9th U2 l4 Citius Altius Fortius
9th U2 l4 Citius Altius Fortius
9th U2 l4 Citius Altius Fortius
2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
(listening, reading, 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written messages.
written interaction) 3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
3.5. Bilingual translation of texts.
Linguistic 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations depending on the
(grammar, phonetic)
9. Describing some activities and cultural events, which take place in English-Speaking Countries.
Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- understand more about sports and athletes from English speaking countries and around the world
- pronounce correctly and use new vocabulary words in context
- think critically about veracity of statements presented to them
- create and present a dialog about an interview
Enabling Skills:
Vocabulary: Learn and practice new vocabulary words from the lesson. Read them in texts to understand context.
Pronunciation: Read and pronounce accurately the vocabulary words and sentences from the text with repetition.
Students actively participate in discussions and read aloud from the text.
Students create sentences and speak them in front of the class.
Students write about types of sports (team or individual) and athletes.
Students write about personal preferences regarding sport, teams, athletes.
Students read the PowerPoint items and the text and learn the vocabulary from context.
KSA Knowledge:
Understand and learn new vocabulary.
Work on pronunciation with native English speaker.
Apprehend meaning of new vocabulary from a text using their context.
Develop critical thinking about veracity of statements presented.
Learn about different sports in other countries and write about personal preferences.
Materials and Equipment Textbook, blackboard, flip-chart paper, markers, pens, pencils, chalk, laptop, projector
Possible problems
Possible solutions
Materials 2. Techniques evaluated/
3. Forms of activity Evaluation
(Get Students Involved-Activate Background (Get Students Involved-Activate Background 1. Methods: Listening
knowledge) knowledge) Communicative/ Speaking
I. 1 1. Opening 1. Opening
Evocation/ Andrew and Mariana will greet students. Students will greet teachers. 2. Techniques:
Motivation Guided conversation
2. Work with Homework: 2. Work with Homework: 3. Forms:
(later) (later) Whole class
6 Teachers will then guide the students in a circle Students will participate in pre-reading activity.
game pre-reading activity. There will be three
posters where small groups of students will have
one minute to write as many team sports,
individual sports and athletes as they can, at each
of the three posters.
5 Reading: Andrew will present a PowerPoint of Students will participate in reading the texts
famous athletes with text about each one. when called upon.
Mariana will instruct the students to read the
texts and Andrew will correct pronunciation.
Mariana will provide translation when needed.
3 Exercise will continue with post-reading Students will participate in post-reading activity.
comprehension true //false sentences.
IV. (Apply new material in class) (Apply new material in class) Communicative/ Reading
Extension/ - Vocabulary: - Vocabulary: Audiolingual Writing
Application 4 Homework review activity: Teachers will check Students will participate in the homework review Listening
that students can match the famous Moldovan activity. Critical thinking Speaking
Materials: athletes with their sports using a flip-chart with
two columns. They will be instructed to create
sentences to describe which sports the athletes
practice. Whole class, individual
and pairs
9 Teachers will instruct students to work in pairs Students will participate in role-play dialog
to prepare dialogs for interviewing an athlete. preparation and presentation.
One student will act as “reporter” and one as
“athlete”. They will then present the role-play
dialogs to the class.
Homework 1 (Apply and consolidate new material introduced in class through homework assignments)
Circle all that apply: vocabulary grammar, text, reading, writing, listening, speaking
Homework assignment:
Write a paragraph about your favorite sport, team or athlete. Explain why this is your favorite.
Assessment of student's knowledge and skills: How will these be assessed and how will students receive grades?
Name: Grade: Notes: