Capstone MicroTurbine Model C65 Hybrid UPS User's Manual

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Capstone MicroTurbine

Model C65 Hybrid UPS

User's Manual

Capstone Turbine Corporation

21211 Nordhoff Street, Chatsworth, California 91311 USA

Copyright © 2010 Capstone Turbine Corporation. All rights reserved.

CAPSTONE and the turbine blade logo are Registered Trademarks

of Capstone Turbine Corporation.
MicroTurbine is a Trademark of Capstone Turbine Corporation.

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Capstone Turbine Corporation
Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Welcome to the world of Capstone Power Generation!

We are pleased that you have chosen the Capstone MicroTurbine product
for your application.

Model C65
Display Hybrid UPS
Front View

Air Inlet

Air Inlet


Model C65
Hybrid UPS
Rear View


Inlet Fuel

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Capstone Turbine Corporation
Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Table of Contents
About This Document ...................................................................................................... 8
Safety Information ........................................................................................................... 8
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 8
Symbols ................................................................................................................... 8
General Precautions................................................................................................. 9
Electrical Precautions ............................................................................................... 9
Fuel Precautions .................................................................................................... 10
Exhaust Precautions .............................................................................................. 10
Acoustic Emissions Precautions ............................................................................. 11
Certifications, Permits, and Codes ................................................................................ 11
MicroTurbine Introduction .............................................................................................. 11
Key Mechanical Components ................................................................................. 12
Main Features ........................................................................................................ 12
MicroTurbine Engine.................................................................................................13
Power Electronics .....................................................................................................13
Air Bearings...............................................................................................................13
Fuel System ..............................................................................................................13
Enclosure ..................................................................................................................14
Hybrid UPS Functionality ..........................................................................................14
UPS Controller ..........................................................................................................14
MultiPac Power .........................................................................................................14
Integrated Combined Heating and Power (ICHP) Option ........................................14
Output Measurements ............................................................................................ 15
ISO Conditions ..........................................................................................................15
Volume ......................................................................................................................15
Heating Values..........................................................................................................15
MicroTurbine Performance .......................................................................................15
Utility Input Connection .............................................................................................15
Load Output Connection...........................................................................................16
Power Quality............................................................................................................16
Heat Output...............................................................................................................16
Hybrid UPS System Operating Modes .......................................................................... 17
Major System Components .................................................................................... 17
Grid LCM (GLCM).....................................................................................................18
Load LCM (LLCM) ....................................................................................................18
Battery Control Module (BCM)..................................................................................18
Battery String ............................................................................................................18
Engine Control Module (ECM)..................................................................................19

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Turbine Generator.....................................................................................................19
Transfer Switch .........................................................................................................19
UPS Mode .............................................................................................................. 19
High Efficiency Mode .............................................................................................. 19
Emergency Mode ................................................................................................... 20
Standby Mode ........................................................................................................ 20
States versus Operating Modes ............................................................................. 20
Transition States .................................................................................................... 20
Elements Impacting Transitions................................................................................20
Battery SOC ......................................................................................................20
Utility Voltage.....................................................................................................22
Utility Reconnect Delay .....................................................................................22
UPS Mode vs High Efficiency Mode .................................................................22
Turbine Start Delay Timer .................................................................................22
MultiPac Minimum Power..................................................................................23
System Start Sequences ..........................................................................................23
Transitions to/from Emergency Mode.......................................................................24
Operating the Hybrid UPS System ................................................................................ 25
Three User Interfaces............................................................................................. 25
Control Device Authority and Priority ........................................................................25
Initial Setup and Commissioning ............................................................................ 26
System Start-up ..................................................................................................... 26
Routine Operation .................................................................................................. 27
Changing Operating Modes .................................................................................... 27
Taking a Hybrid UPS Unit out of Service ................................................................ 28
Operating an Individual Hybrid UPS System .......................................................... 28
Returning a Hybrid UPS Unit to Service ................................................................. 29
Transfer to/from Utility Power ................................................................................. 29
Transfer from Hybrid UPS to Utility Power ...............................................................29
Transfer from Utility Power to Hybrid UPS ...............................................................30
System Shut-down ................................................................................................. 30
Normal Shutdown .....................................................................................................30
Fast Stop...................................................................................................................30
Emergency Stop .......................................................................................................31
Operation Under Fault Conditions .......................................................................... 31
Orderly Shutdown Alarm...........................................................................................32
Imminent Shutdown Alarm .......................................................................................32
Fault Data Registers .................................................................................................33
Using the UPS Controller .............................................................................................. 34

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Using the Display Panel ................................................................................................ 35

Display Panel Areas ............................................................................................... 35
Menu Navigation .................................................................................................... 36
Display Panel Data Entry........................................................................................ 37
Logging On with a Password .................................................................................. 37
Changing the Password ......................................................................................... 37
Display Panel Menus - Overview ................................................................................... 38
System Data Menu ................................................................................................. 38
System Output Submenu .........................................................................................40
Turbine Output Submenu .........................................................................................41
Clear Incident Submenu ...........................................................................................42
Clear Fuel Fault Submenu........................................................................................42
System Configuration Submenu...............................................................................42
Power Connect Submenu .................................................................................42
Microturbine Start Delay Timer..........................................................................43
MultiPac Submenu ............................................................................................43
Turbine Number Submenu................................................................................43
Auto Restart Submenu ......................................................................................43
System Demand Submenu ......................................................................................44
Control Access Submenu .........................................................................................44
Enter Password Submenu ........................................................................................44
Logoff Submenu .......................................................................................................44
Reboot Submenu......................................................................................................45
Utility Input Connection Menu ................................................................................. 45
Under Voltage Submenu ..........................................................................................45
Over Voltage Submenu ............................................................................................46
Fast Under Voltage Submenu ..................................................................................46
Fast Over Voltage Submenu ....................................................................................47
Under Frequency Submenu .....................................................................................47
Over Frequency Submenu .......................................................................................47
Reconnect Delay Submenu ......................................................................................48
Load Output Connection Menu ............................................................................... 48
Voltage Submenu .....................................................................................................48
Under Voltage Submenu ..........................................................................................49
Over Voltage Submenu ............................................................................................49
Frequency Submenu ................................................................................................49
Under Frequency Submenu .....................................................................................50
Over Frequency Submenu .......................................................................................50
MultiPac Minimum Power Submenu ........................................................................51
Local Battery Charge Submenu ...............................................................................51
Unit Data Menu ...................................................................................................... 52

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Using a PC with CRMS ................................................................................................. 53

Connecting Directly to a Hybrid UPS System ......................................................... 53
MicroTurbine Preventive Maintenance .......................................................................... 55
Scheduled Maintenance ......................................................................................... 56
Preventive Maintenance Items ............................................................................... 57
MicroTurbine Inlet Air Filter .......................................................................................57
External Fuel Filter ....................................................................................................57
Battery Maintenance .................................................................................................57
Warranty ...................................................................................................................57
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 58
Incidents................................................................................................................. 58
Incident System Severity Levels ............................................................................. 58
Incident Display Format .......................................................................................... 58
Incident Records .................................................................................................... 60
Isolation Messages................................................................................................. 60
Internal ......................................................................................................................60
Fuel ...........................................................................................................................61
Grid ...........................................................................................................................61
Lo-Temp/Hi-Temp/Hi-Alt ...........................................................................................61
E-Stop .......................................................................................................................61
User Conn (User Connection) ..................................................................................61
Basic Troubleshooting Procedures ......................................................................... 62
No Lights on Display Panel.......................................................................................62
No Attempt to Start after ON Command...................................................................62
Start Attempt Fails.....................................................................................................62
Low Power Output ....................................................................................................63
Unexpected Shut Down or Warning .........................................................................63
Product Support ............................................................................................................ 64
Reference Documents................................................................................................... 66
Capstone Contact Information ....................................................................................... 66
Capstone Applications ............................................................................................ 66
Capstone Technical Support .................................................................................. 66

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

List of Figures
Figure 1. Typical Capstone MicroTurbine Engine ...................................................................12
Figure 2. Major Components of C65 Hybrid UPS System ......................................................17
Figure 3. States versus Operating Modes ...............................................................................21
Figure 4. UPS Controller External Connections ......................................................................34
Figure 5. Display Panel and Functions ....................................................................................35
Figure 6. Display Panel and Navigation Functions..................................................................36
Figure 7. Display Panel Menu Reflecting Function Hierarchy .................................................39
Figure 8. MicroTurbine User Connection Bay with Serial-to-Ethernet Converter....................54

List of Tables
Table 1. System Start Sequences ...........................................................................................23
Table 2. System Transitions to/from Emergency Mode ..........................................................24
Table 3. User Interface Capabilities.........................................................................................25
Table 4. Hybrid UPS System State Messages and Description..............................................40
Table 5. Hybrid UPS Engine State Messages and Description ..............................................41
Table 6. C65 Hybrid UPS package – Gaseous Fuels .............................................................56
Table 7. List of Common Protective Relay Fault Codes..........................................................59

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

About This Document

This document provides user instructions to operate and maintain the Capstone Turbine
Corporation Model C65 Hybrid UPS MicroTurbine. Basic troubleshooting is included in this
manual, but only Capstone Authorized Service Providers are permitted to perform detailed
troubleshooting and repair of the equipment.
This document is intended for user personnel who may not have specific training on the
MicroTurbine (sometimes abbreviated as MT in this manual). Capstone Authorized
Service Providers (ASPs) have received rigorous training and have been certified to
perform commissioning, troubleshooting, and repair of the MicroTurbine. User personnel
who have not received certification of satisfactory completion of the Authorized
Service Provider training should not attempt any procedures other than those
specifically described in this document.
For detailed technical data, or for service to the MicroTurbine, contact your Capstone
Authorized Service Provider.

Safety Information
This section presents safety information for the user of Capstone Turbine Corporation
MicroTurbines. The user must read and understand this manual before operation of the
equipment. Failure to obey all safety precautions and general instructions may cause
personal injury and/or damage to the equipment.
It is the user’s responsibility to read and obey all safety procedures and to become
familiar with these procedures and how to safely operate this equipment.

The Capstone MicroTurbine is an advanced power generation system with user and
material safety foremost in mind. Fail-safe operation includes mechanical systems,
electrical systems, and engine control software.

There are three very important symbols used in this document: Warnings, Cautions, and
Notes. WARNINGs and CAUTIONs alert you to situations and procedures that can be
dangerous to people and/or cause equipment damage. NOTEs provide additional
information relating to a specific operation or task.

WARNING A Warning means that personal injury or death is possible.

CAUTION A Caution means that damage to the equipment is possible.

A Note is used to clarify instructions or highlight information that might

be overlooked.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

General Precautions
The following general precautions must be observed and followed at all times. Failure to
do so may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage.
Some of the following precautions do not directly apply to users, but it is
important for users to be aware of them.

• Only Capstone Authorized Service Providers are permitted access to the

inside of the enclosure.
• Read and understand the User's Manual before operating the equipment.
• Read and obey all warnings and cautions.
• Make sure all fuel connections are tight, free from leaks, and protected from
• Make sure all electrical connections are tight, clean, dry, and protected from
weather and damage.
• The MicroTurbine may be equipped with a heat recovery system. Use caution
around relief valves where hot water and steam may be present.
• Use hearing protection when you work on or near an operating MicroTurbine for
extended time periods.
• The MicroTurbine is heavy. Be careful when you move or lift the MicroTurbine.
• Keep the equipment clean.
• Keep all flammable materials away from the MicroTurbine and its components.
• Do not operate or work on the equipment if mentally or physically impaired, or after
consumption of alcohol or drugs.
• Make sure all fasteners are installed and properly tightened.
• Keep an ABC rated fire extinguisher near the MicroTurbine.
• Obey all applicable local, state, and national codes and regulations.

Electrical Precautions
The MicroTurbine system contains and produces high voltage. High
WARNING voltage can injure or kill. Obey all safety procedures when you work
around electrical equipment.

Make sure the system is off and the dedicated disconnect switch is in
WARNING the open position and is locked. This will help prevent injury and damage
to the equipment.

Some of the following precautions do not directly apply to users, but it is

important for users to be aware of them.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

The output voltage and residual capacitor voltage of this equipment is dangerous. Use
caution when you work on electrical equipment. The MicroTurbine system can include
multiple sources of power. Make sure to turn off the system and lock out all sources of
power prior to doing any work on the equipment.
• Command the MicroTurbine system to OFF.
• Open and lock the dedicated disconnect switches to isolate the MicroTurbine from
the electric utility grid, external energy storage, and loads.
• Wait five (5) minutes for any capacitive stored voltage to dissipate.
• Always disconnect all power sources.
• Use a voltmeter to make sure that all circuits are de-energized.
• All output connections must be made in accordance with applicable codes.

Fuel Precautions
MicroTurbine fuel is flammable and explosive. An explosion can cause
WARNING death or injury to personnel and/or damage to equipment. No open
flame or smoking is allowed near the MicroTurbine.

Gaseous fuels can be corrosive. Injury to personnel and/or damage to

WARNING equipment can occur. Minimize exposure to gaseous fuels and provide
satisfactory fresh airflow when you are around equipment.
The Capstone MicroTurbine operates on approved gaseous fuels. Keep flames, sparks,
pilot lights, equipment that produces electrical arcs, switches or tools, and all other
sources of ignition away from areas where fuel and fumes are present. If there is a fire,
use a multi-purpose dry chemical or CO2 fire extinguisher, and contact the appropriate fire
Fuel lines must be secure and free of leaks. Fuel lines must also be separated or shielded
from electrical wiring. If you smell fuel fumes, immediately stop operation of the
equipment, close the fuel isolation valve, and locate and repair the source of the leak or
call a qualified professional.

