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Answer Key

American JETSTREAM Elementary Workbook

Introduction Unit 1
1 02 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O,
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Lesson 1
1 1 Asia 2 North America 3 Africa
3 1 Hannah Thorpe 2 Samuel Smith 4 South America 5 Europe
3 Ahmet Diaz
2 1 Brazil 2 the UK 3 South Africa 4 Spain
Transcript 03 5 Mexico 6 Turkey 7 China 8 the USA
9 Thailand 10 Argentina
MAN Hello! What’s your name?
WOMAN My name’s Hannah Thorpe.
MAN How do you spell that? -ish British Spanish Turkish
WOMAN H-A-N-N-A-H T-H-O-R-P-E. -ian Brazilian Argentinian
2 -can South Mexican American
WOMAN Is your name Thomas? African
MAN No, my name’s Samuel … Samuel -ese Chinese
other Thai
WOMAN How do you spell that?
4 1 ’s; ’m 2 are; ’re 3 is; ’s 4 are; ’re 5 ’s
MAN Hi, everyone. I’m your teacher. My
5 1 name’s 2 am 3 You are 4 is 5 are
name’s Ahmet.
6 name’s 7 I’m 8 you’re 9 I’m 10 is
WOMAN How do you spell that?
11 It’s
WOMAN What’s your last name?
MAN Diaz. That’s D-I-A-Z. Lesson 2
WOMAN Thanks. 1 1 dancer 2 doctor 3 scientist 4 teacher
5 journalist 6 engineer 7 office worker
4 1 Nice 2 your 3 say 4 name’s 5 spell 8 factory worker
6 Thanks
2 2 Jaco isn’t American. He’s South African.
5 2 two 4 four 9 nine 11 eleven 3 You aren’t in Class 3. You’re in Class 4.
15 fifteen 17 seventeen 23 twenty-three 4 I’m not a doctor. I’m a scientist.
36 thirty-six 48 forty-eight 5 We’re not Thai. We’re Chinese.
6 Tom and Ellie aren’t teachers. They’re
6 04 a 4 b 12 c 30 d 14 e 19 f 35 journalists.

7 1 b 2a 3f 4c 5d 6e 3 1 are you 2 I am 3 are you 4 Is 5 it isn’t

6 are you 7 Are 8 we aren’t
8 1 Say that again, please.
2 Come in and sit down.
3 Sorry, I don’t understand.
4 Look at the picture on page 5.
5 Stand up and say your name.

Answer key 1
4 Vocabulary plus / Language in Action
CHARLES HOUSE CONFERENCE CENTRE 1 1 wallet 2 glasses 3 tissues 4 tablet
first name Lucas 5D comb 5A credit card 6 diary 7 coins
last name Souza
nationality Brazilian 2 1 black 2 green 3 yellow 4 brown
5 blue 6 red 7 orange 8 white
age 34
job doctor 3 1 Brazilian 2 Indian 3 Portuguese
participant number 210075 4 Egyptian
event Science Now conference
4 1 ask; say 2 spell; speak 3 help; explain
Lesson 3
5 1 Can I have/see the menu, please?
1 1 a key 2 a cell phone 3 a ticket 2 Can I have the bill, please?
4 a watch 5 a toothbrush 6 a passport 3 Can I have the/my key, please?
7 an apple 8 an umbrella 9 a bag / a purse
10 a camera 11 a book 12 a pen
13 a suitcase Unit 2
3 1 this; My 2 Our; my; your 3 that; his; Lesson 1
her 4 your; Our; they’re; Their
1 2 grandfather 3 mother 4 father
5 sisters 6 brother 7 husband 8 son
9 daughter
Flight Gate
Name Destination
number number 2 1 only child 2 only children 3 aunts or
1 (Mark) Tokyo UA9120 15 uncles 4 wife 5 nieces and nephews
Joyner 6 cousins 7 sister-in-law
2 (Saskia) Chicago KL1724 17
Hantelmann 3 1 don’t have 2 has 3 have; doesn’t have
4 doesn’t have 5 don’t have
Transcript 05
1 4 1 Does your teacher have a brother or sister?
A I’m on the flight to Tokyo. My name’s Mark Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t.
Joyner – that’s J-O-Y-N-E-R. 2 Do you have a big family?
B OK, sir. Your passport, please. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
A Here you are. 3 Does your friend have (any) children?
B Thank you. So, that’s flight UA9120 to Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t.
Tokyo. 4 Do your parents have family in a different
A And what’s the boarding gate, please? country?
B It’s Gate 15. Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
A I’m sorry, Gate 13?
B Gate 15 for Tokyo, sir. Have a nice flight. 5 2 my friends’ wedding 3 My husband’s family
2 4 My cousins’ father 5 My grandparents’
V Your attention, please, ladies and names
gentlemen. This is the last call for
passenger Saskia Hantelmann on flight
Lesson 2
KL1724. That’s Saskia Hantelmann –
H-A-N-T-E-L-M-A-N-N on flight KL1724 to 1 06 a bedroom b living room c bathroom
Chicago. Please go to gate 17, where your d office e kitchen f dining room
flight is ready to leave.
2 Suggested answers
bedroom: 3, 4, 5, 14, 16
living room: 1, 4, 5, 7, 12, 14

2 Answer key
bathroom: 2, 10, 11, 15 2
office: 4, 5, 8 A How many students are there at your
kitchen: 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13 university?
dining room: 5, 7, 13 B There are more than 132,000 new students
at the California State University campuses
3 2 There are 3 there’s 4 Is there 5 There’s this fall.
6 Is there 7 there is 8 there are 3
9 there isn’t A What’s the population of Tokyo?
B More than 37 million, including the areas
4 1 There is / There isn’t around the city.
2 There is / There isn’t 4
3 There is / there isn’t A What’s the most expensive painting in the
4 There are / There aren’t world?
5 There are / There aren’t B It’s a painting by Cézanne called “The Card
6 There are / There aren’t Players” – 259 million dollars.
A Wow!
5 bed, pictures, table, a place to sit, sink 5
A How many people are at the teachers’
Lesson 3 B About 350, I think.
1 1 d 2c 3a 4b
5 1 drugstore 2 park 3 movie theater
2 1 station 2 supermarket 3 park 4 art gallery
4 museum 5 movie theater 6 bank
7 airport 8 restaurant 9 drugstore Transcript 09
3 a 2 b4 c5 d3 e1
A Excuse me, where’s the park?
B It’s near here, just in front of the station.
Transcript 07
A Thanks. And is there a drugstore in town?
1 B Yes, there’s a drugstore on Station Road,
M Oh, my train’s here. Time to go. between the bank and the restaurant.
F OK, but call me soon. Bye, sweetheart. A Great, thanks.
2 2
V Passengers for flight AM126 to Buenos A Oh, and is there a movie theater in town?
Aires, please go immediately to Gate 74. B Yes, the movie theater is on Station Road,
3 across from the drugstore.
F1 Mmm, this pizza is great. A OK. And is the art gallery near there?
F2 Yes, it’s delicious. B Yes, it’s just next to the movie theater and
4 across from the bank.
F2 Is this your dog? She’s very sweet. A Thanks for your help.
M2 Yes, her name’s Felicia. B Sure!
M That’s $41.22. Put your card in the 6 1 False 2 True 3 True 4 False 5 False
machine and enter your PIN, please. 6 True
M Thank you. Have a nice day.

4 1 17,000 2 132,000 3 37,000,000 Vocabulary plus / Language in Action

4 $259,000,000 5 350 1 1 men; women 2 boy 3 people 4 girl
5 child
Transcript 08
1 2 1 beautiful 2 good-looking 3 attractive
A What’s the population of your town? 4 pretty 5 ugly
B It’s about 17,000 – it isn’t very big.

