Directions: You were given an assignment by your teacher to search for strengths and
weaknesses of qualitative research. Your teacher will also ask you to group into 5 for
sharing. Additional details shall come out in brainstorming. All details shall be written
on the grid below.
Strengths Weaknesses



How would you apply your knowledge in qualitative research in solving
your personal problems (family and school)?

Ragma, F. G., Research 1 and 2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research for Senior
High School, ISBN: 978-621-406-100-6 Copyright 2016 by Mindshapers Co.,

SUBJECT DESCRIPTION: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving

skills through qualitative research.

CONTENT: Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem

CONTENT STANDARD: The leaner demonstrates understanding of: (1) the range of
research topics in the area of inquiry; (2) the value of research in the area of interest;
and (3) the specificity and feasibility of the problem posed.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner is able to formulate clearly statement of

research problem.
PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 – Code CS_RS11-IIIc-e-1 and CS_RS11-IIIc-e-2

LC Nos. 8 and 9. Designs a research project related to daily life and writes a research


Research is not just an invaluable tool in building a crucial knowledge but it is

also the most reliable way to understand the complexities of various issues in our
everyday living. Designing a research project is just like making a blueprint of our
dream houses. It always starts with the essential questions that will be resulted to a
better plans.

In this lesson, the students will be able to design a research project that will
lead them in formulating research titles through the students’ prior knowledge in the
previous lessons and activities.

ACTIVITY NO. 8 TOT - PAD! (Think of a Title by Planning a Design)

Directions: List down problems or issues that you would like to research on, then
formulate the research title. You can write your three proposed titles on the box
provided below. Ask the assistance of your teacher in finalizing your title.

Problem / Issue

Proposed Title

Approved Title

Problem / Issue

Proposed Title

Approved Title

Problem / Issue

Proposed Title

Approved Title
*Among your three titles, which would you like to work on? Why?


Why do you think research titles must be played side by side in

importance with the other meaty parts (discussion, research questions and other
important parts) of research?


Ragma, F. G., Research 1 and 2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research for Senior
High School, ISBN: 978-621-406-100-6 Copyright 2016 by Mindshapers Co.,

LC No. 10. Describes the justifications/reasons for conducting the research.


Research is a procedure for carefully finding accurate solutions to important

and relevant questions by the use of scientific method of gathering and interpreting
information. There are so many reasons for an individual is conducting a research.
One of the possible reasons is the curiosity of an individual to find answers to those
questions they have in their mind. The researchers undertake research to discover
and understand the fact underlying a phenomenon. Accordingly, curiosity for the
unknown is the fundamental stimulating element in any research.

In this lesson, the students are able to provide different reasons in conducting
research wherein the students’ skills and knowledge in the previous activities and
lessons are needed.

ACTIVITY NO. 9 Give Me your Whys…

Directions: The students will provide reason/s in conducting of each of the given
titles/topics below. Write your answers on the space provided. Answer the guide
questions that follow.

Titles/Topics Reason/s in Conducting the Research

1. Reading Comprehension Skills of

Grade 12 Students

2. Effect of Home Visitation in the

Performance of the Senior High School

3. Utilization of Contextualized Materials

in Teaching and Learning Mathematics

4. Impact of Peer-Teaching in the

Performance of Students in Science

5. Number of Students per Senior High

School Track

1. How do you provide the reason/s for each topic/title?

2. What criteria do you used in providing reason/s for each topic/lesson?

ACTIVITY NO. 10 O-CAE (Observe the Cause and Effect)

Directions: Read the statements below and identify the cause and effect. Answer the
guide questions that follow.

1. Students watched a cartoon either alone or with others and then rated how funny
they found the cartoon to be.

Cause: ________________________________________________________

Effect: ________________________________________________________

2. A comprehension test was given to students after they had studied textbook material
either in silence or with the television turned on.

Cause: ________________________________________________________

Effect: ________________________________________________________

3. Some elementary school teachers were told that a child’s parents were college
graduates, and other teachers were told that the child’s parents had not finished high
school; they then rated the child’s academic potential.

