Estimation of Waste Generation and Recycling Potential From Traditional Market: A Case Study in Hue City, Vietnam
Estimation of Waste Generation and Recycling Potential From Traditional Market: A Case Study in Hue City, Vietnam
Estimation of Waste Generation and Recycling Potential From Traditional Market: A Case Study in Hue City, Vietnam
This study was conducted to provide a detailed description of waste generation and characteris-
tics from a traditional market in Hue city, located in central Vietnam. The authors conducted a
waste generation survey and a waste composition survey for 309 stalls/vendors in five markets by
17 business categories for 10 consecutive days. The waste generation rates by stall/vendor and by
floor area were assessed in three waste categories: general waste, recyclable, and food residues.
The general waste that would be sent to a landfill site was classified into 10 physical categories
and 77 sub-categories. For general waste, food waste accounted for the largest part, followed by
plastic and grass. By multiplying the waste generation rate by stall/vendor by the total number of
stall/vendors in 23 markets, the authors estimated the total amounts of general waste, recyclable,
food residue and total waste by business category. The total waste generated from market was
17.0 tons/day, of which 4.6 tons (27.1%) were collected by pig farmers for feeding livestock and
0.6 tons (3.6%) were sold to the recycling market. The composting potential accounted for 55.2%
of total waste generation from the traditional market in Hue. The recycling potential accounted for
5.1%. The total disposal amount sent to the landfill site would be reduced from 69.2% to 8.8% of
the total. The 95% confidence interval (CI) of total waste amount from 23 markets was also esti-
mated using Monte Carlo simulation based on the mean and standard error of the waste genera-
tion rate. The range of 95% CI was 14.9 - 18.9 tons/day.
Traditional Market, Recycling Potential, Composting Potential
How to cite this paper: Matsui, Y., Trang, D.T.T. and Thanh, N.P. (2015) Estimation of Waste Generation and Recycling Po-
tential from Traditional Market: A Case Study in Hue City, Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Protection, 6, 308-320.
Y. Matsui et al.
1. Introduction
In economically developing countries, the amount of municipal solid waste is approaching the capacity of exist-
ing waste facilities. It is impossible to continue waste disposal that is heavily dependent on landfill. Central and
local governments must develop solid waste management (SWM) plans that include waste reduction and recy-
Municipal solid waste is a growing problem in Vietnam, which is showing rapid economic growth year by
year. Vietnam produces over 15 million tons of municipal solid waste each year from various sources. More
than 80% (12.8 million tons/yr) derives from municipal sources: households, restaurants, markets, and business-
es [1]. As the first step in designing integrated waste management systems, it is indispensable to ascertain de-
tailed and reliable information related to waste generation, waste composition, and waste streams [2]. However,
Vietnam lacks reliable and detailed data related to SWM. The latest report on SWM in Vietnam published in
2011 presented information related to overall waste generation and physical composition of MSW around Viet-
nam, but did not clarify details related to waste generation from different sources or details related to waste
composition such as recycling or composting potential.
Regarding the municipal solid waste sources, traditional markets are known to be a considerable source of
waste generation in economically developing countries. One earlier study [3] found that markets contributed
about 20% of total waste generation in Indonesia. According to the Vietnam Retail Association, traditional
markets still constitute the major channel of the retail sector. About 8550 traditional markets existed in Vietnam
in 2011. However, few studies have specifically examined wastes from traditional markets. In Lao PDR, Byer et
al. [4] surveyed one early morning market (EMM), and clarified the waste generation rate by six business cate-
gories: fruits and vegetables, packaged goods, meat/fish/eggs, food stalls, noodles and blood, rice, and charcoal.
They assessed the physical composition, but reported no potential for recycling and composting. In Cambodia
and Vietnam, two surveys [5] [6] have assessed the waste generation rate by the total waste amount divided by
the total number of stalls in target market, but they did not address differences in waste generation rates among
business categories.