Exhaust Precautions
The MicroTurbine exhaust contains nitrogen dioxide and carbon
WARNING monoxide, which are poisonous at high concentrations. Make sure there
is satisfactory fresh airflow when you work around the equipment.

The exhaust airflow and pipes are hot enough to cause personal injury
or fire. The exhaust airflow can reach temperatures as high as 371 °C
(700 °F). Keep people, equipment, and other items away from the
exhaust airflow and pipes. Always vent exhaust away from personnel.

Hot surfaces and hot exhaust can be dangerous. Personal injury and/or
WARNING damage to equipment are possible. Be careful when you work on

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

The MicroTurbine exhaust is clean and oxygen rich (approximately 18% O2), with very low
levels of air pollutants. Like all fossil fuel combustion technologies, the MicroTurbine
produces oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions from the fuel
combustion process. Although the MicroTurbine has ultra low NOx and CO emission
levels, make sure precautions are taken to prevent personnel from being exposed to these
pollutants while the system is operating.
When installed indoors, the MicroTurbine exhaust must be vented to the outside. Make
sure there is a satisfactory fresh air supply. An exhaust system must be added to direct
the exhaust away from the system to reduce the risk of exposure to dangerous emissions.
For exhaust connection data, temperatures, pipe requirements, and other related
information, contact your Capstone Authorized Service Provider.
When installed outdoors, the MicroTurbine should be located where there is a satisfactory
fresh airflow so the exhaust emissions will be dissipated.

Acoustic Emissions Precautions

The Capstone MicroTurbine is designed to produce safe acoustic emissions. However,
when working at a radius of 10 meters (or 33 feet) from an enclosed Capstone
MicroTurbine, sound level exposure will average approximately 70 dBA.
Capstone recommends that hearing protection be worn when working on or in the
immediate vicinity of operating MicroTurbines for extended time periods.
Other acoustic emissions regulations may apply to your specific installation location.
Always check to be certain that your installation complies with all codes required by the
local jurisdiction.

Certifications, Permits, and Codes

Your Capstone MicroTurbine is designed and manufactured in accordance with a variety
of national and international standards.
The Capstone MicroTurbine operates on approved gaseous fuels; thus installation
frequently requires one or more permits from local regulatory agencies.
It is not practical to list in the User's Manual the requirements of each authority having
jurisdiction and how the Capstone MicroTurbine meets those requirements. For
certification data, such as weights, dimensions, required clearances, noise levels, and the
Capstone MicroTurbine Compliance List, please contact your Capstone Authorized
Service Provider.

MicroTurbine Introduction
The Capstone MicroTurbine is an adaptable, low-emission, and low maintenance power
generation system. A turbine-driven high-speed generator is coupled with digital power
electronics to produce high quality electrical power.
The Capstone Hybrid UPS MicroTurbine uses a proprietary design that provides high
quality power to customer loads using a utility grid source, the turbine generator, or both.
This allows users to optimize energy costs while assuring that their critical loads will
receive continuous power.
Multiple systems can be combined and controlled as a single larger power source, called a

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

The MicroTurbine can efficiently use a wide range of approved hydrocarbon-based

gaseous fuels.
The MicroTurbine produces dry, oxygen-rich exhaust with ultra-low emissions. Utilizing
both the generated electric power and the exhaust heat can provide even greater energy
cost savings.

Key Mechanical Components

The key mechanical components that make up the Capstone MicroTurbine are shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1. Typical Capstone MicroTurbine Engine

Main Features
The various features of the Capstone Hybrid UPS MicroTurbine are listed below:
• State-of-the-art power electronics with built-in control and protective relay functions
provides three user connections:
o Utility Input (AC)
o Load Output (AC)
o External Energy Storage (DC)
• Patented air bearings eliminate the need for oil or other liquid lubricants.
• Air-cooled design of the entire system (turbine engine, generator, and power
electronics) eliminates the need for liquid coolants.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

• Only one moving part. No gears, belts, or turbine-driven accessories.

• Advanced combustion control provides ultra-low emissions.
• The integral annular recuperator (heat exchanger) doubles thermal efficiency.
• Digital control technology facilitates advanced control and diagnostic capabilities,
both on-board and remotely.

MicroTurbine Engine
The MicroTurbine engine is a combustion turbine that includes a compressor, combustor,
turbine, generator, and a recuperator. The rotating components are mounted on a single
shaft supported by patented air bearings and spin at up to 96,000 RPM. The permanent
magnet generator is cooled by the airflow into the MicroTurbine. The output of the
generator is variable voltage, variable frequency AC. The generator is used as a motor
during start-up and cooldown cycles.

Power Electronics
Digital power electronics control the MicroTurbine system operation and all subsystem
operations. The digital power electronics change the variable frequency AC power from
the generator to DC voltage, and then to constant frequency AC current.
During start up, the digital power electronics operate as a variable frequency drive, driving
the generator as a motor until the MicroTurbine has reached ignition and power is
available from the MicroTurbine. The digital power electronics again operate the generator
as a motor during cooldown to remove heat stored in the recuperator and within the
MicroTurbine engine in order to protect the system components.

Air Bearings
The MicroTurbine utilizes gas foil bearings (air bearings) for high-reliability, low
maintenance, and safe operation. This allows fewer parts and the absence of any liquid
lubrication to support the rotating group. When the MicroTurbine is in operation, a gas film
separates the shaft from the bearings and protects them from wear.

Fuel System
The MicroTurbine can efficiently use a wide range of approved hydrocarbon-based
gaseous fuels, depending on the model. The MicroTurbine includes an integral fuel
delivery and control system. The standard system is designed for pressurized
hydrocarbon-based gaseous fuels. Other models are available for low-pressure gaseous
fuels and liquid fuels. Contact your Capstone Authorized Service Provider for data on
approved fuels and performance specifications.

The Capstone MicroTurbine is designed to produce very clean emissions. The exhaust is
clean and oxygen rich (approximately 18% O2) with very low levels of air pollutants. Like
all fuel combustion technology, the MicroTurbine can produce dangerous emissions (like
nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide) from the fuel combustion process. The
MicroTurbine has ultra low nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) emission

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

The MicroTurbine standard enclosure is designed for indoor and outdoor use, and is
certified to NEMA 3R - rainproof.

Hybrid UPS Functionality

The C65 Hybrid UPS MicroTurbine can operate in several modes:
• UPS Mode – in this operating state, the Hybrid UPS system takes power from the
utility and provides conditioned output power to the load, similar to a traditional
double-conversion UPS system.
• High Efficiency Mode – in this mode, the C65 turbine generator provides power to
offset the need for utility input power. By utilizing the microturbine’s clean exhaust
energy for heating or absorption cooling, extremely high energy utilization is
achieved to reduce operating costs, reduce net energy consumption, and reduce
overall emissions of greenhouse gas and criteria pollutants.
• Emergency Mode – if utility power becomes unavailable, the Hybrid UPS system will
continue to provide power to the critical load using its external energy storage. The
turbine generator will automatically start to cover extended outages.
The Hybrid UPS system output will maintain synchronism with the utility grid whenever a
stable grid is available. A full description of the modes of operation is provided in the
Hybrid UPS Operating Modes section below.

UPS Controller
Capstone Hybrid UPS systems are designed to be controlled by an external accessory called
the UPS Controller. The UPS Controller acts as a master, providing control commands to each
Hybrid UPS system, reading performance and diagnostic data from each system, and acting as
the user interface. The UPS Controller can manage up to 10 Hybrid UPS systems, and
operates all connected microturbines as a single power generation source. Additional details
are provided in the Operating the Hybrid UPS System section below.

MultiPac Power
Capstone Hybrid UPS MicroTurbines can be installed in groups of up to 10 units using
Capstone’s UPS Controller as a master. The UPS Controller operates all connected
microturbines as a single power generation source. This MultiPac capability features a
single control point and synchronous voltage and frequency output for all units. Individual
MicroTurbines share power, current, and load on both a dynamic and steady state basis.

Integrated Combined Heating and Power (ICHP) Option

The Integrated Combined Heating and Power (ICHP) option allows the user to realize the
benefits of usable electrical and thermal power from a single fuel source. The Hybrid UPS
ICHP system provides high efficiency on-site power generation in conjunction with local
utility power. The heat offsets or replaces local thermal loads such as space heating,
industrial process hot water, or to drive an absorption chiller.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

The major system components are a Capstone model C65 high-pressure natural gas
MicroTurbine, an exhaust heat recovery unit, and an exhaust diverter to allow full or partial
recovery of exhaust energy. The system includes microprocessor control with input/output
functions to allow application in a wide variety of heat recovery uses. The system allows a
user to realize high total system efficiency with respect to incoming fuel energy, providing
economical operation and operational flexibility.

Output Measurements
The measurements presented in this document are in metric units (with U.S. standard
units in parentheses). Refer to the sections below for more data.

ISO Conditions
Combustion turbine powered devices (including the Capstone MicroTurbine) are typically
rated at 15 °C (59 °F) at sea level, or 1 atmosphere (1 atm) which is 760 mm Hg (14.696
psia) and identified as International Standardization Organization (ISO) conditions. For a
complete definition of ISO testing conditions, refer to ISO 3977-2.

Pressure figures assume gauge pressure, or 1 standard atmosphere (1 atm) 760 mm Hg
(14.696 psia) less than absolute pressure, unless otherwise indicated.

Fuel gas and exhaust gas volumetric measurements are listed in normalized cubic meters
(Nm3) and standard cubic feet (scf). These volumes are defined at 1 atm (760 mm Hg,
14.696 psia) and 15.6 °C (60 °F).

Heating Values
Heat contents and heat rates will be found in either Lower Heating Value (LHV) (dry) or
Higher Heating Value (HHV), depending upon the application. Capstone calculates
heating values at 1 atmosphere (atm) and 15.6 °C (60 °F), according to ASTM D3588.

MicroTurbine Performance
The MicroTurbine electrical output capability is reduced when operating in higher ambient
temperatures or elevations, and by intake or exhaust restrictions. Refer to the C65
Performance Technical Reference (410048), or contact your Capstone Authorized Service
Provider for data on performance specifications.

Utility Input Connection

The Hybrid UPS MicroTurbine electrical connection to a utility source is 3-phase, 400 to
480 VAC and 45 to 65 Hz (both voltage and frequency are determined by the electric utility
grid). Allowable connection is 4-wire Wye. An isolation transformer may be required,
depending on the system configuration.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Load Output Connection

The Hybrid UPS MicroTurbine’s electrical output to the critical load will automatically be
adjusted to match stable incoming utility grid power in both frequency and phase
relationship. Output voltage will be maintained at a preset value, regardless of incoming
utility voltage.
The maximum power need not be balanced. Loads can be connected 3 phases or single
phase and phase-to-phase or phase-to-neutral, so long as the current limits are respected.
An isolation transformer may be required, depending on the system configuration.
When utility voltage is unavailable, the output to the critical load will operate at the
selected voltage and frequency until the utility grid voltage returns and is stable. The
Hybrid UPS system will then automatically adjust its frequency and phase relationship to
match the utility again.

Power Quality
The MicroTurbine output conforms to IEEE 519-1992, IEEE Recommended Practices, and
Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems.

Heat Output
The recuperated MicroTurbine can produce up to 612,000 kJ (580,000 Btu) per hour of
clean, usable exhaust heat in the range of 232 to 330 °C (450 to 630 °F).
The MicroTurbine exhaust outlet connection is 305 mm (12 in) in diameter, flowing up to
28 m3 (2600 scf) per minute.
Refer to the C65 Integrated CHP Application Guide (480014), or contact your Capstone
Authorized Service Provider for data on heat output performance for specific system
variations and/or ambient conditions.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Hybrid UPS System Operating Modes

This section explains the different operating modes of the Capstone Hybrid UPS
MicroTurbine and how the system transitions between operating states. A description of
the major system components is provided to clarify the terminology and understanding of
how the system works.

Major System Components

The C65 Hybrid UPS system is based on the Dual Mode C65 MicroTurbine, with the
addition of a second Load Control Module (LCM) to allow load power to be provided by a
utility grid, the turbine generator, or both. Figure 2 shows the major components in a single
C65 Hybrid UPS system.

Utility Bus

Critical AC Bus Transfer Loads

Hybrid UPS


Turbine ECM


Battery String

Figure 2. Major Components of C65 Hybrid UPS System

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual


The GLCM connects to the normal utility grid power, and converts AC power for
connection to the internal 760V DC bus. The GLCM is bi-directional, and power can flow
either to or from the utility grid. The GLCM has its own protective relay functions that
monitor the stability of the utility bus voltage, and it will automatically disconnect power
from an unstable grid. When it has disconnected power from the grid, the GLCM continues
to monitor the grid voltage. If the engine has not been commanded to start, the GLCM will
reconnect power without delay when the grid returns to a stable condition. If the engine is
running or is in a start sequence, the GLCM will reconnect power when the grid has
remained stable for a user-defined reconnection delay period.


The LLCM takes power from the internal 760 VDC bus to the customer’s critical load. The
LLCM is unidirectional, and power will only flow from the internal DC bus to the critical
load. It will maintain the frequency and phase angle of its output to match the utility grid
voltage sensed by the GLCM whenever the utility voltage is stable, and will revert to a
preset frequency when the utility voltage is unavailable. The LLCM will provide a preset
voltage output to power the critical loads. Protective relay functions are also integrated into
the LLCM to protect against disturbances on the load output.

