Sustainability 11 01683 PDF
Sustainability 11 01683 PDF
Sustainability 11 01683 PDF
The Impact of Social Media on Learning Behavior for
Sustainable Education: Evidence of Students from
Selected Universities in Pakistan
Jaffar Abbas 1,2, * , Jaffar Aman 2 , Mohammad Nurunnabi 3,4, * and Shaher Bano 2
1 Antai College of Economics and Management (ACEM), School of Media and Communication (SMC),
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), No. 800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 200240, China
2 School of Sociology and Political Science, Shanghai University, No. 99 Shangda Road, Baoshan District,
Shanghai 200444, China; [email protected] (J.A.); [email protected] (S.B.)
3 Department of Accounting, Prince Sultan University, P.O. Box 66833, Riyadh 11586, Saudi Arabia
4 St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 62 Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6JF, UK
* Correspondence: [email protected] (J.A.); [email protected] (M.N.)
Received: 9 February 2019; Accepted: 15 March 2019; Published: 20 March 2019
Abstract: In today’s world, social media is playing an indispensable role on the learning behavior
of university students to achieve sustainable education. The impact of social media on sustainable
education is becoming an essential and impelling factor. The world has become a global village and
technology use has made it a smaller world through social media and how it is changing instruction.
This original study is amongst the few to perform a focalized investigation on revealing the relationship
between positive and negative characteristics of social media and the learning attitude of university
students for sustainable education. However, this study aims to examine the constructive and adverse
factors that impact on students’ minds and how these helped students to share positive and negative
aspects with others. It is increasingly noticeable that social networking sites and their applications
present enormous benefits for as well as risks to university students and their implications on students’
psychological adjustment or learning behaviors are not well understood. This study adapted the cluster
sampling method, and respondents participated from five selected regions. Researchers distributed
1013 questionnaires among the targeted sample of university students with an age range of 16 to 35 years,
and they collected 831 complete/valid responses. This study applied the social gratification theory to
examine students’ behavior practicing social media usage. This study specifically identified 18 adversarial
and constructive factors of social media from the previous literature. The findings revealed that the
usage of social media in Pakistan has a negative influence on a student’s behavior as compared to
positive aspects. Results may not be generalized to the entire student community as findings are specific
to the specific respondents only. This study presents a relationship between antithetical and creative
characteristics of social media and exhibits avenues for future studies by facilitating a better understanding
of web-based social network use.
Keywords: social media; learning attitude; sustainable education; social networking; Pakistan
1. Introduction
In the modern era, social media and social networks drastically influence the student community,
and such technology is progressively becoming an everyday part of every individual’s life in modern
society [1]. Innovations are taking place rapidly in the field of information technologies and are being
introduced via numerous social media and networking websites. For example, Facebook, LinkedIn,
Twitter, and WhatsApp provide new-fangled social interaction patterns of communication, and some
of these methods of communication are neither directed nor reciprocated [2]. Indeed, users of social
media can read or see the online, self-published posts of their friends without direct interaction
with those friends [3]. This study examines how social media and web-based interactions impact
students’ communities in their daily lives [4,5]. Thus, social media refers to computer-mediated
technology facilitating the growth and sharing of ideas, awareness, career interests, information,
and other methods of expression through social networks and virtual communities [6]. The contents
generated by social media users, such as comments, posts, digital photos, video sharing, and all
online interaction data, are critical and represent the lifeblood of social networking and social media
sites [7]. Social media users typically access the services of social media via the internet or other
web-based technology on their laptops or desktop computers or by downloading applications that
extend the functionality of social media and social networks to mobile devices, such as smartphones or
tablets [8]. As a result of engagement with such services, social media users typically create highly
interactional platforms through which individual students or student organizations can share ideas,
co-create, modify, and discuss user-generated content or previous content posted online. Social media
directs the means of communication between students and other individuals, communities, and large
organizations, and such changes are the principal focus of emerging and innovative fields of
information technologies [9].
