OECD Green Growth Studies
OECD Green Growth Studies
OECD Green Growth Studies
Green Growth
in Bandung, Indonesia
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This report presents the results of a study on urban green growth in the Bandung
Metropolitan Area, Indonesia, and is the third case study in the OECD project on Urban
Green Growth in Dynamic Asia. It analyses the economic and environmental
performance of Bandung, assesses its policies and governance practices that can promote
green growth, and provides recommendations to enhance its green growth potential.
The report identifies certain urban challenges holding back the economic and
environmental performance of the city, including traffic congestion, air pollution, limited
access to piped water, underground water depletion, inefficient municipal waste
management, increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and exposure to disaster risk,
such as flooding and seismic activity. The report identifies both internal and external
opportunities the city might consider to overcome these challenges and increase its
economic growth in the long term.
The Urban Green Growth in Dynamic Asia project explores how to promote green
growth in cities in Asia, examining policies and governance practices that encourage
greening and competitiveness in a rapidly expanding economy. The project contributes
both to the OECD Green Growth Strategy and to the OECD Strategy on Development, as
well as to ongoing discussions on the role of cities in tackling the urgent challenges of
climate change. Five case studies have been conducted, in Bangkok (Thailand),
Hai Phong (Viet Nam), Bandung, Iskandar Malaysia (Malaysia) and Cebu (Philippines).
They were chosen on the basis of criteria such as population size, speed of growth,
economic structure, and the centrality of the city in the national and regional economy.
The results of the case studies will culminate in a synthesis report on Urban Green
Growth in Dynamic Asia.
The project is part of the OECD Green Cities Programme, launched in 2010, which
has conducted four metropolitan case studies (Paris, Chicago, Stockholm and
Kitakyushu), two national case studies (China and Korea) and produced a synthesis
report, Green Growth in Cities (2013).
The analysis is based on a “focused comparison” strategy of case study research. This
entails asking the same questions in the different case study cities, to discern similarities
and draw general lessons. Although the analysis focuses on Asian cities, the lessons for
promoting green growth are relevant for other OECD member countries and cities.
The report was prepared by the Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial
Development. The directorate’s mission is to help governments at all levels design and
implement strategic, evidence-based and innovative policies to strengthen public
governance, respond effectively to diverse and disruptive economic, social and
environmental challenges, and to deliver on governments’ commitments to citizens.
The publication benefited from guidance by the OECD Regional Development Policy
Committee and its Working Party on Urban Policy, as well as the support of the local
team co-ordinated by the City of Bandung. It draws on data provided by the local team
and the OECD Metropolitan Database. The analytical approach draws on Urban Green
Growth in Dynamic Asia: A Conceptual Framework (2014). The expertise and experience
of OECD member countries provided relevant international benchmarks and policy
This publication was prepared by Tadashi Matsumoto (Project Manager, Urban Green
Growth/Knowledge Sharing), Loïc Daudey (Consultant, Green Growth/Knowledge
Sharing in Southeast Asia) and Martin Abbott (Consultant, Green Growth in Southeast
Asia) under the direction of Joaquim Oliveira Martins (Head of the Regional
Development Policy Division). It benefited from comments and input from numerous
colleagues: Karen Maguire, William Tompson, Olaf Merk, and Kwame Boye Frimpong.
Ulrike Chaplar, Pilar Philip and Victoria Elliott prepared the manuscript for publication.
Our thanks go to the local team that provided support throughout the study, including
the preparation of the background report and organisation of the OECD study missions to
Bandung. The OECD Secretariat would like to thank in particular: M. Ridwan Kamil
(Mayor of Bandung), Kamalia Purbani (Head of Local Development Planning
Board), Hery Antasari (Secretary, Local Development Planning Board), Anton
Sunarwibowo (Head of Spatial and Infrastructure Planning Division), Ayu Sukenjah
(Head of Division for Environment Rehabilitation), Nunun Yanuati (Head of
Infrastructure Planning Sub Division) Lisa Surya (Highway and Irrigation Agency),
Tamni Lasmini (Head, Spatial Planning Division), Enjang Mulyana (Secretary, Transport
Agency), Yunita Caroline (Informatics and Communication Department), Sofyan
Pranaja(Environment Management Agency), Endar Desri Kumala Dewi (Local
Development Planning Board), Sulistiyo Feti Dahlia (Health Agency), Aswin Sulaeman
(Asset and Finance Management Agency), Evrilina (Settlement and Spatial Agency).
We also thank the members of the Indonesian government who participated in the
OECD study missions and provided comments on the report including Adi Cahyadi, Bara
Ampera, Mahpud Sujai (Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance), Zaenal
Arifin (Ministry of National Development Planning). In addition, Siti Fatimah (Bandung
Institute of Governance Studies), Ilham Cendekia Srimarga (Senior Researcher,
Sinergantara) and Suhono H. Supangkat (Institut Teknologi Bandung) provided valuable
comments. Representatives from relevant organisations, including the Agence Française
de Développement (AFD), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Global Initiative Disaster Risk Management (GIDRM),
the Asian Development Bank (ADB), United Cities and Local Governments Asia
Pacific (UCLG-ASPAC), Asosiasi Pemerintah Kota Seluruh Indonesia (APEKSI), the
C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA),
the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Cities Alliance and
the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) also provided helpful
The publication has benefited from input from the Knowledge-Sharing Platform on
Urban Green Growth in Dynamic Asia and the participants of the Bandung Knowledge-
Sharing Workshop on Urban Green Growth in Dynamic Asia (6-7 May 2015). The
workshop was supported by the OECD Knowledge-Sharing Alliance. Akira Ogihara, the
case study’s international peer reviewer from Kawasaki, Japan, joined the OECD study
mission to Bandung (May 2015) and provided invaluable reports. Richard Carlos Worden
(international environmental consultant) provided inputs on urban resilience and disaster
risk management. Wahyu Mulyana (Urban and Regional Development Institute) provided
support on local data collection and policy assessment. The OECD Secretariat would
gratefully like to acknowledge the financial support of the City of Bandung, the
government of Japan, AFD and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Table of contents
Foreword......................................................................................................................................... 3
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ 5
Acronyms and abbreviations ...................................................................................................... 11
Executive summary...................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 1 The economic and environmental performance of Bandung................................. 15
1.1. Demographic characteristics of the Bandung Metropolitan Area ....................................... 17
1.2. The BMA’s socioeconomic structure .................................................................................. 20
1.3. Environmental trends and challenges for green growth ...................................................... 28
1.4. Bandung’s institutional landscape ....................................................................................... 36
Notes .......................................................................................................................................... 37
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 39
Chapter 2 Bandung’s emerging green growth opportunities ................................................. 45
2.1. Developing BMA-wide land use and public transport strategies ........................................ 46
2.2. Accelerating investment in water and solid waste as essential urban services ................... 57
2.3. Investing in renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency ........................................ 68
2.4. Promoting green buildings and combatting urban slums .................................................... 71
Notes .......................................................................................................................................... 75
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 76
Chapter 3 The smart city vision and green growth in Bandung ............................................. 81
3.1. Tailoring Bandung’s smart city vision to green growth objectives ..................................... 83
3.2. Enhancing data and knowledge on green growth in Bandung through ICT ....................... 88
3.3. Enhancing the performance of green growth-related infrastructure.................................... 91
3.4. Making Bandung resilient to natural disaster through smart city tools ............................... 95
3.5. Making the smart city inclusive ........................................................................................ 100
Notes ........................................................................................................................................ 104
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 105
Chapter 4 Governance for green growth in Bandung ............................................................ 109
4.1. Enhancing co-ordination for green growth between government bodies .......................... 111
4.2. Financing green growth in Bandung ................................................................................. 120
4.3. International co-operation for green growth in Bandung .................................................. 129
4.4. Engaging and collaborating with local stakeholders ......................................................... 133
Notes ........................................................................................................................................ 141
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 143
Executive summary
Urban green growth policies encourage economic development while reducing either
negative environmental externalities (for example, air pollution and carbon dioxide
emissions) or the consumption of natural resources and environmental assets, including
water, energy and undeveloped land.
Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA) has a population of 8.6 million people and is the
most populous Indonesian metropolitan area after Jakarta. The BMA has benefited from
strong economic growth. Between 2002 and 2012, its gross regional product (GRP)
doubled in size (6.6% annual growth), underpinned by a burgeoning tertiary sector
supported by strong local demand. Higher education levels in Bandung City have
accompanied this strong tertiary sector growth. While Bandung continues to attract
people and firms, the rapid growth has also created a number of greening challenges for
the city, including traffic congestion, air pollution, municipal solid waste and water
access and management. The BMA also faces several acute disaster risks, primarily
related to flooding and seismic activity. Bandung will need to address these greening
challenges to continue to benefit from its environmental assets.
The housing and building sectors also present opportunities for green growth, given the
increasing energy consumption in buildings. The proposed green building certificate, linked
with a mandatory building permit, could help guide eco-friendly building plans and should
be expanded to the entire BMA. Upgrading informal settlements requires a comprehensive
approach, especially since many are in flood-prone areas.
With 78 higher education establishments, the education sector clearly offers an
opportunity for the city to enlist co-operation on green growth objectives. Universities and
research institutes can support the local government in producing, collecting and analysing
data. The BMA should also support its existing innovation assets, such as the Institute for
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development and the Bandung Creative City Forum
Financing is critical for implementing urban green growth. The City of Bandung’s
budget has significantly increased over the past six years, thanks to increasing local own
revenues, but resource is not yet sufficient. Indonesia needs fiscal mechanisms that can both
increase local revenue and promote green growth, such as parking fees. Foreign direct
investment inflows in Indonesia are lower than in other Southeast Asian countries, due to
cumbersome restrictions, but Indonesia has been a pioneer in the region in fostering green
investment banking, for instance by creating sustainability ratings in markets. The local
government’s strategy of relying on public-private partnerships (PPPs) must also be
supported by the national government, at all stages of PPP project development.
The BMA could take advantage of its young population by enlisting them in efforts to
green the city. Community participation is crucial, and a first step is to identify the needs
and interests of different community groups in areas related to green growth and organise
support for it.
Chapter 1
Key findings
• The Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA) is located in the central-west interior of Java,
140 kilometres southeast of the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. The BMA’s population is
8.6 million, the most populous Indonesian metropolitan area after Jakarta. It has been
growing faster than comparable Indonesian cities, 1.9% annually between 2000 and
2010. Recent population growth has primarily been concentrated in outlying districts.
The BMA’s population is expected to reach 9.1 million people by 2020, when the
population of the Jakarta-Bandung urban corridor is projected to be 40 million.
• The BMA and particularly Bandung City have benefited from robust economic
growth more rapid than the Indonesian average and commensurate with that of
other Indonesian metropolitan areas. Between 2002 and 2012, the BMA’s gross
regional product (GRP) doubled in size, averaging 6.6% annual growth. However, the
BMA’s per capita GRP of USD 7 490 is less than one-quarter of that of the Jakarta
Metropolitan Area (USD 32 013) and is only marginally higher than Indonesia’s per
capita GDP (USD 7 475).
• The BMA’s economic growth is underpinned by a burgeoning tertiary sector and
is supported by strong local demand for services, even though the manufacturing
industry remains the largest employer. Bandung’s urban environment and high quality
of life lie at the heart of its economic competitiveness relative to other large
Indonesian cities such as Jakarta, where air quality and traffic conditions are relatively
• Although the BMA has enjoyed strong economic growth in the last decade, not all
residents have benefited to the same extent. Inequality has risen sharply. This is
demonstrated by a rising Gini co-efficient and overall numbers of people living in
poverty, as well as enduring and high unemployment.
• Changing land-use patterns and a growing population have severely strained
local infrastructure and the provision of basic urban services, such as transport,
water management and municipal solid waste (MSW). Vehicle numbers increased
by more than 400% between 2004 and 2014, contributing to severe traffic congestion
and high air pollution. Limited sanitation and water service coverage has resulted in
negative environmental externalities, such as decreasing ground water levels, land
subsidence and high levels of pollution in the local rivers that meet the city’s water
needs. Less than half of the BMA’s households have access to piped water services.
The volume of MSW produced has almost doubled to 56 909 cubic metres daily in
• The BMA faces several acute disaster risks, primarily related to flooding and
seismic activity. Flooding, in particular, has been exacerbated, because the footprint
of Bandung’s built environment has doubled in size and reduced surface water
absorption rates.
Source: Bandung City (2016), “Answers to the OECD case study questionnaire”, internal document, unpublished.
Note: *This is a projected figure. **This excludes the sub-districts outside the BMA. Although there are
26 sub-districts in Sumedang Regency, only five form part of the BMA. These five sub-districts are located
along the regency’s south western edge, bordering Bandung Regency. Data was not available for Cimahi City
and West Bandung in 1990.
Source: Statistics West Java (2015a), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
http://jabar.bps.go.id/new/website/pdf_publikasi/Jawa-Barat-Dalam-Angka-2015.pdf (accessed 20 June 2016);
Statistics Sumedang (2015), Kabupaten Sumedang Dalam Angka, Sumedang Regency in Figures,
(accessed 20 June 2016).
35 000 000
30 000 000
25 000 000
20 000 000
15 000 000
10 000 000
5 000 000
1980 1990 2000 2010 2015* 2020*
4% 4% 4%
12% 13% 10%
Source: City of Hai Phong (2015), “Answers to the OECD case study questionnaire”, internal document,
unpublished; Department of Statistics Malaysia (2011), Population Distribution and Basic Demographic
Characteristics; Population and Housing Census of Malaysia; OECD (2016), "Metropolitan areas", OECD Regional
Statistics (database). http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/data-00531-en (accessed 20 June 2016); Philippines Statistics
Authority (2014), Statistical Tables on Sample Variables from the results of 2010 Census of Population and Housing
Cebu, https://psa.gov.ph/content/statistical-tables-sample-variables-results-2010-census-population-and-housing-
%C3%83%C2%A2%C3%A2%E2%80%9A%C2%AC%C3%A2%E2%82%AC%C5%93-cebu (accessed
20 June 2016); Statistics West Java (2015a), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
http://jabar.bps.go.id/new/website/pdf_publikasi/Jawa-Barat-Dalam-Angka-2015.pdf (accessed 20 June 2016); West
Java in Figures 2015; Statistics Singapore (2015), Population Trends 2015: Statistical Appendices,
and_population_structure/population2015-table.xls (accessed 20 June 2016).
6.6% 6.8%
Bandung City Bandung Cimahi City West Bandung Sumedang Bandung West Java Jakarta Surabaya
Regency Regency Regency Metropolitan Province Metropolitan Metropolitan
(2006-12) Area Area Area
Note: Because Bandung Regency was split into two regencies in 2006, with the creation of West Bandung
Regency, the analysis only considers the period from 2006 to 2012.
Source: Calculations based on data from Statistics Indonesia, Statistics West Java, Statistics East Java, Statistics
Figure 1.5. Per capita GRP (2000 constant prices) 2002-12 (PPP)
20 000 10%
18 000 9%
16 000 8%
14 000 7%
12 000 6%
10 000 5%
8 000 4%
6 000 3%
4 000 2%
2 000 1%
0 0%
Bandung Metropolitan West Java Province Jakarta Metropolitan Area Surabaya Metropolitan Indonesia
Area Area
Source: Calculations based on data from Statistics Indonesia, Statistics West Java, Statistics East Java, Statistics
textile industries were located in Bandung or surrounding areas (Mu’minah, 2011). Other
notable contributors include the construction industry (4%), which grew by 11% in 2012
(Statistics Indonesia, 2014). While the overall contribution of the secondary sector is
falling in the BMA, it also varies widely between the five districts. In Bandung City, the
secondary sector represented less than one-third (31%) of the district’s overall economic
activity in 2012, whereas in Cimahi City it contributed slightly more than
two-thirds (68%) of the city district’s GRP (Figure 1.8). In Sumedang Regency, the
secondary sector accounts for 31%, while in West Bandung it is 53%.
The BMA’s primary sector, in contrast, which incorporates important agricultural and
natural resource industries, remains stable. The sector expanded by 5%, and its relative
economic contribution stood at 4% in 2012 (Figures 1.7 and 1.8).
