The Tallest Building in Mexico City Torre Mayor Mexico City, Mexico

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A. Rahimian, Ph.D.,PE r and E. M. Romero, MS.,PE 12)

Principal, The Cantor Seinuk Group,

New York, NY 10022, USA
2 General Director, Enrique Martinez Romero, SA,
Mexico City, Mexico


The design of the tallest building in Mexico City Js presented here. The seismic design approach
utilized in this project offers an innovative concept in absorption of seismic energy for tall buildings.
Soil-structure interaction analysis and Site-specific Spectral analysis were pertb~xned to obtain realistic
information with respect to seismicity and building response. Three dimensional computer model using
nonlinear viscous supplemental damping elements was created to obtain structure response to time
history ground excitation as well as spectral analysis.


Tall Building, Seismic Design, Composite Structure, Viscous Damper, Energy Absorption, Mexico


The building is a fifty seven story office tower currently under construction (1998) at the Paseo de la
Reforrna between Rio Rodano and Rio Elba, adjacent to the Chapultepec Park in Mexico City. The
tower, reaching a height of 225 m above ground (Fig.l), will be the tallest building in Mexico and
South America. Nine above ground parking levels are provided in addition to four below ground
parking levels. The tower is designed according to the latest Mexico City Building Code (MCBC)(1,2),
and its seismic provisions are among the most stringent requirements worldwide. It also complies the
Uniform Building Code-1994 (UBC-94)(3), and several of the latest FEMA-267 (4) provisions
proposed after the Northridge Earthquake in California.

The building has an 80mx80m footprint at below grade levels and it reduces to an 80mx65m-footprint
from fourth to 10'h levels. Above the 10'h level the tower plan is further reduced to its typical tower size

756 A. Rahimian and E.M. Romero
of 48mx 36m. The tower floor plate is a geometrical combination of a rectangle merged with an arch
segment at the south side of the building forming a curved fagade at the south face, (Fig.2). Office
floors are located at levels 11 to 53. The tower also houses a heliport at the main roof.

Seismic forces are obtained according to the Mexico City Building Code (MCBC) regulations for site
seismicity Zone II/III and building classification Type B. A Site Specific Response Spectra study was
performed at the Instituto de Ingenieria (UNAM) (5,6). The final seismic design of the building was
according to the Site Specific Response Spectra, developed in compliance with the MCBC.

Structural System

The building's superstructure is primarily a steel structure. The columns at the interior and perimeter of
the tower are encased in reinforced concrete for the lower half of the tower for added stiffness,
strength, and economy.

Typical floor framing is comprised of 3 inch deep composite metal deck with 2 1/2 inches of concrete
supported on steel framing connected via shear studs. Thicker slabs are used at mechanical floors and
ceiling to carry higher loads and to improve sound insulation. Electrified metal deck is specified for
electrical wiring. A special detail at the trench header was required to ensure adequate diaphragm
action in this weakened zone. The tower's steel columns are encased in concrete up to the 30 'h floor at
the perimeter and up to the 35 'h floor in the core area.

The project has a four story under ground parking structure, placing the lowest level 15m below grade.
A flat slab system with reinforced concrete and composite columns (steel columns encased in concrete)
is utilized for the below grade structure.


The foundation for the tower is a combination caisson/mat system. The building is founded on caissons
of up 1.2m in diameter reaching 40m down to the hard rock layer of "depoitos profundos" existing
below the soft deposit layers typically found in Mexico City.

The reinforced concrete mat system connects all the caissons and an 800mm_foundation wall at the
lowest basement level. The design incorporates a degree of redundancy to ensure uniform action under
the most severe earthquake forces. The concrete mat thickness varies from 1.0m to 2.5m thick under
the tower core columns where load concentration is the highest (Fig.3). Slurry foundation walls are
specified for the project due to the poor soil condition and high water table. The 600mm slurry walls
are to be placed prior to the site excavation and are augmented by a 200mm concrete liner wall to be
placed during the construction of the underground structure.

