Disentangling A Triangle - Jerzy Kocik and Andrzej Solecki

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Disentangling a triangle

American Mathematical Monthly, 116 (3), March 2009, pp 228-237

Jerzy Kocik and Andrzej Solecki

Additional problems and hints

i. The formulas derived hold for obtuse triangle as well.

[Hint: Take 4RST with excircle of diameter 1 and corresponding angles ρ, σ, τ .
Assume that σ ≥ π/2. Look at Figures 5 and 6: rename 4RST as 4AC̄B.
Note that ρ = π2 − β, σ = α + β, τ = π2 − α. Using reduction formulas for
sine and cosine, establish the validity of all the formulas received so far for
4RST .]
ii. The area of a triangle is (ABC) = 2 sin α sin β sin γ.

iii. 4 sin α sin β sin γ < π.

[Hint: Two copies of 4ABC, the triangle itself and its three parts, each of
them with vertex in H, do not fill the circumcircle of radius 12 .]

iv. The power of H in the circumcircle of 4ABC (product of any two parts of a
chord passing through the point) is 2 cos α cos β cos γ.
[Hint: Take the product of length of the ear and the sum lengths of the stalk
and the root.]

v. Distance of the antipodal point of C from AB equals to the root hC .

[Hint: Segments C̄D and AB in Figure 11 are parallel.]

vi. The circle inscribed in the orthic triangle has radius cos A cos B cos C and
center H.
[Hint: By Proposition 8 (iii), H is the center of the incircle of 4AF BF CF .
Thus the distance from H to the side AF CF is the root of the altitude from
B in the triangle AF BCF , so it is cos α cos γ scaled by the factor cos β, see
Figure 10.]

vii. Orthocenters of 4ACF BF , 4BAF CF and 4CBF AF lie on sides of the circum-
orthic triangle.
[Hint: The distance between H and AF BF is the same as between the par-
allel sides AF BF and ĀB̄. It is the length of root of the altitude from C in
4AF BF C. ]

viii. The distance u = |OH| satisfies u2 = 1/4 − 2 cos α cos β cos γ.

[Hint: Take the chord through H and O. One of its segments measures 1/2+u,
the other 1/2 − u.]
ix. For α+β +γ = π one has cos2 α + cos2 β + cos2 γ + 2 cos α cos β cos γ = 1.
[Hint: In 4ABH obtain sin γ, length of AB, using the theorem of cosines; two
other sides measure cos α and cos β and form the angle π−γ.]

x. The heights of a triangle obey the inequality

1 1 1
+ > .
|hA | |hB | |hC |

[Hint: Divide the triangular inequality sin α + sin β > sin γ by the product of
the sines.]

xi. The inradius r of 4ABC satisfies

1 1 1 1
= + +
r |hA | |hB | |hC |

[Hint: Use the relation r(sin α+sin β +sin γ) = sin α sin β sin γ .]

xii. The centers of circumcircles of 4ABH, 4BCH, 4CAH form the triangle
OAB OBC OCA congruent to the triangle ABC and they are interchanged by
the half-turn around N .
[Hint: The distance from O to the side AB is 21 |HC|, see the proof of Propo-
sition 12. Thus, the reflection of O in AB yields OAB such that OOAB kHC
and |OOAB | = |HC|; in the new triangle O becomes the orthocenter.]

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