This study was undertaken to present a detailed description of waste generation and characteristic of tradi-
tional market in Hue city, Vietnam. The authors chose five markets from three market classes, and allocated the
targets by 17 business categories considering “The System of Economic Branches of Vietnam”. The authors also
estimated the total waste amount, the recycling and composting potentials from all markets in Hue as the basis
of rational SWM planning including waste reduction and recycling.
2. Methodology
2.1. Research Area and Target Traditional Markets
Hue city, the latest imperial capital of Vietnam under the Nguyen dynasty, is located in the central region of
Vietnam [7]. Hue city comprises 27 wards with area of 71.69 km2 and a population of 350,345 people. There are
two distinct seasons in Hue city: the dry season comes with the hot southwest wind for four months during
April-August; the rainy season comes with high and unevenly distributed rainfall during September-March [8].
Regarding solid waste management, the amount of collected waste in Hue city is reported as approximately
210 tons/day. The general collection rate in the whole city was about 89%, and 90% - 95% in urban areas [9].
Hue city has 23 traditional markets with different scales. According to Government Decree No. 2/2003/NĐ-
CP [10] on market development and management, 23 markets in Hue city are classified into three classes in
terms of their scale, trade volume, and facility conditions. Among them, 3 markets belong to the first class, 6
markets belong to second class, and 14 markets belong to the third class. Markets sell widely diverse items such
as food, vegetable, meat, clothes, and household equipment. There are businesses of two types in Hue, defined
as follows.
Stall: a shop selling goods at a designated place with a contract for a certain period of time, normally lo-
cated inside a market building
Vendor: someone who is selling goods without contract for a certain period of time, normally located out-
side of market building
Stalls and vendors in markets generate waste of many kinds such as rubbish from commodities, containers
and packaging. Some of them separate recyclable items for recycling markets and food residues for animal feed
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in Hue. For this study, the authors chose Tay Loc market from first class, Vy Da and Xep markets from second
class, and Phuoc Vinh and Thong markets from third class as the target considering location and scale. An out-
line of the five markets is shown in Table 1. Markets have widely diverse business categories. Prime Minister of
the Government of Vietnam (VPM, 2007) issued “The System of Economic Branches of Vietnam” [11] and de-
fined the business category in 642 branches. By referring the official definition, the authors defined 17 business
categories for market as shown in Table 2. For target selection, the authors allocated target kiosks and vendors
to cover 17 business categories. The total number of samples is shown in Table 2.
ID Business category
1 Rice & powder
2 Meat and meat products
3 Chicken & Duck
4 Eggs
5 Fish & fish products
6 Vegetable
7 Betel and areca
8 Fruits
9 Coconut
10 Spice, Grocery, Cakes & candy
11 Food stalls
12 Beverages
13 Textiles, apparel, footwear
14 Fresh flowers, ornamental plants
15 Daily commodity, incense, porcelain
16 Service (hair cutting, foot repairing)
17 Recyclable, Second-hand clothes
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A waste composition survey was also conducted during the survey period. To provide information related to
the recycling and composting potentials, the authors analysed details of the waste composition of “General
waste” for some representative targets. The waste was classified into 10 physical categories and 77 sub-catego-
ries. The classification categories were based on Materials (Plastic, Paper, Kitchen waste, Rubber & Leather,
Grass, Textile, Metal, Glass, Ceramic, and Miscellaneous), Types (Container/Packaging, Product and Other), Re-
cycling potential (recyclable and non-recyclable), and Composting potential (compostable and non-composta-
ble). The recycling potential was defined based on the practical trading status of recycling market in Hue city.
Recyclable items contained plastic, paper, glass, metal, and textiles that can be bought and sold at a recycling
market. The composting potential was defined based on the acceptable items of some composting plants. Or-
ganic wastes are divisible into compostable and non-compostable wastes. Compostable items consisted of vege-
tables, food residue, grass, leaves, flowers, egg shells, fish bones, fruit, and fruit skins. Non-compostable items
consisted of coconut shells, hard bones of animal, seashells, bamboos, large tree branches, and wood products.
