Eng Pro 0003

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Site Deployment Method

1. Introduction

1.1. Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to:

Finalize the deployment phase’s scope of ORASCOM TELECOM network
Define the responsibilities of the works and job description for the staff doing the
Define the proper technical documentation for each phase.

1.2. Abbreviations

D1: theoretical site specification form.

D2b: candidate site specification form
D4a: draft site specification form
D4b: final site specification form
D6a: building and environment site acceptance form
D6b: radio site acceptance form
D7: site transfer to supplier form
D8b: site radio integration form
D9: site transfer to maintenance (BSS level 1)

ENG: Network Engineering Branch

DEP: Network Deployment Branch
NTT: Network Trouble Ticket
OM: Quality & Method Branch
OP: Network Operation Branch
ON AIR: commercial opening of site.

1.3.Production and Deployment quality requirements

The site production and deployment shall be processed in accordance with standard
procedures, which ensure that the production and deployment process are in accordance
with the technical, and quality requirements approved by the technical division manager.

The quality policy, responsibility and authorities on site production and deployment
should be based upon the fundamental concepts that quality must be designated and built
into the product, quality cannot be obtained by inspection and test alone and that the
achievement of a quality product requires that all ORASCOM TELECOM personnel will
to contribute to the attainment of the established quality objectives.
2 site production and deployment management
2.1. Site production

It describe the actual steps of the implementation works at site from the contract stage
until the site ON AIR stage:

1- Radio design
2- Site hunting
3- Site survey
4- Site preparation
5- Installation of BTS and Mw equipment
6- Test and commissioning
7- Site acceptance
8- Site on air
9- Maintenance

Above is the step required for the construction of BTS sites and it is also shown in the
attached sketch:
2.2 Responsibilities and levels of authority

2.2.1 Area of responsibility

The area of responsibility for the technical division team in charge of site production and
deployment are to:

Network Operation Branch (OP)

1- Optimization level 1:
- Perform D8b radio integration drive tests of BTS site
- Decide to set the BTS site ON AIR

2- Maintenance group level 1:

- Maintain BTS and BSC sites on air.

Network Deployment Branch (DEP)

1- Design group
- Define D1 theoretical site from
- Control D2a candidate site and perform radio ranking of 2 candidates
- Perform with site team draft D4a, draft visit and final specification D4b
- Record into Parcell D6b data’s.

2- Project manager:
Manage the site production team and contractor in charge of negotiation
and site production.
Analyze and negotiate site production quotation provided by sub
Plan site production steps and produce schedules and reports
Plan draft visit notification building and environmental acceptance (D6a)
radio acceptance (D6b), ON LINE commissioning and radio integration drive test
Report to method and quality branch all discrepancies detected during
acceptance procedures.
Report to O and M branch (D9) after site ON AIR

3- Contractor negotiator team:

Perform site hunting according to theoretical site specification D1
Edit 2 candidate sites specification D2b forms including rental lease pre-
Perform draft visit with contractor, transmission team, design team, site
production team and the owner.
Finalize rental lease agreement and administrative agreements
4- Site production team:
Perform minute of survey visit during the draft visit.
Perform site production according to general site specification, final site
specification D4b, technical plan.
Perform D6a, D6b and BTS site commissioning ON LINE according to
ORSCOM TELECOM acceptance procedures (BTS, MW, Back up

5- Documentation:
The contractor shall be delivering a D1 document. D1 contains at least the
 Copy of the D0 form
 Name and address of the candidate site
 Name and address of the owner
 Geographical location of the site
 Map on which the site is marked
 Site description
 Equipment room description
 Drawing of the proposed installation
 Pictures of the site, the room and the panoramic view.
 Others

When the D1 documents are delivered, the Company will validate one or
more of the candidate sites. Set1 will not be paid until a site is validated.