The most popular websites of social media users are Baidu, Facebook Tieba, LinkedIn, Instagram,
Pinterest, Twitter, Viber, WeChat, What’s App, Weibo, Wikia, and the associated messengers such as
Facebook Messenger [10]. Social networking represents a social structure that displays the different
settings of social actors—individuals, communities, and organizations—and encompasses the social
interactions and communications of those social actors [11]. Technological innovation has resulted in
both positive and negative changes in the discussion of culture and society. Ultimately, similar to any
powerful platform or advancement in innovation, social media and networking sites offer both adverse
and productive features to the community, and the influence of social media and social networking
sites have had a significant impact on students during their transition to adulthood [12]. One of the
constructive impacts of social media usage is the introduction of the public to user-generated data,
ideas, and programming at a relatively young age, which has encouraged additional technological
advancements and increased knowledge in student communities [13]. However, web-based social
networking and the pervasiveness of social media outlets have also heightened depression in students
and drastically changed the social atmosphere in which students develop and learn. This study aims
to further investigate the influence of social media on students’ learning and its impact on students’
communities. Ultimately, this study focused on exploring the impact of technological innovation on
students’ learning behavior, which plays an important role in students’ growth processes, and we
aimed to examine various issues relating to specific examples of social media use by Pakistani students
at selected universities. Web-based social networking is categorized as “gaining Internet-construct[ed]
tools or applications [that are] working based on innovative and philosophical Web 2.0 establishments,
and authoriz[ing] the creation and trading of consumer-produced content” [14].
This study examines the prior literature regarding social media technologies and investigates
its impact on students in the Pakistani context in order to address gaps in the literature. Thus, this
study aims to examine how social media relates to university students’ learning behavior and its
adverse and favorable consequences on psychological well-being. A thorough investigation of the
prior literature related to social media technologies revealed that such research studies are either rare
or non-existent. Moreover, the selected variables used in this study have not been used in prior studies.
Hence, this study is the first to attempt to fill the gap in the literature on the field of social media
technologies by exploring the relationship between the particular, selected variables. Therefore, this
study investigates the social media usage, viewpoints, the opinion of interest, problems of media usage,
and other issues of the respondents. This study illustrates the effects of increased access to information
and social media on 831 respondents from different regions of Pakistan, including issues regarding the
structure and usage of social networking, the reasons the respondents use social media, and how the
respondents view the positive and negative aspects of social networking sites. This study is organized
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1683 3 of 23
as follows. First, a literature review is presented, followed by an examination of our research methods.
Then, the data and data analysis is described, including a detailed discussion of the discoveries from
our investigation. Finally, our conclusions sum up the paper.
users, and it has spurred the creation of business opportunities and system correspondence [41].
Consistently, a large number of social media users distribute their articles, photographs, videos,
and recordings with the help of social media platforms, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, YouTube,
Flickr, and WordPress, and they share such information with others [42].
The phenomena of user-generated data or content reached new heights in 2005 with the
introduction of Web 2.0. Numerous specialists, driven by Tim O’Reilly, noted the mounting pattern
of information sharing among social media users that led to the formation of the site [37,43,44].
Thus, Web 2.0 has turned out to be more focused on the valuable sharing of information among users.
Ultimately, the best observation of the current social atmosphere refers to the relevant emerging social
media of the time, for instance, Facebook (2004), Twitter (2006), and WhatsApp [45]. Several scholars
have attempted to define social media, but the most adequate description and definition of social
media came from Andreas Kaplan and Michael Heinlein, and they also critically distinguished the
literature associated with social media.
Andreas Kaplan and Michael Heinlein depicted social media as a gathering of internet tools and
applications typically based on the philosophy underlying Web 2.0 and the mechanical establishments
that authorize the creation, sharing, and the trade of customer-produced content or site-generated data
of social media users. Social media provides platforms that enable university students and the rest of
the population to trade their ideas, thoughts, information, and conclusions; talk with each other about
the substance of information; and create contacts via social networking [38]. Hence, via social media,
individuals may plan content, have a sound idea involving information sharing, videos, pictures,
correspondence, or coordination based on joint efforts, and create social connections with others [46].
Social media incorporates websites, wikis, video- or photo-sharing sites, and other diverse platforms.
