CN Chap04 - Load Tracing
CN Chap04 - Load Tracing
CN Chap04 - Load Tracing
Definition: Load tracing involves the systematic process of determining loads and
support reactions of individual structural members and how these loads are
transferred to other structural elements.
Simple determinate structures are analyzed using the following.
Free-body diagrams (FBDs).
The process starts at the top (with the uppermost roof element), tracing the
loads down through the structure to the foundation.
Load Paths
The economy and efficiency of the structure is improved by the following.
Minimizing the load path to the foundation.
Using the unique and inherent strengths of the materials (e.g. tension in steel,
compression in concrete)
Tributary Area
Loads uniformly distributed over an area of roof or floor are assigned to individual
members (rafters, joists, beams, girders) based on the concept of tributary area.
This concept typically considers the tributary area that a member must support
as being halfway between the adjacent similar members.
Consider the wood floor framing
system shown at the right with a
uniform load over the entire deck
area of 50 psf.
Each beam has a span length of 16.
Beams A and D
Tributary width for edge Beam A = half the distance between A and B.
The tributary width for edge Beam A = 2.
Beams B and C
Tributary width for interior Beam B = half the distance between A and B plus half
the distance between B and C.
Tributary width for interior Beam B = 2 + 2 = 4
Differences in the depth of the structural elements can help define individual
structural bays of a building (e.g. short/shallow joists loading long/deep beams).
If openings are not parallel, additional headers and connections create point
loads on members that would otherwise be designed for light, uniform loads,
increasing their size.
Load path
- Loads on the roof are initially supported by the sheathing.
Double-level framing
Construction: Double-level framing construction is another common roof framing
- The double-level framing system consists
of decking or sheathing (plywood, other
structural panels, or boards), rafter
beams, and a ridge beam.
Load path
- Loads on the roof are initially supported by the decking or sheathing.
The ridge beam transfers the loads to the supporting column or bearing wall.
Notice that each level of the structural framing spans in a perpendicular direction
to the next layer.
The sheathing is perpendicular to rafters.
Three-level framing
Construction: A third method makes use of heavier roof beams (rather than
roof rafters or rafter beams).
- The three-level framing system
consists of decking, purlins, roof
beams, and a ridge beam.
The purlins, spaced 1-6 to 4-0 on centers, are installed between the roof
beams and support the decking.
The roof beams are supported by the ridge beam at one end (generally at
the peak of the roof) and supported by a bearing wall or header beam at the
other end.
Load path
- Loads on the roof are initially supported by the decking.
Uniform distribution
Uniform compressive forces acting along the length of the wall result in a
relatively uniform distribution of force.
Roof or floor joists (in typical light-wood framing) are closely spaced at 16 or
24 on center.
This regular, close spacing is assumed as a uniformly distributed load along the
top of the wall.
If there are no openings to disrupt the load path from the top to the bottom of
the wall, a uniform load will result on top of the footing.
Non-uniform distribution
Concentrated loads develop at the top of a wall when beams are spaced at wide
The effect of the concentrated load
spreads out as it moves down the wall.
- Depending on the wall material, the
area of influence of the concentrated
load is generally defined by an angle
of 45 or 60.
The resulting footing load will be nonuniform with the largest forces directly
under the applied load.
Disruptions in the structural continuity of the wall (e.g. a large window or door
opening) result in a non-uniform distribution of the compressive forces on the
Stud walls (wood and metal) are generally idealized as monolithic walls (except for
openings) when loaded uniformly from above.
Openings require the use of headers (beams) that redirect the loads to either
side of the opening.
In special cases where the concentrated loads are very large, walls may need to be
reinforced with pilasters directly under the beam.
Pilasters are essentially columns and carry the large concentrated loads directly
to the footing.
The walls between the pilasters are now considered as non-bearing walls except
for carrying their own weight.
Spacing of the supports (the distance between the bearing walls) is based on
the span capability of the concrete planks or timber decking.
Load path
- Loads acting on the concrete planks or
timber-plank decking are transmitted
directly to the bearing walls.
Two-level framing
Construction: Two-level framing is a very common type of floor system.
- The two-level framing consists of decking with closely spaced beams (called
joists) to support the deck.
Span (distances) between bearing walls and beams affect the size and
spacing of the joists.
