CAT 336DL Manual PDF
CAT 336DL Manual PDF
CAT 336DL Manual PDF
336D LN
Hydraulic Excavators
Electronic Control System Booms, Sticks and Linkage Structures
The compact, full-color, graphical Caterpillar excavator booms and sticks Caterpillar design and manufacturing
display monitor displays machine, are built for performance and long techniques assure outstanding durability
maintenance, diagnostic and prognostic service life. Two types of booms and service life from these important
information in twenty different languages, and five sticks are available, offering components. The 336D comes standard
as well as the rear view camera image. a range of configurations suitable with grease lubricated tracks.
The Economy Mode and Power for a wide variety of applications. Cat designed excavator undercarriage
Management is selected from the The bucket linkage pins have been is stable, durable and low maintenance
monitor. To minimize sun glare, enlarged to improve reliability and for good machine stability and
the monitor angle is adjustable. pg. 7 durability. All booms and sticks are transportability. pg. 8
stress relieved. pg. 10
Built for power, reliability, economy and low emissions.
Meeting regulations... Exceeding expectations.
Cat hydraulics deliver power and precise control to keep material moving.
Component Layout. The 336D hydraulic Heavy Lift Mode. Maximizing lifting per- Electronic Control System.
system and component locations have formance and boosting the lifting capability. Ten hydraulic pump flow and pressure
been designed to provide a high level Heavy loads can be easily moved in the full settings can be preset, eliminating
of system efficiency. The main pumps, working range of the machine maintaining the need to adjust the hydraulics each
control valves and hydraulic tank excellent stability. time a tool is changed.
are located close together to allow
Hydraulic Cross Sensing System. The hydraulic Auxiliary Valve. The auxiliary valve
for shorter tubes and lines between
cross sensing system utilizes each of two is standard. Control circuits are
components, which reduce friction loss,
hydraulic pumps to 100%, under all operating optional, allowing for operation of
and pressure drops in the lines.
conditions. This improves productivity with high and medium pressure tools
The layout further provides greater
faster implement speeds and quicker, stronger such as shears, grapples, hammers,
operator comfort by placing the radiator
pivot turns. pulverizers, etc.
on the cab side of the upper structure.
This allows incoming air to enter the Pilot System. The pilot pump is independent Hydraulic Cylinder Snubbers.
engine compartment from the operator from the main pumps and controls the front Located at the rod-end of the boom
side and hot air and corresponding linkage, swing and travel operations. cylinders and both ends of the stick
engine sound to exit on the opposite cylinders to cushion shocks while
Boom and Stick Regeneration Circuit. Boom
side away from the operator. reducing sound levels and extending
and stick regeneration circuit saves energy
This reduces engine compartment component life.
during boom-down and stick-in operation which
heat and sound being transmitted to
increases efficiency, reduces cycle times and
the operator.
pressure loss for higher productivity, lower
operating costs and increased fuel efficiency.
SmartBoom. Reduces stress and vibrations transmitted to the machine and provides a more
comfortable environment.
Rock Scraping. Scraping rock and Hammer Work. The front parts auto-
finishing work is easy and fast. matically follow the hammer while
SmartBoom simplifies the task and penetrating the rock. Blank shots or Truck Loading. Loading trucks from
allows the operator to concentrate excessive force on the hammer are a bench is more productive and fuel
on stick and bucket, while boom avoided resulting in longer life for efficient as the return cycle is reduced
freely goes up and down without the hammer and the machine. Similar while the boom down function does
using pump flow. advantages with vibratory plates. not require pump flow.
Operator Station
Designed for simple, easy operation and comfort,
the 336D allows the operator to focus on production.
Electronic Control System
Manages the engine and hydraulics
for maximum performance.
336D structural components and undercarriage are the backbone of
the machine's durability.
Service and Maintenance
Simplified service and maintenance save you time and money.
Air Filter Compartment. The air filter Diagnostics and Monitoring. Equipped
features a double-element construction with S•O•SSM sampling ports and hydraulic
for superior cleaning efficiency. test ports for the hydraulic system, engine
When the air cleaner plugs, a warning oil, and coolant. Electronic Technician (ET)
is displayed on the monitor screen inside tool is located behind the cab.
the cab.
Anti-Skid Plate. Anti-skid plate covers
Ground Level Service. The design and top of storage box and upper structure
layout of the 336D was made with the to prevent slipping during maintenance.
service technician in mind. Many service
Fan Guard. Engine radiator fan is
locations are easily accessible at ground
completely enclosed by fine wire mesh,
level allowing critical maintenance to
reducing the risk of an accident.
get done quickly and efficiently.