Overall, the economy of the BMA is increasingly led by the burgeoning tertiary
sector supported by strong local demand for services from across the BMA. It is the
product of local economic policy that has prioritised service industries, such as tourism,
commerce and education, since the late 1990s, due to environmental concerns (Abidin et
al, 2007). The increasing value added by the tertiary sector to GRP is a trend evident in
other large Southeast Asian cities. However, by contrast with Jakarta and Bangkok, where
74% and 70% of the GRP is derived from the tertiary sector, the BMA’s is significantly
smaller (Figure 1.8). This suggests that the BMA’s economic structure, while still largely
based on manufacturing, has the potential to shift towards a service-based urban
Bandung City Bandung Regency Bandung Barat Cimahi City Percentage of total workforce
0 0%
2009 2014 2009 2014 2009 2014 2009 2014 2009 2014
Agriculture Manufacturing Trade Services Other
Source: Statistics West Java (2010), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
www.jabarprov.go.id/root/dalamangka/JabalDalamAngka2010.pdf (accessed 20 June 2016); Statistics West
Java (2015a), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures, http://jabar.bps.go.id/new/website/pdf_publikasi/Jawa-
Barat-Dalam-Angka-2015.pdf (accessed 20 June 2016).
Manufacturing, 39.9%
Hotel and restaurant/trade,
Source: Statistics Indonesia (2014), Gross regional domestic product of regencies/municipalities in Indonesia 2009-13.
26% 28%
47% 49%
65% 63%
49% 47%
9% 9%
4% 4%
Bandung City (2002) Bandung City (2012) Bandung Regency Bandung Regency Bandung Metropolitan Bandung Metropolitan
(2006) (2012) Area (2010) Area (2012)
Source: Statistics Bandung City (2003), Bandung Dalam Angka 2003/Bandung City in Figures 2003; Statistics Bandung
Regency (2008), Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Semesteran Kabupaten Bandung 2008 [Gross Regional Product of
Bandung Regency 2008]; Statistics West Java (2013), Kompilasi dan Analisis PDRB Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Barat
2011-2012, http://pusdalisbang.jabarprov.go.id/pusdalisbang/downlot.php?file=872Kompilasi%20PDRB%202011-
2012.pdf&direktori=produkanalisa (accessed 21 June 2016).
Higher education levels in Bandung City are linked with its high per capita GRP
Educational attainment is high in the BMA. More than 50% of men and 40% of
women have graduated from high school or a higher education institution (Figure 1.9).
Notably, the numbers of men and women with a post-secondary qualification indicate a
high level of equal opportunity. Bandung City is home to 78 colleges and universities,
including some of the most prestigious in Indonesia (Bandung City, 2016). Of several
large public universities in West Java Province, at least three are in Bandung City,
including the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Padjadjaran University (UNPAD)
and Indonesia Education University (UPI). Another education centre is located in
Jatinangor sub-district in Sumedang Regency.
An important gap is observed in the level of educational attainment between Bandung
City and other parts of the BMA and West Java Province (Figure 1.9). Bandung City’s
higher level of educational attainment is linked with its high per capita GRP. 30.5% of the
BMA’s public and military jobs and 53.5% of service industry jobs are concentrated in
central and eastern districts of the city (Syabri, Pradono and Soegijanto 2013). In contrast,
the economy of West Java in general is dominated by the secondary sector and lower per
capita GRP.
Figure 1.9. Highest achieved education level
Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women
Tidak/Belum Sekolah Tidak/Belum tamat SD SD/MI SLTP/sederajat SLTA/Sederajat Diploma+
No schooling Primary school Primary school Junior high school High school Post-secondary
Source: Statistics West Java (2015a), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
http://jabar.bps.go.id/new/website/pdf_publikasi/Jawa-Barat-Dalam-Angka-2015.pdf (accessed 20 June 2016).
Figure 1.10. Percentage of the population living below the poverty line
2012 2005
Bandung Metropolitan Province of West Java Surabaya Metropolitan DKI Jakarta DI Yogyakarta Indonesia
Area Area
Source: Statistics Indonesia (2014b), Data dan Informasi Kemiskinan 2005-2006 Katalog BPS 2331, Buku 2 Kabupaten,
www.bps.go.id/website/pdf_publikasi/Data-dan-Informasi-Kemiskinan-2005-2006-Kabupaten.pdf; Statistics Indonesia
(2014c), Data Dan Informasi Kemiskinan Kabupaten/Kota/ Poverty Data and Information by Regency and City,
2008 2014
Bandung Metropolitan Province of West Java Jakarta Yogyakarta Surabaya Indonesia
Note: Jakarta and Surabaya are cities and not representative of the JMA or SMA.
Source: Statistics Indonesia (2016), Gini Ratio by Province 1996, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2007-2015,
www.bps.go.id/linkTableDinamis/view/id/1116 (accessed 21 June 2016); Statistics Jawa Barat (2016), Gini Ratio
Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Tahun 2008-2014/ Gini Ratio by Regency/City 2008-2014,
http://jabar.bps.go.id/index.php/linkTabelStatis/91 (accessed 21 June 2016); Statistics East Java (2016), Gini Ratio by
Regency/City 2008-2014, http://jatim.bps.go.id/linkTabelStatis/view/id/326 (accessed 21 June 2016).
2004 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2014
Note: In 2009, the definition of working age was increased from 10 years of age to 15 years and older.
Source: Statistics West Java (2004-05), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
www.jabarprov.go.id/index.php/pages/id/1212 (accessed 22 June 2016); Statistics West Java (2006), Jawa Barat Dalam
Angka/West Java in Figures, www.jabarprov.go.id/index.php/pages/id/1212 (accessed 22 June 2016); Statistics West Java
(2008a), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures, www.jabarprov.go.id/root/dalamangka/dda2008.pdf (accessed
22 June 2016); Statistics West Java (2010), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
www.jabarprov.go.id/root/dalamangka/JabalDalamAngka2010.pdf (accessed 22 June 2016); Statistics West Java (2012),
Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures, www.jabarprov.go.id/root/dalamangka/dda2012.pdf (accessed
22 June 2016); Statistics West Java (2014a), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
http://jabar.bps.go.id/new/website/pdf_publikasi/Jawa-Barat-Dalam-Angka-2014.pdf (accessed 22 June 2016); Statistics
West Java (2015a), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
http://jabar.bps.go.id/new/website/pdf_publikasi/Jawa-Barat-Dalam-Angka-2015.pdf (accessed 20 June 2016).
Its mountainous geography and mild climate distinguish Bandung from other major
cities in Southeast Asia. On the one hand, Bandung’s elevated position, on a plateau
768 metres above sea level, allows it to benefit from cooler year-round temperatures than
other cities in the Indonesian archipelago and broader region. Jakarta, approximately
140 kilometres to the north west, is subjected to the full extent of a tropical monsoon
climate. Bandung’s comfortable mountain climate was the catalyst for a proposal to
remake the city as the capital of Indonesia at the turn of the 20th century. This urban
environment and quality of life explain Bandung’s economic competitiveness with other
large Indonesian cities, such as Jakarta, with its relatively poorer air quality and traffic
However, changing land-use patterns and a growing population have severely strained
local infrastructure and the provision of urban services, such as transport, solid waste and
potable water. The increasing city size and population have also led to negative
environmental externalities, and Bandung faces major obstacles to green growth in any
future business-as-usual scenario.5
expansion of the built environment across the broader BMA is not known, and no
definitive study or spatial plan exists.
The rapid expansion of Bandung City’s footprint has had a direct impact on the area’s
hydrology. The area now at risk of flooding increased from 8 square kilometres in 1990
to 15 square kilometres in 2010 (Table 1.2). Land that is at risk of inundation places the
local population at great risk. The greater percentage of hard surfaces reduces
rainfall/surface water absorption. It also reduces the rate the declining local aquifers are
recharged. A study shows that 77% of new urban environment in the city of Bandung has
been built on farmland, or open space in the form of non-contiguous development (UN
Habitat, 2013).
3 500 000
3 000 000
2 500 000
2 000 000
2 296 314
1 500 000 1 918 221
1 000 000
916 083
669 632
500 000 499 904
412 303
498 493 581 423
258 638 302 735 320 037 303 554
2004 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
Source: Statistics West Java (2004-05), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
www.jabarprov.go.id/index.php/pages/id/1212 (accessed 22 June 2016); Statistics West Java (2006), Jawa Barat
Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures, www.jabarprov.go.id/index.php/pages/id/1212 (accessed 22 June 2016);
Statistics West Java (2008a), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
www.jabarprov.go.id/root/dalamangka/dda2008.pdf (accessed 22 June 2016); Statistics West Java (2010), Jawa
Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures, www.jabarprov.go.id/root/dalamangka/JabalDalamAngka2010.pdf
(accessed 22 June 2016); Statistics West Java (2012), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
www.jabarprov.go.id/root/dalamangka/dda2012.pdf (accessed 22 June 2016); Statistics West Java (2014a), Jawa
Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures, http://jabar.bps.go.id/new/website/pdf_publikasi/Jawa-Barat-Dalam-
Angka-2014.pdf (accessed 22 June 2016); Statistics West Java (2015a), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in
Figures, http://jabar.bps.go.id/new/website/pdf_publikasi/Jawa-Barat-Dalam-Angka-2015.pdf (accessed June 2016).
(Figure 1.15). This comes mainly from land-based transport, which is dominated by fossil
fuels. Domestic energy use was the secondary cause, since Indonesia’s electricity sector
is still dominated by fossil fuels.
Figure 1.14. Annual average ambient PM10 levels
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Note: PM10 implies particulate matter with a diameter of less than or equal to 10 micrometres.
Source: Clean Air Asia- Cities ACT (2016), Country and City database, http://citiesact.org/data/countries-and-cities/# (accessed
16 October 2015).
Household, 690.95
Transportation, 1394.98
Source: Bandung City Environmental Management Agency (2013), “Pendataan gas rumah KACA Kota Bandung
Tahun 2013” [Kota Bandung greenhouse gas inventory 2013], Bandung City Government, Bandung.
Energy production in Indonesia is largely dependent on fossil fuels (coal, natural gas
and petroleum). Combined, they accounted for 94.5% of final energy consumption (FEC)
in 2013 (965.7 million barrels of oil equivalent) (National Energy Council of Indonesia,
2016). The comparative FEC rate in Thailand in 2013 was 76.2% (OECD, 2015).
Petroleum (47%) represented the largest share, while natural gas (21%) and coal (16%)
were the other major contributors. Alternative and renewable energy (RE) sources
accounted for 4% of the national energy mix. This is less than half the rate in Thailand,
where RE accounted for 10.9% of FEC and less than one-third the rate of the EU-28
member states, which was 15% in 2013 (OECD, 2015). Electricity generation in
Indonesia is also largely dependent on fossil fuels. An abundance of coal has meant that
half (51%) of the nation’s power was generated using this non-renewable resource in
2013, in addition to 24% from natural gas and 13% using oil. The remainder came from
renewable sources, such as hydroelectric (8%) and other renewables (4%), mostly
geothermal (Figure 1.16). In contrast, Malaysia produces 92% of its energy using fossil
fuels, while the combined OECD nations generated 21% of their power from renewable
sources (IEA, 2015). Indonesia’s coal and electricity use is expected to grow five- to
sevenfold over 2012 prices (ADB, 2011).
Indonesia’s transport sector is the primary source of rising petroleum consumption,
which is predicted to double between 2010 and 2035, unless subsidies are reduced
(ADB, 2011).
Electricity consumption in the BMA is rising sharply. In 2014, the State Electricity
Company (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) West Java sold 6 667 gigawatt hours (GWh) in
the BMA, in contrast to the 4 733 GWh in 2006, a 41% increase (Statistics West Java,
2006; Statistics West Java, 2015).
4% Others renewables
Source: National Energy Council of Indonesia (2016), “Key Energy Indicators”, http://statistik.den.go.id/
(accessed 8 April 2016).
The BMA was first designated one of seven National Strategic Areas (KSNs) by the
National Spatial Plan (RTRWN), under government regulation No. 26 of 2008. KSNs
play a significant role for central and provincial government in managing the BMA’s
urban development (Box 1.1). There is no commensurate level of metropolitan
governance presiding over the entirety of the BMA.
3. It is equivalent to USD 26.70 per capita monthly (IDR 279 358) in 2012. The poverty
line varies across the BMA and is substantially higher in Bandung City
(IDR 341 721) than in Cimahi City (IDR 318 871), Bandung Regency (IDR 241 947)
and West Bandung Regency (IDR 241 892). In 2013, USD 1 = IDR 10 461.24,
http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/PA.NUS.FCRF (accessed 22 October 2015).
Abidin, H. Z., Andreas, H., Gamal, M., Sadarviana, V., Darmawan, D., Surono,
Hendrasto, M. and Suganda, O. K. (2007), “Studying landslide displacements in the
ciloto area (Indonesia) using GPS surveys” in Journal of spatial science, 52(1), 55-63.
Agence Française du Développement (AFD) (2014), “Finding urban transport solutions:
The challenges of financing and integration of networks”, www.codatu.org/wp-
(accessed 15 March 2016).
Asian Development Bank (ADB) (2013), “Energy Outlook for Asia and the Pacific”,
http://adb.org/sites/default/files/pub/2013/energy-outlook.pdf (accessed 15 February
ADB (2012), “Indonesia: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Assessment, Strategy, and
Road Map”,
supply-sector-assessment.pdf (accessed 22 June 2016).
ADB (2011), “Republic of Indonesia: Preparing the Integrated Citarum Water Resources
Management Investment Program Periodic Financing Request 2”,
(accessed 15 March 2016).
ADB (2010), “The Informal Sector and Informal Employment in Indonesia”,
sector-indonesia.pdf (accessed 15 February 2016).
Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) (2016), Bandung, Indonesia,
http://apngw.ait.asia/bandung-indonesia/ (accessed 22 June 2016).
Bandung City (2016), “Answers to the OECD case study questionnaire”, internal
document, unpublished.
Bandung City (2015a), “Smart bdg City”, a presentation by Mayor of Bandung at the
fourth OECD Knowledge Sharing Workshop, May 2015, Bandung, Indonesia.
Bandung City (2015b), Bandung City Disaster Resilience Score Card Report.
Bandung City Environmental Management Agency (2013), “Pendataan gas rumah
KACA Kota Bandung Tahun 2013” [Kota Bandung greenhouse gas inventory 2013],
Bandung City Government, Bandung. Bappeda Provinsi Jawa Barat (2013),
“Kompilasi dan Analysis: PDRB Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Barat 2011-2012”,
PDRB%202011-2012.pdf&direktori=produkanalisa (accessed 30 October 2015).
(accessed 20 June 2016).
Statistics Sumedang (2015), Kabupaten Sumedang Dalam Angka, Sumedang Regency in
Figures, http://sumedangkab.bps.go.id/new/website/pdf_publikasi/Kabupaten-
Sumedang-Dalam-Angka-Tahun-2015.pdf (accessed 20 June 2016).
Statistics West Java (2015a), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures, Government of
Jawa Barat Province, Bandung.
(accessed 20 June 2016).
Statistics West Java (2015b), Water Supply Statistics West Java Province 2014,
Barat-2014.pdf (accessed 13 May 2016).
Statistics West Java (2015c), Indicators of Social Welfare in West Java 2014,
Provinsi-Jawa-Barat-2013.pdf (accessed 13 May 2016).
Statistics West Java (2014a), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
(accessed 22 June 2016).
Statistics West Java (2014b), Indikator Kesejahteraan raakyatilable,
Statistics West Java (2013), Kompilasi dan Analisis PDRB Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa
Barat 2011-2012,
PDRB%202011-2012.pdf&direktori=produkanalisa (accessed 21 June 2016).
Statistics West Java (2012), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
www.jabarprov.go.id/root/dalamangka/dda2012.pdf (accessed 22 June 2016).
Statistics West Java (2011), West Java in Figures 2012, http://jabar.bps.go.id (accessed
19 October 2015).
Statistics West Java (2010), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
www.jabarprov.go.id/root/dalamangka/JabalDalamAngka2010.pdf (accessed 20 June 2016).
Statistics West Java (2008a), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
www.jabarprov.go.id/root/dalamangka/dda2008.pdf (accessed 22 June 2016).
Statistics West Java (2008b), Penyusunan data sosial ekonomi daerah provinsi jawa
barat tahun 2008,
Statistics West Java (2006), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
www.jabarprov.go.id/index.php/pages/id/1212 (accessed 22 June 2016).
