Career Preference and Influences Affecting Senior High School Students

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Output Presented to

Mrs. Maria Andrea Tabernilla, LPT, MEL

Senior High School - Binalbagan Catholic College

Binalbagan, Negros Occidental


Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in Research Report


Daisy Lyn A. Badilla
Josell V. Cainoy
Rhea May Docto
Jorema Mae A. Eboseo
Cindy L. Macam
Nicole M. Lopez
Ma. Alexcel T. Jain
Eunilyn Martinez
John Maynard P. Pojas
Edzel Rey V. Solibel

March, 2018

This study had made through the guide and support of the Lord Almighty. In gratitude, the

researchers would like to thank the following:

Mr. Ronel H. Sapu-an, Ed.D., for the time and expertise in validating the research survey

that greatly helped the researchers in improving the research. Also, a warm thank you for helping

the researchers with the data analysis.

Mrs. Maria Andrea Tabernilla, Research Report adviser for the help in formulating the

research study, effort, time, brilliant ideas, and constant guidance all throughout the process.

Mrs. Lovelight C. Villanueva, Research in Daily Life II adviser for spearheading the

research study.

Mr. George Ereso, for the help in data analysis and data treatment of data gathered. Mr.

Carlo S. Ebeto, CPA and Mr. Agustin P. Baquereza Jr., for the time in validating the research

survey questionnaire.

Special thanks to Joseph C. Mag-aso Jr. for helping the researchers in data analysis and

furnishing of research paper. A sincere thank you for the knowledge imparted with the researchers

and for constant advices.

Above all, to the Almighty Father whose passionate love unconditionally transcends in

the existence of the endless gratitude.


This research aims to determine the career preferences of the incoming senior high

students (Grade 10) of Binalbagan Catholic College (BCC). This study also seeks to provide data

about the track and strand preferences and degree of influence of the factors affecting student’s

career choices, namely; personality, job opportunities and other identified external factors such as

family/relatives, accessibility of school, school’s level of accreditation and scholarship

opportunities and programs. The whole Grade 10 students of Binalbagan Catholic College – Junior

High School composed of six (6) sections with a total of 251 population were the participants in

this study. The proponents used an adapted questionnaire from Don Bosco Technological Institute

to gather data from respondents. The results show that Engineering is top career choice of students

with 57 totals, also findings show that majority of students in BCC will enroll in Academic Track

for senior high school. Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is the most

preferred track strand choice. The results explicitly illustrate that personality is the leading factor

that impacts student’s career choice. Using the results, the researchers recommend that a career

guidance program is to be developed for the career assessment in choosing a career path. The

researchers suggest that the school will look for opportunity in offering top preferred courses.

Business and Accountancy, Education and Management were also among the choices of students,

the proponents of this research suggest that the school administration should upgrade these

following college programs through the continuing enhancement of program standards to promote

an excellent public impression that will influence students and parents in choosing Binalbagan

Catholic College.
Research Outline: (PRACTICAL RESEARCH)

Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms


Local Review
Foreign Review


Research Design
Data Analysis
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3


Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
Table 7



Survey Questionnaire
Consent Form
Request for Validation
Validity and Reliability Results
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

The Philippines is one of the three countries remaining in the world, namely Djibouti and

Angola in Africa, and the only remaining country in Asia with a 10-year pre-university program

(DepEd,2012). This short period makes it difficult for Filipinos to be competitive with other

countries that have at least 12 years of basic education. The majority who do not go to college are

too young to enter the labor force, thus, they would either be unemployed to set up businesses or

cannot legally enter into contracts.

School years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 are a turning point in the educational system of

the Philippines. This is because of the addition of the 2-year senior high school level which

comprise grades 11 and 12 to fully implement the final phase of DepEd’s K-12 program, also

known as RA 10533 or the Basic Education Act all throughout the country. The Philippine

government declared the start of a fundamental overhaul of the country’s educational system under

a policy called K-12 Program in 2012 (Okabe, 2013).

The implementation of K-12 program of Department of Education covers Kindergarten

and twelve years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High

School, and two years of Senior High School) that is designed to provide sufficient time for

mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary

education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

Students career success can be best attained if proper guidance is given in choosing the

right course in college suited to student’s personality, ability and intellect.

Career guidance is widely accepted as a powerful and effective method of bridging the gap

between education and the world of work (Ibrahim et. al, 2014). The process of making choice is

complex and unique for each individual’s milieu (2012).

