Soil and Drainage Management Guide
Soil and Drainage Management Guide
Soil and Drainage Management Guide
Maintenance Checklist of key points for When soil moves off a property it becomes an
environmental cost to the community. Sediment and
These guidelines are based on current scientific
knowledge. They will be amended as further
Maintenance is very important for the success of your nutrients leaving a property can increase vegetation research results become available.
drainage system, and should be undertaken regularly.
Paddock Drainage in drains and leave silt on roads. The resulting
damage can be hazardous and expensive to remove.
1. Use cut-off drains to stop water
Accessways entering the cropping area. Discharge Acknowledgements
Accessways should be raised, and should not be sited in the lowest
Usually a number of measures can be implemented Special thanks to Les Basher and Craig Ross of Landcare
into the water table. Research - Manaaki Whenua for their contribution. Thanks to
point of the paddock. Refer to the Doing It Right Factsheet a3 - on a property to minimise potential soil movement.
2. Drain size will depend on waterflows in Brian Handyside, Erosion Management, Mike McConnell,
Accessways. The measures you choose for each block will be McConnell Consultancy Ltd, Steve Bryant and Tony Thompson,
the drain.
influenced by factors such as the block topography, ARC for technical input into this factsheet. Thanks to Wai Shing
3. Discharge water from paddock control Ltd for the cover photo. Thank you to all the growers and
cropping system, resource availability and risk
Contour Drains systems into the watertable in small
assessment of the property.
contractors who have helped us to compile and critique this
document. Thanks also to Auckland Regional Council and
volumes and at regular intervals.
Refer to the Doing It Right Factsheet a10 - Contour Drains for Environment Waikato for special contributions to compiling and
4. Accessways should be raised and
details. printing this factsheet.
located away from the lowest point in
the paddock.
For more information call
Paddock Length 5. Recommended maximum paddock Environment Waikato 0800 800 401 ARC Enviroline 0800 80 60 40
The length of cropping rows is important if the cropping area is on length is 200m on slopes greater than
slopes of two percent (1o degree) or greater, and/or rows are two percent. Franklin District Council 09 237 1300 Franklin Sustainability Project 09 237 1274
orientated up and down the slope. If the rows are oriented up and 6. Check dams are recommended for
down the slope, we recommend that rows are no longer than 200m. drain slopes greater than five percent. supported by Pukekohe Vegetable Growers Association
Erosion and Sediment Control
Your sediment control Whenever possible: Wheel Track Ripping How do I construct a Paddock Silt Trap Detail Snorkel or discharge pipe How large should the pipes be?
management should include a 1. Break the paddock into Wheel Track Ripping has been The snorkel or discharge pipe drains the
number of components, with silt
traps as a final control measure.
smaller catchments with
their own treatment
shown to increase rainfall
infiltration rates and decrease
silt trap? silt trap between rainfall events.
Pipe diameters
100 mm
Catchment Area
< 1 ha
There are four components: How do I install the pipes? 150 mm 1 – 2 ha
measures and silt trap. soil movement. Refer to Doing It
There will be times of the year Right a4 - Wheel Track Ripping. • the bund or walls 1. The pipes are placed at the lowest 225 mm > 2 ha
2. Treat runoff from a
when the paddock is fallow. Silt When paddocks are fallow it is • the detention area point of the silt trap, and should
catchment only once, and
traps will capture soil moving discharge it from the recommended that any • the overflow or spillway discharge to an erosion-proof outfall. For larger catchments more pipes will be required.
during this period, minimising the paddock into a drain. compacted areas are ripped to • the discharge mechanism This may be the water table, a drain
loss. minimise soil movement. or snorkel. or stream. Snorkel/Discharge Pipe
2. Avoid crushing the pipe during