Answer key 3
3 1 nice 2 smart 3 funny 4 nice; warm Pronunciation point

4 1 Excuse me, is there a hotel near here? /eɪ/ name Spain

2 Yes, there’s one in West Street. /aɪ/ kind shy
3 How do I get to the station?
4 Go down this road, then turn right. /ɒ/ doctor office
/æ/ camera apple
5 1 Excuse me 2 please 3 Go along
/i:/ green people
4 Turn left 5 turn right 6 on the right
7 across from 8 Thanks /ɪ/ pretty fridge
/e/ friendly yellow
6 1 near 2 one 3 get 4 Turn right
5 turn left 6 left 7 in front of /ɜ:/ journalist girl

Review quiz 1–2 Check your progress 1

1 1 Portuguese/Brazilian 1 1 ’s; ’m 2 ’s; isn’t / ’s not 3 Are; aren’t
2 Turkish 4 Do [you] have; don’t
3 Russian
4 Japanese 2 1 your; brother’s 2 husband’s; your
5 Chinese (Mandarin) 3 Is; are 4 are; Are
6 Italian
3 1 Turkish 2 American 3 movie theater
2 1 red, white, and blue 4 art gallery
2 red and yellow
3 a 12 b 50 c 6 4 1 Excuse me, can you help me, please?
4 a red, green, yellow, and blue 2 How do you say ventana in English?
b green and white 3 Can you repeat that, please?
c black and orange 4 Can I have the menu, please?
d blue and white 5 Can you explain this word, please?
5 a Taipei (Taiwan Taoyuan International
Airport) 5 1 near 2 Go 3 turn 4 left 5 on the
b London (Heathrow Airport)
c Johannesburg (Tambo International
Airport) Unit 3
d Istanbul (Atatürk International
Airport) Lesson 1
6 a Australia b Germany c Sweden 1 folk, classical, pop, house, country, rap,
d Thailand e South Africa jazz, rock

3 1 parents/mother and father 2 a 5 b4 c1 d3 e2

2 husband
3 grandmother 3 2 You don’t like the movies. You like plays.
4 sons (Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz); daughter 3 My friends don’t like big cities. They like
(Harper) small towns.
5 children/daughters (Malia, Natasha) 4 My parents don’t like rap. They like rock.
6 wife 5 My sister and I don’t like television. We like
4 1 True 2 False (It’s a common last name.) 6 I don’t like gray and black. I like pink and
3 True 4 False (There are many countries that purple.
don’t follow this tradition.) 5 False (The
last name usually comes first.) 5 1 Do you like classical music?
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

4 Answer key
2 Do your friends like tattoos? Transcript 11
Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. GREG I’m Greg and I’m 29 years old. I’m a
3 Do you like James Bond movies? factory worker. We make food for hotels
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. and conferences. I like my job, but there’s
4 Do you and your friends like sports? just one problem – my work hours. You
Yes, we do. / No, we don’t. see, I work from ten in the evening until
six in the morning. So, when you’re at
6 1 her 2 me 3 them 4 it 5 us work or in class, I’m in bed! I get up late
6 him 7 you 8 them in the afternoon. I still feel tired, so I just
watch TV or I listen to music. I also work
Lesson 2 on Saturday and Sunday. So my weekend
is in the middle of the week. I do my
1 10 1 swimming 2 jogging 3 dancing
shopping on a Wednesday morning
4 (playing) soccer 5 shopping
and I go to the movies on Thursday
afternoons. It’s good because the town
2 1 playing 2 listening 3 watching
is quiet then. But my evenings aren’t
4 visiting 5 spending
great. I don’t see my friends much. And
there aren’t many parties on Wednesday
3 1 playing 2 soccer 3 play 4 playing
5 go 6 do 7 do 8 write 9 good food
10 hate 11 airports 12 spending 13 do
14 going 15 love 16 hate 17 like Vocabulary plus / Language in Action
18 listening 19 is 20 ’m 1 12 flute 3 drums 1 violin 7 guitar 6
piano 4 trumpet 2 keyboard 8
4 1 True saxophone 5
2 False (He’s the drummer.)
3 False (She’s a student and works in a cafe.) 2 2 I think X is a good drummer.
4 False (She reads blogs, she doesn’t write 3 I’m a good swimmer. / I’m not a good
one.) swimmer.
5 True 4 A popular writer from my country is X.
6 True 5 My favorite director is X.
6 X and Y are fantastic guitar players.
Lesson 3
4 1 don’t 2 let’s 3 a band 4 asking
1 1 Tuesday 2 Sunday 3 Wednesday
5 don’t you
4 Saturday 5 Thursday 6 Monday
5 1 Alright 2 do 3 idea 4 so 5 hate
6 way
in on
the evening the weekend
the afternoon Thursday Unit 4
the office Saturday night
school Tuesday morning Lesson 1
the morning Sunday 1 1 eight o’clock
Monday evening 2 four thirty / half past four
* on the weekend is correct in AmE 3 three fifteen / quarter after three
4 six forty-five / quarter to seven
5 1 out with friends (go out with friends)
2 food (cook/make/eat/buy food) 3 31 years 2 1 get up very early 2 take a shower
(be 31 (years old)) 4 TV (watch TV) 3 have breakfast 4 arrive at work/college
5 get home 6 go to bed
6 1, 4, 5, 6
4 1 gets up 2 has 3 goes 4 works

Answer key 5
5 arrives 6 has/takes 7 cooks 8 does Transcript 14
9 does 10 finishes 11 spends 12 goes 1
A What time’s the next train?
5 1 Does; stay; doesn’t 2 Does; relax; does B Twenty-five after four.
3 Does; visit; does 4 Does; have; doesn’t A Twenty after four?
5 does; work 6 does; arrive 7 does; go B No, twenty-five – twenty-five after
8 does; go four.
A OK, great. Thanks.
Lesson 2 2
A When do the children get home?
1 13 a 2 b5 c1 d4 e3
B School finishes at 3:15. They walk home
and get here at about 3:40.
2 1 You are hardly ever at home.
2 We never watch sports on TV.
A What time do you usually get to work?
3 Kiera usually gets take out on Fridays.
B Work starts at nine o’clock, but I usually
4 I am always tired on Saturday mornings.
get to the office at about ten to nine.
5 Joe sometimes has breakfast in a café.
6 My friend is often late for work.
A I always wake up at exactly the same time.
7 She hardly ever gets up early.
B Really? When’s that?
A At five to six every morning.
3 Possible answers
B Wow! You’re an early bird. I don’t wake up
1 I am always at home on Sunday mornings.
until 7:30.
2 My teacher is never late.
3 My parents are usually happy.
3 1 doesn’t go 2 doesn’t get 3 doesn’t live
4 I sometimes walk to work/college.
4 doesn’t spend 5 doesn’t play
5 My best friend hardly ever gets up very
4 1 loves 2 listens 3 doesn’t work out
6 I often listen to rap.
4 goes 5 prefers 6 doesn’t like 7 doesn’t
7 My friends never play tennis on the
have 8 doesn’t feel 9 needs 10 wakes up
5 1 Today 2 get up 3 clocks 4 tired
4 1 N 2A 3N 4A 5A 6N
5 angry 6 16 7 1:30 / half past one / one
thirty 8 7:00 / seven o’clock 9 good
Lesson 3 10 traffic
1 1
wake up
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Transcript 15
2 take; bath F Hello and welcome to ”Science Today“.
I prefer to take a bath/shower. In this week’s program, we look at the
3 wash; face; brush; teeth problem of tired teenagers. Many parents
I usually wash my face / brush my teeth have the same problem – their sons and
first. daughters just can’t get up in the morning.
4 get dressed So why is this? Are they just lazy?
I usually get dressed before/after breakfast. Well, we know from scientific studies that
5 go; sleep young people have a different internal
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. clock. They are fine late at night, but they
6 feel good don’t feel good early in the morning. They
I feel good early in the morning / late at are often tired, so they don’t feel happy.
night. Sometimes they are even angry with their
parents and their friends.
2 1 four twenty-five / twenty-five after four But a school in Massachusetts near Boson
2 three forty / twenty to four thinks it has the answer. Hampton High
3 eight fifty / ten to nine School has a new “no-mornings” schedule
4 five fifty-five / five to six for its students ages 16 to 18. So the first
6 Answer key
class of the day isn’t at nine o’clock. The 4 1 T
new school day for older students starts 2 T
at 1:30 and finishes at seven o’clock. 3 F (It’s a festival of world music and dance.)
The principal thinks students are more 4 F (It’s the type of dance people do to
interested in their work when they aren’t hip-hop or rap music.)
tired and stressed. 5 T
And what about the parents? Most of them 6 F (It’s another word for “violin”.)
think it’s a good idea. And they like driving
to school when the traffic isn’t so bad! Pronunciation point
And now for news on the best ways to de- two: restaurant, Wednesday, breakfast, keyboard
stress at work … three: restaurant, piano, magazine, instrument
four: information, helicopter, advertisement,
Vocabulary plus / Language in Action motorcycle, television
1 1 taxis; buses 2 Planes 3 Underground
4 boat; helicopter/airplane 5 bike Check your progress 2
6 motorcycles; cars 7 tram; train 1 1 don’t like 2 hates 3 don’t visit 4 write
5 Do you play 6 plays 7 Does your brother
2 1 d 2b 3c 4a like; doesn’t 8 playing; watching

3 1 Really 2 sure 3 Fantastic 4 great 2 1 We usually go swimming on Saturday.