Battery Control Module (BCM)

The BCM converts the battery string voltage to the internal 760 VDC. It is able to import
full power to the Hybrid UPS system from an external energy storage system (typically a
battery string), and can also export power to an individual energy storage system
connected to only one microturbine for recharging.

Battery String
The battery string can be a battery bank or other energy storage system, either supplied by
Capstone or the customer. It will typically be sized for at least 15 minutes of full power capability
so that it can provide power to the protected load while a non-operating turbine generator is
The Hybrid UPS MicroTurbine must be connected to an external battery or other storage
system which provides energy for MT startup when disconnected from the electric utility
grid, and which provides temporary power when utility power suddenly becomes
For external battery systems sold as an accessory by Capstone, management of the
battery and its state of charge is automatic between the Hybrid UPS microturbine and the
external battery pack. An awareness of these battery management functions will promote
an understanding of why the system may appear to behave autonomously. For example,
the MicroTurbine will always attempt to recharge the battery after a user commanded shut
down and before the MicroTurbine enters the cool down state.
For battery storage systems provided by others, a separate battery management and
charging system must be provided. The Hybrid UPS system will not provide any battery
management, condition monitoring, or charging. An indication of battery state of charge
must be provided through the UPS Controller. Contact Capstone for application guidance.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Engine Control Module (ECM)

The ECM connects the high speed turbine generator output to the internal 760V DC bus. It
is bi-directional, and power is taken from the DC bus to start the turbine. During operation,
the turbine generator speed is independent from the utility input or load output
frequencies. The ECM includes all the logic for operating the turbine generator, as well as
resistive energy dissipation capability to absorb turbine power in case of sudden load loss.

Turbine Generator
The Capstone turbine generator uses fuel input to create useful high-frequency AC
electrical output, which is converted by the ECM to DC for distribution to the remainder of
the Hybrid UPS system. Power from the turbine is used for the critical load output, with
any excess going back through the GLCM to the utility grid and/or through the BCM to
recharge the batteries.

Transfer Switch
Typically, a transfer switch or other load transfer scheme will be supplied by others to
allow power to be fed to the critical loads directly by the Utility bus in case there is a
problem with the Hybrid UPS system. Since the Hybrid UPS system will always try to
maintain synchronism of its load output to the utility input, a closed transition transfer
switch scheme can be used to minimize voltage disturbances to the critical loads.

UPS Mode
The Hybrid UPS MicroTurbine can take power from a utility grid and make it available to
the critical loads through a double power conversion process, similar to the way a
traditional UPS operates. The output power to the critical loads is isolated from
disturbances on the utility grid, and its power quality is maintained. In UPS Mode, the
turbine generator is not operating, and the output power is supplied only by the utility grid
input from the GLCM through to the LLCM. The frequency of the output to the critical load
is determined by the utility grid, and the phase relationship is maintained between input
and output of the Hybrid UPS system. The desired voltage to the critical load is pre-set by
the user, and the Hybrid UPS system will attempt to maintain this pre-set value even if
utility voltage varies.

High Efficiency Mode

The High Efficiency Mode of operation allows the microturbine to generate its’ own power
to supplement the utility grid. The power it generates can be set at more or less than the
amount of power the critical loads require, with the utility grid connection automatically
taking or giving the difference as required. The system must be actively connected to a
stable utility grid source for it to enter the High Efficiency Mode. High Efficiency Mode can
therefore be thought of as a special case of UPS Mode, where the turbine has been
commanded ON and operates in parallel with the Utility grid.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Emergency Mode
The Hybrid UPS system will automatically transition to the Emergency Mode if
commanded to operate in either UPS Mode or High Efficiency Mode and utility power is
unavailable. Emergency Mode cannot be selected as a desired operating state. In
Emergency Mode, power is supplied to the critical load from either the external batteries
and/or the turbine generator. An external battery energy source must be available for the
system to operate in Emergency Mode.

Standby Mode
In Standby Mode, the Hybrid UPS system is completely taken out of service and shut
down. No power is taken from the utility grid, or provided to the load output, and the
turbine generator is off. If left in this state for an extended period of time, the system will
also attempt to preserve energy storage life by entering a sleep mode to reduce power
requirements, and the Display Panel will go dark. This is the condition the Hybrid UPS
system will be in when shipped from the factory.

States versus Operating Modes

In the Hybrid UPS system, there are both Systems States as well as Engine States, which
together determine the Mode of Operation. Figure 3 provides an overview of the general
flow of System and Engine States from one commanded Operating Mode to another.

Transition States
The user can command the Hybrid UPS microturbines to be in UPS Mode, High Efficiency
Mode, or Standby Mode. However, there are certain required conditions for the system to
enter any of these operating modes, and it will transition through multiple states in order to
reach the desired operating mode. Emergency Mode is not a user-commanded operating
state, but rather is the result of the system being commanded to operate in UPS Mode or
High Efficiency Mode when the utility grid is unavailable.

Elements Impacting Transitions

The major elements that impact these transitions between states are:

Battery SOC
If the battery state of charge is below some preset limit (for example 50% SOC), the
turbine may need to be started to allow transition into the next operating state. This is
because the Hybrid UPS system should always be capable of continuing to power the
critical load once it starts to provide power. If the battery SOC is too low, there may not be
sufficient energy to maintain power in Emergency Mode should the utility suddenly
become unavailable.
For Hybrid UPS systems with external battery systems provided by others, the Capstone
UPS Controller must receive ongoing state of charge information. The UPS Controller will
then assure the proper transition sequence. Consult Capstone for how their individual
battery packs will provide this SOC information to the Hybrid UPS systems.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

System States Engine States

SW Download

Standby Mode
System Engine

Power Up
Battery Recharge Batt Enable
Utility Enable

UPS Normal Mode

Commanded "UPS"
Operating System Engine
Shutdown Lift Off
Load Set Down Light Off
Recovery Cooldown Accel

High Efficiency Mode

System Engine Shutdown
Lift Off Set Down
Light Off Cooldown

Loss of Utility for Period Less than

Turbine Start Delay Timer
System Engine
Loss of Utility for Period Greater than Turbine Start Delay Timer

System Engine

Figure 3. States versus Operating Modes

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Utility Voltage
Utility voltage must be present and within the GLCM’s utility input protective relay settings
to allow the system to operate in UPS Mode or High Efficiency Mode. Conversely, loss of
stable utility voltage will automatically trigger the GLCM to disconnect utility power and
force the Hybrid UPS system into Emergency Mode.

Utility Reconnect Delay

Once the Hybrid UPS system has been disconnected from the utility for any reason, it
must go through a reconnect sequence whenever the turbine is running or has already
entered a start sequence. This is a requirement of IEEE 1547, UL 1741, and most electric
utilities, and is intended to prevent inadvertent energizing of an unstable utility grid. The
system must wait for the utility voltage to remain within the protective relay settings for the
set reconnect delay time (5 to 30 minutes) before the Hybrid UPS system can close its
internal power connection to the utility grid. The GLCM is constantly monitoring the utility
voltage whenever it is not in Standby Mode, and will start the reconnect delay timer
whenever it senses stable conditions. Therefore, there may or may not be a state
transition delay in connecting to utility power, depending on the timing of events leading up
to the Hybrid UPS system attempting to reconnect to the utility grid.

UPS Mode vs High Efficiency Mode

If the system in enabled in UPS Mode, it will not try to start the turbine unless there is
some other reason to do so (like low battery state of charge). If the system is enabled in
High Efficiency Mode, it will always try to run the turbine unless there is some reason it
cannot (such as lack of fuel). Therefore, the selected mode of operation will have an
impact on what states the system transitions through to get to the desired mode.

Turbine Start Delay Timer

The Hybrid UPS systems include a turbine generator start delay timer to prevent systems
operating in UPS Mode from immediately starting their engines for every utility disturbance
condition. The timer is user adjustable from 0 to 10 minutes, during which time the system
waits for return of stable utility voltage. If utility voltage returns to a stable condition before
the end of this time, the turbine generator will not be started and the GLCM will
immediately reconnect utility power. If utility voltage does not return to within the
programmed GLCM protective relay limits before the end of this time, the turbine
generator will be started. Once the turbine start command has been issued, the system
must wait for utility voltage to return, and then pass through the utility reconnect delay
sequence before reconnecting utility power to the GLCM. The system will then issue a
stop command to the turbine generator once battery state of charge is above a preset

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

MultiPac Minimum Power

Hybrid UPS systems will normally be operating as part of a MultiPac in order to achieve at
least n+1 availability at all times. When operating in a MultiPac, the control system will
check to confirm that there are a sufficient number of Hybrid UPS systems available to
provide the preset minimum power demand before the LLCM’s will be commanded to
provide power to the load during startup. Therefore, if some units become unavailable for
any reason:
• There can be a delay waiting for sufficient systems to meet the preset Minimum
Power Demand, and
• The entire MultiPac system will shut down if the Minimum Power Timeout Period is
reached before sufficient systems become available.

System Start Sequences

When commanded to start from Standby Mode, there are several sequences that can
result, depending on the desired UPS or High Efficiency Mode and the conditions noted
above. Table 1 shows eight possible start sequences. Only start sequence 1 will
immediately bring power to the critical load and immediately connect to the utility. All other
sequences result in an engine start, and subsequent utility reconnection delay. While the
battery state of charge will have an impact on whether the turbine is started or not,
reconnection to the Utility grid does not depend on it. This is because there will be more
power available for recharging when both utility and turbine are available. Note that the
battery SOC of 50% can be adjusted to more or less, depending on the customer
application, and is shown in the table for purposes of explanation. If the battery system is
provided by others, the UPS Controller may not use state of charge from this external
system to provide the logic and permissive signals to the Hybrid UPS microturbines to
start and stop turbines as shown in Table 1, and therefore assumes sufficient SOC.
Table 1. System Start Sequences
Load Connection Utility Connection Turbine Stop
Hybrid Start Wait for Wait for
Battery Utility Turbine Wait for
UPS Sequence No No Utility Utility No Battery
SOC Voltage Start Turbine
Mode Scenario Wait Wait Voltage Reconnect Wait SOC
OK Delay >50%
1 >50% OK X X
2 >50% Not OK X X X X X
3 <50% OK X X X X
4 <50% Not OK X X X X X
5 >50% OK X X X
6 >50% Not OK X X X X Turbine Keeps
Hi Eff
7 <50% OK X X X Running
8 <50% Not OK X X X X

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Transitions to/from Emergency Mode

Once the system is operating, loss of utility power will automatically transition the system
into Emergency Mode. Loss of utility power is any condition that causes the utility grid
protective relay functions to operate. The Hybrid UPS system will always attempt to power
the critical load once the system has completed its start sequence, unless some condition
causes a complete shutdown (for example, a severe fault on the critical load bus). Table 2
shows four possible scenarios that can occur if utility power is outside of the preset
protective relay limits. Note that scenario 1 is the only condition where reconnection to the
utility will occur as soon as the utility voltage is back within limits. All other scenarios
involve starting a turbine or keeping a turbine running, and therefore the system must wait
for the utility grid reconnect delay. While the battery state of charge will have an impact on
whether the turbine is started or not, reconnection to the Utility grid does not depend on it.
For systems enabled in the UPS Mode, the turbine will continue operating until battery
SOC is above the preset limit before being shut down. If the battery system is provided by
others, the UPS Controller may read state of charge from this external system and provide
the logic and permissive signals to the Hybrid UPS microturbines to start and stop turbines
as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. System Transitions to/from Emergency Mode

Utility Reconnection Turbine Stop
Turbine Turbine
Hybrid Utility wait for Wait for
Battery Start Start or
UPS Loss Utility Utility No Battery
SOC Delay Already
Mode Scenario Voltage Reconnect Wait SOC
Timeout Running
OK Delay >50%
1 >50% NO NO X
UPS 2 >50% YES YES X X X
3 <50% YES or NO YES X X X
Turbine Keeps

The normal scenario for transition to and from Emergency Mode is loss of utility voltage
sensed at the incoming connection of all Hybrid UPS system in a group, with the result
that all Hybrid UPS systems enter Emergency Mode. However, it is also possible that an
individual Hybrid UPS system will respond to a utility grid disturbance, or detect an internal
fault condition, and will automatically transition to Emergency Mode while the remaining
Hybrid UPS systems stay in UPS Mode or High Efficiency Mode. This provides for
maximum availability of power to the critical load bus. The individual Hybrid UPS system
will then either automatically transition back to UPS or High Efficiency Mode as shown in
Table 2, or if an internal fault caused the transition, will continue operating in Emergency
Mode until operator intervention corrects the problem.

It is possible to have one or more Hybrid UPS system in Emergency

Mode while other systems are in UPS or High Efficiency Mode. Power to
the critical load will be shared equally among all Hybrid UPS systems in
a MultiPac, regardless of the operating mode of each individual system.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Operating the Hybrid UPS System

Typical operation of the Hybrid UPS MicroTurbine system is presented in this section.
Most applications require no regular interaction with an operator during normal operation.
The basic operating functions are described in the subsections below, including typical
operating scenarios.

Three User Interfaces

There are three user interfaces to the Hybrid UPS system, each with its own purpose and
functionality for enabling system operation. Refer to Table 3 for a summary of the
capabilities of each.
Table 3. User Interface Capabilities

User Interface Control System Display Configure Download Interface

Data Settings Software to BMS
MultiPac Single
UPS Controller X X X X
Display Panel X X limited
PC with CRMS X X X X
Operation of the Hybrid UPS system uses the above capabilities for the following
• UPS Controller – required for operation and control of more than a single
microturbine and provides communications interface to building management
system or other external control equipment.
• Display Panel – useful for data and status display and limited service functions.
• PC with CRMS – required for initial system configuration and full service functions.
Can also provide remote user monitoring through the UPS Controller.

