Passive Ranging Techniques (投影片中譯)

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Passive Ranging Techniques

Combat System Track Evaluation and Management System(CSTEMS)

作戰系統軌跡評估與分析管理系統( CSTEMS)

投影片 內文 譯文
(1 sec) This presentation will review the (1 秒)本演講將回顧被動測距技術的
Combat System Track Evaluation and 戰鬥系統軌道評估和管理系統應用。 (4
Management System application of Passive 秒)本演示文稿由海軍水面作戰中心
1 Ranging Techniques. (4 sec) This Dahlgren Division,ASW Program Office 開
presentation was developed by the Naval 發。
Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division,
ASW Program Office.
The following terminology is used in this 本演講中使用了下列術語:腿部腿部是
presentation: An ownship Leg is a period 一個持續的過程和速度。 在一條腿上,
of constant course and speed. During a 通過機載傳感器測量可觀察的接觸數據,
leg, observable contact data such as 如方位和頻率。 創建支腿所需的時間取
bearing and frequency are measured by 決於傳感器測量精度和輸入數據的一致
2 onboard sensors. The time required to 性。必須記錄足夠的數據以產生準確的方
create a leg is based on sensor 位速率和頻率速率信息。
measurement accuracy and consistency in
the input data. Sufficient data must be
recorded to produce accurate bearing rate
and frequency rate information.
(1 sec) The recorded data is displayed in (1 秒)記錄的數據以時間/方位和時間/
the form of Time/Bearing and 頻率圖的形式顯示。 這些曲線圖下降並
3 Time/Frequency plots. These plots 提供頂部的最新數據。
waterfall down and provide the most
recent data at the top.
An ownship Maneuver is a change in speed 本機動作是速度或航向的變化。 (1 秒)
or course. (1 sec) Periods of dynamic 動態本能動作的周期不能用來衡量接觸
ownship motion can not be used to 運動隨時間的變化,並且被動 TMA 處理
4 measure changes in contact motion over 會被丟棄。 (1 秒)腿部動作發生在船員
time and are discarded from passive TMA 之間。
processing. (1 sec) Legs occur between
ownship maneuvers.
5 A Ranging Maneuver is defined as an 測距機動被定義為在發生過程或速度變
ownship maneuver during which a course 化時足以產生計算的接觸速率數據差異
or speed change occurs that is sufficient to 的機動操縱。 (1 秒)這種操作必鬚髮生
generate a difference in calculated contact 在兩條腿之間才能生效。
rate data. (1 sec) This maneuver must
occur between two ownship legs to be
Maneuvers are marked by drawing a cyan 在每次機動演習的開始和結束時,通過
lines across the Time Bearing and Time 在時間軸承和時間頻率圖上繪製青線標
Frequency plots at the beginning and end 記機動,並標記拖曳陣穩定。 (1 秒)如
of each ownship maneuver, and to mark 果聲傳感器是船體陣列,則穩定時間為
6 towed array stabilization. (1 sec) If the 零。 (1 秒)腿部數據自動記錄並顯示在
acoustic sensor is the hull array, 操縱的任一側。
stabilization time is zero. (1 sec) Leg data is
automatically recorded and displayed on
either side of a maneuver.
The primary evaluation tool for ranging 測距演習的主要評估工具是聲線圖,以
maneuvers is the Line of Sound diagram 及在演習過程中確定聲音線上的聲速變
and the determination of the change in 化。 在這個例子中,120 度的機動動作不
ownship speed across the line of sound 會在整個聲音線上產生速度變化,不應
7 during the maneuver. In this example, a 該被認為是測距機動。
120 degree maneuver generates no
ownship speed change across the line of
sound and should not be considered a
ranging maneuver.
An ownship maneuver through the line of 通過聲音線路的本能機動以最少的路線
sound produces the best ranging maneuver 改變產生最佳的測距機動。 (1 秒)測距
with the least amount of course change. (1 機動需要至少 10 聲速的聲速。
sec) A Ranging Maneuver requires a
minimum of 10 knots ownship speed
change across the line of sound.
