Sakshi Education Class 10

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Mathematics Model Paper – 3

Time: 2 hr 45 min Max. Marks: 40


Instructions: 1. Read the whole question paper and understand every question thoroughly,
without writing anything. 15 minutes of time is allotted for this.

2. Answer all the questions.

3. Write answers to the objective type questions on answer sheet, but at same

I. Answer to all the following questions. Each question carries 1 mark. 7×1 = 7

(1) If in a ∆ABC, ∠A = 90° , AB = 5 cm and AC = 12 cm. If AD ⊥ BC , then find AD.

(2) Two equal circles touch each other externally at C and AB is a common tangent to the circles. Then find

(3) Find the number of cubes of side 2 cm, which can be cut from a cube of side 6 cm?

(4) Evaluate Cot 12°. Cot 38°. Cot 52°. Cot 60°. Cot 78° .

(5) A ladder 15m long just reaches the top of a vertical wall. If the ladder makes an angle of 60o with the
wall, then find the height of wall.

(6) A dice is thrown once. Find the probability of getting a number between 3 and 6.

(7) Find the mean of first ten odd natural numbers.

II. Answer all the following questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 6 × 2 = 12

(8) A ladder 25m long reaches a window of a building 20m above the ground. Determine the distance of the
foot of the ladder from the building.

(9) Prove that “the tangents to a circle at the end points of a diameter are parallel”.

(10) Find the total surface area of a hemisphere of radius 3.5cm.

(11) If Sec5A = Cosec (A + 36), where 5A is an acute angle, find the value of A.

(12) Two coins are tossed simultaneously. Find the probability of getting

(i) One head

(ii) At most one head

(13) Write the formula of mode for a grouped data. Explain the symbols in words.

III. Every question has internal choice in the following. Answer to any one alternative. Each question
carries 4 marks. 4×4 = 16

(14) a) In the given figure, D and E trisect BC.

Prove that 8AE2 = 3AC2 + 5AD2


b) Draw a circle of diameter

er 7cm. Mark a point M at a distance of 9cm from its centre. Through M draws
tangents to the circle measure the length of the tangents.

(15) a) A tent is in the shape of a right circular cylinder upto a height of 3 meters and then becomes a right
circular cone with a maximum height of 13.5 meters above the ground. Calculate the cost of painting the
inner side of the tent at Rs.2 per sq.m. If the radius of the base is 14 meters.


b) The rain water from a roof 22m × 20m drains into a cylindrical vessel
vessel having diameter of base 2m and
height 3.5m. If the vessel is just full, find the rain fall in cm.

tanθ cotθ
(16) a) Prove that + sec . cosecθ .
= 1 + secθ
1 - cotθ 1 - tanθθ


b) A pole 5m high is fixed on the top of a tower. The angle of elevation of the top of pole observed
observ from a
point A on the ground is 60o and the angle of depression of the point A from the top of the tower is 45o. Find
the height of the tower.

(17) a) A card is drawn at random from a well shuffled deck of playing cards. Find the probability that the
card drawn is

(i) A king or jack

(ii) A non-ace

(iii) A red card

(iv) Neither a king nor a queen


b) The median of the following frequency distribution is 28.5 and the sum of all the frequencies is 60. Find
the values of ‘p’ and ‘q’.

Class Frequency

0-10 5

10-20 p

20-30 20

30-40 15

40-50 q

50-60 5

IV. Choose the correct alternative for the following problems and write your answer A, B, C or D on
the answer sheet. Each question carries 1/2 mark. 10 × 1/2 = 5

(18) A man goes 80m due east and then 150, due north. How far is he from the starting point? [ ]

(A) 70m (B) 100m (C) 170m (D) 200m

(19) Angle between the tangent and radius drawn through the point of contact is _________ [ ]

(A) 90o (B) 45o (C) 60o (D) 75o

(20) If the angle between two radii of a circle is 130o, then the angle between the tangents at the ends of the
radii is __________ [ ]

(A) 60o (B) 50o (C) 45o (D) 90o

(21) Eight solid spheres of the same size are made by melting a solid metallic cylinder of base diameter 6cm
and height 32cm. The diameter of each sphere is______ [ ]

(A) 3cm (B) 6cm (C) 12cm (D) 18cm

(22) From the figure curved surface area of hemisphere is _________cm2. [ ]

(A) 308cm2 (B) 2772 cm2 (C) 456 cm2 (D) 432 cm2

(23) If cotθ – cosecθ = 3 then cotθ + cosecθ = _____ [ ]

1 1
(A) (B) − (C) 0 (D) 1
3 3

 B+C 
(24) In ∆ABC, the value of sin   is _________ [ ]
 2 

(A) cos (B) sin (C) tan (D) cot
2 2 2 2

(25) If an event occurs surely, then its probability is ________ [ ]

1 3
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) (D)
2 4

(26) From the figure the probability that the ball is drawn is a red color is ______ [ ]

2 5 6 7
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 14 16 12

(27) The mode of a frequency distribution can be determined graphically from ___ [ ]

(A) Histogram (B) Frequency Polygon (C) Ogive (D) None


18. C 19. A 20. B 21. B 22. A

23. B 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. A

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