Magnitude and Significance of Tensile Strains in Geomembrane Landfill Liners - Rowe2019 PDF
Magnitude and Significance of Tensile Strains in Geomembrane Landfill Liners - Rowe2019 PDF
Magnitude and Significance of Tensile Strains in Geomembrane Landfill Liners - Rowe2019 PDF
Keywords: The implications of the tensile stress/strain developed in high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes
Geosynthetics (GMB) is explored in the context of a reduction in stress crack resistance due to ageing in contact with leachate in
Geomembranes a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill. The experimental evidence of GMB cracking and ultimately failure when
Strains subject to excessive tensile strains is discussed to highlight the need to limit the maximum tensile strain sus-
tained by an HDPE GMB to an acceptable level if good long-term performance is to be ensured. The effect of both
Side slopes
local GMB indentations induced by gravel in an overlying drainage layer or an underlying clay liner on tensile
strain is reviewed. In addition, the tensile strains caused by down-drag in the GMB on side slopes with settlement
of the waste is examined. The key research related to tensile strains developed in GMBs from these sources is
reviewed and new data presented. It is shown that an appropriate protection layer over the GMB can limit local
GMB tensile strains to less than 3% and that the selection of a suitable slope inclination and stiffness of a
geotextile reinforcement layer can limit the GMB strains due to down-drag to less than 2% and geotextile strains
to less than 4% after long-term waste settlement.
This is an expanded version of the Keynote Lecture: “Tensile strains in geomembrane landfill liners” in the conference proceeding and presented at GeoShanghai,
May 2018.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R.K. Rowe), [email protected] (Y. Yu).
Received 26 July 2018; Received in revised form 4 November 2018; Accepted 7 December 2018
0266-1144/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Rowe, R.K., Geotextiles and Geomembranes,
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Brachman and Gudina, 2008a; 2008b; Dickinson and Brachman, 2008; (typically in a 10- to 100-h sustained pressure test) GMB tensile strains
Brachman and Sabir, 2010, 2013; Hornsey and Wishaw, 2012; Sabir developed with a proposed protection layer over the GMB is currently
and Brachman, 2012; Rowe et al., 2013a,b) and by the granular par- the most feasible way to qualify the efficiency of protection layers in
ticles in an underlying compacted clay liner (Brachman and Sabir, term of reducing/limiting the GMB tensile strains (e.g., Sabir and
2010). Physical and numerical analyses have also been undertaken to Brachman, 2012; Brachman and Sabir, 2013).
estimate the GMB tensile strains on side slopes under waste settlement Standard laboratory test methods (e.g., EN 13719; ASTM D5514)
(e.g., Jones and Dixon, 2005; Thusyanthan et al., 2007; Fowmes, 2007; can be used to examine the short-term GMB tensile strains with and
Fowmes et al., 2008a; Arab, 2011; Sia and Dixon, 2012; Wu, 2013; without a protection layer. Index tests using steel plates with fabricated
Zamara et al., 2014; Kavazanjian and Gutierrez, 2017; Yu and Rowe, protrusions to simulate gravel particles have also been performed to
2018a; 2018b; Kavazanjian et al., 2018). The research outcomes from quantify the efficiency of geosynthetic protection layers for GMBs (e.g.,
the papers cited above allow designers to estimate the GMB strains that Brummermann et al., 1994; Narejo et al., 1996). Large-scale laboratory
may be anticipated for the different design scenarios and to optimize test apparatus has also been developed to examine the influence of
the GMB liner design under the site-specific conditions. different protection layers and interactions between the different layers
Short-term punctures can generally be minimized by providing on the GMB strains (e.g., Brachman and Gudina, 2008a; 2008b;
sufficient protection to the GMB liner (e.g., Koerner et al., 1996; Narejo Dickinson and Brachman, 2008; Sabir and Brachman, 2012) in a full
et al., 1996; Tognon et al., 2000; Gudina and Brachman, 2006; Koerner barrier system. A thin lead sheet (0.4-mm thick) is used beneath the
et al., 2010; Dickinson and Brachman, 2008), the magnitude of tensile GMB to record the GMB deformations in these laboratory tests.
strains that a GMB can sustain without compromising their intended
long-term performance reported in the literature varies. To avoid pre- 2.2. Strain calculation methods
mature GMB failure due to stress cracking, Seeger and Müller (2003)
indicated that the GMB strain should be less than 3%. In contrast, Peggs The vertical displacements of the GMB surface recorded by the thin
et al. (2005) recommended an allowable tensile strain of 6–8% for a lead sheets (e.g., as measured by a laser scanner) can be used to cal-
smooth GMB and 4% for a textured GMB to reduce the potential for culate the GMB tensile strains (e.g., Gallagher et al., 1999; Zanzinger,
long-term GMB brittle rupture. Rowe et al. (2019) considered tensile 1999; Tognon et al., 2000; Hornsey and Wishaw, 2012). However, the
strains for a low level radioactive waste facility with a 550-year design magnitude of the calculated GMB strains based on the indentations
life and for the 2 mm-thick textured candidate GMBs recommended recorded in the metal sheet is highly dependent on the strain calcula-
maximum allowable strains (from all sources) of 3% on the base, 4% on tion methods (e.g., BAM, 2015; ASTM D5514; LEF-2 2014; Tognon
side slopes, and 5% in the cover where repair and replacement was et al., 2000; Eldesouky and Brachman, 2018) as discussed below.
possible. Based on the GMBs examined under the simulated field con- In the BAM and ASTM D5514 approaches, the local membrane
ditions in the geosynthetic liner longevity simulator (GLLS) cells (Rowe strain is calculated by fitting a circular segment to the indentation in
et al., 2013a,b; Abdelaal et al., 2014; Ewais et al., 2014), it can be the lead sheet used (noting that there is an error in the equation given
inferred (Rowe, 2018a) that sustained tensions that induce tensile in ASTM D5514 2014). The LEF-2 (2014; the landfill engineering gui-
strains greater than 4% should be avoided by the use of a suitable dance by the United Kingdom Environmental Agency) provides both
protection layer between the GMB and LCS (Rowe et al., 2013a,b; local and incremental strain calculation methods based on the 3-mm
Abdelaal et al., 2014; Ewais et al., 2014), eliminating potentially pro- segments of the measurement axes of the indentation. Recognizing that
blematic stones from the upper layer of a clay liner or other subgrade, a 1.5 mm-thick (or greater) GMB has bending as well as membrane
and designing to limit strains from other sources such as down-drag by strains, an improved alternative approach to calculate the incremental
waste placement and subsequent settlement/degradation. strains was proposed in Tognon et al. (2000) using the vertical de-
Giroud et al. (1995) reported that strain concentrations in the vi- formed GMB profile recorded in the lead sheet to assess both membrane
cinity of seams can give rise to failure adjacent to seams. Laboratory and bending incremental strains. All these methods err in under-
testing reported by Kavazanjian et al. (2017) indicated that the strain estimating the strains since they neglect the horizontal displacements.
