Week 12 - Prestressed Concrete - Part 2

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Unit 4: Pre-Stressed Concrete

Structures – Part 2

Structural System and Design - V

• Axial and eccentric pre-stressing
• Bending of cables
• Anchoring devices
• Calculation of Pre-stressing force
Axial and Eccentric Prestressing
Axial Prestressing
• In concentric or axial prestressing members, the entire cross-
section of concrete has a uniform compressive prestress.
• In this type, the centroid of the tendon coincides with that of the
concrete section.
Axial and Eccentric Prestressing
Eccentric Prestressing
• In eccentric prestressing, tendons are eccentric to the centroid,
resulting in a triangular or trapezoidal compressive stress
Bending of Cables - Cable Layout
• A strong thick rope, usually twisted hemp or wire

• The arrangement or plan of something
Simple Beam Layout
Simple Beam:
• A structural beam that rests on a support at each end.

Simple beam can be two types:

• Pre-tensioned beam
• Post-tensioned beam
Layouts for pre-tensioned beam

• Straight cables are preferred since they can be more easily

tensioned between two abutments.
• Such a section can not often economically designed because of
conflicting requirements of the midspan and end section.
• At the maximum moment section generally occurring at mid
span, it is best to place the cable as near to the bottom as
• Since there is no external moment at the end, it is best to arrange
the tendons so that C.G. of Steel will coincide with C.G. of
Layouts for pre-tensioned beam

1. For both layouts C.G. of Steel at mid span can be depressed as

low as desired.
2. The end can be kept near C.G. of Concrete.
Layouts for pre-tensioned beam

1. When it is possible to vary the extrados of concrete it can be

advantageously used.
2. These will give a favourable height at mid span where it is most
needed and yet yield as concentric or nearly concentric prestress
at end section.
3. (d) is simpler in formwork than (e).
Layouts for pre-tensioned beam

1. Most pre-tensioning plans have buried anchors along the

stressing bed so that tendons for a pretensioned beam can be
2. It may be economical to do so if the beam has to be of straight
and uniform section.
Layouts for post-tensioned beam

1. Most of the layouts for pre-tensioned beams can be used for

post-tensioned once as well.
2. For a beam of straight and uniform section the tendons are very
often curved.
3. Curving the tendons will permit favourable position of C.G. of
Steel to be obtained at both the end and mid span sections and
other points as well.
Layouts for post-tensioned beam

1. A combination of curved tendons with curved soffits is

frequently used when straight soffits are not required.
2. This will permit a smaller curvature in tendons thus reducing the
Layouts for post-tensioned beam

1. Curved or bent cables are also combined with beams of variable


1. Combination of straight and curved tendons are sometimes

found convenient.
Layouts for post-tensioned beam

1. Some cables are bent upwards and anchored at the top flanges.

1. Some cables are stopped part way in the bottom flange.

2. This arrangements will save some steel but may not be justified
unless the saving is considerable as for very long span carrying
heavy loads.
Anchoring Devices
• Anchoring devices are often made on the wedge and friction
• In pre-tensioned members, the tendons are to be held in tension
during the casting and hardening of concrete.
Anchoring Devices
• In post-tensioned members, the anchoring devices transfer the
prestress to the concrete.
• The devices are based on the following principles of anchoring the
1) Wedge action
2) Direct bearing
3) Looping the wires
Anchoring Devices
Wedge Action
• The anchoring device based on wedge action consists of an
anchorage block and wedges.
• The strands are held by frictional grip of the wedges in the
anchorage block.
• Some examples of systems based on the wedge-action are
Freyssinet, Gifford-Udall, Anderson and Magnel-Blaton
Anchoring Devices


Magnel blaton system

Anchoring Devices
Direct Bearing
• The rivet or bolt heads or button heads formed at the end of the
wires directly bear against a block.
Anchoring Devices
Looping the Wires
• In this system, the wires are looped around the concrete. The wires
are looped to make a bulb.
Calculation of Pre-stressing force
Basic Assumptions
• Concrete is a homogeneous material.
• Within the range of working stresses, both concrete and steel
behave elastically, notwithstanding the small amount of creep
which occurs in both the materials under sustained loading.
• A plane section before bending is assumed to remain plane even
after bending.