In connection with this, the researchers aim to determine the career preferences of

incoming senior high school students of Binalbagan Catholic College. This study seeks to provide

information about the preferred track and strand of students. Also, the researchers seek to

determine the degree of influence of factors to students in selecting a career track.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the career preferences and influences affecting the incoming

senior high school students (Grade 10) of Binalbagan Catholic College school year 2018-2019.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the career preference of incoming Senior High School students of Binalbagan

Catholic College during the S.Y. 2018-2019?

2. What is the preferred career track or strand of incoming senior high school of incoming

senior high school students of Binalbagan Catholic College during the S.Y. 2018-2019?

3. What is the degree of influence in selecting a career track of the incoming Senior High

School students of Binalbagan Catholic College during the S.Y. 2018-2019 on aspects such

as: a.) personality, b.) job opportunities, and c.) identified external factors?
Theoretical Framework

Career decision making is considered to be a vital skill that can be used during one’s

lifetime. Choosing a course track should consider different factors in order to come to a virtuous

decision. There are factors that influence the student’s track and strand preferences and this study

seek to determine degree of influence created by these factors in student’s career choice. The study

supported by Krumboltz’ social learning model composed of numerous cognitive processes,

interactions in the environment and personal characteristics can affect a person career decision. In

his theory Krumboltz emphasized the importance of learning experiences in choosing a career

path. Frank Parson concluded the idea of matching careers to talents, skills and personality. People

perform best when are in jobs best suited to abilities that agreed on the social learning theory of

Krumboltz. Parson states the occupational decision making occurs when people have achieved an

accurate understanding of an individual traits (aptitude, interests, personal abilities) a knowledge

of jobs and the labor market rational and objective judgement about the relationship between an

individual trait, and the labor market. Splaver (2007) stated that it is important for students to have

a good understanding of themselves, personality, if they are to make intelligent career plans.

Splaver matched careers with abilities and urged that students to become familiar with their

personality in order to guide their career choice. The rationale of the theories and studies

represented shows support the present study about the career preferences and the factors affecting

incoming senior high school students career choice.

Conceptual Framework

The figure below illustrates the factors that influences incoming Senior High School

student’s career choice. These factors namely; personality (interest, traits and attributes, life
experience/s), Job opportunities and identified external factors (parents/relatives, distance of

school from house, level of school accreditation and scholarships grants and programs).

 Personal Factors
(Interest, traits and
attributes, life- Career
experience/s) Preferences of
Senior High
School Students
 Job

 External Factors
distance of school
from house, level of
school accreditation
and scholarship
grants and programs

Significance of the Study

This study will have significance to several areas:

Students as the prospective Senior High School learners. This research will be beneficial

as a preparation for what they are planning to pursue in Senior High School. The findings may

provide a useful tool for self-discovery by providing a framework for assessing appropriate future

college course choices and career decision making ability.

The school administration will also benefit from this study by obtaining information

gathered by the researchers about the track and strand preferences of the incoming senior high

school students. Moreover, survey findings from students can help the school in enhancing its
career guidance program and to assess self-evaluation and improvement of education quality to

have a positive public impression to influence student’s choice to enroll in Binalbagan Catholic

College Senior High School program.

Future Researchers this research will be a useful reference for the researchers that would

plan to conduct related study.

Researchers as beginners in this field, this will help the researchers of acquiring more

knowledge about the topic.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study aims to determine the career preferences and influences affecting incoming

senior high school students of Binalbagan Catholic College for the school year 2018-2019.

Definitions of Terms

The proponents defined the following terms with regards to the context of the study:

ABM stands for Accountancy, Business and Management designed to prepare students

who are inclined to take college degrees related to business and management programs, ABM, will

be about the basic principle of the various function areas of business such as marketing, finance,

accounting and entrepreneurship.

Accreditation the action or process of officially recognizing someone as having a particular

status or being qualified to perform a particular activity.

Career an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with

opportunities for progress

Career Path
HUMSS stands for Humanities and Social Sciences designed to effectively prepare

students who seek to pursue a college degree on liberal education.

Interests these are the qualities or things that attract one’s attention and make him/her want

to learn more about something or to be involved/engaged in something.

K-12 Program it covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (6 years of primary

education, 4 years of Junior High School and 2 years of Senior High School).

Opportunities these are favorable juncture of circumstances. In this study, opportunities

would refer to the circumstances favorable employment or pursuing a career, e.g. location, trends,

high pay, etc.

Personality refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling

and behaving.

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics designed to prepare

students who express keen interest in taking college degrees applying engineering, science, math

and technology to solve problems in a real-world context.

Strand is the subject specialization of the college course you will take. Examples are

HUMSS, STEM, GAS and ABM for Academic tracks.