Statistics West Java (2004-05), Jawa Barat Dalam Angka/West Java in Figures,
www.jabarprov.go.id/index.php/pages/id/1212 (accessed 22 June 2016).
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 aims to identify green growth opportunities and analyse policies to promote
green growth in the Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA) pertaining to the following six
areas: land use and transport; water resource management; solid waste management;
energy; housing and buildings; and green goods and services. The analysis focuses on
the following:
1) developing BMA-wide land use and public transport strategies
2) accelerating investment in water and solid waste as essential urban services
3) investing in renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency
4) promoting green buildings and combatting urban slums
Key findings
• Given the continued urban development pressure, a strong BMA-wide land-use policy
is required to enhance urban resilience. The rapid urban expansion in the BMA is
increasing the city’s exposure to flooding, as people settle and build in flood-prone
areas. Vulnerability and risk assessment (VRA) and zoning regulations to restrict land
use in inappropriate locations should be urgently considered. The BMA should also
envision a metropolitan spatial land-use plan that leverages policy synergies between
transit-oriented development and other key sectoral policies.
• Bandung needs to speed up investment in public transport systems, including the
proposed light-rail transit (LRT). At the same time, more efficient use of existing transit
modes with improved service quality (reliability and safety in particular) could be
pursued. The majority of air pollution and CO2 emissions in the BMA come from the
transport sector. Bandung must strengthen air pollution monitoring mechanisms and
increase transparency by making data available to the public. In addition, Bandung
should consider more extensive measures to promote low-emission vehicles.
• Water supply, wastewater treatment and solid waste management in the BMA need
improvement. Accelerating investment in these essential urban services would ensure
that the BMA continues towards a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable city.
Wastewater treatment capacity is still not sufficient, and local waterways are considered
among the most polluted globally. No effective policy instruments have been devised to
reduce unsustainable extraction of ground water and/or reduce the consumption of water
by the industrial sector. This has led to many negative urban environmental
externalities, such as land subsidence. Demand-side policies to curb water usage
(applying a more progressive water tariff structure) should be considered. The same
recommendations should be applied to municipal solid waste services, to reflect the true
cost of the service provided.
• Bandung could take a leading role in achieving Indonesia’s new national target to
increase the share of renewable energy (RE). Indonesia is largely dependent on fossil
fuels, which represented 94.5% of final energy consumption in 2013, higher than in
neighbouring countries such as Thailand (76.2%). Among different options, solar and
waste-to-energy represent promising and practical ways of achieving such a goal.
• Housing and building present key opportunities for green growth, given the increasing
resource consumption in the sectors. The proposed green building certificate, linked
with a mandatory building permit, could be a good solution for guiding eco-friendly
building plans and should be expanded to the whole BMA. Upgrading informal
settlements in Bandung remains a challenge requiring a comprehensive approach for
enhancing urban resilience.
built in Southeast Asian cities), will lock in the spatial growth of these urban areas, their
energy use patterns and their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions trajectory for decades, if
not centuries, to come (Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, 2014). This
section deals with land use and transport together, because many of the challenges
Bandung and other Southeast Asian cities face, as well as many of the suggested
approaches or measures required for resolving them, are pertinent to each other and
A strong BMA-wide land-use policy could enhance urban resilience
Bandung is exposed to several natural hazards, due both to its topographic features
and to its location in a tectonically active zone. In recent years, the BMA’s population has
grown in outlying urban districts in the north, especially outside the limits of Bandung
City (Figure 2.1). The BMA’s built-up are increased from 34282.49 square kilometres in
1991 to 65812.86 square kilometres in 2012 (Ardiwijaya et al, 2014). The rapid urban
expansion has increased the city’s exposure to flooding, as people are settling and
building in flood-prone areas (Tarigan et al., 2016). The northern half of Bandung,
encompassing territory in four of the BMA’s five local government units (LGUs), has
been the focus of intense and uncoordinated development pressure (ibid). The impact of
these new population centres in undesirable geographical locations in the north may
increase the risk of flooding in southern parts of the city. Indonesia’s Ministry of Public
Works (2008) estimates that in excess of 25 million people live in vulnerable situations
across Java.
Given the continued urban development pressure, a strong land-use policy is
required to enhance urban resilience in the BMA. Bandung’s vulnerability to floods and
other natural disasters is partially attributed to poorly enforced zoning regulations and
land-use control, which is exacerbated by the concentration of poorly prepared urban
populations in highly exposed parts of the city. Zoning tools in the BMA must be
implemented and regulated effectively to restrict land use in unsuitable locations. Land-
use policy must be applied across the entire BMA, as risks are also incurred by a lack of
inter-governmental co-ordination on hazard mitigation planning. Although a general
master plan for the BMA has been prepared by the provincial government, no effective
land-use plan has been set up. The delivery of building permits in different local
government areas in north of Bandung, for example, is at cross purposes with hazard
reduction efforts at a metropolitan scale (Hudalah et al., 2010). The BMA should draw
up a metropolitan spatial land use plan binding the local governments. The formation of
the metropolitan institution will be a good opportunity to advance this idea (see
Chapter 4).
Vulnerability and risk assessment (VRA) and asset inventory is another
important component that must be integrated. Up to now, the BMA has not prepared
and disclosed natural hazard maps, implying that the BMA is by and large
underprepared. Preparation is critical to anticipate the intensity, frequency and extent of
environmental hazards, as well as to identify vulnerable urban population groups, assets
and infrastructure. A VRA and asset inventory would provide such information and
provide a basis to manage and limit damage, while also considering the cost and time
required to recover from a natural disaster, among other factors. Bandung’s approach to
hazard assessment could expand upon that of other Southeast Asian cities such as Cebu
(Box 2.1).
Source: Bandung City (2016), “Answers to the OECD case study questionnaire”, internal document, unpublished;
Schneider, A. et al. (2015), “A new urban landscape in east-Southeast Asia, 2000-2010”, Environmental Research
Letters, Vol. 10(3), http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/10/3/034002.
Cebu is the regional capital of the Central Visayas province, located on the central-eastern
flank of Cebu Island in the centre of the Philippine archipelago. The Metropolitan Area of Cebu
(Metro Cebu) extends along a narrow coastal strip of territory that is sandwiched between
rugged mountain ranges that traverse the island’s north-south spine and the Strait of Cebu. It is
exposed to environmental risks posed by intense climate and geological hazards, such as floods
and earthquakes. Metro Cebu consists of seven city and six municipal local government units
(LGUs). Before the formation of the Metro Cebu Development and Coordinating Board
(MCDCB) in 2011, no formal basis for metropolitan planning and development was in place.
Adopting the Philippine government’s Disaster Risk Reduction Management Act (No.
10121) under Cebu City Executive Order No. 12-6, Cebu City is mandated to establish Cebu
City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council which undertakes detailed studies to identify
physical and environmental features that make it vulnerable to natural hazards and pose a risk to
the metropolitan population. This hazard risk assessment has resulted in thematic maps as well
as disaster-risk reduction management (DRRM) plans in all 13 local government areas of the
Cebu metropolitan area. Legislation is also in place to provide for sufficient financial resources
to be allotted to local DRRM programmes. However, more work needs to be done to link the
identification of these hazardous areas with the location of the populations at risk, critical
infrastructure and community assets, to build a more sophisticated and long-term VRA.
Source: OECD (forthcoming) Urban Green Growth in Cebu, Philippines.
• Secure extra land around the proposed LRT stations for public use, to ensure
sufficient space for pedestrians, bikers and feeder transport systems. Surabaya has
developed an integrated transport plan that incorporates feeder services,
pedestrian infrastructure and park-and-ride facilities incorporating commercial
spaces as part of its proposed LRT network.
• Quality connections between LRT stops and adjacent commercial and residential
areas should be carefully designed. A mechanism could be created encouraging
private developers to cover some of these costs.
• Use floor area ratio (FAR) regulations in combination with incentives and
disincentives to encourage high-density development around the stations (for
example, FAR bonuses should be granted to development that offers public space,
and fees imposed on development under the desired density.
• Introduce station-area master plans to guide development, especially in relation to
the first and second points.
Compact-city policies from Japan and Korea could be used as a starting point to
develop such a mechanism (OECD, 2012a).
Eight more programmes will be implemented during the local medium-term
development plan 2014-2019 for urban mobility in Bandung City. Projects that have
already been implemented include: bike sharing, free school bus services, car sharing and
car emissions testing, which also feeds into the clean emission parking areas initiative. Most
of these projects are public-private partnerships (PPP). To accelerate such large-scale
investments in urban transport, Bandung should consider strengthening financial
arrangements for infrastructure investment. See chapter Chapter 4 for further elaboration on
Managing the increasing demand for private vehicles through pricing mechanisms
Bandung also needs to manage the increasing demand for private vehicles. Pricing
mechanisms such as parking fees can be an effective tool. The City of Bandung is
currently considering increasing the city’s parking tax, which will be applied to all the
city’s private parking facilities. This will not only facilitate the use of public transport but
raise revenues that allow the city to increase green investment. Parking taxes/fees are one
of a few revenue sources from which city governments can benefit. ICT could further
improve the instruments’ effectiveness; for example, the city could apply dynamic pricing
(applying a higher tax/fee for peak hours) for greater impact. The city could also reduce
the taxes/fees for low-emission vehicles, to encourage their use. However, such traffic
demand management mechanisms must be combined with the provision of alternative
public transport modes for political buy-in and general public support. This underlines the
importance of focused investment in public transport and of a comprehensive policy
approach on land use and transport. The experience of congestion charges in London and
Stockholm could provide useful insight (OECD, 2013).
Bandung’s streets have become heavily congested because of the large number of
commuters reliant on private motor vehicles during the week and from visitors from
Jakarta and other cities in West Java on weekends. This has resulted in rising air pollution
levels, with the accompanying health and economic costs, in the form of lost time and
productivity. Air pollution in Bandung is mostly attributed to transportation
(Oanh, 2012). Given the serious risks to public health, the government must do more to
address Bandung’s air pollution levels. In 2015, Bandung City received a Blue Skies
Award as the least polluted metropolitan area in Indonesia (Puspitasari, 2015). This
represents a sharp turnaround from 2006 and 2008, when it was designated by the
government as Indonesia’s “dirtiest” metropolitan area (Prihandrijanti and
Firdayati, 2011). Nonetheless, Bandung’s current air pollution levels still substantially
exceed the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) air quality standards. Besides,
Indonesia’s transport sector was the source of 23% of all energy-related GHG emissions
in 2010, of which 91% derived from the road network (MoT and GIZ 2014).
Air quality in the BMA is managed through a range of municipal government acts
and regulations. The national and provincial government also plays an important role in
regulating air quality (Sukenjah, 2014). In 1999, the Ministry of the Environment
established the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) to regulate air
pollution in Indonesia. Contemporaneously, a national air quality monitoring network
system (AQMS) was established in ten large cities across Indonesia, including Bandung,
to continuously monitor carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide
(NO2), ozone (O3) and particulate matter of less than or equal to 10 micrometres (PM10).2
However, data on PM2.5 is not collected. In Bandung City, five continuous air quality
monitoring stations were installed as part of the AQMS (Dago Pakar, Aria Graha,
Tegallega, Batununggal and Cisaranten Wetan). Soon after they were installed, two of
these units ceased to function due to a lack of maintenance (Sukenjah, 2014) and only
three of the five pollutants are measured, because the instruments have been damaged
(CAI-Asia, 2009).
Table 2.1. Indonesia’s national ambient air quality standards and WHO guidelines
Average AAQS in Jakarta WHO
Pollutant NAAQS (µg/m3)
time (µg/m3) Guidelines
SPM 24 hours 230 230 -
1 year 90 90 -
PM10 24 hours 150 150 50
1 year - 20
SO2 1 hour 900 900 -
24 hours 365 260 20
1 year 60 60 -
NO2 1 hour 400 400 200
24 hours 150 92.5 -
1 year 100 60 40
O3 1 hour 235 200 -
8 hours - - 100
1 year 50 30 -
Pb 1 year 1 - 0.5
CO 1 hour 30 000 26 000 30 000
8 hour - - 10 000
24 hours 10 000 9 000 -
Note: SPM = suspended particulate matter; PM10 = particulate matter of a diameter less than or equal to
10 micrometres; SO2 = sulfur dioxide; NO2 = nitrogen dioxide; O2 = ozone; Pb = lead; CO = carbon
monoxide; WHO = World Health Organisation.
Source: CAI-Asia (2009), Indonesia Country Profile: Focus on Smaller Cities,
Oct09.pdf (accessed 8 December 2015); CAI-Asia (2010), Clean Air Management Profile: Indonesia,
(accessed 15 September 2016); Krisnawati, L. (2008), Implementation of Environmental Sustainable Transport,
Indonesia, www.unep.org/transport/pcfv/PDF/pathumbai_ESTinIndonesia.pdf (accessed 15 September 2016).
Systematic air pollution monitoring framework for the BMA should be established
urgently as a collective effort of all levels of government. The Ministry of the Environment
could consider adding PM2.5 to the current NAAQS framework. It could also revise the
standards so that they are more coherent with global standards. The NAAQS standards are
well below WHO standards for some pollutants (Table 2.1). Since provincial governments
can set more aggressive air pollution standards than the NAAQS, an option for the BMA is
to co-ordinate with the West Java Province and consider strengthening their standards for
vehicles and industries as well as ambient air quality standards as implemented in Jakarta
(Table 2.1).3 This is most pressing considering the peculiar local contexts of the city of
Bandung -a basin surrounded by high rise mountains where air pollutants are trapped.
Alternatively, Bandung and other four municipalities could be given flexibility in setting
more stringent air quality standards than provincial and national regulations. Cities lack the
mandate to set such standards under the current regulation. The importance of this is to
empower city governments which generate the highest amounts of emissions to take action.
In fact, Bandung manages air quality control through their own legislation and regulations
(bylaws). This is achieved through regular vehicle emission test, car free days on Sundays
lasting for a period of four hours from 06:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in some streets, clean
emission zones exclusively accessible to low emission vehicles and regular air quality
modelling with research universities (Sukenjah, 2014). Successful implementation of such
programmes by cities could encourage the national government to introduce such
Box 2.3. National and international initiatives for sustainable urban transport
Indonesia’s medium-term development plan 2015-2019 identifies several strategic urban transport
challenges. It seeks to develop environmentally friendly transport infrastructure resilient to the impact of
climate change. The medium-term plan also prioritises renewable fuel sources as well as the introduction of
Euro 4 fuel standards (replacing Euro 2) and better managed transport networks (Bappenas, 2014). The
medium-term plan also specifically targets the declining role of urban public transport and encourages a modal
shift from private vehicles through Transport Demand Management (TDM) and scaling up of Bus Rapid
Transit (BRT) and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT). For example, the national government is underwriting 49% of
the costs of Jakarta’s new MRT line. It also seeks to improve accessibility by enhancing pedestrian facilities
and non-motorised transport (NMT).
Indonesia’s Sustainable Urban Transport Programme (NAMASUTRI) targets urban transport and
urban passenger transport in particular, such as commuter rail or bus rapid transit, to encourage development of
transport infrastructure that will serve the needs of Indonesia’s rising urban population.
Complementing the medium-term plan, the national climate change policy will also play an important role
in the shift towards energy-efficient transport modes and non-motorised transport (NMT). The development of
public transport systems and NMT infrastructure requires sectoral strategies and government regulation, such as
the Minister of Transport Decree #7/2010 strategic transport plan (Renstra).
There are also several programmes funded by international donors that reinforce city governments’
capacity to improve urban transport options. One is the Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTIP)
funded by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in close co-operation with
Bappenas. The SUTIP initiative began in 2009, and has provided legal and regulatory policy advice. It has also
contributed to preparation for the National Road Map on CO2 mitigation, the Grand Design in Urban Transport
(National Urban Transport Policy) and the preparation of National Medium Term Development Plan for urban
transport. The SUTIP initiative is currently working with four partner cities (Palembang, Bogor, Solo and
Yogyakarta) and provides training, advice on public transport restructuring and improvement schemes, TDM
measures and non-motorised transport development.
Source: Based on Bappenas (2014) National Medium Term Development Plan 2015-2019 (RPJMN 2015-2019),
http://www.bappenas.go.id/files/7714/1557/5291/RT_RPJMN.PDF (accessed 13 October 2016).
