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2ndQUARTER Exam – G12 DRRR

Name : ___________________________________________ Year Level/Section: ________________
Score :K _____/
P _____/
Choose and write the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number.
_______1. Who is the head of the RDRRMC’s?
a. The President c. The OCD’s Civil Service Officer
b. The Senate President d. The Chief of Police
_______2. Which agency is responsible for the implementation of the Prevention and Mitigation aspects of NDRRMP?
a. DILG b. NEDA c. DOST d. PIA
_______3. The first country in Asia to have enacted its own law on DRRM.
a. Singapore b. Malaysia c. Japan d. Philippines
_______4. What are some of the functions of the NDRRMC?
a. Develop the NDRRM framework c. Manage and mobilize resources
b. Monitor the development and enforcement of the Act d. All of the above
_______5. Typhoon _____________ left many parts of the Metropolis under water like no other typhoon has done before.
a. Yolanda b. Rosing c. Ondoy d. Pedro
_______6. The ___________ was first in Asia too have enacted its own law on disaster risk reduction and
management through Republic Act No. 10121
a. America b. Italy c. Philippines d. Japan
_______7. When was the Philippine DRRM Law signed?
a. January 27, 2010 b. February 27, 2010 c. April 27, 2010 d. May 27, 2010
_______8. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework was signed on ________.
a. June 16, 2011 b. May 17, 2016 c. July 18, 2011 d. March 20, 2011
_______9. Under Republic Act _______, there shall be a DRRM Council for each region.
a. 10121 b. 1987 c. 10321 d. 10001
_______10. The ______________ is the agency mandated to guard against external and internal threats to national peace.
a. DENR b. DILG c. DND d. OCD
____ 11. What is referred to as the systematic efforts to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster risk to avoid or to limit the effects of
a. Disaster Risk b. Disaster Reduction c. Risk Management d. Disaster Risk Reduction
____12.What are designed to minimize disaster-related user?
a. Mitigation measures b. Risk analysis c. Disaster Recovery d. Emergency Planning
____13.What process is done before a disaster strikes and consists of five steps?
a. Disaster Risk Reduction b. Both a and c c. Disaster Management d. None of the above
____14.What identifies the hazard; potential threats are identified based party on experience and records?
a. DRR b. Risk Identification Stage c. Disaster Management d. Disaster Risk
____15.What aims to establish the magnitude and the likelihood of occurrence of the event?
a. Risk Analysisb. Risk Treatment c. Both a and b d. None of the above
____16.What analyzes and identifies priority subjects requiring treatment?
a. Risk Analysis b. Risk Prioritization c. Risk Prioritization Step d. All of the above
____17.What identifies the cause of the risks, identifies and evaluates treatment strategies, and prepares and implements treatment?
a. Risk Analysis b. Risk Identification Stage c. Risk Prioritization d. Risk Treatment Stage
____18.What oversees the implementation progress of the disaster risk management process?
a. Monitoring and Evaluation b. Emergency Planning c. Early Warning d. None of the above

