4-Bio Factsheets - Protein Synthesis

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B io Factsheet
Protein synthesis I - Nucleic Acids Bio Factsheet
Comparing DNA & RNA Fig 4. Replication of DNA
DNA and RNA are both vital in protein synthesis. Table 2 summarises the
similarities and differences between these two macromolecules: 1. A portion of the DNA double helix about to be replicated
April 1998 Number 22 Table 2. Comparison of DNA and RNA
Protein synthesis I - Nucleic Acids DNA RNA
Formed in nucleus Formed in nucleus T A
Proteins are large, organic molecules which play a fundamental role in Table 1. Nitrogenous bases in nucleic acids
metabolic activities including nutrition, respiration, transport, sensitivity, A T
Predominantly found in nucleus Found throughout the cell
co-ordination and reproduction. G C
Ring structure Base Symbol Nucleic acid Double strand of nucleotides - Single strand of nucleotides
The characteristics of cells and organisms are determined by the particular coiled into a double helix. The which can be folded into
Purine (double) Adenine A DNA/RNA 2. Replication has started. The enzyme DNA polymerase moves along
proteins which are present. The synthesis of these proteins involves two two strands are linked by different shapes
Guanine G DNA/RNA the DNA double helix unwinding it and ‘unzipping it’ by breaking the
types of nucleic acid; DNA and RNA. DNA is contained within the nucleus hydrogen bonding between the
hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases.
of a cell and carries the code to determine which particular proteins are bases (Fig 3): Cytosine with
Pyrimidine Cytosine C DNA/RNA Guanine, Adenine with Thymine
made. Various forms of RNA then carry this information to the cytoplasm Movement C
(single) Thymine T DNA G
of the cell and assemble the protein. To understand protein synthesis, you of DNA
Uracil U RNA Pentose sugar present - Pentose sugar present - Ribose T
must first have an understanding of DNA and RNA. A polymerase
Deoxyribose G
Nucleic acids The three components of nucleotides are joined together by condensation Bases present: Cytosine, Bases present: Cytosine,
DNA and RNA are both nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are macromolecules Guanine, Adenine, Thymine Guanine, Adenine, Uracil T A
reactions (through the removal of water). Individual nucleotides are then
(large molecules) made up of chains of individual units called nucleotides. joined together by similar condensation reactions between the phosphate A T
Each nucleotide is made up of 3 parts (Fig 1): Larger molecule Smaller molecule
group of one nucleotide and the pentose sugar of another (Fig 3). This
linkage of nucleotides forms long chains, called polynucleotides, which One basic form Three main forms: messenger G C
Fig 1. Diagrammatic representation of a nucleotide make up nucleic acids. RNA, transfer RNA, ribosomal
Fig 3. Formation of a polynucleotide 3. Free nucleotides in the nucleoplasm of the nucleus are attracted to
Ratio of 1:1 for adenine:thymine, Ratio of adenine:thymine, and
and cytosine:guanine cytosine:guanine variable the exposed complementary bases and form new hydrogen bonds with
Phosphate Pentose Base them.
Sugar Nucleotides are linked as follows
hydrogen bond Exam hint - Do not confuse thymine with thiamine.
................ T S C
S A ................
To summarise, DNA and RNA are both made up of nucleotides. In DNA, G
1. A phosphate group (H3PO4), which is the same in all nucleotides. P there are two nucleotide strands which are wound around each other at T
................ A S A
S T ................ approximately every ten bases. Thus DNA forms a helix. The strands are
2. A pentose (5 carbon atoms) sugar. This sugar can either be ribose anti-parallel - i.e. they run in opposite directions to each other. The two
sugar (C5H10O5) or deoxyribose sugar (C5H10O4) P
................ C S strands of nucleotides which make up the DNA double helix are held T A
S G ................ P together by the hydrogen bonding between nitrogenous bases. This paring
3. One of five nitrogenous bases. These bases are divided into two P A T
................ is always as follows:
types, depending on their structure (Fig 2): S T ................
(a) Purines - Bases made up of one six-sided ring and one five-sided P • Adenine with Thymine (A-T) G C
ring. P • Cytosine with Guanine (C-G)
................ C S
(b) Pyrimidines - Bases made up of a single six-sided ring. The details S G ................ P 4. DNA polymerase continues to move along the DNA, exposing the
of these rings is given in Table 1. The different structures of the bases result in two hydrogen bonds being bases for free nucleotides to come into and bond. Once these new
................ A S formed A to T (A=T), and three hydrogen bonds between C to G (C≡G). nucleotides are in place they bond together (phosphate to deoxyribose
S T ................