In this study, non-recyclable items were all items that could not be recycled or composted. Descriptions of waste
classification categories are presented in Table 3. The authors also administered a questionnaire survey to assess
attributes and the current status of businesses of target stalls and vendors.
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Y. Matsui et al.
of vendors in three market classes. The “Coconut_vendor” category was separated from “Fruit_vendor” because
the waste generation rate of “Coconut_vendor” was extremely high, with 91,801 g/day, which was much higher
than that of “Fruit_vendor” with 1882 g/vendor/day.
Comparing the waste generation rate of a stall with that of a vendor, some categories with higher waste gen-
eration rates such as “Fish & fish product”, “Vegetable_vendor”, “Fruit”, “Food stall” and “Fresh flowers”, the
waste generation rate of a stall was higher than that of a vendor. That result is explainable that the space and
business scale of vendors were normally smaller than those of stalls; the resultant waste generation rate was
lower. The vendors did not separate recyclables in most business categories excluding “Fruit_vendor”; the food
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residue amount was small excluding “Fish_vendor” and “Food_vendor” as stalls, probably because they had
insufficient space to keep such wastes.
Meat & meat product 2 250 ± 247 - - 250 ± 247 1.69 272 ± 266 - - 272 ± 266
Chicken & duck 3.6 - - 178 ± 7 178 ± 7 2.25 40 ± 63 - 2050 ± 1670 2090 ± 1622
Fish & fish product 3.6 126 ± 115 - 1209 ± 913 1335 ± 940 1.69 163 ± 164 - 739 ± 925 903 ± 861
Vegetable 3.6 - 10.8 2274 ± 1531 - 49 ± 63 2324 ± 1518 1.69 - 3.38 964 ± 575 - 78 ± 100 1042 ± 557
Betel & areca - - - - - 2.25 693 74 - 767
Fruit 3.6 1248 ± 857 - - 1248 ± 857 1.69 - 3.38 1362 ± 886 402 ± 625 211 ± 596 1975 ± 1288
Food stall 3.6 - 7.2 199 ± 207 - 1085 ± 1030 1283 ± 949 2.25 - 4.5 353 ± 351 14 ± 35 1252 ± 2149 1619 ± 2464
Beverages 3.6 2095 ± 235 69 ± 11 - 2163 ± 246 2.25 - 4.5 397 ± 400 147 ± 69 - 544 ± 469
Textiles & Apparel 3.6 - 12 66 ± 38 - - 66 ± 38 4.5 13 ± 9 - - 13 ± 9
Fresh flower 3.6 - 7.2 1224 ± 1465 - - 1224 ± 1465 2.25 - 7.29 444 ± 269 - - 444 ± 269
Daily commodity 2-4 125 ± 126 29 ± 64 - 154 ± 182 1.69 - 14.58 83 ± 70 4±7 - 88 ± 73
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ID N Plastic Paper Food Rubber Grass Textile Metal Glass Ceramic Other