5 Cool 2 They never play tennis on Wednesday.
3 My friends and I sometimes go shopping
4 1 Do you live? That cool! after work.
2 Is really? That’s is great! 4 I am always tired in the evening.
3 I’m very sure. Well, it’s great to I talk to 5 She is hardly ever at home on the weekend.
4 Is fantastic! Do are you enjoy your job? 3 1 folk music 2 guitar 3 keyboard
4 helicopter 5 motorcycle
5 2 Is she 3 Do you 4 Do they 5 Is it
6 Are they 4 1 Let’s 2 That’s 3 How about
4 why don’t 5 Great
Review quiz 3–4
5 1 Really! 2 Do you? 3 That’s interesting!
1 1 c 2a 3a 4b 5b
4 Cool! 5 Well, it’s great to talk to you.
2 Darwin: 8:30 p.m. Kathmandu: 4:45 p.m.
Caracas: 6:30 a.m. Honolulu: 1 a.m.
Mumbai: 4:30 p.m.
Unit 5
Lesson 1
3 1 She’s a singer from Colombia and she plays
Latin pop/Pop. [Shakira] 1 1 independent 2 technical 3 brilliant
2 They are sisters from the US and they are 4 lucky 5 interested 6 amazing 7 sociable
tennis players. [Serena and Venus Williams] Mystery word: natural
3 He sings and plays the piano in the band
2 1 were born 2 were born 3 was born
Coldplay. [Chris Martin]
4 was born 5 were born 6 weren’t born
4 He is number 7 on the Real Madrid soccer
7 was born 8 was born 9 weren’t born
team. [Cristiano Ronaldo]
5 They are brothers from the US and they are
3 1 When and where were you born?
movie directors. [the Cohen brothers / Joel
I was born on [date] in [place].
and Ethan Cohen]
2 When and where was your mother born?
6 She is an American actor famous for the
My mother was born on [date] in [place].
movie The Devil Wears Prada. [Meryl Streep
3 How many children were born in your
/ Anne Hathaway]
Answer key 7
family last year? 2 1 sailing (It’s the only one that takes place on
[number] children were born in my family water / doesn’t need a ball.)
last year. 2 boxing (It’s the only one that isn’t a team
4 Were your grandparents born in a different sport / doesn’t need a ball.)
country? 3 skiing (It’s the only one that takes place on
Yes, they were. (They were born in snow.)
[country].) / No, they weren’t. 4 cycling (You need a bike, not a racket.)
5 Were your brothers and sisters born in the
same town or city? 3 1 there was 2 There were 3 There weren’t
Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t. / I don’t 4 There wasn’t 5 There were 6 there
have (any) brothers and sisters. weren’t 7 There were 8 there was
6 Were you born in the hospital or at home? The event is the Tour de France bicycle race.
I was born in the hospital / at home.
4 2 e 3a 4b 5c
4 1 were 2 was 3 were 4 was
5 wasn’t / was not 6 was 7 was
8 weren’t / were not 9 weren’t / were not
Lesson 3
10 were 11 were 12 were 13 were 1 1 f 2b 3e 4c 5a 6d

5 Possible answers 2 1 f What was your favorite sport when you

1 My school was [Anytown Primary School]. were a child?
2 My best friends were [Sam] and [Ali]. 2 d Who was your sporting hero?
3 I was/wasn’t very interested in school. 3 a Were you a good runner, swimmer, or
4 My favorite movie was [Harry Potter]. soccer player?
5 My favorite bands were [Kaiser Chiefs] and 4 e Were your parents interested in sports?
[One Direction]. 5 c Was there an important sports event near
your town when you were young?
6 b Where was the nearest gym to your
Lesson 2 house?
1 1 a 2b 3a 4b
4 1 b 2b 3c 4c 5a
Transcript 16
1 Transcript 17
A When’s the next meeting? Is it January M Hello and welcome to our opening day
17th? at SportsAble. It’s great to see so many
B Just a second … no, it’s before then, on the people here today. So first let me tell you
7th. a little about SportsAble. We’re a sports
2 disability charity, but a charity with a
A Was the baby born on June 21st? difference. We don’t just have offices – we
B No, she was two days late, so she arrived have our own recreation center. We
on the 23rd. have two swimming pools, two gyms, and
3 a large field for outdoor sports. This means
A Let’s have a party! we can help disabled people do a lot of
B OK. When? different activities. And here are just a
A Um, let’s see. May 1st is a Saturday, so few examples: swimming, ping pong, golf,
how about then? and archery.
B Perfect! And our new sport for this year is
4 wheelchair basketball – it’s very fast and
A It’s Jack and Yuko’s wedding soon – really fun. And it’s a very popular event at
November 15th. the Paralympics. Here at SportsAble, we’re
B Not November, December. The wedding is also part of the Paralympics. SportsAble
on December 15th. was a training center for the Games in
A You’re right. Sorry, my mistake. London in 2012.

8 Answer key
And some of our athletes are themselves B It’s Friday.
Paralympians. The first year our athletes A No, the date.
were in the Paralympics was 1976, just B It’s the 14th.
one year after Sportsable was started in A Yes, and the month …?
1975. So, now I’d like to introduce you to … B What? Well, it’s February, of course.
A Yes, but, but … don’t you remember? It’s a
… a special day.
Vocabulary plus / Language in Action B Special? … Yes, of course I remember.
1 different – similar; dangerous – safe; It’s Valentine’s Day. Here you are … your
beautiful – ugly; interesting – boring; favorite flowers.
difficult – easy A Oh, you!
2 1 pretty/a little 2 really/very 3 a little/pretty F Just before you go. I need to tell you about
4 very/really a special project. The language department
wants to celebrate World Music Day this
3 year. That’s on the June 21st. It’s only
play basketball, darts, ping pong January now, so we have lots of time. But
do archery, judo I need ideas from you. What can we do in
fishing, horseback riding, skating, this class …?
3 1 ox 2 dog 3 goat 4 sheep 5 horse
4 2 I don’t know. It’s a little strange. 6 rabbit 7 monkey 8 elephant
3 It’s really beautiful. I love it!
4 I agree. I really like the colors. 4 1 rooster (The others are not birds.)
5 I disagree. I really don’t like it. 2 pig (The others are all members of the cat
6 It’s OK, but it’s pretty traditional. family.)
3 goat (The others are wild animals, not farm
5 1 I love it! 2 I think it’s awful. animals.)
3 I think it’s OK. 4 I really hate them! 4 dragon (The others are real animals.)
5 I think they’re OK. 6 They’re great! 5 snake (The others are not reptiles.)

5 1 invited 2 started 3 prepared; helped

Unit 6 4 played 5 finished 6 enjoyed; learned

Lesson 1 6 1 went 2 said 3 had 4 ate 5 sang

6 told 7 saw 8 got 9 drove 10 woke up
1 February 14th
April 22nd
June 21st Lesson 2
July 4th 1 1 [He] didn’t get up on time.
July 18th 2 He didn’t have breakfast.
October 5th 3 He didn’t get a seat on the bus.
4 He didn’t have an umbrella.
2 1 7/18 2 2/14 3 6/21 5 He didn’t understand the lecture.
6 He didn’t remember his wallet.
Transcript 18 7 He didn’t pass his exam.
1 8 He didn’t see his girlfriend.
A Hey, look at this. There’s a concert in July to
remember Nelson Mandela. 3 a 4 b2 c– d5 e1 f3
B Oh, yeah – when’s that?
A It’s the July 18th, Mandela Day. It says it’s
the same day as his birthday.
Lesson 3
2 1 1 access 2 online 3 message 4 digital
A Um, Max, what day it is today? 5 call 6 cell 7 page 8 video 9 network
Answer key 9
2 1 did [you] do 2 went 3 did [you] see And then I was on my cell phone
4 saw 5 Did [you] enjoy 6 Did [you] have for about two hours. In evening
7 came 8 went I watched a DVD for about two
3 1 How many phone calls did you make Reporter OK, so what about your husband,
yesterday? Hasan?
I made [number] phone calls yesterday. / Hasan I think it was about ten hours.
I didn’t make any phone calls yesterday. Reporter Ten hours!
2 Which websites did you visit last night? Hasan Yes, but I can explain. I used my
I visited [name(s)] website(s) last night. / computer all day for work. So I
I didn’t visit any websites last night. spent maybe eight and a half hours
3 Who did you send an email to this working on the computer – emails,
morning? checking websites, preparing a pull
I sent an email to [name(s)] this morning. / down to next line talk …
I didn’t send any emails this morning. Reporter OK, eight and a half hours on your
4 Did you go on Facebook yesterday? computer …
Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Hasan Yes, and then an hour and half on
5 Did you check your emails or texts in class my cell phone. I didn’t watch TV or
today? a DVD.
Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Reporter OK, so finally, Musa.
6 Did you send a text message after midnight Musa Well, my screen time was only
last night? about four hours yesterday.
Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Reporter Four hours? But you’re a teenager!
Musa So? I have homework last night,
5 so I didn’t go on a computer at
hours in front of: Leyla Hasan Musa all. I’m on a computer all day at
computer 3 8.5 0 school. I used my cell phone for
about an hour. I played games and
cell phone 2 1.5 1
sent some texts. I played soccer all
TV/DVDs 2 0 2 morning. In the evening, I watched
Total 7 10 3 a basketball game. So that’s about
two hours of TV.
Transcript 19 Reporter Interesting! Not what we expected.
Presenter And now technology. A report says So, back to the studio …
that most American adults spend
about eight and a half hours a day
Vocabulary plus / Language in Action
in front of a screen. We wanted to
find out for ourselves, so we sent 1 1 shark 2 dolphin 3 whale 4 bear
our reporter to find out. 5 rhino 6 mouse 7 spider 8 frog
Reporter Yes, I’m here with the Sur family. 9 bee 10 butterfly
They’re from Turkey, but they now
live in Brooklyn. So we have Mom, 2 1 desktop computer 2 screen 3 laptop
Leyla. Can you tell us about your 4 USB stick 5 mouse 6 keyboard 7 tablet
screen time yesterday? 8 smartphone
Leyla Yes, it was Saturday. And I think
I spent about seven hours using 3 A Hello? Is you that Leo?
technology. B I’m speaking.
Reporter Seven hours … A Hi. It’s is Helen.
Leyla Yes, I was on my computer for B Oh, hi. Listen Helen – can I call to you back
about three hours for work. I used on another number? It’s a bad line.
Facetime to speak to my sister in A Sure. It no problem.
Turkey, and then the internet again B What’s your name cell number?
for emails. A It’s my (415) 668-7690.
B OK. Speak to you soon again.
10 Answer key
4 1 A Hello? 5 a 7 b1 c3 d 10 e4 f2 g6
B Is this Dr. Scott’s office? h8 i5 j9
A No, this is the post office. You have the
wrong number.
B Oh, I’m so sorry. Unit 7
A No problem. Goodbye.
B Bye. Lesson 1
2 C Dr. Scott’s office. How can 1 2 oil 3 tomatoes 4 peppers 5 noodles
I help you? 6 rice 7 onions 8 carrots 9 eggs
D Can I make an appointment, please? 10 flour 11 sugar 12 oranges 13 apples
C Yes, can I have your name, please? 14 bananas 15 milk 16 lemon 17 chicken
D It’s Adam Neumann. 18 beef 19 fish
C OK, Mr Neumann. Is Monday May 2nd
at 9 a.m. OK? 2 1 healthy; horrible 2 sweet; salty
D Yes, fine. Thank you very much. 3 unhealthy; delicious 4 amazing; wonderful
Goodbye. 5 tasty; terrible