magnification induced by a seam was even greater than estimated by The Tognon et al. (2000) method is currently the best of the method
Giroud et al. (1995) and that the allowable tensile strain for GMBs based on vertical displacement. Eldesouky and Brachman (2018) have
should likely be less than 4% when the GMB is loaded in tension per- recently proposed an alternative method to calculate the GMB incre-
pendicular to the seam. mental strains that considers both the vertical and horizontal dis-
The objective of this paper is to draw together and summarize the placements of the GMB under the axisymmetric conditions. They used a
research related to the generation of tensile strains in GMBs used in best-fit polynomial for the measured vertical displacements together
landfill liners due to indentations, to present new results related to with an Airy's stress function (without a need to measure the radial
tensile stresses/strains induced by down-drag of GMBs on side slopes displacements) to estimate the radial strains for the midsurface. How-
due to waste settlement, and to address the magnitude and significance ever, at present, the Eldesouky and Brachman (2018) method is only
of these tensile strains. suitable for the axisymmetric conditions and is not yet in a form that
can be used to calculate strains in GMBs below protection layer and
2. GMB tensile strains from indentations gravel drainage layer in landfill applications.
Table 1 shows the calculated maximum strains for the same in-
2.1. GMB indentations and laboratory testing methods dentation (the Profile B reported by Hornsey and Wishaw, 2012, Fig. 1)
based on the different strain calculation methods. Where reported va-
A GMB overlain by a gravel drainage layer can experience strains/ lues obtained by Hornsey and Wishaw (2012) are given together with
stresses in the GMB due to local indentations caused by the gravel values from the authors’ independent calculation. The indentation has a
particles during construction and when subjected to overburden sharp turn at the real point of maximum strain. However, the capacity
stresses (e.g., the weight of the waste body). A protection layer is re- of the various methods to capture this varies substantially. The calcu-
quired between the GMB and the drainage layer to prevent the short- lated local strain based on the ASTM arch elongation method is 0.016%
term puncture of the GMB (Koerner et al., 1996; Narejo et al., 1996) (remarkably low due to the error in the equation given in ASTM D5514
and to minimize the long-term tensile strains in the GMB (Rowe et al., 2014). The use of the BAM arch elongation method (with a correct
2013a,b; Abdelaal et al., 2014; Ewais et al., 2014). However, quanti- equation) results in the local strain of 4.1%; this is in essence an average
fying the long-term GMB tensile strains due to indentations in the field over the indention and does not capture the critical location. Based on
remains challenging. Laboratory testing to establish the short-term the measured vertical displacements at the 3-mm intervals, the LFE-2
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Table 1 nominal grain size of 25 mm and the other with a nominal 50 mm,
Calculated maximum GMB strains based on different strain calculation methods placed on a 1.5 mm-thick GMB without a protection layer under an
for the same indentation. Note: all calculated maximum GMB strains are based applied pressure of 250 kPa (sustained for 10 h at 21 ± 2 °C). The GMB
on the Profile B reported by Hornsey and Wishaw (2012). rested on a clay liner compacted at 16% gravimetric moisture content
Strain calculation method Calculated maximum GMB strain (%) (i.e., 4% wet of optimum for this clay with a plastic limit of 16%). Five
types of contacts were identified; viz., point, edge, area, perimeter, and
Hornsey and Wishaw (2012) This papera composite (Brachman and Gudina, 2008a). Based on the GMB in-
ASTM arch elongation method 0.016 0.016b dentations and strains reported, the point contacts were the most fre-
BAM arch elongation method NA 4.1b quent (approximately 40% of the contacts). The point and edge contacts
LFE-2 local strain (3 mm) 3.9 3.7c resulted in the deepest indentations and the largest tensile strains.
LFE-2 incremental strain (3 mm) 13.6 13.1c These tests demonstrated that the nominal grainsize of the gravel in-
LFE-2 local strain (1 mm) NA 4.5
fluenced both average spacing between the gravel contacts but also on
LFE-2 incremental strain (1 mm) 20d 42d
Tognon et al. (2000) (1 mm) NA 75 the maximum tensile strain recorded in the GMB. For example, the
average spacing between the gravel contacts was 37 mm for the 25-mm
The Profile B from Hornsey and Wishaw (2012) was digitized first ap- gravel and this increased to 55 mm for the 50-mm gravel. The max-
proximately at 1-mm intervals within the horizontal distance between −22.5 imum GMB tensile strains were 16 and 32% for the 25-mm and 50-mm
and 22.5 mm, and then the interpolation method was used to get the profile gravel, respectively (Fig. 3; Table 2). There was no short-term puncture
exactly at 1-mm intervals. of the GMB but these strains are far too large for GMBs in the landfill
Based on the width of the indentation = 45 mm and the depth of the in-
applications. Thus, a protection layer must be included between the
dentation = 5.6 mm.
c GMB and overlying gravel layer to limit the GMB tensile strains.
Data points at 3-mm intervals were selected according to the digitized
profile at 1-mm intervals.
The strain values are very sensitive to the locations where the vertical
displacements are taken and the method of processing the data (e.g., inter- 2.4. Influence of geotextile protection on maximum GMB tensile strain
polation or polynomial fit).
Brachman and Gudina (2008b) reported the results of tests with a
local and incremental strain methods estimated the maximum GMB 50-mm gravel drainage layer with and without a geotextile protection
strains of 3.7% and 13.1%, respectively (similar to values calculated by layer (Fig. 4) above a 1.5-mm thick HDPE GMB overlying a needle-
Hornsey and Wishaw, 2012). Reducing the measurement interval from punched geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) which in turn rested on a firm
3 mm to 1 mm increases the maximum strain from 3.7% to 4.5% for the foundation layer. The barrier system was subjected to an applied load of
LFE-2 local strain method and from 13.1% to 42% for the LFE-2 in- 250 kPa for 10 h at 21 ± 1 °C.
cremental strain method. However, these methods do not capture the In contrast to an otherwise similar test (discussed above) which had
bending strain which is substantial at such a tight point of curvature at a maximum GMB tensile strain from 32% with no protection layer for
the corner of the indentations. Consideration of both the membrane and the GMB over the compacted clay liner (Brachman and Gudina, 2008a),
bending strains using the Tognon et al. (2000) method results in a in this case the maximum strain was reduced to 17% (Fig. 5; Table 2)
maximum GMB strain of 75%. when the GMB was underlain by a GCL on the firm foundation
(Brachman and Gudina, 2008b). Thus, increasing the stiffness of the
foundation from a compacted clay liner at wopt+4% to a GCL on a firm
2.3. Influence of gravel size on maximum GMB tensile strain foundation almost halved the maximum strain demonstrating that the
nature of the material below the GMB can have a significant effect on
Brachman and Gudina (2008a) performed laboratory experiments local strains and hence the need to simulate the entire barrier system
(Fig. 2) using two poorly graded and angular gravels, one with a when assessing potential GMB strains on important projects.
Fig. 1. Cross-section of indentation examined in Table 1 (“Profile B”; modified from Hornsey and Wishaw, 2012).
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Fig. 2. Cross-section of test cell (modified from Brachman and Gudina, 2008a).
Fig. 3. Distribution of GMB strains with 25-mm and 50-mm gravels (modified from Brachman and Gudina, 2008a).