The passive ranging techniques covered by 本演講所涵蓋的被動測距技術包括:(1
this presentation include: (1 sec) 秒)三角測量,(1 秒)Ekelund,(1
9 Triangulation, (1 sec) Ekelund, (1 sec) 秒)多普勒 Ekelund,(1 秒)SPEISS,
Doppler Ekelund, (1 sec) SPEISS, (1 sec) and (1 秒)和方位多普勒。
Bearing Doppler.
10 Triangulation ranges may be created 無論何時 2 個或更多傳感器檢測到相同
whenever 2 or more sensors detect the 的觸點,都可以創建三角測量範圍。 拖
same contact. The towed array and 曳陣列和另一個車載傳感器可用於生成
another on-board sensor may be used to 10,000 碼的精確範圍。 (1 秒)這種技術
generate accurate ranges out to 10,000 最常用的方法是通過結合使用傳感器和
yards. (1 sec) The most frequent use of 離板傳感器,例如聲納浮標或來自參與
this technique is through a combination of 單元的軸承。
ownship sensors and off-board sensors
such as sonobuoys or bearings from
participating units.
(1 sec) TDSS creates a triangulation range (1 秒)TDSS 以交叉點的形式創建一個
in the form of a crossfix. 三角測量範圍。
To create a crossfix, select between 2 and 6 要創建橫斷面,請在 Geosit 上選擇 2 到 6
bearing lines on the Geosit. (2 sec) Then 個方位線。 (2 秒)然後打開“聯繫人管
open the Contact Management pull-down 理”下拉菜單並選擇交叉修復選項。
menu and select the crossfix option.
The bearing lines are deselected, and the 方位線被取消選擇,並根據傳感器數據
crossfix is created as either an acoustic or 的類型將交叉點創建為聲學或 ESM 修正。
ESM fix, depending on the type of sensor 還會顯示一個信息窗口,以便快速訪問
data. An information window is also 支持的交叉數據。 選擇關閉可從顯示屏
displayed to allow quick access to 中刪除此窗口。 允許 2 到 3 分鐘的交叉鏈
supporting crossfix data. Select close to 接,並且只包含在此期間更新的軸承。
remove this window from the display.
Allow 2 to 3 minutes between crossfixes
and only include bearings that update
during this period.
The accuracy of a crossfix is based on the 橫樑的精度基於接收傳感器之間的角度
angle between the receiving sensors and 和傳感器的軸承測量精度。 (1 秒)這兩
the bearing measurement accuracy of the 個因素直接影響與繪製位置相關的不確
sensors. (1 sec) These two factors directly 定區域的大小。
affect the size of the area of uncertainty
associated with the plotted position.
Operators may improve the crossfix 操作人員可以通過操縱從樑上接收聲學
accuracy by maneuvering to receive 信息來提高交叉部分精度,其中拖曳陣
acoustic information from the beam where 列提供更好的軸承精度或增加接收傳感
15 towed arrays provide better bearing 器之間的間隔。 90 度截取角度是最佳的。
accuracy or to increase the separation
between receiving sensors. A 90 degree
intercept angle is optimum.
An area of uncertainty is displayed by 通過選擇橫坐標顯示不確定區域,然後
selecting the crossfix, then open the 打開“聯繫人”顯示窗口並激活位置錯誤。
Contact display window, and activate
position error.
The Ekelund Range formula is derived from Ekelund 範圍公式來源於單腿方位公式。
the Single Leg Bearing equation. It relies 它依靠兩條腿之間的聲音線上的本機速
on the change in ownship speed across the 度的變化來產生接觸軸承速率的相應變
line of sound between two legs to generate 化。 常數 K 是一個單位轉換係數,當距
19 a corresponding change in contact bearing 離為碼數時等於 1934,當距離為海裡時
rate. The constant K is a unit conversion 近似為 1。
factor that equals 1934 when range is in
yards, and is approximated as 1 when
range is in nautical miles.
Relative speed is replaced by the change in 相對速度由腿 1 和腿 2 之間的聲音線上
ownship speed across the line of sound 的本機速度變化代替。軸承速率由兩條腿
20 between legs 1 and 2. Bearing rate is 之間的軸承速率變化代替。
replaced by the change in bearing rate
between the two legs.
