Factors Affecting The Decision Among Grade 10 Students of Concepcion Catholic School in Choosing Their Strand in Senior High School

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A Research Report/Title Proposal

Presented to Ms. Monique C. Baun of
Concepcion Catholic School
Concepcion, Tarlac

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
English Communication Arts and
Skills Through World Literature



April 2022
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Decision-making requires a defined choice between two or more

alternative courses of action available. There are times in everyone’s lives when

decisions play a part in our journey. Graduating from high school is one of the

most crucial achievements that a person can accomplish. It is at this point that the

adolescent requires assistance in deciding on an academic strand. Where, based

on their inherent abilities and educational privilege. Privileges and other resources

made available to students by society to help them be more efficient and

successful. However, this is just the beginning of everything to come. Being a

Grade 10 student from Concepcion Catholic School that lacks experience may

never come easy. Deciding on which academic strand for senior high school is the

first step. Choosing a strand is one of the most life-altering decisions that an

individual can make, and deciding the right strand is a stressful process for

upcoming senior high school students.

According to Ramirez & Dizon (2014), students graduating from

secondary schools may not have made a firm decision on where they want to go

in senior high and what strand they want to pursue. They intend to enter senior

high school without a clear idea of what career path they want to take in the

Many students think about whatever academic strand stands out and suits them

best in at least two to three years or even five years in advance. Some kids prefer to be

naïve and enjoy the rest of their high school life to the fullest, rather than allowing the

pressure to get to them. Other pupils plan ahead of time for their future. Despite the fact

that they have had the time and chance to make a decision for a few years, their

preferences change overtime. It can cause pupils to have puzzled thoughts after they have

decided on a certain academic path.

For starters, students may find it difficult to decide which path they want to

follow, especially if they are still uncertain of their future professional goals. Before

deciding on a strand, a student must first decide on a professional path. As a result, a

student’s choice of strand is influenced by a variety of circumstances. It is expected that

these new graduates would become more involved in the community. To remain

competitive in the global economic environment and to bring new ideas to the table

greater success that contribute towards building the nation to bring the country up to be at

par with the rest of the countries. (Acosta & Acosta, 2016).

Determining factors can help guide the advantages and disadvantages of

decisions. Not only that, but it can also help how to cope with said decision. It is usually

common to go along with a decision that hits people closer to home, and it can enable

people to adapt better since they are more familiar with the decision they chose.

During the decision-making process, there may be a few occasions where the

student’s parents decide for their child because they believe it is the best option for them,

despite the child’s wishes. Choosing which academic strand to pursue against their

child’s will, which may or may not result to positive outcome for the child’s well-being.
A majority of parents, stereotypically speaking, Asian parents, continue to promote the

misconception that having a high-paying job makes you a successful person, which has

been proven to be false in multiple occasions. Such as a study conducted by Ghosh and

Foaud (2016) who looked into the impact of family on careers in the context of Asian-

parent child dyads, acculturation, cultural norms, and family conflict are all aspects to


According to studies, parents should always let their children to make their own

decisions. It’s preferable if you talk to them about their hobbies or life goals and allow

them to reconsider their own choices. Allowing the kid to feel more confident to make

their own decisions rather than making them for them. This kind of behavior might

encourage them to be self-reliant and make decisions without the supervision or control

of their parents.

Furthermore, in the study concluded by Olaosebikan & Olusakin (2014) titled

“Effects of Parental Influence on Adolescents’ Career Choice in Badagry Local

Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria” it is stated that despite the fact that parents

acknowledge their responsibility and attempt to make an effort to support their children’s

career development, parental messages contain a message that says, “Don’t make the

same mistakes I did.” These interactions may leave an impact to children. Many

teenagers and young adults choose certain undergraduate degrees or pursue specific jobs.

Major professional decisions, such as whether to attend college, university, or a trade

school, or a polythenic. Adolescents make decisions on whether or not to enter the

workforce immediately after finishing junior high school. These early decisions affect the
rest of a person’s life. Consequently, it is critical to comprehend the individual and social

elements that influence teenage career growth development.