Review quiz 5–6 4 2 C 3U 4U 5C 6U 7C 8C

9U 10 C
1 1 boxing (Las Vegas, US)
2 golf (St Andrews, Scotland)
5 1 an 2 a 3 any 4 some 5 any
3 skiing (Switzerland)
6 some 7 any 8 any
4 soccer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
5 rugby (Johannesburg, South Africa)
6 2 Is there a café near your school?
6 baseball (New York, US)
Yes, there is. It’s [location]. / No, there isn’t.
3 Are there any good cooks in your family?
2 1 Harry Potter 2 a tiger 3 a mouse 4 pigs
Yes there are. [name(s)] is/are (a) very good
5 a whale 6 in Narnia / Aslan’s country
cook(s). / No, there aren’t.
4 Is there an Italian restaurant near your
3 1 g 2c 3e 4j 5d 6b 7i 8f
9h 10 a
Yes, there is. It’s [opinion]. / No, there isn’t.
5 Is there a farmers’ market in your town?
4 1 Eve 2 summer 3 April 4 India 5 first
Yes, there is. It has [food]. / No, there isn’t.

Pronunciation point
1 bear (/eə/ not /ɜ:/) 2 gymnastics (/ɪ/ not /aɪ/) Lesson 2
3 phone (/əʊ/ not /ɒ/) 4 key (/i:/ not /e/) 1 b honey c fries d butter e lamb
5 computer (/ju:/ not /ʌ/) f sauce g cookies h candy

2 1 much 2 a lot of 3 too much 4 much

Check your progress 3 5 How much 6 a lot of 7 how many
1 1 were 2 was 3 was; was 4 were; were 8 a lot of 9 much 10 a lot of 11 a lot of
12 many 13 too many 14 much
2 1 played 2 did you study; studied 15 a lot of
3 didn’t send; sent 4 Did he wear; didn’t
5 stopped 4 1 False (She likes bananas.)
2 True
3 1 boxing 2 skiing 3 volleyball 4 sociable 3 True
5 funny 6 quiet 4 False (She says the food was horrible, not
the man.)
4 1 awful 2 great 3 different 4 horrible 5 True
5 disagree 6 False (She doesn’t eat it very often.)

Answer key 11
Lesson 3 Phil Hi, I’m Phil, and my bad day in
1 2 She’s a vegetarian. the kitchen was just last week. My
3 We can’t afford to eat in restaurants. boss asked me to make ice cream,
4 I’m a foodie. so I got the eggs and cream and a
5 This restaurant looks awful. white bag from the cupboard.
I didn’t really look at what was
2 1 cheese (not meat) 2 onion (not fruit) inside the bag. Big mistake – it
3 fish (not carbohydrate) 4 salt (not sweet) wasn’t sugar, it was salt. I made
5 eggs (not a drink) 6 carrots (grow the ice cream, tasted it, and it was
underground) awful. My boss was really mad, so I
don’t make desserts for him now.
3 Clockwise from top left: nuts, honey, bread Raj Hello, my name’s Raj. I feel horrible
(rolls), milk, peppers, tomatoes, lemons, coffee, when I think about my mistake.
an egg, crackers, cheese, butter We were really busy in the kitchen
one day, plus we had lots of calls
4 1 How often do you see your family? for reservations. I answered the
2 How often do you play sports? phone once, and a lady wanted a
3 How often do you send a text message? reservation for a big party of 70
4 How often do you go to the movies? people. I wrote down her name,
5 How often do you travel by plane? phone number and the date, but
6 How often do you write a letter? for the number of customers, I
wrote 17 not 70. On the day of the
6 party, all those people arrived but
we didn’t have tables for them. It
/ʊ/ /u:/ was awful.
cooking, dining food, group, noodles, Nina Hey, this is Nina. I work really long
room*, football, look, spoon, toothbrush hours in a hotel restaurant. One
sugar day, I was really tired after making
* In some accents, dining room would be in lunch, so I decided to relax for half
the /uː/ column. an hour in one of the hotel rooms.
But I went straight to sleep. It was
7 1 d 2a 3e 4b so quiet and warm, and I was
asleep for more than three hours!
Transcript 20 I usually start to prepare dinner at
four o’clock, so I was two hours
Presenter We asked some cooks to tell us
late. My boss tried call me on my
about a bad day in the kitchen.
cell, but I just didn’t hear it.
Here are some of their answers.
Ping Hi, my name’s Ping. I work in a
Chinese restaurant and I usually Vocabulary plus / Language in Action
prepare meat and fish dishes. But 1 1 carton; glass 2 bowl; cup 3 jar; bottle
one day, we had a very big group 4 plate; slice 5 can; piece
of vegetarian customers. I prepared
a lot of fresh vegetable dishes, 2 1 roast 2 bake 3 boil 4 chop 5 fry
and all the rice and noodles. The
food looked delicious. But then, 3 1 put 2 add 3 knife and fork 4 mug
at the last minute, I put in some 5 oven
shrimp and chicken. I don’t know
why! The waiter didn’t see me do 4 1 c 2a 3d 4e 5b
it, and he served the food to the
customers. Of course nobody ate 5 1 want 2 have 3 you are 4 Would
it! What a mistake! 5 I’d like 6 wants 7 Do 8 want
9 don’t want 10 check