Fig 2. The ring structure of pyrimidines and purines P sugar) forming a new strand of DNA.
The bonding of the nitrogenous bases ensures that purines always bond
with pyrimidines, and more specifically, A to T and C to G. The precise G C G C
A purine A pyrimidine nature of this bonding is biologically important for two reasons:
eg. adenine eg. thymine A T A T
From Fig 3, it can be seen that polynucleotides have a ‘backbone’ of
1. The structure of DNA remains exact and regular. This is vital since C G C G
NH 2 O phosphate and sugar, with the nitrogenous bases projecting inwards.
DNA carries the heredity material for an individual.
2. DNA can exist as a very long sequence of bases, with an enormous
C N C Exam hint - Not all Examination Boards require candidates to be variety in order, to carry the large amount of genetic information for an A T
able to recognise purines and pyrimidines but all expect candidates individual. G C
3 to know that purines are larger molecules than pyrimidines and that A
C-H and G are purines etc.
DNA Replication
The replication of DNA takes place shortly before cell division, during a C G
phase of the cell cycle called interphase. DNA replication is said to be
N semi-conservative. This means that when two new double helixes of 5. Replication is now complete, forming two identical strands of DNA
N N DNA are produced, one of the strands of each helix is from the original which are exact copies of the original strand. This method is said to be
H (parental) DNA strand and the other is new. The sequence of diagrams in semi-conservative, since each strand retains half of the original DNA
H Fig 4 illustrate the replication of DNA. material.
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Protein synthesis I - Nucleic Acids Bio Factsheet
Evidence for semi-conservative DNA replication
The evidence for semi-conservative DNA replication came from Marking points are shown by semicolons
experiments by Matthew Meselsohn and Franklin Stahl, two
scientists at the California Institute of Technology, using the bacterium 1. (a) Two strands of nucleotide;
Escherichia coli. Matthew and Franklin experiments can be explained held together by hydrogen bonding;
in the following series of steps: coiled or twisted around each other (approximately every 10
1. E. coli were cultured in a growth medium containing nitrogen in bases).
the form of the isotope 15N (known as ‘heavy nitrogen’).
(b) hydrogen bonding between pairs of organic bases;
2. By leaving the E. coli in the culture for a long enough period of (projecting from the sugar-phosphate backbone of nucleic
time, all DNA in the E. coli became made up of ‘heavy nitrogen’. acids);
This meant that the molecular weight of the DNA in these E. coli pairing occurs between adenine-thymine, guanine-cytosine in
was measurably greater. DNA;
pairing between adenine-uracil, guanine-cytosine in RNA.
3. The E. coli containing the ‘heavy nitrogen’ were then placed into (Any 3)
a medium containing normal nitrogen (14N), so that any new DNA
manufactured would be from this normal nitrogen. (c) Half of the original parent molecule is retained/conserved;
4. The E. coli was allowed to divide once and the first generation half is composed of new nucleotide molecules.
cells were then collected.
2. (a) DNA polymerase;
5. When the DNA was extracted from these cells and the relative helix;
weight determined using a centrifugation technique, the molecular unwind;
weight of the DNA was found to be intermediate between heavy hydrogen;
and light types. This confirmed that the DNA was made up of one nitrogenous/exposed;
original (heavy) strand of DNA and one new (light) strand of thymine;
DNA - Semi-conservative replication. cytosine;
Practice Questions parental/original.
1. Define the following terms: (b) 38% adenine, ∴ 38% thymine;
(a) DNA double helix (3 marks) remaining 24% is cytosine and guanine (50% each);
∴ 12% guanine.
(b) complementary base pairing (3 marks)
3. (a) nucleic acids.
(c) semi-conservative replication of DNA (2 marks)
(b) phosphate;
2. (a) Read through the following account of DNA replication, then
ribose/5C sugar;
find the most appropriate word or words to complete the
nitrogenous base;
components joined by condensations reactions
During DNA replication, the enzyme …………………………… binds
to the DNA double …………………………….This causes the DNA to (c) (see Table 2)
…………………………… and breaks the ……………………………
bonds between the nucleotides. These nucleotides are bound together at
…………………………… bases. The base adenine binds with
…………………………… and …………………………… binds with
guanine. Free nucleotides found in the …………………………… bind
with the exposed bases producing two strands of DNA. The process is
said to be …………………………… because in both of the two DNA
strands produced, one sequence of nucleotides is new and the other is
from the ……………………………DNA. (10 marks)
(b) When a sample of DNA is extracted from the nucleus of a cell,
chemical analysis showed that 38% of the bases were adenine. What
percentage of the bases are guanine (3 marks)
3. DNA and RNA are major molecules involved in the transfer of
This Factsheet was researched and written by Jim Sharpe
hereditary material and protein synthesis. Curriculum Press, Unit 305B, The Big Peg,
(a) To which group of molecules do DNA and RNA belong? 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham. B18 6NF
(1 mark) Bio Factsheets may be copied free of charge by teaching staff or students,
provided that their school is a registered subscriber.
