Multiple Intelligence Test
Multiple Intelligence Test
Where does your true intelligence lie? This quiz will tell you where you stand and
what to do about it. Read each statement. If it expresses some characteristic of
yours and sounds true for the most part, jot down a "T." If it doesn't, mark an "F." If
the statement is sometimes true, sometimes false, leave it blank:
11. I always understand the directions that come with new gadgets or
16. I often see patterns and relationships between numbers faster and easier
than others.
19. I can look at an object one way and see it sideways or backwards just as
23. I like to hum, whistle and sing in the shower or when I'm alone.
28. I stay "in touch" with my moods. I have no trouble identifying them.
A - Linguistic
Q7 Q14 Q25
Q8 Q18 Total
B - Logical/Mathmatic
Q4 Q11 Q21
Q5 Q16 Total
C - Musical
Q2 Q20
D - Spacial
Q1 Q12 Q22
Q9 Q19 Total
E - Bodily/Kinesthetic
Q6 Q15 Q24
F - Intra-Personal
Q26 Q30
Q28 Total
G - Inter-Personal
Q29 Total
deeply inside setting goals, mediating, secret places, time alone, self-paced
Intrapersonal themselves dreaming, being quiet. projects, choices.
The following list provides a survey of the techniques and materials that can be employed in
teaching through the multiple intelligences.
Linguistic Intelligence
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
mathematical problems on the board quantifications and calculations
Socratic questioning computer programming languages
scientific demonstrations science thinking
logical problem-solving exercises logical-sequential presentation of subject
creating codes matter
logic puzzles and games Piagetian cognitive stretching exercises
classifications and categorizations Heuristic
Spatial Intelligence
charts, graphs, diagrams, and maps visual thinking exercises
visualization graphic symbols
photography using visual organisers like mind maps
videos, slides, and movies computer graphics software
visual puzzles and mazes visual awareness activities
3-D construction kits optical illusions
art appreciation color cues
imaginative storytelling telescopes, microscopes, and binoculars
picture metaphors visual awareness activities
creative daydreaming computer-aided design software
painting, collage, visual arts picture literacy experiences
idea sketching
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
creative movement, mime cooking, gardening, and other "messy"
hands-on thinking activities
field trips manipulatives
the classroom teacher virtual reality software
competitive and cooperative games kinesthetic concepts
physical awareness and relaxation exer- physical education activities
cises communicating with body language/ hand
all hands-on activities signals
crafts tactile materials and experiences
body maps body answers
use of kinesthetic imagery
Musical Intelligence
Interpersonal Intelligence
cooperative groups community involvement
interpersonal interaction apprenticeships
conflict mediation simulations
peer teaching academic clubs
board games interactive software
cross-age tutoring parties / social gatherings as context for
group brainstorming sessions learning
peer sharing people sculpting
Intrapersonal Intelligence