Front Office Terminology

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American Plan ( AP) - A billing arrangement under which room charges include
the guestroom and three meals, Also called as full board / full pension.
European Plan (EP) - A billing arrangement under which meals are priced
separately or room only plan
Modified American Plan (MAP) - A billing arrangement under which the daily
rate is including room and two meals, generally Breakfast and dinner.
Continental Plan ( CP ) - One of the most common/preferred billing arrangement
which includes room and continental breakfast.
All Inclusive (AI) - AI normally stands for all-inclusive rates ie rates which are
inclusive of all applicable taxes and service charge. Eg: CPAI, MAPAI, APAI etc.
Rack Rate - The published tariff for each room type/category in a hotel.
Log Book - Located at reception containing instructions/information/
happenings/handover of the day to know of.
Registration Card - A printed form for a registration record, In most countries, the
guest's signature on a registration card is required by law.
Reservation Status - An indicator of a room's long-term availability for
Room Rate - The price a hotel charges for overnight accommodations.
Skipper - A guest who leaves with no intention of paying for the room.
Scanty Baggage - A guest who checks in to the hotel with very less or no
Walk -in - A guest who arrives at a hotel without a reservation.
Walking - Turning away a guest who has a reservation because of a lack of room
Due outs - Guests expected to check out on a given day who have not yet done
Credit limit/house limit - A limit assigned by the hotel to guest or company
Upselling - A sales technique whereby a guest is offered a more expensive room
than what he or she reserved or originally requested, and then persuaded to rent
the room based on the room's features, benefits, and his or her needs.
Block - An agreed-upon number of rooms set aside for members of a group
planning to stay in a hotel.
Book - To sell or reserve rooms ahead of time.
Confirmation Number - A code that provides a unique reference to a reservation
record and assures the guest that the reservation record exists.
Confirmed Booking - When Reservation is guaranteed with Credit card, Deposit,
Company / TA voucher etc.
Tentative Booking - When the reservation is waiting for bookers confirmation.
Waitlisted Booking - Reservation kept on hold due to the hotel is overbooked.
Cut-off date - The date agreed upon between a group and a hotel after which all
unreserved rooms in the group's block will be released back to the general
Cancellation date - Indicates the date when the reservation was manually
No-Show - A guest who made a room reservation but did not register or Check-in.
Long Stay - A Guest who stays more than a certain number of days, Eg: More
than 7 days etc.
Overbooking - accepting more reservations than there are available rooms.
Wash down - Blocking fewer rooms than the number requested by a group,
based on previous group history.
Guest Cycle - A division of the flow of business through a hotel that identifies the
physical contacts and financial exchanges between the guests and the hotel.
Guest Folio - A form ( paper or electronic ) used to chart transactions on an
account assigned to an individual person or guest room.
Late Charge - A transaction requiring posting to a guest account that does not
reach the front office for posting before the guest had checked out or done the final
No Post - Special functionality on Property management systems (PMS) to
activate a 'NO post' on reservations this will stop any extra charges from other
outlets or connected systems to be charged to the guest room. Example a No Post
flag can be activated for interfaces like Telephone, Wifi or Internet, Point of Sale
(POS), SPA systems etc.
Global Distribution System (GDS) - A distribution channel for reservations that
provides worldwide distribution of hotel reservation information and allows selling
of hotel reservations around the world, usually accomplished by connecting the
hotel reservation system with an airline reservation system ( Eg - Amadeus, Saber,
Galileo/Apollo or Worldspan )
PMS - Property Management System
POS - Point of Sale Systems ( Used in Restaurants / Outlets)
TA - Travel Agent who receives the commission for the bookings.
OTA - Online Travel Agents
IDS - Internet Distribution System
Void - Reversal of Charges which was posted on the same day
Allowance - Reversal of charges which was posted before current system / PMS
ACC - Accommodation Charges or Revenues related to Room.
F&B - Food and Beverage Charges or Revenues generated from Food and
Beverage Outlets.
Misc. - Miscellaneous Charges, Like Paid out, Postage, Photo Copy, Medicine,
Courier etc. come under Miscellaneous charges.
ARR - Average Rack Rate (Average Room Rate (ARR) = Total Room Revenue /
Total Rooms Sold)
ADR - Average Daily Rate (Average Daily Rate (ADR) = Total Room Revenue /
Total Rooms Sold)
AGR - The Average Rate Per Guest (Average Rate Per Guest= Total Room
Revenue / Total Number of guests)
APR - Average Guest Per Room (Average Guest Per Room = Total Number of
Guests / Number of Rooms Sold)
DBR - Daily Business Report or DRR - Daily Revenue Report
Occ. Percentage - Hotel Occupancy Percentage or Occupancy Ratio
Etiquettes and Manners for Hotel Staff / Front Office Staff

1. Always greet guest and colleagues with a smile and maintain a friendly and
pleasant expression.
2. Stand upright, do not fold your arms in front of the guest.
3. Keep your hands out of your pockets.
4. Do not lean on the counter at any time and especially when dealing with the
5. Do not play with your hair and jewellery when you are at the front of the house
6. Ensure a positive body language at all times.
7. Always be tactful and courteous, never argue with guests.
8. Be humoured and even-tempered, do not become over friendly with guests.
9. Always be attentive when speaking to guest and look at a guest when
addressing him/ her.
10. Always look and act professionally, do understand that there are other guests
watching your behaviour.
11. Always appear confident and be positive.
12. Always listen carefully to the guest when talking to him/ her.
13. Try to use the guest’s name at least twice once known.
14. Try to ask the right questions to identify the needs of the guests.
15. Talk clearly and maintain a good tone of voice at all times.
16. Do not criticize one guest to another.
17. Do not refer guest as “He/She to They“ in their presence.
18. Never weary the guest with your troubles.
19. Never discuss religion or politics with guests.
20. Be specific in your explanations, in-case of any doubt then consult your
colleagues and promptly get back to the guest.
21. Always give the guest a warm and friendly welcome, “Good morning Mr Bond,
how may I help you today”.
22. Make the guest feel comfortable and safe.
23. Refer to the guest twice by the correct title and name once known.
24. Identify the guest’s needs and try to provide anticipatory service.
25. Always observe what is happening around you and be ready to assist the
guest when needed.
26. Show guests a sympathetic interest.
27. Take your time for the guest and do not rush with them.
28. Always recommend in-house hotels services to the guest and provide with a
brochure or additional details if required.
29. Appear neat and tidy but never severe or harsh or strict to the guests.
30. Always try to maintain eye contact with the guests.
31. Should have a good product knowledge and keep updating about new
products and services offered.
32. Know the different facilities and services available in the hotel and be ready to
describe the details to the guest when asked.
33. Know who is who in the hotel organization.
34. Know about VIP, VVIP and repeating guests.
35. Have a clear understanding of the layout of the hotel.
36. Should know the location, timings, promotions and theme nights of the
37. Know which function is taking place and where.
38. Have a good knowledge of the place and surroundings where the hotel is
situated, eg: nearby places of interest, distance to the airport etc.
39. Be aware of any special promotions or food festivals going on in the hotel.
40. Front desk team should possess a thorough knowledge of all different rooms
types and their rack rates.

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