Thesis Outline Masteral

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Republic of the Philippines

Camiling, Tarlac


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the seed of the monocot plants. As a cereal grain, it is the

most widely consumed staple food for a large part of the world's human population,

especially in Asia. It is the agricultural commodity with the third-highest worldwide

production, after sugarcane and maize. Since a large portion of maize crops are grown for

purposes other than human consumption, rice is the most important grain with regard to

human nutrition and caloric intake, providing more than one fifth of the calories consumed

worldwide by humans. Rice is normally grown as an annual plant, although in tropical

areas it can survive as a perennial and can produce a ratoon crop for up to 30 years. The

rice plant can grow to 1–1.8 m (3.3–5.9 ft) tall, occasionally more depending on the variety

and soil fertility. It has long, slender leaves 50–100 cm (20–39 in) long and 2–2.5 cm (0.79–

0.98 in) broad. The small wind-pollinated flowers are produced in a branched arching to

pendulous inflorescence 30–50 cm (12–20 in) long. The edible seed is a grain (caryopsis)

5–12 mm (0.20–0.47 in) long and 2–3 mm (0.079–0.118 in) thick (Croatia, 2010).

According to Wuthi-Arporn in 2000, food security, which is the condition of having

enough food to provide adequate nutrition for a healthy life, is a critical issue in the world.

About 3 billion people, nearly half the world’s population, depend on rice for survival. In

Asia as a whole, much of the population consumes rice in every meal. In many countries,

rice accounts for more than 70% of human calorie intake. The total consumption of rice

(expressed as % of total calorie intake) varies widely between different regions. In Asia in

total, just over 30% of all calories come from rice.

Rice production depends on several factor: climate, physical conditions of the soil,

soil fertility, water management, sowing date, cultivar, seed rate, weed control and

fertilization, nitrogen fertilizer is a major essential plant nutrient and key input for in

increasing crop yield (Tabar, 2012). Nitrogen fertilizer is more urgent for security rice

production, many investigators studied the important of nitrogen fertilizer rates, the highest

plant height, number of panicle/m2 seed weight/panicle, panicle length, grain and straw

yields were obtained when the nitrogen fertilizer rates increased up to 80kg N/ha (Sharief,


According to Ladha & Reddy in 2000, nitrogen is a constituent of compounds such

as amino acids, proteins, RNA, DNA, and several phytohormones and is thereby an

essential macro element for plants. Is not only the constituent of key cell molecules such

as amino acids, nucleic acid, chlorophyll, ATP and several plant hormones, but also the

pivotal regulator involved I many biological processes including carbon metabolism,

amino acid metabolism nucleic acid metabolism and protein synthesis. Nitrogen is essential

for all living organisms, the synthesis of cellular proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids,

purine and pyrimidine nucleotide are dependent upon N. It is the most abundant mineral

element in plant tissues which is derived from the soil. However excess N may cause

significant biochemical changes in plants and may lead to nutritional imbalances. Nitrogen

taken up during early growth stages accumulated in the vegetative parts of the plant and is

utilized for grain formation. A large protein of the nitrogen is absorbed during

differentiation. The leaves and stems contain a large portion of the nitrogen taken up by

the plant. Nitrogen fertilization increased the number of stems and panicles per square

meter and the total number of spikelets, reflecting on grain productivity. Excessive tillering

caused by inadequate nitrogen fertilization reduced the percentage of fertile tiller, filled

spikelet percentage and grain mass. Rice needs 1 kg of nitrogen to produce 15-20 kg of

grain. Lowland rice in the tropics can use enough naturally available N to produce 2-3 t.ha-

1 for higher yield, additional N must be applied.

Also, according to Balasubramanian and Bellin in 2000, Nitrogen is the most

limiting element in almost all soils. Thus, proper application of nitrogen fertilizers is vital

to improve crop growth and grain yields, especially in intensive agricultural systems.