Rice, powder 6 6.8% 0.7% 52.6% 0.1% 21.5% - - - - 18.3%
Meat 15 48.2% 0.9% 44.8% - 2.9% - - - - 3.3%
Chicken & duck 2 51.8% 9.9% 24.4% 11.3% 1.5% - 1.0% - - -
Egg 7 9.4% 2.1% 67.8% - 20.5% - - - - 0.1%
Fish 30 32.6% 0.2% 45.1% - 4.7% - - - - 17.4%
Vegetable 17 2.8% 0.3% 93.2% - 1.3% - - - - 2.4%
Betel & areca 2 2.2% 0.1% 14.7% - 83% - - - - -
Fruit 14 1.6% 3.5% 81.7% 0.1% 12.7% - - - - 0.3%
Spice & Grocery 33 26.4% 14.7% 52.5% 1.6% 2.2% 0.1% 0.5% - - 2%
Food stalls 25 7.4% 8.3% 25% 0.2% 51.9% 2.9% - - - 4.3%
Beverages 8 8.1% 0.1% 77.2% - 8.6% - - - - 6.1%
Textiles & footwear 13 40% 15.1% 20.3% 21.2% - 0.7% 2.1% - - 0.5%
Fresh flowers 6 2.1% 1.7% 21.7% - 74.5% - - - - -
Daily commodity
11 10.4% 12.7% 62.3% 0.2% 3.8% 2.3% 0.1% - 8.0% 0.1%
Daily commodity
Service 5 30.1% 2.4% 31.6% 0.1% 2.4% 11.6% 0.8% - - 21%
Second-hand shop 2 29.0% 69.5% - - - - - - - 1.4%
Y. Matsui et al.
sequent plastic or grass. The proportions of food waste were high, with 93.2%, 81.7% and 77.2%, respectively,
in “Vegetable”, “Fruit” and “Beverage”. Previous reports have described that the major portion of solid waste in
market is food waste and other organic matter. A survey conducted in Danang [6] reported that the organic part
accounted for 81.5%. A survey in Thailand also presented that the organic from market was 85% [14].
The categories of “Meat”, “Fish”, “Textile” and “Spice” generated plastics with higher percentage, using
mainly single-use plastic bags for packaging, whereas “Betel & areca”, “Fresh flower” and “Food stalls” cate-
gories generated grass with higher percentages. These results directly reflected the fact that some parts of “Betel
and areca” and “Fresh flower” such as stems, leaves, and un-needed parts are often removed according to re-
quests from customers. “Food stalls” generated large amounts of grass because Vietnamese people have a habit
of wrapping some foods in leaves such as banana or lotus leaves. They discard them after use. Glass was not
found in all categories, and ceramic was only found in “Daily commodity” with 8%. Rubber was found in
“Chicken & duck” because rubber bands are usually used to tie live chicken or duck legs. The “Textiles & foot-
wear” category generated some rubber because rubber pieces were often used to repair shoes.
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of general waste (kg/day) and the measured waste amounts in three markets. The results show that the measured
waste amounts were in the 95% CI range for the three markets.
3.4.3. Interval Estimation of Total Waste Generation from Traditional Market in Hue
The 95% confidence interval (CI) of total waste amount from 23 markets was also estimated using Monte Carlo
simulation (100,000 times) based on the mean and standard error of waste generation rate shown in Table 4 and
Table 5. The results showed that the range of 95% CI was 14.9 - 18.9 tons/day.
The authors also examined the sensitivity as a percentage of the contribution from the waste generation rate of
each business category to the variance of the total waste amount. Figure 1 presents the result of sensitivity
analysis. “Vegetables of first class market” was identified as the category with the largest contribution (34.8%)
to the variance of the total waste amount, followed by “Vegetable_vendor” (13.5%) and “Fish of first class”,
(10.9%). To improve the reliability of total estimation, the sample size should be increased. Further investigation
must be undertaken to clarify the factors affecting waste generation rate in these categories.
4. Conclusions
1) This study produced a detailed description of waste generation and composition by 17 business categories
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Table 11. Waste amounts by business category from 23 markets in Hue (kg/day).