Control Device Authority and Priority

The three user interfaces have different control priorities as follows.
• UPS Controller – this is the Master control device for the MultiPac, and it takes priority
over the Hybrid UPS system’s local Display Panel as well as a PC connected to the
UPS Controller and operating the User Edition of CRMS software. The UPS Controller
is connected to each Hybrid UPS system using the MultiPac Ethernet coax cable, as
well as to the User and Maintenance Ports through the serial-to-Ethernet converters in
each unit. The user can view selected data for each unit in the MultiPac without
requiring a password. Changes to the operating mode are password protected.
• Display Panel – the local Display panel on the Hybrid UPS system has limited control
capability. As with any Capstone MicroTurbine, the few control functions it does offer
will not be available when the Hybrid UPS system is operating as part of a MultiPac,
including the ability to start and stop the system. Once operating as an individual unit,
some additional control commands become available. Note that the Display Panel will
show whether the Display Panel itself, the User Port, or the Maintenance Port has
control access.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Using CRMS to request data faster than every 2 seconds may interfere
with operation of the UPS Controller causing inadvertent operation or
shutdown of the Hybrid UPS systems. Do not set any CRMS Data
Acquisition or Record to File timers less than 2 seconds.

• PC with CRMS Software – the CRMS software provides the capability for a PC to
connect to each Hybrid UPS system, either through the Ethernet connection in the UPS
Controller or while plugged directly into a unit using the Ethernet port on the serial-to-
Ethernet converter. The converter provides connectivity to both the User and
Maintenance Interface Ports. The User Port is reserved for communications with the
UPS Controller, and the Maintenance Port is for CRMS. Refer to the CRMS User
Manual (410013) for additional information.

Initial Setup and Commissioning

Configuration and commissioning of a Hybrid UPS system requires a Capstone Authorized
Service Provider using a PC with CRMS software. Once the Hybrid UPS system has been
properly configured with all protective relay, communications, and other basic setup
information, there should be no need to change this information during normal operation. All
configuration data is stored in non-volatile memory in the Hybrid UPS systems themselves, as
well as the UPS Controller, so loss of power will not prevent proper restarting of a system if
As part of the commissioning process, your service provider will start the system and provide
specific instructions on user operation and maintenance. Consult your Capstone Authorized
Service Provider if the system is not operating as expected or requires a change to one or
more configuration parameters.

System Star t-up

A MultiPac of Hybrid UPS system requires a UPS Controller to act as a master, and the
UPS Controller provides the user interface to transition the system from a Standby Mode
to either UPS Mode or High Efficiency Mode. In order to start, the Hybrid UPS systems
must be connected to an external energy storage system, either individually or through a
common DC bus. If the UPS Controller has lost power for an extended period, its’ internal
UPS system will automatically go into a sleep mode to preserve power for just such a start
attempt. The integral touch screen display on the UPS Controller will likewise go blank if
there has been no user interaction for a preset time delay. The UPS controller provides
several means to start the system:
• UPS Controller Touch Screen Display – If the touch screen display panel is dark,
touch it anywhere to activate it. If it does not light up within a few seconds, the
internal UPS system may have gone to sleep, and will require the user to press the
System Wake button on the front of the UPS Controller. When the screen becomes
active, follow the menu structure to start the system in either UPS Mode or High
Efficiency Mode.
• UPS Controller BMS Interface – the UPS Controller is able to communicate with a
building management system or other external control equipment, and receive a
remote start command. The UPS Controller includes a “System OK” discrete
output that should be read by the BMS system and included in its’ logic for issuing
commands to the UPS Controller. If the BMS does not receive a System OK

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

signal, it may be due to the UPS system in the UPS Controller being in sleep
mode. A discrete System Wake input line from the BMS can then be switched on
to wake the UPS Controller, which can then accept the appropriate system start
and mode control commands. Instructions on use of the BMS to manually control
the UPS Controller should be provided by others.
When a Start command is issued to the UPS Controller, it will proceed through transition
states to ultimately enter the desired UPS Mode or High Efficiency Mode, as described in
the Hybrid UPS System Operating Modes section above.

Routine Operation
Once the Hybrid UPS system has been started, it should not require any regular
interaction with an operator during normal operation. If utility power becomes unavailable,
the system will automatically switch to Emergency Mode and continue to supply power to
the critical loads using power from the external battery storage and/or the microturbine
generators themselves. When utility power returns to normal, the system will automatically
reconnect and turn off microturbine generators as needed. The transition states to return
to the desired UPS Mode or High Efficiency Mode are described in the Hybrid UPS
System Operating Modes section above.
The UPS Controller also provides an interface to a building management system or other
external control system to command operation in either UPS Mode or High Efficiency
Mode. When operating in High Efficiency Mode, the external control system will also tell
the UPS Controller what power level is needed, and the Hybrid UPS MicroTurbine
generators will then adjust their power output to meet this demand. No manual operator
intervention is normally needed.

Changing Operating Modes

The UPS Controller must be told what the desired operating mode is; either UPS Mode or
High Efficiency Mode. This must be done through the UPS Controller, and can be
automated (as described in the Routine Operation subsection above), or done manually
either using the UPS Controller display or using controls integrated into the building
management system. The UPS controller provides several means to change the operating
mode of a running system:
• UPS Controller Touch Screen Display – If the touch screen display panel is dark,
touch it anywhere to activate it. Enter the Maintenance screen using password,
and select either Local/Standby or Remote. In Remote setting, the UPS Controller
requires external input from a building management system to command it to UPS
Mode or High Efficiency Mode.
• UPS Controller BMS Interface – the UPS Controller is able to communicate with a
building management system or other external control equipment, and receive a
remote mode control command. Refer to specific instructions provided by the
building management system integrator.

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The Hybrid UPS systems will then remain in the desired mode until commanded
otherwise, or until a loss of utility voltage forces the system into Emergency Mode. Note
that the UPS Controller will typically be integrated with a building management system or
other external control system for automatically switching between modes and adjusting
power demand levels. If utility power is lost, forcing the Hybrid UPS systems into
Emergency Mode, the commanded mode will be retained in memory and the system will
attempt to return to that mode when utility power is restored.

Taking a Hybrid UPS Unit out of Ser vice

Taking a unit out of service will reduce the capability of the entire Hybrid
UPS system which may cause an overload condition that results in loss
CAUTION of all power to the critical loads. Make sure there is sufficient capacity
from the remaining Hybrid UPS units to supply the critical load before
taking a unit out of service.

A single Hybrid UPS system can be isolated from the rest of the MultiPac for maintenance
or for any other reason. This can be done in several ways:
• UPS Controller Touch Screen Display – If the touch screen display panel is dark,
touch it anywhere to activate it. When the screen becomes active, enter the
Maintenance screen using password, and press the MultiPac Disable button for the
desired Hybrid UPS unit.
• UPS Controller BMS Interface – the UPS Controller is able to communicate with a
building management system or other external control equipment, and receive a
remote command to disable a Hybrid UPS unit. Refer to specific instructions
provided by the building management system integrator.

Operating an Individual Hybrid UPS System

Operating an individual Hybrid UPS unit in parallel with the outputs of
other Hybrid UPS systems in a MultiPac will result in load fault
CAUTION conditions that may automatically shut down some or all Hybrid UPS
systems and drop the critical load. Securely isolate the output of an
individual Hybrid UPS unit before attempting to operate it.

An individual Hybrid UPS unit can be operated independently of the rest of a MultiPac for
service reasons. However care must be taken to avoid impacting proper operating of the
remaining MultiPac system. This requires that temporary control connections be made at
the Grid Interlock and Stand Alone Interlock terminals in the JUCB, and should only be
done by an Authorized Service Provider. Since output of the individual Hybrid UPS unit will
no longer be synchronized with the rest of the Hybrid UPS system MultiPac, its load output
connections must also be isolated from the rest of the Hybrid UPS systems’ outputs.

Operating an individual Hybrid UPS unit that is not enabled as part of the
NOTE MultiPac should only be done with the assistance of a Capstone
Authorized Service Provider.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Retur ning a Hybrid UPS Unit to Ser vice

Once a Hybrid UPS system has been taken out of service by disabling it from the
MultiPac, it can be restored to service by simply re-enabling it. This can be done in several
• UPS Controller Touch Screen Display – If the touch screen display panel is dark,
touch it anywhere to activate it. When the screen becomes active, enter the
Maintenance screen using password, and press the MultiPac Enable button for the
desired Hybrid UPS unit.
• UPS Controller BMS Interface – the UPS Controller is able to communicate with a
building management system or other external control equipment, and receive a
remote command to enable a Hybrid UPS unit. Refer to specific instructions
provided by the building management system integrator.
Once the individual Hybrid UPS system has been re-enabled as part of the MultiPac, it will
start acknowledging commands from the UPS Controller and will synchronize its output to
fit the desired operating mode. Utility Input and Load Output power connections will be
made automatically, and loads will then be shared between all available Hybrid UPS

Make sure any power connections that were isolated for service reasons
NOTE have been reestablished to make power available to the critical loads,
utility grid connections, and external energy storage system.

Transfer to/from Utility Power

If the Hybrid UPS system is operating in UPS Mode or High Efficiency Mode, it will attempt to
maintain synchronism of the load output to the utility input voltage in both frequency as well as
phase relationship. Therefore, during normal operation it is possible to seamlessly transfer the
critical load from the output of the Hybrid UPS systems to the utility source, or vice versa, using
a closed transition scheme. Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS) are available with the ability to
make a momentary closed transition when voltages and phase relationship of the two sources
are within preset limits. Neither the Hybrid UPS systems nor the UPS Controller have direct
control over this transfer, and do not need to control the ATS for proper system operation. The
UPS Controller will accept input signals from an external transfer scheme in order for its local
display to provide an overview of the state of the system. Refer to instruction provided by the
building management system integrator or equipment installer for how to activate the transfer

Transfer from Hybrid UPS to Utility Power

When a transfer scheme moves the critical load from the output of the Hybrid UPS systems to
the utility source, the Hybrid UPS systems will see a load drop, but will continue to supply
voltage to their load outputs, regardless of whether they are operating in UPS Mode or High
Efficiency Mode. If the system was in the High Efficiency Mode, all power from the turbine
generators will be delivered to the utility power connection. If this transfer to utility power is only
intended to be temporary, the Hybrid UPS systems can be left in the desired operating mode
where they will remain ready for retransfer of the critical loads. If the transfer was for service or
other reasons, the system can be shut down as described below.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Transfer from Utility Power to Hybrid UPS

Once a Hybrid UPS system is started and operating in either UPS Mode or High Efficiency
Mode, it is able to accept a block transfer of loads that were previously powered by the utility
source. Since there will be no inrush currents associated with motor starting or transformer
magnetization during a closed transition transfer, the Hybrid UPS systems will simply see a
step load change within their steady state power capability. This may result in a brief voltage
drop at the output of the Hybrid UPS system, however a properly designed installation should
maintain sufficient power quality to meet the requirements of the critical load.

System Shut-down
The Hybrid UPS system is designed for continuous operation, and will not be shut down in
normal operation. There are several means to shut the system down, depending on the
urgency of removing power from the critical loads.

Normal Shutdown
A normal shutdown would typically be done after the critical loads have been transferred
to the utility power source (as described above), or the loads themselves have been shut
down for service reasons. A normal shutdown process will transition the system from
either of its’ operating modes (UPS Mode or High Efficiency Mode), to the Standby Mode.
During this transition, power will be removed from the critical load and, if the turbine
generators are running, the system will make sure the external batteries are properly
charged before stopping the turbines using a cooldown. The power connection to the utility
will then be disconnected. While power will be quickly disconnected from the load, the
completion of a normal shutdown can take many minutes, depending on the state of
charge of the energy storage system. A normal shutdown can be initiated from the UPS
Controller in two ways.
• UPS Controller Touch Screen Display – If the touch screen display panel is dark,
touch it anywhere to activate it. Enter the Maintenance screen using password,
and press the Local/Standby button. This will put all units into the Standby Mode.
• UPS Controller BMS Interface – the UPS Controller is able to communicate with a
building management system or other external control equipment, and receive a
remote stop command. Refer to specific instructions provided by the building
management system integrator.

Fast Stop
A Fast Stop function is available through a discrete input to the UPS Controller. When
activated, the Fast Stop will immediately disconnect power to the load, and force any
running turbine generators into a cooldown without regard to battery state of charge. The
power connection to the utility will be disconnected as soon as the turbines have
completed their cooldown, leaving the system in the Standby Mode. Fast Stop is the
recommended system stop function for quickly removing load power, as it is not as
damaging to the turbines as the E-Stop function described below.
The Fast Stop discrete input can be wired to a building management system for automatic
operating in case of emergency, or can be wired to a manual “System Stop” button. Refer
to specific instructions provided by the building management system integrator or system
installer for the location of any System Stop button or instructions how to activate this
function from the building management system.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Emergency Stop

Activation of the Emergency Stop function represents an extremely

abnormal event which could be due to building, equipment, or personnel
WARNING safety concerns. Thoroughly investigate the reason for issuing an
Emergency Stop command and make sure the cause has been
remedied before attempting to return the system to normal operation.