This research will investigate the idea of attitude as one of the major factors for

success in choosing an academic strand to settle on amongst undecided Grade 10

students. More specifically, it looks on the student’s behavior towards these factors.

Taking into account their personal characteristics such as gender, socio-economic status

and etc. The researchers continue to recognize and analyze the factors that influence a

Grade 10 student’s decision in choosing which academic strand to take for the upcoming

academic year in Senior high school level.

Statement of the Problem

This research focuses to present the factors that remarkably influence the Grade

10 students of Concepcion Catholic School in determining their senior high school (SHS)

track course in preparation for the academic year 2022-2023.

Specifically, this study sought to address the following questions:

1. What are the demographic characteristics of the students:

1.1 Gender roles

1.2 Socio-economic Background

1.2.1 Lower class

1.2.2 Middle class

1.2.3 Upper class

2. What are the students' preferences on the academic strands in terms of the


2.1 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

2.2 Accountancy, Businesses and Management (ABM)

2.3 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

3. What are the factors that influence the students’ decisions as to which senior high

school track to pursue?

4. What are the implications of the study to the decisions of Grade 10 students in

choosing their strand in senior high school?

Significance of the Study

The finding of this study is beneficial for the upcoming senior high school

students, those who are still wavering which academic track to choose. This study will

have a great value to those struggling, specifically the Grade 10 students of Concepcion

Catholic School, that still hesitate which academic track to pursue.

To the students, may the results of this study be convenient to the incoming

senior high school students of Concepcion Catholic School who still find it hard in

selecting which strand to consider. The pupils will be provided recommendations and

advice from the alumnus ranging from Grade 11 to College, for they will acknowledge

how difficult it was to overcome such a hardship.

To the teachers, for the findings of this study to aid them and increase their

perception of the different track fields of the Senior High School department of

Concepcion Catholic School and to support their students in considering their choice of

track career.

To the parents, for they are expected to provide their children; support, guidance,

and sound advice in choosing their academic strand.

To the researchers, this will be beneficial to the researches and would help them

and would help them. As a result of their study, they can learn from what they had


To the future researchers, for this study will be another source of credible

literature which can help them to formulate and be a reliable source regarding senior high

school academic strands and other related topics, this will serve as a guide to the future


Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The main focus of this research is to narrow down the scope of the overall

research topic and build limitation, to acknowledge the factors the Grade 10 students’ of

Concepcion Catholic School decisions on a variety of aspects but not any further than

The scope of the research will mainly be on Grade 10 students that will enter their

senior year this academic year 2022-2023 as they choose a track/course. It mainly intends

to show the decisions of the students primarily based on gender roles and socio-economic

background. In terms of courses, the available strands they may choose are Humanities

and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM) and Accounting, Businesses and Management (ABM). As you can see, the

factors will rely on the socio-demographic of the students and their decisions between the

three academic strands.

The delimitations of this research are additional information that has not been

stated by the entire scope. We will primarily conduct the research on Grade 10 students

only within Concepcion Catholic School campus and not in any other school. Any further

than this will not be stated in the research in order for the scope to be narrowed down.

This research will be conducted with the use of questionnaires, surveys and interviews.

The research was carried out during the academic year 2021-2022.

Literature Review and Related Studies

In an article written by Moneva & Malbas in 2019, “Preferences in Senior High

School Tracks of the Grade 10 Students” explained that students who think critically and

choose the correct track are prepared for their future, and choosing the right track will

help them improve their skills and capabilities in the track they choose. Teachers should

assist their students in selecting the appropriate track for them and they should keep their

thoughts and arms open for students who wish to reach to them in times of uncertainty

and doubt in decision-making. Parents should also support and keep an eye on their
children, as they will be taking a significant step forward in their lives. They must be

willing to talk with their child about issues such as schools and the future that awaits.