2.2. Accelerating investment in water and solid waste as essential urban services
The provision and management of essential urban services should form the basis of the
BMA’s urban green growth agenda. In some areas of the BMA, water supply, wastewater
treatment and solid waste management need development. The lack of wastewater
treatment capacity has resulted in local waterways that are considered to be among the most
polluted in the world and ground water levels are declining and under great pressure. The
resulting negative urban environmental externalities have included land subsidence and the
associated impacts on Bandung’s built environment and local infrastructure
(Gumilar, 2013). The deficit in urban service provision is more pronounced in outlying
districts, where urban development has been greatest. The BMA-wide master plan defined
by the West Java governor’s law in 2015, including sectoral plans on water and solid waste,
is a positive development. It should be used as the basis to develop further metropolitan
policies. These essential urban service sectors fall under the purview of local government in
Indonesia and thus represent an opportunity for green growth in the BMA. Prioritising them
could help BMA become a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable city.
the first step towards this could be a BMA-wide water assessment to establish how much
water is being extracted and from where, as well as when and by whom. This is especially
pertinent to local industry, which is not monitored, and could mitigate the negative impacts
associated with ground subsidence. Another promising option is to introduce online, real-
time water quality monitoring tools for both drinking water and wastewater treatment.
These represent a proven method for more effective water resource management. One key
benefit would be the opportunity to monitor and measure water consumption or pollution
levels, providing invaluable assistance to policy makers, while allowing the public to avoid
potentially harmful consequences. Monitoring and evaluation would also show how much
ground water is being extracted annually and could lead to more sustainable practices. It is
not certain precisely how much water industry consumes, and more effective monitoring
equipment could clarify this, to determine where it is used and by whom. High non-revenue
water (NRW) loss, coupled with declining water resources, places great strain on the water
supply. Bangkok’s real-time tap water quality project, part of the Metropole Watch
programme, is a positive example the BMA might consider (Box 2.4). Such monitoring
tools should be a part of Bandung City’s smart city strategy (see Chapter 3).
The BMA should then consider reforming the water fee structure. Because the
volume of water supplied remains in the hands of the national and provincial
governments, it is difficult for the city to meet the rising demand. However, PDAMs
retain control over water tariffs, an important policy tool. The present water tariff
structure is not financially viable, and does not allow for full-cost recovery principles,
because PDAMs do not charge customers for the volume of water they consume. Instead,
residential water tariffs are based on house size and their location. A full cost-recovery
water tariff structure would discourage excessive water consumption, conserving water
resources, while mobilising financial resources that could be invested in repair and
extending the pipeline network. Investment in this essential urban service should aim to
ensure every citizen has basic service. Indonesia’s Ministry of Public Work has strict
pricing laws limiting water tariffs to 4% of a residential area’s income, which could be
replaced by marginal use price signals, income-based fee rebates and or other
distributional mechanisms. Industrial water use should be monitored, which it is not at
present, to ensure that industry pays for the volume of water actually consumed. Of
course, rationalising water tariff structure must take into consideration socio-economic
concerns, particularly of the urban poor. Given the national subsidy system for low-
income households, a progressive water tariff structure could still be imposed, using
smart metering, although such a measure needs to be supported politically and by the
Rationalising the number of local water suppliers could also be an option, as the
provision of water in Bandung is complicated by fragmented water suppliers as well as a
convoluted policy structure shared between national and sub-national governments. The
BMA could streamline them into one institutional entity for the entire BMA, with
separate regional units focusing on different geographic focal points and service
Box 2.4. Metropole watch programme: Toward open source water quality
monitoring in Bangkok
The Citarum River is one of Java’s largest rivers, and contributes significantly to Bandung
City’s drinking water supply. This valuable water resource is one of the most polluted rivers in
the world and epitomises the BMA’s surface water challenges. Nearly 5 million people live in
the Citarum basin, and households often dump unwanted refuse into it, given the limited
municipal solid waste (MSW) services, while sewerage flows untreated into its tributaries. A
holistic approach incorporating municipal solid waste and wastewater treatment strategies must
be combined to improve this critical environmental resource. Bandung could facilitate efforts to
convert these areas into attractive and widely used public spaces to prevent them from being
used illegally to dump waste or from resettlement by squatters. Bandung is located in the
Citarum River Basin and the Citarum River tributaries passing through the BMA are heavily
polluted by human waste and by toxic waste containing lead, mercury, arsenic and other toxins.
In 2008, the Asian Development Bank approved a USD 500 million loan to clean up the
Citarum River. Work did not begin until late 2011, when a much larger (USD 4 billion) and
more comprehensive project to revitalise 180 kilometres from Mount Wayang through eight
regencies and three cities, including Bandung, was initiated. As yet, the area running through the
Bandung has not been developed into a showpiece of urban renewal efforts. It offers an
opportunity for Bandung to use it for the dual purpose of providing much needed space for urban
recreation and respite while retaining its flood-protection properties. Multipurpose public spaces,
such as below-grade parks, playing fields and underground parking lots, can also be used for
their temporary water storage capacity, which could significantly improve Bandung’s resilience
to periodic floods.
Source: Asian Development Bank (2014), “Cleaning up Indonesia's Citarum Basin”,
www.adb.org/features/cleaning-indonesias-citarum-basin, (accessed 28 June 2016).
Three issues affect MSW management in the BMA: i) the limited proportion of
waste collected, ii) the lack of recycling, and iii) the dearth of final disposal sites. First,
it is estimated that 30-40% of the BMA’s MSW is not collected or disposed of at landfill
(Damanhuri, 2009). Waste that is not collected by the government is burned or discarded in
open spaces, streams or rivers. The burning of solid waste by communities is an ongoing
challenge, because it exacerbates air pollution, while discarded solid waste blocks drains
and has led to severe pollution of the Citarum River (Box 2.5). Secondly, in the BMA, as
little as 5% of inorganic waste is recycled (Damanhuri et al, 2009). Finally, Bandung relies
solely on landfill and one disposal site (Sarimukti) to manage its solid waste. No alternative
landfill site exists, and this is one of the city’s primary challenges. At a sub-district level in
Bandung City, MSW is first transferred to one of the municipality’s 202 temporary waste
facilities (Tarigan et al., 2016). A “collect-haul-dispose” system utilising manual labour and
non-specialised trucks irregularly collect the 1 550 tonnes of waste produced daily from
these sites (Chaerul et al., 2014). Eventually, 1 000 tonnes of MSW is transported
45 kilometres to the interim Sarimukti landfill site. This site has been repeatedly scheduled
for closure, most recently in 2015 (IGES and City of Kawasaki, 2015).
To tackle the challenges, Bandung City has set ambitious visions. Sustainable
MSWM is a central pillar of Bandung City’s Low-Carbon City Plan. The plan includes
a target to reduce the proportion of waste going to landfill from 69% to 25% between
2013 and 2018, and proposes two key measures to achieve this goal: promotion of 3 Rs –
reduce, reuse and recycle – and waste-to-energy, which are informed by Bandung City’s
medium-term development plan (Bandung City, 2014) (Table 2.2).
Source: IGES and City of Kawasaki (2015), Feasibility Study on FY2014 Large-Scale JCM Project for
Realizing Low-Carbon Development in Asia – Developing a Low-Carbon Society Under Collaboration
between Bandung City and Kawasaki City, www.env.go.jp/earth/coop/lowcarbon-
After the 2005 Leuwigajah landfill disaster, which killed 143 people, the government of
Indonesia recognised the urgency of the situation, passing comprehensive waste management
legislation (Munawar and Fellner, 2013).
The Solid Waste Management Act, 18/2008 has transformed municipal solid waste (MSW
management across the nation. This comprehensive policy established a legal framework for the
effective governance and management of solid waste in Indonesia. It defines MSW as the
residues of daily human activities in reference to i) domestic waste, ii) domestic waste
equivalents and iii) other specific non-hazardous wastes. The act attempts to encourage a
paradigm shift perceiving the waste stream as a resource, while resulting in an annual 7%
reduction in urban waste (Kasih, 2013a). It also prohibits open dumping and unregulated burning
of waste. Prior to its implementation, Indonesia had no central regulation of municipal solid
waste, with a fragmented system overseen by local governments. This led to wide variation in
MSW management between regions, and sub-optimal performance (Munawar and Fellner,
2013). A 2012 presidential decree focusing on Domestic Solid Waste Management and Solid
Waste set up new regulations to introduce sanitary landfill practices and improve management of
landfill sites.
The Solid Waste Management Act divides municipal solid waste management between local
and central government. The central government is responsible for Indonesia’s national waste
strategy and policy, encouraging co-operation between local governments (Kasih, 2013a). On
the other hand, municipal and city governments are free to establish their own local waste
policies in accordance with the national policy framework, as well as implementation and
ongoing management. They are also charged with the monitoring and evaluation of waste
management systems. In addition, the act emphasised the importance of environmentally sound
waste practices and ordered the closure of all non-compliant landfill sites operating as open
dumps within five years.
The act is guided by two underlying principles that assign responsibility to individual
sources, such as households and industry, to reduce the waste generation burden on the system
as a whole: i) extended producer responsibility (ERP) is “a policy approach under which
producers are given a significant responsibility – financial and/or physical – for the treatment or
disposal of post-consumer products” (OECD, 2001); ii) the 3 Rs approach – reduce, reuse and
recycle – is practiced across all waste management chains.
The complementary Environmental Protection and Management Act 32/2009 regulates
industrial and other hazardous wastes to protect human health and the environment
(Kasih, 2013a). The act defines hazardous waste management as an activity covering the storage,
collection, transport, utilisation and/or treatment of hazardous waste. It is based on a polluter-pay
principle and bans the import of hazardous waste into Indonesian territories.
Source: Munawar, E. and J. Fellner (2013), “Injury time for Indonesia’s landfills”, https://waste-
management-world.com/a/injury-time-for-indonesian-landfills (accessed 15 February 2016); Kasih, T.
(2013a), “E-waste management in Indonesia (National Regulation Draft)”,
www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2014-05/documents/indonesia.pdf; OECD (2001), Extended Producer
Responsibility, A Guidance Manual for Governments, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264189867-en.
from transfer stations to landfill sites and pay a tipping fee to the provincial government.
Waste collection fees to ensure solid waste is moved to transfer stations offset some of
these costs, but an average collection fee covers only an estimated 28% of the overall cost
of waste management (Munawar and Fellner, 2013). Waste collection fees are determined
not by the quantity of waste produced but other factors, such as housing type and
location, or water and electricity consumption. Local governments can change the fee
structure to lower charges if households reduce waste or increase levies for those who
produce more, although such a pricing mechanism is not yet introduced. It is unlikely that
any reforms will be successful unless these financial constraints are rectified and fees are
raised in line with full-cost recovery principles.
Local governments in the BMA should consider increasing the collection fee to
reflect the true cost of providing this critical urban service and to reinvest the
increased revenue in improving the collection service. An option is to institute higher
marginal costs as more rubbish is generated. However, if prices were to increase, those
who would otherwise do so might be discouraged from having their waste transported to
the transfer station, simply dumping it and contributing to the problem the government is
seeking to curb. In view of the limited proportion of waste collected, any decision to
increase the fee must be considered carefully and comprehensively. Creating the enabling
conditions to discourage waste generation by providing households with recycling bins,
as well as regulating open dumping and burning, should be explored.
It is also crucial to improve the efficiency of the collection services. The BMA’s five
local governments, with the support of West Java Province, could consider integrating
the MSW management across the contiguous metropolitan area. Options include
introducing a joint skill training programme for workers, sharing operational resource
including workers and garbage trucks, and organise campaigns and event jointly to raise
awareness of BMA citizens and promote waste separation.
will also have their own set of green co-benefits. Because such decision on the selection
of MSW technologies could have a large-scale impact on the volume of wastes to be
landfilled, strong policy co-ordination is needed across the national, provincial and local
governments in the BMA. The proposed metropolitan governing mechanism will also
play a key role in this area (Chapter 4).
Figure 2.2. Composition of landfilled waste
Textile Other
3% 12%
Rubber/leather Organic (kitchen refuse,
2% meat, fruit and vegetable)
Glass 20%
12% Leaves/garden
Source: Bandung City (2016), “Answers to the OECD case study questionnaire”, internal document, unpublished.
Box 2.7. Formalising the informal: Examining opportunities for municipal solid waste
In India, Waste Ventures provides door-to-door waste collection services and directly employs
some of the poorest and most unskilled workers, whose livelihoods are put at risk by large-scale waste
management operations that do not recycle sufficient waste or provide effective services. To date, the
company has recruited 53 “pickers”, who traditionally collect rubbish from roadsides and dump yards
to earn their living. Providing employment and training, Waste Ventures equips them with skills and
protective clothing so they can collect waste directly from the local households in the communities in
which they work. The training gives them the skills to segregate waste on the spot into recyclable,
organic and inert portions. Generally, 80% of the waste is processed for recycling, and by selling the
by-products, additional revenue is generated from which Waste Ventures is able to pay the pickers a
salary about twice that they would normally earn.
Waste Ventures also collaborates with households that are both customers and direct community
stakeholders. Because the value of waste is higher the earlier it is segregated, Waste Ventures
communicates to its customers on a regular basis the benefits of segregating waste before collection.
The company distributes posters that illustrate best practice segregation methods, to raise awareness
within the community. It also encourages late-adopters to take up its services, at educational events
emphasising the environmental and public health risks of dumping or burning waste illegally. Both
strategies directly target local residents in the communities in which the company works. Strategic
preparation before services commence engages local government, in particular the municipal chairman,
and ensures ongoing support. These public education campaigns can be measured in customer
satisfaction, new skills and higher wages for the waste pickers and expansion of the waste collection
services. Reducing urban pollution, its environmental impact and the risk this poses to public health
contributes to a cleaner city.
Source: DECD (2014), “Skills Development by Green and Inclusive SMEs in India: Entrepreneurs’ Approaches”,
(accessed 12 October, 2014).
Table 2.3. Energy savings target in the Master Plan of National Energy Conservation
Energy consumption by sector, 2012 Potential for energy Target for potential energy
(million BOE) savings (%) savings, 2025 (%)
Industry 305 (39.7%) 10-30 17
Transport 311 (40.4%) 15-35 20
Household 92 (12%) 15-30 15
Commercial 34 (4.4%) 10-30 15
Others (farming, construction and mining) 26 (3.4%) 25 -
Source: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (2012), Master Plan of National Energy Conservation (RIKEN),
Government of Indonesia, Jakarta. BOE stands for barrel of oil equivalent.
The housing and building sectors present opportunities for green growth in
Bandung, as many new housing and commercial developments will take place in the
next decades. Given the share of energy consumption in the household and commercial
sectors (Table 2.3), reducing energy consumption in buildings should be prioritised.
Building policies are particularly relevant for local governments in most of Southeast
Asian cities, as they typically have authority to control development by through
building permits. In addition to reducing energy consumption, building policies could
offer many other benefits to urban environment including reduced air pollution (due to
improved heating systems), alleviating heat island effects, etc. Improving the quality of
existing housing stocks is equally important for urban quality of life, given the fact that
urban slums present an urgent challenge in Bandung and many other Southeast Asian
Upgrading urban slums and integrating them into the existing urban fabric
Although Indonesia has been combatting urban slums since its Kampung
Improvement Program in the 1970s, the challenge persists and remains urgent. Current
best practices advocated globally seek to enhance infrastructure in place where
possible, since it is both economically unrealistic and socially destabilising to move
communities to other parts of the city (Cities Alliance, 2016). It requires a
comprehensive approach, especially co-ordinated with its urban resilience strategy,
especially since many urban slums are in flood-prone areas.
The government of Indonesia aims to eradicate urban slums as part of the national
medium-term development plan by 2019. It is anticipated this will be implemented
through several national service delivery platforms. Ministry of National Development
Planning (Bappenas, 2013) has launched a collaborative platform to revitalise slum
settlements that clearly outlines the need for sectoral integration and central-local
responsibility. Several slum alleviation programmes are being implemented, including a
neighbourhood upgrading and shelter project (NUSP-2); a collaborative program for
slum alleviation and self-help housing assistance.
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Chapter 3
Chapter 3 examines opportunities offered by smart city tools, and in particular digital
technologies, to encourage green growth in the Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA).