Insufficient and/or inappropriate fertilizer nitrogen management can be detrimental to

crops and the environment. Optimal nitrogen management strategies aim at matching

fertilizer nitrogen supply with actual crop demand, thus maximizing crop nitrogen uptake

and reducing nitrogen losses to the environment.

Furthermore, Hynes, in 2008 stressed that from the 1950s to 1970s, in an effort to

combat world hunger, plant breeders at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in

the Philippines developed new rice varieties that were, when fertilized are higher yielding

than traditional varieties. The new varieties were shorter and less likely to fall over, which

made them easier to harvest mechanically. They also ripened sooner, reducing the risk of

poor weather affecting yield, and enabling farmers to harvest and replant several times

during the growing season. While successful in many areas, the new varieties required

more money for fertilizer and chemical pesticides and in some cases, machines for sowing

and harvesting—tools often too costly for peasant farmers.

With the increasing demand for food security and the need to balance fertilization

at minimum cost especially for nitrogen fertilizer and since the cost of inorganic fertilizer

rapidly increases every year, reassessment on the recommended rate of nitrogen application

for new varieties is considered essential.


It is in this light that the researcher deemed it necessary to conduct this study. It

requires empirical data to support the feedbacks. It further aims to estimate the increase in

yield and income of farmers.


The effect of increasing nitrogen application requirement on the growth and yield

performance of different rice varieties is the main focus of this study.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. determine the effects of increasing nitrogen application requirement on the

growth of different rice varieties;

2. determine the effects of increasing nitrogen application requirement on the

yield of different rice varieties;

3. determine the most effective rate of nitrogen in terms of growth and yield of

rice varieties;

4. evaluate the best varieties in response to increasing nitrogen application; and

5. profitability of the rice production using increasing nitrogen application.

B. Time and Place of the Study

This study will be conducted at Barangay Tococ Barikir, Mangatarem, Pangasinan

from January to April 2020.



This section outlines some previews studies and articles about rice, its need for

nitrogen fertilization and the essence of conducting this study. The need for reconsideration

of these learning’s and claims are necessary to provide guidance in conducting this


There are many reasons for conducting on-farm rice variety trials. Advanced

experimental lines are evaluated under various production environments, providing the

breeding program necessary information to select lines for release as public varieties.

Specific information includes yield and milling performance, insect and disease

susceptibility, and lodging. By placing these trials at multiple locations throughout the

Delta, rice lines and varieties are exposed to conditions and practices common to

commercial production that cannot always be reproduced at the experiment station. In

addition to providing the breeder and agronomist worthwhile information, these trials

provide growers with side-by-side comparisons of the currently available rice varieties and

hybrids. This information can be used to guide variety selection in the following year.

Variety selection is one of the most important decisions a grower makes in production

planning. Growers should attempt to select varieties that offer the best combination of yield

and quality, while also considering the variety’s susceptibility to yield-limiting factors

(Walker, et al. 2013).

Furthermore, breeders and agronomists use the variety trials as an educational tool

for growers, private consultants, industry personnel, and research and Extension staff.

Frequently, these trials are used to give interested parties the “first look” at new or potential

releases from Mississippi State University and other rice breeding institutions, as well as

private industry (Fitts, et al. 2013)

According to Wilson in 2011, variety selection is one of the most important

management decisions made each year by rice producers. This choice is generally based

upon past experience, seed availability, agronomic traits and variety yield potential. When

choosing a rice variety, grain and milling yields, lodging, maturity, disease susceptibility,

seeding date, field characteristics, the potential for quality reductions due to pecky rice and

market strategy should all be considered.

In 2006, Paris described that the variety trials conducted on the research station are

often managed very differently from farmer practice. For example, researchers apply more

fertilizer, achieve more complete weed and pest control, and irrigate more frequently than

farmers can. High-yield varieties that perform well under these high-input conditions may

not perform well under more stressful conditions faced by poor farmers who cannot spend

much on purchased inputs or who lack the labor to completely control weeds. There are

two main steps in the IRRI-recommended PVS system: the mother trial and baby trial.