Greasing Points. A remote greasing block
Pump Compartment. A service door on
on the boom delivers grease to hard-to-
the right side of the upper structure
reach locations on the front.
allows ground-level access to the pump
and pilot filter. Radiator Compartment. Easy access to
radiator, oil cooler, air-to-air aftercooler.
Capsule Filter. The hydraulic return
Reserve tank and drain cock are attached
filter, a capsule filter, is situated outside
to the radiator for simplified maintenance.
Extended Service Intervals. 336D the hydraulic tank. This filter prevents
service and maintenance intervals have contaminants from entering the system Auto-Cleaning Attachment. Automatically
been extended to reduce machine service when hydraulic oil is changed and keeps cleans the cooling package from dirt and
time and increase machine availability. the operation clean. fine debris by reversing the fan.
Purchase. Consider the financing options Product Support. You will find nearly
available as well as day-to-day operating all parts at our dealer parts counter.
costs. This is also the time to look at dealer Cat dealers utilize a worldwide
services that can be included in the cost computer network to find in-stock
of the machine to yield lower equipment parts to minimize machine downtime.
owning and operating costs over the long run. You can save money with Cat
remanufactured components.
Customer Support Agreements.
Cat dealers offer a variety of product Maintenance Services. Repair option
support agreements, and work with programs guarantee the cost of repairs
customers to develop a plan the best meets up front. Diagnostic programs such
specific needs. These plans can cover as Scheduled Oil Sampling, Coolant
Machine Selection. Make detailed the entire machine, including attachments, Sampling and Technical Analysis
comparisons of the machines you are to help protect the customer’s investment. help you avoid unscheduled repairs.
considering before you buy. What are
Operation. Improving operating techniques Replacement. Repair, rebuild or
the job requirements, machine attach-
can boost your profits. Your cat dealer has replace? Your Cat dealer can help
ments and operating hours?
videotapes, literature and other ideas to help you evaluate the cost involved so
What production is needed? Your Cat
you increase productivity, and Caterpillar you can make the right choice.
dealer can provide recommendations.
offers certified operator training classes to
help maximize the return on your investment.
Booms, Sticks and Linkage
Designed for flexibility, high productivity, and efficiency in a variety of applications.
Front Linkage Attachments. Select the right Stick Construction. Sticks are made of
combination of front linkage with your Cat high-tensile strength steel using a large
dealer to ensure high productivity from the box section design with interior baffle
very start of your job. Two types of booms plates and an additional bottom guard
and five sticks are available, offering a range to protect against damage.
of configurations suitable for a wide variety
Reach Sticks. Three lengths of reach
of applications and offer a large combination
sticks are available to suite a variety
of reach and digging forces for optimum
of applications. Reach sticks use the
versatility. All booms and sticks undergo a
DB linkage.
stress relieving process for greater durability. R3.9DB. Suited for high-capacity
Boom Construction. The booms have large buckets used in trenching, excavation,
cross-sections and internal baffle plates to and general construction work.
provide long life durability. Designed with enough reach and depth
to match a large-capacity bucket and Bucket Linkage. Two bucket
HD Reach Boom. The heavy duty reach
high digging force. linkages (DB and TB) are
boom (6500 mm) is designed to balance R3.2DB. This stick provides the most available, with lifting eye on
reach, digging force bucket capacity,
versatile front linkage. the power link.
offering a wide range of applications as
R2.8DB. Suitable for the high-capacity
digging, loading, trenching and working Power Link. The new power link
buckets used in trenching, excavation
with hydraulic tools. improves durability, increases
and general construction work.
machine-lifting capability in key
Mass Excavation Boom. The mass boom
Mass Sticks. Two mass excavation sticks lifting positions, and is easier to
(6180 mm) is designed to provide maximum
are available for higher digging forces and use compared to the previous lift
digging forces, bucket capacity and truck
increased bucket capacity. bar design.
loading productivity. M2.5TB1 and M2.1TB1. Designed for
Linkage Pins. All pins used in
high volume earth moving, they deliver
front linkages have thick chrome
outstanding productivity.
plating, giving them high wear
and corrosion resistance. The large
diameter pins smoothly distribute
the shear and bending loads to
help ensure long pin, boom and
stick life.
Work Tools
A wide variety of Work Tools help optimize machine performance.
Purpose designed and built to Caterpillar’s high durability standards.
2 5
3 6
1 Excavation (X)
2 Extreme Excavation (EX)
3 Rock (R)
4 Quick Coupler
5 Ditch Cleaning
6 Ripper
Work Tools. Caterpillar work tools are Hammers. Cat hammer series deliver Multi-Processors. Thanks to its single
designed to function as an integral part very high blow rates, increasing the basic housing design, the multi-pro-
of your excavator and to provide the best productivity of your tool carriers in cessor series of hydraulic demolition
possible performance in your particular demolition and construction applications. equipment makes it possible to use
application. All work tools are per- Wide oil flow acceptance ranges make a range of jaw sets that can handle any
formance-matched to Cat machines. the Caterpillar hammers suitable for a demolition job. The multi-processor
wide range of carriers and provide a is the most versatile demolition tool
Quick Couplers. Quick couplers enable
system solution from one safe source. on the market.
the operator to simply release one work
tool and connect to another, making your Orange Peel Grapples. The orange peel Vibratory Plate Compactors.
hydraulic excavator highly versatile. grapple is constructed of high-strength, Cat compactors are performance-
Productivity also increases, as a carrier wear-resistant steel, with a low and matched to Cat machines, and integrate
no longer needs to be idle between jobs. compact design that makes it ideal for perfectly with the Cat hammer line –
Caterpillar offers hydraulic and spindle dump clearance. There are several brackets and hydraulic kits are fully
quick coupler versions. choices of tine and shell versions. interchangeable between hammers
and compactors.
Buckets. Caterpillar offers a wide range Multi-Grapples. The multi-grapple
of specialized buckets, each designed with unlimited left and right rotation Shears. Cat shears provide superior
and tested to function as an integral part is the ideal tool for stripping, sorting, and effective scrap processing, and
of your excavator. Buckets feature handling and loading. The powerful are highly productive in demolition
the new Caterpillar K Series™ Ground closing force of the grab shells environments. Shears are compatible
Engaging Tools. combined with fast opening/closing with a matching Cat excavator, and
time ensures rapid cycle time which bolt-on brackets are available for either
Ripper. The Caterpillar TR-series ripper
translates to more tons per hour. stick or boom-mounted options.
provides a powerful single point of
penetration force to break out rock and
other difficult to excavate material.
Bucket Specifications
HD Reach Boom ME
6500 mm 6180 mm
Capacity Fill 336D L 336D LN 336D L 336D LN
Width Weight*
Without Quick Linkage (ISO) Factor
Coupler 2800 mm 3200 mm 3900 mm 2800 mm 3200 mm 3900 mm 2150 mm 2550 mm 2150 mm 2550 mm
mm kg m3 %
DB 1000 1128 1.11 100 × × × ×
DB 1350 1337 1.62 100 × × × ×
DB 1500 1448 1.84 100 × × × ×
DB 1600 1506 1.99 100 N × × × ×
Excavation DB 1650 1535 2.07 100 N × × × ×
DB 1700 1563 2.14 100 N × × × ×
DB 1800 1621 2.29 100 N N N × × × ×
TB 1500 1728 1.93 100 × × × × × ×
TB 1700 1906 2.24 100 × × × × × ×
DB 1350 1470 1.62 100 × × × ×
DB 1500 1565 1.84 100 N × × × ×
Extreme Excavation
DB 1600 1667 1.99 100 N × × × ×
DB 1650 1698 2.07 100 N × × × ×
DB 1700 1730 2.14 100 N N × × × ×
TB 1700 1933 2.24 100 × × × × × ×
DB 1000 1326 1.11 90 × × × ×
DB 1650 1840 2.07 90 N × × × ×
TB 1500 1885 1.93 90 × × × × × ×
TB 1800 2156 2.40 90 × × × × × ×
Maximum load in kg (payload plus bucket) 5013 4723 4123 4470 4232 3680 6052 5511 5420 4914
Work Tools Matching Guide
HD Reach Boom ME
6500 mm 6180 mm
336D L 336D LN 336D L 336D LN
Without quick coupler
mm 2800 3200 3900 2800 3200 3900 2150 2550 2150 2550
Hammers H130 S, H140D S, H160D S
MP20 CC, CR, PP, PS, S, TS N N N N
MP30 CC, CR, S N N
Multiprocessors MP30 PP N N N N
VHC-40 N N N N
VHC-50 N N
Crushers and Pulverizers
VHP-40 N N N N
VHP-50 N N
S325 N N N N
Hydraulic Shears S340 N N N N N N N N N
G115 N N N N
Mechanical Grapples
G125 N N N
G320 N N N N
Multi Grapples
G330 N N
Vibratory Plate Compactor CVP110
GOS-45 970
GOS-45 1120
GOS-45 1270
GOS-45 1580
GOS-45 1710
GOS-45 2020 N
Clamshell Buckets
GOS-45 2340 N N N N
GOS-50 1200
GOS-50 1450 N
GOS-50 1700 N N N
GOS-50 1950 N N N N N