“Smart City Bandung” is one of the driving visions developed by the City of Bandung to
enhance the attractiveness and performance of the city. In this context, it is worth
exploring how existing smart city projects can support BMA’s green growth and how they
can be enhanced. This chapter is structured into the following five sections:
1) tailoring Bandung’s smart city vision to green growth objectives
2) enhancing data and knowledge on green growth Bandung
3) enhancing transport and energy infrastructure’s performance
4) making Bandung resilient to natural disaster risk
5) ensuring inclusive development.
This chapter benefited from discussions at the third OECD Knowledge-Sharing
Workshop on Urban Green Growth in Dynamic Asia, held in Bandung on 7-8 May 2015
and supported by the OECD Knowledge Sharing Alliance.
Key findings
• A smart city uses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and digital
technologies to support real-time data production, automated utility systems and digital
communication tools, with the objective of making critical urban infrastructure
components and services more efficient and interconnected. It is expected that the
global market for smart urban services will reach USD 400 billion per year in 2020, and
many cities have already adopted these new opportunities. Bandung is aiming to be a
smart city, and the first digital technologies acquired or developed show the potential of
the city to become a smart city model in the developing world. The city should continue
its efforts and tailor its smart city vision and projects to urban green growth
performance. Transport, energy, water, flood resilience and solid waste systems all offer
• One of the most important applications of smart city tools is the production, collection
and diffusion of urban data and knowledge. The Bandung Command Centre, the
flagship smart city project, aims to collect data on the traffic and traffic violations,
emergency needs and location of public utility vehicles. Citizens’ input can be collected
on a range of issues through social media, helping to identify problems more rapidly.
Data collection through digital technology should, however, be undertaken within a
more comprehensive framework tailored to green growth objectives. This is all the more
important since the city has insufficient data to assess policy needs and track progress
towards green growth.
• Smart city initiatives in Bandung have mainly targeted the transport sector. A
third-generation bicycle-sharing programme, an electronic parking system, smart cards
and traffic visualisation are being developed, although they are still in the pilot or design
stage. Digital technologies could also be used to analyse traffic congestion and
commuting flows. The energy sector is not currently included in the smart city
vision, although it is one of the areas worldwide where digital technologies have been
most developed. They can be particularly useful for reducing energy consumption and
helping deploy renewable energy facilities.
• Making Bandung resilient to disaster risk, and in particular the frequent floods, is
another potential application for smart city tools. While the command centre will be
useful for co-ordinating emergency response teams in case of disaster, a more
comprehensive smart resilient strategy is needed. Digital technologies can help make
urban planning more resilient through flood simulation tools, to co-ordinate the response
of infrastructure and to reach out to local communities and the private sector.
• Finally, social inclusion should also be a goal of smart city tools. Bandung has more
than 120 000 slum dwellers, and 8% of its population lives below the poverty line. The
smart city vision aims to improve education, health care, security, community outreach,
Internet literacy and citizen engagement. It is not clear what role digital technologies
will actually play and how they will target the urban poor, but it is critical not to leave
low-income communities out of smart city projects. The local government should
develop clear strategies for this, and ensure the input collection system from citizens is
also used by the urban poor. This strategy could be coupled with the urban slum
revitalisation programme started in 2014. Using smart technologies in consciousness-
raising and education programmes can also help ensure that Bandung’s smart city vision
is inclusive.
The expansion of ICT and digital technologies market for smart cities
“Smart City Bandung” is a new vision formulated by Bandung City Mayor Ridwan
Kamil, based on growing worldwide interest and investment in this field. The smart city
concept directly grew out of the sustainable cities movement and is widely considered to
have the potential to transform cities. The label has often been used in inconsistent ways
and may be confused with such concepts as the “digital city”, “intelligent city” or
“knowledge-based city”, resulting in some confusion about its supposed added value. The
common understanding of a smart city is a city monitored through information and
communication technology (ICT) and digital technologies, the idea being that enhanced
real-time data, automated utility systems and digital communication tools will increase
the cost-effective provision of urban services (e.g. transport, energy, water) and
governance. This report will consider the use of ICT and digital technologies as the main
characteristic of a smart city. While the concept of the smart city is sometimes used to
describe aspects such as innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and good governance,
these do not bring specific added value if they are not considered as technology, and are
also less concrete in terms of investment and economic markets.
ICT and digital technologies supporting city management are at the heart of a global
market in rapid expansion. The global market for smart urban (e.g. technology-supported)
services is expected to reach an annual USD 400 billion in 2020, including
USD 220 billion for the smart energy market alone, USD 156 billion for the smart
transport market and USD 22 billion for the smart water market (Department of Business,
Innovation and Skills [BIS], 2013). A few years ago, this market was almost non-existent.
Another study estimates the revenues of the smart waste market at around USD 42 billion
from 2014 to 2023.1 These figures do not include other non-infrastructural use of smart
city tools such as mobile applications, which are not necessarily urban-specific, and
whose potential is likely to be higher than these figures suggest. The smart city market is
mainly driven by global utility firms such as IBM, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, Siemens and
more recently Google, which increasingly partner with local governments to propose ICT
and digital technology-based smart city services. At the same time, many cities are
branding themselves as “smart cities” or willing to become worldwide leaders in smart
city tool applications for urban management, such as Barcelona, Amsterdam and
Singapore, which recently launched an ambitious smart city plan (“Smart Nation
Singapore”). An increasing number of smart city events and competitions presenting
awards to cities, such as Barcelona’s Smart City Expo World Congress, are now held
each year.
The Bandung Command Centre is Bandung City’s flagship project for its vision to become a
smart city. It was initiated in early 2015, in partnership with IBM and Institut Teknologi
Bandung (ITB), one of the top universities in Indonesia, and is similar to other existing
command centres in Japan and Korea, aiming to improve public services. The centre consists of
a digital control board that allows city staff to remotely monitor traffic and manage crisis
situations in the city (in case of accidents, crime, etc.). Fifteen operators from the Bandung
Telecommunication and Information Agency work permanently in the Command Centre, but it
is also accessible to other city departments, such as fire brigades, police officers and transport
agencies. It collects information from the street level to make informed decisions to improve
such public services as ambulances, fire fighters and police intervention. The information is
shown on a digital screen in the Command Centre. Two types of methods are used to collect
street-level data:
• It uses CCTV cameras in streets and GPS tracking installed in school buses,
ambulances, public buses and garbage trucks. For instance, a traffic violation could be
easily spotted by the cameras and the information would be immediately transmitted to
the Centre and appear on the screen.
• In addition to CCTV cameras and GPS tracking, social media is used by the Command
Centre to collect information at street level. The Command Centre can be reached
directly by citizens from Twitter, and they can transmit via their smartphones or
computers any concerns they raise regarding safety and traffic (e.g. poor road
Some of the information gathered by the Command Centre is also accessible to the public.
The data collected through GPS devices in school buses can be viewed by the local population,
so they can make an informed decision if a bus is held up by traffic. The Command Centre is
being developed as a privileged interface of communication between governments and local
communities in the city.
The Bandung Command Centre also works as a data bank, storing information on traffic
violations, road infrastructure conditions, safety performance, disaster frequency and locations,
etc. It makes it possible to visualise the types of problems most frequently encountered in every
district of the city, and make a performance assessment for each of them. In future, smaller
operations centres will be opened in each district, in a strategy to decentralise smart city tool
management. The Centre is being developed in three stages, only the first of which has been
completed, and it is expected to cover management of other sectors in future.
Identifying green growth benefits of Bandung’s smart city vision and projects
Common applications of ICT-based smart city tools include the optimisation of
transport, electricity and water networks, grassroots participation and government
accountability. Opportunities to encourage urban green growth by increasing the
competitiveness of urban utility systems and their environmental performance, and by
enhancing governance, are therefore significant. It is not so far clear which development
objectives the City of Bandung’s smart city vision pursues, and to what extent the current
and future projects, and the vision itself, aims to support green growth objectives. The
ICT Master Plan lists environmental quality as an objective, but the document offers no
clear details on how this can be achieved. The City of Bandung should thus identify more
clearly, in the ICT Master Plan, the estimated development benefits of each smart city
project, with an emphasis on environmental and economic performance. For instance, the
Master Plan should identify benefits in terms of: environmental monitoring, reduction of
air pollution, increase in green growth awareness among citizens, performance of utility
systems with high environmental and economic dimensions (e.g. transport, energy, water,
solid waste, land use) and look for potential direct economic benefits (e.g. employment
and GDP output in smart city industries and services, green innovation).
To identify such benefits, the City of Bandung should explore how smart city tools
can support its functioning and governance. Typically, smart city tools in the world have
supported green growth in the following ways:
• They can be used to produce new data or improve existing data (qualitative
or quantitative). Indeed, more and more technologies can now automatically and
remotely measure, and therefore provide opportunities that did not necessarily
exist before because of the lack of technical, human and financial capacities of
governments – especially when it comes to producing real-time data. Existing
initiatives tracking individual mobility patterns in public transport networks
through smart card data are a good illustration. Data collected is commonly used
to identify problems to help city staff make informed decisions. For instance,
data on mobility patterns could help to adjust a public transport network. In
New York City, fibre-optic sensors placed on the Brooklyn Bridge provide real-
time information on the condition of this old infrastructure. In some cases, the
purpose of data production is not to inform public authorities but citizens, such
as smart water meters in households.
Table 3.1. Main smart city initiatives for green growth in the world and Bandung to date
Sector Main smart city initiatives in the world Smart city initiatives in
Bandung City
General • Air pollution monitoring (Louisville, Kentucky; Chicago) • CO2 and CO emissions
environment • Greenhouse gas emissions sensors sensors
• Weather forecast sensors • Air pollution monitoring
(in development)
Energy • Smart electricity grid (China) n.a.
• Street lighting regulation (Besançon)
• Smart metering in households (Italy)
• Home/Building Energy Management System (Lyon, Yokohama)
• Renewable energy generation: smart shacks with solar charging
for mobile phones (Stellenbosch, South Africa)
• Resilience of the electricity grid (Maryland, Pennsylvania)
Water • Smart metering in households (Washington DC) • Digitalisation of clean
• Flood management through simulation software (Paris, London, water disaster reports
• Control of water levels in canals and rivers (Bangkok)
• Study of impact of sewer overflow due to storm water
• Reduction of water leaks (Aquamatix; Leesburg, Virginia)
Transport • Smart card/integrated fare collection service (Paris) • Smart card (in
• Bicycle-sharing (Lyon) development)
• Free-service car-sharing (Paris) • Bicycle-sharing (pilot
• Online platform for car-sharing (France) stage in ITB)
• Smart parking system (San Francisco) • Electronic parking
• Electronic congestion toll (Singapore) system (in
• Smart taxi service (Uber) development)
• Mapping informal public transport routes (Nairobi) • Emergency services
• Maintenance of bridge conditions (NYC) management
• Traffic management centre (including forecast and distribution)
• Emergency services
Solid waste • Sensors in garbage trash to reduce waste consumption • GPS tracking of
(Barcelona) garbage trucks (10
• Smart bins (Groningen) currently operational,
• Improvement in the solid waste collection system (Maputo) with plan to cover all
• Smart optical sorters garbage vehicle fleet)
• Automated waste collection system (Singapore)
• Radio Frequency Identification Swipe Card (South Korea)
• Environmental reporting (London)
Land-use • Geographic information system (GIS) mapping n.a.
• Cadastre improvement (Mexico)
Governance • Increase efficiency of social services (NYC) • Bandung Command
• Open Data (NYC, Chicago) Centre
• Citizens’ communication
through social networks
Others • Earthquake detection (Japan) • Video crime monitoring
• Early warning systems (Rio de Janeiro/Austin) • Panic button
• Resilience through safe banking (Nairobi) • Digital classes
• Prediction of medical needs in case of disaster (USA) • Digital education
• Better identification of citizens in need of support in case of administration
disaster (NYC) • Online administrative
• Crowdsourcing post-disaster recovery (NYC) procedures (e.g.
• E-learning building permits, tax
• Electronic delivery to citizens records)
• Video crime monitoring
City of Paris, for example, set up the Autolib’ programme jointly with Bolloré (an
international French transport and logistics industrial group) in 2011. By July 2015, more
than 3 300 vehicles and 975 stations were operational. The principles are very similar to
the system of the third-generation bicycle-sharing: a user can borrow one of the electric
cars parked in specific stations in the city, and return it to another station. The
sustainability of the system is ensured by the digital identification that tracks the user,
while an electronic deposit is linked to the user’s digital ID. If a user misbehaves, the
system will be informed and can automatically take action. The electric car-sharing
system reduces the need for private cars in the city and avoids parking issues.
The San Francisco Municipal Transport Authority (SFMTA) SFpark project uses new technologies and
policies to improve parking in the city. The project was largely funded by the US Department of Transport,
which provided 80% (USD 19.8 million) of the programme’s total cost of USD 24.8 million. The project
involved 6 000 metered on-street parking spaces (about one-quarter of the city’s total supply) and 12 250
parking spaces in 14 city-operated garages (75% of the spaces managed by SFMTA). Around 11 700 parking
sensors were deployed, along with 300 repeaters and gateways. The key strategic initiatives in
SFpark included:
• real-time parking availability information to make it easier to find a parking space
• demand-responsive pricing to create parking availability
• longer time limits at parking meters to make parking more convenient
• meters that make it easy to pay by credit card and other forms of payment
• garage facility upgrades to make garages more convenient.
The main principle of SFpark is to use smart pricing so that drivers can quickly find open spaces. To help
achieve the right level of parking availability, SFpark periodically adjusts meter and garage pricing up and
down to match demand. Demand-responsive pricing encourages drivers to park in underused areas and
garages, reducing demand in overused areas. According to the SFpark Pilot Project Evaluation, the amount of
time that the target parking occupancy (60% to 80%) was achieved increased by 31% in pilot areas, compared
to a 6% increase in control areas. In so-called high payment (HP) compliance pilot areas (where people tend
to pay the meter most of the time), the 60% to 80% target occupancy rate nearly doubled. The amount of time
that blocks were too full to find parking decreased 16% in pilot areas, while increasing 51% in control
areas. HP zones saw a 45% decrease. SFpark maintained consistent parking availability while increasing use
of SFpark garages. Use of these facilities grew by 11%, far exceeding that of non-SFpark garages.
An estimated reduction in GHG emissions of 30% was realised, from 7 metric tonnes per day to
4.9 tonnes per day in the pilot areas. Vehicle miles driven also decreased by 30% (compared to a 6% decrease
in the control areas), and traffic volumes fell 8%.
In addition to the parking information map available on the SFpark.org homepage, information on parking
availability is distributed via a free SFpark iPhone app, Android app and the region’s 511 phone system.
Source: Woods, E. (2014), “Results in for San Francisco’s Parking Experiment”, Navigant Research Blog,
www.navigantresearch.com/blog/results-in-for-san-franciscos-parking-experiment (accessed 30 August 2016); SFpark
(n.d.), SFpark website http://sfpark.org/about-the-project/ (accessed 30 August 2016).
The new eco-district of Lyon Confluence, a 1.5 square kilometres project initiated in 2001, doubles the area
of the urban peninsula between the rivers Rhone and Saone, in the commercial heart of Lyon. One of its
objectives is to produce no more CO2 in 2020 than in 2000, despite the construction of 1 million square metres of
new buildings. Within the new eco-district, three buildings designed by the architect Kengo Kuma are connected
through a common energy management system, whose aim is to produce more energy than it consumes. These
buildings are named “Hikari” (“light” in Japanese). They are the first “positive-energy” building block in
Europe, at a size of 12 800 square metres (similar projects were previously limited to the scale of an individual
building). The project involved a partnership between Bouygues, NEDO (the Japanese public agency promoting
environmental and industrial technologies and renewable energy) and Toshiba.
The concept underlying Hikari is a pooling of needs and resources. The three buildings, a mix of offices,
housing and commercial areas, communicate with each other and distribute energy according to the needs of
each building. Excess energy is stored and used in peak hours, thanks to a fuel cell, taking advantage of the fact
that offices are empty at night, while housing occupancy is high. Energy produced in offices on non-working
days can be reinjected into the apartments. In the basement, a central brain drives the system overall.