General waste
Category N Recycling Composting Recyclable Food Residues Total
potential potential
Rice & powder 220 4 1 15 2 3 24
Meat 630 15 83 72 - 13 182
Chicken & duck 75 2 4 2 - 200 208
Egg 18 0 1 7 5 - 13
Fish 1045 48 86 133 - 2737 3004
Vegetable 951 132 135 4422 - 238 4928
Betel & Areca 50 1 1 56 7 - 64
Fruit 427 63 68 1520 222 79 1951
Coconut 5 459 - - - - 459
Spice & Grocery 1315 45 195 276 196 286 998
Food stalls 265 29 19 154 2 730 934
Beverages 90 16 21 218 15 29 299
Textiles & Apparel 968 23 120 46 42 - 231
Fresh flowers 64 6 6 194 0 - 205
Equipment, watch 545 21 32 95 99 - 247
Service 181 12 9 14 2 - 36
Second-hand shop 61 0 18 0 8 - 25
Rice & powder_vendor 36 2 1 7 0 0 10
Egg_vendor 16 0 1 6 0 0 7
Fish & fish product_vendor 79 0 0 0 0 129 129
Vegetable_vendor 436 48 49 1611 0 38 1746
Betel and areca_vendor 20 1 1 83 0 0 85
Fruit_vendor 224 15 17 374 16 0 422
Coconut_vendor 6 551 0 0 0 0 551
Spice & Grocery_vendor 141 10 7 53 0 124 193
Food stall_vendor 31 0 0 0 0 0 1
Textiles & Apparel_vendor 16 1 1 22 0 0 23
Amount (kg) 1502 872 9377 616 4605 16,972
Amount (tons) 1.5 0.9 9.4 0.6 4.6 17.0
Percentage 8.8% 5.1% 55.2% 3.6% 27.1% 100%
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in a traditional market in Hue city, Vietnam. In all, 309 stalls/vendors in five markets were surveyed for 10 con-
secutive days in the dry season.
2) The waste generation rate by stall/vendor was assessed by each business category by three waste categories:
general waste, recyclable, food residues. The waste generation rates of “Vegetable”, “Fruits”, “Beverage” and
“Fresh Flowers” were higher in all wastes, whereas those of “Rice”, “Meat”, “Service” and “Second-hand shop”
were identified as having lower generation rates.
3) Significant mean differences of total waste amount were found in “Fish” and “Vegetable” categories. The
waste generation rate was the highest in the first market class and lower in the second market class and third
market class.
4) The waste generation rate by floor area was also calculated in two markets in first and second classes. In
most business categories, the stalls in the first class market discharged more waste than those in the second
5) The general waste was classified into 10 physical categories and 77 sub-categories. Food waste accounted
for the largest part, followed by plastic and grass. The results from sub-categories demonstrated the potential for
composting and recycling.
6) As the validation of waste generation rate, the authors estimated the 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of total
amount of general waste for three target markets and compared the CIs with the measured waste amounts by ac-
tual measurements conducted on site. The measured waste amounts were in the 95% CI range for the three mar-
7) The authors also estimated the total generated waste, the recycling and composting potential for 23 tradi-
tional markets in Hue. The total waste generated from market was 17.0 tons/day, of which 4.6 tons (27.1%) was
collected by pig farmers for feeding livestock and 0.6 tons (3.6%) was sold to the recycling market. The com-
posting potential accounted for 55.2% and the recycling potential accounted for 5.1% of total waste generation
from traditional market in Hue. The total disposal amount sent to the landfill site would be reduced from 69.2%
to 8.8% of the total.
By the Monte Carlo simulation, the confidence interval of total waste generation from traditional market in
Hue was estimated. The 95% CI of total waste was 14.9 - 18.9 tons/day. By sensitivity analysis, “Vegetable of
first class market” was identified as the category with the largest contribution to the variance of the total waste
amount with subsequent “Vegetable_vendor” and “Fish of first class”. To improve the reliability of total estima-
tion, the sample size should be increased and further investigation is necessary to clarify the factors affecting
waste generation rates in these categories.
The authors sincerely thank the staff and students from Hue University for their assistance in this study. Special
thanks to Dr. Pham Khac Lieu and Mr. Tran Ngoc Tuan who supported our survey enthusiastically. The authors
also express their appreciation to the statistical office in Hue as well as all of stall/vendor owners in five target
markets for collaborating with us.
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