1.printing Techniques 2

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Textile printing :

Textile printing is the process of applying colour to fabric in definite patterns or

designs. In properly printed fabrics the colour is bonded with the fibre, so as to
resist washing and friction. Textile printing is related to dyeing but in dyeing
properly the whole fabric is uniformly covered with one colour, whereas in printing
one or more colours are applied to it in certain parts only, and in sharply defined

Printing process :

The printing process does involve several stages in order to prepare the fabric
and printing paste, and to fix the impression permanently on the fabric:

·0 pre-treatment of fabric,

·1 preparation of colors,

·2 preparation of printing paste,

·3 impression of paste on fabric using printing methods,

·4 drying of fabric,

·5 fixing the printing with steam or hot air (for pigments),

·6 after process treatments.

Preparation of cloth for printing :

Cloth is prepared by washing and bleaching. For a coloured ground it is then

dyed. The cloth has always to be brushed, to free it from loose nap, flocks and
dust that it picks up whilst stored. Frequently, too, it has to be sheared by being
passed over rapidly revolving knives arranged spirally round an axle, which
rapidly and effectually cuts off all filaments and knots, leaving the cloth perfectly
smooth and clean and in a condition fit to receive impressions of the most
delicate engraving. Some fabrics require very careful stretching and straightening
on a stenter before they are wound around hollow wooden or iron centers into
rolls of convenient size for mounting on the printing machines.

Preparation of colours :
The art of making colours for textile printing demands both chemical knowledge
and extensive technical experience, for their ingredients must not only be in
proper proportion to each other, but also specially chosen and compounded for
the particular style of work in hand. A colour must comply to conditions such as
shade, quality and fastness; where more colours are associated in the same
design each must be capable of withstanding the various operations necessary
for the development and fixation of the others. All printing pastes whether
containing colouring matter or not are known technically as colours.

Colours vary considerably in composition. Most of them contain all the elements
necessary for direct production and fixation. Some, however, contain the
colouring matter alone and require various after-treatments; and others again are
simply thickened mordants. A mordant is a metallic salt or other substance that
combines with the dye to form an insoluble colour, either directly by steaming, or
indirectly by dyeing. All printing colours require thickening to enable them to be
transferred from colour-box to cloth without running or spreading beyond the
limits of the pattern.

Thickening agents:

The printing thickeners used depend on the printing technique, the fabric and the
particular dyestuff . Typical thickening agents are starch derivatives, flour, gum
arabic, guar gum derivatives, tamarind, sodium alginate, sodium polyacrylate,
gum Senegal and gum tragacanth, British gum or dextrine and albumen.

Hot-water-soluble thickening agents such as native starch are made into pastes
by boiling in double or jacketed pans. Most thickening agents used today are
cold-soluble and require only extensive stirring.

Starch paste

Starch paste is made from wheat starch, cold water, and olive oil, then thickened
by boiling. Non-modified starch is applicable to all but strongly alkaline or strongly
acid colours. With the former it thickens up to a stiff unworkable jelly. In the case
of the latter, while mineral acids or acid salts convert it into dextrine, thus
diminishing its viscosity or thickening power, organic acids do not have that
effect. Today, modified carboxymethylated cold soluble starches are mainly used.
These have a stable viscosity and are easy to rinse out of the fabric and give
reproducible "short" paste rheology.

Flour paste is made in a similar way to starch paste; it is sometimes used to

thicken aluminum and iron mordants. Starch paste resists of rice flour have been
used for several centuries in Japan.


Gum arabic and gum Senegal are both traditional thickenings, but expense
prevents them from being used for any but pale, delicate tints. They are
especially useful thickenings for the light ground colours of soft muslins and
sateens on account of the property they possess of dissolving completely out of
the fibres of the cloth in the post-printing washing process, and they have a long
flowing, viscous rheology, giving sharp print and good penetration in the cloth.
Today guar gum and tamarind derivates offer a cheaper alternative.