Energy is produced by solar panels on the roof and balconies of the 42 apartments. It is completed by a
rapeseed oil fuel co-generator. The cooling requirements of the offices and shops are covered by an “absorption
chiller” that produces ice water from the heat created by the co-generator and the cold from the water table. A
geothermal system also contributes to cooling by drawing in the cool waters of the Saône. Hikari consumes 50%
less than the standards of the current thermal regulations and produces a higher amount of energy than its
consumption, about 0.2%. The building’s architecture is also innovative: the building envelope adapts to the path
of the sun, absorbs and controls the light radiation and energy intake. Large cuts carve the glass facades, wood,
aluminium and stone to make the most of natural light inside the buildings.
ICT are at the heart of Hikari’s system. The buildings are full of sensors that measure temperature and CO2,
but also detect the presence of people in the rooms, monitor ventilation, lighting, etc. They record a series of
parameters that allow the central “brain” to regulate the production of heat and cold in real time. Continuously
calculating consumption, the system informs users of the performance of their office or home and the entire
building. Each household is equipped with an energy-tracking tablet adjusting the temperature of an apartment to
residents’ needs.
The cost of housing in Hikari is high, the equivalent of housing in the most beautiful areas in Lyon. All
housing units have been sold, however, partly because the new owners were attracted by the possibility of
controlling and regulating their energy consumption.
Source: Le Monde (2015), “A Lyon, Hikari, le premier îlot urbain à énergie positive”,
(accessed 02 October 2015).
3.4. Making Bandung resilient to natural disaster through smart city tools
Urban resilience to natural disaster risks is a critical condition for ensuring long-term
green growth in many Asian cities. The 2011 mega flood that hit the Bangkok
Metropolitan Region and other parts of Thailand is reported to have been among the
costliest natural disasters since the 1980s, resulting in losses in the global supply chain of
USD 44.2 billion and significantly slowing Thailand’s economic growth in the months
after the floods (OECD, 2013). In the City of Bangkok alone, the damages reached
USD 9.3 billion. Bandung is also routinely affected by floods, and although such events
have not affected the city with comparable intensity, it must prepare for potential shocks,
since climate change involves uncertainty about the occurrence and intensity of floods,
hurricanes, etc. Floods, earthquakes, fires and landslides are the most common disasters
in Bandung. Smart city tools can be an effective means to make Bandung more resilient
could suffer damages of more than USD 500 million by 2030, affecting more than
47 000 people. West Java is the smallest unit of analysis and does not produce detailed
information on the City of Bandung or its metropolitan area. The local government could
consider using such tool to produce data at the local level.
In 2012, the city government of Rio de Janeiro and IBM signed an agreement to build a public information
management centre for the city. Other partners engaged in the construction of this Centre are Cisco, Cyrela,
Facilities, Malwee, Oi and Samsung. The facility is built on the principle that only by considering and co-
ordinating the man-made and natural systems of a city holistically can municipal leaders manage the
complexities of a large, modern city.
The Rio Operations Centre in Cidade Nova gathers information from more than 30 government departments
and public agencies in the municipality to improve city safety and responsiveness to incidents such as flash
floods and landslides. Its mission is to consolidate data from various urban systems for real-time visualisation,
monitoring and analysis, giving operations managers a comprehensive picture of what is happening in the city at
any time. Representatives of the various departments in the operations centre can look at live videos of city
streets and facilities or graphic representations of data feeds, and make group decisions. The system was initially
designed to forecast floods and related emergencies, but it can be extended to any event occurring in the city,
such as sports events or a traffic accident. The aim is for the centre to integrate more city departments and
information. The administration has already been developing routine operational uses for the centre: garbage
trucks co-ordinated by GPS can be repurposed for other tasks if necessary, enhancing the efficiency of resources
Similar projects have already been implemented in New York City and Gauteng in South Africa, but this is
the first centre in the world that will integrate all the stages of a crisis management situation: from prediction,
mitigation and preparedness, to the immediate response to events, and finally to capture feedback from the
system to be used for future incidents. The system is especially vital for protecting lives in the city’s poor
mountainside communities, or favelas, where tens of thousands of people live in areas with a high risk of
flooding and landslides.
Source: IBM (2010), “City Government and IBM Close Partnership to Make Rio de Janeiro a Smarter City”, www-
03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/33303.wss (accessed 30 August 2016); Hamm, S. (2012), “Smarter Leadership: How Rio de
Janeiro Created an Intelligent Operations Center”, Building a Smarter Planet (blog),
Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) (2013), “The Smart City Market: Opportunities for the UK”, Research Paper,
London Authority’s website sets out key actions businesses can take in the event of
disaster, and pools knowledge on best practices for urban resilience worldwide. The City
of Bandung should replicate such digital tools while diffusing information about
resilience more comprehensively. The overall objective should be to engage the private
sector and local communities before, during and after a disaster.
Additional information could be shared with businesses and citizens to increase their
preparedness for disaster. Hazard maps could be sent out on social media accounts
associated with the mayor or the Bandung Command Centre, which citizens already
consult regularly. This could help raise public awareness of the areas most vulnerable to a
flood or an earthquake. The City of New York has developed Flood Insurance Rate Maps
(FIRMs) of vulnerable urban areas to inform homeowners and tenants who might need to
purchase disaster insurance (City of New York, 2013).
In a disaster, ICT could help develop efficient early-warning systems and mobilise
emergency services more quickly. Coupled with meteorological weather forecasting
systems, advance warning times can be increased from a matter of minutes or hours to
one or more days. Increased advance warning can potentially allow those affected to
move their families, livestock and assets out of harm’s way, and to protect property and
other possessions that cannot be relocated in time. The Bandung Command Centre could
connect information on water levels collected through sensors and warning systems that
could automatically be activated. A digitised, georeferenced database of natural streams
and man-made drainage channels could help identify where to install such sensors. The
centre already informs police and fire brigades if a disaster occurs, but the local
government should also include citizens as a critical resource to ensure resilience. Early-
warning systems could be installed throughout the city and remotely controlled. Screens
in shopping malls and other public areas (e.g. green public space) could broadcast
information on what citizens should do during a flood or earthquake. Social networks
such as Facebook and Twitter, and SMS to citizens’ mobiles could be used. Austin’s
Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) in Texas, a good example of a successful smart
warning system, combines flood maps, real-time data and predictive modelling to
improve the efficiency of evacuation decisions and plans. It predicts which streets will be
flooded up to six hours in advance and maps flooded areas and road closures. Before this
system was set up, evacuation was generally carried out after the disaster occurred. In Rio
de Janeiro, slum settlements are alerted by smart city tools, and the Operations Centre
remotely controls sirens that show residents of the poorest urban areas where to shelter in
heavy rainfall.
Smart city tools could also help mobilise the resources of the private sector and local
communities in responding to a disaster. Organising domestic and international support
effectively was one of the issues the Philippines faced in 2013 after cyclone Haiyan
struck. During the 2011 Bangkok mega flood, volunteers’ help was critical in mitigating
the flood’s impact (OECD, 2015). Smart city tools could help local government contact
volunteer communities (including companies that can provide such basic needs as water
and food) and co-ordinate support. Leaders of volunteer communities should be
identified, so they can easily be contacted to organise civil society in any emergency.
They could for instance be equipped with mobile device so that the local government or
the Command Centre can reach them directly. In general, a database should be built so
this potential support can be mobilised in case of disaster.
Smart city tools can also help local government and agencies coping with a disaster
to obtain street-level information from citizens to identify priorities. If Bandung were to
One of the key challenges of the smart city is to make sure all the residents can
benefit and contribute to the smart city services/opportunities developed by the local
government and ICT companies. In a developing country like Indonesia, the Internet and
smart devices such as smartphones are not ubiquitous, which can significantly undermine
the efficiency of smart city services and in the poorest urban areas. A “digital divide”
may prevent some citizens from accessing information online (e.g. on disaster risk
management) and from participating in the city’s life through an online platform of
discussion. The smart city vision of Bandung aims to improve education, health care,
security, community outreach, Internet literacy and citizen engagement. However, it is
not clear what role digital technologies will play in this, especially for the more than
120 000 slum dwellers and the population living below the poverty line (around 8% of the
total population, or around 200 000 inhabitants).
The City of Bandung should thus ensure the current smart city vision develops
specific ICT strategies to make green growth inclusive. Targeted action in low-income
communities and education and training programmes on ICT for the urban poor could
reap high rewards. The local government could couple these initiatives with the slum
revitalisation programme undertaken with the Ministry of Housing since 2014, which has
included the provision of basic infrastructure and services.
posting a photo of the problem on the City of Bandung’s account. The Command Centre
collects this feedback and digitally maps it on a screen visible to the local government.
This system allows city staff to evaluate the problems citizens are encountering in each of
the eight districts, and identify which problems have been most frequently pointed out, by
area. This is a remarkable initiative, but many residents may not be able to contribute
because they do not have access to ICT, such as smartphones. The City of Bandung
should thus seek ways of involving low-income communities in this process, since they
are more likely to face problems of access to public services, failing infrastructure and
damage from natural disasters.
One solution for local government could be to rely on NGOs with a strong network in
the urban slums, identify community leaders and give them the opportunity to contribute
to the feedback system of the Command Centre, by installing a community computer
connected to the Internet. In Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, local students were given access,
trained to use smart technologies, such as OpenStreetMap, and tablet computers. Students
used these technologies to map the slums in the city for the first time, providing a visual
map of the slums and their needs in terms of people and infrastructure. 15 A similar
strategy could be pursued in Bandung, which has no accurate map of urban slums, and
could be combined with current projects to create a database on poor areas led by the
Agency of National Unity and Community Empowerment (Badan Kesatuan bangsa dan
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat). Smart city tools can also be used to tackle informality, by
registering online slum residents and informal economic activities in municipal databases
(which should be digitised).
Smart city tools can also allow the urban poor to access critical services. In Nairobi,
Kenya, the M-Pesa mobile money service has given slum dwellers a virtual place to
keep their cash, safe from slum fires and helping them to save money and time on
travelling to banks. This has also resulted in initiatives such as a link-up with water-
pump provider Grundfos Lifelink to provide communities with water paid for through
M-Pesa, and NGOs making social payments to slum residents.16 For Bandung’s urban
poor, such a project could have some impact. The local government should also find
innovative ways to make access to the Internet more easily available in slums, as an
expansion of current projects to multiply the number of Wi-Fi hotspots in the city. This
would help support such objectives as online registration and e-learning. In New York
City, a local government project aims to replace unused and obsolete payphones with
Wi-Fi hotspots.
Online access can also be an opportunity to shed light on the issues faced in the poor
urban areas and encourage participation of diverse stakeholders in improving living
conditions. In India, an entrepreneur created an online collective platform where
businesses, institutions, academics and residents could participate in a contest to build a
house for USD 300. The idea was to use the platform to imagine new urban solutions,
using open data and open innovation to better serve citizens. The experiment proved
successful, and a house was built in a slum area.17
• Develop a clearer and more comprehensive smart city framework for current and
future projects in each critical policy sector, and their benefits for urban green
• Create a roadmap for the progressive development of smart devices that produce and
collect urban data and knowledge on green growth. Sensors for energy consumption
and measuring water levels are most urgent.
• Identify sources of congestion and the efficiency of the angkot system through GPS
and mobile phone data, improving parking management through an automatic
guidance system and price adjustment.
• Develop smart energy management systems in new buildings, and smart electricity
meters, supported by a national reform introducing real-time dynamic pricing of
• Enhance resilient urban planning through GIS vulnerability mapping and flood
simulation software.
• Develop the capacities of the Command Centre to manage infrastructure in times
of disaster by collecting real-time data on their condition.
• Create a smart early-warning system and ICT mechanisms to reach out to the private
sector and local communities and provide assistance in case of disaster.
• Create mechanisms (scholarships, e-learning) to help the urban poor benefit from
current ICT educational programmes, and use local residents and NGOs with strong
networks in slums to provide data through digital tools such as GIS.
1. See: Smart Cities Council (2014), “Smart waste revolution to drive $42 billion in
revenues over next decade”, http://smartcitiescouncil.com/article/smart-waste-
revolution-drive-42-billion-revenues-over-next-decade (accessed 2 April 2016).
2. See: Data Smart City Solutions (2013), “Streamlining the London Tube with Data”,
202 (accessed 8 October 2015).
3. See: Data Smart City Solutions (2015), “Monitoring Air Quality and the Impacts of
Pollution”, http://datasmart.ash.harvard.edu/news/article/monitoring-air-quality-and-
the-impacts-of-pollution-679 (accessed 8 October 2015).
4. See: NYC Open Data (n.d.), NYC Open Data website,
5. See: OECD (2016), Observatory of Public Sector Innovation,
www.oecd.org/governance/observatory-public-sector-innovation/ (accessed
31 August 2016).
6. The current bicycle-sharing programme works like a bicycle rental system, except
that the bicycles can be returned to other stations in the city.
7. See: The Guardian (2014), “Cities in motion: how we mapped the matatus of Nairobi”,
nairobi (accessed 09 October 2015).
8. See: BlaBlaCar (n.d), BlaBlaCar UK website, www.blablacar.co.uk/ (accessed
31 August 2016).
9. See: Schneider Electric (n.d.), “La smart city : la ville devient intelligente”,
City.page (accessed 31 August 2016).
10. See: The Guardian (2013), “Smart cities: adapting the concept for the global south”,
network/2013/nov/21/smart-cities-relevant-developing-world (accessed 6 October
11. See local disaster preparedness hazard map for Kumamoto City: www.ntt-
12. The 3Di Water Management software was developed by Deltares, the Delft
University of Technology and Nelen & Schuurmans, in the Netherlands.
13. See: Data Smart City Solutions (2016), “A Catalog of Civic Data Use Cases: How
can data and analytics be used to enhance city operations?”,
enhance-city-operations-723 (accessed 31 August 2016).
14. See: Sci Dev Net (2014), “Developing world gets city smart”,
www.scidev.net/global/cities/feature/developing-world-city-smart.html (accessed
31 August 2016).
15. See: The Guardian (2013), “Smart cities: adapting the concept for the global south”,
network/2013/nov/21/smart-cities-relevant-developing-world (accessed 6 October
16. See: Sci Dev Net (2014), “Developing world gets city smart”,
(accessed 31 August 2016).
17. For more information on the 300 dollar house see: www.300house.com/ (accessed
6 October 2015).
18. See: The Guardian (2013), “Smart cities: adapting the concept for the global south”,
(accessed 6 October 2015).
Tarigan, A.K.M. et al. (2015), “City profile: Bandung City, Indonesia”, Cities, Vol. 50,
pp. 100-110.
The Guardian (2014), “Cities in motion: how we mapped the matatus of Nairobi”,
nairobi (accessed 09 October 2015).
The Guardian (2013), “Smart cities: adapting the concept for the global south”,
cities-relevant-developing-world (accessed 6 October 2015).
Washburn, D. et al. (2010), “Helping CIOs understand ‘Smart City’ initiatives: Defining
the Smart City, its drivers, and the role of the CIO”, Forrester Research, Inc.,
Cambridge, Massachusetts,
Woods, E. (2014), “Results in for San Francisco’s Parking Experiment”, Navigant
Research Blog, www.navigantresearch.com/blog/results-in-for-san-franciscos-
parking-experiment (accessed 30 August 2016).
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 examines governance challenges faced by all levels of government, the private
sector, civil society and other stakeholders in the Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA) to
implement strategies and policies and encourage urban green growth. This chapter is
structured into the four sections:
1) co-ordination challenges between governmental bodies
2) financing urban green growth
3) international co-operation for urban green growth
4) engaging and collaborating with local stakeholders.
Key findings
• Collaboration among a wide range of stakeholder, in particular with the education sector
is a critical asset of Bandung. Bandung should also try to exploit the formidable
opportunities offered by the city’s 78 higher education establishments, as well as the
relatively high proportion of the population with high educational attainment, by
systematising collaboration with these entities. Existing innovation capacities, such as
the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development, should also be
supported by the municipality.
Filling in policy framework gaps between the national, provincial and local
The government hierarchy in Indonesia has created a relationship of dependence
between the national government, the provincial governments and the local governments
(cities, regencies and districts). Plans and policies designed in the BMA are influenced to
large extent by policies and regulations issued by higher levels of government, in
particular the national government. This affects not only general development objectives
but also sectoral policies in opportunity areas for green growth (e.g. transport, energy).