Cause: ________________________________________________________

Effect: ________________________________________________________

4. Workers at a company were assigned to one of two conditions: One group

completed a stress management training program; another group of workers did not
participate in the training. The number of sick days taken by these workers was
examined for the two subsequent months.

Cause: ________________________________________________________
Effect: ________________________________________________________
5. Students at a University were split into two groups and each received a different
text for a philosophy course. Once group received a traditional text book, while the
other received an interactive textbook on a tablet computer. After the course, the final
exam marks between the two groups of students was compared.

Cause: ________________________________________________________
Effect: _______________________________________________________


1. Was it easy or hard to identify the cause and effect from the statements/
experiment provided? Share your strategy on how you can easily identify the
cause and effect?
2. What is your brief understanding of dependent and independent variables?
3. Give the relationship behind the concept of cause and effect to the independent
and dependent variables.


How would you apply your knowledge in reasoning in giving

justifications to your personal problems (family and school)? How are independent
variables related to the dependent variables?


Ragma, F. G., Research 1 and 2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research for Senior
High School, ISBN: 978-621-406-100-6 Copyright 2016 by Mindshapers Co.,
PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 – Code CS_RS11-IIIc-e-4 and CS_RS11-IIIc-e-7

LC Nos. 11 and 14. States research questions and presents written statement of the


A research question is the fundamental core of a research project, study or

review of literature. It focuses the study, determines the methodology and guides all
stages of inquiry, analysis and reporting. The life of any research endeavor is always
the research question. It is said to be the life of the entire research projects.

In this lesson, students are able to state research questions through presenting
the written statement of the problem. The previous lessons are necessary for you to
accomplish the give tasks.

ACTIVITY NO. 11 Your Problem is the Problem!

Directions: Using your approved research title on the previous activity (Activity No. 8
TOT - PAD!), list down the possible questions. You can ask the assistance of your
teacher in finalizing your problem/s.
Your proposed statement of the problem

Your approved statement of the problem

ACTIVITY NO. 12 Let’s Play DOTA! (Decide on the Acronym)

Directions: The characteristics of the statement of the problem are enumerated below.
Your task is to create an acronym that will summarize the given characteristics. Write
your answer on the circle for each item. Then, answer the guide questions that follow.

The main problem is stated in declarative form and should reflect the title; integral with
it is the objective of the study. Teh specific problems are written in question form.

The questions must match the thrusts of query of the interview or observation

In qualitative research, one central question is allowed, provided it already

encompasses the entire thrust of the research.

Limit the questions on what the research wants to find out.

This section should be written in the present tense.


1. How do you write your research problem?

2. What difficulties do you encounter in stating your research problem?
3. What do you think is the most important among the characteristics of a
research question? Why?


If you have to create a statement of your personal problem (school,

home or community), how would you formulate it?


Ragma, F. G., Research 1 and 2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research for Senior
High School, ISBN: 978-621-406-100-6 Copyright 2016 by Mindshapers Co.,
PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 – Code CS_RS11-IIIc-e-5 and CS_RS11-IIIc-e-6

LC Nos. 12 and 13. Indicates scope and delimination of research and cites benefits
and beneficiaries of research.

Research is usually limited in scope by sample size, time and geographic area.
While the delimitation of study is the description of the scope of study. It will explain
why definite aspects of a subject were chosen and why others were excluded.
(Retrieved from http://thesisnotes.com/thesis-writing/sample-scope-and-delimitation/)

Benefits and beneficiaries of research provide information to the reader on how

the study will contribute. It must be specifically stated, however, what the study will
contribute and who will benefit from it.

In this lesson, students are able to provide the scope and delimination of the
study and cite the benefits as well as the beneficiaries of research through performing
the given tasks that follow.

ACTIVITY NO. 13 Let’s Have a DATE (Delimination and the Entities)

Directions: Using your approved title in Activity No. 8 (TOT - PAD!) and your approved
research problem in Activity No. 10 (Your Problem is the Problem!), provide the
necessary information for each item. Write your answers on the spaces provided.