____ 19.Which of these steps are necessary in prioritizing targets of mitigation measures?
a. Risk Identification Stage c. Risk Identification Stage and Risk Analysis
b. Both a and b d. None of the above
____20.What is the entire array of activities aimed to reducing the security of impact of the disaster causing event which are
undertaken before, during, and after a disaster?
a. Disaster Management b. Disaster Preparedness c. Early Warning System d. Materials
____21.What involves all activities from pre-disaster to post disaster activities?
a. Disaster Risk Reduction Management c. Disaster Risk Reduction
b. Emergency Plan d. None of the above
___22.What activities are part and parcel of the whole effort undertaken before and until long after a disastrous event?
a. Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction Management c. Emergency Plan
b. Disaster Risk Reduction d. All of the above
____23.Which is not a part of risk identification/assessment?
a. Relief b. Rescue c. Recovery d. None of the above
____24.What aims to create resilient communities which are able to reduce their vulnerabilities and exposure?
a. DRR b. DRRM c. CBDRR d. All of the above
____25.What happens if drills are done annually?
a. Students will be able to perform automatically during an earthquake emergency when the brain is not likely to function as well
b. Students will not be able to perform automatically and there is a high possibility that the brain will not function properly
c. Students will likely forget about the different emergency drills.
___26.Why is it significant to engage communities in CBDRRM?
a. The task of decision – making and activity implementation rest primarily on local people and organizations with the
national government.
b. Empowers the people by recognizing and emphasizing the value of communities and local organizations.
c. Can tap teeming local knowledge and expertise readily.
d. All of the above
___27.Why is community considered as an endless pool of human resources?
a. Physical presence in potential disaster areas
b. The local peoples and organizations recognize and can respond to local problems and needs
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
____28.Why does Disaster recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction considered as a gargantuan task for the government
a. Because it requires a tremendous amount of funds
b. Because it requires a huge array of human resources
c. Because it takes years to accomplish
d. All of the above
____29.Who is responsible for putting in place system to ensure timely and effective warnings?
a. Local Government Agencies c. National Government
b. National Economic Development Authority d. All of the above
___30.What situations are best done right where the people who might be affected during the disaster will strike?
a. Training for and practice of CBDRRM
b. Emergency planning for syn – and post – disaster
c. Earthquake survival kit
d. All of the above
___31.Why does CBDRRM aims to create a resilient community?
a. In order to reduce vulnerabilities and exposure
b. To enhance their capacities before, during, and after a disaster
c. None of the above
d. All of the above
___32.How can a community become more effective in reducing exposure and vulnerability and to enhance its capacities for disaster
risk management?
a. Residents must undergo a planetary actions and safety tips
b. Government officials should formulate a policies and frameworks to ensure the credibility in reducing exposure
c. A community-based DRRM should involve both community insiders and outsiders
d. Both b and c

___33.Who takes the lead in the implementation of risk reduction measures and in the overall management of disaster risks?
a. Focal point organization
b. Government officials
c. Members of a community and CBDRM partners from the government and international sectors
d. None of the above
___34.What agencies provide various forms of support (technical, material, financial) to community-based DRRM efforts in reducing
their vulnerabilities and enhancing their capacities?
a. NGO b. Private Entities c. UN agencies d. All of the above
B. Multiple Choice, Grouping Approach:
____35.Fire Tetrahedron a. Heat b. Fuel c. Gas d. Anti-oxidizing agent
____36.Stages of Fire a. Ignition b. Growth Stage c. Fully-developed d. Back dropped
____37. Natural Hazard a. Slap materials b. Typhoon c. Landslide d. Strom surge
____ 38. Earthquake Drill a. Desk b. Run c. Cover d. Hold
____ 39. Periods of DRRM
a. Development of the DRRM decision c. Develop appropriate transfer mechanisms
b. Constitute of technical management agent d. Develop the DRRM framework
____ 40. Disaster Risk Reduction ( example of activities)
a. Zoning and land management c. Evaluating and implementing
b. Public awareness and education d. Hazard and vulnerability analysis
___ 41. Types of Wildfire a. Ground fires b. Surface fires c. Crown fires d. Tremendous fires
___42. Fire Hazard a. Fire Tetrahedron b. Wild fires c. Building fires d. Disaster Risk
___43. Causes of wildfires a. Ladder fuels b. Natural causes c. Human activities d. bonfire
___44. Causes of building fires
a. Arson b. Fireworks and firecrackers
b. Proper house wiring c. Electrical appliances and wiring problems
___45.Developing the school earthquake evacuation plan
a. Prepare earthquake survival kit and first aid
b. Water, flashlight, and foods are not very important
c. Make sure that the students, teachers, and school staff are oriented about the evacuation routes
d. Power lines and utility poles
___46. What is geostrophic balance?
(a) The exact balance of incoming SW and outgoing LW radiation at the top ofthe atmosphere.
(b) The exact balance of vertical pressure gradient and gravity in the atmosphere.
(c) The exact balance of the Coriolis force, horizontal pressure gradient force andfriction.
(d) The exact balance of the Coriolis force and the horizontal pressuregradient force.
___47. The order of the atmospheric layers, starting from closest to the surface to the topof the atmosphere, is
(a) Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Stratosphere
(b) Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere
(c) Thermosphere, Mesophere, Troposphere, Stratosphere
(d) Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere
___48. On average, how do high clouds a_ect the surface temperature (compared to a clearsky)?
(a) High clouds warm the surface by increasing the greenhouse e_ect
(b) High clouds cool the surface by increasing the energy emitted to space
(c) High clouds cool the surface by increasing the albedo
(d) It depends on whether they are comprised of ice or liquid water
___49) For winds that last six hours or more, such as a midlatitude storm, the air movementis modified by which causes the air to be
deflected to
(a) Hydrostatic Force; the right in the Northern Hemisphere (b) Coriolis Force; the right in the Northern Hemisphere
(c) Friction; the left in the Northern Hemisphere (d) CoriolisForce; the left in the Northern Hemisphere