A geotextile protection layer between the GMB and gravel drainage barrier separated from the 50-mm gravel by a geocomposite with
layer reduced the maximum GMB strain for the case with a GMB over a layered geotextiles under an applied vertical pressure of 250 kPa for
GCL and firm foundation layer (Fig. 5; Table 2; Brachman and Gudina, 10 h at 22 ± 2 °C. The 1100 g/m2 geocomposite (GCTX) halved the
2008b) and a CCL (Table 2). But the extent to which the GMB strain can maximum GMB tensile strains to 3.9% (Table 2) compared to 8% ex-
be reduced by a geotextile protection layer is dependent on its prop- pected for traditional 1100 g/m2 nonwoven geotextile (Fig. 5) and even
erties. The mass per unit area is the most commonly specified property to 2.6% with a mass per unit area of about 3000 g/m2 when a thicker
of a protection layer. For similar needle punched geotextiles, the larger nonwoven core was installed between two thinner and stiffer outer
the mass per unit area of the geotextile, the smaller the GMB strain layers. However, even with a 1100 g/m2 composite geotextile protec-
(Fig. 5). When using a geotextile with the mass per unit area of 2200 g/ tion layer, a 3.9% GMB strain is still too large and even the 2.6% for the
m2 (the highest among three geotextiles tested by Brachman and 3000 g/m2 may not be adequate because these strains are only estab-
Gudina, 2008b), the GMB strains were just below 6% compared to 17% lished for short-term (10 h) loading conditions at room temperature.
without a geotextile protection layer. The limitation of using only unit For long-term field conditions, especially with elevated temperatures
weight to specify a protection geotextile was noted in Jones et al. and chemical exposure encountered in MSW landfills, GMB strains
(2000). greater than these short-term values are expected as discussed in Sec-
Mass per unit area is only part of the story and the tensile stiffness tion 2.6.
and creep characteristics of geotextile may also be expected to play a
role. While the tensile stiffness may be correlated with mass per unit
area this only applies to otherwise similar geotextiles as was illustrated 2.5. Influence of alternative protection layers on maximum GMB tensile
by the performance of the composite geotextile examined by Dickinson strain
and Brachman (2008) discussed below.
Dickinson and Brachman (2008) examined a GMB-GCL landfill In addition to the geocomposite (GCTX) discussed above, Dickinson
and Brachman (2008) reported laboratory experiments at 250 kPa for
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Table 2
Maximum 1.5 mm HDPE GMB strains in full scale (GLLS) tests at 250 kPa, room temperature, and 10 h sustained loading (except as noted).
Type of foundation (thickness) below GMB Gravel D60 (mm) Protection layer Maximum strain (%)
CCL (100 mm) 25 None 16
CCL (100 mm) 25 570 g/m2 GTX 13
CCL (100 mm) 25 2200 g/m2 GTX 4.5
CCL (100 mm) 50 None 32
CCL (100 mm) 50 390 g/m2 GTX 19
CCL (100 mm) 50 540 g/m2 GTX 15
CCL (100 mm) 50 1200 g/m2 GTX 9.1
CCL (150 mm) 50 1200 g/m2 GTX 13
CCL (100 mm) 50 2200 g/m2 GTX 8.2
CCL (100 mm) 50 Sand (150 mm) < 0.5
GCL (w = 7%) + CCL (150 mm) 50 None 22
GCL (w = 7%) + SP (150 mm) 50 None 13
GCL (w = 128%) + SP (150 mm) 50 None 17
GCL (w = 128%) + SP (150 mm) 50 None 19
GCL (w = 170%) + SP (150 mm) 50 None 20
GCL (w = 127%) + SP (150 mm) 50 270 g/m2 GTX 15
GCL (w = 129%) + SP (150 mm) 50 390 g/m2 GTX 10
GCL (w = 118%) + SP (150 mm) 50 570 g/m2 GTX 11
GCL (w = 120–130%) + SP∗(150 mm) 50 580 g/m2 GTX at 55 °C for 1 month 15
GCL (w = 128%) + SP (150 mm) 50 1200 g/m2 GTX 7.6–7.7
GCL (w = 148%) + SP (150 mm) 50 2200 g/m2 GTX 5.1–5.5
GCL (w = 124%) + SP (150 mm) 50 790 g/m2 GCTX 6.7
GCL (w = 118%) + SP (150 mm) 50 1000 g/m2 GCTX 5.4
GCL (w = 121%) + SP (150 mm) 50 1100 g/m2 GCTX 3.9
GCL (w = 114–133%) + SP (150 mm) 50 3000 g/m2 GCTX 2.0–2.6
GCL (w = 126%) + SP (150 mm) 50 Sand (150 mm) 0.1–0.2
GCL (w = 120–130%) + SP∗(150 mm) 50 SP∗(150 mm) at 55 °C for 40.6 months <1
GCL (w = 125–135%) + SP (150 mm) 50 Geonet 13–16
GCL (w = 130–135%) + SP (150 mm) 50 Tire shreds (150 mm) 5.2–6.3
GCL (w = 117–124%) + SP (150 mm) 50 Tire shreds (150 mm) + 570 g/m2 GTX 2.3–2.8
Note: 25 mm-gravel: D90 = 35 mm, D85 = 30 mm, D60 = 25 mm, D50 = 23 mm, D10 = 15 mm.
50 mm-gravel: D90 = 63 mm, D85 = 55 mm, D60 = 45–50 mm, D50 = 47 mm, D10 = 32–40 mm.
SP (poorly graded sand): D100 = 5.5 mm, D90 = 3 mm, D60 = 0.58 mm, D50 = 0.45 mm, D10 = 0.15 mm.
SP∗(poorly graded sand): D85 = 2 mm, D60 = 0.54 mm, D50 = 0.46 mm, D10 = 0.16 mm.
CCL: compacted clay liner; GCL: geosynthetic clay liner; GTX: geotextile (mass per unit are rounded to 2 significant figures); GCTX: Composite GTX; Geonet: 5.4 mm-
thick under 20 kPa, solid ribs with a mass of 611 g/m2, and 9.5 mm-spacing between the parallel ribs in one direction and 10.5 mm in the other direction.
Brachman and Gudina (2008a).
Brachman and Gudina (2008b).
Dickinson and Brachman (2008).
Rowe et al. (2013a).
10 h at 22 ± 2 °C using a geonet, rubber tire shreds, and sand as al- (2.3–2.8%) if a single layer of geotextile with a mass per unit area of
ternative protection layers between a 50-mm gravel drainage layer and 570 g/m2 was between the tire shreds and the GMB. Thus a thicker
a GMB-GCL composite landfill liner. The use of a biaxial geonet geotextile and tire shreds may have potential for a protection layer.
(Table 2) as the protection layer resulted in maximum GMB strains However, a geotextile would also likely be needed between the gravel
ranging from 13% to 15% in multiple tests. Thus, the geonet was unable and tire shreds (as a separator) and careful consideration would need to
to provide adequate protection to the GMB-GCL liner from excessive be given to the effect of compressibility of the tire sheds (Rowe and
strains. A 150-mm thick layer of tire shreds limited the maximum McIsaac, 2005) on differential movement of the pipes in the drainage
strains to 5.2–6.3% when used directly over the GMB and even lower layer. Generally, tire shreds cannot be considered a replacement for
Fig. 4. Cross-section of test cell for GMB with a geotextile protection layer (modified from Brachman and Gudina, 2008b).