Several assumptions are made to simplify 為了將 Ekelund Range 方程簡化為這個公
the Ekelund Range equation to this 式,我們做了幾個假設。 它假定瞬時機
formula. It assumes an instantaneous 動,並且必須補償測量點 T1 和 T2 之間
maneuver and must be compensated for 的聲音線中的本能運動。 這是通過增加
ownship motion in the Line of Sound 或減少 D *來完成的。 第二個假設是 T1 =
between the measurement points T1 and T2。 通過確定計算範圍的適當時間來進
T2. This is accomplished by adding or 行這種假設的補償。
subtracting D*. The second assumption is
that T1 = T2. Compensation for this
assumption is performed by determining
the appropriate time for the computed
Range time is labeled T*. T* may be 範圍時間標記為 T *。 T *可以從時間軸承
determined graphically from the time 圖中以圖形方式確定或計算。 兩種方法
22 bearing plot, or computed. Either method 都將 T *置於具有最大軸承速率的測距機
places T* on the side of the ranging 動側。
maneuver that has the largest bearing rate.
In this ranging maneuver, T* would place 在這種測距機動中,T *會將計算出的範
the computed range just prior to T2. 圍置於 T2 之前。
24 The third assumption is less than 15 degree 第三個假設是 T1 和 T2 軸承之間的間隔
separation between T1 and T2 bearings. 小於 15 度。 這允許小角度近似。 對這種
This allows for small angle approximations. 假設沒有任何補償,而 Ekelund 範圍在短
There is no compensation for this 距離,高承載率的幾何形狀下退化。
assumption and Ekelund ranges are
degraded in short range, high bearing rate
Ekelund range is directly affected by the Ekelund 範圍直接受兩條腿腳間接觸方位
magnitude of the difference in contact 差異的大小影響。 由於軸承速率變化導
bearing rate between the two ownship 致的百分比誤差的曲線圖顯示每分鐘軸
legs. A plot of percent range error due to 承速率變化小於 0.3 度,誤差大於 20%
the change in bearing rate shows less than 時的產量範圍。 增加軸承速率變化降低
25 0.3 degrees per minute bearing rate 了範圍誤差。 良好的 Ekelunds 由每分鐘
change yields ranges with greater than 20 大於 0.6 度的軸承速率變化產生。
percent error. Increasing bearing rate
change lowers range error. Good Ekelunds
are generated by bearing rate changes of
greater than 0.6 degrees per minute.
Bearing rate during a leg is a function of 腿部的承受速度是整個聲線範圍和相對
range and relative speed across the line of 速度的函數。 影響力的唯一影響可能就
sound. The only affect ownship may have 是音速上的速度。 因此,為了最大限度
on bearing rate is ownship speed across 地減少 Ekelund 範圍內的誤差,在測距機
26 the line of sound. It follows that to 動期間在整個聲音線上使用大的速度變
minimize errors in an Ekelund range, use a 化。 至少需要 10 節。
large speed change across the line of
sound during the ranging maneuver. A
minimum of 10 knots is required.
The T* compensation affects the contact T *補償影響接觸溶液質量。 在超導/滯後
solution quality. In an overlead / lag / /超導幾何中,兩個 Ekelunds 都會在滯後
overlead geometry, both Ekelunds occur 期發生。 這提供了範圍之間的最小間隔,
27 during the lag leg. This provides minimum 並且範圍誤差在解決方案精度中產生誤
separation between the ranges ands the 差。
range errors generate errors in solution
In a lag / overlead / lag geometry, the 在滯後/超導/滯後幾何中,Ekelunds 再次
Ekelunds again occur during the lag legs. In 出現在滯後期。 在這個幾何中,增加的
28 this geometry, the increased time 時間間隔減少了 Ekelund 範圍誤差對求解
separation reduces the affect of Ekelund 精度的影響。
range error on solution accuracy.