Load path
- Loads on the decking are transmitted to
beams (joists).
The spacing of the primary structure and the layering of the secondary
structural members establish regular bays that subdivide the space.
Load path
- Loads on the decking or sheathing are supported by the joists.
Each level of framing is arranged perpendicular to the level directly above it.
A large building with heavy loads can often be supported on relatively inexpensive
shallow footings if the subsurface soils are dense and stable.
A large building constructed at a site with soft soils, compressive clay soil, or
poorly graded soils (e.g. beach sand or sugar sand) may require expensive
foundations or soil stabilization.
One such stabilization technique might be over-excavation and refill with
borrow material (such as stone) and the use of geo-textiles (geo-grids).
- This technique requires the removal, hauling, and dumping of poor materials.
This technique requires the purchase, handling, and placing of the geotextile materials.
Chemical stabilization (using lime or cement) may provide a remedy for shallow
Pile or caisson foundations may be necessary in areas where poor soils are
present for significant depths below the ground surface.
Foundations are generally divided into two major categories: shallow foundations
and deep foundations.
Shallow foundations
Shallow foundations essentially obtain their support on soil or rock.
- Soils with moderate to high soil-bearing capacities can provide adequate
support for most construction.
Rock located just below the bottom of the structure can provide support in
direct bearing.
Rock located just below the structure may offer challenges and increase the
costs of extending underground utilities.
The wall footing width remains constant throughout its length if no large
concentrated loads occur.
3. Mat or raft foundations cover the entire plan area of the building.
Mat foundations are used when soil
bearing is relatively low or where
loads are heavy in relation to soilbearing capacities.
Deep foundations
Deep foundations are generally piles, piers, or caissons installed in a variety of
The function of a deep foundation is to carry building loads beneath a layer of
unsatisfactory soil to a satisfactory bearing stratum.
Building loads are distributed to the soil in contact with the surface area of the
pile through skin friction (friction piles), in direct end-bearing (bearing piles) at
the bottom of the pile on a sound stratum of earth or rock, or a combination of
skin friction and direct bearing.
2. Pile caps are used when individual building columns are supported by more than a
single pile.
The thick reinforced concrete cap that is
poured on top of a pile group distributes
the column load to all the piles in the
3. Grade beams are used to transfer the loads from a building wall to a group of
Piles or piers supporting bearing walls
are generally spaced at regular
intervals and are connected with a
continuous reinforced concrete grade
The type and location of the bracing system directly affects the organizational
plan of the building and its final appearance.
The primary concerns in the design of any structure include the following.
To provide sufficient stability to resist collapse.
To be stable against horizontal forces (e.g. wind and seismic forces) coming
from two perpendicular directions.
The use of horizontal diaphragms (i.e. roof and floor planes) is the most common
system to resist lateral loads in wood-frame buildings.
The roof sheathing can be designed economically to serve as both a verticalload and lateral-load carrying element.
Ways to achieve stability
There are several ways of achieving stability and counteracting the racking of the
frame under vertical and/or horizontal loading.
Each solution has architectural implications.
The selection of the bracing system must be made for reasons beyond being the
most efficient structurally.
- The most efficient systems may interfere with openings (such as doors,
windows, and internal passages).
Figures 4.37 to 4.42, 4.44, 4.46 - 4.48 (pp. 234 - 237 of the textbook) illustrate
common ways of achieving stability.
X-Bracing Members
Another strategy involves the use of two cross-bracing members with smaller
cross-sectional areas.
These X-braces are also known as diagonal
tension counters (discussed in Section 3.3).
- Only one counter is effective in resisting
the directional lateral load.
A commonly used arrangement in carports and elevated wood decks is knee-bracing.
This stiffening method triangulates the beam-column connection to provide a
degree of rigidity at the joint.
- The larger the knee-braces are, the more
effective their ability to control racking.
Some movement will still occur because of the pin connections at the base of
the columns.
Gusset Plates
Large gusset plates at each beam-column connection can also provide the required
rigidity to stabilize the frame.
Some movement will occur because of the pin
connections at the base of the columns.
Shear walls
Many residential and small- to mid-scale commercial buildings depend on the walls
(bearing and non-bearing) of the structure to develop the necessary resistance to
lateral forces.