(b) DNA and RNA are both composed of nucleotide sub-units. No part of these Factsheets may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
Describe the structure of a nucleotide. (3 marks) system, or transmitted, in any other form or by any other means, without
the prior permission of the publisher.
(c) State four similarities and four differences between a DNA
molecule and an RNA molecule (8 marks) ISSN 1351-5136
B io Factsheet
Protein Synthesis II - Mechanisms Bio Factsheet 49
A gene is a length of DNA or mRNA which codes for the assembly of a Before amino acids can join with tRNA they have to be activated using
specific polypeptide, and so the sequence of codons which make up the ATP as an energy source. The activation and combination with tRNA
Name: ________________________________ gene will determine the sequence in which amino acids are assembled into occurs in the cytoplasm. Thus protein synthesis is an anabolic or energy
AS Biology-1999
Genetic Control Number 49 that polypeptide. This sequence of amino acids is the primary structure
of the polypeptide. This will govern how the polypeptide folds and cross
requiring process.
bonds into its secondary structure (alpha-helix or beta-pleated sheet) and The roles of mRNA and ribosomes in polypeptide synthesis
Protein Synthesis II - Mechanisms tertiary structure (globular form) at the ribosomes, and how it will assemble
into its quaternary structure (the arrangement and joining of polypeptides
together) in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi body.

The genetic code on the DNA is passed onto mRNA by a process of

transcription. In this process the DNA helix unwinds for the part of its
length which contains the genes to be copied, and one of its strands (called
the coding strand) acts as a template for the synthesis of a complementary
Before studying this Factsheet the student should have fully mastered the information in Factsheet Number 22 (Protein synthesis I, Three codons mark the end of genes and are responsible for the release of
single strand or mRNA. The enzyme RNA polymerase catalyses the
April 1998). the polypeptides into the spaces of the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
They are referred to as chain termination codons or stop codons. They
may also mark the start of the next gene along the DNA or mRNA molecule.
This Factsheet summarises the key aspects of the mechanisms of protein synthesis. The process of transcription is shown in Fig 3. The mRNA is synthesised
1. The nature of the genetic code. from free complementary nucleotides in the surrounding nuclear sap.
Typical Exam Question
2. The relationships of transfer RNA (tRNA) to amino acids and their role in polypeptide synthesis.
An interesting task is to imagine that life in another solar system has the
3. The roles of messenger RNA (mRNA), rough endoplasmic reticulum(RER) and ribosomes in polypeptide synthesis (transcription Fig 3. Transcription of mRNA from DNA
same code but that it is overlapping. Compare the polypeptides made
and translation). from identical base sequences with a non-overlapping code and an
RNA polymerase DNA
4. The modification of polypeptides into proteins in the RER and Golgi body. overlapping code. One exam board has asked a question on this theme.
Questions on this topic usually test knowledge and understanding, by using flow diagram, tick box, ‘fill in the missing word’ or continual tRNA and its roles in polypeptide synthesis
prose questions. Transfer RNA is found in the cytoplasm. It is about 80 nucleotides long
Exam Hint - A frequent exam error is to say that ‘protein synthesis and is clover leaf in shape (Fig 2). There are 20 types of tRNA molecule,
The nature of the genetic code occurs at the ribosomes’. Remember, protein synthesis is a two step one for each amino acid. One end contains a triplet of exposed nucleotides
The genetic code can be found on DNA and on mRNA. process, polypeptide synthesis occurs at the ribosomes, but the called the anticodon, which is complementary to one of the codons found
assembly of proteins occurs in the spaces of the rough endoplasmic on the mRNA (Fig 1). The other end of the tRNA molecule has a site for
reticulum and Golgi body. the attachment of a specific amino acid. The amino acid which becomes
Remember - DNA contains the base thymine but mRNA contains attached must correspond to the anticodon at the other end, and thus also
uracil so the letters T or U must be used accordingly. to the codon on the mRNA.
