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Reducing our Ecological Footprint: Developing Sustainability Scenarios for the

College of Forestry and Environmental Science, Central Mindanao University,

Article · July 2015


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2 authors, including:

Michael Arieh P. Medina

Central Mindanao University


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Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences
Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., Vol 4 [8] July 2015: 01-06
©2015 Academy for Environment and Life Sciences, India
Online ISSN 2277-1808
Journal’s URL:http://www.bepls.com
Global Impact Factor 0.533
Universal Impact Factor 0.9804


Reducing our Ecological Footprint: Developing Sustainability

Scenarios for the College of Forestry and Environmental Science,
Central Mindanao University, Philippines
Michael Arieh P. Medina, Bernard G. Catalon
Department of Environmental Science, College of Forestry and Environmental Science,
Central Mindanao University, University Town, Musuan, Bukidnon, Philippines 8715
Email: [email protected]

The study was conducted as an effort to obtain a glimpse of the impact of the activities of the College of Forestry and
Environmental Science in Central Mindanao University, Philippines through ecological footprinting. The Ecological
Footprinting (EF) approach was undertaken to estimate the amount of bioproductive land needed to provide for the
annual operations of the College. Based on EF conversion factors from previous life cycle analysis (LCA) studies, a partial
ecological footprint of the College was estimated based on the following components: electricity consumption, water
consumption, fuel use, air travel, built up land, paper consumption, and waste generation. The ecological footprint of the
College was found to be higher than its occupied land area. This necessitates the need for sustainability planning to limit
the increasing impact of the development activities of the College in terms of its demand for ecological resources. Hence
several sustainability scenarios were developed such as off grid solar energy generation, manual lawn mowing,
rainwater harvesting, paper reuse, and waste recycling. Such measures were found to decrease the ecological footprint
of the college at a minimal level. Nonetheless, the study was able to demonstrate how EF can be a useful educational tool
as well as an aid to policy and decision making in an academic institution.
Keywords: Sustainability, Ecological Footprint, Scenario Building, Philippines.

Received 12.05.2015 Revised 18.06. 2015 Accepted 03.07.2015

The important role of higher education in the achievement of sustainable development has been openly
accepted nowadays [1, 2, 3, and 4]. However, there is a difficulty in the monitoring and evaluation of
campus sustainability programs due to the varied means to measure and determine the success and
failure of such green initiatives towards achieving sustainability [2]. This calls for further development of
new tools or plainly enhancing existing ones which could lead us into successfully integrating
sustainability in higher education.
On the other hand, the ecological footprint (EF) has been found to be a simple yet effective tool to
determine ecological impact. EF is measured in terms of the amount of bioproductive land needed to
support the consumption of a country or an individual as well as for absorbing their waste. Thus, a higher
EF is interpreted as an unsustainable scenario. Therefore, reducing one’s EF is a path towards
sustainability. First used in 1996 to compare environmental performance of countries [5], EF has now
been used to determine the environmental impact of subsystems such as cities, industries, companies,
individuals, or products. Previous studies have dealt with the use of EF in determining the ecological
impact of the consumption behavior of students in a university [6, and 7]. Furthermore, other studies
have dealt with measuring the EF of whole academic institutions [8, 9, 10, and 11].
However, due to the inconsistency of the EF components measured in schools and universities, a
comparison of EF among institutions is impossible. This leads to questions and criticisms regarding the
practicality of using EF for academic institutions. Thus, to address these research difficulties, other
studies developed innovations for utilizing EF in the academic setting. One of these studies used EF to
predict increase of ecological impact due to climate change [10]. EF was also used to determine ecological
benefits from several sustainability initiatives in a university [9], which was based on a previous

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Medina and Catalon

technique applied to a city [12]. Furthermore, EF was also used to determine the sustainability of living
within the campus compared to off campus residence [7].
It is with the above path that this study is geared upon. In this context, EF is used to test the viability of
several programs and projects aiming for campus sustainability. With this, it is hoped that EF can be an
effective educational tool to promote environmental awareness among the university populace.
Furthermore, this will pave the way for university administrators to consider EF as an aid to policy and
decision making.