Paris stated that the mother trial is an on-farm trial in which a set of new lines or

introduced varieties is compared with local checks using farmers’ crop management

practices. In this step, agronomists measure yield and other important traits. Groups of

farmers are invited to visit the trial and rate the varieties using a simple technique called

preference analysis (PA). The mother trial does not have to be a separate trial given that

name. If the breeding program already conducts researcher-managed on-farm trials,

demonstration trials in which data are collected, or even advanced on-station multi-location

trials at several research centers, farmers can be invited to visit the trial site and perform


Paris also stated that the baby trial, varieties that perform well and are preferred by

farmers in the mother trial are evaluated by farmers on their own farms in baby trials. Baby

trials are small trials of 2 to 5 varieties that are given directly to farmers. Researcher does

not lay out these trials. They are planted and harvested by farmers. Researchers may take

crop cuts to measure yield if resources permit, but farmer ratings, comments, and yield

reports have been shown to be highly reliable and are the main output of the baby

trial. Farmers rate the varieties in comparison to their own.

In 2000, Atlin discussed that the purpose of a variety trial is to predict the

performance of new varieties, relative to a check, in farmers’ fields and in future seasons

within the (target population of environments)TPE. It is very important to understand that

the real purpose of a variety trial in a breeding program is prediction. The field and season

in which the trial is conducted is considered to be a random sample of farmers’ fields and

future seasons in the (target population of environments) TPE. The recognition that the

individual trial environment is a random factor has important implications for our

understanding of the precision of a trial, or its power to detect differences in genotypic

value among lines in the trial can be observed. The precision of a variety trial is analogous

to the magnifying power of a microscope; a high level of precision in a variety trial is

needed to detect a small difference in the genotypic value of breeding lines. A lower level

of precision is needed to detect a large difference between varieties. The precision of a

variety trial is mainly determined by its level of replication within and across environments.

The relative precision of different variety trials can be compared by their SEM or LSD.

International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) develops rice varieties for the benefit

of rice farmers and consumers. They conduct research and training to improve rice for

better grain quality and higher yield, resistance to pests and diseases, tolerance of

environmental stresses, and less farm input requirement. They focus on the major rice

ecosystems: irrigated, rain fed lowland, and upland systems. They employ conventional

breeding and new tools in genetics and genomics—such as marker-assisted selection—as

well as genetic modification (

According to Philippine Rice Research Institute, PSB Rc 18 (Ala) matures at 114

days after seeding, it has an average yield of 5.1 t/ha and maximum yield of 8.1 t/ha, it

grows up to 102 cm and it has a long grain. It is moderately susceptible to stem borer;

intermediate reaction to blast, bacterial leaf blight, tungro, brown plant hopper and green

leafhopper. NSIC Rc130 (Tubigan 3) matures at 108 days after seeding, it has an average

yield of 4.9 t/ha and maximum yield of 7.6 t/ha, it grows up to 89 cm and it has also a long

grain. It is susceptible to tungro, moderately susceptible to brown plant hopper,

intermediate reaction to blast, bacterial leaf blight, and green leafhopper and moderately

resistant to stem borer. NSIC Rc152 (Tubigan 10) matures at 109 days after seeding, it has

an average yield of 6 t/ha and maximum yield of 8.7 t/ ha, it grows up to 97 cm and it has

also a long grain. It has intermediate reaction to blast, bacterial leaf blight and green leaf

hopper, susceptible to tungro, moderately susceptible to brown plant hopper and

moderately resistant to white stem borer (

According to Tabar (2012), fertilizer is very important input for intensive rice

production the profitability of rice production systems depends on yield and input

quantities. So the appropriate fertilizer input that is not only for getting high grain yield but

also for attaining maximum profitability. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer is a major

essential plant nutrient and key input for in increasing crop yield. Nitrogen deficiency

generally results in stunted growth and chlorotic leaves caused by poor assimilate

formation that leads to premature flowering and shortening of the growth cycle. The

presence of N in excess promotes development of the above ground aground organs with

abundant dark green (high chlorophyll) tissues of soft consistency and relatively poor root

growth. This increases the risk of lodging and reduces the plants resistance to harsh climatic

condition and foliar diseases. Nitrogen contributes to carbohydrate accumulation in culms

and leaf sheaths during the pre-heading stage and in the grain during the ripening stage of