According to Tortor, Ohayas & Moneva’s (2020) Financial Status, Parents

Influence, Peer Influence and Self-choice of Students in Selection of Strand in Senior

High School, Cebu, Philippines, however, they stated that in selecting a strand, there

must be a match between these criteria and students’ financial circumstances in order to

have a successful career. If the student is aware of the aspects that influence the student’s

strand selections, he or she can ensure a successful outcome. In this article, it is also

discussed that parents play an important role in their child’s decision in choosing a strand

for two reasons: the first is because they are the ones who give the service; the second is

that they are the ones who provide the financial for their child’s tuition and other fees,

and because parents have control over the situation to persuade their child to pursue a

particular strand.

In the study, “Factors Affecting Career Track and Strand Choices of Grade 9

Students in the Division of Antipolo and Rizal, Philippines” Juan O. Abarro conducted in

the year 2016, he briefly explained how the income of one’s family has a huge impact on

one’s decision selection of students. According to the survey Abarro conducted,

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) had the highest frequency of 164 or

21.55% out of 761 students, making it the first in rankings. As a result of the findings,

sex, average monthly family income, and preferences are factors related with students’

career track choices. Moreover, persons influence in the choice of career track are proven

to not affect a students’ decision.

However, in the study “Dynamics Influencing Senior High School Students’

Interest in their Career Aspirations” by Owusu, Owusu, Fiorgbor, & Kumuh, they

revealed that a lot of students was uncertain of their future. Looking at the answers of the

respondents regarding the influence of peer pressure and interest, it is proven that peer

pressure still had an influence a students’ career aspirations.

One (1) foreign and one (1) local study were provided in the review of related

studies. The study of “Factors Affecting Career Track and Strand Choices of Grade 9

Students in the Division of Antipolo, Rizal, Philippines (2016) and Dynamics Influencing

Senior High School Students’ Interest in their Career Aspirations (2020) reviewed the

results of the surveys they conducted for their studies. According to the results of the

survey, it is certain that financial income, preferences and peer-parental pressure play a

huge part on a students’ decision in choosing an academic strand. Although in two (2)

related literatures presented in the review of related studies; “Preferences in Senior High

School tracks of the Grade 10 Students” (2019) & “Financial Status, Parents Influence,

Peer Influence, and Self-choice of Students in Selection of Strand in Senior High School

in Cebu, Philippines” (2020) discusses how assistance from parents is a crucial aspect in

helping their children decide properly. It is also noted that giving constant support and

advice are highly recommended for their ability to decide their academic track with


Conceptual Framework

The variables in Figure 1 below were set to achieve our goal for this research.
The first group of variables were the questions that were used to present the

factors that possibly influence a Grade 10 students’ decision in The Statement of the

Problem. Progressing to the middle variable, it presents the process of how to help the

students find their Senior High School strand. Concluded with the help of the use of

research instruments. Surveys were used as a primary tool to measure the academic

strand factors of the students. It included the first set of variables: Demographic Profile,

Students’ Track Preferences & Factors Affecting their Senior High School Strand

Preferences. Proceeding to the final variable of Figure 1, the implication of the study is

then finalized after gathering information from the first two set of variables to give a few

suggestions or recommendations to Grade 10 students for determining their decision in

choosing their academic strand.

I. Paradigm of the Study

Demographic Profile of Factors Affecting their Senior

Students Students’ Track High Strand Preferences
(Gender Roles & Socio- Preferences
Economic Background)

Process in Helping the Students find their Approriate Senior High School Strand
(Personal preferences, Influence of the leading factors & Gathering data)

Implication of the Study to the Decision of Grade 10 Students Choosing their Strand

Abarro, J. (2016). Factors Affecting Career Track and Strand Choices of Grade

9 Students in the Division of Antipolo and Rizal, Philippines. International Journal of

Scientific and Research Publications, vol. 6, issue. 6, pp. 51-53.


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Tortor, A. L. C., Ohayas R. L. & Moneva, J. C. (2020). Financial Status,

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