27 Satria Rizky Wirabrata (Orang Utan)

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Satria Rizky Wirabrata

X MIPA 1 / 27



 Type of text that aims to explain a series of logical facts about a matter or natural
phenomenon, man-made objects, and social phenomena.
 Describe something as it is, which can be in the form of observations or research and
analysis systematically.
 Explain something based on facts and objective data.

 Jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan serangkaian fakta logis tentang suatu hal atau
fenomena alam, benda buatan manusia, serta fenomena sosial.
 Menggambarkan sesuatu secara apa adanya, yang dapat berupa hasil observasi atau penelitian
dan analisis secara sistematis.
 Menjelaskan sesuatu berdasarkan fakta dan data yang objektif.


 General classification : Tell the phenomenon that is being discussed.

Menceritakan fenomena yang sedang didiskusikan.
 Description : Describe the phenomena being discussed based on function, quality, and
habits or behavior.
Menjelaskan fenomena yang sedang dibahas berdasarkan fungsi, kualitas,
dan kebiasaan atau perilaku.


Orangutan is a species of great apes originated from

Indonesia and Malaysia. The name was derived from two
words in Melayu language, the first word is “orang” which
means “human” and the second word is “utan” which means
“forest”. It is recorded that orangutan have 96.4 % DNA
similarities to human. They also behave like human in their
daily life. Nowadays, they can only be found in the rainforest
of Sumatra and Borneo. There are two sub-species of
orangutan, they are the Bornean orangutan (Pongo
pygmaeus) and the Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii).

Orangutan have two legs and two hands. They have four long fingers and a thumb on
their hands which allow them to perform some activities like humans. They have a huge and
fat body, large neck, long arms and short legs. They don’t have any tail. An adult orangutan
can reach the body height of 1,5 m with the body weight around 50 to 100 kg. Their body is full
of reddish or brown hair. Their pregnancy period is similar with human which can take up to
274 days or around nine months. They can live up to the age of 35 to 45. They consume fruits
as their main diet, but they also eat bark, honey, insects and bird eggs.

Choose one of A, B, C, D, or E that you think is the correct answer !

1. The text tells us about….

a. An Orangutan.
b. Characteristics of Orangutans.
c. Habitat of Orangutan.
d. An Elephant.
e. Food of Orangutan.

2. What are sub-species of Orangutan ?

a. The Bornean orangutan and the Javanese orangutan.
b. The Bornean orangutan and the Australian orangutan.
c. The Australian orangutan and the Sumatran orangutan.
d. The Bornean orangutan and the Sumatran orangutan.
e. The Javanese orangutan and the Sumatran orangutan.

3. What is the most main characteristic of an Orangutan ?

a. Have any tail.
b. They don’t consume fruits.
c. Have 96.4 % DNA similarities to human.
d. Their bodies are full of scales.
e. They can climb in trees and fly in sky.

4. Orangutan’s pregnancy period is….

a. Five months.
b. Six months.
c. Seven months.
d. Eight months.
e. Nine months.

5. Where Orangutans can be found ?

a. In the mall of Sumatra and Borneo.
b. In the rainforest of Sumatra and Borneo.
c. In the hospital of Sumatra and Borneo.
d. In the school of Sumatra and Borneo.
e. In the airport of Sumatra and Borneo.

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1. A. An Orangutan.
2. D. The Bornean orangutan and the Sumatran orangutan.
3. C. Have 96.4 % DNA similarities to human.
4. E. Nine months.
5. B. In the rainforest of Sumatra and Borneo.

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