Desiccated Origanum Vulgare As Coil Against Aedes Aegypti

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Desiccated Origanum
Vulgare as Coil against
Desiccated Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) as Coil against Culicidae (Mosquito)

A Project Presented to the Faculty of

AMA Computer College
Senior High School Department
Las Piñas
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements in General Biology
Practical Research
Destura, Jean
Enriquez, Jerwin
Espino, Joyce
Galero, Leah
Guieb, Ralph
Libunao, Marc
Macaranas, Lanz
Rafa, Lucky
Sison, Laiza
Verendia, Andrei
Villena, Dwight

Mrs. El Shaddie Fusingan-Cervantes (General Biology Teacher)
Ms. Chirstine Joyce Ramos (Practical Research Teacher)

April 2019
Republic of the Philippines
AMA Computer College
Las Piñas Campus
AC & Sons Bldg., Alabang – Zapote Rd.,
Almanza Uno, Las Piñas


This is an Investigatory Project entitled Desiccated Origanum

Vulgare (Oregano) as Coil against Culicidae (Mosquito)

Prepared and Submitted by Destura, Jean, Enriquez, Jerwin, Espino, Joyce,

Galero, Leah, Guieb, Ralph, Libunao, Marc, Macaranas, Lanz, Rafa, Lucky, Sison,
Laiza Verendia, Andre, Villena, Dwight has been approved and accepted as partial
fulfillment of the requirements in Investigatory Project for General Biology and
Practical Research.

Ms. Christine Ramos Ms. El Shaddie Fusingan
Teacher/Panelist General Biology

Ms. Ma. Clariza Javier Sir Gay Trongco

Math Teacher/Panelist Teacher/Panelist

This project has been made through the constant effort and

understanding of some individuals. The researchers wishes for these teachers

to know that we are grateful for their efforts:

Ms.Christine Ramos, our Practical Research Teacher, who helped us in

many ways since the beginning. Her efforts for reminding us and teaching us

ways for us to improve our paper;

Ms. El Shaddie Fusingan, our General Biology teacher, for her relentless

passion towards us. For helping us and pushing us further to our very best. She

made us do differents activities for us to be ready in this research;

Our dear families, that guided us and helped us through their support in

every way possible.

For Verendia Family, for their open arm, welcoming us in their humble

home for us to be able to conduct our research;

Especially to God Almighty, for giving us strength, knowledge and

wisdom; Helping us to do our research through his grace.

To all of them, our deepest and endless thanks.


Culicidae (Mosquito) have been a threat since the 1800’s, carrying diseases

that can kill hundreds of thousands of people, thus it is epidemic. The

diseases have evolved and kills more and more people, diseases that have

been un-curable that leads to fatality of the poor, not having the capacity to

fight against these diseases carried by Culicidae (Mosquito). This research in

conducted to help those people, by cultivating and utilizing the nature as an

agent against these fatal attacks. The Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) with its

constituent, the Ursolic Acid proves that it can kill or weaken Culicidae

(Mosquito). After the leaves have been desiccated, the leaves of the

Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) was turned into a coil and has a percentage of

killing/weakening 70% of Culicidae (Mosquito).

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Chapter 1 - Introduction & Its Background
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Background of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Statement of the Problem ................................ 3
Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Hypothesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………. 3
Focused and Limitations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .………. 4
Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Chapter 2 - Review of Related Literature
Related Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Chapter 3 – Methodology
Kind of Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Research Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chapter 4 - Presentation of the Design
Tabular Result of the Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Chapter 5 - Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Curriculum Vitae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Chapter I


Culicidae (Mosquito) is a serious problem all over the world. These insects carry
different kinds of viruses that may lead to a large outbreak. They are very lethal in
nature as their average size is 3mm and 6mm, this size enables them to sneak in and
suck the blood of their prey. They use their sense of smell to find aromas like sweat
and sugary things. Once they suck blood, the virus they carry are passed on their

Culicidae (Mosquito) typically lives near waters where they lay eggs. These insects
are usually around places or things with waters like ponds, rivers, canal, pots, and
tires with water. Culicidae (Mosquito) are a group of 3500 species. Only females
have a tube like that they use to pierce the skin of their chosen host. They suck
blood of humans, birds, mammals, and reptiles because their bloods contain protein
and iron which Culicidae (Mosquito) needs to produce eggs.