At present, participating in digital media sharing and social networking is not only beneficial, but it
also facilitates individual social interactions, as well as communication, by allowing users to building
brands and create professional opportunities [47]. The emerging and evolving concepts of social media
tools, usage, applications, and gratification encourage us to examine the relationship between social
media users and such technologies [48]. The uses and gratifications theory (UGT) refers to an approach
that helps to understand the logic behind why and how individuals actively seek out specific social
networking and media outlets for the satisfaction of their particular, personal goals [49]. In other
words, UGT is an audience-centered method for understanding the subject of mass communication [50].
This theory deviates from other, diverse, new methods and approaches for understanding social media
consequences that raise the question: what does new media do to specific individuals?
The theory of uses and gratification focuses on the actions of people and their responses to social
media. Using this approach, this communication theory refers to positivism, which is based on the
communication tradition of socio-psychology, and it focuses on individuals’ communication at the
media technologies scale. Several driving questions arise with respect to UGT: Why do people utilize
mass media? What does people’s usage of new media mean? Thus, this theory of UGT describes
the ways in which social media users deliberately prefer media platforms that will satisfy their given
desires and permit them to enhance their desired areas of interest, such as knowledge, relaxation,
friendship, information sharing, ideas, social interactions, entertainment, and escape. In this sense,
UGT is a human-centered approach focusing on new media, and it assumes that users have several
alternatives from which to choose, allowing them to select the option that best meets their particular
needs. Thus, UGT suggests that digital or social media users play an active role, and they know what
alternative option to choose in order to satisfy their required needs.
The popularity of social media applications and social networking sites have increased
precipitously during the last decade [17]. Typically, the reason for this rapid increase is that
teenagers and college and university students are using social media applications to gain global
access. These social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, are becoming the craze in our society
for everyone these days [33]. Today, students are relying increasingly on information and data that
is easily accessible on social networking sites and the internet [51]. This is the reason why students’
learning skills and research capabilities are decreasing in certain situations, as their engagement with
these sites reduces their focus, which causes them to dedicate less time to their studies and results in a
decline in their academic performance [52]. Typically, as students spend more time on social media,
they spend less time socializing face to face or in person with other people, and these habits reduce
their communication skills [53]. The wasting of students’ time on social media may also cause them to
miss deadlines on occasion [54]. As a result, students might not be able to communicate and socialize
effectively in person, and it is well known that strong communication skills are a key to success [53].
Moreover, excessive social media use affects students’ mental and physical health [55]. Students delay
their meals and fail to rest properly; instead, they consume excessive amounts of tea or coffee to
remain alert and active. This lifestyle has adverse effects on students’ mental and physical health.
Additionally, the daily overuse of social media is unhealthy, because it enables students to avoid
creating face-to-face bonds with people [56]. Parents are responsible for monitoring their children’s
use of social media, and they should be vigilant about whether their children use the internet for an
appropriate amount of time. Ultimately, educators and peers are also responsible for helping students
understand the adverse effects of social media on health, and they should make students aware of
what they can lose in the real world when they spend excessive amounts of time on social media
sites [57].
The adverse effects of these social networking sites outweigh the positive ones. Thus, these sites
have caused potential harm to society. Students become victims of social networks more often than
anyone else. This may be because social media is an attractive way for students to avoid boredom
while they are studying or searching their course material online, diverting their attention from their
work [58]. Social media platforms have also been criticized for revealing and fueling negativity, which
has a net-negative effect on students. For instance, the following social media platforms have been
ranked from the most to the least negative based on user evaluations: Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat,
and Instagram. Users have described Instagram, in particular, as having a negative effect on people by
causing stress and tension on individuals’ bodies. According to Steven Strogatz of Cornell University,
online networking can make it more difficult for people to identify meaningful communication
from other diverse interactions or connections created via web-based social networks [59]. Such a
reduction in the number of significant connections may intimidate individuals, making them fear the
development of important interactions and communication. Online networks also affect adolescents’
and individuals’ health when they excessive use of social media [55,60].
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1683 6 of 23
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 23
Figure 1.
Figure Chart displaying
1. Chart displaying positive
positive media
media factors
factors (PMF)
(PMF) and
and negative
negative media
media factors
factors (NMF)
(NMF) [61–64].