Repeated use of the optional Emergency Stop function will result in

damage to the MicroTurbine. Use only in emergency situations.

All Capstone MicroTurbines have an emergency stop function called “E-Stop”, which will
immediately disconnect power from the load as well as the incoming utility, shut off fuel
input, and force the turbines into a warmdown. In a warmdown, the turbines do not receive
power from the utility or the external energy storage system, and therefore cannot be
motored to a controlled stop. Instead, the turbines coast to a stop and excess thermal
energy stored in the engine’s recuperator section is released through a compressor
bypass valve. This uncontrolled stop puts abnormal mechanical and thermal stresses on
the system, and can reduce the turbine generator life. Therefore, E-Stop should only be
used as a worst case emergency means to shut the system off.
The E-Stop function is not available as a discrete relay input to the UPS Controller, but
may be directly wired to a building management system for automatic operation in case of
emergency, or may be wired to a manual “Emergency Stop” button. Refer to specific
instructions provided by the building management system integrator or system installer for
the location of any Emergency Stop button or instructions how to activate this function
from the building management system.
After an emergency stop, the power to the MT must be turned off for 30 seconds before a
restart can be attempted. Emergency stops should NEVER be used for routine shutdowns.
Also, after an E-Stop, you may want to manually close the external fuel isolation valves to
shut off potential fuel flow into the MT in case there is a fuel leak. The external fuel
isolation valve must be returned to the open position before a restart of the MT is
attempted. An E-Stop operation should be viewed as an extremely abnormal event, and a
thorough investigation as to why the E-Stop command was given should be conducted
before returning the system to normal operation.

Operation Under Fault Conditions

The Hybrid UPS system has been designed to provide high availability of power output even
when a utility source is unavailable, and even if the turbine generator itself cannot operate for
some period of time. A well designed installation will also include n+1 or better redundancy
such that no single unit failure will compromise power to the critical loads. However, there are a
variety of fault conditions that can potentially disrupt power to the critical load. The UPS
Controller continuously monitors the status of the Hybrid UPS systems in its MultiPac, and
provides two hardwired discrete alarm outputs as well as updated fault registers that can be
read using Modbus TCP/IP. A building management system or other external control system
can use this information to take appropriate actions that may mitigate loss of power to the
critical load. Refer to specific instructions provided by the building management system
integrator or system installer for what external actions will be taken and any manual
intervention required with the UPS Controller or Hybrid UPS systems.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Orderly Shutdown Alarm

The Orderly Shutdown alarm does not guarantee that the Hybrid UPS
system will continue producing power for any specific period of time in
CAUTION order to avoid potential business losses or damage to critical load
equipment. Assure that the external actions taken in the presence of this
alarm are appropriate to the potential loss of power to the critical loads.

Data center and telecommunications equipment can be shut down in an orderly manner that
preserves information and/or transfers operation to other equipment. Typically this requires
several minutes to complete. To help mitigate loss of data or missed opportunity to transfer
operation to another piece of equipment, the UPS Controller can issue an Orderly Shutdown
alarm that signals conditions that may result in power system shutdown in five minutes. For
example, this Orderly Shutdown alarm may be signaled whenever:
• Battery State of Charge is less than Five Minutes – even if the Hybrid UPS system
is operating in UPS Mode or High Efficiency Mode, insufficient external energy
storage could result in the critical loads being dropped should a utility fault occur.
Note that the actions taken as a result of such an alarm may be different,
depending on whether the turbine generators are running or not, and whether the
utility source is present or not.
Refer to the UPS Controller User Manual (400028) for a description of how your system is
set up.

Imminent Shutdown Alarm

The Imminent Shutdown alarm does not guarantee that the Hybrid UPS
system will continue producing power for any specific period of time in
CAUTION order to avoid potential business losses or damage to critical load
equipment. Assure that the external actions taken in the presence of this
alarm are done quickly to mitigate loss of power to the critical loads.

There may be sufficient notice of potential loss of load power output for the UPS Controller to
issue an Imminent Shutdown alarm. Typical external action taken in response to this alarm
would be automatic transfer of critical loads to the utility source, if it is available. For example,
this Imminent Shutdown alarm may be signaled whenever:
• Load Output is Severely Overloaded – if the system is in Emergency Mode and goes
into a severe overload condition, there may be only seconds of time before the integral
protective functions of the Hybrid UPS systems declare a fault and stop load output
power flow.
• Inverter Reserve is Lost – if some Hybrid UPS units are taken out of service for
any reason and/or there is a moderate overload condition on the critical load
output, the UPS Controller will signal this loss of capacity. The inverter reserve can
be preset to represent one or more Hybrid UPS system’s output capability. In this
case, the external actions taken may include non-critical load shedding or
switching critical loads to an alternate source temporarily.
Refer to the UPS Controller User Manual (400028) for a description of how your system is
set up.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Fault Data Registers

The UPS Controller monitors the fault condition of each Hybrid UPS system it is connected to,
and periodically writes this fault status into multiple data registers that can be read externally
using Modbus TCP/IP. Some of this fault data is used within the UPS Controller to drive the
specific alarms noted above. Other fault data may be less critical to continued operation, but
should be recognized by facility personnel who can take appropriate action. For example, the
external building management system may be set up to poll selected fault registers and signal
users of certain conditions, such as:
• External Battery Power is Unavailable – if the system is experiencing extremely low
battery state of charge or there is a fault on the battery bus, then the Hybrid UPS
system can no longer guarantee power output would be available in case the utility
becomes unavailable. This is not an Imminent Shutdown alarm in the sense that it
should drive automatic transfer of power to the utility source, since the Hybrid UPS
system is still able to deliver utility power to the load. However it should direct facility
personnel to correct the problem immediately, and could also be a reason to command
the Hybrid UPS systems into High Efficiency Mode so at least there would be turbine
power available in case of a utility outage.
• Fuel Source is Unavailable – if a loss of fuel pressure fault is present, it means that
turbine power will not be available to supplement the external battery in the case of an
extended outage. This is neither an Imminent Alarm nor an Orderly Shutdown alarm,
but facility personnel should be alerted to correct the problem so the system will be
capable of supporting an extended utility outage.
A list of the available fault registers is provided in the UPS Controller Technical Reference

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Using the UPS Controller

The Capstone UPS Controller is required for any application with more than one Hybrid
UPS microturbine. The Capstone UPS Controller accessory acts as a master for up to ten
Hybrid UPS microturbines, and coordinates MultiPac operation to provide high availability
of power to the critical load.
The UPS Controller can:
• Display overall system status as well as details for individual microturbines.
• Start and Stop the system and change the desired operating modes.
• Communicate with a Building Management System to share monitored
microturbine data, accept power demand and other control commands, and signal
potential shutdown conditions.
• Coordinate Hybrid UPS microturbine state transitions, including consideration of
external battery state of charge information.
• Provide a common communications connection for a PC with CRMS software.
Figure 4 shows the typical connections available from the UPS Controller. Refer to the
UPS Controller User Manual (400028) for a complete description of this accessory and
how to operate it.

PC (CRMS) 10 Base2 COAX

System Wakeup, Intra Cable*
Start/Stop, Fast Stop. Hybrid UPS
Transfer Switch Status
10 BaseT Ethernet
Shutdown Alarms
Discrete I/O
Analog In UPS Controller
Modbus TCP/IP
Hybrid UPS

110-220 Vac * the Intra Cable provides three

twisted pair between microturbines,
and two twisted pair to the UPS

Figure 4. UPS Controller External Connections

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Using the Display Panel

Use of the Display Panel (Figure 5) is described in the following paragraphs.
Numeric Keypad Navigation Buttons Control Buttons

Battery Wake-Up Button Display Window Interlock Button

Figure 5. Display Panel and Functions

Attempting to operate a single Hybrid UPS system while it is connected

to the output of other operating Hybrid UPS systems may cause all
CAUTION systems to sense a fault condition and stop providing power to the
critical load. Only attempt to operate an individual system if it is isolated
from all other Hybrid UPS system outputs.

The Display Panel is located on the front of the package above the engine air inlet, and is
used to control a selected few operating functions, show individual system status, and
access data stored within the microturbine system. The Display Panel includes a keypad,
a display window, navigation buttons, and system control buttons. The paragraphs below
describe Display Panel operation.
The primary control and configuration interfaces to the Hybrid UPS system are the UPS
Controller and the Capstone Remote Monitoring System (CRMS) software. During normal
operation, the UPS Controller is the MultiPac master for all Hybrid UPS systems
connected to it. In this operating mode, all Hybrid UPS systems are MultiPac enabled and
the control functions of the local Display Panel are limited. When a Hybrid UPS
microturbine is MultiPac disabled, the local Display Panel functionality is somewhat
increased. However, proper operation of the Hybrid UPS microturbine is restricted to
operation when it is isolated from the outputs of all other Hybrid UPS systems and the Grid
Connect and Stand Alone Interlock connections are correctly activated.

Display Panel Areas

The BATT START button, at the far left of the Display Panel, is used to wake a Hybrid
UPS system from sleep mode.
The Numeric Keypad, located to the left of the Display Window, is for data input. The
system accepts data input only on specific screens, and the input line must be selected,
indicated by the flashing line. Data input from the Numeric Keypad requires logging-on
with a password (refer to Logging On with a Password on page 37).

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

The Display Window is in the center of the Display Panel. The Display Window can
display four lines of twenty characters, each of which indicate menu hierarchy position,
data display, and data input.
The Navigation Buttons are located to the right of the Display Window, and consist of
four buttons arranged vertically, each with a line to its left indicating a line of data in the
Display Window. These four buttons, plus the buttons just to their right labeled (-), (+), and
ACCEPT, are the navigation buttons; they are used for selecting various display screens
or data items.

Menu Navigation
Movement around the top-level menu screens can be accomplished by use of the
Navigation Buttons. The top line of the display always shows the name of the current top-
level menu. Refer to Figure 6 for panel and display layout.
Top Level Menu Item Navigation Buttons

Second Level Submenu Third and Fourth Level Submenus ACCEPT Button
and Data Items
Figure 6. Display Panel and Navigation Functions
To move around the top-level menus, press the topmost of the four line Navigation
Buttons. The menu position indicator numbers at the right end of the top line will flash.
When the numbers are flashing, press the (-) or (+) buttons to move around the menus.
Each of the top-level menu screens has a number of submenus. The second line in the
Display Window shows the current submenu. Movement around the submenus is similar
to the top-level menus except you must press the second line Navigation Button to select
line two of the display. When the numbers are flashing, press the (-) or (+) buttons to move
around the submenus.
When you reach the desired menu, press the ACCEPT button to choose the menu, or wait
20 seconds for the system to automatically accept the menu selected.
The third and fourth levels display the selected performance data or allow input, like
passwords or adjustment of power settings. The descriptions of each screen or submenu
are grouped according to the top-level menu.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Display Panel Data Entr y

Data input requires selection of the appropriate level with the Navigation Buttons, causing
the display line to flash. Enter data using the Numeric Keypad, or scroll through available
data entry options with the (-) or (+) buttons and press the ACCEPT button when finished.
To make changes to any system set-up or operational mode requires the entry of a user
password. Numeric entries can be cancelled by use of the (-) button.

Logging On with a Password

To enter commands from some of the Display Panel menus, the user must log on with a
valid password (the description of the various menus on the following pages includes
whether logging on with a password is required).

The default user password (at the Display Panel) is set to 87712370.
NOTE In the event of a lost user password, your Capstone Authorized Service
Provider can reset the user password to this default.

To log on with a password, follow these steps:

1. At the top-level System Data Menu, push the second level Navigation Button and
the (-) or (+) buttons until you come to the Enter Password submenu.
2. Select the third level Navigation Button (the display indicates “********”). Enter the
current password (see the above notes).
• Note that the display of ******** becomes -------- as you enter the password.
3. Press the ACCEPT Button. The display will indicate “PROTECTED LEVEL SET”.
4. You are now logged into the system.
Not all data items can be modified at the user password level.

Changing the Password

The user password can be changed at any time using the following steps.

NOTE The user must be logged-in (with a password) to change the password.

1. Go to the top-level System Data menu, push the second level Navigation Button
and the (-) or (+) buttons until you come to the User Password submenu.
2. Select third level Navigation Button (the display indicates ********Change). Enter
the new password.
3. Press the ACCEPT button. A confirmation message will be posted that states the
password needs to be verified.
4. Press the fourth level Navigation Button. Verify the Password on the fourth level
(the display indicates ********Verify). Re-enter the “new” password to verify.
5. Press the ACCEPT button. A confirmation message will be displayed that states
the password has been verified. If the new password is not verified in this manner,
the old password will remain in effect.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Display Panel Menus - Overview

The Display Panel menu hierarchy shown in Figure 7 presents the typical structure of the
system software menus and submenus for the Model C65 Hybrid UPS MicroTurbine with.
These menus and submenus are also detailed in text following the menu hierarchy chart.

System Data Menu

The user is able to view the data on various screens of the System Data
NOTE Menu without logging on. Some of the settings require logging on with a
user password.