The main components of Indonesia’s National Development Plans (RPJPN 2005-2025
and RPJMN, 2015‐2019) are translated at lower levels of government into the West Java
Province Development Plans and into each of the five municipalities of BMA (e.g.
Bandung Development Plans) (Table 4.1). This is a powerful instrument of policy
harmonisation in Indonesia, and a means of boosting cities’ economic and environmental
performance. One of the eight missions of the RPJPN 2005-2025 is the realisation of “a
green and sustainable Indonesia”, acknowledging that “the long-term sustainability of
development will face the challenges of climate change and global warming, which affect
activities and livelihoods”. The RPJMN 2015-2019 aims to create and to increase green
cities development as a part of climate and disaster security, improve governance in
natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and increase community
resilience to the impact of climate change.
National Development Plans have a binding character, so lower levels of government
must adopt their own development plans under national guidelines. This, however, is not
the case for every national plan, which creates obstacles to the implementation of some
national strategies with potentially high impact for urban green growth, in particular the
national green growth initiatives (Table 4.1). Delivering Green Growth in Indonesia
outlines the national agenda for inclusive and sustainable development in the next 35 years,
to 2050. Launched in 2015, it aims to bring about change by influencing existing policy
documents through the promotion of green policy alternatives. Nonetheless, in the absence
of legal basis and binding targets, risks that it may not be implemented at all levels of
government are great. Neither West Java Province nor the five municipalities of BMA have
adopted a similar green growth agenda. The same applies to the National Action Plan for
Climate Change Adaptation, and the National Energy Master Plan (RUEN). West Java
Province in particular appears to have relatively weak development planning. No transport
master plan is in place, while even Bandung City has developed its own Sustainable
national objectives to the local level would help meet national targets. It should
also be connected to smart city objectives.
• Solid waste: as noted earlier, a national legal framework would help secure
proper funding. The provincial Solid Waste Management Unit that manages the
provincial landfill Sarimukti and the upcoming Legok Nangka landfill could
obtain clear responsibilities and financial resources with provincial co-ordination.
Such a legal framework would help clarify responsibilities vertically but also
between line ministries, since solid waste policy development is divided among
the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (DPWH), the Ministry of Environment
and Forestry and Bappenas (Chaerul, Fahruroji and Fujiwara, 2014).
• Smart city: Bappenas should develop a separate national smart city plan supporting
the National Urban Development Strategy and Policy (KSPPN), co-ordinating with
other national agencies and ministries (e.g. the State Electricity Company, PNL, and
the Ministry of Finance) to align regulations and financing mechanisms for local
smart city initiatives. This plan should clearly identify connections between
development objectives and plans, including green growth, and smart city strategies.
This will also be a good way of setting up smart city projects systematically in all
Indonesian cities, rather than leaving it to ad hoc initiatives. The Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology in 2016 launched a pilot smart city
project for 15 cities. This links up with the government’s effort to build a digital
economy (Vincentia, 2016).
Table 4.1. Major plans and policy guidelines at the national level and in Bandung
Sector Indonesia West Java Province Bandung City
General development National Long Term Development Plan West Java Regional Long Term Bandung Long Term Development
(RPJPN 2005‐2025) Development Plan 2005-2025 Plan 2005-2025 (RPJPD 2005-2025)
(RPJPD 2005-2025)
National Medium Term Development Plan West Java Regional Medium Term Bandung Development Plans 2014-
(RPJMN, 2015‐2019) Development Plan 2013-2018 2018 (RPJMD 2014-2018)
(RPJMD 2013-2018)
National Urban Development Strategy and n.a. Local Urban Development Strategy
Policy (KSPPN) and Policy (KSPPD) (not yet enacted)
Green growth Delivering Green Growth in Indonesia (2015) n.a. n.a.
and Green Growth Programme (2013)
Climate change (mitigation and National Action Plan to reduce Greenhouse West Java Action Plan for Reducing Bandung Low Carbon Society
adaptation) Gas Emissions (2011) Greenhouse Emissions (RADGRK) Bandung City’s Climate Change
Action Plan
National Action Plan for Climate Change n.a. Urban Climate Resilience Strategy
Adaptation (2012) (not yet formulated)
Land use National Spatial Plan (Rencana Tata Ruang West Java Provincial Spatial Plan
Wilayah Nasional) Bandung Metropolitan Area Spatial Bandung City Spatial Plan
Energy National Energy Master Plan (RUEN) Provincial Energy Master Plan n.a.
(Rencana Umum Energi
Environment Environmental Law 32/2009 on Environmental Environmental Management and Environmental Management and
Protection and Management Protection Plan (RPPLH) (not yet Protection Plan (RPPLH) (not yet
enacted) enacted)
Transport Sustainable Urban Transport Programme n.a. Bandung City Transport Master Plan
(NAMASUTRI) Bandung Urban Mobility Project
Solid waste Solid Waste Management Act 18/2008 Bandung City Solid Waste
Presidential Decree on Domestic Solid Waste Management Master Plan
Management and Solid Waste (2012)
Presidential Decree 18/2016 on Waste-Based West Java Solid Waste Management
Power Plants Master Plan
Water supply and sanitation National Policy on Water Supply and n.a.
Environmental Health Bandung City Sanitation Strategy
Presidential Decree 185/2014 on the Bandung City Water Supply Master
Acceleration Drinking Water and Sanitation Plan
Smart city National Urban Development Strategy and n.a. ICT Master Plan (2015)
Policy (KSPPN) (smart city is one pillar)
Source: Elaboration based on Government of Indonesia and GGGI (2013), Green Growth Programme; Prioritising Investments:
Delivering Green Growth.
response for historical reasons. Bandung should improve co-ordination with Indonesia’s
National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), which has had extensive technical
and financial assistance from the donor community in the past decade, to put into
practice data and analytic methods developed for a multi-hazard early-warning system
(EWS) as one of the Command Centre’s main functions (see Chapter 3).
The Green Growth Programme developed for Central Kalimantan with the Global
Green Growth Institute (GGGI) has experimented with some novel strategies in
national-regional co-ordination. One of its three main components is regional
engagement “to support key provincial governments in prioritising and implementing
green growth”. It includes producing and collecting data on green growth, to be co-
ordinated between different levels of government. However, it is not clear how this will
be accomplished, and the role and responsibility of cities is not mentioned. In addition,
GGGI and the national government are only collaborating in two Central Kalimantan
districts, Pulang Pisau and Murung Raya, not in the BMA. This governance strategy
should be expanded to the BMA and other major urban areas in Indonesia.
Box 4.1. Bridging the capacity gaps: Examples from OECD countries
Capacity gaps arise when a local government lacks the human, knowledge-related and/or
infrastructural resources to carry out development projects. OECD examples of capacity building
include involving specialised non-profit organisations and improving the use of e-government
tools. In Greece, as a response to the sovereign debt crisis, a special non-profit organisation was
set up to assist small municipalities (of under 10 000 residents), that did not have the skills to
prepare the four-year action plans required to access EU structural funds. In the United States in
2009, at the height of the financial crisis, distressed areas and small towns were less able to
apply for relevant programmes and secure funding, given the rigorous reporting requirements of
the Recovery Act, because they did not have the trained manpower for intensive contracting and
monitoring. The federal government website supplied e-government tools as a result, to help
recipients of recovery funds meet their quarterly reporting requirements by submitting their
project updates online. Using this technology considerably enhanced the accountability, speed
and transparency of the Recovery Act.
Chicago offers another interesting capacity-building initiative between national and local
governments. The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) does not have formal
authority over land use and zoning, which fall under municipal jurisdiction. The metropolitan
master plan GO TO 2040 is funded at the local level under a technical assistance programme, the
US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Sustainable Communities Regional
Planning Grant Program. The CMAP initiated the Local Technical Assistance (LTA) Program in
2010. The programme provides assistance to communities across the Chicago metropolitan
region to undertake planning projects that advance the principles of GO TO 2040. The CMAP
has initiated 160 local projects with local governments and non-profit and intergovernmental
organisations to address local issues at the intersection of transport, land use and housing,
including the natural environment, economic growth and community development. The CMAP
announced 25 new LTA projects in October 2014. This fourth wave of projects emphasises
implementation of past plans, such as updates of zoning and regulations, the creation of capital
improvement plans and analysis of municipal review procedures.
Source: OECD (2015a), Governing the City, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264226500-en.
Province, with Bandung City’s mayor as a vice chair, would aim to co-ordinate policies
through BMA-wide master plans, and to facilitate private investment in the region. Such
an executive structure could be helpful because the West Java Province is always
involved in any project mobilising at least two municipalities, as in the case of such
ongoing projects as the Light Rapid Transit (LRT) (see Chapter 2). It could also present
an opportunity for the provincial government to co-ordinate cross-municipal issues in the
Co-ordination between BMA local governments has been a challenge. As noted,
decentralisation reforms in Indonesia have empowered cities without creating
incentives for horizontal collaboration, discouraging local governments from pooling
resources with their neighbours.3 Many local government officials are not aware of the
need for co-ordination that decentralisation reforms have created and of their potential
benefits (Firman, 2009). The parochial attitude of many local governments has
hampered services that require cross-border co-operation, including solid waste
management and water supply, in many regions (Firman, 2009). This has exacerbated
the already limited provision of urban services, since the BMA’s local governments are
working at cross purposes. The new metropolitan co-ordinating body will need to
address the following critical horizontal co-ordination issues that affect green growth in
the BMA:
• Traffic congestion: as the BMA’s population has grown, traffic volumes have
risen from 10% to 15% annually (Bandung City, 2014), increasing average
weekday travel times from 30 to 65 minutes, and over an hour on weekends. The
minibus is the central mode of public transit, accounting in 2009 for about 31% of
all motorised trips. Until recently, transport infrastructure in the BMA favoured
the development of roads. The lack of land-use and transport co-ordination has
reinforced inefficient mobility patterns between origins and destinations (Tarigan
et al., 2015). No BMA-wide strategy exists to improve transport systems,
including mass transit, to reduce increasing congestion and externalities of air
pollution, GHG emissions (transport accounts for 60% of CO2 emissions in
Bandung City) and potential losses in productivity.
• Solid waste management: the City of Bandung does not have the appropriate
space in sanitary landfills for collected solid waste. The waste generated already
exceeds current collection and treatment capacities. BMA’s five municipal areas
rely on the same landfill site, which is under great stress and has been repeatedly
scheduled to close, most recently in 2015 (IGES and City of Kawasaki, 2015).
Negotiations on using vacant land in surrounding areas have been unsuccessful
(Tarigan et al., 2015) and further co-operation is needed. Some current green
projects, such as the introduction of biodigesters in Bandung City, will receive
waste from surrounding municipalities and require co-operation on the
conveyance system.
• Flood risk management: rapid land-conversion for real estate development in
the BMA has decreased its ecological function and water absorptive capacities,
increasing the risk of floods (Hudalah and Winarso, 2010). A metropolitan
action plan for flood management could help, for example by creating buffer
• Water supply: the BMA’s five municipalities use the same ground water aquifer,
which is under heavy pressure from high consumption from residential,
The new co-ordinating body should be given extended powers to help co-ordinate
BMA-wide strategies. Comprehensive metropolitan development plans should involve
each local government, and require each to develop its own plan along the guidelines
established by the metropolitan plan. A critical structural deficit of the future BMA co-
ordinating body is the lack of provision for the national government to guide its action.
The input of the national government will be crucial for translating national policy
guidelines at the provincial and local levels, so that the new metropolitan body can
become a platform where local governments can communicate on national policy gaps
(e.g. smart city) and regulations that are obstacles to urban green growth. This would
create a mechanism for the national government to offer technical assistance to the
provincial and local governments (see Box 4.1).
In the medium term, metro-wide authorities to manage critical urban systems should
be created for more coherent infrastructure development in the BMA. Bangkok, where
sectoral authorities manage the transport, water and electricity systems outside the city,
can provide inspiration. The Metropolitan Transport Authority is now implementing a
vast action plan for ten new subway lines extending to the provinces in the Bangkok
Metropolitan Region (OECD, 2015c). BMA could also study the Area Metropolitana
Barcelona (AMA) (Box 4.3) and Metro Vancouver, two successful examples of
metropolitan governance initiatives that have developed a systematic governance
structure. In Malaysia, the Iskandar Regional Development Authority also provides a
model, although implementation issues have yet to be resolved (OECD, 2016b).
Total budget Central government transfer revenue Local own revenue Other revenue
1 800
1 600
1 400
1 200
1 000
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 (expected)
Note: Other revenue includes: tax-sharing revenues with the provincial government; adjustment and special autonomy
fund, and grant revenues from provincial and other governments.
Source: Bandung City (2016), “Answers to the OECD case study questionnaire”, internal document, unpublished.
Figure 4.2. Budget per inhabitant in the cities of Bandung and Bangkok
1 200
1 000
City of Bandung (2016) City of Bangkok (2012)
Source: OECD (2015c), Green Growth in Bangkok, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264237087-en. Bandung
City (2016), “Answers to the OECD case study questionnaire”, internal document, unpublished.
The City of Bandung’s budget can be broken down into three categories: locally raised
revenue accounts for 43.3% of the total budget, transfers from the national government
account for 44.1% and other revenues account for 12.6% (Figure 4.3). Locally raised
revenue has risen sharply in recent years. In 2010, it only accounted for 16.7%, while the
share of transfer revenues accounted for 78.2% (Figure 4.1). This is mainly due to the
Decentralisation Act 22/1999, updated later as Act No. 32/2004 and more recently
Act No. 28/2009 on Local Taxes and Charges and Act No. 23/2014 on local governance,
which included fiscal decentralisation and granted local governments the right to manage
Table 4.2. Attribution of tax revenues to subsectors of general government as a percentage of total tax revenue
Central government State or regional government Local government Social security funds
2000 2010 2013 2000 2010 2013 2000 2010 2013 2000 2010 2013
Federal countries
Malaysia 94.7 94.3 95.2 .. .. .. 3.4 4.0 3.3 1.9 1.7 1.5
OECD 56.5 53.8 54.5 15.3 16.3 16.5 6.9 7.9 7.6 21.1 21.8 21.3
Unitary countries
Indonesia 96.8 92.8 90.4 .. .. .. 3.2 7.2 9.6 .. .. ..
Philippines 81.5 82.2 82.2 .. .. .. 5.3 5.2 5.2 13.2 12.7 12.7
Japan 38.7 33.0 33.7 .. .. .. 26.1 25.9 24.7 35.2 41.1 41.6
Korea 68.2 60.4 58.2 .. .. .. 15.1 16.7 15.5 16.7 22.8 26.3
OECD 66.5 63.4 62.9 .. .. .. 11.0 11.9 12.0 22.3 24.4 24.8
Source: OECD (2015d), "Tax Revenue Trends 1990-2013", in Revenue Statistics in Asian Countries 2015: Trends in Indonesia,
Malaysia and the Philippines, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264234277-3-en.
Note: Dark-blue items refer to own revenue of the City of Bandung. Light-grey items refer to transfer revenue from
the central government, and hashed items refer to other sources of revenue.
Source: Bandung City (2016), “Answers to the OECD case study questionnaire”, internal document, unpublished.
Despite the recent positive changes in the City of Bandung’s budget capacity, room
remains to increase the local budget streams to promote urban green growth. This would
help to raise tax revenues in the country, which in 2013 only represented 13% of
Indonesia’s GDP. This share is around 34% on average in OECD countries (OECD, 2015d).
Both the local and the national governments have a role to play, helping to boost investment.
At the local level, the local governments in the BMA should work to increase the amount of
locally raised revenue. Revenues from tariffs and fees remain very low, while this accounts
for 15.2% of sub-national government revenue in OECD countries (OECD, 2015e). Raising
more revenues from these two sources would help finance urban green growth, and could
be an opportunity to shape behaviour through fiscal policy instruments and to make green
infrastructure systems financially sustainable. Taxes on new impermeable surfaces could be
a tool to guide development more sustainably, discouraging developers from building in
sensitive areas or to recover some of the cost of constructing flood-resilient infrastructure.