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Fig. 5. Influence of protection layers on reducing GMB strains (modified from Brachman and Gudina, 2008b). Arrows show strain inferred for a normal needle
punched nonwoven geotextile at 570 and 1100 g/m2.
gravel in a MSW leachate collection system (Rowe and McIsaac, 2005; Table 3
McIsaac and Rowe, 2005). Averaged maximum GMB strains reported by Sabir and Brachman (2012) for
Brachman and Gudina (2008b), Dickinson and Brachman (2008), idealized stone at 250 kPa (based on nominal 50 mm gravel; CCL compacted at
and Rowe et al. (2013a) in separate experiments demonstrated that a wopt+4% = 16%).
150-mm thick sand layer limited the GMB tensile strain to less than Protection Temperature (oC) Averaged maximum GMB strain (%) after
0.2% making it by far the most effective protection layer examined for a different periods of sustained loading
GMB under 50-mm gravel at 250 kPa. It can be anticipated that these
10 h 100 h 1000 h 10000 h
strains would not be significantly affected by either temperature or
time, unlike those with a geotextile protection layer discussed in the None 22 10.9 12.0 13.8
next section. Unfortunately, the sand layer cannot be considered part of None 35 12.6 13.6
the leachate drainage layer in a MSW landfill (Rowe, 2005). None 55 14.9 15.3 17.2 18.0
None 70 15.5 16.7
None 85 16.7 19.1 20.5
2.6. Influence of time and temperature on maximum GMB tensile strain 540 g/m2 GTX 22 8.7 9.7 10.8
540 g/m2 GTX 35 9.8 10.9
540 g/m2 GTX 55 11.7 12.2 13.7
The laboratory experiments conducted in Brachman and Gudina 540 g/m2 GTX 70 13.5
(2008a), Brachman and Gudina (2008b), and Dickinson and Brachman 540 g/m2 GTX 85 14.1 16.0 > 17.2a
(2008) were based on the applied pressure of 250 kPa held for a
duration of 10 h at room temperature (21–22 °C). However, under the 800 h.
field conditions in the landfill, the GMB is expected to be loaded much
longer and subjected to temperatures of at least 35–40 °C in the me- GMB tensile strains increased from 14.9 to 18.0% when time was in-
thanogenic phase for normal landfills but also in some cases to 50–60 °C creased from 10 to 10000 h (1.14 years). Increasing the temperature
and in other cases ≥85 °C (Rowe, 2012). from 22 to 85 °C increased the GMB tensile strain observed after 1000 h
Sabir and Brachman (2012) explored the effect of temperature and from 13.8% (22 °C) to 20.5% (85 °C).
time for an isolated particle (simulated by a 28-mm-diameter machined The significance of the foregoing becomes even more apparent in
steel probe) indenting a 1.5-mm thick HDPE GMB overlying a com- full scale tests carried to the point where the GMB ruptures. For ex-
pressible clay liner (compacted at 16% moisture content which was 4% ample, Ewais et al. (2014) examined a 1.5-mm thick GMB aged in a
wet of optimum and at the plastic limit for this soil). Two cases were typical landfill composite liner configuration under a pressure of
examined (i) no protection, and (ii) a 540 g/m2 (4-mm thick) nonwoven 250 kPa at 85 °C where a 560 g/m2 geotextile protection layer was used
geotextile (Table 3). The particle was subject to a sustained vertical between the GMB and the 50-mm gravel drainage layer containing
force corresponding to that expected with a gravel layer subject to an leachate. The strains at the rupture locations were reported to be
average applied stress of 250 kPa. The laboratory results indicated that 24 ± 6% after about 2 years (17,500 h) of sustained load when the
the machined probe was able to closely reproduce the average strains stress crack resistance (SCR) of the GMB was about 760 h and tensile
from real 50-mm gravel. For both cases the strain increased with both break strength averaged 42.5 ± 12 kN/m (Ewais et al., 2014, Table 4).
the period of sustained loading and increased temperature. At room Based on Table 2, the expected short term (10 h) strain would be about
temperature the strain increased from the 10-h value by around 1.4% 11% at room temperature. Considering a projection from Sabir and
per log cycle of time without protection and by 1% per log cycle with Brachman (2012) and Table 3, one might expect a strain of about 22%
the 540 g/m2 GTX (Table 3). At 85 °C the strain increased from the 10-h after 20–26 months (14000–19000 h); this falls within the range of
value by 1.9% per log cycle of time both without and with the 540 g/m2 24 ± 6% that was observed (Ewais et al., 2014, Table 4).
GTX (Table 3). Ewais et al. (2014) reported that the observed ruptures were pre-
For a GMB without a protection layer, at the temperature 55 °C the dominately in the machine direction of the GMB due to a lower initial
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Table 4 after 10 h at 250 kPa for 25 mm-gravel (Table 2), 19 mm-gravel gave a
Maximum GMB strains at rupture locations reported in literature for a range of strain of 23–25% after 100 h at 2000 kPa when the unprotected GMB
cases in full scale (GLLS) tests involving GCL (hydrated) + SP (150 mm thick) rested on a CCL at 16% water content. Thus while the conditions are not
foundation, 1.5 mm HDPE GMB overlain by 560 g/m2 GTX and 50 mm gravel at directly comparable, it does indicate that increasing compressive stress
250 kPa. Note: each test was terminated and strains evaluated 24 h after a leak
does increase the tensile strain. Some have argued that one cannot get
(signaling the first rupture) was detected.
tensile stress in a GMB liner under compressive stress – the results in
Temp. (oC) Time to rupture Minimum Maximum Average (SD) Tables 2–5 show the error in that argument, which fails to recognize the
(hours) strain at strain at strain at effects of non-uniformity in the distribution of the vertical compressive
rupture (%) rupture (%) rupture (%)
stresses at the level of the GMB.
55 770–794 7.9 7.9 7.9 At 2000 kPa for 100 h and for 18-19 mm-gravel (Table 5), the
65 240–268 7.4 10.8 9.0 ± 1.5 maximum GMB tensile strain due to indentations for a GMB was (i)
70 100–124 7.0 11.8 9.9 ± 2.0 15–18% when the GMB was on a compacted silty sand, (ii) 12–18%
75 87–111 6.0 15.7 10 ± 2.9
a when on an air dried GCL on sand, (iii) a few percent higher at 14–21%
85 24–48 9.0 15.3 12 ± 2.0
85 14000–19000 14.9 58.9 24 ± 6 when on a GCL at 86% on sand, (iv) a little higher at 18–25% when on a
150 mm-thick CCL at optimum water content, wopt; and (v) 23–25%
Note: GCL: geosynthetic clay liner; SP: poorly graded sand layer; GTX: geo- when on a 150 mm-thick CCL at wopt + 4%. Thus the subgrade made
textile; SD = standard deviation. some difference with the silts and air dried GCL being, as one might
Abdelaal et al. (2014); GMB pre-aged to 75 h stress crack resistance (SCR). expect, at the lower end of the range and the CCL compacted 4% wet of
Ewais et al. (2014); GMB OIT-depleted to 760 h SCR. optimum (the plastic limit) the highest end. That said the range in
maximum tensile strain was relative narrow (from 18 to 25%) and 18 to
SCR in the cross-machine direction than in machine direction. Although 19 mm-gravel in direct contact can have a very significant effect on
there were considerably more ruptures at indentation slopes (i.e., at the tensile strain in all cases without a suitable protection layer. When a
side slope of indentations with 48% of 123 ruptures) and beneath sand protection layer was used the strain dropped to 2% even when the
gravel contacts (34%) than between indentations (18%), the ruptures stress was increased to 3000 kPa with the strains in this case being due
between indentations were both longest (up to 100 mm) and widest to subtle differences in the surface and density of the subgrade.