On power-up, the Display Panel defaults to the top-level System Data menu. System Data
submenus are detailed below with a sample of the actual display for each submenu. The
same applies for the other top level menus, as applicable.
The user is able to view the data on various screens of the System Data
NOTE Menu without logging on. Some of the settings require logging on with a
user password.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Display Panel Menu

Hierarchy – Typical

System Data Utility Input Load Output Unit Data

System State Under Voltage

Voltage System State
<Vrms> Fault Status
kW In/kW Out <Sec>

Engine State Over Voltage Under Voltage

Engine State
LOAD/STB <Vrms> <Vrms>
Fault Status
kW Gen <Sec> <Sec>

Clear Incident Fast Under Vltg Over Voltage

Utility kW Fuel Pressure
High Incident, <Vrms> <Vrms>
Load kW Fuel %
Fault <Yes/No> <Sec> <Sec>

Fast Over Vltg

Clear Fuel Fault Frequency Utility Freq Battery Voltage
<Yes/No> <Hz> Load Freq Battery Current

System Under Frequency Under Frequency

Utility Volts A Batt SOC
Configuration <Hz> <Hz>
Load Volts A Last EQ charge
<Sec> <Sec>

Over Frequency Over Frequency

Power Connect Utility Volts B Temp C/F
<Hz> <Hz>
<Options> Load Volts B
<Sec> <Sec>

MT Start Delay MP Min Power

Reconnect DLY Utility Volts C C65 Main code
<Min> <kW>
<Min> Load Volts C Version

Multipac Local Batt Chg

<Enable/Disable> Utility Amps A
<Enable/ CHP Wtr In Tmp
Load Amps A
Turbine No.
<Number> Utility Amps B CHP Wtr Out
Load Amps B Tmp
Auto Restart
Utility Amps C
CHP Temp Fdbk
Load Amps C

System Demand
<kW> TET Hours
RPM Starts

Control Access

Enter Password
<Password> Legend:
Unbold boxes signify data display only.
<Yes/No> Bold boxes signify User password is required to change the value
or parameter.
Reboot Dashed boxes signify settings that can only be changed by an
<Yes/No> Authorized Service Provider using CRMS.

Figure 7. Display Panel Menu Reflecting Function Hierarchy

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

System Output Submenu

System Data 1/4
MP5 UPS OK 1/10
66.1 kW In
65.0 kW Out

The second line shows whether it is a Single (SNGL) unit or a MultiPac (MP) unit, the
MicroTurbine number, the current system state, and the system fault status as OK or FLT.
This submenu also gives the input power from the Utility grid source as “kW In” on the
third line and the total output of the system in kilowatts “kW Out” on the fourth line. Note
that if the turbine is generating more power than required by the load, the kW In will be
negative. A negative value for kW In indicates net export from the Hybrid UPS system to
the grid connection point for use by other loads in the facility, and does not necessarily
mean export of power to the external utility grid.
The system state messages are abbreviations of the actual system states, as summarized
in Table 4. Only three system state messages match the desired operating modes of
Standby (STB), UPS Normal Mode (UPS), and High Efficiency Mode (EFF). The
remaining messages represent transition states that should not persist in a fully
functioning system.
Note that all Hybrid UPS systems in a MultiPac must be commanded to the same
operating mode; that is ether Standby, UPS Normal, or High Efficiency. However, when
the UPS Controller is dispatching individual Hybrid UPS units using its High Efficiency
control logic, the displayed system state will be UPS for units that have not had their
engines enabled to start, and EFF for units that have received an engine start command.

Table 4. Hybrid UPS System State Messages and Description

Hybrid UPS Microturbine Description
System State Display
STAND BY STB System is out of service
POWER UP PWUP System is in power-up state
BATT RECHARGE BATR Engine recharging external batteries
BATT ENABLE BATE System is ready to output power to
critical load from external batteries
UTILITY ENABLE UTEN System is ready to output power to
critical load from utility source
UPS NORMAL UPS System operating in normal UPS mode
HIGH EFFICIENCY EFF System operating in high efficiency mode
LOAD RECOVERY LRCV System recovering from load fault
EMERGENCY EMER System is providing power to critical
loads in absence of utility source
SW DOWNLOAD SWLD System is downloading software
SHUTDOWN SDWN System is waiting for correct engine state
to allow transition to standby state

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Turbine Output Submenu

System Data 1/4
Engine LOAD OK 2/10
68.4 kW Gen

The second line shows the engine generator state, and whether the engine is OK or in a
fault condition (FLT). This submenu also gives individual generator output as “kW Gen” on
the third line. Note that in High Efficiency Mode, engine generator power that is greater
than what is required to support the load output will be export to the Grid LCM and/or
supplied to the DC bus.
The engine state messages are abbreviations of the actual engine states, as summarized
in Table 5.

Table 5. Hybrid UPS Engine State Messages and Description

Hybrid UPS Microturbine Description
Engine State Display
STAND BY STB Engine ready to start
LIFT OFF LIFT Engine rotation started
LIGHT OFF LITE Engine ignition started
ACCEL ACEL Engine accelerating to idle
LOAD LOAD Engine ready to output power to load
COOLDOWN CDWN Stop command issued and engine in cool
down state
WARMDOWN WDWN Stop command issued and engine in
warm down state
RELIGHT RLIT Engine commanded to light off again
before rotation stops
SETDOWN SETD Engine rotation stopped
SHUTDOWN SDWN Engine is shutdown and transitioning to
standby state

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Clear Incident Submenu

System Data 1/4
Clear Incident 3/10
System OK

The Clear Incident submenu attempts to clear the highest-level fault and to return the
system to standby. The <High Incident, Fault> line displays the system highest fault type
and the associated identification number of the fault currently reported by the system. If
the fault can be cleared, the fault # line will be updated with the next highest active fault, or
System OK if all faults were cleared. If the same fault remains, the fault cannot be cleared.
Note that the user must be logged in with the current password to clear the faults.

Clear Fuel Fault Submenu

System Data 1/4
Clear Fuel Fault 4/10

The Clear Fuel Fault clears a fault originated by the fuel vent system which causes a MT
shutdown. The user must bring the MT back up (power up), then activate the ‘Clear Fuel
Fault’ which clears the fault. Then the user must do a Reboot. The cause of this fault may
be a leak in the system, so troubleshooting and leak detection must be done immediately.
Note that the user must be logged in with the current password to clear the faults.

System Configuration Submenu

The System Configuration submenu contains system settings and allows the user to
adjust the third level data, as detailed below:

Power Connect Submenu

System Data 1/4
System Config 5/10
Power Connect 1/5
UPS Mode

The Power Connect submenu allows the user to view the desired operating mode of the
Hybrid UPS system.
• Standby
• UPS Mode
• High Efficiency Mode

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Microturbine Start Delay Timer

System Data 1/4
System Config 5/10
MT Start Delay 2/5
1.0 Min

The microturbine start delay timer submenu allows the user to set a delay timer that
determines how long a non-operating turbine will wait before entering a start sequence
when utility power becomes unavailable. The setting is adjustable from 0 to 10.0 minutes.
The initial factory setting is 1.0 minute. Note that the user must be logged in with the
current password to change this setting.

MultiPac Submenu
System Data 1/4
System Config 5/10
MultiPac 3/5
The MultiPac submenu shows the user whether a MicroTurbine is enabled in the MultiPac
or not.

Turbine Number Submenu

System Data 1/4
System Config 5/10
Turbine Number 4/5

The main controller MicroTurbine in a MultiPac system is designated as the “Master”, and
must be assigned as number “1”. Other MicroTurbines may be assigned in any order in a
MultiPac system, however, each MT must have a unique turbine number. Note that the
user must be logged in with the current password to change the turbine number.

Auto Restart Submenu

System Data 1/4
System Config 5/10
Auto Restart 5/5

The Auto Restart submenu enables or disables the system’s ability to automatically
attempt to restart the turbine after an incident driven shutdown. Note that the user must be
logged in with the current password to change this setting. The normal setting for a Hybrid
UPS system is YES.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

System Demand Submenu

System Data 1/4
System Demand 6/10
0.0 kW

The System Demand submenu allows the user to view, and in certain cases set the Power
Demand in kW when it is operating in High Efficiency Mode. Normally the System Power
Demand value will be determined by the UPS Controller, and will be displayed on this
submenu. Note that to change this value from the Display Panel, the Hybrid UPS system
must be MultiPac disabled and the user must be logged in with the current password.

Control Access Submenu

System Data 1/4
Control Access 7/10
Maintenance Port

The Control Access submenu displays which communication device currently has control
authority for changing settings of the MicroTurbine.
• Display Panel
• User Port
• Maintenance Port

Enter Password Submenu

System Data 1/4
Enter Password 8/10

The Enter Password submenu allows the user to logon and access the MicroTurbine
controls. The factory default User-level password is 87712370. Refer to the previous
section on passwords for more details on entering and changing passwords.

Logoff Submenu
System Data 1/4
Logoff 9/10

The Logoff submenu allows the user to logoff and prevents further access to the
MicroTurbine controls. Note that the system will automatically logoff if there is no user
interaction with the Display Panel for more than four minutes.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Reboot Submenu
System Data 1/4
Reboot 10/10

The Reboot submenu allows the user to reboot the system.

If YES is selected, the system will reboot immediately. Note that the user must be logged
in with the current password to reboot the system.

Utility Input Connection Menu

The top-level Utility Input connection menu establishes operation parameters in the Grid
Load Control Module (GLCM). These are primarily the UL 1741 (IEEE 1547) Utility Grid
Connect Protective Relay functions, and their setpoints are displayed here.
Refer to the following reference documents as required:
• Protective Relay Functions (410033)
The Utility Input submenus are detailed below:

In the following submenus, the first line always displays the Grid
Connect top level menu.

Do not attempt to change any Grid Connect Protective Relay functions.

WARNING Injury to personnel and/or damage to equipment can occur. Contact your
Capstone Authorized Service Provider for additional information.

The primary Grid Connect Protective Relay function is to ensure that the
MicroTurbine does not energize utility wires de-energized by the utility.

All of the following Protective Relay settings can only be changed by an

Authorized Service Provider using CRMS.

Under Voltage Submenu

Utility Input 2/4
Under Voltage 1/7
422 Vrms
2.00 Sec

The Under Voltage submenu shows the line-to-line voltage and associated delay time. If
the RMS voltage between any phases falls below this setting, the delay timer is started. If
the voltage has not recovered at the end of this time, the system will enter Emergency
Mode. This is adjustable from 352 up to the Over Voltage setpoint in 1 volt increments.
Initial Factory Setting is 422 VAC line-to-line.

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Under Voltage Delay establishes the time allowed for any phase voltage to fall below the
Under Voltage limit. The delay is adjustable from 0.01 up to 10 seconds in 0.01 second
increments. Initial Factory Setting is 2.0 seconds.

Over Voltage Submenu

Utility Input 2/4
Over Voltage 2/7
528 Vrms
1.00 Sec

Over Voltage submenu shows the line-to-line voltage and associated delay time. If the
RMS voltage between any phases rises above this setting the delay timer is started. If the
voltage has not subsided by the end of this time, the system will enter Emergency Mode.
This is adjustable from 528 down to the Under Voltage setpoint in 1 volt increments. Initial
Factory Setting is 528 Volts.
Over Voltage Delay establishes the time allowed for any phase voltage to rise above the
Over Voltage limit. The delay is adjustable from 0.01 to 10 seconds in 0.01 second
increments. Initial Factory Setting is 1.0 second.

Fast Under Voltage Submenu

Utility Input 2/4
FastUnder Vlts 3/7
240 Vrms
0.16 Sec

Fast Under Voltage submenu shows the line-to-line voltage and associated delay time.
The system will cease power import from or export to the grid within 1 msec if any phase
RMS voltage drops below the Fast Under Voltage setting for the set time delay. If the grid
voltage re-stabilizes within 1 second of the initial under voltage, then the system will
resume its power connection to the grid; otherwise, the system will enter Emergency
Mode. The Fast Under Voltage at which this sequence will be triggered is adjustable from
0 VAC up to the Under Voltage setpoint. The delay time is adjustable from .03 to 1.00
second in .01 second increments. Initial Factory Settings are 240 V line-to-line and .16
second delay.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Fast Over Voltage Submenu

Utility Input 2/4
FastOver Vlts 4/7
576 Vrms
0.16 Sec

Fast Over Voltage submenu shows the line-to-line voltage and associated delay time. The
system will cease power import from or export to the grid within 1 msec if any phase RMS
voltage exceeds the Fast Over Volts setting for the set time delay. If the grid voltage re-
stabilizes within 1 second of the initial over voltage, then the system will resume its grid
power connection; otherwise, the system will enter Emergency Mode. The Fast Over
Voltage at which this sequence will be triggered is adjustable here from the Over Voltage
up to 634 volts. The delay time is adjustable from .03 to 1.00 second in .01 second
increments. Initial Factory Settings are 576 V line-to-line and .16 second delay.

Under Frequency Submenu

Utility Input 2/4
Under Frequency 5/7
59.3 Hz
0.16 Sec

Under Frequency submenu shows the system under frequency and associated delay time.
If the grid frequency falls below this under frequency setpoint for the set delay time, the
system will enter Emergency Mode. The frequency is adjustable from 45 Hz up to the
Over Frequency setting, in 0.1 Hz increments. Initial Factory Setting is 59.3 Hz.
The Under Frequency Delay is the number of seconds allowed for the Under Frequency
condition before the system enters Emergency Mode. This is adjustable from 0.01 to 10
seconds in 0.01 second increments. Initial Factory Setting is .16 second.

