Ecosystem Powerpoint
Ecosystem Powerpoint
In the diagram,
1.What are the decomposers? Producers? Consumers?
2.What organisms are competing for the same abiotic resources?
3.What is the source of energy that drives or sustains the ecosystem?
Arrows are pointing in the direction of what is being consumed.
(The greatest
amount of energy
is available at the
producer level.)
1. What are the producers? primary consumers? secondary consumers? tertiary consumer?
2. What organisms are competing for the same abiotic and biotic resources?
Food Web Analysis Use the diagram to respond to each of
the following.
Earth is the only planet on which life exists. It consists of three components Lithosphere
(Land), Hydrosphere (Water) and Atmosphere (Air). The life supporting zone of the
earth where atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere meet, interact and make life possible,
is known as biosphere.
An Arctic Food Web Activity
- food
- habitat/space
- water
- sunlight
- mating (Concerns relate to genetic mutations, and the number of
individuals competing for a mate.)
- weather changes
- temperature changes
- human activities (pollution, urban sprawl, etc.)
- natural disasters (volcanoes, fires, etc.)
Urban Sprawl
soil quality
air quality
noise pollution
Limiting Factors in an Ecosystem
Density-dependent Factors
- operate more strongly on large
populations and disease
- triggered by increases in population
density (crowding)
1.What affect did this disaster have on the aquatic ecosystems? Terrestrial?
2.What affect did this disaster have on the terrestrial ecosystems?
** Include both biotic and abiotic factors when answering these two questions.
3. How would this disaster lead to possible “population shifts”? Be specific.
Disruptions to Physical
(nonliving/abiotic) Components
* Volcanic eruptions * Pollution
* Hurricanes * Clear cutting
* Fires * Floods
* Drought * Nuclear Bomb
* Habitat depletion (human and natural)
- i.e. urban sprawl
How could these events change nutrients,
water, light, salinity, shelter, soil, temperature,
climate, etc. in an ecosystem?
Disruptions to Biological
(living/biotic) Components
* Volcanic eruptions * Pollution (land & water)
* Hurricanes * Urban Sprawl
* Fires * Clear Cutting
* Drought * Introduction of exotic
** Overharvesting (non native) species
* Habitat depletion (human and natural)
How could these events change the biological
(living/biotic) components in an ecosystem?
Preventing Overharvesting
Hunting seasons - Laws (ownership)
Laws against poaching - Size limitations
Limit on Numbers - Organizations
License required - Size/types of nets
Specific places - Limits on gender
Wildlife Reserves/National Parks
Tagging/Monitoring Programs (remote sensing)
Breeding Programs
Identification of Endangered Species
How may volcanoes disrupt ecosystems?
Biotic Factors?
Abiotic Factors?
_ What led to the dramatic loss of birds on Guam? Sometime in the mid to late 1940s, brown tree snakes were
introduced to the island probably by hitching a ride on a cargo ship after World War II. Because there aren’t
many large predators on Guam, the snakes quickly took over the island. By the 1980s the birds were wiped
out save for two colonies that continue to exist on a military base. To this day the snakes are still around
(one of the attempts to control them involved dropping Tylenol-laced mice from airplanes).
_ What happens to spiders when you remove birds from a tropical island? The researchers found that during
the dry season Guam had 2.3 times more spider webs than neighboring islands that still have birds. During
the wet season the number of webs was a whopping 40 times higher on Guam. And the spider webs on
Guam were much larger—50% larger—than those on the other islands.
_ Removing birds from the equation likely changed the Guam spider population in many ways including some
(or all) of these scenarios: (1) since birds weren’t around to eat the spiders the spider population grew, (2)
the spiders no longer had to compete with the birds to eat insects so more spiders survived and were able to
reproduce, (3) the spiders didn’t have to keep spinning new webs because the birds weren’t there to mess
them up anymore, so they built larger webs and put more energy into reproduction.
China’s Qingdao Huiquan Beach
Low Population Density
Compare this picture to the previous one. If these were animals,
How may the spread of disease and parasites be affected by the
population densities?
How may competition for food, water, space and shelter be affected?
What is the relationship between the hare population and the lynx population?
What role does competition play in this predator/prey relationship?
Why is competition important in an ecosystem?
Ecosystem Poster Project
* Design a poster that includes each of the
Producers Abiotic Factors
Consumers Biotic Factors
Decomposers Communities
Populations Organisms
Aquatic Ecosystem Terrestrial Ecosystem
Overlapping Food Chains (Food Web)