S7Es Ivb 4

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Section: Grateful
Date: February 27, 2019
Time: 08:30-09:30 A.M.

Learning Competencies: describe ways of using Earth's resources sustainably - S7ES-IVb-4

I – Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a) differentiate renewable from non-renewable resource;
b) perform activities in conserving and protecting our natural resources through: singing,
acting, news casting and by drawing; and
c) recognize the importance of natural resources to everyday life.

II – Subject Matter:
Topic: Conservation and protecting natural resources
Instructional materials: Power point presentation, word puzzle, and chart.
References: 1. Learner’s Manual in Science 7
2. Teacher’s Manual in Science 7
3. www.slideshare.com/naturalresources/philippines

III – Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Daily Routine

1. Prayer
 Everybody stand let us pray.  Praying

2. Greetings
 Good morning class.  Good morning, sir!
3. Attendance Check
 Class secretary, kindly give me a  Nobody is absent sir.
report, how’s absent today?

4. House Rules
 What would you do if your teacher  Sit properly, be participative, do not
starts with your class? make any unnecessary movement
and listen to the class discussion sir.
 Can I expect that class?  Yes, sir.
 Very good. Any questions?
Clarifications regarding in our topic
last meeting?  None, sir.

B. Priming

1. Recall
 How among the class can recall our  Our topic last meeting is about
topic last meeting? resources in the Philippines, sir.
 Very good. The different resources
of the Philippines. This time let us
continue to topic about resources in
the Philippines.

2. Motivation
 I have here a word puzzle. All you  Yes, sir.
have to do is to locate the words in
the puzzle. Are you ready?
(post the word puzzle) (answering the puzzle)
3. Unlocking of difficulties
 Here are some word for you to know
as we go farther the topic.
 Natural Resources – things that
come from the nature that support
 Renewable Resources – resources
that can be replaced.
 Non-renewable – resources that
cannot be replaced.

C. Presentation
 Based on the activity you perform  I think about natural resources, sir.
earlier, what do you think will be  At the end of the lesson, the students
our topic for today? should be able to:
 You’re right. Our topic for today is a) differentiate renewable from non-
about natural resources, the renewable resource;
conservation and protection of our b) perform activities in conserving and
resources. protecting our natural resources through:
singing, acting, news casting and making
1. Activity poem; and
 This time, I will group the class into c) recognize the importance of natural
4 groups. The grouping is based on resources to everyday life.
your strength and interest because
later I will give different activities
that would suit to your field of

 Now, I have here a chart of natural

resources. All you have to do is to
classify the given resources into
renewable or non-renewable.
(students’ answer)

 Are you done class? Post your (students posting their output)
output on the board.
 Very good. You got the correct
 What do you mean by renewable  Renewable resources can be
resources? replenished or reproduced easily, at
a rate comparable or faster than its
rate of consumption by humans.
 Very good. How about non-  Non-renewable resources are
renewable resources? resources that can be consumed fast
than nature can naturally produce.
 Very good. How can you  Renewable it is present in unlimited
differentiate renewable from non- quantity while non-renewable it is
renewable resources? present in limited quantity and
vanishes one day. Solar energy,
wind energy, tidal energy are the
examples of renewable resources.
Coal, petroleum, natural gas are the
examples of non-renewable

2. Analysis
 How do you find the activity class?  Interesting, sir.
 Thank you, how about in answering
the questions? Did members of the
group cooperate and share their  In our group sir, every one of us
answer? participate and share our ideas to
 That’s great. Every member of the answer the activity.
group participate and share their
ideas to answer the given task.

3. Abstraction
 Class, ready your lecture notebook  Natural resources are useful raw
and set properly. Now, I will discuss materials that we get from the Earth.
to you the types of natural resources They occur naturally, which means
and how to conserve and protect that humans cannot make natural
natural resources. resources. Instead, we use and
(short video about conserving and modify natural resources in ways
protecting natural resources) that are beneficial to us. The
materials used in human-made
objects are natural resources.
 Renewable resources can be
replenished or reproduced easily, at
a rate comparable or faster than its
rate of consumption by humans.
 Non-renewable resources are
resources that can be consumed fast
than nature can naturally produce.

 Made up of more than 7,100 islands,

the Philippines is the third-largest
English-speaking country in the
world. The island nation lies in the
South China Sea and serves as the
crossroads of the Orient. This
country is well known for its popular
tourism spots and its varied culture
stemming from occupation of
several different nations over the
centuries. But it is also a land of rich
natural resources that help sustain
the nation and make it an important
economy in the region.

 Minerals - The Philippines is not a

petroleum-rich country, but the land
is still full of many valuable
minerals. There are an estimated
21.5 billion metric tons of metal
deposits in the Philippines and 19.3
billion metric tons of nonmetal
minerals in the ground. Nickel is the
most abundant deposit in the
Philippines, while iron and copper
are also present in significant

 Major Crops - The volcanic history

of the archipelago combined with
the wide plains available throughout
the nation make the Philippines a
prime spot for growing crops for
domestic use and export. The
Central Luzon, Cagayan Valley and
Negros are among the many places
with fertile soil in the Philippines.
This land is the nation's primary
source of livelihood. The chief crops
of the nation include rice, corn,
sugarcane, abaca and tobacco,
according to the Philippine History
website. The rice and corn are used
domestically, but the rest is used as a
major export. The Philippines also
exports a number of pineapples and

 Flora - The tropical climate in the

Philippines makes it an ideal
location for flowers and plants. The
islands have more than 2 million
species of plants, and several of
them are found nowhere else on the
planet. Much of the flora in the
Philippines, while diminished by
over harvesting, is used as an
important natural resource as
ingredients in commercially
exported products.
4. Application

 This time class, let’s have another

group activity. Kindly proceed to
your group. In this activity, you will
be performing different activities
that would conserve and protect our
natural resources in the way of
singing, acting, and news casting
and by drawing.
 I will only give you 7 minutes to
plan, design and practice your
presentation. Am I clear?  Yes, sir.
 Let’s start from group 1.
 Congratulations everyone you did a
great performance.  Students’ perform the given task.

Values Integration
 So class, do we need to educate
other people to conserve and protect
our natural resources? Why?  We need to teach them to conserve
 Very good. By educating those natural resources because it is the
people to conserve and protect main source of our daily needs.
natural resources can make them last
and be available for future

IV – Evaluation

 In the same group, formulate as

many as you can. Questions are
answerable by true or false. Every
group member will be given a
change to raise the question and to
answer the question.
 Are you all set, class?
 Let’s start from group 1 will raise
their question to group 2.  Yes, sir.
(start asking a question and other
group will answer)
V – Assignment

 Write in your assignment notebook

What are the layers of atmosphere?

Define each layer.

 That is all for this morning class.

Thank you for your participation.
Good bye, class!  Good bye and thank you sir.

Prepared by:
Albien S. Arayan
Teacher I

Checked by:
Cherryl A. Adante
Master Teacher II

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