Culicidae (Mosquito)–borne diseases cause millions of deaths worldwide every year.

Culicidae (Mosquito) are carriers, or vectors of, for some of humanity’s most deadly
illnesses. Culicidae (Mosquito) carries diseases like malaria, yellow fever,
Chikungunya, West Nile virus, dengue fever, filariasis, encephalitis, Zika virus, and
other arboviruses. Culicidae (Mosquito) transmit diseases in variety of ways. In the
case of malaria, parasites attach themselves to the gut of a female mosquito and
enter a host as she feeds. In other cases, such as yellow fever and dengue, a virus
enters the mosquito as it feeds on an infected human and is transmitted via the
mosquito’s saliva to a subsequent victim.

Background of the study

Culicidae (Mosquito) is an insect that is belong to the order Diptera that sucks blood
on its prey mainly animals and human beings. These insects carry viruses and
parasites that is infectious in its nature. Mosquitos are known for tracking their target
by its heat signatures, and as many don’t know Culicidae (Mosquito) uses their sense
of smell to track vulnerable prey, they usually smell sugar in blood and sweat.

The humid condition in our country has helped Filipinos in many ways, thus it also

made us vulnerable in the range of Culicidae (Mosquito). Our natural or Tropical

condition is favorable for these insects for they live in dirty water, water tanks, lake,

canals, and flower pots. Culicidae (Mosquito) had brought us casualties, infecting

Filipinos with diseases like Malaria and the infamous Dengue, these epidemic

diseases have killed tens of thousands Filipinos on the past years. Though the cure

does not guarantee a 100 percent chance of survival, there are many ways to avoid

the attacks of Culicidae (Mosquito).

Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) is a culinary and medicinal herb from the Lamiaceae

family. Since the beginning of time, this herb has helped people with its benifits. It is

a spice in nature and healthy when it comes to human. herb can grow up to 50 cm

tall, though this herb is helpful in its nature, it also comes with it its unique and

unpleasant smell, nevertheless this plant contains anti-oxidants and anti-bacterial

properties that can help in medicinal ways.

Statement of the problem:

The research was conducted to determine the effect of Origanum Vulgare

(Oregano) as coil against Culicidae (Mosquito)
Specifically, the study sought to answer the following:
1. Are there indicative effect when Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) is used as coil
against Culicidae (Mosquito)?
2. Can the desiccated Oreganum Vulgare (Oregano) poison Culicidae (Mosquito)
3. How long will the mosquito coil last?


Based on the stated problem, the following hypothesis was drawn.

Null Hypothesis: There are no significant effects of the Origanum Vulgare
(Oregano) as coil against Culicidae (Mosquito)

Alternative Hypothesis: There are significant effects of the Origanum Vulgare

(Oregano) as coil against Culicidae (Mosquito)

Significance of the study

The study was conducted to help the people from the attack of Culicidae
(Mosquito) and mainly to protect many from the diseases that it can cause. With the
use of an organic variable this can help People who can’t afford to buy insect
repellents. Mainly, this research was conducted to be valuable and significant on the

1. Consumers – Culicidae (Mosquito) is common in the Philippines, it brings diseases

that science can’t succeed on curing. With this, Filipinos can fight and prevent such

disease and be safe from the attacks of Culicidae (Mosquito).

2. Farmers – With an organic varieble used in this research, the farmers can cultivate

more Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) and sell it to the local market. With this, the

production rate of Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) will rise up and be in-demand giving

them back great in-come.

3. Future Researchers – With a research to cite on, the future researchers who will

develop and update this kinds of research and can do it with ease. This can give them

ideas on what to do.