Senior High School covers the last two years of the K-12 program includes grades 11 and


Track is defined as a set of possible course selections available to a specific group of

students such as Academic, Arts and Design, Sports, Technical Vocational Livelihood.
Chapter 2


This chapter presents a selection of literature and studies relevant to the concept of the

present study. It analyzes studies and materials both printed and online to provide sufficient

background and information essential for the accomplishment of this study. The literature gathered

discusses about the factors that affect career preferences/choices, namely: personality, job

opportunities and other identified external factors such as family, distance of house from school,

level of school accreditation, and scholarship grants and programs.

Senior High School

Starting from the school year 2012-2013, the education system of the Philippines was

enhanced from the ten years of basic education to a 12-year program through an initiative called

the K-12 Education Plan sponsored by the Department of Education (Cruz, 2016). The K-12

program offers a decongested 12-year program that gives students sufficient time to master skills

and absorb basic competencies. The K-12 program accelerates mutual recognition of Filipino

graduates and professionals in other countries (DepEd, 2015). Each student in Senior High School

can choose among three tracks: Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, Sports track, and

Arts and Design. The Academic track is composed of three strands: Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), and Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

The following are the factors affecting incoming senior high students in choosing what

career pathways they will take:


Personality plays an important role in choosing career path to take. Splaver (2007) stated

that it is important for students to have a good understanding of themselves, their personality, if

they are to make intelligent career plans. Managing one’s career is critical not only for those soon

to be entering the labor market but, similarly, those starting to make the early stages of their college

degree (Jackson, 2015). How students have seen themselves in a role in which personality is a

determining factor may influence a chosen career. Research suggests that there is a significant

relationship between personality type and career choices but in practice wrong career choice are

made due to the ignorance of specific personality type of the individuals (Hirschi et al., 2010;

Onoyase & Onoyase, 2009). Some careers demand that you have the personality to match the

qualities of the occupation. Fatoki (2014) findings show that the most important determinants of

the career choice of students are the interest in the course. Beggs (2018) supported Fatoki research

findings but added academic ability and skills can also influence student’s course preference.

Previous experiences can also influence students career choice, Krumboltz’ social learning theory

address positive experience of doing things brings positive self-esteem. This would imply that

understanding what roles a person is best suited to base on his/her personality is what will make

him/her the happiest at work (Harzer, et. al, 2012).

Job Opportunities

Unemployment rate in the Philippines reached 7.1 % in 2013 commonly associated with

the misfit graduates produced by universities and colleges that do not fit the demand of the present

economy. This could be due to the wrong choice of course of students brought about by unguided

career decision -making. In lined with this, Filipino students tend to consider first the availability
of work in choosing a career path to take (Pascual, 2014). Wildman & Torres (2013) suggested

that some of the students even look ahead of the retirement. The earning potential of the chosen

profession influences students’ career path decision, one aspect of choosing a career is more

financially rewarding than another, or that working the way through the ranks holds greater

financial incentive than staying in the same job. Investigating for career opportunities is well

worth taking time (Mind Tools, 2014). Career opportunity influence how students have perceived

future in terms of the reasonable probability of a future career field (McQuerrey, 2014). Job

opportunities can be a factor that has shaped career choices for students in choosing what track

and strand preferences in Senior High School they will take.

Other Identified External Factors

The choice of career of the students is being influenced by some factors from the social

environment, mainly the parents as immediate family who plays an active role in choosing the

right education for their children (Pafili & Mylonakis, 2011). Parents influence career choices in

a number of ways, for example, parental support and encouragement (Aguado, Laguador &

Deligero, 2015). As a sign of respect for the parents and culture of the Filipinos, parents or the

elderly are being consulted first by their children because primarily they will be the one to provide

the financial support in college (Laguador, 2013). For practicality reasons, it is also reported that

parents usually encourage careers that will not cost much money, but at the same time, are stable

sources of income (Saysay, 2011). Bers and Galowich (2002) found that research shows that

parents of college students often play important roles throughout the college choice process

regarding setting expectations for their children and taking the most positive approach debating

college plans and redeemable for college expenses.

Careers of parents may have also influence on children’s career choices. For example,

Indian parents’ careers were found to be influential on students’ career choice (Bakshi,, 2012).

Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory emphasizes vicarious learning where individuals learn but

observing. By observing learned parents relating with the outside world, students are likely to

model such parents.

