Aircraft Systems and Instruments SRM Question Paper

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Explain the working of the following with a neat sketch

(i) Exhaust gas temperature indicator Reg. No.
(ii) Electrical tachometer
(iii) Hydraulic pressure gauge
Third Semester


(For the candidates admitted during the academic year 2015- 2016 orutards)
(i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
over to hall invigilator at the end of 456 minule.
(ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.

Time: Three Hours Ma<. Marks: 100

PART - A (20x1= 20 Marks)

Answer ALL Questions
1. To climb, pilot pushes the control stick causrng the elevator to
(A) Forward, up (B) Forward, down
(C) Backward, up (D) Backward, down

2. In some mechanical flight cbntrol systems use that provide aerodynamics

(A) Gust locks (B) Air locks
(C) Servo tabs (D) FBw
3. In Q feel system it receives data from the
(A) Spring system @) Actual flight conditions
(C) Powered systerns (D) Pitot-staticprobes

4. High performance aircraft that have fly by wire conhol is also called as
(A) Space shuttle @) contror configured vehicles
(c) Auto-pilot system @) Automatic flight control systems
5. Mineral base hydraulic fluid are
(A) Flammable (B) Nonflammable
(C) Fire resistance (D) Non-flammable and fire resistant

6. Pascal's law states that at a point is equal in all directions

(A) Temperature (B) Velocity
(C) Density @) Pressure

7. A sequence value is sometimes called as

(A) Orifice check valve (B) Check valve
(C) Timing valve (D) Shuttle valve

1 $ug link is desigrred to stabilize the landing gear assembly

(A) Longitudinally @f Laterally

(C) Both longitudinally and laterally @) Verticaily

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9. In carburetor system the air passes through a venturi PART-B(5x4=20Marks)
(A) Increase velocity and pressure (B) Decrease velocity and pressure Answer ANY ITYE Questions
(C) Increase velocity alone @) Increase velocity and decrease pressure
21. Write short notes on auto throttle system.
10. The color of AVGASS2UL is
(A) Colourless (B) Purple 22. With.a simple sketch, explain how the multiplication of force of achieved in hydraulics.
(C) Green (D) Blue
23. With a simple sketch, exptain direct cranking eleckical starter used in aircraft piston engine.
11. is the lowest temperature at which of lubricant will flow or can be poured
(A) Flash point @) Fire point 24. Whatare the essential properties required for lubricating oil?
(C) Cloudpoint @) Pour point
25. Explain negative effects of ice buildup in an aircraft.
12. Which one of the following is not a reciprocating engine starter?
(A) Starter generator (B) Cartidge starter 26. Define
(C) Hand inertia starter (D) Electric inertia starter (i) Indicated airsPeed
(iD Ground sPeed
13. The opening of _ can be contolled by pilot in order to maintain the suitable pressure
(A) Safety valve (B) Dump valve 27. Draw and explain gas turbine engine starting sequence.
(C) Out flow valve (D) Shuttle valve
PART - C (5x12= 60 Marks)
14. Hypoxia leads to Answer ALL Questions
(A) Bubbles in the blood stream (B) Critical pain
(C) Sinus @) Unconsoiousness 28.a. What is the need for powered control system? With a neat sketch explain powered assisted
control system in detail.
15. is the temperature of the air at the exit of the cooling turbine in the absence of
moisture condensation (oR)
(A) DRr (B) DrRr b. Explain the components and operation of an autopilot systems in detail with a block diagram.
(c) DART (D) DPr
29.a. With a neat sketch explain the working of closed-center hydraulic system used in modern
16. Freon is used as refrigerant in vapour cycle cooling system. It has a boiling point of aircraft.
(A) 2"c (B) 5.C
(c) 4oc (D) a"c (oR)
b. Explain the aircraft hydraulic landing gear retraction system with a neat sketch.
17. In aircraft oxygen system, oxygen cylinder maximum charge of 2000 PSI but are filled to
(A) 1800 to 1850 psi (B) 1600 to 1650 psi 30.a. Name the types of aircraft fuel feed system and explain them in detail with neat sketches.
(C) 1750to 1850psi (D) 1700 to 1900 psi
18. Which of the foltowing is one of the characteristic of a ryroscopic inskuments? b. Explain the working of low-tension -*ffi"rr, igrrition system wittr a suitable figure.
(A) Flexibility (B) Durability
(C) Precession (D) Percussion
31.a. What is the need for cabin cooling system in aircraft? Explain the vapour cycle cooling
19. Indicated airspeed corrected for installation elror and instrument error is system in detail.
(A) Ground speed @) Calibrated airspeed
(C) True airspeed (D) Equivalentairspeed (oR)
b. with an appropriate drawing, explain a typical pressure demand oxygen systems.
20. In an inclinometer, ball on the inside of the turn indicates
(A) Slippine @) Skidding 32.a. Name the basic flight instruments and explain any one in detail with suitable sketch.
(C) Co-ordinated (D) Staddard

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