1. What is the main topic/subject of your research from the approved title?

2. What are the sub-variables of the study that limits the variables which are needed
to be discussed in your paper?

3. What would be the output of the study after it is conducted or implemented?

4. Who are the respondents and how many are they?

5. When will be the conduct of the study?


6. Who are the beneficiaries of the results of your research?


*Summarize your answers / responses from questions numbers 1 to 6.


ACTIVITY NO. 14 Cross-Out the BAD

(Beneficiaries and Delimination)

Directions: Read each title/topic on Column A and cross-out the beneficiary/ies in

Column B (you can cross-out more than one option) and write your delimination for
each item. Answer the guide questions that follow.

Research Title / Topic Beneficiaries Delimination



1. Reading Comprehension Skills of Senior
High School Students

2. Participation of Parents in School Activities

3. Drugs Awareness Campaign of Calamba


4. Effects of Home Visitation in the

Performance of the Grade 12 Students

5. Status of the Senior High School

Implementation in Calamba City


1. What do you think are the benefits of the students, teachers, parents,
community and other stakeholders and on the given topics?
2. How do you provide the scope and delimination for each topic/title?

ACTIVITY NO. 15 Give me an Importance

Directions: From the activity sheet provided below, you need to identify who are the
persons who will benefit from your study/research to be conducted. Fill out the blanks
to provide the importance of the research for them. Answer the guide questions that

Approved Research Title


Do you think the students like you will benefit from the results of the study? In what
way they will benefit from the research results?

Do you think your teachers will benefit from the results of the study? In what way they
will benefit to the research results?

Do you think school administrators will benefit from the result of the study? In what
way they will benefit to the research results?

Do you think the community will benefit to the result of the study? In what way they will
benefit to the research results?

Who are the other group of persons that will benefit to the result of the study? In what
way they will benefit to the research results?

Do you think future researchers will benefit to the result of the study? In what way they
will benefit to the research results?


1. Based on what is written above, who are the only group of persons considered
who will benefit to your study?
2. Why some of the suggested above were not considered? If there is any.
3. In general, what is/ are the importance of conducting this research?


What do you think are the benefits of knowing your scope and
delimitations as a Senior High School student?


Ragma, F. G., Research 1 and 2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research for Senior
High School, ISBN: 978-621-406-100-6 Copyright 2016 by Mindshapers Co.,

SUBJECT DESCRIPTION: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving

skills through qualitative research.

CONTENT: Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature

CONTENT STANDARD: The leaner demonstrates understanding of: (1) the criteria in
selecting, citing and synthesizing related literature; and (2) ethical standards in writing
related literature.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner is able to: (1) select, cite and synthesize
properly related literature; (2) use sources according to ethical standards; and (3)
present written review of related literature.
PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 – Code CS_RS11-IIIf-j-1, CS_RS11-IIIf-j-2 and

LC Nos. 15, 16 and 19. Selects relevant literature, cites related literature using
standard style (APA, MLA or Chicago Manual of Style) and follows ethical standards
in writing related literature.


A literature review is the effective evaluation of selected documents on a

research topic. A review may form an essential part of the research process or may
constitute a research project in itself. In the context of a research paper, the literature
review is a critical synthesis of previous research. The evaluation of the literature leads
logically to the research question. (Retrieved from http://www.ais.up.ac.za/med/

Literature are readings, concepts taken from books, articles among others
(except for researches) that relate to the main variables of the study.

Studies are readings, findings even conclusions of previous researches that

have direct bearing to the study.

In this lesson, students are able to select relevant literature and follow ethical
standards in writing literature and studies by properly citing it using the APA, MLA or
Chicago Manual of Style. The previous lessons are needed for you to accomplish the
given tasks.

ACTIVITY NO. 16 ELASTIC (Exploring Literature and Studies

through Identifying the Concepts)

Directions: Since you already have your title, research problem, scope and
delimination in the previous activities, you can now provide supporting documents by
finding related literature and studies. Complete the table below by supplying the
necessary information needed. Answer the guide questions that follow.