Social media
mediausage usageis aisuseful tool tool
a useful for improving
for improving the social
the capital
social of citizens,
capital of as it can strengthen
citizens, as it can
existing social relationships, help them to stay connected and to keep
strengthen existing social relationships, help them to stay connected and to keep in touch, in touch, stay well informstaythem
inform them about longstanding connections and activities, and create new contacts [65]. As this
longstanding connections and activities, and create new contacts [65]. As the youths of the
youths of this are generation
growing up, they
are are actively
growing up, they making good relationships
are actively making good with different types
relationships withof people
types of social
through[66].socialThus, social [66].
networks networks
Thus,havesocialboth positivehave
networks and adverse effectsand
both positive on students
and other young people, and the ultimate effect on a student depends on
effects on students and other young people, and the ultimate effect on a student depends on his/her his/her behavior. The positive
behavior. of The
media includes
impact ofseveral aspects,includes
social media such as several
social interaction,
aspects, such staying connected
as social with
friends, exchanging useful information with others through
staying connected with friends, exchanging useful information with others through socialsocial networking sites, and access to
sites that allow
networking students
sites, to find
and access to online support
sites that allowthat may betomissing
students find onlinein traditional
support thatrelationships [60,64].
may be missing
in traditional relationships [60,64]. During this phase of critical development in their livessocial
this phase of critical development in their lives and careers, students also turn to and
networking sites for advice and new information on how to satisfy
careers, students also turn to social networking sites for advice and new information on how to their professional goals.
satisfyIn their
the literature,
goals.scholars have investigated the topic of social media, and many theories
and research models have been
In the literature, several scholars developed to describe the
have investigated social networking
topic and students’
of social media, and many behaviors,
but the most prominent theories supporting such studies of social
and research models have been developed to describe social networking and students’ behaviors, media include the theory of
personal behavior, the theory of social behavior, and communication
but the most prominent theories supporting such studies of social media include the theory of theory. This study considered
behavior, thetheories:
theory ofthe theory
social of the and
behavior, magic bullet, the theory
communication theory.of uses and gratification,
This study considered
and the theory of technological determinism, respectively [67].
three communication theories: the theory of the magic bullet, the theory of uses and Prolonged sitting is considered to be
one of the most dangerous factors affecting human health, making adolescents,
and the theory of technological determinism, respectively [67]. Prolonged sitting is considered to be in particular, more
one of the most to various diseases,
dangerous factorsbecause
affectingthey sit forhealth,
human extended hoursadolescents,
making using socialinnetworking
particular, more sites,
and the pervasiveness of the negative impact of prolonged sitting is growing
susceptible to various diseases, because they sit for extended hours using social networking sites, every year. Many health
concerns are associated with
and the pervasiveness of the actions that people
negative impact typically
of prolongedperform whileissitting
sitting growingandevery
year. on Many
health concerns sitesare
or associated
other smart devices,
with actionsand thatmany
people people neglect
typically to heed
perform information
while sitting andregarding
such issues. Similarly, people demand scientific facts for why
on social networking sites or other smart devices, and many people neglect to heed social media negatively impacts health,
and because
regarding suchit has not Similarly,
issues. been proven to have
people demandany relation
brain forscience as research
why social media isnegatively
people are not convinced. The American Academy of Pediatrics has
impacts health, and because it has not been proven to have any relation to brain science as research already cautioned the publicis
ongoing, people are not convinced. The American Academy of Pediatrics has already cautioned the
public about the probable negative impacts of online networking and social media usage in
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1683 7 of 23
about the probable negative impacts of online networking and social media usage in adolescents
and youths, because some young people have been shown to use social media for negative purposes,
such as digital tormenting and excessive use of social media has also led to the phenomenon of
“Facebook despondency”. Thus, parallel dangers might affect the health of adults, transcending age.
There has been some research demonstrating that web-based social networking and online media use
are harmful to mental prosperity and that, in some ways, it can be harming to one’s overall health.
Several scholars and specialists have mentioned that online networking may affect health, and they
advise people to aim for a balanced use of social media [68]. A survey conducted by Nottingham
Trent University explored the intersection of mental abilities, personal identity, and online social
networking use. The authors presumed that it is possible to have a dialogue about social media
use, particularly “Facebook Addiction Disorder”. Regardless of personal lifestyle, idealism, mental
distraction, the inclination of changing resilience, personal encounters, and disguising addictive
behavior towards technology, the group of people who suffer from such an addiction utilize social
networks excessively. The survey interestingly found that the reasons people are inspired to overutilize
friendly communities vary based upon the specific qualities of the person in question, because such
individuals often have narcissistic characteristics [69].