Many cities and states including Maryland and Illinois in the United States of America are
good examples of areas using the taxes on impermeable surfaces. A more systematic use of
wastewater treatment, public transport and water supply tariffs and charges could help to
raise more revenue while increasing the sustainability of green utility systems. Parking
taxes and charges offer one such instance. The City of Bandung is considering increasing
parking fees to discourage car use. This could be combined with West Java Province’s
current policy of reserving some parking slots for energy-efficient cars identified with a
blue sticker. These could be subject to lower parking charges, through a control system at
the entrance of parking areas, and in future, through smart cards that would recognise the
blue stickers.
26.1% 25.7%
19.6% 19.5%
2.2% 2.4%
Mini-hydro Geothermal Environmentally Sustainable Eco-label products Other renewable Other
efficient machines agriculture energy
Source: UNEP (2015), “Towards a Sustainable Financing System in Indonesia”, in partnership with
IFC and AsRIA.
opportunity for green finance is the Islamic Bank, which has great potential given
Indonesia’s large Muslim population and the bank’s growing capital (OJK, 2015). Similar
sustainability criteria could be incorporated in the bank’s regulations to leverage
investments in green infrastructure and green growth projects.
At the municipal level, the City of Bandung could encourage green bonds to attract
institutional investors. The BMA does not at present issue municipal bonds, but could
easily do so with the support of the national government and/or international financial
institutions. The World Bank Group has supported municipalities to issue green bonds
close to USD 12 billion since its inception in 2008, and its growth is accelerating rapidly.
Green bonds could be set up jointly by local governments in the BMA and the national
government. This instrument could help attract private investors and alleviate the actual
or perceived financial risks associated with green investment. The city of Gothenburg
(Sweden), with the support of the World Bank, has issued green bonds since 2013 to
increase finance for climate change mitigation and adaptation projects and other
environment-related activities (Climate Bonds Initiative, 2014.). In Bandung, this strategy
could be explored in energy use and transport, where private investors are not yet
effectively involved. Co-operation and co-ordinated action with the national government
would be highly advantageous. The Roadmap for Sustainable Finance in Indonesia
should include regulatory reforms allowing local governments to issue green bonds, so
that local governments do not face legal obstacles in doing so.
Source: OECD (2013b), “The number of PPP infrastructure projects in Indonesia by province”, in Southeast Asian
Economic Outlook 2013: With Perspectives on China and India, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/888932774205.
Effective PPPs can deliver value for money, but require complex procurement,
administrative and legal procedures. Local governments including Bandung City and
other municipalities of the BMA critically lack the capacity to implement PPPs
effectively. Problems associated with attempts to lead PPPs by local governments were
illustrated in Surabaya City. It took the local government several years to complete a
feasibility study and to make the proposal commercially viable, even with the support of a
consultant agency.10 Assessing the value for money of a PPP project – compared to a
traditional public procurement scenario – may be difficult, as it results from a
combination of factors such as risk transfer, output-base specifications, performance
measurement and incentives, competition in and for the market, private sector
management expertise and the benefits for end users and society as a whole (OECD,
2012). The lack of observed impact and non-regulated tariffs, which imply low cost-
recovery for utility infrastructure – and a poor return for private investors – are two major
PPP process has also been complicated by a lack of co-ordination between
government contracting agencies (GCAs) and the two main ministries involved in PPP
procedures: MoF and Bappenas. GCAs, including subnational authorities, develop
projects in isolation, and because the proposals may fall short of MoF requirements and
fail to qualify for government guarantee and fiscal support, they are often abandoned or
delayed. In 2015, the PPP unit was established under MoF, to tackle the lack of co-
ordination at the national level between MoF and Bappenas, both of which have
responsibilities in this regard.11 While it is too early to assess the effectiveness of this
national PPP unit, it could substantially improve co-ordination between the national
ministries and subnational GCAs.
The national PPP unit could do more than co-ordination. It could help increase local
capacities and improve local procedures for PPPs. Local governments need support from
the inception of the PPP projects (i.e. the planning phase) through to the feasibility study,
tender preparation, bidding and contract signing (OECD, 2012), complying with specific
Presidential Regulations.12 The support should go further to cover project implementation
and operation. Furthermore, the national PPP unit could finance local feasibility studies
and bidding processes undertaken by sub-national authorities. Currently no such
assistance is given to sub-national authorities by the national ministries.
Figure 4.7. Total official development finance committed to selected ASEAN countries (USD billion)
Constant 2013 prices, 2002-14
Indonesia Vietnam Philippines Myanmar Cambodia Thailand Laos Malaysia
Note: This figure includes both bilateral and multilateral ODA. OOF stands for other official flows. ODA means Official
development assistance.
Source: OECD (2016c), “Aid activities targeting Global Environmental Objectives”, DAC Creditor Reporting System
(database), https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=RIOMARKERS (accessed 23 November 2015).
Figure 4.8. Number of official development activities and funding for urban and rural areas in Indonesia for
environmental purposes (including Rio Conventions) (2002-14)
USD billion, constant 2013 prices
Number of projects Commitments
Other cities
USD 3.4
Rural areas
1 285
Unspecified projects Rural areas
57% Unspecified 11%
1 900 63% USD 1.5
projects USD 8.7 billion
Source: OECD (2016c), “Aid activities targeting Global Environmental Objectives”, DAC Creditor Reporting System
(database), https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=RIOMARKERS (accessed 23 November 2015).
Table 4.3. Urban green growth projects in Bandung involving international partners
At the national level, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) has partnered with
the government of Indonesia to develop a Green Growth Programme incorporating green
growth into existing planning and investment schemes. One of the programme’s
components is to encourage the collection of green growth indicators at different levels of
government (Government of Indonesia and GGGI, 2013). The programme does not
specify how this will be implemented. Partnerships between GGGI and the City of
Bandung could be created (or with another international organisation to support GGGI’s
initiative), to develop local capacity to produce and collect green growth indicators and
track progress in the city.
Numerous potentially useful initiatives could benefit Bandung, and the local
government should pursue its effort to reach out to the international community. In terms
of flood resilience, the USAID-ADB-DFID-Rockefeller Foundation Trust Fund is now
part of the foundation’s Urban Climate Change Resilience Partnership, which is designed
to leverage financing, including an additional USD 1 billion in public and private
investment, to scale up climate change resilience for 25 cities in Asia. Another initiative
of C40 Cities could be of interest for the solid waste management issues Bandung has
been facing: C40 Cities recently launched an initiative for city officials in different
countries to communicate on waste-management issues using the WhatsApp mobile chat
application. Most of the local government staff in the BMA already use this application,
rather than e-mail, to communicate and to organise work groups, and could promote
sharing of best practices in the solid waste management sector. Through C40 Cities, city
administrators could be connected with officials and experts from other Asian and non-
Asian cities, to discuss solutions for current problems in BMA. If successful, C40 Cities
should expand this mechanism to other sectors related to green growth (e.g. transport,
water and energy).
• Bandung has some community-based solid waste management systems. The city
plans to set up biodigesters – waste decomposition machines – in addition to
existing waste composting facilities, as residents are aware of the need for organic
waste services. The organic fertilizer from biodigesters has been used for urban
farming and stocks for citizens. Informal waste pickers also play an important role
in the solid waste collection process (Tarigan et al., 2015). In April 2015, the City
• An urban farming programme has been started in every district, at the mayor’s
initiative, to increase food security and encourage community participation in the
city’s sustainability. Increasing the amounts of green/agricultural spaces in the
city can also have positive benefits on flood resilience, by increasing the urban
environment’s absorption capacity. Meanwhile, the Bandung Agri-Market, held
every month, promotes locally grown food.
Collaborating with universities, research institutes and the private sector for
The education sector is a critical asset of Bandung. In 2014, Bandung City had 78
higher education establishments, including colleges and universities, enhancing its
potential to become a world-class knowledge-based city. Many are among the best in
Indonesia and attract talented people from across the country (Tarigan et al., 2015). A
high proportion of the city’s population has attained higher education levels, as compared
to general trends in West Java Province (see Chapter 1).
This also offers an opportunity for the city to enlist co-operation on green growth
objectives. Universities and research institutes can support the local government in
producing, collecting and analysing data, given the lack of relevant data, which makes it
difficult to evaluate the situation and track progress. Data on GHG emissions, electricity
consumption and water consumption are not adequate (Table 4.4). Some data are also
only available at the scale of the City of Bandung or the West Java Province, rather than
at the scale of the Bandung Metropolitan Area. The definition of the functional urban area
is also unclear. The City of Bandung should thus identify the most appropriate institutions
in each opportunity policy area to outsource data research and analysis. Metro Vancouver,
for example, has created an overall Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with several
local universities and research institutes to improve existing knowledge on the dynamics
of the metropolitan area (Box 4.5). One useful initiative that the City of Bandung could
consider would be an open data portal, similar to the Open Data NYC website.19 Since
there are still some restrictions in the access to data, this could help other institutions with
the data production and analysis work (see Chapter 3). In future, ambitious research
projects such as the City Science MIT MediaLab could be developed to undertake
advanced urban analytics.20
Box 4.5. Metro Vancouver’s MOU with the University of British Columbia
Metro Vancouver and UBC have a strong history of working together on a variety of projects within
Metro Vancouver’s areas of service. Researchers and students from the university’s key faculties and
research centres have been brought together with staff from Metro Vancouver’s line departments.
Collaboration has also focused on operational issues involving UBC’s main campus operations and
Metro Vancouver’s departments. A compendium of joint initiatives put together by Metro Vancouver
staff identified over 80 past and current joint projects between Metro Vancouver and UBC. Building on
the success of this relationship, in late 2014, senior staff from UBC and Metro Vancouver met to discuss
the goals and needs of their organisations, and the range of opportunities for collaboration. These
discussions led to the concept of a Strategic Collaboration Memorandum, allowing staff from both
organisations to work on a model to explore opportunities for future partnerships.
The Strategic Collaboration MOU is a non-binding document that expresses the shared commitment
of Metro Vancouver and UBC “to the principles of sustainability and to the belief that the long-term
liveability, prosperity and sustainability of the region – indeed the entire planet – require approaches to
problem-solving that are characterised by innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and collaboration”.
The MOU is a framework document within which the parties will identify and pursue joint initiatives.
The scope of the MOU focuses the parties’ efforts on developing initiatives under three areas of
• Research, learning and innovation: under the MOU, the parties would endeavour to identify
new opportunities to share knowledge and research findings, jointly undertake research to
further individual and shared goals, and collaborate in the development of approaches designed
to address important regional and global sustainability challenges. The parties would also
regularly hold discussion forums and workshops for staff and researchers from the two
organisations. Information on best practices, innovations, technologies and approaches would be
shared at these events, as would ideas for new initiatives and ongoing collaboration. Finally, the
parties would seek ways to better engage UBC students in specific projects identified by Metro
• Operations: their respective servicing responsibilities and activities involve Metro Vancouver
and UBC in a range of operational issues, some best addressed collaboratively. Collaboration on
these issues has been largely reactive and inconsistent, but through the MOU, the parties would
endeavour to identify issues pro-actively on which joint approaches for action can be considered.
• Regional prosperity: the MOU would bring the parties together as part of multi-party
initiatives, to address a range of topics related to prosperity. These might focus on reducing
regional greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate change, aligning growth in the region
with viable transport strategies and investment, and promoting conditions for a competitive
metropolitan economy.
The MOU is managed by a Joint Steering Committee co-chaired by a senior staff member from each
organisation. One of the key roles of the Steering Committee is to monitor and co-ordinate the initiatives
pursued under the MOU. The Steering Committee also ensures that the regular discussion forums and
workshops important to the exchange of ideas and development of collaboration opportunities are held as
envisioned under the MOU. The proposed MOU with UBC may serve as a template for similar
framework documents with other institutions, and can be viewed as the first in a series of strategic
collaboration initiatives. Metro Vancouver staff has had preliminary discussions on the topic with
representatives of Simon Fraser University, for instance.
Source: Metro Vancouver (2015), “Greater Vancouver Regional District Inter-government and Finance Committee”,
held 26 November 2015.
Finally, Bandung should support the private sector for innovation, through the great
potential localised in the city. The Teknopolis project developed by the local government
purpose name (e.g. “urban development and management”). For all other projects
whose purpose name did not make it possible to determine whether the project was
urban, the “urban” character was identified by examining each project description.
Similarly, the main element used to identify projects committed to rural areas was
their purpose name (“rural development”). A second step, if the purpose name was
not conclusive, was to look at the titles and a short description of the projects.
Agricultural, fishery and forestry projects were classified as rural. The remaining
rural projects were identified based on their long description. Unspecified projects
refer to all other projects, with no detailed description, no details on the geographical
scope or inconclusive geographical scope.
15. Hai Phong also benefited from projects financed by the International Development
Association (IDA) of the World Bank, at USD 440 million. These projects, however,
also benefited the cities of Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho and Nam Ding, without
specifying how much of this was spent for Hai Phong. It was therefore excluded from
the calculations and included in the category “Other cities” in Figures 2 and 3.
16. This problem is also encountered in other countries of the region, but the size (in
terms of finance) of such hard-to-categorise activities is particularly large in
17. See: Agence Française de Développement (AFD) (2015), “Projets d'appui aux Fonds
urbains”, www.afd.fr/home/pays/asie/geo-asie/afd-vietnam/cac-du-an-cua-afd-tai-
viet-nam/phat-trien-o-thi/projets-d-appui-aux-fonds-urbains (accessed 18 September
18. http://creativeconomy.bandung.go.id/networking/collaborations/ (accessed
8 March 2016).
19. See: NYC Open Data (n.d.), NYC Open Data website,
https://nycopendata.socrata.com/ (accessed 5 January 2016).
20. http://cities.media.mit.edu/research/urban-analysis (accessed 5 January 2016).
21. See: Grand Lyon économie (n.d.), “Grand Lyon, Smart city”,
france.348.0.html (accessed 5 January 2016); Greater Lyon business (n.d.), Business
Services, www.business.greaterlyon.com/ (accessed 5 January 2016). TUBĀ (n.d.),
TUBĀ website, www.tuba-lyon.com/ (accessed 5 January 2016).
AFD (2014), “Finding Urban Transport Solutions: The Challenges of Financing and
Integration of Networks”, seminar held in Bandung on 23 June 2014.
Agence Française de Développement (AFD) (2015), “Projets d'appui aux Fonds urbains”,
o-thi/projets-d-appui-aux-fonds-urbains (accessed 18 September 2015).
Bandung City (2016), “Answers to the OECD case study questionnaire”, internal
document, unpublished.
Bandung City (2015), “Smart bdg City”, a presentation by Mayor of Bandung at the
fourth OECD Knowledge Sharing Workshop, May 2015, Bandung, Indonesia.
Bandung City (2014), Low Carbon City Planning in Bandung,
www.iges.or.jp/isap/2014/PDF/pl11/pl11_07_ayu%20sukenjah.pdf (accessed
15 February, 2016).
Chaerul, M., A.R. Fahruroji and T. Fujiwara (2014), “Recycling of plastic packaging
waste in Bandung City, Indonesia”, in Cycles Waste Management, Vol. 16(3),
pp. 509-518.
City of Bandung (2015a), Building a Collaborative Society, Bandung.
City of Bandung (2015b), Bandung Teknopolis: Conceptual Master Plan, Bandung.
Climate Bonds Initiative (2014.), “World Bank goes retail with 3 small green bonds for
$5m, EUR10m & $30m - all with complex coupon structures. Last one was 3x
oversubscribed”, https://www.climatebonds.net.
Corfee-Morlot, J. et al. (2009), “Cities and climate change: Harnessing the potential for
local action”, Competitive Cities and Climate Change, OECD Publishing, Paris,
Damanhari, E., I. M. Wahyu and R. R. Tri Padmi (2009), “Evaluation of municipal solid
waste flow in the Bandung metropolitan area, Indonesia”, in Cycles Waste
Management, Vol. 11(3), pp. 270-276.
Deal Street Asia (2015), “Indonesia: SMI to double infrastructure funding to $1.6b in 2016”,
6b-in-2016-23137/ (accessed 20 June 2016).
Dorodjatoen (2009), “The emergence of the Jakarta-Bandung Mega Urban Region and its
future challenges”, in Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Vol. 20(1), April 2009,
Firman, T. (2009), “Decentralisation Reform and Local Government Proliferation in
Indonesia: Towards a Fragmentation of Regional Development”, in Review of Urban
and Regional Development Studies, Vol. 21(2/3), pp. 143-157.
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