The study area
Central Mindanao University (CMU) is an agricultural state university in the Philippines. It is located in
Bukidnon, a prime agricultural province in the island of Mindanao. Since its establishment by the
Americans in 1910 as an agricultural elementary school, it has gradually progressed into a state
university in 1965 by virtue of Republic Act 4498. To date CMU, is considered by the Philippine
government as a Level IV (highest level) state university. CMU is also awarded by the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED) with centers of excellence in agriculture, veterinary medicine, and forestry
education as well as centers of development in biology and mathematics education.
CMU’s College of Forestry and Environmental Science (CMU-CFES) is one of the 9 colleges in the
university. Currently, the College offers 2 undergraduate programs (BS in Forestry and BS in
Environmental Science) and 2 graduate programs (MS in Forestry and MS in Environmental
Management). CMU-CFES is currently manned by 15 faculty members and 9 support staff attending to
around 500 students per semester.
Data collection and sources
The identified components used in the EF computation of CMU-CFES are the following: electricity
consumption, water consumption, fuel use, air travel of personnel, built up land, paper consumption, and
waste generation. Table 1 shows the data that were collected and the different sources where they were
gathered. The 2013 consumption data of CMU-CFES were used in the study.

Table 1: Data Used in the Study and its Sources

Component Units Sources
Electricity Kilowatt-hour (KWh) First Bukidnon Electric Cooperative (FiBECo)
Water Cubic meters (m3) CMU-General Services Office
Fuel Liters (L) Key Informant Interviews
Air Travel Passenger-kilometers (pkm) CMU-CFES Dean’s Office
Built up Land Square meters (m2) Google Earth
Paper Reams CMU-CFES Property Custodian
Waste Kilograms (kgs) Tinam-isan (2013)[13]

EF conversion
Using the component method of EF calculation, the consumption data were subjected to conversion using
EF factors from previous literature [14, and 15] (Table 2). The resulting units after the EF conversion are
expressed in global hectares (ghas). One global hectare is equivalent to a hectare of land with an annual
productivity equal to the world average. Thus, the EF of CMU-CFES is interpreted as the amount of
productive land needed to supply the materials consumed by the College as well as the amount of forest
land needed to absorb the greenhouse gases emitted from such consumption. A more detailed procedure
in the computation of EF prior to the derivation of the EF conversion factors can be found in Kitzes et al
Table 2: EF Conversion Factors for each Component
Component EF Conversion Factor (ghas) Sources
Electricity 0.0000958 ghas/KWh Chambers et al (2000)
Water 0.00008 ghas/m3 Chambers et al (2000)
Fuel Diesel = 0.000867 ghas/L Chambers et al (2000)
Gasoline = 0.000774 ghas/L
Air Travel 0.000049 ghas/pkm Acosta & Moore 2009
Built up Land 0.000283 ghas/ m2 Chambers et al (2000)
Paper 0.003645 ghas/ream Chambers et al (2000)
Waste Paper = 0.0028 ghas/kg Chambers et al (2000)
Glass = 0.001 ghas/kg
Aluminum = 0.0094 ghas/kg
Plastic = 0.0036 ghas/kg

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Development of sustainability scenarios
The EF calculation procedure used in this study is limited by the fact that not all consumption data can be
readily collected (e.g. food, beverage, student commuting behavior, etc.). Therefore, not all were
accounted for in the study and thus, EF can be interpreted here as an underestimate of ecological impact.
Nevertheless, EF’s importance for environmental awareness and sustainability policy cannot be
neglected. With this in mind, the study resorted to analyzing the influence of some sustainability
programs/policies on the possible EF reduction. In this context, five (5) practical sustainability scenarios
were developed which can be probable policy options for CMU-CFES in the future. These are the
1. 50% Off Grid Solar Electricity Generation – to understand the EF reduction potential of investing in an
alternative solar powered electricity for the CMU-CFES buildings, an analysis was done to measure how
much EF will be reduced in case such project is implemented.
2. Shift to Manual Lawn Mowing – the current landscaping activities of the College deals with the use of
gasoline powered grass cutters. Sixteen (16) liters of gasoline is allocated by the CMU-General Services
Office monthly for maintaining the grass covered lawns of the three CMU-CFES buildings. An alternative
option is to employ the help of students as part of their civic work for their National Service Training
Program (NSTP) course to do the manual cutting of grasses. It is interesting to know how much EF will be
reduced from this. This will serve to educate the students about the ecological contribution of such
3. 50% Rainwater Harvesting – based on interviews with maintenance personnel of the College, around
50% of the water consumption is used mostly for the maintenance of toilets and urinals in the CMU-CFES
buildings as well as for watering plants. Since water used for cleaning toilets and urinals as well as for
watering plants doesn’t need to be treated, rainwater harvesting can be a viable option for reducing water
consumption sourced out from the CMU water distribution system. It is helpful to know how much impact
is reduced in terms of EF on top of the economic benefits of saving water.
4. 50% Paper Reuse – currently there is an existing administrative memorandum to maximize the use of
paper and office supplies. The memo encourages the utilization of back pages of used papers for
interoffice communications. However, there is a difficulty in monitoring the compliance of university
personnel to the memorandum. The success of such endeavor greatly relies on the voluntary adherence of
personnel to the policy. Thus, to heighten the voluntary compliance of university staff to this
memorandum, a substantial knowledge of the EF reduction potential of paper reuse will be helpful.
5. Recycling of Waste –recycling of waste not only results to cleanliness of the campus but can be an
economically viable venture because recyclables can be sold in junk shops. Furthermore, in this context, it
is also interesting to find out how much EF can be reduced if CMU-CFES recycles its wastes.
Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics in the form of percentage was primarily used in the analysis of data.