Lateral System

The lateral system selected for this project evolved from a series of studies of alternate structural
concepts. More than twenty five different structural systems were studied during the preliminary phase
of the project in order to establish the merits of each structural system under the severe seismic
conditions of Mexico City.
The Tallest Building in Mexico City." Torre Mayor, Mexico City, Mexico 757
The selected structural system is based on a redundant multiple system, which is a further enhancement
of the "Dual" concept recommended by seismic codes worldwide. This is accomplished by introducing
a "Dual" conventional (deflection sensitive) lateral force resisting system in combination with a
supplemental damping system (velocity sensitive). In effect, a "Trio" system is provided to respond to
the seismic energy from an earthquake. Figure 4 shows a computer generated 3-dimensional model of
the lateral system.

The "Trio" system is composed of a primary super braced frame at the perimeter of the tower coupled
with a perimeter moment frame forming a tube system, and a trussed tube at the core of the building.
The bracing connecting the composite core columns creates a structural spine in the building core. The
perimeter frame and the powerful super-diagonal system create an efficient tube structure joining the
spine in resisting the seismic forces. This system is augmented by a series of supplemental viscous
dampers placed in North-South and East-West directions.

Various studies were performed for the selection of the dampers with respect to the type of damper as
well as the capacity and location of the dampers. In the North-South direction, a total of 72 dampers
are placed within the core truss system (Fig.5). A total of 24 dampers are placed as part of the
perimeter bracing system. In the East-West direction dampers are placed at the North and South
perimeter of the tower. Dampers are placed in such a configuration as to optimize their performance.
The theory and concept behind the optimization of the proposed damping system is explained
elsewhere (7). This optimization attempts to improve the effectiveness of the dampers by increasing the
dampers differential velocity for a given inter-story sway and velocity. This is accomplished by
reversing the orientation of axial velocity of the columns adjacent to the dampers. This increases the
net differential velocity of the damper. This could be physically achieved by modifying the placement
of the dampers by placing them between two lateral system comprised of truss system, frame system or
wall system or any combination of them (Fig. 10).

The selected structural alternative incorporates supplemental damping devices that are highly effective
in reducing the impact of seismic motion on the structure as well as on the non-structural elements (i.e.
architectural and mechanical components). The supplemental damping reduces the overall and inter-
story sway of the tower, as well as the vibration and the seismic forces of the structural elements.

The damping elements reduce the building response by absorbing and dissipating a significant portion
of the seismic energy transmitted to the building and consequently reducing the ductility demand on
the steel framing. They also add to occupants' comfort level against sway perception, during either
high wind or moderate levels of earthquake shaking.

The stiffness and load carrying capacity of the tower columns is enhanced by encasing them in
concrete up to mid-height of the tower where demands on strength and stiffness are higher. The
concrete encasement of core columns extends five floors above the perimeter columns in order not to
create a sudden change in inter-story floor stiffness.


During the schematic phase, the structure was studied with and without the supplemental damping
system in order to ascertain quantitatively the advantages of the supplemental damping system with
respect to building performance, under a seismic event. Figure 6 shows the sway response of the tower
758 A. Rahimian and E.M. Romero
under a seismic excitation with Richter magnitude of 8.2 for the structure with and without the
supplemental damping system.

Viscous damping units made by Taylor Device, Inc. were selected after studying various damping
systems for this project. The structure using the supplemental viscous damping elements produces
equivalent damping ratios (as percentage of critical damping) of 8.5% in the North-South and 12% in
the East-West direction for the fundamental modes of vibration.

Time history analysis, using impulse excitation, was used to evaluate the equivalent damping of the
system. Damping ratios were obtained by evaluating the decay function of the response time history.
Figures 7 and 8 show the response of the tower to an impulse loading in both primary directions. As a
crosscheck, the damping calibration was verified by comparing time history responses of the structure
with dampers with that of a system with equivalent modal damping.