Some studies proposed that geography can play a vital factor in career choices in a number

of ways (Dye, 2013). In recent studies, distance of school became subject of student’s career

choice. It has been estimated that less than half of school-age students prefer to attend the nearest

school (Ferrari & Green, 2013). Reche et. al (2012) indicate that long distances to school greatly

make students reach it with empty stomachs and lateness influencing negatively their academic


Recently, the competition in higher education rankings, together with the pressures brings

forth by the society’s demand for quality education; higher education institutions are really having

a hard time to outperform each other (Kingsbury, 2009). In attaining this goal, endless measures

are being taken; upgrading both academic curriculum and physical facilities of the school,

streamlining administrative tasks are just some of the measures. Accreditation systems is one of

the approaches used by most schools to support its claim of reaching a certain level of excellence

(Hernes & Martin, 2015). In the Philippines, accreditation is considered a concept based on self-

regulation which focuses on evaluation and the continuing improvement of educational quality, a

process by which institutions or programs continuously upgrade their educational quality and

services through self- evaluation and the judgement of peers. A status granted to an educational

institution or program which meets commonly accepted standards of quality or excellence

(PAASCU, 2014). Accreditation is important because it provides positive public impression

(Mensching, 2012) for it gives a school a stamp of approval that it met the standards and

requirements set forth by accreditation agency, that can influence students’ decision in choosing

what school to enroll.

Scholarships have an extensive positive impact on students (University of Hawaii

Foundation, 2015). Scholarships that assist or cover costs of pursuing a higher education provide

number of benefits for recipients. Scholarship opportunities are the most priority of students

planning to enroll in big universities without enough financial capability. From reducing the

financial burden of the rising costs of college education, to allowing students to spend more time

and energy to focus on studies instead of being part-time worker.

The related studies and researches contributed facts and results that help in the justification

of the present study about the factors affecting the career decisions of students. Previous studies

determined how these factors create an impact to students ‘career choices. Other researchers

conclude that factors like personality, job opportunities and identified external factors such as

family and relatives, accessibility of school from house, level of school accreditation, and

scholarship opportunities can affect the career preferences of students. Most of the researchers

agreed that parental guidance and encouragement plays an important role in student’s career

decision. The reviewed literature supported the present study at the same time will be beneficial

to students, parents and school administration in enhancing career guidance considering the

different factors that can influence student’s decision in what career path they will take.
Chapter 3


This chapter discussed the methods used in gathering the data for this study. It includes the
following topics: research design, participants, procedure, and data analysis.

Research Design

This research used a quantitative descriptive design, a procedure involving the assignment

of numerical values to variables (Zulueta, 2010). This research used survey to gather information

about organizations, groups, people and so forth to describe domain characteristics (Holton &

Burnett, 2005). As the word imply, descriptive statistics are descriptive rather than inferential, but

they form the base for inferential statistics and they are often used to complement the final

conclusions by providing descriptive numbers (Salkind, 2010).

This study utilizes the descriptive method of research to determine the career preferences

and factors affecting the career decisions of the incoming Senior High School students of

Binalbagan Catholic College for school year 2018-2019. Using this design, the numerical data

gathered were used to assess the level or degree of influence of various factors to the career

preferences of students.


The study was conducted to Grade 10 students of S.Y. 2018-2019 of Binalbagan Catholic

College – Junior High School Department, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental. It was comprised of

six (6) sections and has a total population of 251 students.

The study utilized the Census Method or the Complete Enumeration Survey Method. This

refers to the complete enumeration of a universe. A universe may be a place, a group of people or

a specific locality through which the data is collected (Farooq, 2013).

These are the number of students that are enrolled as Grade 10 – Junior High School

Department for the Academic Year 2018-2019 of Binalbagan Catholic College.

Table 1.

Sections under Grade 10 of Binalbagan Catholic College and the Number of Students in a Class

Name of Sections Number of Students

St. Peter Total of 47 students; 23 females and 24 males

St. Andrew Total of 46 students; 23 females and 23 males

St. Thomas Total of 45 students; 22 females and 23 males

St. James Total of 44 students; 22 females and 22 males

St. Jude Thaddaeus Total of 39 students; 18 females and 21 males

St. Isidore Total of 30 students; 18 females and 12 males

The researchers adapted a questionnaire as the data collection instrument for this study.

The survey questionnaire was consists of three (3) parts: the first part contains the personal

information of the participants. The second part contains the career/field that the respondent would

pursue, and the track and strand preference and the third part is comprised of 20-item questionnaire

about the factors influencing the career preference of the students, grouped into three subparts: the
Personality, Job Opportunities, and the Identified External Factors. The instrument used a rating

scale with 4 as the highest and 0 as the lowest as shown in the matrix:

Table 2.

