Vertical Equation Foundation-Spread Sheet PDF
Vertical Equation Foundation-Spread Sheet PDF
Vertical Equation Foundation-Spread Sheet PDF
L 0.7 m
B 0.7 m L
Footing 1.5 m
L 1.5 m
B 1.5 m 0.3 m
D 0.3 m L 0.7 m
Concrete density 24 kN/m3
Soil density 18 kN/m3 B B
SBC of soil 100 kN/m2 0.7 1.5 1.1 m 0.8
Overturning factor 1.75 m m m
Sliding factor 1.5
friction co‐efficient (µ) 0.36
Passive pressure co‐efficient
(Kp) 3 0.3
Concrete Cover 75 mm m
Rebar diameter 16 mm
Charateristic strength of
concrete = 30 N/mm2
f'c = 4351.14 psi
Height above FGL , h 0.3 m
Depth below FGL, h1 1.1 m
Pedestal Weight (W1) 12.936 kN
Footing Weight (W2) 16.2 kN
Concrete Weight (W) 29.136 kN
Soil Weight from above (S) 25.344 kN
Empty Weight(G) 2 kN
Wind Shear (F) 3 kN Moment due to shear 4.2 kNm
Wind Moment 15 kNm
Seismic Shear (F) 3 kN Moment due to shear 4.2 kNm
Seismic moment 15 kNm
Operating Weight (G) 2 kN (From Vendor Drawing. Please ensure that this shall be inclusive of Empty weight of Vessel)
Wind Shear (F) 3 kN Moment due to shear 4.2 kNm
Wind Moment 15 kNm
Seismic Shear (F) 3 kN Moment due to shear 4.2 kNm
Seismic moment 15 kNm
Section Modulus (Z) 0.563 m3
= 19.865 ft3
Area of foundation (A) 2.25 m2
Passive pressure at the top of
the base (P1) 14.4 kN/m2
Passive pressure at the
bottom of the base (P2) 19.8 kN/m2
Passive resistance (R1) 7.695 kN
FOS sliding = Check with
(P/A)+(M/Z) Check With (P/A)‐(M/Z) FOS Ovtr= Check With (R1*Kp)+((W+G+S)*µ) / sliding
2 2
Serviceability Load Combination Dead kN Empty kN OP kN Wind kNm EQ kNm P in kN Ma in kNm in kN/m SBC in kN/m MR = P*B/2 (MR / Ma) Ovtr factor F factor
0.6 Dead + 0.6 Empty + 1.0 Wind 32.688 1.2 19.2 33.888 19.2 49.19466667 OK ‐19.072 25.416 1.32 FAIL 8.68 OK
0.6 Dead + 0.6 Empty + 0.7 EQ 32.688 1.2 13.44 33.888 13.44 38.95466667 OK ‐8.832 25.416 1.89 OK 12.41 OK
1.0 Dead + 1.0 OP + 1.0 Wind 54.48 2 19.2 56.48 19.2 59.23555556 OK ‐9.03111111 42.36 2.21 OK 14.47 OK
1.0 Dead + 1.0 OP + 0.7 EQ 54.48 2 13.44 56.48 13.44 48.99555556 OK 1.208888889 42.36 3.15 OK 20.68 OK
1) For without soil condition enter soil density as ZERO,0.
2) Sliding factor For without soil condition enter = 1.5 & with soil condition enter = 2.
3) The spread sheet shall be used for Octogonal foundation, In that case equivalent area method shall be followed.
4) This spread sheet is only for deciding the size of foundation.
5) Size of footing shall be a minimum of 1.0m bigger that the size of the pedestal, this is to ensure proper reinforcement curtailment.
6) Only square pedestals shall be used.
7) Edge of pedestal shall be a minimum of 6 times diameter of the anchor bolt. (As per ACI 318‐11, Appendix D)
8) It is considered that additional reinforcing steel are used to transfer the anchor bolt tensile forces to concrete. So, No projected concrete failure is expected.
9) Negative bearing pressure can be ignored, as the top reinforcement will be same the as bottom reinforcement. Negative pressure will not govern in overturning.