British gum or dextrin is prepared by heating starch. It varies considerably in

composition, sometimes being only slightly roasted and consequently only partly
converted into dextrine, and at other times being highly torrefied, and almost
completely soluble in cold water and very dark in colour. Its thickening power
decreases and its gummy nature increases as the temperature at which it is
roasted is raised. It is useful for strongly acid colours, and with the exception of
gum Senegal, it is the best choice for strongly alkaline colours and discharges.
Like the natural gums, it does not penetrate as well into the fibre of the cloth pr
as deeply as pure starch or flour and is unsuitable for very dark, strong colours.

Gum tragacanth, or Dragon, which may be mixed in any proportion with starch or
flour, is equally useful for pigment colours and mordant colours. When added to a
starch paste it increases its penetrative power and adds to its softness without
diminishing its thickness, making it easier to wash out of the fabric. It produces
much more even colours than does starch paste alone. Used by itself it is
suitable for printing all kinds of dark grounds on goods that are required to retain
their soft clothy feel.
Starch always leaves the printed cloth somewhat harsh in feeling (unless
modified carboxymethylated starches are used), but very dark colours can be
obtained. Gum Senegal, gum arabic or modified guar gum thickening yield
clearer and more even tints than does starch, suitable for lighter colours but less
suited for very dark colours. (The gums apparently prevent the colours from
combining fully with the fibers.) A printing stock solution is mostly a combination
of modified starch and gum stock solutions.


Albumen is both a thickening and a fixing agent for insoluble pigments. Chrome
yellow, the ochres, vermilion and ultramarine are such pigments. Albumen is
always dissolved in the cold, a process that takes several days when large
quantities are required. Egg albumen is expensive and only used for the lightest
shades. Blood albumen solution is used in cases when very dark colours are
required to be absolutely fast to washing. After printing, albumen thickened
colours are exposed to hot steam, which coagulates the albumen and effectually
fixes the colours.

Printing paste preparation :

Combinations of cold water-soluble carboxymethylated starch, guar gum and

tamarind derivatives are most commonly used today in disperse screen printing
on polyester. Alginates are used for cotton printing with reactive dyes, sodium
polyacrylates for pigment printing, and in the case of vat dyes on cotton only
carboxymethylated starch is used.

Formerly, colors were always prepared for printing by boiling the thickening
agent, the colouring matter and solvents, together, then cooling and adding
various fixing agents. At the present time, however, concentrated solutions of the
colouring matters and other adjuncts are often simply added to the cold
thickenings, of which large quantities are kept in stock.

Colours are reduced in shade by simply adding more stock (printing) paste. For
example, a dark blue containing 4 oz. of methylene blue per gallon may readily
be made into a pale shade by adding to it thirty times its bulk of starch paste or
gum, as the case may be. The procedure is similar for other colours.

Before printing it is essential to strain or sieve all colours in order to free them
from lumps, fine sand, and other impurities, which would inevitably damage the
highly polished surface of the engraved rollers and result in bad printing. Every
scratch on the surface of a roller prints a fine line on the cloth, and too much
care, therefore, cannot be taken to remove, as far as possible, all grit and other
hard particles from every colour.

Straining is usually done by squeezing the colour through filter cloths like
artisanal fine cotton, silk or industrial woven nylon. Fine sieves can also be
employed for colours that are used hot or are very strongly alkaline or acid.

Hand block printing

This process is the earliest, simplest and slowest of all printing methods. A
design is drawn on, or transferred to, prepared wooden blocks. A separate block
is required for each distinct colour in the design. A blockcutter carves out the
wood around the heavier masses first, leaving the finer and more delicate work
until the last so as to avoid any risk of injuring it when the coarser parts are cut.
When finished, the block has the appearance of a flat relief carving, with the
design standing out. Fine details, difficult to cut in wood, are built up in strips of
brass or copper, which is bent to shape and driven edgewise into the flat surface
of the block. This method is known as coppering.