Bracing of the structure follows a Super-X configuration at the East and West faces where the X covers
the entire width of the tower. At North and South faces two sets of Super-X's were introduced. No
bracing is placed with in the two center bays, except at three locations where a set of diagonals forms a
diamond shape connecting the Super-X systems (Fig.9). The dampers in the North and South faces are
placed at these diamond bracing locations. This in effect enhances the damping system's performance
by creating a damped link between the Super-X systems. Additional fine-tuning of the secondary link
element was necessary to emphasize the basic concept of damped link element (7).

Site-Specific Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis

The building is located in seismic zone II, at the border between seismic zone II and seismic zone III,
as defined by the Mexico City Building Code. Zone III is the MCBC's most severe seismic zone.

A site-specific spectral analysis and soil-structure analysis were performed at the Instituto de Ingenieria
UNAM (5,6) to establish a more accurate design spectra reflecting the nature of the site and its
interaction with the proposed structure. Fig. 10 shows a comparison of the site-specific spectra with the
design spectra specified by the MCBC. The code specified spectra are free field, while the site-specific
spectra shown here are based on the soil structure interaction result. Site-specific spectra were obtained
at the surface level and at the foundation level. Also, a free field spectrum was obtained as a source of
comparison with the code spectra, as shown on Fig.10. Design spectra were obtained for the damping
ratios of 8.5% and 12%.

Seismic Analysis and Design: Analysis

A three-dimensional computer model of the lateral system was generated using SAP2000 structural
analysis software (Fig.4). This model included the steel and composite members as well as the damper
elements for the time history analysis.

The analysis and design were performed based on spectral analysis using damped design spectra.
However, an independent design check was made using the seismic forces obtained for time history
analysis to reveal areas with higher seismic force demand. In effect, the envelope of the forces from
spectral and time history analysis was used for design of the structure. Seven series of time history
ground accelerations were generated using the SIMQKE program (9) from the site-specific spectrum
obtained from the soil-structure study (Fig. 11).
The Tallest Building in Mexico City." Torre Mayor, Mexico City, Mexico 759
Time history analysis with viscous damping elements was performed using SAP2000 program using
the Ritz Vector approach and including 365 mode shapes. Sufficient mode shapes were provided to
capture the activities of all 96 dampers in the structure. The distribution of the energy between various
components of elastic, kinetic, and damping energies, during a seismic event is shown in Fig.12. This
figure shows the significant contribution provided by the supplemental dampers.


A ductility factor of one (R=I) was used throughout the study for both spectral and time history
analyses and design. Joint size effect as well as panel zone deformation was considered in the frame
analysis. The flexibility of beam, column and panel zone assembly was studied using an in-house
program (8). The sizes of equivalent rigid offsets are obtained and input in the SAP2000 model (10).
The structural elements were designed to satisfy strength and stiffness (sway criteria) as per MCBC.

While the seismic design concept of this project did not rely on the ductility of the system, numerous
measures were taken to enhance the ductility of the structure as a result of findings after the Northridge
Earthquake of 1985. Measures were taken to enhance the performance of the connections, such as
using electrodes with better material ductility having a minimum CVN of 201b-ft at 70 F also
increasing access holes beyond the minimum requirement of AISC, removing the backer bar at the
bottom flange and grinding the full penetration welds smooth, etc.

Special Features

A special floor diaphragm system was designed at the 10'h level where the structure's footprint
increases to include the low rise parking structure. The paths for the lateral force transfer between
tower lateral system and additional low rise lateral systems were studied and designed to accommodate
the diaphragm action.

The floor plates below level 10 are set back to allow for an open space plaza and lobby entrance at the
South side of the building. This is done in such a way as to form an arch with its apex at the 10th level
(Fig. 1). The free standings columns and beams in this zone were sized to maintain a similar stiffness
and strength to the floors above and the frame at the north face of the tower. A set of detailed
computer models was generated to provide a tool for the calibration of the sizes of the beams and
columns. Column elements are comprised of two coupled circular composite columns providing
sufficient strength and stiffness to span vertically between the bracing levels.