As shown in Table 3, the total EF based on the identified consumption components of CMU-CFES is
equivalent to 7.39 ghas. Roughly, this is equivalent to 170 Olympic size basketball courts. This gives us an
idea that the amount of bioproductive land needed by CMU-CFES for its annual operations is higher than
the physical area it occupies (~0.4 hectares). In fact, the EF of the College is ~18 times its actual physical
area. This gives us the magnitude of the ecological impact of the operations of CMU-CFES.
In terms of the individual components, electricity consumption of the College is equivalent to 1.20 ghas.
This means that for the annual electricity consumption of CMU-CFES, it takes 1.2 hectares of forest with
an annual productivity equal to the world average to absorb the amount of greenhouse gas emitted from
producing the electricity consumed annually by the College.
For water consumption, the equivalent EF is 0.63 ghas. EF of water consumption is based on the energy
needed to extract and distribute water from source to user.
In terms of fuel use, the EF of the College is equivalent to 2.36 ghas, Fuel use specifically diesel and
gasoline has a corresponding amount of greenhouse gases produced once consumed. In this context, fuel
use EF refers to the amount of forest land needed to sequester such greenhouse gases produced from fuel
Air travel EF is equivalent to 1.51 ghas. EF from air travel is an indirect impact in terms of the forest land
needed to sequester the greenhouse gases from fuel consumed in an air travel on a kilometer basis per

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Built up land EF refers to the amount of land occupied by the buildings of the College. The total area
occupied by the three buildings of the College (Administration, Main, and Annex) corresponds to 1.11
Paper consumption EF is attributed to the amount of forest needed to supply the trees used to produce
the paper consumed by the College. Consequently, it also includes the amount of forest land needed to
sequester the greenhouse gases produced from the generation of energy used in manufacturing the said
amount of paper. The CMU-CFES EF for paper consumption is 0.40 ghas.
Solid waste EF corresponds to the amount of land needed to accommodate waste for landfills.
Furthermore, it also includes the forest land needed to absorb the greenhouse gases emitted by the
decomposition of waste in landfills [17]. Solid waste EF for CMU-CFES is equal to 0.17 ghas.
In terms of the distribution of the different components, majority of the EF is attributed to fuel use. This is
around 1/3 of the total EF of the College. Most of the fuel use comes from the transportation of faculty
members who own private vehicles. Previous studies attribute majority of carbon emissions in the
academic setting from transportation of faculty, staff, and students [18, and 7]. Thus, it is just normal that
in this context, the single component with the highest EF in CMU-CFES is from fuel use. However, a small
part of the fuel use EF comes from fuel consumed for landscaping (grass cutter, lawn mower, etc.) rather
than for transportation.
Air travel constitutes 1/5 of the total EF of the College. These travels however, are necessary for the
operations of CMU-CFES as these are official travels by personnel for attending meetings, conferences,
and other such activities needed for the development of the College [19].
The smallest contributor to the total EF of CMU-CFES is waste generation. This comprises ~2% of the
total EF. Paper consumption on the other hand is the next lowest EF contributor with ~5% of the total
EF. Water consumption is also considered as having a low contribution to the total EF of CMU-CFES which
is ~8% of the total EF.