making them especially hydraulically significant. Depending on the The effect of stress for otherwise similar conditions (Table 5) can
orientation of the strains, the rupture may or may not occur at the point increase the GMB maximum tensile strain significantly as illustrated by
of maximum strain. Thus for the Ewais et al. (2014) tests, while the an almost ideal foundation (compacted sand) when 18 mm-gavel is in
average strain at ruptures agreed with the projected maximum strain direct contact with the GMB. It increased (Table 5) from 5 to 6% at
quite well (with a large number of ruptures), there were ruptures at 500 kPa to 7–8% at 1000 kPa, 15–18 at 2000 kPa and 18–27% at
strains of 18% (well below the projected maximum strain of about 3000 kPa.
22%). The potential for ruptures to occur at strains less than the max- For poorly graded material, the grainsize (D60) of the drainage
imum strain becomes even more evident as the SCR of the GMB is re- medium is of critical importance (Table 5), at 2000 kPa and with a GMB
duced with ageing as in the Abdelaal et al. (2014) experiments on the directly on a sand subgrade, with 2 mm giving 8–9% strain, 8 mm
same GMB under these same conditions except that the GMB had been giving 11–12% strain, and 18 mm giving 15–18% when no protection
aged to about 75 h SCR (i.e., 10% of that tested by Ewais et al., 2014). layer is used. At 3000 kPa and other conditions similar, these strains
In this case, at 85 °C the GMB ruptured after 1 day (24 h) of sustained increase to 11–12% (2 mm), 13–15% (8 mm), and 18–27% (18 mm),
loading (at an average rupture strain of 12% but with ruptures for respectively when no protection layer is used.
strains between 9% and 15%) compared to the projected maximum
strain of 12.3% for 24 h when the first crack appeared and 13.4% after 2.8. Influence of isolated stones in a CCL on maximum GMB tensile strain
48 h when the test was terminated (based on a 10-h strain of 11% at
room temperature from Table 2 and the same rate used for Ewais et al. The foregoing all related to the drainage gravel being the primary
(2014) as inferred from Sabir and Brachman 2012 data in Table 3). source of the indentions that cause tensile strain in a GMB. However,
There were a large number of cracks when the test was terminated 24 h this is not necessarily the case, especially if the material below the GMB
after the first leak was detected and so the projection based on 10-h is a CCL. Many specifications allow granular material up to 100 mm in
data in Table 2 and rates inferred from Sabir and Brachman (2012) size in a compacted clay liner. Brachman and Sabir (2010) demon-
appear consistent with both the Abdelaal et al. (2014) data after strated that for a CCL compacted at a typical 2–4% wet of optimum, a
24–48 h and Ewais et al. (2014) data after 600 days for the first rupture single 35-mm gravel particle in the upper lift but below the surface of
when SCR = 760 h (Ewais et al., 2014). the CCL (not visible) could induce significant strains in the GMB
At 55 °C, Abdelaal et al. (2014) reported that the GMB ruptured (Table 6). They also showed that even for the CCL compacted at a water
after ⁓ 800 h of sustained loading (at a tensile strain of 8%). There was content of 16% (= wopt + 4%) and a 1000 kPa load there was negli-
one crack that occurred well below the projected maximum strain of gible strain in the GMB due to the gravel particle when a GCL was
13%. At temperatures between 55 and 85 °C, cracks occurred at strains between the CCL and the GMB (Table 6). There are a variety of reasons
as low as 6% (Table 4). Thus it is especially important to (a) project the for including a GCL between the GMB and CCL (Rowe, 2018b); one of
strain for the anticipated temperature and time of exposure, and (b) these is to mitigate the effect of gravel in the CCL on GMB tensile
limit the maximum projected strain from all sources (those above were strains.
only for indentations from the drainage layer) to below the maximum
allowable strain. 3. GMB tensile strains on side slope
2.7. Influence of stress on maximum GMB tensile strain 3.1. GMB tears on side slope
The results presented in Tables 2–4 and discussed above were for an An appropriate protection layer between the GMB and gravel drai-
applied stress of 250 kPa. This is at the lower end of the likely range for nage layer can be very effective in minimizing GMB punctures and
a landfill and well below the stresses in applications like heap leach limiting the GMB strains as discussed above. However, the GMB can
pads. Table 5 documents strains after 100 h of sustained loading at a still fail on side slopes due to inadequate attention to stability and/or
range of stresses from 500 to 3000 kPa. Compared to the 16% strain down-drag loads from waste settlement. A well-documented slope
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Table 5
Maximum GMB strains for a range of cases in full scale (GLLS) tests involving 1.5 mm HDPE GMB at different applied vertical pressures, room temperature with 100 h
of sustained loading.
Type of foundation (thickness) below GMB Gravel D60 (mm) Protection layer Applied pressure (kPa) Maximum strain (%)
CCL (w = 12%, 150 mm) 19 None 2000 18–25
CCL (w = 16%, 150 mm) 19 None 2000 23–25
GCL (w = 7%) + SP (150 mm) 19 None 2000 12–18
GCL (w = 85–87%) + SP (150 mm) 19 None 2000 14–21
CSL (150 mm) 18 None 500 5.0–6.0
CSL (150 mm) 18 None 1000 7.0–8.0
CSL (150 mm) 18 None 2000 15–18
CSL (150 mm) 18 None 3000 18–27
CSL (150 mm) 8 None 2000 11–12
CSL (150 mm) 8 None 3000 13–15
CSL (150 mm) 2 None 2000 8.0–9.0
CSL (150 mm) 2 None 3000 11–12
CSL (150 mm) 18 Silty sand (150 mm) 3000 2.0
Note: CCL: compacted clay liner; GCL: geosynthetic clay liner; SP: poorly graded sand layer; CSL: Compacted soil (silty sand) liner with w = 11%.
Rowe et al. (2013b).
Brachman et al. (2014).
Table 6
Maximum GMB strains reported for a CCL with a 35 mm gravel particle initially
flush with the surface of 150 mm-thick CCL below a 1.5 mm HDPE GMB at
different applied vertical pressures at room temperature (adapted from
Brachman and Sabir, 2010).
Liner CCL compacted with Applied vertical Maximum strain
w (%) pressure (kPa) (%)
With a 540 g/m2 protection layer and overlying sand protection (as per
Table 2).