12 Answer key
Unit 8 3 1 You always eat very quickly.
2 She can sing really beautifully./She can
Lesson 1 really sing beautifully.
3 My students always work hard.
1 1 Spanish; Catalan 2 Arabic; Turkish
4 You need to listen carefully.
3 Greek; Japanese 4 Russian; Mandarin
5 We need to think fast.
Chinese 5 Italian; Portuguese
4 1 fast 2 angrily 3 well 4 slowly
2 1 can write 2 can use 3 can’t swim
5 happily 6 immediately
4 can’t dance 5 can’t play 6 can speak
7 can cook
5 1 surprised 2 doesn’t know 3 similar
4 weren’t 5 would 6 doesn’t have
3 1 Can Emma sing and dance?
No, she can’t.
Transcript 21
2 Can Ian tell funny jokes?
Yes, he can. Lisa So, Eddie, tell me – what’s Dan’s new
3 Can Ian and Kim dance? girlfriend like?
No, they can’t. Eddie Not girlfriend, Lisa … wife!
4 Can Emma and Andy act? Lisa What? You mean they’re married?
Yes, they can. Eddie Yep. They went to the Caribbean and
5 Who can sing? got married on an island!
Ian and Andy can (sing). Lisa Wow! That’s a surprise. What about
6 What can Emma do? Dan’s parents? Were they mad about
She can act and tell funny jokes. the wedding?
7 What can Andy do? Eddie No, no. They really like her. Her name’s
He can sing, dance, act, and play the piano. Isabel, and everyone says she’s a really
8 How many instruments can Kim play? nice.
She can play two instruments (the guitar Lisa Do you know her?
and the piano). Eddie No, not really. I met her once. She was
in town with Dan, but they were in a
4 1 I’m good at swimming. hurry, so they didn’t stay long.
2 You’re very good at playing the guitar. Lisa OK, so … er, what does she look like?
3 I’m interested in movies. Is she pretty?
4 We aren’t / We’re not interested in going to Eddie Yes, I think so. She’s got beautiful
museums. blue eyes and a nice face. And she’s
tall thin, like Dan. They look good
together as a couple.
Lesson 2 Lisa Oh, that’s nice.
1 1 ambitious 2 nervous 3 serious Eddie And it’s a very romantic story ,
4A confident 4D careful 5 talented actually. They met and they fell in love
6 lively 7 clever immediately. They didn’t want to wait,
so they planned the wedding very
2 1 would 2 I like 3 to decide 4 to enjoy quickly. Dan’s parents were there and
5 want 6 would all like 7 do you want so were Isabel’s, - but that was it! Just
8 do 9 need 10 Would six people at the wedding.
Lisa Wow! That’s tiny! I’d like a huge
4 1 Y 2N 3 DS 4N 5 DS 6Y wedding with all my family and
friends, delicious food and dancing all
Lesson 3 Eddie Yes, but you need a boyfriend first!
1 1 d 2c 3b 4a Lisa I know, but I never meet interesting
2 parts of the head: chin, eyebrow, face, hair Eddie Don’t worry – there’s someone for
hair style: long, short, medium-length everyone.
hair color: fair, brown, dark, blonde
Answer key 13
Lisa Well, I hope you’re right. But it’s great 2 1 a lot of (Japan) 2 many (France)
for Dan and Isabel. I hope they live 3 a lot of (Spain) 4 some (Italy) 5 a (Turkey)
happily ever after! 6 some (Brazil)

3 1b 2a 3c 4b 5c
Vocabulary plus / Language in Action 6 a French b Arabic/Farsi (Persian) c Italian
1 hand 6; finger 7; head 1; foot 11; knee 9; 7 a Mandarin Chinese b Greek c Japanese
wrist 5; shoulder 3; toe 12; ankle 10; elbow 4; 8 I’d like a (ham)burger and fries, and a soda.
neck 2; leg 8
This order is the logical one, but it’s possible Pronunciation point
that students may have a different order
1 lamb, knee, would, often, overweight, hour,
(e.g. hand before elbow) if they follow the
2 She sells fresh fish, cheese, salt and sugar in a
2 1 Turn 2 move 3 touch 4 medium-height
5 overweight 6 thin
Sadly Sally isn’t sociable — she’s shy, so she
isn’t in the show.
3 1 This hotel it looks good.
2 I’m good at play football.
3 You very good, everyone! Check your progress 4
4 Fruit is good health for you. 1 1 b 2a 3a 4d 5b 6c
5 I feel good person.
6 Have a good very time! 2 1 Can you speak Turkish?
2 I can’t speak a lot of languages.
4 1 A Can I have a party? 3 She can’t speak English very well.
B Yes, you can, but only ask about 15 4 My brother talks very quickly.
people. 5 He spoke very angrily to me.
A Can’t I invite all my friends? 6 My dad always worked really hard.
B No, you can’t. Sorry.
2 A Can I borrow your computer? 3 1 chocolate 2 soft drinks 3 cake
B No, sorry, you can’t. Not today. 4 salty
A What about on the weekend?
B You can have it on Saturday, sure, no 4 1 Japanese 2 Russian 3 Turkish
problem. 4 Portuguese

5 1 You can’t take photos. 5 1 Are you ready to order?

2 You can have a picnic. 2 I’d/We’d like (the) roast beef, (please).
3 You can pay by credit card. 3 What would you like for dessert?
4 You can’t drink the water. 4 I want the chocolate cake, please.
5 You can’t turn left. 5 Can/Could I/we have the check, please?
[2 points per correct sentence]
6 2, 4, 5

Review quiz 7–8 Unit 9

1 Suggested answers
Lesson 1
ratatouille (France): tomatoes, garlic, onions,
1 1 cold 2 snowing 3 cloudy 4 raining; wet
zuchini, eggplant, peppers, herbs
5 windy 6 warm 7 hot 8 sunny
chilli con carne (Mexico/Latin America):
tomatoes, rice, garlic, chillies, onions, kidney
3 1 leggings (not accessories)
beans, ground beef
2 shirt (worn on the top half of the body)
nasi goreng (Indonesia): soy sauce, rice, garlic,
3 gloves (worn on hands, not feet)
chillies, onions, egg, chicken, peppers, shrimp
4 tie (doesn’t cover body and arms)