Another undesirable effect of social networks is that people can became dependent on it, and when
people spend a lot of time on social media, it can diminish their focus and attention on a specific
job. Social networks can also directly influence children when people share photos and videos on
that depict violence and shocking images that can disturb the behavior of children or adolescents.
Social networks may even cause larger societal harm by attacking people’s privacy. Social ties also
affect family life, and such ties are weakened when people spend more time on social networking
sites interacting with online friends. Furthermore, people who share their photos, videos, and other
information on social networks may have a difficult time preventing others from reusing such content
in an undesirable way [70]. Some scholars have described the structure that new media sites should
follow, and they have discovered resemblances between social networks, individuals and community
observations, and belief. The study of theories on this topic attempts to regulate the association
between students’ communities and their day-to-day use of the internet and collaborative media to
highlight strategies for managing future use based on people’s experiences [4,19]. Table 1 presents
theories that could be favorable for future social media studies below.
Table 1. Cont.
earlier research to determine the positive and negative elements of social media that characteristically
influence students and other groups of society. These critical social media factors were identified
during a pilot survey and classified into two sets, namely, positive and negative factors. The Table 2
below displays these factors as follows.
Characteristics of Demographics
Regions Male Female 16–20 21–25 26–30 31–35 Total
Gilgit–Baltistan 55 100 44 65 35 11 155
KPK Prov. 60 150 80 50 75 5 160
Punjab Prov. 80 170 70 90 50 40 250
Sindh Prov. 100 80 80 50 40 10 180
Baluchistan 24 12 15 10 10 1 36
Total 319 512 289 265 210 67 831
Note: Prov. = Province.
3. Results
3.1. Perceptions of the Impact of Social Media on the Sustainable Development of Education.
We interviewed 42 Ph.D. students with computer science backgrounds from various universities
to get their fair and expert opinions regarding the impact of social media on the learning behavior of
university students with respect to the issue of sustainable educational development. This section
presents the findings of these expert interviews on the impact of social media. Almost 65% of the
technology experts stated that social media plays an indispensable role in the learning process of
university students in Pakistan, while 35% of experts noted that although they favor the use of social
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1683 11 of 23
media, they believe that students do not perform well in the learning process as a result of using social
media. These results provide a clear indication of the significance of social media on learning behavior
in select Pakistani universities.
Social Media Types Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent (%)
Facebook and What’s App 341 41.0 41.0 41.0
Skype and Twitter 96 11.6 11.6 52.6
Webchat and Snape Chat 65 7.8 7.8 60.4
YouTube 263 31.6 31.6 92.1
All 66 7.9 7.9 100.0
Total 831 100.0 100.0
Table 6. Mean scores (M), and std. deviation (N = 831) of positive factors of social media.
Table 7. Mean scores (M), and std. deviation (N = 831) of negative factors of social media.
Table 8. Positive factors of social media use, mean scores, SD, code-significance, significance and (Y/N).
Table 9 displays the findings that the second group of respondents showed a higher level of
interest in the importance of all the vital factors of social media use as compared with the group
1 respondents. The respondents of group 1 and group 2 believed that the use of social media and
web-based social networking have a positive and negative influence on students’ behavior, and to
some extent, influence the social behavior of students.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1683 13 of 23
Table 9. Shows negative factors of social media use, Mean scores, SD, code-significance, significance
and (Y/N).
Table 10. Shows positive factors among groups 1, 2 and 3 with mean (M) F value, and sig. diff. codes.
Sr. No. Positive Factors Group 1 (Mean) Group 2 (Mean) Group 3 (Mean) F Sign. Diff. (Y/N)
1 PMF1 3.8119 4.1432 3.9819 4.506 0.011 Y
2 PMF2 2.9450 2.6600 2.6928 4.120 0.017 Y
3 PMF3 3.7431 4.1432 4.0241 6.728 0.001 Y
4 PMF4 4.3716 3.9575 4.1205 8.969 0.000 Y
5 PMF5 3.8211 4.1432 3.3313 4.736 0.009 Y
6 PMF6 3.3670 3.3423 4.0120 0.054 0.948 N
7 PMF7 4.0138 4.1432 2.7952 0.970 0.380 N
8 PMF8 3.0550 2.4094 4.0361 19.527 0.000 Y
9 PMF9 3.8532 4.1432 4.0120 3.519 0.030 Y
Note: Table shows positive factors of social media use, among group 1, 2 and 3 with mean scores, F value,
and sig. codes.