The printer applies colour to the block and presses it firmly and steadily on the
cloth, striking it smartly on the back with a wooden mallet. The second
impression is made in the same way, the printer taking care to see that it
registers exactly with the first. Pins at each corner of the block join up exactly, so
that the pattern can continue without a break. Each succeeding impression is
made in precisely the same manner until the length of cloth is fully printed. The
cloth is then wound over drying rollers. If the pattern contains several colours the
cloth is first printed throughout with one color, dried, and then printed with the
Block printing by hand is a slow process. It is, however, capable of yielding highly
artistic results, some of which are unobtainable by any other method. William
Morris used this technique in some of his fabrics.

Roller, cylinder, or machine printing

This process was patented by Thomas Bell in 1785, fifteen years after his use of
an engraved plate to print textiles. Bell's patent was for a machine to print six
colours at once, but, probably owing to its incomplete development, it was not
immediately successful. One colour could be printed with satisfactorily; the
difficulty was to keep the six rollers in register with each other. This defect was
overcome by Adam Parkinson of Manchester in 1785. That year, Bells machine
with Parkinson's improvement was successfully employed by Messrs Livesey,
Hargreaves and Company of Bamber Bridge, Preston, for the printing of calico in
from two to six colours at a single operation.

Roller printing was highly productive, 10,000 to 12,000 yards being commonly
printed in one day of ten hours by a single-colour machine. It is capable of
reproducing every style of design, ranging from the fine delicate lines of
copperplate engraving to the small repeats and limited colours of the perrotine to
the broadest effects of block printing with repeats from 1 in to 80 inches. It is
precise, so each portion of an elaborate multicolour pattern can be fitted into its
proper place without faulty joints at the points of repetition.

Stencil printing

The art of stenciling on textile fabrics has been practised from time immemorial
by the Japanese, and found increasing employment in Europe for certain classes
of decorative work on woven goods during the late 19th century.

A pattern is cut from a sheet of stout paper or thin metal with a sharp-pointed
knife, the uncut portions representing the part that will be left uncoloured. The
sheet is laid on the fabric and colour is brushed through its interstices.
The peculiarity of stenciled patterns is that they have to be held together by ties.
For instance, a complete circle cannot be cut without its centre dropping out, so
its outline has to be interrupted at convenient points by ties or uncut portions.
This limitation influences the design.

For single-colour work a stenciling machine was patented in 1894 by S. H.

Sharp. It consists of an endless stencil plate of thin sheet steel that passes
continuously over a revolving cast iron cylinder. The cloth to be ornamented
passes between the two and the colour is forced onto it through the holes in the
stencil by mechanical means.


Screen printing is by far the most common technology today. Two types exist:
rotary screen printing and flat (bed) screen printing. A blade (squeegee)
squeezes the printing paste through openings in the screen onto the fabric.

Digital textile printing

Digital textile printing is often referred to as direct-to-garment printing, DTG

printing, or digital garment printing. It is a process of printing on textiles and
garments using specialized or modified inkjet technology. Inkjet printing on fabric
is also possible with an inkjet printer by using fabric sheets with a removable
paper backing. Today, major inkjet technology manufacturers can offer
specialized products designed for direct printing on textiles, not only for sampling
but also for bulk production. Since the early 1990s, inkjet technology and
specially developed water-based ink (known as dye-sublimation or disperse
direct ink) have made it possible to print directly onto polyester fabric. This is
mainly related to visual communication in retail and brand promotion (flags,
banners and other point of sales applications). Printing onto nylon and silk can be
done by using an acid ink. Reactive ink is used for cellulose based fibers such as
cotton and linen. Inkjet technology in digital textile printing allows for single
pieces, mid-run production and even long-run alternatives to screen printed

Silk printing
The colours and methods employed are the same as for wool, except that in the
case of silk no preparation of the material is required before printing, and
ordinary dry steaming is preferable to damp steaming.

Both acid and basic dyes play an important role in silk printing, which for the
most part is confined to the production of articles for fashion goods,
handkerchiefs, and scarves, all articles for which bright colours are in demand.
Alizarine and other mordant colours are mainly used for any goods that have to
resist repeated washings or prolonged exposure to light. In this case the silk
frequently must be prepared in alizarine oil, after which it is treated in all respects
like cotton, namely steamed, washed and soaped, the colours used being the

Silk is especially adapted to discharge and reserve effects. Most of the acid dyes
can be discharged in the same way as when they are dyed on wool. Reserved
effects are produced by printing mechanical resists, such as waxes and fats, on
the cloth and then dyeing it in cold dye-liquor. The great affinity of the silk fibre for
basic and acid dyestuffs enables it to extract colouring matter from cold solutions
and permanently combine with it to form an insoluble lake. After dyeing, the
reserve prints are washed, first in cold water to remove any colour not fixed onto
the fibre, and then in hot water or benzene to dissolve out the resisting bodies.