Related Literature Findings,
Research Title Variables
and Studies Conclusions,

1. How do you identify the variables of your approved title?

2. What materials do you used to gather concepts about your title?
3. What are the criteria you used in identifying your related literature and

ACTIVITY NO. 17 I can Do that!

Directions: Students will be asked to bring books, soft copies or hard copies of pdf/
word format files, journals, magazines and research studies. Make it sure that the
material they will bring will focus on a certain topic they are interested of working,
preferably the variables of their study. With this, they will be asked to complete the
form below. Answer the guide questions that follow.

Variable or Topic to be discussed: ________________________________________


Author/s: ____________________________________________________________
Article/Book Title: _____________________________________________________


Name: _____________________________________________________________
Date Issued: ___________ Volume & Series __________ Page Number:_______
Website Link / URL: ___________________________________________________

What does this article/book examine? (Brief Summary)


How does the author study the issue/ topic/ variable concerned?

What are the findings or results?


Is there unanswered questions in the research/ article/ topic that may lead you for
further research? Explain further.

*Note: You will use this sheet in every article/ book to be examined.


1. How many articles you reviewed within an hour?

2. Are these articles interrelated?
3. In what way the discussion is similar? What makes them differ?

ACTIVITY NO. 18 Let’s Take it OBO (One-by-One)

Directions: Read the guidelines for APA citation and rewrite the sample literature
review provided after. Answer the guide questions that follow.
In-text Citations Guidelines

 Work by one author, first citation: (See A)

 Work by two authors, parenthetical, first citation: (See B)
 Work by four authors, parenthetical, subsequent citation: (See C)
 If neither year nor page number is included, use the author’s name, n.d., n.p.
(Powers, n.d., n.p.).


Headings help you organize the text for readers. The levels of headings are all
the same font size, arranged as follows:

Level 1: Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading (See D)

Level 2: Flush Left, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading (See E)
Level 3: Indented, boldface, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period.

Citing Secondary Sources

To cite information that your source has taken from another source, put the
original author of the information in the text and write “as cited in” in your in-text
citation, followed by the author, date, and page number (if it is a direct quotation) of
the work where the material was found. (See F)

The sample literature below is from Wang, Qingya; Chen, Wei; and Liang, Yu,
"The Effects of Social Media on College Students" (2011).


It is important to master the manner of citing the source in the review of the
related literature. This practice will help us be free from plagiarism. So, if you fully
understood the guidelines discussed and linked to the given example in the box. This
time you are given a set of related literature about Leadership Styles. Arrange and
rewrite the statements using APA guidelines of effective research citation.

The literature review below are excerpt from the research conducted by
Ching, D. (2015) entitled Leadership Styles, Ethical Behavior and Job Satisfaction of
Public Secondary School Principals: Basis for School Development Plan

Leadership Style

Singh & Manser (2002)

Effective leadership is an essential component in the
organizational structure of schools. In dealing with subordinates,
superiors need to be mindful of the legislated values such as democracy,
transparency, accountability, and mutual respect. Top-down, one sided
“instructions” are not conducive to effective communication, but are seen
to be hostile and counterproductive.

Evans (2001)
Educational managers as leaders have as much responsibility
towards the staff they lead and manage, as they do towards the learners
in the institution. She maintains that the principal’s teacher-centered
leadership ought to focus on the individuals who make up the staff and
aim at developing a professional work ethic based on tolerance,
cooperation, compromise and consideration for others.

Judge and Piccolo (2004) from the study of Rodriguez, Marcos & Alonzo
Many studies have investigated the effects of transformational
leadership at an individual level. In particular, individual perceptions of
supervisors' transformational leadership related positively to job
satisfaction in numerous investigations. Transformational leaders show
individualized consideration, and are thereby able to recognize and
respond “to each individual's abilities, aspirations, and needs”. They
adjust their inspirational motivation and idealized influence behavior to
the specific goals and interests of individual followers, and ensure that
each individual follower is able to voice concerns through intellectually
stimulating behavior.