Over Frequency Submenu

Utility Input 2/4
Over Frequency 6/7
60.5 Hz
0.16 Sec

Over Frequency submenu shows the system over frequency and associated delay time. If
the grid frequency exceeds this over frequency setpoint for the set delay time, the system
will enter Emergency Mode. The frequency is adjustable from the Under Frequency setting
to 65, in 0.1 Hz increments. Initial Factory Setting is 60.5 Hz.
The Over Frequency Delay is the number of seconds allowed for the Over Frequency
condition before the system shuts down. This is adjustable from 0 to 10 in 0.01 second
increments. Initial Factory Setting is 0.16 second.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Reconnect Delay Submenu

Utility Input 2/4
Reconnect DLY 7/7
5.0 Min

Reconnect Delay submenu defines the time that a Hybrid UPS system will continue
generating power in Emergency Mode before reconnecting to the utility grid. The turbine
checks that the utility grid voltage is within the protective relay settings for this time limit
before reconnecting to the grid. It is the minimum amount of time the system will operate
in Emergency Mode when the turbine is producing power. Initial Factory Setting is 5
minutes. The timer can be set from 5 to 30 minutes.

Load Output Connection Menu

The top-level Load Output connection menu establishes voltage and frequency output
from the Hybrid UPS microturbine in the Load LCM (LLCM), and is essentially the same
as for a normal microturbine operating in Stand Alone mode. It also establishes the
operational limits for voltage and frequency. These limits are usually set when the
MicroTurbine is commissioned and are not changed once set.
The Load Output submenus are detailed below:

In the following submenus, the first line always displays the Stand Alone
top level menu.

Voltage Submenu
Load Output 3/4
Voltage 1/8
480 Vrms

Voltage submenu is used to view and set the nominal RMS output voltage (line-to-line) to
the critical load. Voltage is adjustable from 150 to 480 in one-volt increments. Initial
Factory Setting is 480 VAC line-to-line. The UPS Controller will set this voltage for all
Hybrid UPS systems operating in a MultiPac, and the user cannot change this value from
this Display Panel when the system is MultiPac enabled. Note that to change this value
from the Display Panel, the Hybrid UPS system must be MultiPac disabled and the user
must be logged in with the current password.

Do not attempt to change any Stand Alone Protective Relay functions.

WARNING Injury to personnel and/or damage to equipment can occur. Contact your
Capstone Authorized Service Provider for additional information.

All of the following Protective Relay settings can only be changed by an

Authorized Service Provider using CRMS.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Under Voltage Submenu

Load Output 3/4
Under Voltage 2/8
352 Vrms
10.00 Sec

Under Voltage submenu shows the line-to-line voltage and associated delay time. If the
RMS voltage between any phases falls below this setting, the delay timer is started. If the
voltage has not recovered at the end of this delay time, the system will shut down. Voltage
is adjustable from 0 up to nominal. Initial Factory Setting is 352 volts.
The Under Voltage Delay establishes the time period allowed for any phase voltage to fall
below the Under Voltage limit. The delay is adjustable from 0.01 up to 10 seconds in 0.01
second increments. Initial Factory Setting is 10 seconds.

Over Voltage Submenu

Load Output 3/4
Over Voltage 3/8
528 Vrms
10.00 Sec

Over Voltage submenu shows the line-to-line voltage and associated delay time.
If the RMS voltage between any phases rises above this setting the delay timer is started.
If the voltage has not subsided by the end of this time span, the system will shut down.
Voltage is adjustable from 528 down to nominal in 1 volt increments. Initial Factory Setting
is 528 Volts.
Over Voltage Delay establishes the time span allowed for any phase voltage to rise above
the Over Voltage limit. The delay is adjustable from 0.01 to 10 seconds in 0.01 second
increments. Initial Factory Setting is 10 seconds.

Frequency Submenu
Load Output 3/4
Frequency 4/8
60.0 Hz

Frequency submenu establishes the nominal output frequency. This is adjustable from 45
to 65 in 1-Hz increments. Initial Factory Setting is 60 Hz. When operating in UPS Mode or
High Efficiency Mode, output frequency will automatically be adjusted to maintain
synchronism with input power from the Utility grid. This frequency setting, therefore, only
takes precedence when the system is operating in Emergency Mode.
The UPS Controller will set this frequency for all Hybrid UPS systems operating in a
MultiPac, and the user cannot change this value from this Display Panel when the system
is MultiPac enabled. Note that to change this value from the Display Panel, the Hybrid
UPS system must be MultiPac disabled and the user must be logged in with the current

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Under Frequency Submenu

Load Output 3/4
Under Frequency 5/8
45.0 Hz
10.00 Sec

Adjusting the Load Output under frequency setting above the Utility Input
under frequency setting may result in the Hybrid UPS system
CAUTION disconnecting power from the critical load when the Utility grid frequency
drops. Only adjust the Load Output under frequency to a value less than
the Utility Input under frequency setting.

Under Frequency submenu shows the system under frequency and associated delay time.
If the output frequency falls below this under frequency setpoint for the set delay time, the
system will shut down. The frequency is adjustable from 45 to the nominal output
frequency in 0.1 Hz increments. Initial Factory Setting is 45 Hz.
Under Frequency Delay is the time span allowed for output frequency to fall below Under
Frequency (Hz) before the system will shut down. This is adjustable from 0.01 to 10
seconds in 0.01 second increments. Initial Factory Setting is 10 seconds.
Note that the output frequency is synchronized with the input utility grid during normal
operation. Therefore, the Load Output under frequency setpoints should be less than the
Utility Input under frequency setpoints to assure coordinated response to utility frequency

Over Frequency Submenu

Load Output 3/4
Over Frequency 6/8
65.0 Hz
10.00 Sec

Adjusting the Load Output over frequency setting below the Utility Input
under frequency setting may result in the Hybrid UPS system
CAUTION disconnecting power from the critical load when the Utility grid frequency
increases. Only adjust the Load Output over frequency to a value greater
than the Utility Input over frequency setting.

Over Frequency submenu shows the system over frequency and associated delay time. If
the output frequency rises above this over frequency setpoint for the set delay time, the
system will shut down. The frequency is adjustable from 65 Hz down to the nominal output
frequency, in 0.1 Hz increments. Initial Factory Setting is 65 Hz. If the output frequency
exceeds the Over Frequency setting for the time delay setting, the system will shut down.
The time delay is adjustable from 0.01 to 10 seconds in 0.01 second intervals. Initial
Factory Setting is 10 seconds.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Note that the output frequency is synchronized with the input utility grid during normal
operation. Therefore, the Load Output over frequency setpoints should be greater than the
Utility Input over frequency setpoints to assure coordinated response to utility frequency

MultiPac Minimum Power Submenu

Load Output 3/4
MP Min Power 7/8
30.0 kW
3600 Sec

MultiPac Minimum Power submenu shows the minimum power level that a group of Hybrid
UPS systems must be able to provide before they switch their load outputs on. The
settings cannot be set changed from this submenu, and should be set during
commissioning by a Capstone Authorized Service Provider.
The kW setting is the minimum value of total power available from the MultiPac of Hybrid
UPS systems before the master commands them into Load State and begins outputting
power to the critical load. This setting ensures that the system has enough power output
capability before power is allowed to be exported to the load, and should be set to the
maximum expected load. Initial Factory Setting is 0 kW.
The timeout period setting establishes the maximum time the MultiPac has to achieve the
minimum power setting before the system shuts down automatically. This timeout setting
is adjustable from 60 to 3600 seconds in 1 second intervals. Initial Factory Setting is
3600 seconds.

Local Battery Charge Submenu

Load Output 3/4
Local Batt Chg 8/8

Hybrid UPS microturbine system may be fitted with its own battery storage system. In this
case, the Local Battery Charge submenu controls whether the system begins a battery
equalization charge. This can be done when the system is in any of its operating modes,
provided there is sufficient net power available to do so. Selecting ENABLE will begin the
equalization charge, which can last up to 4 hours. Note that the user must be logged in
with the current password to change this setting.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Unit Data Menu

The submenus in the Unit Data menu display real-time data for the MicroTurbine.
Descriptive labels and data are contained in the second, third, and fourth lines of the
submenu. As in all Display Panel submenus, the first line indicates the top-level menu, in
this case the Unit Data menu. Real-time data can also be accessed using CRMS.
The Display Panel submenus related to Unit Data menu are listed below.

In the following submenus, the first line always displays the Unit Data top
level menu.

Submenu / Function Description

1/20 System State / Fault Status System State / Fault Status
2/20 Engine State / Fault Status Turbine Generator State / Fault Status
3/20 Utility / Load kW kW Input from Utility and Output to Load
4/20 Utility / Load Frequency Frequency of Utility and Load Connections
5/20 Utility / Load Volts A Voltage Phase A of Utility and Load
6/20 Utility / Load Volts B Voltage Phase B of Utility and Load
7/20 Utility / Load Volts C Voltage Phase C of Utility and Load
8/20 Utility / Load Amps A Current Phase A of Utility and Load
9/20 Utility / Load Amps B Current Phase B of Utility and Load
10/20 Utility / Load Amps C Current Phase C of Utility and Load
11/20 TET / RPM Turbine Exit Temp (°C or °F)/ Engine Speed (RPM)
12/20 Fuel Pressure / Fuel % Fuel Pressure / Fuel Percentage
13/20 Bat Voltage / Bat Current Battery Voltage / Battery Current
14/20 Bat SOC / Last EQ Charge Battery State of Charge / Last Equalization Date
15/20 Inlet Temp Inlet Air Temperature (°C or °F)
16/20 C65 Main Code / Version C65 Main Software Version Code
17/20 CHP Wtr In Tmp ICHP Water Inlet Temperature
18/20 CHP Wtr Out Tmp ICHP Water Outlet Temperature
19/20 CHP Temp Fdbk ICHP Temperature Feedback
20/20 Hours / Starts Turbine Running Time / Number of Starts

Below is an example display for a MicroTurbine showing the main software version.
Unit Data 4/4
C65 Main Code 16/20
SW Ver 1.03
527968-001 C08

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Using a PC with CRMS

Capstone Remote Monitoring Software (CRMS) is available in a User Edition to view data
and to provide customers limited control of Hybrid UPS Systems. The software includes
minimum PC requirements for proper operation. The CRMS User Manual is embedded in
the software help function, and provides intuitive interaction to read data, issue setup and
control commands, and view fault history. Once loaded onto a customer PC, CRMS can
be connected to a Hybrid UPS system is several ways:
• Through the UPS Controller – the UPS Controller includes industry standard
10BaseT Ethernet ports for connection to a PC. Plugging into one of these ports
allows the CRMS software to view each Hybrid UPS system connected to the UPS
Controller. The PC can be a laptop that is temporarily connected, or can be any PC
on a network that is connected to the UPS Controller’s Ethernet Port. Refer to the
UPS Controller User Manual (400028) for the location of these Ethernet
• Through the Serial-to-Ethernet Converter in the Hybrid UPS System – each Hybrid
UPS system includes a dual port serial-to-Ethernet converter that connects to both
the DB9 RS-232 User Interface Port and the DB25 RS-232 Maintenance Interface
Ports in the Communications Bay on the back of the MicroTurbine. The serial-to-
Ethernet converter uses the Maintenance Port for CRMS connectivity.

Connecting Directly to a Hybrid UPS System

The figures below shows the location of the JUCB communications board within the
Communications Bay at the rear of a Hybrid UPS system, and where the Serial-to-
Ethernet converter is mounted within the Communciations Bay.

The User should NOT open the Power Connection Bay within the User
WARNING Connection Bay (UCB). Potentially lethal voltages exist inside the
Power Connection Bay.

Figure 8 shows the User Interface Port location.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

JUCB User Connection Board with

Mounting Bracket




3-PH 3-PH
A B C N A B C N + -




Utility Connection High Voltage Communications Serial-to-Ethernet Converter

Bay DC Bus Bay with RJ45 Ports
Load Connection
Figure 8. MicroTurbine User Connection Bay with Serial-to-Ethernet

The default User Interface Port user password is set to USR123P; the
user can change it by using the Capstone Remote Monitoring Software
on a computer connected either directly to the User Interface Port or
NOTE through the Serial-to-Ethernet converter.
In the event of a lost user password, your Capstone Authorized Service
Provider can reset the user password to this default.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

MicroTurbine Preventive Maintenance

This section details the preventive maintenance procedures that must be performed on the
Capstone MicroTurbine.

The MicroTurbine system generates and uses voltage levels that can
WARNING injure or kill. Obey all safety precautions when you work with or around
electrical equipment.

Failure to provide proper maintenance will void the MicroTurbine

NOTE warranty. Users do not perform the following MicroTurbine maintenance
procedures, but it is important for users to be aware of them.

Only Capstone Authorized Service Providers can access the inside of the MicroTurbine
enclosure (except for accessing the User Connection Board in the UCB/JUCB).
Only Capstone Authorized Service Providers can perform maintenance on the Micro-
Turbine components.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Scheduled Maintenance
Table 6 details the preventive maintenance schedules of the C65 Hybrid UPS systems
under normal environmental conditions. This information is provided for your reference.
Only Authorized Service Providers are permitted to access MicroTurbine components and
perform these maintenance tasks.