After steaming, silk goods are normally only washed in hot water, but those
printed entirely in mordant dyes will stand soaping, and indeed require it to
brighten the colours and soften the material.

Some silk dyes do not require heat setting or steaming. They strike instantly,
allowing the designer to dye color upon color. These dyes are intended mostly for
silk scarf dyeing. They also dye bamboo, rayon, linen, and some other natural
fabrics like hemp and wool to a lesser extent, but do not set on cotton.

Wool printing :

Wool is the most useful fiber with outstanding properties. Its warmth, moisture
absorbency, drapability, resiliency, flame retardancy make it ideal for numerous
applications in apparel and interior. Moreover, it is green being a renewable
resource and ecofriendly.

It has been observed that in case of wool, dyeing is the most commonly used
technique to enhance aesthetic appeal. Printing is not commonly used either at
small scale or large scale to produce beautiful attractive designs. It has been
reported that hardly 2% of total wool in the world is printed. This is because of
physical and morphological nature of wool. The hairy nature of woolen fabric
operates against the production of fine, crisp designs which may be printed on
the smooth fabric. Wool does not normally absorb the print paste very well, which
may be because of scales on its surface.

Wool fiber consists of two morphological parts, cuticle and cortex. Cuticle is
composed of overlapping epithelial cells or scales. Although function of these
scales is to protect wool from weather, abrasion etc., it is the main hindrance in
efficient and uniform processing of wool. The scales offer hydrophobicity
decreasing absorbency to dyes and chemicals. Any violation of this layer
promotes dye absorbency of wool.

Chemical modification of wool can be done at mild process conditions. Chemical

treatment brings about change in the surface characteristics specially the scaly
layer and in the chemical nature of wool fiber which makes fiber more receptive
of dyes resulting in different colour yield, fixation and colour fastness properties.

Various chemicals and auxiliaries are used to bring about modification in physical
structure or to help in swelling of fiber or dissolution of dyes. Conventional
procedure for chemical modification of wool is chlorination. It is a pretreatment
which has dual advantage of opening the cuticle, the barrier in diffusion of dye
into fiber, together with preventing the felting shrinkage which may otherwise
distort the printed designs. Chlorination results in toxic byproducts, hence it is
considered non-ecofriendly. Study conducted by Purwar and Pant has shown
that proteolytic enzymes can be used as replacement of chlorine treatment. The
enzyme treatment improved printability and texture of wool but there was some
loss in strength of wool.

Auxiliaries can be incorporated in printing paste to modify printability. Singh and

Pant printed wool by incorporating monoethanol amine and benzyl alcohol in
printing paste of acid dye. Both the chemicals improved colour depth of printed
wool but monoethanol amine was more effective than benzyl alcohol. There was
slight loss in strength after addition of amine. Fastness of prints to light, rubbing,
and ironing was not altered.

Presence of monoethanol amine in print paste leads to increase in swelling of

wool on steaming which provides more accessibility to the dye molecules. There
is better penetrability of dye inside the fiber. One reason for the improvement in
colour value on addition of benzyl alcohol is modification of fiber structure which
is disrupted by benzyl alcohol. Another reason may be that benzyl alcohol causes
quicker swelling of fiber during steaming which facilitates diffusion of dye
molecules in the fiber.

Redox system can also be used to enhance dye fixation and printing
performance. Purwar and Pant found modification in printability of wool after
incorporating urea/ammonium persulphate redox system in printing paste.
Moreover, strength of wool also improved. Redox system creates new active
sites on both fiber and dye structure thereby enhancing the extent of dye fixation.