The triplets of bases shown in Fig 1 are codons. A codon is the unit of the DNA
genetic code and each codon will always relate to the same amino acid. Fig 2. The structure of tRNA
This genetic code is universal to all life forms. Fig 1 illustrates the genetic There are 64 possible codons but only 20 amino acids found in proteins,
code in its mRNA form. thus some amino acids have several codons. Because of this, the code is
said to be degenerate and redundant. The code is also non- overlapping, Site of attachment of
Fig 1. The genetic code on mRNA meaning that adjacent codons do not share bases. specific amino acid
Second base Ribosome binding sites After transcription the DNA returns to its double stranded form and the
new mRNA passes through the pores in the nuclear membrane into the
U C A G cytoplasm to become associated with the ribosomes that are fixed on the
rough endoplasmic reticulum. Fig 4 shows the association between mRNA
UUU UCU UAU UGU U and ribosomes.
Phe Tyr Cys
Ser C
U Fig 4. Ribosomes and mRNA
UUA UCA UAA Stop UGA Stop A Hydrogen bonding
Leu Stop
UUG UCG UAG UGG Trp G between complementary
bases Ribosomes (fixed) mRNA (moves through ribosomes)
C Leu Pro Arg Anticodon

Third base
First base

Remember - Transcription is the copying of genentic code from DNA
U U = uracil onto mRNA. Translation is the assembly of a polypeptide from the
Asn Ser genetic code on the mRNA.
AUC lle ACC ACC AGC C C = cytosine
A Thr
AUA A A = adenine
Lys Arg Each molecule of tRNA thus picks up its own amino acid, and by matching
UUG Met ACG AAG AGG G G = guanine its anticodon to the complementary codon on the mRNA the amino acids
can be assembled into the correct sequence.
Asp The process of translation can now take place. This is the synthesis of a
GUC GCC GAC GGC C Remember - complementary bases will join by hydrogen bonding, A to specific polypeptide by the ribosomes using the genetic code on the mRNA
G Val Ala Gly It is not necessary to learn this by U or A to T and C to G. This is essential knowledge to work out some
GUA GCA GGA A to assemble the amino acids in the correct sequence.
GAA Glu heart, or to remember the amino exam answers.
Protein Synthesis II - Mechanisms Bio Factsheet 49 Protein Synthesis II - Mechanisms Bio Factsheet 49
In the first step of translation codon 1 of the first gene is covered by the The process of polypeptide synthesis is amplified by having the length Practice Questions 4. The following sequence of codons is from the gene on DNA which
ribosome. This enables the complementary tRNA to attach to the codon of mRNA attached to several or many ribosomes at a time so that they can 1. Read through the following account of protein synthesis and then fill codes for part of the haemoglobin molecule.
with its anticodon, by hydrogen bonding and so the first specific amino all carry out translation at the same time. Such an assembly of mRNA and in the spaces with the most appropriate word or words.
acid is brought into place (Fig 5). ribosomes attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum is called a
polyribosome. The same length of mRNA can pass through the same Messenger RNA formed by _______________ from the nuclear DNA CAT GTA AAT TGA GGA CTT CTC
Fig 5. Translation Step 1 assembly of ribosomes time and time again. The polyribosomes in an passes through pores in the __________________ and attaches to DNA
activated plasma cell enable the production of around 2000 antibody _________ fixed to the ______________________.
molecules per cell per second for 4 to 5 days. ___________________ amino acids are brought to the mRNA by the (a) Using the genetic code shown on page I work out the haemoglobin gene
Specific amino acid molecules of _____________ which attach to the ____________ of codons on the mRNA and the sequence of amino acids found in the
(The mRNA and associated ribosomes illustrated in Fig 4. is a polyribosome the mRNA by their ____________________. Adjacent amino acids haemoglobin molecule.
system). then join by _____________________ to form a (3 marks)
____________________. These assemble into proteins either in the
Modification of polypeptides into protein (b) If the DNA base T, marked with an arrow was substituted with A,
spaces or vesicles of the ________________________ or are
tRNA attached Anticodon attached to codon of mRNA The synthesised polypeptides are transferred to the Golgi body in vesicles how would the haemoglobin chain differ?
transported to the __________________ for assembly there.
to ribosome at which bud off from the rough endoplasmic reticulum, migrate through the (1 mark)
(12 marks)
binding sites cytoplasm and fuse with the cisternae (cavities) of the Golgi body. Here
(and also in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and its vesicles) the 2. The table below refers to some features of mRNA and tRNA. If a Answers
polypeptides couple by hydrogen bonding and sulphur bonding, between feature is correct mark the relevant box with a tick and if it is incorrect Semicolons indicate marking points.
mRNA amino acid side chain groups, to form proteins. Examples of proteins mark the box with a cross.