Table 11. Shows positive factors of SM among group 1, 2 & 3 with mean scores, F value, and significant
difference code.
Sr. No. Positive Factors Group 1 (Mean) Group 2 (Mean) Group 3 (Mean) F Sign. Diff. (Y/N)
1 PMF1 3.8119 4.1432 3.9819 4.506 0.011 Y
2 PMF2 2.9450 2.6600 2.6928 4.120 0.017 Y
3 PMF3 3.7431 4.1432 4.0241 6.728 0.001 Y
4 PMF4 4.3716 3.9575 4.1205 8.969 0.000 Y
5 PMF5 3.8211 4.1432 3.3313 4.736 0.009 Y
6 PMF6 3.3670 3.3423 4.0120 0.054 0.948 N
7 PMF7 4.0138 4.1432 2.7952 0.970 0.380 N
8 PMF8 3.0550 2.4094 4.0361 19.527 0.000 Y
9 PMF9 3.8532 4.1432 4.0120 3.519 0.030 Y
Note: The positive factors of social media use, among groups 1, 2 and 3 with mean scores, F value, and sig. codes.
This study has tested one one-way analysis of variance, called one-way ANOVA to examine
the significant difference of viewpoints among three selected groups and this technique is applied
to compare the mean scores of these three groups [122]. Correspondingly, the ANOVA method is
used to measure whether respondents’ viewpoints are consistent with each selected study variables.
There was a high degree of disagreement among the groups if the significant amount is less than 0.05.
In contrast, if the considerable value is higher than 0.05, there is no disagreement between the two
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1683 14 of 23
groups [124]. The significant values are calculated by applying the statistical tool SPSS version 25,
and the results are shown in the table below.
Table 12. Social media negative factors among groups 1, 2 and 3 with mean scores, F value, and sig.
diff. Code.
Sr. No. Negative Factors Group 1 (Mean) Group 2 (Mean) Group 3 (Mean) F Sign. Diff. (Y/N)
1 NMF1 4.0688 4.1432 2.1867 0.679 0.507 Y
2 NMF2 2.3394 2.1477 3.9819 2.411 0.090 N
3 NMF3 3.8119 4.1432 3.9819 4.506 0.011 Y
4 NMF4 4.0550 4.1432 2.1145 0.969 0.380 N
5 NMF5 2.3807 2.1477 4.2952 4.433 0.012 Y
6 NMF6 3.8119 4.1432 2.8133 7.304 0.001 Y
7 NMF7 3.1972 2.3557 4.0663 37.942 0.000 Y
8 NMF8 3.9266 4.1432 2.7410 1.953 0.143 Y
9 NMF9 2.7294 2.6600 3.9819 0.429 0.652 N
Note: Group 1 = Bachelor degree, Group 2 = Master degree, Group 3 = Professional & Distance learning students
with age range 16 to 35 years.
We used one-way ANOVA to examine the significant difference of viewpoints among three
selected groups, and this technique was applied to compare the mean scores of these three groups [122].
Correspondingly, the ANOVA method was used to measure whether the respondents’ viewpoints
are consistent with each selected study variables. If the significant amount is less than 0.05, then the
results show a high degree of disagreement among the groups. In contrast, if the considerable value is
higher than 0.05, there is no disagreement between the two groups [124]. The significant values were
calculated by applying the statistical tool SPSS version 25, and the results are shown below.
4. Discussion
This research presents new empirical findings regarding social media usage, and it aimed to
examine the effects of social media on university students’ learning behavior and social change [32].
The aim of this study is supported by the prior literature, as social media has become a vital element of
education, and it has become increasingly important in both course delivery and course assessments.