14 Answer key
5 suit (made up of two items) Lesson 3
1 1 read 2 think 3 be 4 keep 5 be 6 be
4 22 7 have 8 spend 9 sit 10 be
2 He isn’t / He’s not taking a bath. He’s taking
a shower. 2 1 has to wear 2 doesn’t have to wear
3 It isn’t / It’s not snowing. It’s raining. 3 has to have 4 have to train
4 She isn’t / She’s not driving a car. She’s 5 don’t have to go 6 have to be
riding a motorcycle.
5 He isn’t / He’s not getting up. He’s going to 3 1 Do you have to travel in your job?
bed. 2 How many hours a week does your dad
6 She isn’t / She’s not playing the guitar. She’s have to work?
playing the violin. 3 Do you have to have a degree for your job?
4 Do they have to speak good English?
5 1 What book are you reading at the 5 What time does he have to arrive at
moment? college?
I’m reading [name of book]. 6 Do we have to go the meeting?
2 Where are you sitting right now?
I’m sitting [place]. 4 1 I (don’t) have to get up early every day.
3 How are you feeling today? 2 I (don’t) have to be good with technology
I’m feeling [good/happy/sad/angry/etc.] for my job/studies.
today. 3 I (don’t) have to go to work/college on
4 Is it raining now? Saturdays.
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 4 My dad has to / doesn’t have to wear a
5 Are you wearing jeans today? uniform for work.
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 5 My mom has to / doesn’t have to work
6 Is your teacher helping you now? long hours.
Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t. 6 My best friend has to / doesn’t have to use
a computer at work.
Lesson 2 7 My grandparents have to / don’t have to
1 1 are you going 2 I’m going 3 don’t work wear glasses for reading.
4 I know 5 I’m working 6 is visiting 7 need
8 I’m wearing 9 does the boss come 5 1, 3, 5, 6
10 sees 11 checks 12 I’m going
Transcript 23
2 1 I really like the top Colette’s wearing today. Interviewer So, Angie, you have a different
2 I don’t believe that people can live on the kind of job. Can you tell us about
moon. it?
3 He’s a firefighter, so he wears a uniform Angie Sure. I’m a stand-up comedian.
every day at work. It’s my job to make people laugh.
4 I think he looks great in that suit. Do you But I don’t just do it through
agree? single jokes.
5 Do you always wear the same clothes to I like to tell funny stories. I look at
work? everyday life and I find things to
6 We prefer the warm weather so we can talk about. I’m also a musician, so
wear shorts and T-shirts. I play the guitar and sing funny
3 1 do; think; like 2 Do; mind 3 Do; agree Interviewer OK, so what’s a typical working
4 do; prefer; hate 5 don’t understand day like for you?
6 doesn’t believe Angie Well, it’s very different from most
people’s routine. I work at night,
4 1 d 2e 3a 4c 5b of course. I start at about ten, so
that means I don’t go to bed until
about 3 a.m.
Answer key 15
Interviewer Wow, that is late!
Angie Yes, but I don’t have to get up
Unit 10
early the next day. I can sleep Lesson 1
until about 11 a.m.
1 a 2 b 9 c 8 d 11 e 3, 6 f1
Interviewer That helps! And do you have to
g5 h 4, 7, 10, 12
travel a lot?
Angie Yes, I work shows all over the
country. I sometimes have to drive
long distances and stay in hotels. two syllables yoga, diving, zumba, salsa,
Interviewer I see. Is that pretty stressful? tai-chi, climbing, judo,
Angie Actually, I don’t mind travelling
– it’s just part of my work. And I three syllables karate, Pilates,
love my job. When you tell a story weightlifting, kickboxing
and everybody laughs, it’s an
amazing feeling. 4 1 They’re going to have lunch.
Interviewer So, what type of person can be a 2 They’re going to go swimming.
comedian? 3 She’s going to get take out.
Angie You have to be confident, of 4 He’s going to be home late.
course. And you have to be silly 5 They’re going to try weightlifting.
sometimes. Audiences come to
a show to have fun. But it’s also Transcript 24
hard work. I spend a long time 1
preparing each show. I write new A So, where would you like to go?
stories and songs all the time. It’s B I don’t care, really.
important to give the audience A Well, I’m not very hungry, so why don’t we
something new. just have a sandwich?
Interviewer So, where is your next show? B Ok, that sounds fine. There’s a nice little
Angie I’m at a comedy club in Seattle all sandwich place near the park. We can go
this week. I live in Seattle, so that there.
means I don’t have to travel very 2
far … A Do you have your swimsuit?
B Yes, I’m wearing it under my sundress.
A Well, take your sundress off and let’s go in.
Vocabulary plus / Language in Action B But the water looks really cold …
1 1 tights; dress 2 tracksuit; tennis shoes; A Don’t be silly. Come on … let’s have a race!
swimsuit 3 ring 4 glasses 5 earrings 3
6 coat 7 socks/shoes/slippers 8 hat A Hello, Mario’s. How can I help you?
9 jeans 10 earrings, glasses, jeans, socks, B Hi, can I place an order, please?
tights (boots, flip-flops, gloves, leggings, shoes, A Of course. What would you like?
shorts, pants) B Can I have a medium pizza with
mushrooms, bell peppers, and olives?
2 1 change 2 borrow 3 fit 4 try; on A Sure, no problem. It will be about 30
5 wear 6 lend 7 take off minutes. What’s your address, please?
B It’s 29 Miller Street …
3 1 Do you need; I’m just looking 4
2 any; they’re Recording This is Maggie’s voicemail. Please
3 this; small leave your message after the tone.
4 try these pants on; fitting M Hey, sweetheart, it’s me. I’m still in a
5 How much; It’s meeting, and there’s still a lot to talk about.
6 size; I have I also have to finish a report, so I can’t leave
7 Are you paying; cash the office until about eight. I’m so sorry,
but don’t wait for me for dinner. See you
4 1 help 2 have 3 are 4 know 5 try about eight thirty.
6 sit 7 feel 8 are 9 think
16 Answer key
5 3 1 taller ([name] is taller than me. / No one in
M OK, this is a new activity for you, so let’s go my family is taller than me.)
slowly. First, your body needs to be warm, 2 healthier ([name] is healthier than me. /
so raise your arms up … good … bend None of my friends is healthier than me.)
slowly and touch your toes. And again. 3 easier (I think math/English is easier than
Good. It’s important to bend your knees English/math.)
and keep your back straight in this activity. 4 more dangerous (I think riding a horse/
And don’t be too ambitious. Don’t try motorcycle is more dangerous than riding a
anything too heavy. So, are you ready? motorcycle/horse.)
5 more nervous (I’m more nervous when
5 1 ’s/is going to be speaking English / to a big group.)
2 ’m/am going to train 6 better (The weather in my town is better in
3 are going to live April/August (than in August/April).)
4 Are [you] going to move 7 cheaper (In my town, the gym/theater is
5 ’re not / are not / aren’t going to live cheaper (than the theater/gym).)
6 Are [you] going to stay 8 closer (A gym/restaurant is closer to my
7 ’m/am not going to find house (than a restaurant/gym).)
8 isn’t / is not going to be
4 1 True 2 True 3 False (He spent an hour.)
6 1 Are you going to change jobs soon? 4 False (He’s lighter and quicker.)
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 5 False (It was for 24 hours (eight weeks for
2 Are your friends going to visit you today? three hours a week).) 6 True 7 True
Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t / they’re not. 8 False (He’s going with his wife.)
3 Are you going to work out at the gym this
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Lesson 3
4 Is it going to be warm tomorrow? 1 1 d 2c 3b 4a
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
5 Is your teacher going to give you a test next 2 1 You shouldn’t arrive late.
week? 2 You should try walking or cycling.
Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t. 3 You should eat healthy snacks.
4 You shouldn’t go to bed late.
5 You should wear good tennis shoes.
Lesson 2 6 You shouldn’t lift weights today.
1 /æ/ back
/ʌ/ muscle 3 1 b What should I do to lose weight?
/ə/ stomach 2 d Where should we go running?
/eɪ/ waist 3 e How should I prepare for my exam?
/aɪ/ spine 4 a What should I wear for yoga?
/ɔɪ/ joint 5 c When should we have the party?

2 1 My mom is shorter than my dad. 4 1 weight-lifting 2 cycling 3 running

2 The new gym is bigger than the old one. 4 tai-chi 5 zumba 6 75 7 27.50 8 5
3 You are better at sport than the rest of the 9 8 p.m. 10 7 a.m. 11 9 a.m. 12 6 p.m.
family. She is interested in zumba and salsa
4 I would like my diet to be healthier. on a pay-as-you-go basis ($5 per class).
5 I can’t lift this weight. It’s heavier than that
one. Transcript 25
6 People are often happier when they do Alison Oh, hi. I’d like some information about
some exercise. your exercise classes.
7 Playing golf is more expensive than going Receptionist Of course. How can I help?
swimming. Alison Well, can you tell me about the
8 Young children are usually more flexible activities at the gym?
than older people.
Answer key 17
Receptionist Sure, we have all the equipment 3 1 stuff 2 thing 3 things 4 thing
for weight-lifting, exercise bikes for 5 things 6 stuff
cycling, and running machines.
Alison Oh, that sounds very energetic! Is 4 1 your book; your class 2 a class; a car
there anything a bit easier – maybe a 3 money; weight
group activity?
Receptionist Of course, we have lots of great 5 1 You should take a long vacation.
group activities – something gentle like 2 Why don’t you go back to college?
yoga or tai-chi. They’re very popular. 3 You shouldn’t be angry about it.
Or there’s a Pilates course starting next 4 Perhaps you could talk to your boss.
week. But if you’re into music, we also 5 Don’t go to work tomorrow.
have zumba and salsa classes.
Alison Oh, I love dancing. Zumba and salsa 6 1 should I do 2 don’t worry
sound great. 3 Perhaps you could look
Receptionist OK, and you can always start 4 why don’t you sell 5 you shouldn’t buy
with a dance activity and then try
something different.
Alison Great! So, what about the cost? How
Review Units 9–10
much is it to join? 1 1 shoes 2 sunglasses; coat 3 scarf
Receptionist Well, at this gym we have three 4 pants; jacket; hat 5 dress 6 suit; tie
levels – Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The
top price is Gold and that’s $75 per 2 1 skipping (not a water sport)
month. Then we have Silver at $50 per 2 walking (doesn’t need equipment)
month, and Bronze is a lot cheaper at 3 judo (not done to music)
$27.50. 4 skiing (not a martial art)
Alison Gosh, that’s still expensive. I can’t
really afford that. 3 a running 4 b walking 7 c tai chi 6
Receptionist Don’t worry, that’s fine. We d badminton 5 e tennis 1 f sitting 8
have pay-as-you-go tickets. g skipping 3 h rock climbing 2
Alison What does that mean exactly?
Receptionist You pay for each activity on the 4 1 cheaper than 2 have to 3 should
day you come to the class. 4 shouldn’t usually 5 Excuse me
Alison Oh, that sounds good. How much is 6 should always 7 5–14 8 bigger
each class?
Receptionist It’s $5. Pronunciation point
Alison Perfect! Pay-as-you-go sounds right 2 funny – sunny – money
for me. 3 meet – met – mat
Receptionist OK. We have two salsa and 4 form – warm – walk
three Zumba classes a week, all at $5. 5 state – weight – waist
And if you want to swim, the pool is 6 shirts – shorts – sports
open seven days a week: Monday to
Friday from eight till eight, Saturday
Check your progress 5
from seven in the morning until 10
p.m., and Sunday nine till six. 1 1 b 2c 3d 4a 5c
Alison OK, thanks very much for all your
help … 2 1 better 2 happier 3 more exciting
4 thinner 5 worse

Vocabulary plus / Language in Action 3 1 windy 2 cloudy 3 snowing 4 sunny

1 1 f 2e 3g 4b 5c 6a 7d 5 wet 6 cardigan 7 gloves 8 skirt
9 sweater 10 pants
2 1 inactive 2 uninteresting 3 inflexible
4 unhealthy 5 unhappy 4 1 help; size 2 much; think 3 try on; What

18 Answer key
4 could/should 5 Perhaps 6 should/could Lesson 3
7 shouldn’t 1 1 break down 2 check-in desk √
3 baggage eclaim√ 4 departure gate √
5 flat tire 6 boarding pass√ 7 parking ticket
Unit 11 8 hand luggage √