With a 540 g/m2 protection layer and overlying 50 mm-gravel (as per
Table 2) above GMB.
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Bareither et al., 2008): and (b) biodegradation-induced settlement (e.g., GMB-lined landfill with benches on side slopes similar to those en-
anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter resulting in loss of solid countered in a canyon landfill subject to waste settlement (Fig. 7) as
mass; Gourc et al., 2010). In this investigation, the primary settlement reported by Kavazanjian and Gutierrez (2017). The results showed that
is considered as the short-term waste settlement (i.e., immediately after the calculated GMB strains on benches and waste surface settlement at
landfill closure; Case 1 in Yu and Rowe, 2018b) and the total settlement the landfill centre were generally in encouraging agreement with the
from both the primary and secondary settlements is termed as the long- measured data (Yu and Rowe, 2018a).
term waste settlement (Case 2 in Yu and Rowe, 2018b). Numerical The numerical analyses presented in Yu and Rowe (2018a) in-
models are currently the only practical tools for engineers to explore the dicated that the 3-mm thick prototype GMB with an axial tensile stiff-
different design scenarios and to gain confidence when designing the ness J = 2000 kN/m resulted in a maximum prototype tensile load
geosynthetic liner systems. Both the finite element method (FEM; equal to the yield strength (i.e., Ty = 120 kN/m). If the GMB had a
Villard et al., 1999; Filz et al., 2001) and finite difference method (FDM; higher stiffness (e.g., J = 4000 kN/m) and strength (e.g., Ty = 240 kN/
Jones and Dixon, 2005; Fowmes, 2007; Fowmes et al., 2008a,b; Arab, m), the GMB maximum tensile load was 205 kN/m (i.e., less than the
2011; Sia and Dixon, 2012; Wu, 2013; Zamara et al., 2014; Thiel et al., yield strength 240 kN/m; Fig. 8a) and the maximum tensile strain was
2014; Yu and Rowe, 2018a, 2018b; Kavazanjian et al., 2018) have been 5.1% (< yield strain; Yu and Rowe, 2018a). Thus a GMB with axial
used to numerically model the performance of geosynthetic liner sys- tensile stiffness J = 4000 kN/m could prevent the GMB from yielding
tems. All these numerical models have assumed that the slopes had and reduce the maximum strain to about 5% (Fig. 8b) with other things
planar surfaces and that, according to good practice, the GMBs were not being equal. However, this would imply the need for an unrealistically
welded across the side slopes. The influence of the slope geometric ir- (6 mm) thick GMB liner to control the maximum tensile strain and thus
regularity (e.g., Mitchell et al., 2016) and geomembrane seams (e.g., an alternative approach is needed.
Giroud, 2005; Fowmes et al., 2008b; Kavazanjian et al., 2017; Rowe
and Shoaib, 2017) on the interaction along interfaces and the geo-
membrane tensile strains has not been considered. 3.4. Influence of GMB upper and lower interface shear strength on GMB
The following sections summarized numerical results and presented tensile strains
new data based on a numerical model developed by Yu and Rowe
(2018a, 2018b). The interactions between the dissimilar materials were Yu and Rowe (2018b) numerically examined a full-scale landfill
simulated using a zero-thickness interface model with a Mohr-Coulomb profile with a slope inclination of 1H:1V and two 4-m wide inter-
failure criterion. The strain-softening interface behavior was not con- mediate benches below the ground surface (Fig. 9). The foundation was
sidered in the current version of the model. The numerical results from competent rock and the GMB was 1.5 mm-thick (Yu and Rowe, 2018b).
Zamara et al. (2014) indicated that both the strain-softening and non- For the base case (a slope inclination of 1H:1V) with the interface
strain-softening interface models were unable to predict the field per- friction angle between the LCS (i.e., leachate collection system) and
formance of a GMB liner with an overlying geotextile. They suggested GMB ϕgmw = 20° (GMB upper interface) and that between the GMB and
the use of reduced values for interface shear strength parameters in GCL ϕgmf = 10° (GMB lower interface), the numerical results (Table 7)
design when the geosynthetic liner systems were expected to be un- showed that the calculated maximum GMB tensile strain was 8.6% for
covered for a prolonged time. Thiel (2001) discussed the decision of the short-term waste settlement (Case 1 from the primary settlement;
using the peak or residual interface strength parameters for the design using Mohr-Coulomb model with waste unit weight γ = 10.7 kN/m3,
of geosynthetic liner systems and recommended the use of residual friction angle ϕ = 33°, poisson's ratio ν = 0.33, Young's modulus
interface shear strength parameters on the side slopes. Compared to the E = 6 MPa, and cohesion c = 5 kPa) and increased to 19.8% for the
strain-softening interface model, the non-strain-softening model with long-term waste settlement (Case 2 from both the primary and sec-
residual interface shear strength parameters can generally yield con- ondary settlements; using Mohr-Coulomb model by decreasing the
servative (thus safer) performance predictions of geosynthetic liner Young's modulus from E = 6 MPa in Case 1 to E = 2 MPa in Case 2
systems. while keeping all other parameter values unchanged). A decrease in the
GMB upper interface friction angle from ϕgmw = 20° to 15° reduced the
calculated maximum GMB tensile strain from 8.6% to 7.5% for Case 1
3.3. Centrifuge testing and from 19.8% to 18.2% for Case 2 when other conditions were un-
changed. The use of the GMB upper interface friction angle ϕgmw = 15°
Centrifuge modelling has been used to examine the performance of and GMB lower interface friction angle ϕgmf = 15° (Table 7) resulted in
GMB liners under waste settlement (Thusyanthan et al., 2007; the calculated maximum GMB tensile strain of 3.4% for the short-term
Kavazanjian and Gutierrez, 2017). These centrifuge tests used the waste settlement (Case 1) and of 4.9% for the long-term waste settle-
scaled models and increased the body stresses by centrifugal accelera- ment (Case 2). A further reduction in the GMB upper interface friction
tion. A FDM model (Yu and Rowe, 2018a) was used to examine the angle to ϕgmw = 11° (for 1H:1V and ϕgmf = 15°) reduced the calculated
GMB strains/loads developed in the large-scale centrifuge test of the maximum GMB tensile strains to 2.3 and 3.1% for Case 1 and 2,
Fig. 7. Prototype geometry based on a large-scale centrifuge test reported by Kavazanjian and Gutierrez (2017).