Table 3: Ecological Footprint of CMU-CFES (2013)

Component Consumption (2013) Ecological Footprint (ghas) %
Electricity 12,516 KWh 1.20 16.24
Water 7,884 m3 0.63 8.53
Fuel Diesel = 900 L 2.37 32.07
Gasoline = 2,052 L
Air Travel 30,808 pkm 1.51 20.43
Built up Land 3,938.21 m2 1.11 15.02
Paper 110 reams 0.40 5.41
Waste Paper = 10.40 kg 0.17 2.30
Glass = 3.64 kg
Aluminum = 12.48 kg
Plastic = 6.24 kg
TOTAL 7.39 100.00

EF reduction from sustainability scenarios

As shown in Table 4, five sustainability scenarios were tested in terms of the amount in EF reduction. Rainwater
harvesting is shown to have the greatest EF reduction potential which is equivalent to ~4% reduction from the
total EF of CMU-CFES. EF reduction from rainwater harvesting (0.31 ghas) is even equal to the combined
EF reduction from off grid solar electricity generation (0.15 ghas) and shift to manual lawn mowing (0.16
Paper reuse has the lowest EF reduction potential among the five scenarios (0.10 ghas). However, it
should be pointed out that this is the most cost efficient sustainability scenario with cost equivalent to
zero. In fact off grid solar electricity generation (a cost intensive option) will only achieve ~38% higher
reduction from total EF than paper reuse.
Waste recycling is the component with the second highest EF reduction potential (0.17 ghas). Waste
recycling is also considered as a cost efficient option compared to solar electricity generation.
Interestingly, recycling of waste has a higher EF reduction potential (~12% higher) than solar electricity
generation. Furthermore, compared to manual lawn mowing (a labor intensive option), waste recycling
has a higher EF reduction potential by ~5%.
The total EF reduction potential of the five sustainability scenarios is ~12% or 1/8 of the total EF. Thus,
the said sustainability options may not be enough to reduce EF substantially. Furthermore, the high cost
of off grid solar electricity generation which only equates to around 2% of EF reduction may not warrant
justification of such cost intensive project. There is however a good potential for rainwater harvesting
which entails a substantially lesser cost but with comparably twice the EF reduction potential than solar

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electricity generation. Moreover, the total EF reduction from the “zero-cost” sustainability options
(manual lawn mowing, paper reuse, and waste recycling) is equivalent to ~5% total EF reduction, which
is higher than the EF reduction from rainwater harvesting.

Table 4: Sustainability Scenarios and Corresponding EF Reduction

Sustainability Scenarios EF reduced % EF reduction from total EF
Off Grid Solar Electricity Generation 0.15 2.03
Shift to Manual Lawn Mowing 0.16 2.17
Rainwater Harvesting 0.31 4.19
Paper Reuse 0.10 1.35
Waste Recycling 0.17 2.30
TOTAL 0.89 12.04

The total EF of CMU-CFES which is equivalent to 7.39 ghas which is extremely higher than its actual land
area occupied. This gives us an idea of the ecological impact of CMU-CFES to land resources. Fuel use is
found to be the component with the highest ecological pressure on land. This however could mean that
reduction of fuel use will have a greater potential for EF reduction. In fact just a mere shift from gasoline
powered grass cutters toward manual lawn mowing has a greater EF reduction potential than off grid
solar electricity generation. A more substantial EF reduction however entails a larger reduction in fuel
use such as carpooling, mass transportation, or use of hybrid cars. These however are difficult to legislate
in CMU-CFES because car ownership among faculty, staff and students are more of a personal choice
rather than institutional. However, further environmental awareness and education especially with the
use of EF may provide a guarantee of influencing personal choices of CMU-CFES constituents.
Furthermore, the single most promising EF reduction option is rainwater harvesting. This can lead to a
4% decrease in the total EF of CMU-CFES once implemented. However, implementing waste recycling,
paper reuse, and manual lawn mowing (all of which can be implemented at almost no cost) altogether can
lead to ~5% EF reduction which is higher than rainwater harvesting.
Though the sustainability scenarios developed and analyzed in the study only provided a minimal EF
reduction, it should be noted that the importance of EF lies in its ability to educate the populace on the
impact of their activities on our ecological resources. Furthermore, it can provide us with insights on how
even a minimal change of lifestyle can reduce the pressures we exert on nature. The results add to the
growing literature dealing with the usefulness of EF as both an educational tool as well as an aid to policy

This research is part of a larger project funded by Central Mindanao University (Grant No. 0076).
Personnel from the various offices where the research data were collected are instrumental in the
completion of this study. Dr. Jose Hermis P. Patricio and For. Alex S. Olpenda provided essential
comments and suggestions for the improvement of this manuscript.

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.

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Medina MAP, Catalon BG. Reducing our Ecological Footprint: Developing Sustainability Scenarios for the College of
Forestry and Environmental Science in Central Mindanao University, Philippines. Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., Vol 4
[8] 2015: 01-06

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