Lesson 1 2 1 missed; took 2 went; got on

1 1 desert 2 pyramid 3 cliff 4 square 3 forgot; broke down 4 got off; left
5 lost; cancelled
2 1 over 2 across 3 to 4 through 5 into
3 1 too expensive 2 old enough 3 too far
3 1 haven’t / have not seen 2 ’ve/have climbed 4 sunny enough 5 strong enough
3 ’ve/have traveled 4 ’s/has taken 6 too noisy
5 hasn’t / has not tried 6 haven’t / have not
been/gone 7 ’ve/have slept 8 haven’t / have 4 a 4 b3 c5 d1 e2
not had
Transcript 26
4 1 flown 2 haven’t 3 been
Rachel Did you have a good birthday?
4 have you been 5 been 6 crossed
Alice Hmm, I don’t think “good” is really
7 has 8 has 9 gone 10 gone 11 has
the right word.
Rachel Why, what happened?
5 1 b 2a 3a 4b
Alice Well, my gift from Rob was a
surprise. I knew it was a trip,
6 1 Have [you ever] traveled
but he didn’t say where. He
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
told me we had to go on a long
2 Have [you ever] practiced
car ride before I could have my
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
surprise. So, we got up early in the
3 Have [you ever] written
morning. I went to get the car out
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
of the garage and … we had a flat
4 have [you] been
I’ve been abroad [number] times. / I’ve
Rachel Oh, no!
never been abroad.
Alice Yes, but Rob changed the tire
5 have [you] visited
quickly and then we left the house.
I’ve visited [place(s)]. / I haven’t visited any
My birthday was the same day
famous places.
as a big sports event in the city,
6 have [you always] wanted
so there was traffic everywhere.
I’ve always wanted to see [feature].
We got to the highway and then
waited and waited and waited.
Lesson 2 Finally, we started to move , but
1 1 h 2g 3d 4b 5a 6f 7e 8c we were on the road for at least
two hours.
2 1 got married 2 started 3 have you written Rachel OK, so what was your surprise?
4 has traveled 5 went 6 haven’t had Alice Wait a minute, there’s more. We
7 Did you go drove into the middle of a huge
parking lot. And then it started to
3 1 Have [you ever] broken 2 have 3 broke rain and it was really windy. Rob
4 did [you] do 5 fell 6 have [you] been got a text, and he looked really
7 visited 8 was 9 took disappointed. I had to wait for my
surprise because of the weather.
4 1 alone 2 ordinary vacation photos 3 many So that was another hour in the
directions 4 went 5 Northern Lights 6 has car.

Answer key 19
Then, at about four o’clock, the 2 1 the most crowded 2 cheaper 3 the best
sun came out and the weather was 4 the coldest 5 more relaxing
much better. We got out of the
car, and there was a big group of 3 1 the best 2 the most crowded
people next to small office. They all 3 The highest 4 the nicest
had tickets and a lot of them had 5 The most expensive 6 the most popular
cameras. I didn’t really understand 7 the smallest 8 the most relaxing
why they were there. Anyway, 9 the worst
we waited for a long time, and at
that point, I was really hungry. We 4 2 the least crowded 3 The hottest
didn’t have lunch because of all 4 the coldest 5 The most expensive
the traffic and bad weather. 6 the cheapest 7 The most popular
Rachel So what was your surprise? 8 the most interesting 9 The safest
Alice At five o’clock, we walked into 10 the cleanest
a field. And then I saw a hot air
balloon. That was my surprise – a 5 1 Who is the tallest person in your family?
ride in a hot air balloon. 2 Where is the best place to eat in your city?
Rachel That’s wonderful! How romantic! 3 What is the most difficult thing about
Alice Not if you don’t like heights. I hate learning English?
being high up in the air. But Rob 4 Who is the friendliest person you know?
was so excited. I had to get into 5 What is the worst thing that happened
the balloon and spend an hour yesterday?
with my eyes closed, holding onto 6 Which is the most polluted city in your
the ropes. Rob loved it. He took country?
about a hundred pictures. I just
wanted to get out. I was so happy
when we landed back in the field
Lesson 2
and I was safe. 1 1 minibar 2 flat-screen TV
Rachel Wow. That’s some story. 3 wheelchair access 4 heating 5 spa/sauna
6 elevator 7 air conditioning 8 balcony

Vocabulary plus / Language in Action 3 1 couldn’t 2 had to 3 had to 4 couldn’t

1 1 Caves 2 Mosque 3 Ocean 4 Bridge 5 had to 6 couldn’t
5 Cathedral 6 Canal 7 Castle 8 Tower
9 Valley 10 Lake 4 1 D 2A 3B 4C 5A 6D 7B 8C

2 bungee jumping, hot air ballooning, rock

climbing, scuba diving, skateboarding, white-
Lesson 3
water rafting, windsurfing 1 1 I’m American, but my grandparents were
from Ireland.
3 1 in 2 on 3 in 4 at 5 on 6 at 2 It is raining at the moment.
3 I was born in Kyoto, in Japan.
4 a T, 6 b C, 1 c C, 5 d T, 2 e T, 4 f C, 3 4 My friend wasn’t at home last weekend.
5 Last year, I went to China for the first time.
5 1 is 2 too 3 does 4 takes 5 How 6 We drove to the beach on Sunday.
6 slower 7 much 8 leave 9 At 10 in 7 I visited my brother in Singapore last year.
8 I’ve never traveled abroad in my life.
9 Kim isn’t in the office today. She’s gone to
Unit 12 London.
10 My son is going / wants to be an actor.
Lesson 1
2 1 f 2a 3e 4d 5c 6b
1 1 c 2 g 3 d 4e 5b 6j 7f 8h
9 i 10 a
3 2 the most delicious; have [ever] eaten
20 Answer key
3 the nicest; have [ever] met What do you think?
4 the best; have [ever] read Emily Yes, great. That’s an excellent idea.
5 the most beautiful; have [ever] visited And finally, Erik?
6 the worst; have [ever] seen Erik Well, this is an idea we tried in my last
job and it was very successful. Work is
4 1 c 2a 3e 4b 5d very tiring, so my idea is that can take
a “cat nap” at work. The idea is that
Transcript 27 you can put your head on your desk
Emily OK, everyone, it’s our charity day next just for a short time and feel rested.
month, so we need some suggestions. People pay for every minute they
Last year, we made a lot of money, for aren’t working – maybe 50 cents per
several charities, so we need more of minute. But there’s a maximum of 15
your good ideas for this year. Linda, minutes! You can’t nap all day!
would you like to start? Emily Thank you, everyone – these are some
Linda Sure. Well, I want to lose some fantastic ideas …
weight, so I’m going on a diet.
People can pay me for every pound 5 1 True
I lose. How about $1 per pound? It 2 False (She suggests they pay her $1 for
would be great – I can get thinner and every pound)  
make money for charity. 3 False (He is going to keep quiet at home
Emily Good idea, thank you. Joe, do you too.)    
have any ideas? 4 False (They pay different prices for different
Joe Yes, um, my idea is to be quiet! clothes.)    
Everyone knows I love talking, so 5 True    
I’m not going to say anything for 24 6 False (They tried it where he worked
hours. So for eight hours at work and before.)
the rest of the day at home, I’m not
going to speak. People will pay the Vocabulary plus / Language in Action
charity when I finish the 24 hours –
1 1 twin room 2 queen room 3 king room
maybe $5 for the whole day?
4 room service 5 WiFi password 6 sea view
Of course, I’m going to be asleep for
7 wake-up call
some of the time!
Emily Good luck with that, Joe – great idea.
2 1 phone number 2 message 3 traffic
So, Magda, what’s your idea?
4 boots
Magda I like the idea of dress-down Friday
– you know, people come to work
3 1 up 2 up 3 out 4 for 5 at
in ordinary clothes. They can pay for
each thing they are wearing – 50p for
4 1 Is there any water left in the bottle?
a T-shirt, $2 for jeans and $5 for shorts
2 Turn left on Mill Street and the bank is at
and flip-flops, something like that. It
the end.
could be fun to go to a meeting in a
3 Some things are more difficult for left-
handed people.
Emily Yes, that’s a good one. We made a
4 We left our car at the airport parking lot.
lot of money from that last year. So,
who’s next … Tom?
5 1 help 2 reservation 3 check 4 book
Tom OK, right. I thought about something
5 spelling 6 checking 7 twin 8 passport
to do with transportation. A lot of
people come to work by car – the
6 1 A It’s reception.
parking lot’s always full. So why don’t
B I’m sorry, but the heating in my room
we make money from that? People
doesn’t not work.
pay $5 if they don’t walk or bike to
A I’ll send someone up for to fix it.
work. Or come by bus, of course. We
B Thank to you very much.
could a make a lot of money that way.
2 A Excuse me. I asked for a room with a
Answer key 21
balcony, but there isn’t one balcony. 4 Washington D.C., by train
B Oh, I’m sorry, but we don’t have 5 New York, by plane
another one room for you.
3 A Could I to have the WiFi password for 4 1 False (They’re red, white and blue.) 2 True
my room, please? 3 True 4 False (It’s in London.) 5 True
B I’m sorry, but you must have to go to 6 True 7 False (It’s in Tokyo.)
the Business Center.
A Why do am I have to go there? Pronunciation point
B There it isn’t a WiFi connection in the Different words in bold
bedrooms. 1 passport mountain hotel river
4 A I’m sorry, but my room is a little of dark.
Is it possible to change? 2 amazing delicious expensive wonderful
B I’m sorry about that. I’ll going see if
there’s a room free … yes, room 74. 3 supermarket reservation expedition
A That’s is great. information
B Would do you like to change now?
A Yes. Thanks for a lot. 4 highway cathedral stadium passenger