Negotiations with owners, government, Set2 A

Theoretical site with already existing agreement: address and owner of this site is
known by the Company and a predefined leasing agreement exists. Set2 B

Normal site: pre defined or private site within the search area. Set2 C

Sometimes, a special study is requested. These services are in addition to the Set2
A and Set2 B and shall be separately requested by the Company via a purchase

Set 2 is defined by several actions, totally or partially realized by the contractor.

The goal of this action is to supply to the Company a location for the installation of
shelter, towers and antennas.

Administrative documents
The goal of this action is to supply to the Company all the administrative documents
required for the completion of the works as well as for the installation of the site GSM.
These documents are:
 Construction permit
 Cadastral information
 Land register conformation (ownership)
 Land affectation
 Land affectation change
 Electric permit
 All relevant authorization by site owner
 Special permits
 Aviation permit
 National park permit
 Water permit
 Historical sites permit
 Geological permit
 Environment permit
 Police and military permits

1.1.3. Technical documents

For each procured site, the contractor prepares and delivers to the Company (two
examples) floor drawings to scale detailing the entire location to include:
 Terrace drawing
 Shelter position with clearly drawn north direction
 Tower (Mast) position, side and top view
 Antenna mountings including drawings of the mountings
 Cable trays drawing
 Grounding drawing
 Interior drawings of shelter
 Construction permit
 Load calculation notes (Shelter and Mast)
 Concrete calculation notes
Quality and method branch (OM)
1-Optimization level 2:
- Perform site frequency planning and parameters
- Specify data (parameters, frequency neighboring) on the required city
Data 3 weeks before frequency planning
Site to integrate and their D4b validated by design group
Site ready on parcel. Reel file.

2- method and quality team:

record the nature and extend of deficiencies.
Edit NTT deployment to solve the discrepancies recorded during
acceptance process (D6a & b, ON LINE, D8b).
Determine and report the main causes of quality losses.
Initiate corrective action to prevent recurring quality losses and
check the effectiveness of corrective action.

Network Engineering Branch (ENG)

1. NSS team:
- Define NSS equipment to be installed on site and their parameters
- Decide to set the MSC site ON AIR.
- Perform ON LINE final acceptance tests of NSS equipment

2. BSS team:
- Define BSS equipment to be installed on site and their parameters
- Perform ON LINE final acceptance test of BSC site equipment’s (BSC
back up battery assembly, MW or lease line)
- Decide to set the BSC site on air.

3 Transmission team:
- Design site transmission network
- Define transmission equipment to be installed on site and their
parameters specification
- Check transmission site specification (D4a/b) and control transmission
data’s recorded on draft visit.

2.2.5 Site production responsibility matrix


3.1. Introduction
The site deployment process is organized around 3 phases:
Phase 1 “initial study file” start with data originating from the
marketing department and ends with the generation of D1 form. It includes:
- Network master plan analysis.
- The elaboration of the technical solution
- The cost analysis.
- The theoretical site specification

Phase 2 “site hunting, negotiation and final specification start at the

D1 reception and ends with D4b generation, it includes:
- The site hunting
- The 2 candidates site evaluation D2b generation with lease site pre-
- The radio and MW site ranking.
- The draft process D4a
- The final specification D4b.

Phase 3 “ site production “ starts with rental lease agreement and

ends with D9 form, it includes:
- The civil work, site production quotations analysis and negotiating.
- The start of work.
- The building and environment acceptance process D6a form.
- The radio acceptance process D6b form.
- The site transfer to supplier D7 form.
- The supplier process on site and commissioning ON LINE status.
- The site transfer to optimization level 1 D8a form
- The radio integration drive test process D8b form
- The site set up ON AIR.
- The site quality discrepancies managed by Q.M branch through NTT
deployment and the deployment trouble ticket generation (according to
discrepancies collected from D6a & D6b, site commissioning or radio
site integration)
- The site transfer to the maintenance D9 form.

3.2 Deployment and production flow chart

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