1.5 Focused and Limitation of the study

The study is focused on the effect of the Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) as coil against Culicidae.

This will show the usage of Origanum Vulgare leaves to make coils as a protection against

Culicidae (Mosquito), and is eagerly focused on helping Filipinos to utilize green innovation

that is not harmful on the society and in nature.

This study is limited on garden use, it shows the easy step to make a natural insect killer by

planting in the garden or buying Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) leaves in the market. With the

help of this, casualties brought by Culicidae (Mosquito) will be minimize and can also be


1.6 Definition of Terms

1. Desiccated – Having had all moisture removed ; dried out.

2. Parasite – An organism that lives in or on an organism of another species and benefits

by deriving nutrients at the others expense.

3. Medicinal – Having healing properties.

4. Antioxidant – A substance that inhibits oxidation, especially one use to counteract the

deterioration of stored food products.

5. Humid – marked by relatively high level of water vapor in the atmosphere.

6. Vulnerable – suspectible to physical or emotional attack or harm.

7. Mosquito Coil (Katol) – A spiral mosquito repelling incense

This chapter provides an overview of knowledge about the effect of Origanum Vulgare
(Oregano) on Culicidae. It includes taxonomic classification, description and cases,
life cycle. It also includes taxonomic classification and description of Origanum Vulgare
(Oregano) which serve as bases of the study.

Taxonomic Classification and Description of Culicidae (Mosquito)

Culicidae, commonly known as Mosquito, is an Insect. It is found in dirty and enclosed
water vessels like water tanks, air coolers, pots, Gutters, and Toilets. It is also suited
for living.

Domain Culicidae

Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Arthropoda
Class - Insecta
Order - Diptera
Family - Culicidae Photo by:
Genus - Aedes http://www.iaszoolog
Common Name: Mosquito


The family Culicidae is a familiar-insects in the fly, order, Diptera of 3,500 species.
Females of the Culicidae has a deadly habit of sucking blood that transmits serious
diseases (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998).

continent they can reproduce for over 30 species. According to the World Health
Organization, over 212 million fell ill with Malaria (Gross,L., 2017).

The breeding ground for the Dengue Carrier-mosquitoes had been India due to the
monsoon flooding. In Vietnam’s dengue case counts over 10,000 in a single week. Sri
Lanka’s case counts more than double 2016’s total, with over 145,000 suspected
infections. (Flakoll,D., 2017)

In the Philippines, Dengue and chikungunya have things in common. They are both
caused by RNA viruses. Also, they are transmitted by the same mosquitoes.
Furthermore, their signs and symptoms, which appear three to seven days after a bite
from an infected mosquito, are similar— high grade fever, joint pain, joint swelling,
rash, headache, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. The two diseases differ,
however, in that Chikungunya is generally more benign than dengue (serious
complications and fatalities occur rarely), although the joint pains that it produces are
often more severe and incapacitating.
mosquito- menace-in-the-philippines)

A total of 51 deaths had been recorded for 2018, the DOH report added. But the
number of dengue cases was 41.38 percent lower than the 18,731 cases reported
within the same period last year, the report said. It also noted that most of the dengue
cases were recorded in areas where the mass dengue vaccination program was
implemented. There were 2,503 cases reported in CALABARZON, 1,964 cases in
Central Luzon, and 1,820 cases in the National Capital Region. Except for the Ilocos
Region, Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), and CALABARZON, all other regions
in the country were found to have a decreasing number of dengue cases. The Ilocos
Region reported a 121-percent increase in the number of dengue cases; CAR had a
55 percent increase; and CALABARZON, 25 percent. The report also showed that 23
percent of those afflicted with dengue were 10-14 years old (Santos, G., 2018)

Life cycle of Culicidae (Mosquito)

All mosquitoes go through four distinct stages (egg-larvae-pupa-adult) in their life

cycle which can vary in length depending on temperature and food resources. In the
summertime it takes mosquitoes 7-10 days to totally complete their life cycle from
egg to adult.