Weight, Mean Range, and Interpretation

Weight Mean Range Description

4 3.21 – 4.00 Very Much Influenced
3 2.41 – 3.20 Influenced
2 1.61 – 2.40 Somewhat Influenced
1 0.81 – 1.60 Less Influenced
0 0.00 – 0.80 Not Influenced


The researchers systematically gathered the data needed through the following processes:

Data gathering. First, A letter of request was sent to the Junior High School Coordinator

of Binalbagan Catholic College to ask permission to administer the questionnaire. After it was

signed, the survey was personally conducted by the proponents of the study. Instructions were

directly expounded by the researchers to the participants. Afterwards, the researchers distributed

the questionnaire to Grade 10 students of each sections of Binalbagan Catholic College – Junior

High School Department, namely: St. Peter, St. Andrew, St. Thomas, St. James, St. Jude

Thaddaeus, and St. Isidore. The said survey was administered by the researchers for days due to

absences of the participants.

Second, the researchers gave the respondents maximum time of fifteen (15) minutes to
answer the queries incorporated in the questionnaire.

And lastly, the researchers collected the answered questionnaires and the data undergone
analysis and evaluation processes.

Data Analysis. The data gathered in this study was subjected to the following statistical
For the first and second questions, the researchers used frequency count. A frequency count
is a measure of the number of times that an event occurs. This will help answer the career
preference and preferred career track of incoming senior high school students of Binalbagan
Catholic College during the S.Y. 2018-2019.
For the last question, the researchers used arithmetic mean or average. Arithmetic mean
simply means as the sum of all the numbers in a list is divided by the number of items in that list.
It is denoted by the formula:

i 1


A = average (or arithmetic mean)

n = the number of terms (e.g., the number of items or numbers being averaged)

xi = the value of each individual item in the list of numbers being averaged

This formula helped answer the degree of influence in selecting a career track on aspects
such as personality, job opportunities, and identified external factors of incoming senior high
school students of Binalbagan Catholic College during the S.Y. 2018-2019.

The mean and the interpretations and the descriptions are appropriate in describing the
quantitative data obtained. This is presented in the following table:
Table 3

Mean Range, Interpretation, and Verbal Description

Mean Range Interpretation Behavioral Description

Very Much This factor highly affects the career preferences of the
Influenced student.
This factor affects the career preferences of the student.
2.41-3.20 Influenced

Somewhat This factor somehow affects the career preferences of the

Influenced student.
This factor least affects the career preferences of the
0.81-1.60 Less Influenced
This factor does not affect the career preference of the
0.00-0.80 Not Influenced
Chapter 4


This chapter presents the findings of the study using the statistical tools in the treatment of

the descriptive and inferential data, the phenomenal analysis of the thick descriptions of the lived

experiences, and the discussion of the results.

Result and Discussion

Quantitative results and discussion

Table 4.

Preferred careers/fields of the study of the Grade 10 students of Binalbagan Catholic College S.Y.

2018-2019 when taken as a whole (n=251)

Field of study Frequency Percentage Rank

Agriculture 4 1.59% 9
Applied Health Sciences 43 17.13% 2
Business and Accountancy 43 17.13% 2
Criminology 24 9.56% 3
Education 22 8.76% 4
Engineering 57 22.71% 1
Languages 1 0.40% 10
Liberal Arts 8 3.19% 8
Management 20 7.97% 5
Medicine 19 7.57% 6
Social Sciences 10 3.98% 7
TOTAL n=251 100%

The table above shows the preferred career/field of study of the respondents when taken as

a whole. Majority of the students would like to pursue the field of Engineering, comprising the
22.71% of the population. 17.13% of the participants would like to pursue courses under Applied

Health Sciences, likewise to the percentage of students that will take Business and Accountancy

courses. These careers are the most preferred field of study of the participants, encompassing the

57% of the total population. The remaining 43% is consists of various careers/fields that the

students wanted to pursue, namely: 9.56% is after Criminology, 8.76% would pursue

Education,7.97% for the Management, 7.57% would pursue Medicine, 3.98% for Social Sciences,

3.19% for Liberal Arts, 1.59% for Agriculture, and 0.40% will take Languages courses. These

findings signify that the field of Engineering is the most preferred course of the participants.

Table 5.

The track preferences of the Grade 10 students of Binalbagan Catholic College S.Y. 2018-2019

when taken as a whole (n=251).