The work of Stathopoulou et al. (2019) revealed that incorporating social media in education has a
positive impact on students’ deep learning experience. Social media is a supporting tool for students
during the learning process, and it is helpful for educators as well. However, teachers and parents
have been advised to maintain a healthy balance when allowing the use of social media, as excessive
use may result in adverse effects on students [33]. These study findings revealed that social media
has both positive and negative impacts on students’ learning processes, and a balanced approach is
recommended while using social media applications [3,125]. The results of the study by Balakrishnan
and Gan (2016) showed that student enrollment positively impacts learning performance, and learning
motivation positively influences students [126]. Another study revealed that emerging social media
applications encourage students to use social media for learning based on students’ different learning
styles [51]. Scholars have examined social media to determine its potential use for practitioners of
technical communication [127], while social media has broader effects for students in classrooms [128].
In her research article about building a case study on technology, Bernadette Longo stated that
social media is an integral part of the large and complex social networks that make up human
technologies [129]. In social media, influential people are typically those exerting strong influences on
peers to change their behavior, attitudes, and interaction [130,131]. Social computing facilitates social
influencing behavioral research, and it is concerned with social behavior [132]. The analysis of a social
network is a popular technique to assess social media users’ social influence identification [133–135].
Previous study evidence revealed that social media use has a relationship with mental health
in young students. Female students showed more symptoms of depression than males [55].
Excessive social media use may cause depression, stress, and anxiety among students [60,63] and may
increase cyber-bullying [16], the wasting of time [17], and health hazards in a student’s life [120,121].
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1683 15 of 23
According to a 2015 survey on social media influences on students’ social behavior in the USA, 60%
of youths use social media 2 h per day. Ultimately, excessive social media use is linearly linked with
real-life social isolation, and it impacts social behavior negatively [136]. By February 2017, Snapchat
use had reached 79% engagement among the younger generations [137,138]. In Hong Kong, almost
96% of people using smartphones browse the internet daily, which is the highest percentage in Asian
countries [120]. In the proceedings of the 10th International Conference SCSM 2018, it was concluded
that social media users experience a change in social behavior by using social media excessively, raising
privacy, motivation, isolation and ethical issues [139].
Here, the strengths of this study include the large and diversified sample of Pakistani adult
students from selected universities, the social media survey, and the validated depression, anxiety,
and stress measures overlapping with the symptoms of such health issues [29,30]. Prospective research
studies are suggested to determine whether the excessive use of social media creates a causal risk of
stress, anxiety depression, and other health symptoms and whether the negative aspects of social media
are related to health impairment [60]. Regarding the positive contribution of social media, social media
applications in the medical field, educational institutions, service organizations, fashion industry,
tourism, and social interactions are helpful [140]. The technical contributions of social media are vast.
An earlier study examined the structure of socio-technical systems, and the influence of particular
social and technological features of social media on users’ inclination to donate to content creators
via social media campaigns. The technical contribution of social media show that it is an important
platform of socio-technical information [141]. The findings of a study on “massive open online courses”
(MOOCs) demonstrated the improved performance of students when they participate in the learning
process through social media platforms. It also showed that the involvement of social media and
technology in learning programs is helpful in reducing the drop-out rates of students. Online courses
are growing, and students are increasingly opting to take such courses. From 1998–2008, student
enrollment in online education increased by 150% in the USA, and MOOCs, similar to Coursera, have
served nearly 1.3 million students in India. Almost 70% of Indian students use smartphones, forming
a massive target group of the MOOC study [142]. In her preliminary results on learning outcomes via
social media and technology effectiveness, Maria Joseph Israel (2015) discussed the effect of social
media on students and teachers in the blended MOOC format [143].
5. Conclusions
This research focused to investigate the positive and adverse effects of social media on students’
learning environment. In the current era, the traditional teaching “models” and learning environment
receive heavy criticism because of their inability to provide students room for variation [144,145],
and the incredibly increasing popularity of social media has made the transition to supplementary
flexible models of teaching a necessity [145]. This work contributes to the pertinent literature by
investigating social media use based on the data of this population. This study argues that it is a novel
contribution to scientific knowledge as there was no prior existing literature evidence that bridges and
integrates the students’ views on the adoption of social media as a supporting tool in higher education.
Students and educators are recognized as the most pertinent stakeholders from an educational point
of view as these two-use social medial applications to facilitate learning environment and co-creation
of knowledge [146].