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Fig. 8. Influence of GMB stiffness on GMB (a) tensile loads and (b) tensile strains. Note: ϕf is the foundation friction angle, c f is the foundation cohesion, ϕgf is the
interface friction angle between the GMB and foundation, ϕgw is the interface friction angle between the GMB and waste, k n is the interface normal stiffness, and k s is
the interface shear stiffness.
respectively. For the slope inclination of 1H:1V, the maximum GMB 8.6 to 4.4% for Case 1 and from 19.8 to 10.7% for Case 2 (Yu and Rowe,
strain levels are acceptable if the GMB upper interface friction angle 2018b). A further reduction in slope inclination to 3H:1V resulted in the
ϕgmw ≤ 11° and the GMB lower interface friction angle ϕgmf ≥ 15°. Thus maximum tensile strains of 2.0 and 2.1% for Case 1 and Case 2, re-
the base case with high friction above and lower friction below the GMB spectively (Yu and Rowe, 2018b). Thus reducing the slope inclination
represents the worst combination of friction angles and a decrease in had a very positive effect in terms of reducing maximum GMB tensile
the GMB upper interface friction angle or increase in the GMB lower strains for both short-term and long-term waste settlement, and the use
interface friction angle, or both, can reduce the calculated maximum of a slope inclination of 3H:1V limited the maximum GMB tensile
GMB tensile strains for both short- and long-term waste settlement. strains to acceptable design levels for the (challenging friction angle
Lower friction angles above the GMB are good for strains but increase combination) conditions examined.
stability concerns; both need to be addressed. For slope inclination of 2H:1V, reducing the GMB upper interface
friction angle from ϕgmw = 20° to 15° and increasing GMB lower in-
terface friction angle from ϕgmf = 10° to 15° (Table 7) resulted in a
3.5. Influence of slope inclination on GMB tensile strains decrease of the calculated maximum GMB tensile strain from 4.4 to
1.6% for the short-term waste settlement (Case 1) and from 10.7 to
When the GMB upper and lower interface friction angles were kept 3.1% for the long-term waste settlement (Case 2). Thus, a slope in-
the same as those from the base case, changing the slope inclination clination of 2H:1V with the GMB upper interface friction angle ϕgmw ≤
from 1H:1V to 2H:1V decreased the maximum GMB tensile strain from
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Fig. 9. Landfill profile with a slope inclination of 1H:1V and two 4-m wide intermediate benches below the ground surface (modified from Yu and Rowe, 2018b).
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Fig. 10. Influence of GMB thickness (2.5 mm) on calculated GMB tensile strains on rock foundation from landfill profile with a slope inclination of 2H:1V and waste
parameter values from: (a) Case 1 and (b) Case 2.
Jgt = 10000 kN/m (Mirafi® PET high strength geotextile, the highest overlaps to accommodate differential slippage and to ensure a con-
stiffness value currently on market), the maximum geotextile tensile tinuous protection to the underlying GMB) with a low interface shear
strains were 3.3 and 5.3% for Case 1 and Case 2 (Fig. 12; Table 8), strength between the geotextile and GMB can limit the GMB strains to
respectively. Thus just increasing the geotextile tensile stiffness may not less than 2.0% for both short-term and long-term waste settlement. If
be sufficient to reduce the geotextile tensile strains to acceptable strain the slope inclination, geotextile tensile stiffness, and interface friction
level when the slope was 1H:1V. angles are all properly selected, the geotextile strains can also be lim-
A further consideration was to decrease the slope inclination from ited to acceptable level (e.g., less than 3.0% immediately after landfill
1H:1V to 2H:1V and to use a geotextile with Jgt = 8000 kN/m, which closure and 4.0% after long-term waste settlement in this case).
resulted in the maximum geotextile tensile strains of 2.5% for Case 1
(immediately after landfill closure) and 3.7% Case 2 (after long-term
3.9. Influence of GMB lower interface shear strength on GMB and geotextile
waste settlement), respectively (Table 8). These geotextile strains are
tensile strains
likely acceptable even after long-term waste settlement.
The numerical results suggest that the use of a geotextile (with
When the GMB was overlain by geotextile reinforcement, it was
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Fig. 11. Influence of foundation stiffness on calculated GMB tensile strains from landfill profile with a slope inclination of 3H:1V and waste parameter values from:
(a) Case 1 and (b) Case 2.
conservative to assume that the GMB was smooth with the same upper influence on both the GMB and geotextile strains (other things being
and lower interface shear strength ϕgmf = ϕgtgm = 10° (Yu and Rowe, equal).
2018b, Table 8; Fig. 12) for a single composite design. However, if the In contrast to the negligible effect of increasing the GMB lower in-
GMB had a smooth upper surface, with ϕgtgm = 10°, and a textured terface shear strength to exceed that at the upper surface of the GMB
lower surface with ϕgmf = 20°, then the calculated maximum GMB (i.e., ϕgmf ≥ ϕgtgm = 10°) decreasing the GMB lower interface shear
tensile strains for a geotextile with Jgt = 4200 kN/m (Fig. 13) were the strength below that at the upper surface of the GMB (i.e.,
same as those obtained with ϕgmf = 10° in (Table 5), namely, 1.1% for ϕgmf < ϕgtgm = 10°) had a significant effect. For example, decreasing
Case 1 (immediately after landfill closure) and 1.9% for Case 2 (after ϕgmf from 10° to 5° increased the calculated maximum GMB tensile
long-term waste settlement). The maximum geotextile tensile strains strain from 1.1% to 3.6% (Fig. 14a; Table 5) for Case 1 (immediately
(Fig. 13) were also the same as those obtained with ϕgmf = 10° at 5.0% after landfill closure) and from 1.9% (Table 8) to 8.7% (Fig. 14b;
for Case 1 and 9.1% for Case 2 (Table 5). Thus, increasing the GMB Table 8) for Case 2 (after long-term waste settlement). Also increased
lower interface shear strength from ϕgmf = 10° to 20° such that it ex- were the calculated geotextile tensile strains from 5.0% to 6.4%
ceeded that at the upper surface of the GMB (ϕgtgm =10°) had negligible (Fig. 14a; Table 8) for Case 1, and from 9.1% to 12.9% (Fig. 14b;
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Table 8 Tognon et al. (2000) method which is the most appropriate method
Calculated maximum GMB and geotextile tensile strains on rock foundation at available based on vertical deformations and considers both mem-
different slope inclinations and geotextile tensile stiffness values for both short- brane and bending strains based on sound mechanics. An alternative
term (Case 1) and long-term (Case 2) waste settlement (based on Yu and Rowe, method that also considers radial deformation presently under de-
velopment (Eldesouky and Brachman, 2018) shows promise.
GTX axial
stiffness, Jgt
Maximum GMB
strain (%)
Maximum GTX
strain (%)
• Without a protection layer between the GMB and overlying gravel,
GMBs over a compacted clay liner may experience short-term tensile
(kN/m) friction angle,
strains of 16% for the 25 mm gravel and 32% for the 50 mm gravel
ϕgmf (o) Case 1 Case 2 Case 1 Case 2
under the short-term physical loading condition. These GMB strains
1H:1V 4200 5 3.6 8.7 6.4 12.9 are too large to be acceptable for landfill applications. Thus, a sui-
1H:1V 4200 20 1.1 1.9 5.0 9.1 table protection layer must be included between the GMB and
1H:1V 4200 10a 1.1 1.9 5.0 9.1 overlying gravel layer to limit the GMB tensile strains.