Mosquito species are broken into two categories based on where in the environment
they lay their eggs. Floodwater mosquito species lay their eggs above the water level
in areas that are prone to periodic flooding. These oviposition (egg laying) sites range
from cattle hoof prints to empty soda cans. The eggs from these mosquito species can
persist in the environment for 3 months to 2 years and is the stage used to survive the
winter. Standing water mosquito species lay their eggs on the surface of transient and
permanent pools of water. Some species lay their eggs singly while others glue 100-
200 eggs together forming miniature rafts. Within 24-48 hours these eggs will hatch in
the environment. (Johnsen, Mark M., & Renchie, Don L., 2007)

Taxonomic Classification and Description of Origanum Vulgare (Oregano)

Oregano is a wonderful herb, both to use in your cooking and to use therapeutically
as needed. This does this medicinal herb a great disservice, since today we know that
oregano contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, folate, iron,
magnesium, vitamin B6, calcium, and potassium. (Mercola, J., 2014)

Kingdom - Plantae
Division - Tracheophyta
Class - Magnoliopsida
Order - Lamiales
Family - Lamiaceae
Genus - Origanum L

Common Name: Oregano

This perennial herb grows approximately 2 feet in height. It is able to be cultivated
worldwide, but originated in the Mediterranean. For herbal treatments, the leaves of
the oregano plants as well as the volatile oil are used for medical purposes. Today,
studies have demonstrated the oregano does possess many beneficial properties.
Oregano has been used for the treatment of chronic candidiasis through its antifungal
properties. Ideally for this particular ailment, enteric coated capsules are
recommended to ensure that the tablets pass through the stomach and disintegrate in
the intestine. (Cite as:

Mosquito larvae, commonly called ‘wigglers’ or ‘wrigglers’, live in water from 7 to 14

days depending on the water temperature. Larvae swim either through propulsion with
their mouth brushes, or by jerky movements of their entire bodies, giving them the
common name of ‘wigglers’. The larva begins to feed on bacteria and decaying organic
matter on the water surface, soon after they hatch out of eggs. They spend most of
their time hanging upside down at the surface, sucking in oxygen through the siphon.
The siphon is located at the base of their abdomen and is similar to a snorkel. Brushes
that are located in front of their mouths collect the food. Anopheles larvae do not have
a siphon and they lay parallel to the water surface. The larval stage lasts for a few
days to a few weeks, during which the larvae shed several layers of their outer skin,
called moulting. This allows further growth. (Nedungadi P., Raman R. & McGregor M.

The fourth instar larvae moults into the comma shaped stage called the pupa (or
tumblers). This is the transition stage between the aquatic stages of the mosquito=s
lifecycle and the terrestrial adult stage. Mosquito pupae do not feed but are mobile
and use a tumbling motion to escape predation. Within 24-48 hours the pupa will moult
into an adult. After the adult mosquito emerges, it seeks a protective environment in
the surrounding vegetation to allow its wings to complete development. Male
mosquitoes tend to emerge prior to the female mosquito and will mate with the female
as soon as she is capable. Female and male mosquitoes both require carbohydrate
sources (nectar, plant exudates) throughout their life to maintain energy for flying,
mating, and seeking hosts for blood meals. Only the female mosquito takes a blood
meal because she needs the extra protein to develop eggs. The process of taking a
blood meal is how the mosquito is able to vector viruses, protozoans, and helminthes
(worms) to humans and animals. Male mosquitoes tend to only live a week or two
while female mosquitoes can live for up to a month and produce multiple batches of
eggs. Some mosquito species overwinter as blood fed females and can survive for
multiple months. (Johnsen, Mark M., & Renchie, Don L., 2007)

Economical and ecological use of Origanum Vulgare (Oregano)