Track Preferences Frequency Percentage Rank

Academic Track 224 89.24%
ABM 58 23.11% 2
HUMSS 51 20.32% 3
STEM 115 45.82% 1
Technical-Vocational – 17 6.78%
Agriculture – 3 1.20% 7
Home Economics 4 1.59% 6
Industrial Arts 0 0
ICT 10 3.98% 5
Arts and Design Track 10 3.99% 4
TOTAL 251 100%
The Table 5 reflects the track and strand preferences of the Grade 10 students when taken

as a whole. Out of 251 respondents, 224 participants (89.24%) will enroll under the Academic

track at different strands. On the other hand, 6.78% will pursue Technical-Vocational-Livelihood

track and 3.99% are planning to enroll under Arts and Design track. These finding indicates that

the majority of the respondents will enroll to the Academic track of senior high school program.

Table 6.

Descriptive Statistics on the Degree of Influence of Grade 10 Students of Binalbagan Catholic

College S.Y. 2018-2019 when taken as a whole

Factor Mean Interpretation

Personality 3.33 Very Much Influenced
Job Opportunity 3.26 Very Much Influenced
External Factor 2.63 Influenced

The Table 6 illustrates the degree of influence of the participants. It is clearly shown that

the personality, as a factor, has the greatest impact to the career preferences of the students when

taken as a whole regardless of what track they are planning to enroll in. According to Splaver

(2007), “personality” plays an important role in the choosing of the right career. It is revealed that

the personality of a person primarily determines what type of career/field is best suited to an

individual through assessing one’s own interest, skills, and attributes. Splaver went on to say, “it

is important for students to have a good understanding of themselves, their personality, if they are

to make intelligent career plans” (Splaver, 2007). Self -knowledge has been pivotal in career

development (Lankard & Brown, 1996).

Table 7.

Descriptive Statistics on the degree of influence of Grade 10 students of Binalbagan Catholic

College S.Y. 2018-2019 when grouped according to factors such as personality, job

opportunities, and identified external factors.

Track Mean Interpretation

Academic Track
Personality 3.34 Very Much Influenced
Job Opportunities 3.28 Very Much Influenced
Identified External Factor 2.64 Influenced
As a Whole 3.09 Influenced
Personality 3.26 Very Much Influenced
Job Opportunities 3.02 Influenced
Identified External Factor 2.62 Influenced
As a Whole 2.97 Influenced
Arts and Design Track
Personality 3.38 Very Much Influenced
Job Opportunities 3.17 Influenced
Identified External Factor 2.39 Somewhat Influenced
As a Whole 2.98 Influenced

The table above explicitly illustrates the degree of influence of Grade 10 students in

selecting a career track when grouped according to factors. It is found out that personality (3.09),

job opportunities (2.96), and identified external factors (2.98) affect the career preferences of

Grade 10 students in such ways regardless of what track they are into. Among the three outlined

factors, the personality has the utmost impact to the career preferences of the students compare to

the other factors.


Based on the results of the career/ field preference of students 57 out of 251 is into the

Engineering field while only one is interested of taking language related courses. This suggests

that respondents are preferring courses that is in-demand in the present economy and has higher

potential in work availability for example between Engineering and Journalism.

In track and strand choices, 224 students selected Academic track, 17 for Technical-

Vocational-Livelihood track and at least 10 will take Arts and Design. This indicates that, students

mostly preferred to take four (4) year degree courses rather than enrolling to a two (2) year courses

or getting TESDA accredited national certificates after training. This would suggest that not all

students in current year are not well oriented of getting a degree in college or taking college career

for granted.

Lastly, results show that majority of the students are very much influenced by personality

in choosing a career path to take. This implies that personality highly affects student’s career

choice. Aside from the fact that there are factors that could influence student’s career choice such

as job opportunities and other identified external factors, personality still prevail among the factors.

This implies that career decisions of students are very much driven by passion and self- interest

rather than practicality and career opportunities. With these, the results explicitly demonstrate that

career preferences of students are motivated by factors driven from oneself.

Chapter 5



The objective of this study is to determine the career preferences of the incoming senior

high school students of Binalbagan Catholic College. By using quantitative descriptive research

design and chose the whole population of Grade 10 total of 251 respondents.

The results show that Engineering is the most preferred career/ field of the incoming

senior high school student of Binlbagan Catholic College, while Language is the least preferred

career. In the track and strand choices, Academic Track is top career track choice in senior high

school, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics is the most preferred strand. In career

decision making, personality is the leading factor that affects/ influence student’s career path. Job

opportunities and other identified external factors like family/relatives, distance of school from

house, level of school accreditation and scholarship opportunities can also influence student’s

career choice.