5.3 • Without protection and with 50 mm gravel the tensile strains were
2H:1V 8000 10a 1.0 1.5 2.5 3.7
almost twice higher (32%) for a GMB over compacted clay com-
pared to those for a GMB over a hydrated (water content 128%)
Note: Assumed GMB axial tensile stiffness Jgm = 726 kN/m, the interface fric- geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) resting on a firm foundation (17%).
tion angle between the LCS and GTX ϕgtw = 30°, the interface friction angle • For GMBs over a needle-punched GCL with a geotextile protection
between the GTX and GMB ϕgtgm = 10° (based on residual friction angles ran- layer, none of the geotextiles with the mass per unit area up to
ging from 9.8° to 12.0° between the smooth GMB and nonwoven GTX reported 2200 g/m2 were able to reduce the short-term GMB strains to ac-
by Akpinar and Benson, 2005), and the interface friction angle between the ceptable level for 50 mm gravel. The 2200 g/m2 geotextile protec-
GMB and GCL ϕgmf as indicated in the table. tion layer between the GMB and 50 mm gravel particles reduced the
Based on residual friction angles ranging from 8.0° to 11.1° between the short-term GMB tensile strains to just below 6%.
smooth GMB and needle-punched (or stitch-bonded) GCL with woven GTX up
reported by McCartney et al. (2009).
• A 150-mm-thick sand protection layer limited the maximum GMB
tensile strain to less than 0.2%.
4. Summary
• For a CCL compacted at a typical 2–4% wet of optimum, a single
35 mm gravel particle in the upper lift but below the surface of the
CCL (not visible) can induce significant strains in the GMB. It was
The findings associated with local GMB indentations induced by the also shown that the effect of an isolated stone in the CCL was largely
gravel used in a modern leachate collection system under a 250 kPa mitigated when a GCL was placed between the CCL and the GMB.
vertical pressure are summarized below:
• The paper has also shown that for poorly graded material, the
grainsize (D60) of the drainage medium is of critical importance with
• The method of assessing strains is critical and the inferred strains respect to the strains induced at a given stress level and that for any
can vary by orders of magnitude depending on the approach grainsize the strains increase with increasing applied stress.
adopted. The strains reported in this paper were obtained using the
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Fig. 12. Influence of geotextile reinforcement layer (Jgt = 10000 kN/m) on calculated GMB on rock foundation from landfill profile with a slope inclination of 1H:1V
and waste parameter values from: (a) Case 1 and (b) Case 2.
For the cases and conditions examined, the key findings associated were taken to mitigate the effect.
with the down-drag load for GMBs on side slopes are: • A geotextile reinforcement layer (with overlaps to accommodate
differential slippage and to ensure a continuous protection) reduced
• For both short- and long-term waste settlement, decreasing the GMB the maximum GMB tensile strains to less than 2.0% even on slopes
upper interface friction angle or increasing the GMB lower interface of 1H:1V. However, the geotextile itself could become an en-
friction angle or both reduced the calculated maximum GMB tensile gineering concern for the steep slopes and consideration must be
strains. given to the allowable strain in the reinforcement; very high
• Decreasing the slope inclination from 1H:1V to 3H:1V reduced the strength reinforcement may be needed on steep slopes.
maximum GMB tensile strains for both short-term (e.g., immediately • It was shown to be extremely important to have a GMB lower in-
after landfill closure) and long-term waste settlement. For GMBs on terface shear strength equal to or higher than the GMB upper in-
side slopes without a geotextile protection layer, slope inclinations terface shear strength to limit both the GMB and geotextile re-
steeper than 3H:1V resulted in unacceptable maximum GMB strains inforcement tensile strains for landfill applications.
for landfill applications unless measures (e.g. geotextile reinforce- • The partial geotextile reinforcement could have the same benefit of
ment or careful control of friction angles above and below the GMB) the full geotextile reinforcement in reducing the maximum GMB and
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Fig. 13. Influence of GMB lower interface shear strength (ϕgmf = 20°) on calculated GMB (Jgm = 726 kN/m) and geotextile (Jgt = 4200 kN/m) tensile strains on rock
foundation from landfill profile with a slope inclination of 1H:1V and waste parameter values from: (a) Case 1 and (b) Case 2.
geotextile reinforcement tensile strains to acceptable low levels, but limit the tensile strains/stresses in the GMB to an acceptable low level.
the geotextile protection layer may become an engineering concern. The potential sources of strain have been considered herein, namely, (i)
strains due to local GMB indentations induced by overlying coarse
For cases with gravel drainage layer on side slopes, the increase in gravel in a leachate collection system, (ii) strain induced by an isolated
maximum GMB tensile strain can be expected as the gravel particles gravel particle in a CCL, and (iii) the down-drag load due to waste
under the weight of waste can cause indentations of the underlying settlement for GMBs on side slopes. The key research related to limiting
GMB resulting in additional GMB tensile strains. As the GMB tensile both sources of GMB strains have been discussed.
strain increases, the susceptibility of the GMB to stress cracking also Some have argued that one cannot get tensile stress in a GMB liner
increases. under compressive stress while others have argued that stress relaxation
will prevent stress cracking due to tensile strain. The results summar-
5. Conclusions ized in this paper for 250 kPa vertical applied stress show the error in
that argument, which fails to recognize the effects of non-uniformity in
To ensure a long service-life of a high-density polyethylene geo- the distribution of the vertical compressive stresses at the level of the
membrane (GMB) exposed to leachate in a landfill it is necessary to GMB. Results summarized herein indicate that increasing compressive
R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu Geotextiles and Geomembranes xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Fig. 14. Influence of GMB lower interface shear strength (ϕgmf = 5°) on calculated GMB (Jgm = 726 kN/m) and geotextile (Jgt = 4200 kN/m) tensile strains on rock
foundation from landfill profile with a slope inclination of 1H:1V and waste parameter values from: (a) Case 1 and (b) Case 2.
stress increases the tensile strains for an otherwise similar situation. It has been confirmed that significant tensile strains can also be
They also show that stress cracking can occur at strains as low as 6% developed in side slopes (especially those steeper than 3H:1V) based on
(and possibly lower). Thus, in design it is important to (a) project the a numerical modelling technique by using the residual interface shear
strain for the anticipated temperature and time of exposure, and (b) strength and without modelling the strain-softening interface behavior.
limit the maximum projected strain from all sources (those above were Currently the only practical means to compare the different design
only for indentations from the drainage layer) to below the maximum scenarios of geosynthetic liner systems is to use a numerical model that
allowable strain. is capable of modelling the interaction and potential slippage between
Although not addressed in detail, the implications of the results dissimilar materials in a multilayered system. Consideration needs to be
summarized herein are that the level of protection needed between a given to the effect of down-drag on GMB strains due to both short- and
gravel drainage layer will depend on: (i) the type and characteristics long-term waste settlement. In addition to slope angle, the friction
nature of the clay liner below the GMB, (ii) the nature of the drainage angle between the GMB and the materials above and below the GMB
layer above the GMB and especially its particle size, (iii) GMB thickness, had a significant effect on the GMB strains generated. Decreasing the
(iv) applied stress, (v) expected liner temperature, (vi) design life and GMB upper interface friction angle or increasing the GMB lower in-
maximum allowable strain. terface friction angle or both reduced the calculated maximum GMB
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slope and Jgt2 = 200 kN/m over the rest two thirds of the slope) tensile strains on rock foundation from landfill profile with a slope inclination of 2H:1V and waste
parameter values from: (a) Case 1 and (b) Case 2.
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