Octogon footing: Octogon pedestal:
0.7 m
3.40 m
Pedestal reinforcement: ( As per PIP STE03350 ‐ Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide)
Actual Oct Pedestal area = 0.378549 m Fu = Maximum ultimate tension in reinforcing bar
= 4.0746602 ft
Pedestal weight (Dp) = 9.9936853 kN Fu = 4(Muped) / [(Nd)(Dc)] ‐ 0.9 (Do + Dp) / Nd (Imperial Units)
= 2.2485792 kip
Moment at base Mped = 18.3 kNm (Seismic loads are governing) Fu = 0.92 kip
= 13.4871 kip‐ft = 4.089 kN
Ultimate moment Muped = 1.0 x Mped (Strength load factor as per combinations)
= 18.3 kNm As Reqd = Fu / φ fy
= 13.4871 kip‐ft
Number of Rebars Nd = 30 (Assume) φ = Strength reduction factor = 0.9
Diameter of Rebar 16 (Assume)
Dowel Circle Diameter DC= 0.5 m (Assume pedestal size minus 6 inches) fy = Yield strength of reinforcing steel = 60 ksi
= 1.8 ft = 414 N/mm2
As the shear and moment loads in Operating load condition is critial, the same in considered in the design As Reqd = 0.02 in2
Operating weight Do = 2 kN = 10.9916148 mm (Per Rebar)
= 0.45 kip
Do + Dp = 11.993685 kN As provided 200.96 mm2 (Per Rebar)
= 2.6985792 kip
Therefore use 30 numbers of T 16 rebar = 6028.8 mm2
= 1.5926089 % of reinforcement
= > More than in Note:2,OK,also refer Note:3
1) Distance between rebar shall not exceed 150mm and the total number of Rebars shall be selected accordingly.
As per ACI 318‐11, Clause 10.8.4 & for a cross section larger than required by consideration of loading, it shall be permitted to base the minimum reinforcement on a reduced
2) effective area Ag not less than one ‐half the total area (0.005 Ag).
3) Instead of providing 0.005 Ag, with the consent from Client ,the Engineer may restrict the reinforcement to As reqd and by following Note:1 , minimum bar size for a pedestal.
Anchor Bolt Check: ( As per PIP STE03350 ‐ Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide)
As the shear and moment loads in Operating load condition is critial, the same in considered in the design
No. of Anchor bolts (Nb) = 12
Diameter of bolt = 24 mm
= 0.94 in
Bolt Circle Diameter (BCD) = 1.535 m
= 5.0348 ft
Operating Weight (Do) = 2 kN
= 0.45 kip
Ultimate moment Muped = 18.3 kNm
= 13.4871 kip‐ft
Maximum shear per Anchor Bolt:
Check Whether the shear load can be taken by friction between base of vessel and top of grout.
Shear at top of grout Vu= 1.6 x F
= 4.8 kN
= 1.08 kip
Operating Weight (Do) = 2 kN
= 0.45 kip
Ultimate moment Muped = 18.3 kNm
= 13.4871 kip‐ft
Lever arm LA= 2/3 of BC Diameter
= 3.3565333 ft
Pu = Factored Compression force at top of Pedestal
= MUped / LA + 0.9 (Do)
= 4.4231636 kip
Vf = Frictional resisting force
µ= Co‐efficent of friction. For the normal case of grout at the surface of the pedestal is 0.55
Vf = µ x Pu
= 2.43274 kip
To have no shear load on the bolts Vu ≤ φVf
φ = Strength reduction factor = 0.75
φVf = 1.824555 kip > 1.08 kip
Therefore, the anchor bolts are NOT required to resist the shear
Two way shear check: (For equivalent square footing and pedestal)
S =
Empty Wind EQ M (P/A)+(M/Z)