The positive aspects of social media include its technical contribution to educational institutions
and several industries, such as health, services, tourism, and communities. The positive characteristics
include the sharing of opinions with others; the raising of awareness; the sharing of knowledge;
the building of relationships, identity, reputation, and contacts; the improving of social influence;
and the development of other communication skills. Social media is increasing across the world,
and an increasing number of adolescents, student communities, and others are joining these
social media sites to interact with friends, family, and strangers. Social media influences human
behavior, and technological advancements have contributed technically to improve learning and
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1683 16 of 23
social interactions, information sharing, and the receipt of updates through social networks.
Social media applications are beneficial in educational institutions, medical sciences, and business
firms. Social media has significantly transformed over the last decade the ways in which people, social
communities, and other organizations create, share, and consume information. The emergence of
social media has shaped the world in many ways, and it has been affecting people of all walks of life.
The adverse factors of social media, such as depression, stress, anxiety, and other health problems,
explored in this study influence the student communities of Pakistan. Students of selected universities
preferred to utilize social media for creating awareness, reducing stress, gaining useful information,
and making new friends. In contrast, some students spend excessive time on social media, resulting in
great amounts of wasted time [17]. One dangerous result of the reliance on online technology is that
some fraudulent institutes have provided a bogus degree through online learning, and students fall into
their trap. Moreover, some students use online jargon while completing homework and writing exams
and papers, suggesting that social media and social networks have blurred the difference between
formal and informal writing [31]. The excessive use of social media makes students emotionally and
physically imbalanced and results in dull or irritable behavior. Considering the pros and cons of social
media, students’ parents should impose regulations on their children’s use of social media, as the
negative impact of social media may affect a student’s educational performance [32]. These findings
are useful to encourage parents to keep an eye on their children, because excessive use of social media
is harmful to adolescents. This balanced approach is useful, because using social media during the
learning process provides benefits to students. However, the adverse effects of social media might
cause health damage with disproportionate use [33]. Typically, students prefer to communicate with
classmates and friends in person. Students may experience fraud or scams during the use of social
media, as social sites are used from time to time to take advantage of other users. Social media
has drastically and negatively influenced students by setting unrealistic expectations and causing
stressful situations. Such adverse impacts may cause health issues with excessive social media use,
such as anxiety, stress and depression disorders, brainwashing, the absorption of fake news, marriages
breakups, trolling, cyberbullying, privacy abuses, online witch hunts, and the wasting of time [17,147].
In this study, a conceptual model was experimentally tested by surveying real users of social
media after a comprehensive review of technology acceptance, technology addiction, and meetings
with student communities at select universities. The findings reveal that technology acceptance,
its ease of use, and its perceived benefits play a decisive role in students’ decisions to use social
media. These findings suggest that taking a balanced approach to social media can help avoid the
negative health consequences of excessive social media use. Government officials can also benefit
from these findings, and they can take appropriate measures to protect the health of students and
others in society from the excessive use of social media. In short, student communities described their
observations of online posts or content that encouraged them to develop behaviors to prevent adverse
emotional responses. Future research should investigate additional factors to expand on the elements
already used in this study to gain additional insight into students’ attitudes towards the sustainable
consumption of social media. Further investigations should also explore the effects of specific social
networking platforms, including Facebook, WeChat, What’s App, and Twitter. Moreover, similar
studies can be conducted by including other age groups besides university students or by examining
other cities in Pakistan.
Author Contributions: J.A. (Jaffar Abbas) has conceptualized the idea, completed Literature, Introduction,
Discussion Conclusion and edited the original manuscript, J.A. (Jaffar Aman) has drafted methodology and
analysis section, S.B. collected data and helped resource. M.N. has reviewed the edited manuscript and
provided resource.
Funding: The authors are thankful to Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) for approving the research funding
from his research budget of the financing for conducting research, the rigorous process of data collection, and other
associated costs for this study.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1683 17 of 23
Acknowledgments: Special thanks to MDPI professional language editing services to ensure that English grammar
is free of mistakes for this manuscript. Jinzu Ling and Prof. Li Ben-qian supervised the project. The authors also
acknowledge the support from BSE Lab, Prince Sultan University.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors are well informed about the study’s objectives and provided consent and have
declared that they have no competing interest.
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