Diethylene glycol, an excellent solvent can also be used to improve printing

performance of wool. The dye instead of remaining as aggregates converts into
molecular form and can enter in the fiber easily.

Brady studied effect of selected pretreatments such as modified sirolan BPA

finish and tetra ethylene pentamine. Pretreatments resulted in rapid, even
deposition of dyes on wool fabric and produced good colour yields. Chen gave
low plasma treatment to wool fabric before printing with acid dye and found
deeper colour yield with good even prints.

Batik :

Batik is both an art and a craft, which is becoming more popular and well known
in the West as a wonderfully creative medium. The art of decorating cloth in this
way, using wax and dye, has been practised for centuries. In Java, Indonesia,
batik is part of an ancient tradition, and some of the finest batik cloth in the world
is still made there. The word batik originates from the Javanese tik and means to

To make a batik, selected areas of the cloth are blocked out by brushing or
drawing hot wax over them, and the cloth is then dyed. The parts covered in wax
resist the dye and remain the original colour. This process of waxing and dyeing
can be repeated to create more elaborate and colourful designs. After the final
dyeing the wax is removed and the cloth is ready for wearing or showing.

Contemporary batik, while owing much to the past, is markedly different from the
more traditional and formal styles. For example, the artist may use etching,
discharge dyeing, stencils, different tools for waxing and dyeing, wax recipes with
different resist values and work with silk, cotton, wool, leather, paper or even
wood and ceramics.

Batik is historically the most expressive and subtle of the resist methods. The
ever widening range of techniques available offers the artist the opportunity to
explore a unique process in a flexible and exciting way.

After Treatment Process of Printing | Fixation Methods After

Printing with Disperse Dyes | Reduction Cleaning
Printing is an art. It is one kind of localized dyeing that is dyes or pigments are
applied locally or discontinuously to produce various design on the fabric with a
motif or motives in one or more colors. After printing of fabric, aftertreatment is
very essential for fixation of dyestuff on fabric. In this article I will explain fixation
methods after printing with disperse dyes.

Fixation Methods After Printing:

After printing with disperse dyes the dyes is fixed on the fabric by one of the
following dye- fixation methods, namely-

1. Thermo fixation

2. Super Heated Steaming

3. High Pressure Steaming

Now they are mentioned below:-


The features of this method of dye fixation are mentioned below:-

1. No steam is used.

2. Dye is fixed by subjecting the print to hot air at 2100C for 1 minute.

3. The fixation is carried out in a backing oven or in a stenter where heat setting
can also be done simultaneously.

4. The process productivity is high.

5. The dye which have good sublimation fastness are subjected to this
thermofixation process.

6. There is 10-15% loss of colour in thermofixation, so the shade becomes dull.

7. It is a continuous process of dye fixation which gives high production.

Super Heated Steaming :

The features of this method of dye fixation are mentioned below:-

1. It is a continuous process of dye fixation.

2. This method is the best of the three methods.

3. Dye is fixed at 1000-1800C for 2-1 minutes by radiators.

4. Higher productivity.

5. No loss of colour.

6. Dyes with medium sublimation fastness can be applied.

7. The fabric handle is very soft.

High Pressure Steaming:

The features of this method of dye fixation are mentioned below:-

1. Discontinuous process of dye fixation

2. Low productivity.

3. Dye fixation is done by high pressure steam.

4. Low production so costly process.

5. Dyes with low sublimation fastness can be applied.

6. It gives good Colour yield and bright print & smoothness.

Reduction Cleaning:
After the fabric is applied dye fixation method it is subjected to reduction cleaning

Reduction cleaning process is carried out for obtaining deep shade (>5%-15%)

For reduction cleaning a bath is prepared containing:-

Caustic Soda : 2 gm/litre

Hydrosulphite : 2 gm/litre

Na-ionic Datergent : 2 gm/litre

M : L Ratio : 1:5

Time : 30 Minutes

In the bath caustic soda and Hyd- rosulphite are taken for the stripping of dye
and non-ionic detergents is taken for washing off. After passing the printed fabric
through this bath then the fabric is washed off, by hot air & then with cold water.

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