Strength Load Combination Dead (kip) (kip) OP (kip) (kip‐ft) (kip‐ft) P (kip) (kip‐ft) in ksf
0.9 Dead + 0.9 Empty + 1.6 Wind 11.0322 0.405 22.64064 11.4372 22.64064 1.250442187
0.9 Dead + 0.9 Empty + 1.0 EQ 11.0322 0.405 14.1504 11.4372 14.1504 0.823034904
1.2 Dead + 1.2 OP + 1.6 Wind 14.7096 0.54 22.64064 15.2496 22.64064 1.287338664
1.2 Dead + 1.2 OP + 1.0 EQ 14.7096 0.54 14.1504 15.2496 14.1504 0.859931381
Avearage d = Depth ‐ concrete cover ‐ 1 bar diameter
= 8 in
0.9 Dead + 0.9 Empty + 1.6 Wind
2 2
Design Shear Vu = S [Lx ‐ (K/12) ]
S = Soil Pressure
Lx = Length / breadth of a square footing
K = Critical shear parameter ( i.e, one face of square pedestal + d)
K = 35.559 in
Vu = 144.9038 kips
λ= 1 (Clause of ACI 318‐11)
Strength reduction factor φ= 0.75
Length of critical shear perimeter
b0= 4 x K
= 142.236 in
β = ratio of long side to the short side of the pedestal
= 1
Vu ≤ φ Vc, where Vc shall be smallest of following values
ACI 318‐11 (Eq 11‐31)
Vc = (2 + 4 / β) * λ *√f'c * b0 * d
Vc = 450.3522 kips
ACI 318‐11 (Eq 11‐32)
Vc = ((αs *d)/b0 +2)* λ *√f'c * b0 * d Note:
αs= 40 1) αs = 40 for interior columns , 30 for edge columns , 20 for corner columns
Vc = 318.9831 kips
ACI 318‐11 (Eq 11‐33)
Vc = 4 * λ *√f'c * b0 * d
Vc = 300.2348 kips
0.9 Dead + 0.9 Empty + 1.0 EQ
2 2
Design Shear Vu = S [Lx ‐ (K/12) ]
Vu = 95.37499 kips
φVc = 225.1761 kips Vu ≤ φ Vc Hence OK
1.2 Dead + 1.2 OP + 1.6 Wind
2 2
Design Shear Vu = S [Lx ‐ (K/12) ]
Vu = 149.1795 kips
φVc = 225.1761 kips Vu ≤ φ Vc Hence OK
1.2 Dead + 1.2 OP + 1.0 EQ
2 2
Design Shear Vu = S [Lx ‐ (K/12) ]
Vu = 99.65063 kips
φVc = 225.1761 kips Vu ≤ φ Vc Hence OK
One way shear check: (For equivalent square footing and pedestal)
Design Shear Vu = S [Lx * (E/12)]
E = Critical section for one way shear (i.e, half of foundation length ‐ half of square pedestal + d)
E = 45.22918 in
0.9 Dead + 0.9 Empty + 1.6 Wind 1.2 Dead + 1.2 OP + 1.6 Wind
Design Shear Vu = S [Lx * (E/12)] Design Shear Vu = S [Lx * (E/12)]
Vu= 52.62229 kips Vu= 54.17501 kips
φVc = φ*2*λ*√f'c*bw*d ACI 318‐11 (Eq 11‐3) φVc = 106.0826 kips Vu ≤ φ Vc Hence OK
Length of foundation bw = 134.0174 in
φVc = 106.0826 kips Vu ≤ φ Vc Hence OK
0.9 Dead + 0.9 Empty + 1.0 EQ 1.2 Dead + 1.2 OP + 1.0 EQ
Design Shear Vu = S [Lx * (E/12)] Design Shear Vu = S [Lx * (E/12)]
Vu= 34.63574 kips Vu= 36.18845 kips
φVc = 106.0826 kips Vu ≤ φ Vc Hence OK φVc = 106.0826 kips Vu ≤ φ Vc Hence OK
Design of Flexural reinforcement:
Maximum Moment Mu = S [Lx * (R/12)^2 /2]
R= Critical section for moment (i.e, half of foundation length ‐ half of square pedestal)
R= 53.22918 in
Mu= 141.4062 kip‐ft
Strength reduction factor φ= 0.9
Mu = φ * As*fy*(d‐a/2)
(d‐a/2) = 0.9d
Required, As= 4.36439 in
= 2815.73 mm
Minimum As= 0.0018*Lx*D
= 2.849191 in
= 1838.184 mm
Max.spacing as per ACI = 18 in
= 457.2 mm
Number of bars = 22
bar diameter = 16 mm
Spacing = 150 mm Spacing provide is less than maximum, Hence OK
Provided,As = 4421.12 mm Area provided is more than required & minimum, Hence OK