1. What is the first step you need to consider in preparing the literature to be
2. In citing the author of the article, is it necessary to completely write the first
3. What are the years covered to be considered timely for related literature?
4. Why do you think we need to follow the APA style for a good related
literature review presentation?

In solving problems, why is it necessary to classify the variables?

What is the perfect mood of the researcher in examining related literature?


Ching D. (2015). Leadership Styles, Ethical Behavior and Job Satisfaction of Public
Secondary School Principals: Basis for School Development Plan

Evans, L. 2001. Delving deeper into morale, job satisfaction and motivation among
professionals. Educational Management and Administration, 29(3):291-306.

http://www.ais.up.ac.za/med/ tnm800/tnmwritingliteraturereviewlie.htm



Judge, T. A., & Piccolo, R. F. (2004). Transformational and transactional leadership:

A meta-analytic test of their relative validity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89,

Ragma, F. G., Research 1 and 2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research for Senior
High School, ISBN: 978-621-406-100-6 Copyright 2016 by Mindshapers Co.,

Singh, P. &Manser, P.G. (2002) Collegiality in education: a case study. South African
Journal of Education, 22(1):56-64.

Skinner, J. Q. OWL Writing Center at Purduque University

Utah Valley University. APA: In-text Citations. A Manual 6th edition. goo.gl/ENqstO

Wang, Qingya; Chen, Wei; and Liang, Yu, (2011) "The Effects of Social Media on
College Students". MBA Student Scholarship. Paper 5.
PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 – Code CS_RS11-IIIf-j-3, CS_RS11-IIIf-j-4 and

LC Nos. 17, 18 and 20. Synthesizes information from relevant literature, writes
coherent review of literature and presents written review of literature.


A review of the literature has the following functions: (1) to justify your choice
of research question, theoretical or conceptual framework, and method; (2) to
establish the importance of the topic; (3) to provide background information needed to
understand the study; (4) to show readers you are familiar with significant and/or
up-to-date research relevant to the topic; and (5) to establish your study as one link in
a chain of research that is developing knowledge in your field (Retrieved from

The review traditionally provides a historical overview of the theory and the
research literature, with a special emphasis on the literature specific to the thesis topic.
It serves as well to support the argument/proposition behind your thesis, using
evidence drawn from authorities or experts in your research field.

In this lesson, students are able to write, present and synthesize information
from relevant literature that will support the research paper.

ACTIVITY NO. 19 Time to Classify AD (Approved or Disapproved)

Directions: There are statements in Column A which are necessary in writing related
literature for research. Check Column B if you are approved with the statement or
Column C if not. If your assessment to the statement is bad, then write the statement
in Column D to make it a good way in writing related literature review.

Column B Column C
Column A Column D
Approved Disapproved
1. Literature Review rambles from
topic to topic without a clear
2. Literature Review includes the
major landmark or classic studies
related to the questions guiding
the study.
3. Literature Review
acknowledges the author’s biases
as well as the limitations of the
review process.
4. Literature Review simply
summarizes research findings
without critical evaluation.
5. Literature Review simply lists
studies without presenting any
critical evidence in the form of
quotes, illustrations, graphs,
and/or tables.
6. Literature Review will never
see the light of day.
7. Literature Review has an
accurate and up-to-date
bibliography that adheres to
recognized style Guidelines.
8. Literature Review takes the
form of a logical argument that
concludes with a clear rationale
for additional research.
9. Literature Review is boring or
obtuse because of the overuse of
jargon and pretentious language
and the lack of organization.
10. Literature Review mixes
studies from different decades
without acknowledging
chronological developments.


1. How many approved statements you got from the activity? How about
2. Did the activity have given you the idea of constructing a good review of
3. Is there any other limitation that needs to consider in writing a good review of
literature that is not a part of the discussion in the activity?


How is the review of related literature important in the development

of research topics?


Differences between a Good and a Poor Literature Review



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