Review quiz 11–12 5 ticket return tower ocean

1 2 The biggest desert in the world is the
Sahara. Check your progress 6
3 The longest river in the world is the Nile*. 1 1 went 2 been 3 ran 4 I’ve never seen
* Some sources claim that the Amazon is the longest 5 missed 6 broke down
4 The highest mountain in the world is 2 1 the safest 2 the ugliest 3 the best
Everest. 4 the most amazing
5 The smallest country in the world is Vatican
City. 3 1 couldn’t 2 had to 3 had to 4 couldn’t
6 The country that has the largest population
is China. 4 1 mountains 2 beach 3 forest
7 The country that has the oldest population 4 garage 5 wheelchair access 6 queen
is Japan.
8 The country that has the most expensive 5 1 A ticket to Boston, please.
transport system is Norway. 2 How much is it?
9 The country that has the busiest airport is 3 How long does it take?
the US (Atlanta Airport). 4 What time does the train leave?
5 One way or round trip?
2 1 We’ve had a party on Copacabana Beach. 6 I have a reservation for three nights.
(Rio de Janeiro) 7 Hello, my name’s Bruce.
2 I’ve been to the top of the Eiffel Tower. 8 I’m sorry, but the TV doesn’t work.
(Paris) 9 Excuse me, but my room is very cold.
3 We’ve taken photos of the Lincoln 10 I asked for a queen room.
Memorial. (Washington, DC)
4 I’ve seen the Jade Buddha Temple.
(Shanghai) Writing
5 We’ve climbed Table Mountain. (Cape 1 1 1d 2c 3a 4b
Town) 2 1b 2a 3c
6 I’ve visited St Basil’s Cathedral. (Moscow) 3 a 4 b 15 c 10 d 11 e 3 f 8
4 1 The first name (Anna) and the flast
3 1 Los Angeles, by car name (Johansson) are switched around.
2 Tokyo, by plane 2 27 years is not a date, it is a period of
3 London, by underground time.

22 Answer key
3 Mexico is a country, not a nationality. It 4 I enjoy sports and I love listening to
should be Mexican. music.
4 There is no error with the zip code. 5 I play the piano pretty well and I write
5 The capital letters are missing: 191 Lake songs.
Drive, Atlanta. 6 I see my parents every day because they
6 You should not write anything in the live near me.
section ”For office use only”. 3 1 … just one brother. | 2 I’m an IT worker …
… don’t enjoy it very much. | 3 I do a lot of
2 1 intelligent, good-looking, shy different …
2 1 San Diego is a very attractive city. 4 1 d 2 a 3 c
2 All the restaurants near the theater are
popular. 4 1 start work/college 4
3 There are two big movie theaters in the get home 6
city. have lunch 5
4 The people in the town are friendly. get up 1
5 The town has a lot of pretty parks. have breakfast 2
6 The hotel is a great place for weddings. go to bed 8
7 The cities of Vienna and Paris are go to work/college 3
famous for their beautiful buildings. have dinner 7
8 There are some wonderful paintings in 2 W: have meetings, write emails,
the art gallery. make phone calls
3 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 e 5 b C: have exams, have lectures, work in the
4 1 San Francisco is a big city in the state library
of California in the US. It’s near San B: use the internet, have a coffee break,
Jose and Palo Alto. San Francisco has a work at a desk
population of about 780,000. 3 b
2 The airport is not near the downtown, 4 1 On 2 at 3 Then 4 by 5 but
but there is public transportation and 6 before 7 from 8 then 9 in 10 and
bus service. The tourist information 11 after 12 on 13 in 14 before
center is in a big building on Market 15 then
Street. 5 1 2 singer 3 writer 4 runner 5 swimmer
3 There are a lot of great hotels. The 6 actor 7 director 9 musician
Fairmont is famous. It has almost 600 10 businessman/businesswoman
rooms, restaurants, and fantastic city 11 scientist 12 politician
views. 2 1 to 2 in; in 3 for 4 at 5 in
4 There’s food from all over the world in 3 1 1977 2 one son 3 archery
San Francisco - from China, Thailand, 4 traveling 5 a star 6 UNICEF
France, and Mexico. Popular places 7 homeless families
are The Cheesecake Factory and Gary 4 Orlando Bloom was born in Canterbury,
Danko. England, in 1977. He is an actor and he is
5 San Francisco is famous for its sights famous for The Lord of the Rings movies.
and events. There is the Golden Gate His character in those movies was Legolas.
Bridge, Chinatown, and Coit Tower. He was also in the Pirates of the Caribbean
The city also has many museums, art movies. His character in those movies was
museums, and technology events. Will Turner.
Orlando has one sister, Samantha. He was
3 1 1 b 2 e 3 a 4 f 5 d 6 c married to the Australian model, Miranda
2 1 I don’t see my friends in the evening Kerr, but they are not together now. They
because I don’t have time. have one son.
2 I love learning languages because/and I He is good at French and sports like horse
like talking to people! riding, archery and surfing. This helps him
3 My favorite band is Coldplay because in his work. He likes soccer and he is a
their songs are great. fan of Manchester United. He also loves

Answer key 23
traveling / to travel, and New Zealand is 10 1 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 d
one of his favorite places. 2 1 Hi, Andy!
He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of 2 Dear Mrs. Wilson
Fame, but he also does a lot of charity 3 All the best
work. He is an ambassador for children’s 4 Best wishes
charity UNICEF. He was in Syria in 2014 to 5 Bye for now!
meet homeless families because of the war. 3 1 I’m writing to ask 2 should I do
3 how can I make 4 Don’t be nervous
6 1 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 You should take 6 why don’t you join
2 1 d 2 b 3 a 7 could go on Facebook
11 1 1 lose 2 be 3 forget 4 fall 5 leave
7 1 6 miss 7 have 8 stay
café/restaurant waiter food 2 I had a terrible day at work yesterday. I
busy polite delicious didn’t hear my alarm clock, so I missed my
train. My boss was very mad at me because
crowded rude fresh
I missed an important meeting. ”Why are
expensive slow sweet you late?” she asked me. Then I realized I
didn’t have my purse, so I couldn’t buy any
2 1 a lot of (U) 2 an (H) 3 some (H) lunch. When I got home, I was very hungry
4 any (U) 5 many (H) 6 a lot of (U) and very tired, so I had a sandwich and
3 2 serves 3 are 4 went 5 were went to bed.
6 arrived 7 was 8 love 9 ordered 3 1 e 2 c 3 a 4 d 5 f 6 b
10 chose 11 weren’t 12 had
13 tasted 14 wasn’t 15 weren’t 12 1 1 The worst day of our vacation! The
16 was 17 paid 18 didn’t have driver was late, and the traffic was
19 think 20 needs awful. (N)
2 I highly recommend it. You can see so
8 1 1 take on 2 do 3 learn 4 try 5 do much from the water. (P)
2 1 fresh; well (d) 2 quickly; difficult (a) 3 It was so crowded, you couldn’t see any
3 clearly; easy (b) 4 fast; easy (f) of the paintings when I went. (N)
5 talented; badly (c) 6 beautiful; terribly (e) 4 It was the most boring show I’ve ever
3 1 Beginners’ Spanish 2 to learn some seen! (N)
basic Spanish 3 was very crowded 5 The elevator didn’t work / wasn’t
4 warm and friendly 5 very well working, so we walked up, but the
6 very quietly 7 hear her 8 confidently view was nothing special. (N)
6 It was the most amazing building I’ve
9 1 1B 2B 3E 4E 5B 6E ever visited. (P)
2 1 We’re having a great time! 2 1 f 2 e 3 b 4 c 5 d 6 a
2 Did you get our postcard? 3 1 excited 2 cheaper 3 the best
3 Are you staying for one week or two? 4 friendly 5 the quietest 6 fast
4 Where are you staying, in a hotel or a 7 the most amazing 8 more fun
condo? 9 better 10 expensive
5 The beaches here are amazing!
3 1 ’re having 2 ’m sitting 3 write
4 ’m wearing 5 is having 6 went
7 found 8 bought 9 love
10 practice/’m practicing 11 speaks
12 don’t; understand
4 a 5 b 2 c 3 d 6 e 1 f 4
don’t ask for a photo!
it’s difficult for beginners!
I think I speak ”PortugEnglish”!

24 Answer key

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