The sole function of the prestressing tendon being to impart

and maintain the prestress in the concrete.
Calculation of Pre-stressing force
• The stresses due to prestressing alone are generally combined
stresses due to the action of direct load and bending resulting
from an eccentrically applied load.
• The following notations and sign conventions are used for the
analysis of prestress.
• P = prestressing force (positive when producing direct
• e = eccentricity of prestressing force
• M = P.e = Moment
• A = cross-sectional area of the concrete member
• I = moment of inertia of section about its centroid
• Zt and Zb = section modulus of the top and bottom fibres
Calculation of Pre-stressing force
• fsup an finf = prestress in concrete developed at the top and
bottom fibres (positive when compressive and negative when
tensile in nature)
• yt and yb = distance of the top and bottom fibres from the
centroid of the section
• i = radius of gyration
Calculation of Pre-stressing force
Concentric Tendon
• Uniform prestress in concrete = P/A (which is compressive
across the depth of the beam)
Calculation of Pre-stressing force
Eccentric Tendon
• A concrete beam is subjected to an eccentric prestressing force of
magnitude P located at an eccentricity e.
• The stresses developed at the top and bottom fibres of the beam are
obtained as:
Calculation of Pre-stressing force
Resultant stresses at a section
• The concrete beam, supports uniformly distributed live and dead loads
of intensity q and g.
• The beam is prestressed by a straight tendon carrying a prestressing
force P at an eccentricity e.
• The resultant stresses in concrete at any section are obtained by
superimposing the effect of prestress and the flexural stresses developed
due to the loads.
• If Mq and Mg are the live load and dead load moments at the central span
Resultant stresses at a section
Resultant stresses at a section
• The resultant stresses at the top and bottom fibres of concrete at
any given section are obtained as:
Solved Examples
1. A rectangular concrete beam of cross-section 30 cm deep and 20 cm
wide is prestressed by means of 15 wires of 5 mm diameter located 6.5
cm from the bottom of the beam and 3 wires of diameter of 5 mm, 2.5
cm from the top. Assuming the prestress in the steel as 840 N/mm2,
calculate the stresses at the extreme fibres of the mid-span section when
the beam is supporting its own weight over a span of 6m. If a uniformly
distributed live load of 6 kN/m is imposed, evaluate the maximum
working stress in concrete. The density of concrete is 24 kN/m3.
Solved Examples
• Distance of the centroid of the prestressing force from the base,
• y = [(15 x 65) + (3 x 275)/18] = 100 mm
• Eccentricity, e = (150 – 100) = 50 mm
• Prestressing force, P = (840 x 18 x 19.7) = 3 x 105 N
• Area of cross-section A = (300 x 200) = 6 x 104 mm2
• Moment of inertia I = (200 x 3003/12) = 45 x 107 mm4
• Section modulus (Zt and Zb) = (45 x 107/150) = 3 x 106 mm3
• Self-weight of beam = (0.3 x 0.2 x 24) = 1.44 kN/m
• Self-weight moment Mg = (1.44 x 62/8) = 6.48 kN/m
• Live load moment Mq = (6 x 62/8) = 27 kN/m
• Direct stress due to prestress (P/A) = (3 x 105/6x106) = 5 N/mm2
• Bending stress due to prestress (P.e/Z) = (3 x 105 x 50/3 x 106) = 5 N/mm2
Solved Examples
• Self-weight stress Mg/Z = (6.48 x 106/3 x 106) = 2.16 N/mm2
• Live load stress Mq/Z = (27 x 106/3 x 106) = 9 N/mm2
• Resultant stresses due to (self-weight + prestress + live load) are shown.
• Maximum working stress in concrete = 11.16 N/mm2 (compression)
Solved Examples
2. An unsymmetrical I-section beam is used to support an imposed load of 2 kN/m
over a span of 8m. The sectional details are top flange, 300 mm wide and 60
mm thick; bottom flange 100 mm wide and 60 mm thick; thickness of the web
80 mm; overall depth of the beam 400 mm. at the centre of the span, the
effective prestressing force of 100 kN is located at 50 mm from the soffit of the
beam. Estimate the stresses at the centre of span section of the beam for the
following load conditions: (a) Prestress + self-weight (b) Prestress + self-weight
+ live load
Solved Examples
• Prestressing force, P = 100 kN
• Area of concrete A = 46400 mm2
• Distance of centroid from top y = 156 mm, i.e. e = 194 mm
• Moment of inertia I = 75.8 x 107 mm4
• Zt = (75.8 x 107/156) = 485 x 104 mm3
• Zb = (75.8 x 107/244) = 310 x 104 mm3
• g = (0.0464 x 1 x 24) = 1012 kN-m
• Mg = (0.125 x 1.12 x 82) = 8.96 kN-m
• Mq = (0.125 x 2 x 82) = 16 kN-m
Solved Examples

• Resultant stresses:
(a) Prestress + self-weight stress = 0, and + 5.5 N/mm2
(b) Prestress + self-weight stress + live load stress = + 3.3 N/mm2, and +
0.35 N/mm2

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