29 The raw sensor data is smoothed and 對原始傳感器數據進行平滑處理,並在
faired bearings are drawn on the strip plot. 條形圖上繪製軸承故障。 當船員操縱時,
When ownship maneuvers, an Ekelund 一旦確定了第二程的軸承速度,就計算
range is computed as soon as the bearing Ekelund 範圍。 隨著接收到新的數據,這
rate is determined for the second leg. This 個範圍在曲線上波動,直到達到完整的
range fluctuates on the plot as new data is 整流間隔。
received until a full fairing interval is
The leg data used to compute the Ekelund 用於計算 Ekelund 範圍的腿數據來自機動
range is derived from the third point prior 開始前的第三點和第二程序段中的第三
to maneuver start and the third point in 點。 這些點用於平衡 T1 和 T2 之間的最小
the second leg. These points are used to 時間間隔,並仍然為整流過程提供足夠
30 balance minimum time separation 的腿數據以生成兩個點的精確方位角。
between T1 and T2 and still provide
sufficient leg data for the fairing process to
generate accurate bearing rates for both
The Doppler Ekelund formula is also 多普勒 Ekelund 公式也來自單腿方位方程。
derived from the Single Leg Bearing 常數 K 是等於接收頻率除以 90 的單位轉
equation. The constant K is a unit 換係數。該公式依賴於兩條腿之間的聲音
conversion factor that equals received 線上的本機速度的變化,以產生相應的
31 frequency divided by 90. This formula 接觸頻率變化。
relies on the change in ownship speed
across the line of sound between two legs
to generate a corresponding change in
contact frequency rate.
The Doppler Ekelund formula uses the 多普勒 Ekelund 公式使用與 Ekelund 相同
same assumptions as the Ekelund, but is 的假設,但由於其依賴於頻率而更易受
much more susceptible to sensor 傳感器測量誤差的影響。 這些誤差的大
measurement errors due to its reliance on 小使得諸如 D *的補償可以忽略並且不被
frequency rate. The magnitude of these 使用。 頻率對多普勒 Ekelund 範圍的影響
errors makes a compensation such as D* 可以通過非機動接觸的隨時間變化的接
negligible and it is not used. The affect of 收頻率圖來推斷。 在此圖上,頻率是線
frequency rate on Doppler Ekelund ranges 的斜率。
may be inferred by a plot of received
frequency over time for a non-
maneuvering contact. On this plot,
frequency rate is the slope of the line.
A distant contact starts with a frequency 遠距離接觸始於頻率等於或接近零。 隨
rate at or near zero. As the range to the 著接觸範圍的減小,在接收頻率等於基
contact decreases, frequency rate 準頻率的 CPA 時頻率速率增加到最大值。
33 increases to maximum at CPA where 隨著觸點打開,它減少回零。
received frequency equals base frequency.
It decreases back to near zero as the
contact opens.
Doppler Ekelund solution quality varies 多普勒 Ekelund 解決方案的質量隨頻率的
with the magnitude of frequency rate and 大小和本機在兩條腿之間改變速率的能
ownship’s ability to change that rate 力而變化。 隨著距離的增加,聯繫人需
between two legs. As range increases, 要在聲音線上相應地更高的本機速度變
contacts require correspondingly higher 化以產生可接受的多普勒 Ekelund 範圍。
ownship speed change across the line of 2 萬碼範圍內的聯繫人應當產生一個可
sound to produce acceptable Doppler 接受的多普勒 Ekelund 範圍,當船員的操
Ekelund ranges. Contacts within 20 縱在聲音線上產生至少 10 節的速度變化
34 thousand yards should generate an 時。 整個聲音線上的速度變化大於 10 節
acceptable Doppler Ekelund range when 多普勒 Ekelund 範圍的概率將會在實際範
ownship’s maneuver creates a minimum of 圍的 30%以內。
10 knots speed change across the line of
sound. Speed changes greater than 10
knots across the line of sound increase the
probability of the Doppler Ekelund range
being within 30 percent of the actual
CSTEMS automatically computes a Doppler CSTEMS 會自動計算每個家族機動的多普
Ekelund range for each ownship maneuver 勒 Ekelund 範圍,並將這些數據繪製在
and plots this data on the strip plot of the TMA 窗口的條形圖上。 該範圍與 Ekelund
TMA window. This range fluctuates similar 類似波動,直到達到完整的整流間隔。
to Ekelund until a full fairing interval is
The Doppler Ekelund range is also based on 多普勒 Ekelund 範圍也基於從機動開始前
data obtained from the third point prior to 的第三點和第二次數據的第三點獲得的
maneuver start and the third point of the 數據。
second leg of data.