Nitrogen is the main nutrient associated with yield, but N management responds

differently to rice type (indica or japonica associated with climate requirement and

interaction with N nutrition), cultivar, geographic zone, and other crop practices. At the

same time, differences in nutrient compartmentalization in the rice plant (grain and

residues) produce positive or negative effects on the nutrient balance of the soil-plant

system for those productive systems in which plant residues are incorporated or extracted.

To adjust N rate in rice, it is important to know how much N was supplied by soil

mineralization; this is highly dynamic over time, difficult to estimate, and represents only

a very small fraction of total soil N. Several laboratory methods were developed with

different coefficient adjustments to crop N response, N extraction, or grain yield. On the

other hand, the result of continuous genetic enhancement has created different cultivars

that need adjusted agronomic management in which N fertilization is imperative. The

objective of this study was to determine the effect of increasing N rates on whole-plant

total DM production, whole-plant macronutrient concentration, and N apparent recovery

efficiency (NARE) in five paddy rice soils in Chile (Hirzel and Rodríguez, 2013).

Nitrogen nutrition due to the considerable impact on growth parameters and

physiological traits of rice is important. The percentage of light penetration, photosynthesis

active radiation, light use efficiency, dry matter partitioning to different parts are affected

by the amount of nitrogen. Dry matter partitioning to the reproductive organs depends on

number, capacity and activity of physiological sinks. The cultivar of rice with higher

physiological indices has better growth and higher yield. It can be concluded from the

above studies that nitrogen is one of the important agronomy factors which has a significant

impact on growth indices and by selecting the appropriate amount of nitrogen, balanced

complex of growth indices will be create in canopy which lead to yield improvement since

the most indicators of growth are related to leaf area index (LAI) in some way. LAI

changing through alteration in nitrogen fertilizer levels is one of the most practical ways.

In every region, leaf area index which produces the maximum yield is different and it

should be obtained by the local research (Azarpour, et al. 2014).



A. Site Selection

An area of 1,041 m2 will be used in the study. The area should have a reliable

water source and sunlight.

B. Land Preparation

The area will be prepared at least three (3) weeks before planting. The field will be

flooded to soften the soil. After flooding, the field will be plowed and harrowed.

C. Experimental Design, Treatments and Varieties

The two Factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) will be used in

this study. The area will be divided into three blocks and each block will be sub-divided

into 12 plots corresponding to the number of treatments and varieties given a total of 36

plots with a dimension of 4 meter wide and 5 meter long separated by alleyways of 0.5

meter wide. The treatments are as follows:

Factor A. Varieties

V1- PSB Rc 18 (Ala)

V2- NSIC Rc 216 (Tubigan 17)

V3- NSIC Rc 222 (Tubigan 18)

Factor B. Rate of Increased Nitrogen

T1- Recommended rate of Nitrogen

T2- 5% higher than the Nitrogen recommended rate

T3- 10% higher than the Nitrogen recommended rate

T4- 15% higher than the Nitrogen recommended rate


V1T1 V3T4 V2T3 V1T4

V2T1 V1T2 V3T2 V3T1

Block I
V3T3 V2T4 V1T3 V2T2

V3T2 V2T4 V1T2 V3T3

V2T1 V1T3 V3T4 V2T3

Block II
V1T4 V3T1 V2T2 V1T1

V2T4 V1T2 V3T3 V2T1

V1T1 V3T4 V2T2 V1T4

Block III
V3T2 V2T3 V1T3 V3T1

Figure 1. Experimental Layout

D. Sowing and Transplanting

Seeds will be soaked on clean water for 24 hours and will be sown after.