___50) Air over the oceans is colder in summer and warmer in winter compared with air
over the continental regions. This is because
(a) Water is translucent and has a relatively high heat capacity compared to dirt
(b) Compared to dirt, a thicker layer of water participates in the seasonal cycle
(c) The albedo of water is greater than that of land and thus rejects more solar radiation
(d) Both A and B are true
___51) In the sea breeze, which onsets quickly (<3 hours), air tends to move .
(a) From areas of high pressure to low pressure
(b) From areas of low pressure to high pressure
(c) Along lines of equal pressure (isobars)
(d) Across lines of equal pressure (isobars)
___52 (16) After the sun rises, rapid heating of the air over the land compared to that over the ocean often causes of near surface
air over the land.
(a) Localized subsidence and high pressure. (b) Localized convection and high pressure.
(c) Localized subsidence and low pressure. (d) Localized convection and low pressure.
___53. At what time of day is the occurrence of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes most likely?
(a) At night (b) Morning (c) Afternoon (d) All times are equally likely
___54. The downdraft in a single-cell thunderstorm is created mainly by the
(a) converging gust fronts (c) release of latent heat as cloud water freezes
(b) electrical potential between the cloud and ground (d) evaporation of raindrops that cool the air
___55. The greatest number of thunderstorms per year occurs over which area of the Earth?
(a) Tropical oceans (b) Mount Everest (c) Tropical land areas (d) Polar regions
___56. Thunder will not occur ___________ .
(a) without lightning (c) over the oceans or large lakes
(b) in wintertime storms when it is too cold (d) until precipitation begins to fall from the clouds
___57. On average, which ocean basin produces the most hurricanes per year?
(a) Western North Pacific (near southeast Asia) where they are called typhoons
(b) Eastern North Pacific (off Mexico Coast)
(c) North Atlantic Ocean
(d) Western South Pacific (near Australia) where they are called severe tropical cyclones
____58. Episodes of ocean warming that affect the eastern tropical Pacific are called
A. La Niña B. monsoons C. El Niño d. drought
____59. Which of the following is a possible condition during an El Niño event?
A. drought in Australia C. trade winds weaken
B. more rain during the dry season in Florida D. all of the above
____60. The 1997-98 El Niño event was responsible for
A. floods from Texas to the Gulf states C. Landslides along the California coast
B. significant coastal erosion in California D. all of the above

TRUE OR FALSE. Write letter of answer on the space provided before number.
____61. Strong El Niño events happen every five years. A. True B. False
____62. Winds are the link between the Southern Oscillation and ocean warming associated with El Niño. A. True B. False
____63. The trade winds are weaker during an El Niño event. A. True B. False
____64. Surface ocean temperatures of the eastern tropical Pacific are colder than average during an El Niño event. A. True B. False
____65. The strongest La Niña on record occurred in 1997-1998. A. True B. False
____66. The warm, humid trade winds converge and produce abundant rainfall in the tropics. A. True B. False
____67. Lightning often occurs within a cloud without ever hitting the ground. A. True B. False
____68.The inside of a car provides a relatively safe shelter from lightning. A. True B. False
____69.The inside of a car provides a relatively safe shelter from a tornado. A. True B. False
____70.The elements of Fire Triangle are HEAT, OXYGEN, FUEL. A. True B. False
___46. What is geostrophic balance?
(a) The exact balance of incoming SW and outgoing LW radiation at the top ofthe atmosphere.
(b) The exact balance of vertical pressure gradient and gravity in the atmosphere.
(c) The exact balance of the Coriolis force, horizontal pressure gradient force andfriction.
(d) The exact balance of the Coriolis force and the horizontal pressuregradient force.
___47. The order of the atmospheric layers, starting from closest to the surface to the topof the atmosphere, is
(a) Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Stratosphere
(b) Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere
(c) Thermosphere, Mesophere, Troposphere, Stratosphere
(d) Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere
___48. On average, how do high clouds a_ect the surface temperature (compared to a clearsky)?
(a) High clouds warm the surface by increasing the greenhouse e_ect
(b) High clouds cool the surface by increasing the energy emitted to space
(c) High clouds cool the surface by increasing the albedo
(d) It depends on whether they are comprised of ice or liquid water
___49) For winds that last six hours or more, such as a midlatitude storm, the air movementis modified by which causes the air to be
deflected to
(a) Hydrostatic Force; the right in the Northern Hemisphere (b) Coriolis Force; the right in the Northern Hemisphere
(c) Friction; the left in the Northern Hemisphere (d) CoriolisForce; the left in the Northern Hemisphere