A SPIESS range is a geometrically SPIESS 範圍是接觸數據的兩條腿之間的
constructed range between two legs of 幾何構造範圍。 它依賴於死亡的能力,
contact data. It relies on the ability to 將第一條腿放在第二條腿的數據中並形
dead reckon a first leg bearing into the 成一個三角測量範圍。 在 CSTEMS 之前,
second leg of data and form a triangulation 這只能在其中一條腿的接近率為零時執
range. Prior to CSTEMS, this could only be 行。CSTEMS 根據第一程測得的軸承速度
performed when one of the legs had a near 投影出一個偽軸承。 這可以為每一項船
zero bearing rate. CSTEMS projects a 員機動創造一個 SPIESS 範圍。
pseudo-bearing based on the measured
bearing rate of the first leg. This allows a
SPIESS range to be created for every
ownship maneuver.
The solution quality of a SPIESS range is SPIESS 系列的解決方案質量與任何其他
determined similar to any other 三角測量範圍類似。 兩個軸承之間的角
triangulation range. The angle between 度是主要因素,這是測距機動的腿部幾
the two bearings is the primary factor and 何結構的直接結果。 腿部之間的最大軸
this is a direct result of the leg geometry of 承速度變化增加了角度,這是通過整個
the ranging maneuver. Maximum bearing 聲音線上的最大速度變化來實現的。
rate change between the legs increases the
angle and this is achieved through
maximum ownship speed change across
the line of sound.
A SPIESS range is computed for each 一個 SPIESS 範圍計算每個機動戰術並顯
39 ownship maneuver and displayed on the 示在 TMA 窗口的條形圖上。
Strip Plot of the TMA window.
Open the Additional Controls window and 打開“附加控制”窗口並選擇顯示 SPEISS
select Display SPEISS Lines to view the Lines 以查看死角推測方位。 選擇關閉從
40 dead reckoned bearing. Select Close to 顯示屏上移除附加控制窗口。
remove the Additional Control window
from the display.
Bearing Doppler is a ranging technique that 方位多普勒是一種測距技術,它使用來
uses frequency rate and bearing rate from 自單一腿腳的頻率和方位速率來計算接
a single ownship leg to compute the 觸範圍。 單位轉換常數等於 65656.(1
contact range. The unit conversion 秒)如果基頻未知,則接收頻率可用作
constant is equal to 65656. (1 sec) If base 分母中的近似值。
frequency is not known, received
frequency may be used in the denominator
as a close approximation.
42 Bearing Doppler solution quality is directly 軸承多普勒解決方案的質量直接受傳感
affected by the sensor’s ability to 器精確測量頻率和方位的能力的影響。
accurately measure frequency and bearing. 非機動接觸的隨時間變化的接收頻率圖
A plot of received frequency over time for 可用於證明接觸幾何形狀的影響。 低
a non-maneuvering contact may be used to 於.01 赫茲/分鐘的頻率不支持軸承多普
demonstrate the affect of contact 勒計算。隨著頻率的增加,軸承多普勒頻
geometry. Frequency rates of less than .01 率範圍的改善。 在最接近的接近點處,
hertz/minute do not support bearing 軸承多普勒範圍可能由於方位和頻率數
doppler calculations. As frequency rate 據的快速變化而降低。
increases, bearing doppler ranges improve.
At the closest point of approach, bearing
doppler ranges may become degraded by
rapid changes in bearing and frequency
rate data.
A Bearing Doppler range is computed for 計算每個腿部腿部的方位多普勒範圍並
each ownship leg and displayed on the 顯示在條帶圖上。 CSTEMS 使用每條腿的
Strip Plot. CSTEMS uses the latest fairing 最新整流罩間隔輸入數據。
interval in each leg for input data.
By combining the range solutions from 通過結合軸承多普勒,Ekelund,Doppler
Bearing Doppler, Ekelund, Doppler Ekelund 和 SPIESS 的量程解決方案,
Ekelund, and SPIESS, CSTEMS allows the CSTEMS 使操作員能夠在 TMA 窗口快速
operator to quickly visualize a localization 查看定位解決方案。 理解測距方程的輸
solution on the TMA window. 入,限制和準確度可以讓操作人員專注
Understanding ranging equation inputs, 於更高的質量範圍,並使范圍輸入失效,
limitations, and accuracy allows the 從而降低解決方案的準確性。
operator to focus on higher quality ranges
and invalidate range inputs that would
degrade solution accuracy.
This concludes the presentation on passive 這就結束了有關被動測距技術的介紹。
ranging techniques.

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