1. transcription; nuclear membrane; ribosomes; rough endoplasmic
formed in this way are lysozyme and catalase.
Ribosome at codon 1 reticulum; specific; tRNA; codons; anticodons; peptide bonds/
Feature mRNA tRNA
condensation/peptide links; polypeptide; rough endoplasmic reticulum;
The Golgi body also allows the assembly of other protein derivatives. For
Contains anticodons Golgi body;
instance, carbohydrates may be joined to proteins to make glycoproteins
In the second step of translation the mRNA moves so that codon 2 of the
such as mucus, lipids may be joined to proteins to make lipoproteins, iron 2.
gene is covered by the ribosome. This enables the second tRNA molecule May contain several genes or alleles
containing haem groups may be joined to proteins to make molecules such
to attach to the second codon by an anticodon-codon link and so the Feature mRNA tRNA
as haemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochromes. Has a clover leaf shape
second specific amino acid is carried into place. The enzyme peptide
synthetase in the ribosome catalyses the condensation reaction to form a Can associate with any amino acid Contains anticodons ✗ ✓
peptide bond to join the first and second amino acids into a dipeptide. The The products of the Golgi body are budded off as Golgi vesicles.They
first tRNA molecule is then released back to the cytoplasm for reuse (Fig either remain in the cytoplasm as, for example, lysosomes (containing Contains uracil instead of thymine May contain several genes or alleles ✓ ✗
6). lysozyme) and peroxisomes (containing catalase), or fuse together into
secretory granules. These can then fuse with the plasma membrane to A short molecule 70 –90 nucleotides long Has a clover leaf shape ✗ ✓
secrete their contents out of the cell, for example, antibodies, plasma
Fig 6. Translation Step 2 Can associate with any amino acid ✗ ✗
proteins, digestive system enzymes. This process is called exocytosis. . (6 marks)
The functions of the Golgi body are shown in Fig 7. Contains uracil instead of thymine ✓ ✓
Peptide bond joining two amino acids 3. The diagram below shows some of the stages involved in the secretion
of an enzyme by a stomach cell. The stages are labelled 1 to 6. A short molecule 70 –90 nucleotides long ✗ ✓
Fig 7. The functions of the Golgi body
DNA molecue 3. (a) X = ribosome; Y = vesicle of RER;
second tRNA Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Secretion 1 Z = Golgi vesicle;
Plasma membrane Nuclear envelope
RER vesicles (b) 1 = transcription; 2 = translation;
4 = protein assembly/modification;
to cytoplasm 2 6 = exocytosis;
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
mRNA (c) P is a vesicle from the rough endoplasmic reticulum;
Ribosome (codon 2) P Q is a vesicle from the Golgi body;
Golgi Body
P contains polypeptides/proteins assembled in RER:
Secretory Q contains proteins assembled in Golgi body/modified proteins/
Similar steps are repeated as each successive codon of the gene is covered glycoproteins/any correct example;
granule formed
by the ribosome, and so a polypeptide is assembled, the amino acid sequence Y
by fusion of 4
of which is related to the codon sequence of the gene. At the end of the gene 4. (a) GUA CAU UUA ACU CCU GAA GAG;;
Golgi vesicles vesicles
is a chain termination (stop) codon. When this is covered by the ribosome (deduct 1 mark per error)
there is no complementary tRNA to join the codon and so the synthesised
5 Q Val His Leu Thr Pro Glu Glu ;
polypeptide is released into the spaces of the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
(b) last but one amino acid/penultimate amino acid would be valine/
The process of translation then proceeds along gene 2 of the mRNA.
Z Val instead of glutamic acid/Glu;
Remember - It is now known that the ribosome covers two codons of the Enzyme secreted
mRNA at a time.Thus two tRNA molecules with their amino acids can be
held in place while a peptide bond forms.
(a) Name the structures X, Y and Z. This Factsheet was researched and written by Martin Griffin.
Curriculum Press, Unit 305B, The Big Peg, 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham. B18 6NF
(b) Name the processes occuring in stages 1, 2, 4 and 6. Bio Factsheets may be copied free of charge by teaching staff or students, provided that their
(4 marks) school is a registered subscriber. No part of these Factsheets may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any other form or by any other means, without the prior
(c) Distinguish between vesicles P and Q and their contents. permission of the publisher.
ISSN 1351-5136
(4 marks)
3 4
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