Based on the results and conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are


A career guidance program is to be developed, aiming at the student’s self-awareness of

how personality such as interest, skills, and attributes and life experience/s can influence career

choices. Career guidance counselor should elucidate that personality is not only to put into

consideration but other factors like job opportunities (practicality) and convenience must also be
considered. Based on the results provided it shows that among the careers/fields chosen by the

students like Engineering, Applied Health Sciences, and Criminology are the top course

preferences of students that are not offered or available in the school’s college program. In line

with this, the school will miss the opportunity of having these students to enroll in Binalbagan

Catholic College. In the part of students, consistency and standardization of teaching style,

learning environment and teaching standards can affect the student’s academic performance. With

this, if ever these students will transfer to other universities and colleges, some may experience

learning culture shock that can create either a positive or a negative impact in their career

fulfilment. The researchers recommend that the school will look for opportunities in offering these

courses through the following course and desgree program evaluation to cater the senior high

school students of its own. Furthermore, the school must also consider the teaching staffs in the

different courses, hiring process must be modified, specifically to mention that they must prioritize

the title holders to ensure the teaching abilities and performance that can impact students' decision

in choosing Binalbagan Catholic College as the school to enroll in.


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(Krumboltz, 2009) “Social Learning Theory” Address positive experience of doing things brings

positive self-esteem.
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McQuerrey, 2014. Career opportunity influence how students have perceived future in terms of

the reasonable probability of a future career field.

Mind Tools, 2014. Investigating for career opportunities is well worth taking time.

Pafili & Mylonakis, 2011. The choice of career of the students is being influenced by some factors

from the social environment, mainly the parents as immediate family who plays an

active role in choosing the right education for their children.

Pascual, 2014. Filipino students tend to consider first the availability of work in choosing a career

path to take.

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Wildman & Torres, 2013. Suggested that some of the students even look ahead of the retirement…
Appendix A: Survey Questionnaire



Survey Questionnaire

Objectives: This survey is purely confidential and is purposely designed in choosing your track
and strand preferences for Senior High School. Please answer this survey questionnaire
TRUTHFULLY in order for the researchers to be able to gather reliable data for this research

Name (optional): Grade and Section:

Age: Sex:

DIRECTIONS: Place a check mark () on the space before the option that you have chosen.

1. What career(s)/field(s) do you want to specialize and/or pursue further once you have
graduated from Grade 10? (choose at least 1)

( ) Agriculture ( ) Languages (Communication)

( ) Applied Health Sciences (Nursing, ( ) Liberal Arts (Architecture, Fine

Pharmacy, Medical Technology) Arts, Interior Designing)

( ) Business and Accountancy ( ) Management

( ) Criminology ( ) Medicine

( ) Education ( ) Social Sciences

( ) Engineering

2. What Senior High School track would you like to pursue? CHOOSE ONE ONLY.
Follow the directions specified at the end of each option after selecting it.

( ) Academic Track (go to question 3a)

( ) Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (go to question 3b)

( ) Arts and Design Track (do not answer question 3)

3. What Senior High School strand/specialization would you like to pursue? CHOOSE ONE

3a. Academic track

a. ( ) Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
b. ( ) Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
c. ( ) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

3b. Technical-Vocational-Livelihood
d. ( ) Agriculture-Fishery
e. ( ) Home Economics
f. ( ) Industrial Arts
g. ( ) Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The track and strand that you have been chosen would help you in pursuing further specialization
towards your preferred career. A list of factors could have influenced you in choosing your track
and strand for Senior High School.

On a scale from one to four, check () ONE answer that would best describe the extent of each
factor (as expressed in each of the statements) had influenced you or still influencing you. Each
response option on the scale is rated in the following:

Rating Description

4 Very Much Influenced - This factor highly affects the career preference of the students.

3 Influenced - This factor affects the career preference of the students.

2 Somewhat Influenced - This factor somehow affects the career preference of the students.

1 Less Influenced - This factor least affects the career preference of the students.

0 Not Influenced - This factor does not affect the career preference of the students.
Personality 4 3 2 1 0
1. My personality fits best in my chosen career that I would take from this
2. My traits and understanding of them will give me an advantage on landing
to my pursued career.
3. I am more productive in the career that I will practice due to my traits.
4. My capacity for learning a type of activity (mathematics, science, social
science, arts, sports, and entrepreneurship) gives me an advantage in choosing
the right career path
5. My attributes should be ideal for the career that I would focus.
6. I am particularly interested in this career that I will pursue from this track.
7. I like doing things related to the career that I would specialize in this track.
8. A life experience that arose my interest in taking this career choice.
9. I see myself as competent at this career that I will pursue from this track.
Job Opportunities 4 3 2 1 0
10. There are abundant opportunities I can avail from the career I would
11. The track that I chose will help me to find a suitable career easily.
12. The career that I would pursue is timely and in-demand.
External Factors 4 3 2 1 0
13. My parents and/or relatives took the same career that I would pursue.
14. Preferences are made by my parents and/or relatives since they will
provide for the expenses.
15. My family will give me support on the chosen career for me.
16. I believe that my family is the one who are responsible to choose a career
for me since they know what is best for me.
17. The distance of my house from the school.
18. The level of accreditation or quality of chosen school.
19. My sibling(s) and/or cousin(s) are currently enrolled on the same school.
20. I am attracted due to scholarship opportunities and other comforts offered.