Table 6. C65 Hybrid UPS package – Gaseous Fuels

Maintenance Maintenance
3 Component Comments
Interval Action
24 months UCB Battery Replace
Components: ECM,
LCM & BCM Power
5 years Replace
Boards, BCM & ECM
Fan Filters, Fans, EMI
Filter, Frame PM
Per Mfg External Energy Refer to manufacturer’s requirements for the
Instructions Storage energy storage system being used
Engine Air Filter Inspect Replace if required - see Note 1
Electronics Air Filter Inspect Clean if necessary - see Note 1
Fuel Filter Element
4,000 hours Inspect Replace if required - see Note 1
Refer to "Gaseous Fuel Fittings and
Fuel System Leak Check Components" section below for
recommended procedure
Engine Air Filter Replace See Note 1
Electronics Air Filter Clean
Fuel Filter Element
8,000 hours Replace See Note 1
Igniter Replace See Note 2
ICHP Actuator Replace
Injector Assemblies Replace
20,000 hours
TET Thermocouple Replace
40,000 hours Engine Replace Use Reman or New Engine Replacement

Filters may require more frequent attention based upon environment,

NOTE 1 installation, and/or air/fuel quality. Inspect new installations frequently to
determine best inspection/ replacement periods for air and fuel filters.
Load profiles with frequent onloads and offloads may require more frequent
NOTE 2 igniter replacement due to igniter operation during injector switching.
Months and Years are elapsed time. Hours are “Engine Hours,” as recorded by
NOTE 3 each Hybrid UPS system.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Preventive Maintenance Items

Preventive maintenance activities for the MicroTurbine Inlet Filter, External Fuel Filter, and
for the Battery Packs are described in the following paragraphs.

MicroTurbine Inlet Air Filter

The MicroTurbine requires clean, dust free air for operation. Do not
CAUTION operate the MicroTurbine without the inlet air filter in place or damage to
the equipment can occur.
The engine air inlet filter should be inspected periodically to ensure unrestricted flow of
clean combustion and cooling air to the generator and turbine engine. The recommended
interval for this inspection is every 4,000 hours of operation or annually, based on clean
environment operation.
Outdoor operation, especially in areas subject to wind and airborne dirt or dust, will require
a significant reduction in this interval. If the MicroTurbine is operated under unusual
conditions, the filters should be checked more frequently to determine a site-specific
service interval. Filters may require more frequent attention based upon environment,
installation, and/or air quality.
If specifically permitted by the Capstone Authorized Service Provider, the end user
can replace the inlet air filter element. The Capstone Authorized Service Provider
will provide instruction and oversight.

External Fuel Filter

MicroTurbine fuel is flammable and explosive. An explosion can cause
WARNING death or injury to personnel and/or damage to equipment. No open
flame or smoking is allowed near the MicroTurbine.
The optional external fuel filter element should be replaced periodically to ensure
unrestricted flow of clean fuel to the MicroTurbine. This is necessary for MicroTurbine
optimal performance. The recommended interval for this replacement is every 8,000 hours
of operation. The service interval is based on typical clean fuel supplies found in the
United States. Filters may require more frequent attention based upon environment,
installation, and/or fuel quality.
If specifically permitted by the Capstone Authorized Service Provider, the end user
can replace the external fuel filter element. The Capstone Authorized Service
Provider will provide instruction and oversight.

Battery Maintenance
Consult the appropriate user manuals for the external energy storage system. Batteries
require special consideration for storage and charging. Follow the manufacturer’s
instructions for proper storage, handling, and charging.

Each MicroTurbine ships with a standard warranty. Extended warranties are available.
Contact your Authorized Service Provider for details on Capstone warranty terms and

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

The MicroTurbine system produces and contains high voltage. High
voltage can injure or kill. Obey all safety procedures when you work
around electrical equipment. Only Capstone Authorized Service
Providers are permitted access to the inside of the enclosure.
This section details basic troubleshooting procedures and steps that the user can perform
on the Capstone MicroTurbine without accessing the inside of the enclosure. Only
Capstone Authorized Service Providers are permitted access to the inside of the

The MicroTurbine continuously monitors a wide variety of parameters both internal and
external to the system. An incident occurs whenever a measured parameter falls outside
prescribed limits. Incidents include (but are not limited to) low fuel pressure, utility
interruptions, and utility over voltages.

Incident System Severity Levels

When the system detects an incident, it may take one of several actions, depending on the
system severity level (SSL). Actions range from simply noting the occurrence and
continuing to operate, to immediate shutdown of the system. The action taken depends
upon the severity of the incident. The system will attempt a restart only if the severity of
the incident will allow it.
Depending on the parameter and the magnitude of the incident, the event is classified as
either a warning or a fault.
A warning incident is a condition that is outside normal operating parameters, but which
does not require a system shut down.
A fault incident is a condition under which the system shuts down to prevent possible
damage to the MicroTurbine or unsafe operating conditions.

Incident Display For mat

When an incident occurs, the Display Panel displays a fault description (e.g., Internal
Fault) and the fault code (e.g., 10214). This incident message appears on line three of the
System State Fault Status submenu of the Unit Data menu (refer to page 52) as shown in
the following example.

Unit Data 4/4

System STAND BY 1/20
Internal Fault 10214

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

The fault code is a number up to five digits in length that, along with the fault code
description, helps the Capstone Authorized Service Provider determine the cause of the
incident. Some fault codes can be useful to the operator, as they indicate common
conditions that can occur in system. Table 7 shows a list of common protective relay
faults. Utility grid events such as these will cause the Hybrid UPS systems to go into
Emergency Mode.

Table 7. List of Common Protective Relay Fault Codes

Type of Fault Load LCM Codes Grid LCM Codes

Overvoltage Phase A 10008 10208
Overvoltage Phase B 10009 10209
Overvoltage Phase C 10010 10210
Undervoltage Phase A 10011 10211
Undervoltage Phase B 10012 10212
Undervoltage Phase C 10013 10213
SW Overcurrent Phase A 10014 10214
SW Overcurrent Phase B 10015 10215
SW Overcurrent Phase C 10016 10216
SW Overcurrent Phase N 10017 10217
Under Frequency 10018 10218
Delta Frequency 10019 10219
Over Frequency 10020 10220
Fast Overvoltage 10038 10238
Fast Undervoltage 10039 10239
Fast Overvoltage Phase A 10047 10247
Fast Overvoltage Phase B 10048 10248
Fast Overvoltage Phase C 10049 10249
Fast Undervoltage Phase A 10050 10250
Fast Undervoltage Phase B 10051 10251
Fast Undervoltage Phase C 10052 10252
Fast Under Frequency 10053 10253
Fast Over Frequency 10054 10254

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Capstone Turbine Corporation
Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Incident Records
When an incident occurs the system records a snapshot of conditions at that time, called
an Incident Record. Several incidents can occur in quick sequence, and the MicroTurbine
will continue to operate or shut down depending on the severity of the incident(s).
The Incident Record can only be accessed by an Authorized Service Provider, using
CRMS. The Incident Record contains the incident name, incident code number, date and
time of the incident, and conditions of the turbine at the time of the incident. Some
examples of the data contained in the incident record are as follows:
• Cumulative number of starts
• Output power
• Engine speed
• Turbine exit temperature
• Fuel device command
• Ambient temperature
• Voltage and current on each phase
• Frequency
• DC bus and power supply voltage
• Several internal system temperatures

Isolation Messages
The Incident Record also contains an Isolation Message that describes the type of incident
and if it is a Warning or a Fault. The Isolation Messages are listed below and described in
the following paragraphs.
• Internal Warning or Fault
• Fuel Warning or Fault
• Grid Warning or Fault
• Lo-Temp Warning or Fault
• Hi-Temp Warning or Fault
• Hi-Alt Warning
• E-Stop Fault
• User Connection Fault

An Internal incident is one that is within a major subsystem of the MicroTurbine and is not
recoverable by the user. In the case of an Internal Fault, the user should reboot the
system. If unsuccessful in restoring normal operation, a Capstone Authorized Service
Provider will be required to initiate repair of the MicroTurbine.

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

The user should initially check the fuel supply to the MicroTurbine. Verify that the shut off
valve is open. Ensure the line has the correct fuel pressure. Check the optional external
filter to ensure that it is not blocked. If the problem persists, call your Capstone Authorized
Service Provider.

This event is likely to be due to an electric utility grid disturbance. Check all breakers and
fuses to ensure they are not tripped before troubleshooting. The Hybrid UPS system will
continue to supply power to the critical load while operating in Emergency Mode, even if
the utility power source is unavailable. It will also automatically reconnect to the utility
source when the utility power returns to a stable condition and the Hybrid UPS system has
transitioned through its utility reconnect delay. If the system does not reconnect to the
utility power source after utility power has been restored, call your Capstone Authorized
Service Provider.

Generally, these incidents are due to ambient conditions that are outside the design
envelope of the MicroTurbine. Possible solutions would be to adjust the room temperature,
ensure that adequate ventilation is provided, and verify that the air input and exhaust are
not obstructed. Continued operation under these conditions may affect operation and
cause damage to the MicroTurbine.

If the event display reads MANUAL E-STOP, fix the original problem that initiated the
E-Stop, as this fault must be cleared before it is safe to resume operation. Next, check the
optional emergency stop button and verify that it has been activated. If it has, reset the
button, cycle power off to the MicroTurbine for 30 seconds, and turn the power back on.
The Manual E-Stop fault should clear, and the system should resume operation. If it does
not, call your Capstone Authorized Service Provider.

User Conn (User Connection)

User Connection incidents can be due to incorrect Grid Connect / Stand Alone settings,
mode transition faults when in Dual Mode operation, or to indicate a possible problem with
external equipment connected to the MicroTurbine, such as the Gas Pack accessory.

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Capstone Turbine Corporation
Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Basic Troubleshooting Procedures

Basic Troubleshooting procedures are presented in the following paragraphs.
Users do not perform some of the following MicroTurbine troubleshooting
procedures, but it is important for users to be aware of them.
WARNING Only Capstone Authorized Service Providers are permitted access to the
inside of the enclosure. Users are permitted to open the User Connection
Bay to access the User Interface Port.

No Lights on Display Panel

If no lights are present on the Display Panel, troubleshoot as follows:

Only Capstone Authorized Service Providers can perform the following

troubleshooting steps.

1. If no utility power is available, make sure the external battery power is available
and then press the BATT START button on the Display Panel.
2. If utility power is made available, the system should wake up automatically.

No Attempt to Start after ON Command

If no attempt is made to Start, after an ON Command, troubleshoot as follows:
1. Verify that the current communication device (Display Panel, User Interface Port,
or Maintenance Interface Port) is the control device. Refer to Control Device
Authority and Priority on page 25.
2. Verify that ON command is consistent with the currently active dispatch mode.
Refer to the section on Display Panel Menus for more data.

Start Attempt Fails

If a Start Attempt fails, troubleshoot as follows:
1. If the system attempts but fails to start, an incident code will be registered as
described in the previous sections.
2. The troubleshooting procedure is the same as for Unexpected Shut Down or
Warning in the next section.

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Capstone Turbine Corporation
Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Low Power Output

If Low Power Output is perceived, troubleshoot as follows:
1. Check your inlet fuel supply. Verify that the fuel isolation valve is open, and that the
inlet fuel line has the correct fuel pressure.
2. Check your external fuel filter. Verify that the external fuel filter (if installed) is not
3. Check your inlet airflow, ventilation, and exhaust airflow. Verify that the inlet airflow
and the exhaust airflow are not obstructed.
4. Check your ambient operating conditions and verify the expected power output due
to temperature, altitude and other derating factors. Verify that ambient conditions
are not outside the MicroTurbine design envelope.

Unexpected Shut Down or Warning

When a warning incident occurs, no action is required by the user. When a fault incident
occurs, the troubleshooting steps are as follows:
1. Attempt to restart. If unsuccessful, then verify the fuel, air, and electrical supply to
the MicroTurbine.
2. Attempt to restart. If unsuccessful, then enter the user password and reboot the
system through the Display Panel.
3. Attempt to restart. If unsuccessful, then cycle the power by shutting off power to
the system, waiting 30 seconds, and turning the power back on.
4. Attempt to restart. If unsuccessful, then note the event number listed on the
Display Window, and then call your Capstone Authorized Service Provider for
When required, your Capstone Authorized Service Provider will determine whether the
event noted requires a service call or if the user can perform fault correction on site.
Generally, the Service Provider will initiate a service call for Internal Fault codes. In most
other cases, the Service Provider will recommend a possible course of action to return the
MicroTurbine to operational status.

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Capstone Turbine Corporation
Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Product Support
Capstone Turbine Corporation is dedicated to the concept of quality to the owners and
users of every MicroTurbine. Your MicroTurbine should operate without trouble. If you
require maintenance support or other technical assistance, please contact your
Capstone Authorized Service Provider.
Capstone Technical Support can assist you by providing contact data for your Capstone
Authorized Service Provider.
Fill in this record with information about your Capstone Authorized Service Provider to
allow easier access.

Capstone Authorized Service Provider Contact Information

ASP Contact Name

The following information will help your Authorized Service Provider assist you.
System Information
MicroTurbine Model No.
System Serial No.
Fuel Type
Modem Phone No.

Options Installed, and

any configuration data

We would love to hear feedback about your experience with our products.
Please send e-mail to: [email protected]

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Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

– Maintenance Log –
Event Date Hours Starts

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Capstone Turbine Corporation
Model C65 Hybrid UPS User’s Manual

Reference Documents
Refer to the following table for a list of Capstone reference documents, as required.

Document Part No Description

400028 Hybrid UPS Controller User Manual
410013 CRMS User Manual
410081 Hybrid UPS Controller Technical Reference
410048 Model C65 Performance Technical Reference
410033 Protective Relay Functions Technical Reference
480014 Model C65 Integrated CHP Application Guide

Capstone Contact Information

If you have additional questions, please contact:

Capstone Applications
Toll Free Telephone: (866) 4-CAPSTONE or (866) 422-7786
Fax: (818) 734-5385
E-mail: [email protected]

Capstone Technical Suppor t

Toll Free Telephone: (877) 282-8966
Service Telephone: (818) 407-3600 • Fax: (818) 734-1080
E-mail: [email protected]

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