Research reported in the journal Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease showcased
oregano’s effectiveness against Klebsiella oxytoca and Klebsiella pneumonia. These
bacteria can infect the skin, wounds, throat, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and
particularly the lungs.
(Cook, Michelle S., 2017)

Research published in the journal PLoS ONE in 2013 suggested that oregano exhibits
anticancer activity. The scientists concluded that Origanum majorana could help
prevent and treat breast cancer by slowing or preventing its progression. In 2014, food
scientists discovered that the popular culinary herbs oregano, rosemary, and
marjoram contain compounds that may have the potential to manage type 2
diabetes in a similar way to some currently prescribed drugs.(Nordqvist,

Aside from bacteria, oregano is also a very potent antifungal herb. In fact, oregano oil
may be a more powerful anti-fungal agent than many commercial products on the
market. Oregano oil is effective in eliminating the fungus that causes athlete’s foot as
well as treating fungal infections on the skin and nails. Oregano oil is also effective at
inhibiting the Candida fungi (yeast). It is more effective than other natural supplements
in cases of yeast infections resistant to the conventional drug fluconazole (Diflucan),
according to research published in the Canadian Journal of Microbiology. (Cooley,
Jami., 2018)

Giardia is an amoeba, common throughout the world. There are more than 200 million
people infected with Giardia each year. Research studies indicate that oregano is
effective against Giardia. Oregano oil even protects against parasitic infiltration both
in a physical environment and within the body. This includes round worms, tape
worms, bed bugs, lice, fleas, and mosquitoes. (Cooley, Jami., 2018).

Pythochemistry of Origanum Vulgare (Oregano)

Dried oregano contains a multitude of constituents, including approximately 3%

volatile essential oil. In addition to the volatile oil, the other constituents include: -
carvacrol -thymol -borneol -rosmarinic acid -triterpenoids, which are ursolic and
oleanolic acid -sterols -vitamin A -vitamin C. (Cite as:

Oregano oils were isolated by steam distillation, analysed by gas chromatography and
gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and investigated for their insecticidal
activities against Rhizopertha dominica. Contact and fumigant toxicities of global oil
and three of its fractions recovered respectively after 2 h and after 0–2.5, 2.5–5 and
5–10 min of extraction were tested using the filter paper method. Eighteen
components, representing 92.6% of the oil, were identified. The major components
were thymol (38.8%), carvacrol (32.9%), p‐cymene (7.9%) and γ‐terpinene (5.1%).
Toxicity tests showed that insect mortality increases with the concentration used
(0.39%, 0.78%, 1.56%, 3.12% and 6.24%V). For all concentrations, the contact effect
of global oil and fraction F2was better than the fumigant effect. Whereas fractions
F1 and F3 were more toxic by fumigation for concentrations lower or equal to 1.56%,
their contact effect was more significant for concentrations higher than 1.56%. (Khalfi,
O., Sahraoui, F., Bentahar, F. & Boutekedjiret C., 2008)



This chapter includes the kind of research, research design, flow chart, materials and

methods which were used in the study of the Desiccated Origanum Vulgare (Oregano)

as Coil against Culicidae (mosquito).

Kind of Research

The study of the Desiccated Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) as Coil against Culicidae

(mosquito) is an observational research because there are variables that can be

measured, calculated and compared. The desiccated Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) as

a coil is the independent variable. The number of the Culicidae (mosquito) will be the

dependent variable.

Research Design

Treatments-by-Subjects design was used in the study due to two or more different

treatments are given to the same subjects. This design permits analysis of repeated

measures on the same individuals. Each subject is tested under each treatment


Different Volumes of Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) as coil were used to test its

insecticidal effect against Culicidae (mosquito). The prepared coil were used against

Culicidae (mosquito). Mortality of Culicidae (mosquito) were detemined by observing

the numbers of the mosquitoes killed.

2.3 Flow Chart of the Methods

Collection of Origanum Vulgare Desiccation of the Origanum

(Oregano) leaves. Vulgare (Oregano)

Mixing of desiccated Origanum Pulverization of the desiccated

Vulgare (Oregano), charcoal and Origanum Vulgare (Oregano)
the Oregano extract.