Seismic Study for Construction Phase

Dynamic studies were performed to verify the structural performance at various stages of construction
under the design seismic event. Site specific seismic studies were performed for building constructed
to the 10th level and the 23 rd level. Obviously, the period of the building at these stages is shorter than
the final condition. Also effect of supplemental dampers was not considered for building reaching up to
23 rd level. However, the partial mass associated with the constructed portion would compensate the
impact from the change in period.
760 A. Rahimian and E.M. Romero
Wind Study

The building is also designed to resist wind loads as specified by the Mexico City Building Code
(MCBC). Additional safety and occupants comfort were ensured by performing a wind tunnel test. The
result of the wind tunnel test provided detailed wind load information by modeling the microclimate of
the site. The wind tunnel study was conducted at the University of Western Ontario's Boundary Layer
Wind Tunnel Laboratory (11).


1. Reglamento de Construcciones Para el Distrito Federal, Centro de Actualizacion Perofesional.

(1987). Mexico, D.F.,

2. Normas Technicas Complementarias del Reglamento de Construccion Para el Distrito Federal,

Centro de Actualizacion Perofesional. (1987). Mexico, D.F.

3. Uniform Building Code, UBC-1994, International Conference of Building Officials, California

4. Federal emergency Management Agency "Interim Guidelines and Advisory No. 1", FEMA 267 and
FEMA 267A, 1997

5. Romo M. P. (1994). Espectros de Campo Libre Para el Sitio del Proyecto Chapultepec. Instituto de
Ingenieria UNAM, Mexico, D.F.

6. Romo M. P. Ovando E. (1994). Propiedades Dinamicas y Estaticas de Los Suelos del sitio Proyecto
Chapultepec. Instituto de Ingenieria UNAM, Mexico, D.F.

7. Rahimian A. (1997). Coupled Truss Wall with Damped Link Elements. Proceeding of International
Conference on High Technology Buildings, Sao Paulo, Brazil

8. Rahimian A. (1986). Panel Joint Size Effect, The Cantor Seinuk Group, P.C., New York, USA

9. SIMQKE User's Manual and Documentation. (1976). Department of Civil Engineering,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA

10. SAP2000 User's Manual. Analysis Reference. (1996). Computer and Structures, Inc., California,
11. Isymov N. Mikitiuk M. (1997). Wind Engineering Studies for the Chapultepec Office Tower, The
Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, The University of Western Ontario, Report# BLWT-
The Tallest Building in Mexico City." Torre Mayor, Mexico City, Mexico 761


762 A. Rahimian and E.M. Romero

Fig. 3

Fig. 2
The Tallest Building in Mexico City." Torre Mayor, Mexico City, Mexico 763
764 A. Rahimian and E.M. Romero
The Tallest Building in Mexico City." Torre Mayor, Mexico City, Mexico 765

Disp. Response in X

700 / ! .

600 i


*,, 400 /
9 i I

~ :300



,. ,

O:i:O 1CI.0 2C).0. 3C).0 4C).).0 5s

-100 -

Disp. (in)

Without dampers --- With Dampers I

Fig. 6
766 A. Rahimian and E.M. Romero

Disp. Response in Y




i i m

'T" 300 L----Z


(Y~ 1().0 2C).0 3Ci.0 4C .0 5C 0

Disp. (in)
I - - Without Dampers .... With Dampers]

Fig. 7
The Tallest Building in Mexico City." Torre Mayor, Mexico City, Mexico 767

Fig. 8a

Fig. 8b
768 A. Rahimian and E.M. Romero

Fig. 9a

Fig. 9b
The Tallest Building in Mexico City." Torre Mayor, Mexico City, Mexico 769
770 A. Rahimian and E.M. Romero
The Tallest Building in Mexico City." Torre Mayor, Mexico City, Mexico 771

Fig. 12
772 A. Rahimian and E.M. Romero
The Tallest Building in Mexico City." Torre Mayor, Mexico City, Mexico 773

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