___50) Air over the oceans is colder in summer and warmer in winter compared with air
over the continental regions. This is because
(a) Water is translucent and has a relatively high heat capacity compared to dirt
(b) Compared to dirt, a thicker layer of water participates in the seasonal cycle
(c) The albedo of water is greater than that of land and thus reects more solarradiation
(d) Both A and B are true
___51) In the sea breeze, which onsets quickly (<3 hours), air tends to move .
(a) From areas of high pressure to low pressure
(b) From areas of low pressure to high pressure
(c) Along lines of equal pressure (isobars)
(d) Across lines of equal pressure (isobars)
___52 (16) After the sun rises, rapid heating of the air over the land compared to that overthe ocean often causes of near surface
air over the land.
(a) Localized subsidence and high pressure. (b) Localized convection and high pressure.
(c) Localized subsidence and low pressure. (d) Localized convection and low pressure.
___53.At what time of day is the occurrence of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes most likely?
(a) At night (b) Morning (c) Afternoon (d) All times are equally likely
___54. The downdraft in a single-cell thunderstorm is created mainly by the
(a) converging gust fronts (c) release of latent heat as cloud water freezes
(b) electrical potential between the cloud and ground (d) evaporation of raindrops that cool the air
___55. The greatest number of thunderstorms per year occurs over which area of the Earth?
(a) Tropical oceans (b) Mount Everest (c) Tropical land areas (d) Polar regions
___56. Thunder will not occur ___________ .
(a) without lightning (c) over the oceans or large lakes
(b) in wintertime storms when it is too cold (d) until precipitation begins to fall from the clouds
___57. On average, which ocean basin produces the most hurricanes per year?
(a) Western North Pacific (near southeast Asia) where they are called typhoons
(b) Eastern North Pacific (off Mexico Coast)
(c) North Atlantic Ocean
(d) Western South Pacific (near Australia) where they are called severe tropical cyclones
____58. Episodes of ocean warming that affect the eastern tropical Pacific are called
A. La Niña B. monsoons C. El Niño d. drought
____59. Which of the following is a possible condition during an El Niño event?
A. drought in Australia C. trade winds weaken
B. more rain during the dry season in Florida D. all of the above
____60. The 1997-98 El Niño event was responsible for
A. floods from Texas to the Gulf states C. Landslides along the California coast
B. significant coastal erosion in California D. all of the above

TRUE OR FALSE. Write letter of answer on the space provided before number.
____61. Strong El Niño events happen every five years. A. True B. False
____62. Winds are the link between the Southern Oscillation and ocean warming associated with El Niño. A. True B. False
____63. The trade winds are weaker during an El Niño event. A. True B. False
____64. Surface ocean temperatures of the eastern tropical Pacific are colder than average during an El Niño event. A. True B. False
____65. The strongest La Niña on record occurred in 1997-1998. A. True B. False
____66. The warm, humid trade winds converge and produce abundant rainfall in the tropics. A. True B. False
____67. Lightning often occurs within a cloud without ever hitting the ground. A. True B. False
____68.The inside of a car provides a relatively safe shelter from lightning. A. True B. False
____69.The inside of a car provides a relatively safe shelter from a tornado. A. True B. False
____70. One of the element of fire is the presence of oxygen to complete in the fire triangle. A. True B. False

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