Molding of the mixed Testing the coil.

ingredients to make the coil.

Testing of desiccated
Monitoring of the set-up and Origanum Vulgare (Oregano)
recording of data coil against Culicidae

Statistical Analysis

Observation the numbers of

Culicidae (mosquito) killed.

2.4 Materials

- Desiccated Origanum Vulgare (Oregano)

- Mortar and pestle

- Charcoal

- Hot water

- Foil

- Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) extract


Sundry the Origanum

Vulgare (Oregano) for 1-2

Pulverize the dried

Origanum Vulgare
(Oregano) and charcoal.

Mix 4 spoons of crushed

charcoal and 10 spoons of
crushed desiccated Origanum
Vulgare (Oregano).

Add the Origanum Vulgare

(Oregano) extract to make
paste-like consistency and
then mix thoroughly in a

Mold the mixed ingredients
like a spiral shape then let it
dry for a few days.

Collect Culicidae (mosquito)

and put them in a container

Put them in a dome where they

can fly, and put the burnt Coil
inside the dome.

Observe and gather results



This chapter will contain the results that the researchers have gathered in their methods.

Data gathered:

Figure: Research Design

1- The product doesn’t have any effect.
2- The product shows effect. ( Made the Culicidae (Mosquito) weak)
3- The Product killed the subject

Batch 1 (4 Mins and Below)

How long Level of effect of
exposed in the the product on the
product subject
Mosquito #1 30 sec. 1
Mosquito #2 1 min. 1
Mosquito #3 3 min. 1
Mosquito #4 4 min. 2

Batch 2 ( 5-mins and above)

How long Level of effect of
exposed in the the product on the
product subject
Mosquito #5 5 mins. 2
Mosquito #6 5mins. 2
Mosquito #7 7 mins. 3
Mosquito #8 7 mins. 3
Mosquito #9 8 mins. 3
Mosquito 10 mins. 3


Problem 1: Are there indicative effect when Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) is used as coil against

Aedes Aegypti (Yellow Fever Mosquito)?

Answer according to the data gathered: Yes, the product showed different results over

different time the subject was exposed.

Problem 2: Can the desiccated Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) poison Aedes Aegypti (Yellow Fever


Answer according to the data gathered: Yes, According to the results 4 subject have been

poisoned by the product.

Problem 3: How long will the mosquito coil last?

Answer according to the data gathered: The longest time the that the product last is 10 mins.



This chapter discussed the summary of findings and conclusions based on the

gathered data and results.

Summary of Findings

Based from the results obtained, the following generalizations were drawn:

1. Culicidae’s (Mosquito) asset for their food is their sense of smell and they can

sense the warmth of the blood.

2. The Ursolic acid found in the Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) has insecticidal that
made the product poison the Culicidae (Mosquito)

3. When the Culicidae (Mosquito) inhales the product for quite a time it will be

poisoned by the insecticidal of the product.


Based from the results, Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) has a significant effect against

Culicidae (Mosquito). It was found out that when the Culicidae (Mosquito) was

exposed into the Coil’s smoke, it can kill or weaken them. According to the data

gathered, when the Culicidae (Mosquito) inhales the product they will feel effects on

their bodies. With these findings, we can assure that the Desiccated Origanum

Vulgare (Oregano) coil can be used as an insect repellant or insect killer that can be

used on our households.


This study might open more possibilities to find alternative options for plant insect

management specifically, in addressing the global problems caused by Culicidae

(Mosquito). Considering the findings of the study, the researchers would like to

recommend the following for further development and improvement of results found in

this study:

1. Conduct a wide testing on the product to know the radius of it capabilities.

2. Test the repellent on different species of Culicidae(Mosquito) to know the

different effects of the repellent on the other species.

3. Used different amounts of desiccated Origanum Vulgare (Oregano) on making

the product to know if there are difference.


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