E. Care and Maintenance of the Seedlings

To ensure the growth of seedlings, fertilization, irrigation and spraying of pesticide

will be done as need arises.

F. Crop Establishment and Transplanting

Healthy seedlings at 21-25 days old will be carefully uprooted from the puddled

field to prevent damage of the roots. Then, they will be transplanted in the field


G. Fertilization

Fertilizer application will be based on the recommended rate.

H. Irrigation

Irrigation will be done as often as possible to supply the necessary moisture needed

during the vegetative growth. However, when the plants are already reaching its maturity,

watering will be controlled.

I. Weeding

Spraying of herbicide will be done to eradicate weeds that might compete with the

rice plants for moisture and nutrients.

J. Harvesting

Harvesting will be done when 85% of the grains are golden yellow and matured.

The rice plants will be cut using scythe.

K. Drying

Before milling, rice grains must be dried in order to decrease the moisture content

to between 12-14%. This will be done with the help of naturally occurring sunshine.

L. Data to be Gathered

1. Height of plant at maturity (cm) - the height will be measured from the base

up to the tip of the plants.

2. Number of productive tillers per hill - this will be taken by counting the

number of productive tillers that bore panicles with filled grains from 10

representative plants.

3. Number of unproductive tillers - this will be taken by counting the number

of unproductive tillers from 10 sample plants.

4. Length of panicle (cm) - this will be taken by measuring from the neck to the

tip of the last panicle.

5. Number of filled grains per panicle - this will be taken by counting the

filled grains of 10 sample panicles.

6. Number of unfilled grains per panicle - this will be taken by counting the

number of unfilled grains in panicle.

7. Weight of 1000 grains (g) - one thousand seeds will be counted and weighed.

8. Yield per plot (kg) - this will be taken by weighing the harvested plants from

harvested area and weighed.

9. Computed yield per hectare (tons) - this will be taken by weighing the yield

per plot and will be computed to a hectare basis.

10. Cost and return analysis – will be obtained by using the formula:

% ROI= Net Income x 100

Total Production Cost

M. Analysis of Data

All the data gathered will be tabulated and analyzed using the analysis of

variance (ANOVA) of the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Significance

among treatment means will be analyzed using the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test



ATLIN, G.N. 2000. Selection response in subdivided target regions. Crop Sci. 40:7-13.

ATWILL, R. L., CORBIN, J.L., FITTS, P.W., & WALKER, T. W. 2013. Mississippi
Rice Variety Trials.

AZARPOUR, E., MORADITICHAEE, M. & REZA, H. 2014. Effect of nitrogen

fertilizer management on growth analysis of rice cultivars.

BALASUBRAMANIAN V. & BELL M. 2000. Rice knowledge bank. Nutrient

management on rice.

CROATIA, GRANNOS. 2010. Rice Planting Diary. http://betweenundefined.blogspot

HIRZEL, J. & RODRIGUEZ, FRANCISCO. 2013. Increasing nitrogen rates in rice
and its effect on plant nutrient composition and nitrogen apparent recovery.

HYNES, ERIN., 2008. Life Genesis Story. Rice Research.

LADHA, JAGDISH K. & REDDY, MANATHI P. 2000. The role of nitrogen in rice
production. International Journal of Geology, Agriculture and Environmental
Sciences. Volume – 1 Issue.
PARIS, THELMA R. 2006. Participatory approaches. Crop Science. 52:7-14

SHARIEF, ALI. E. 2006. Effect Nitrogen Management on Panicle Structure and Yield in
Rice (Oryza sativa L.).

TABAR, YOSEF S. 2012. Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer on

Growth and Yield Rice (Oryza sativa L).

TABAR, YOSEF S. 2012. Role of biological nitrogen fixation in rice.


WUTHI-ARPORN, JIRAWUT, 2000. Increasing Rice Production: Solution to the

Global Food Crisis.

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