This type of lateral restraint, referred
to as a shearwall, depends on the vertical
cantilever capacity of the wall.
Multiple bays
The previous discussion of frame stability from lateral loads was limited to singlebay (panel) frames; however, most buildings contain multiple bays in the horizontal
and vertical directions.
The principles that apply to single-bay frames also hold true for multiple-bay
frame structures.
Often only one panel needs to be braced for the entire frame to be stabilized.
- It is rarely necessary for every panel to be braced to achieve stability.
Figure 4.50 (p. 238 of the textbook) illustrates the following common ways of
achieving stability in structures with multiple horizontal bays.
Shear walls, diagonal tension counters, and diagonal truss brace.
Multistory and Multi-bay Structures
Multistory and multi-bay structures also use the same bracing principles as
previously discussed with some modifications.
As the structures become taller, only certain types of bracing systems and
materials of construction remain practical from a structural and/or economic
- For example, knee-braces, although appropriate for smaller one- or twostory structures, are not nearly as effective for larger structures.
The horizontal force component within the knee-brace acts on the column
and produces a significant bending moment, which requires a larger
column size.
Larger diagonal braces that go across an entire panel from opposite diagonal
points are found to be much more effective structurally.
- Bracing techniques are generally limited to the exterior wall planes of the
building to permit more flexibility for interior spaces.
Reinforced concrete (or masonry) and braced steel framing used for stairwells
and elevators are often used as part of the lateral force strategy.
Combinations of bracing, shear wall, and/or rigid frames are used in many buildings.
Larger multi-story buildings contain utility/service cores, which include
elevators, stairs, ducts, and plumbing chases.
These utility cores are strategically placed to meet functional and structural
Figure 4.51 (p. 239 of the textbook) illustrates the following common ways of
achieving stability in multistory structures.
X-bracing, eccentric braced frame, K-trussing, shear walls, and rigid frame.
Three-Dimensional Frames
Buildings are three-dimensional frameworks, as indicated in Figure 4.53 (p. 240 of
the textbook).
Each planar frame represents just one of several (or many) frames that
constitute the structure.
The exterior walls of a building transfer the wind forces to the roof and floors,
which in turn direct them to the lateral load resisting system (e.g. shear walls or
braced frames).
In wood-framed buildings or buildings with wood roof and floor systems, the
roof and floor sheathing is designed to connect to the supporting framing
members to function as horizontal diaphragms capable of transferring lateral
loads to the lateral load resisting system.
In buildings with concrete roof and floor slabs, the slabs are designed to
function as diaphragms.
If the roof or floor sheathing is too light or flexible and unable to carry the
diaphragm forces, the horizontal framework must be designed with bracing
similar to braced walls or shear walls.
- Horizontal bracing may consist of tension counters, trusses, or stiff panels
in strategic locations (ref. Figure 4.53, p. 240 of the textbook).
Bracing Configurations
Once the roof plane (or floors) has been configured to function as a diaphragm, a
minimum requirement for stabilizing the roof is three braced (or shear) walls that
are neither all parallel nor concurrent to a common point.
The arrangement of the walls is crucial in resisting loads from multiple
- More than three braced (or shear) walls are usually provided increasing the
structural stiffness of the framework in resisting lateral displacements.
Braced (or shear) walls are located strategically throughout the structure to
minimize the potential of torsional displacements and moments.
- A common solution is to have two shear walls parallel to one another (a
reasonable distance apart) and a third wall (or perhaps more) perpendicular
to the other two.
Figure 4.54 (p. 241 of the textbook) illustrates various shear wall
arrangements some stable and others unstable.
Multistory Structures
In multistory structures, lateral loads (from wind and earthquake forces) are
distributed to each of the roof and floor (diaphragm) levels.
At any given floor level, there must be an adequate number of braced (shear)
walls to transfer the cumulative lateral forces from the diaphragms above.
- Each story level is similar to the simple structures examined previously, in
which the diaphragm load was transferred from the upper level (roof) to the
lower level (ground).
Multistory structures are generally braced with a minimum of four braced planes
per story, with each wall being positioned to minimize torsional moments and
Although it is often desirable to position the braced walls in the same position
at each floor level, it is not always necessary.
- The transfer of shear through any one level may be examined as an isolated