Adapted from:

“Factors Affecting Senior High School Track Preferences of Grade 9 Students of Don Bosco

Technology Center, Inc. Academic Year 2014-2015.

Appendix B: Consent Form

January 11, 2019


Principal – Basic Education Department
Binalbagan Catholic College
Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

Dear Mrs. Brizuela:

Good day!

We, the Grade XII Accountancy, Business, and Management students would like to ask your
permission to allow us to conduct a survey among the students of Binalbagan Catholic College.
Our study is entitled “Career Preference and Influences Affecting Incoming Senior High
School Students”.

In this regard, we would like to request your good office that we would be allowed to distribute
the questionnaires to the Grade 10 students. Rest assured that whatever will be gathered will be
held confidential.

Your response to this request will help in completing our study and making it a success.

Respectfully yours,




Research Adviser


Junior High School Coordinator
Appendix C: Request for Validation

March 10, 2019


Binalbagan Catholic College
Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

Dear Mr. Baquereza:

Good day!

The researchers are presently conducting a research paper entitled “Career Preferences and
Influences Affecting Incoming Senior High School Students” as a requirement to in finish the
performance task in Research Report.

In relation to this, the team would like to request you to be one of our validators in our research

Your expertise is of great help for the success of this study.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,




Research Adviser
March 10, 2019


Binalbagan Catholic College
Binalbagan,Negros Occidental

Dear Mr. Sapu-an:

Good day!

The researchers are presently conducting a research paper entitled “Career Preferences and
Influences Affecting Incoming Senior High School Students” as a requirement to in finish the
performance task in Research Report.

In relation to this, the team would like to request you to be one of our validators in our research

Your expertise is of great help for the success of this study.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,




Research Adviser
March 10, 2019


Binalbagan Catholic College
Binalbagan,Negros Occidental

Dear Mr. Ebeto:

Good day!

The researchers are presently conducting a research paper entitled “Career Preferences and
Influences Affecting Incoming Senior High School Students” as a requirement to in finish the
performance task in Research Report.

In relation to this, the team would like to request you to be one of our validators in our research

Your expertise is of great help for the success of this study.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,




Research Adviser
Appendix D: Validity and Reliability Results


Below is the summary of the results of their ratings.

Rating: Excellent = 4.21 – 5.00
Very Good = 3.41 – 4.20
Good = 2.61 – 3.40
Fair = 1.80 – 2.60
Poor = 1.00 – 1.80
Area Criteria J1 J2 J3 Average

1 The questionnaire is short enough that the 4 5 5 4.67

respondents respect it and it would not drain
much previous time.

2 The questionnaire is interesting and has fair 4 5 5 4.67

appeal such the respondents will be induced
to respond to it and accomplish it fully.

3 The questionnaire can obtain some depth to 3.5 4 5 4.17

the responses and avoid superficial answer.

4 The items/questions and their alternatives 4 4 4 4.00

responses are neither too suggestive nor

5 The questionnaire can elicit responses, which 4 4 4 4.00

are definite but not mechanically forced.

6 Questions/items are stated in such a way that 4 5 5 4.67

a response will not be embarrassing to the
person/persons concerned.

7 Questions/items are formed in a manner to 4 3 5 4.00

avoid suspicion to the part of the respondents
concerning hidden responses in the

8 The questionnaire is not too narrow nor 4 4 4 4.00

restricted or limited in philosophy.

9 The responses to the questionnaire when 4 4 5 4.33

taken as a whole could answer the basic
purpose for which the questionnaire is
designed and therefore considered valid.
Mean 3.94 4.22 4.67 4.28

Interpretation Very
Excellent Excellent Excellent

Agustin P. Baquereza, Jr., LPT Ronel H. Sapu-an, Ed.D Carlo S. Ebeto, CPA

Signed Over Printed Name Signed Over Printed Name Signed Over Printed Name

Juror 1 Juror 2 Juror 3

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