Practical Research 1 - Learning Activity Sheets

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NAME: __________________________________ Teacher:____________________

Grade and Section:______________________ Score: ___/___

Learning Activities Sheet

Activity 1: Identify the Importance of Research across all fields of study.

Instructions: Using the illustrations and statement below, write “A” if the symbol shows the
importance of research related to exposing the truth, “B” if it improves the quality of human life, “C”
if it saves a life, “D” if it is gathers necessary information, and “E” if it is humanity. Write your answer
before each number.

1. Making vaccine for COVID 19

2. Carefully studying the situation to know where COVID


3.Going to different places to understand their culture.

4.Coming up with technology to make life easy.

5.Using the internet and other social media platform to get


Activity 2: TRUE of FALSE.

Instructions: Read each statement carefully. Write T if it is True, F if otherwise. Write your
answer before each number.
1. Research provides us a narrow understanding on a particular problem.
2. Research makes a man’s life simple and easy.
3. Research continues to provide us a safer life.
4. Research provides us a narrow understanding on a particular problem.
5. Research makes a man’s life simple and easy.
Instructions: Relate the insights gained to real life scenarios. Answer the
question below as honestly as possible.

1. How does research affect your decisions in life? Relate your experiences
and decision making to the results of research and for the effect of such
researches to the decisions you do every day.


In a 1/8 illustration board, present how would research address the pandemic the world is
facing today, through a poster-slogan. Show what researchers can do to solve the problem. In making
your slogan, be guided with the rubric below:
Criteria Very Good Good Fair Poor Score
5 4 3 2
Required The poster includes All required Only few Attractiveness
Elements all required elements are required
elements as well as included on the elements are
additional poster. missing on the
information. poster.
Attrractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of of design, layout attractive though messy or very
design, layout, and and neatness. it may be a bit poorly designed.
neatness. messy. It is not
Slogan The slogan has the The slogan has The slogan does The slogan does
required number of the required not meet the not follow the
words. It is original number of words. required number required number
and catchy. It is original but of words. of words. It is
not catchy. However, it is not original and
catchy but not catchy.
Graphics – All graphics are All graphics are All graphics Graphics do not
Relevance related to the topic related to the relate to the relate to the
and make it easier to topic and most topic. One or two topic or several
understand. All make it easier to borrowed borrowed
borrowed graphics understand. Some graphics have graphics do not
have note about graphics have a sources noted. have a source
their source. note about their citation.
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose and encircle the letter of the best
1. How does research become important to humanity?
a. It makes our lives easy and comfortable.
b. Researchers makes money out of it.
c. We are required to take this subject.
2. How can research save lives?
a. provides no solution to our health problems
b. saves live because it is harmless
c. provides medical explanations and probable solutions3. How does research
improve our lives?
a. continuous development of technology
b. using limited practices and technology
c. using old practices and technology.
4. What is the best example of exploring culture of individuals?
a. development of cellphone b. space travel. c. understanding cultural

5. Who is the main beneficiary of research?

a. dogs b. humanity c. animals
6. How does research provide answers to our inquiries?
a. drawing through intuitionb. making introduction. c. inferring through
7. How does research serve as a medium of understanding the culture of others?
a. Research provides benefits to people.
b. Research becomes a platform or method.
c. Researcher just reflects without evidence.188. In what way, does research
gather information?
a. through interviews, observations and survey
b. through interviews only
c. through observations only
9. Why truth is the main aim of conducting research?
a. to seek for limitations b. to seek for the truth c. to know one’s purpose
10. What is the best explanation for why we are conducting research?
a. to improve our lives. b. make money out of it. c. doesn’t have anything
to do.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

 To learn how to work independently
 To learn how to work scientifically
 To have an in-depth knowledge of something
 To elevate your mental abilities by letting you think in higher-order thinking
(HOTS) of inferring, evaluating, synthesizing, appreciating, applying and
 To have an in-depth knowledge of something
 To elevate your mental abilities by letting you think in higher-order thinking
strategies (HOTS) of inferring, evaluating, synthesizing, appreciating,
applying and creating
 To free yourself, to a certain extent, from domination or strong influence of a
single textbook or of the professor’s lone viewpoint or spoon feeding.


1. Research provides a scientific basis for any practice or methodology in any field
of discipline
2. Research develops tools for assessing effectiveness of any practice and
3. Research impacts Decision making.
4. Research provides solutions to a problem concerning almost all issues
encountered in the different areas of work.
5. Research may help to advance the personal and professional qualifications of a


1. To gather necessary information
2. Improving Standard of Living
3. For a Safer Life
4. To know the Truth
5. Explore Our History & Humanity
6. Understanding Arts
Activity I. Write your own idea about research. Use the graphic organizer below. An example is already


Example: Research is
searching for

Activity II. Identify two examples of product innovations or inventions in your area/barangay which
improved the quality of life. Use the table below for your answer. An example is already given as your
guide. Make a 10 possible category.

Category Then Now Explanation
Mode of Wooden cart pulled by a cars Easier and faster movement
transportation carabao from one place to another
Activity III. VALUING. Relate the insights gained to real life scenarios. Answer the questions below as
honestly as possible.

1. How does research affect your decisions in life? Relate your experiences and decision making to the
results of researches and for the effect of such researches to the decisions you do every day.
2. How does research facilitate in finding solutions to real-life problems?

3. How would research address the pandemic the world is facing today? Write down what researchers
can do to solve the problem.
Activity IV. VALUING. Ponder on the lesson which you have learned.
1. Using the timeliness characteristic of research, how would you start your research in battling Covid 19?
Write your five-ten (5-10) sentence paragraph in your notebook.

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