Population Ecology

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Population Ecology

Population- an interbreeding group of

individuals of a single species that occupy the
same general area
Community-the assemblage of interacting
populations that inhabit the same area.
Ecosystem- comprised of 1 or more
communities and the abiotic environment within
an area.
The characteristics of populations are
shaped by the interactions between
individuals and their environment
• Populations have size and geographical
– The density of a population is measured as the
number of individuals per unit area.
– The dispersion of a population is the pattern of
spacing among individuals within the geographic

Density – Number of individuals per unit

of area.
•Determination of Density
•Counting Individuals
•Estimates By Counting Individuals
•Estimates By Indirect Indicators
•Mark-recapture Method

N = (Number Marked) X (Catch Second Time)

Number Of Marked Recaptures
• Measuring density of populations is a
difficult task.
– We can count individuals; we can estimate
population numbers.


• Patterns of dispersion.
– Within a population’s geographic range,
local densities may vary considerably.
– Different dispersion patterns result within
the range.
– Overall, dispersion depends on resource
Clumped Dispersion
Uniform Dispersion
Random Dispersion
Demography is the study of factors
that affect the growth and decline of
• Additions occur through birth and
immigration; subtractions occur through
death and emigration.
– Demography studies the vital statistics
that affect population size.
• Life tables and survivorship curves.
– A life table is an age-specific summary of
the survival pattern of a population.
Population Dynamics

•Characteristics of Dynamics
Parameters that effect size or density of a population:


Birth Population (N) Death


Figure 1. The size of a population is determined by

a balance between births, immigration, deaths and
Age Structure: the proportion of individuals in each
age class of a population

Figure 2. Age pyramid. Notice that it is split into two

halves for male and female members of the population.
• The best way to construct life table is to follow
a cohort, a group of individuals of the same
age throughout their lifetime.

Table 52.1
–A graphic way of representing
the data is a survivorship
• This is a plot of the number of
individuals in a cohort still alive at
each age.
–A Type I curve shows a low death
rate early in life (humans).
–The Type II curve shows constant
mortality (squirrels).
–Type III curve shows a high death
rate early in life (oysters).
Survivorship Curve
• Reproductive rates.
– Demographers that study populations
usually ignore males, and focus on
females because only females give birth
to offspring.
– A reproductive table is an age-specific
summary of the reproductive rates in a
• For sexual species, the table tallies the
number of female offspring produced by
each age group.
Reproductive Table
Life History
• The traits that affect an organism’s schedule
of reproduction and survival make up its life
Life histories are very diverse, but they
exhibit patterns in their variability
• Life histories are a result of
natural selection, and often
parallel environmental factors.
• Some organisms, such as the
agave plant,exhibit what is
known as big-bang
reproduction, where large
numbers of offspring are
produced in each reproduction,
after which the individual
often dies.

– This is also known as semelparity.
• By contrast, some organisms produce only
a few eggs during repeated reproductive
– This is also known as iteroparity.
• What factors contribute to the evolution of
semelparity and iteroparity?
Limited resources mandate trade-offs
between investments in reproduction
and survival
• The life-histories represent an evolutionary
resolution of several conflicting demands.
– Sometimes we see trade-offs between survival
and reproduction when resources are limited.
• For example, red deer show a higher mortality
rate in winters following reproductive
• Variations also occur in seed crop size
in plants.
– The number of offspring produced at each
reproductive episode exhibits a trade-off
between number and quality of offspring.

Dandelion Coconut palm

The exponential model of population
describes an idealized population in an
unlimited environment

• We define a change in population size based on

the following verbal equation.

Change in population = Births during – Deaths during

size during time interval time interval time interval
• Using mathematical notation we can
express this relationship as follows:
– If N represents population size, and t
represents time, then ∆N is the change is
population size and ∆t represents the
change in time, then:
• ∆N/∆t = B-D
• Where B is the number of births and D is the
number of deaths
– We can simplify the equation and use r to
represent the difference in per capita birth
and death rates.
• ∆N/∆t = rN OR dN/dt = rN
– If B = D then there is zero population
growth (ZPG).
– Under ideal conditions, a population grows
• Exponential population growth is said to be
• Under these conditions, we may assume the
maximum growth rate for the population (rmax) to give
us the following exponential growth
• dN/dt = rmaxN
The logistic model of
population growth incorporates
the concept of carrying capacity
• Typically, unlimited resources are
–Population growth is therefore
regulated by carrying capacity (K),
which is the maximum stable
population size a particular
environment can support.
Example of Exponential Growth

Kruger National Park, South Africa



Assumes that the rate of population
growth slows as the population size
approaches carrying capacity, leveling
to a constant level. S-shaped curve

The maximum sustainable population
a particular environment can support
over a long period of time.
Figure 52.11 Population growth predicted by the logistic model
• How well does the logistic model fit the
growth of real populations?
– The growth of laboratory populations of
some animals fits the S-shaped curves
fairly well.

Stable population Seasonal increase

– Some of the assumptions built into the
logistic model do not apply to all
• It is a model which provides a basis from
which we can compare real populations.

Severe Environmental Impact

• The logistic population growth model and life
– This model predicts different growth rates for
different populations, relative to carrying
• Resource availability depends on the situation.
• The life history traits that natural selection favors may
vary with population density and environmental
• In K-selection, organisms live and reproduce around K,
and are sensitive to population density.
• In r-selection, organisms exhibit high rates of
reproduction and occur in variable environments in
which population densities fluctuate well below K.
K-Selected Species
• Poor colonizers
• Slow maturity
• Long-lived
• Low fecundity
• High investment in care for the
• Specialist
• Good competitors
r-Selected Species
• Good colonizers
• Reach sexual maturity rapidly
• Short-lived
• High fecundity
• Low investment in care for the
• Generalists
• Poor competitors
• Why do all populations eventually stop
• What environmental factors stop a population
from growing?
• The first step to answering these questions is
to examine the effects of increased
population density.
Density-Dependent Factors
• limiting resources (e.g., food & shelter)
• production of toxic wastes
• infectious diseases
• predation
• stress
• emigration
Density-Independent Factors
• severe storms and flooding
• sudden unpredictable severe cold spells
• earthquakes and volcanoes
• catastrophic meteorite impacts
• Density-dependent factors
increase their affect on a
population as population
density increases.
– This is a type of negative
• Density-independent
are unrelated to population
density, and there is no
feedback to slow population
Negative feedback prevents unlimited
population growth
• A variety of factors can cause negative feedback.
– Resource limitation in crowded populations can
stop population growth by reducing reproduction.
• Intraspecific competition for food can
also cause density-dependent behavior of
– Territoriality.
– Predation.
– Waste accumulation is another
component that can regulate population
• In wine, as yeast populations increase, they
make more alcohol during fermentation.
• However, yeast can only withstand an
alcohol percentage of approximately 13%
before they begin to die.
– Disease can also regulate population
growth, because it spreads more rapidly
in dense populations.
Population dynamics reflect a complex
interaction of biotic and abiotic influences

• Carrying capacity can vary.

• Year-to-year data can be helpful in analyzing
population growth.
• Some populations fluctuate erratically,
based on many factors.
• Other populations have regular boom-and-
bust cycles.
– There are populations that fluctuate
– A good example involves the lynx and
snowshoe hare that cycle on a ten year

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