GOS-50 2200 N N N N N N N
GOS-50 2450 N N N N N N N N N
GSH22B 600
GSH22B 800
5 tines
GSH22B 1000 N
Orange Peel Grapples GSH22B 1250 N
GSH22H 600, 800
4 tines GSH22H 1000
GSH22H 1250
* Boom mounted
360° Working range Quick coupler match Max. Material Density 1200 kg/m3
Over the front only N Not recommended Max. Material Density 1800 kg/m3
Max. Material Density 3000 kg/m3
Engine Sound Hydraulic System
Cat C9 with ACERT Technology Operator Sound Main System
The operator sound level measured
Net Power at 1800 rpm Maximum flow 2 x 280 l/min
ISO 9249 200 kW/270 hp according to the procedures specified Maximum pressure
in ISO 6394:1998 is 78 dB(A), for
80/1269/EEC 200 kW/270 hp Normal 350 bar
cab offered by Caterpillar, when
Bore 112 mm properly installed and maintained and Heavy lift 360 bar
Stroke 149 mm tested with the doors and windows Travel 350 bar
Displacement 8.8 liters closed. Swing 280 bar
Hearing protection may be needed
All engine horsepower (hp) are metric Pilot System
when operating with an open operator Maximum flow 43 l/min
including front page.
station and cab (when not properly
The C9 engine meets Stage IIIA Maximum pressure 39 bar
maintained or doors/windows open)
emission requirements. Boom Cylinder
for extended periods or in noisy
Net power advertised is the power Bore 150 mm
available at the flywheel when the
Stroke 1440 mm
engine is equipped with fan, air Exterior Sound
cleaner, muffler, and alternator. The labeled spectator sound power Stick Cylinder
Full engine net power up to 2300 m level measured according to the test Bore 170 mm
altitude (engine derating required procedures and conditions specified Stroke 1738 mm
above 2300 m). in 2005/88/EC is 105 dB(A). DB Family Bucket Cylinder
Bore 150 mm
Stroke 1151 mm
Cab/FOGS TB1 Family Bucket Cylinder
Bore 160 mm
Cab/FOGS meets ISO 10262. Stroke 1356 mm
mm mm mm
A Shipping height (with bucket) B Shipping length C Track width
Reach boom Reach boom 336D L (700 mm shoes) 3290
2800 mm stick 3540 2800 mm stick 11 210 336D LN (600 mm shoes) 2990
3200 mm stick 3340 3200 mm stick 11 150 D Track length 5020
3900 mm stick 3670 3900 mm stick 11 200 E Length to centers of rollers 4040
Mass Excavation boom Mass Excavation boom F Tail swing radius 3500
2150 mm stick 3590 2150 mm stick 11 140 G Ground clearance 450
2550 mm stick 3560 2550 mm stick 10 900 H Body height 2740
J Cab height 3280
K Body width 2960
L Track gauge
336D L 2590
336D LN 2390
M Counterweight clearance 1220
2 G
3 2800 mm
A F 3200 mm
4 3900 mm
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 m
2 E
2 2150 mm
3 2550 mm
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 m
M2.1TB M2.5TB
Stick Length mm 2150 2550
A Maximum Digging Depth mm -6170 -6570
B Maximum Reach at Ground Level mm 9760 10 180
C Maximum Cutting Height mm 9740 10 070
D Maximum Loading Height mm 6410 6690
E Minimum Loading Height mm 3400 3000
F Maximum Digging Depth 2500 mm Level Bottom mm -5970 -6400
G Maximum Vertical Wall Digging Depth mm -4310 -4370
Bucket Tip Radius mm 1897 1897
Bucket Forces (ISO 6015) kN 249 233
Stick Forces (ISO 6015) kN 235 208
Load Point Height Load Radius Over Front Load Radius Over Side Load at Maximum Reach
* Limited by hydraulic rather than tipping load.
The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity ratings standard ISO 10567, they do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity
or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the above lifting capacities.
Load Point Height Load Radius Over Front Load Radius Over Side Load at Maximum Reach
* Limited by hydraulic rather than tipping load.
The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity ratings standard ISO 10567, they do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity
or 75% of tipping capacity. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the above lifting capacities.
For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web at
Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos
may include additional equipment. See your Caterpillar dealer for available options.
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CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the POWER EDGE trade dress as well as
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