Chemistry Question Bank 2nd PUC

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South End Circle, Jayanagar III Block, Bangalore-560011

II PU Chemistry Question Bank

Two Mark Questions
1. What is meant by the term Co-ordination number in solids? What is the
co-ordination number in a face centered cubic closed packing structure?
(Mar 2015)
2. Give any two differences between Frenkel and Schottky defects. (Jun 2015)
3. Calculate the number of particles (Atoms) per unit cell in a FCC crystal
lattice (Mar 2015)
4. What are ferro-magnetic substances? Give one example (Mar 2016)
5. What type of stoichiometric defect is shown by the following solids?
a) AgCl b) KCl (Jun 2016)
6. Give the differences between Crystalline and amorphous solids with
respect to shape and melting point . (Mar 2017)
7. How does ferri-magnetism arise in substances? Give an example of
substance showing ferri-magnetism. (Jun 2017)
8. What is Frenkel defect? How does it affect density of the solid? (Mar 2017)
9. Aluminum crystallises in a FCC structure. Atomic radius of the metal is
125 pm. Calculate the edge length of the Unit Cell of the metal.
10. Calculate the number of particles present in FCC Crystal.
Five Marks Questions
1. a) Calculate the packing efficiency in a simple cubic lattice
b) What is Frenkel defect? Give an example
2. a) Calculate the packing efficiency in a Unit Cell of Face Centred Cubic
Cell (FCC)
b) Name the crystal defect which lowers the density in an ionic crystal(Mar 2015)
3. a) Calculate the packing efficiency in BCC lattice.
b) An element having atomic mass 107.9 g/mol has FCC unit cell. The
edge length of unit cell is 408.6 pm. Calculate the density of the unit
cell [Given NA= 6.002 x 1023mol-1]
4. a) Calculate the packing efficiency in a body centered cubic (BCC) lattice.
b) Silver forms a CEP lattice. The edge length of its unit cell is 408.6 pm.
Calculate the density of silver. cell (Given NA = 6.022 x 1023 mol-1,
Atomic mass of Silver is 108 gm /mol)
5. a) Calculate the packing efficiency in simple cubic lattice.
b) An element having atomic mass 63.1 g/mol has face centered cubic
(FCC) unit cell, with edge length 3.608 x 10-8 cm. Calculate the
density of unit cell (Given NA = 6.022 x 1023 atoms/mole) (Mar 2017)
6. a) Calculate the packing efficiency in Body Centered Cubic (BCC)
b) Calculate the number of particles per unit cell of FCC (Jul 2016)
7. a) 2(a) repeated.
b) Give any two differences between Schottky and Frenkel defect.(Jul 2017)
One Mark Questions:
1. At a given temperature and pressure, Nitrogen gas is more soluble in water
than Helium gas. Which of them has higher value of KH? (Mar 2015)
2. On mixing equal volumes of acetone and ethanol, what type of deviation
from Raoult‟s law is expected? (Mar 2015)
3. On what factors the value of the colligative property depends? (Jun 2015)
4. Give one example for liquid solution in which solute is a gas. (Jun 2015)
5. Name the law behind the dissolution of CO2 gas in soft drinks under high
pressure. (Mar 2016)
6. Ornamental gold containing copper is an example of what type of solution?
(Mar 2016)
7. What are Ideal solutions? (Jun 2016)
8. What is the effect of rise in temperature on the solubility of gases in
liquids? (Jun 2016)
9. How does molarity vary with temperature?
10. 10ml of a liquid “A” is mixed with 10 ml of liquid “B”. The volume of
resultant solution is 19.9 ml. What type of deviation is expected from
Raoult‟s law? (Mar 2017)
11. State Raoult‟s law of binary solution for two volatile liquid compounds.(J 2017)
12. VantHoff factor for a solution is more than one. What is the conclusion
drawn from it?
13. State Henry‟s Law
14. VantHoff factor for a solution is less than one. What is the conclusion
drawn from it?
15. Define Molarity
16. Mention the enthalpy of mixing value (∆Hmix) to form an ideal solution(Mar 2017)
17. What is binary solution?
Five Mark Questions
1. a) On dissolving 2.34 gm of a solute in 40 gms of benzene, the boiling
point of the solution was higher than that of pure benzene by 0.81k.
Kb value for benzene is 2.53 k kg/mol. Calculate molar mass of the
b) State Henry‟s law. Write its mathematical formula. (Mar 2014)
2. a) The vapour pressure of benzene at certain temperature is 0.850 bar.
When a non volatile non electrolyte solid weighing 0.5 gm is added to
39 gm of benzene (molar mass 78 gm), the vapour pressure of the
solution is 0.845 bar. What is the molar mass of the solid substance?
b) What happens to the solubility of a gas in a liquid with increase in
temperature? Give reason. (Jul 2014)
3. a) A solution containing 18 gm of non volatile non electrolyte solute is
dissolved in 200 gm of water freezes at 272.07 K. Calculate the
molecular mass of solute. (Given kf = 1.86 k kg/mol, Freezing point
of water = 273 K)
b) Define Isotonic solution. What happens when the blood cell is dipped
in a solution containing more than normal saline concentration?
(Mar 2015)
4. a) The boiling point of benzene is 353.23K when 1.80 gm of a non
volatile non ionising solute was dissolved in 90 gm of benzene, the
boiling point is raised to 354.11 K. Calculate the molar mass of the
b) Write two differences between ideal and non-ideal solutions. (Jul 2015)
5. a) 5.8 gm of a non volatile solute was dissolved in 100 g of Carbon
disulphide (CS2) the vapour pressure of the solution was found to be
190 mm of mercury. Calculate the molar mass of the solute given the
vapour pressure of pure CS2 is 195 mm of mercury (Molar mass of
CS2 = 76 gms /mol)
b) Write two differences between ideal and non-ideal solutions. (Mar 2015)
6. a) 300 cm3 of an aqueous solution of a protein contains 2.12 gms of the
protein. The Osmotic pressure of such a solution at 300 k is found to
be 3.89 x 10-3 bar. Calculate the molar mass of the protein
(R = 0.0823 L mol-1K-1)
b) i) State Henry‟s law
ii) Soda water bottles are sealed under high pressure. Give reason.
(Jul 2016)
7. a) 1.0 gm of non electrolyte solute dissolved in 50 gm of benzene lowered
the freezing point of benzene by 0.4 K. Find the molar mass of the
solute (Given : Freezing point depression constant of benzene = 5.12
K kg/mol)
b) How does solubility of a gas in liquid varies with i) Temperature and
ii) Pressure (Mar 2017)
8. a) The vapour pressure of pure benzene at a certain temperature is
0.850 bar. A non volatile, non electrolyte solid weighing 0.5 gm
when added to 39.0 gm of benzene (Molar mass of benzene is 78 gm
mol-1) . Vapour pressure of the solution then is 0.845 bar. What is
the molar mass of the solid substance?
b) What is reverse Osmosis? Mention its one practical utility. (Jul 2017)
9. a) The boiling point of benzene is 353.23 K. When 1.80 gm of a non
volatile solute was dissolved in 90 gm of benzene, the boiling point
raised to 354.11 K. Calculate molar mass of the solute.
(Kb for benzene = 2.53 K Kg/mol)
b) Define:
i) Molality of solution
ii) Isotonic solutions. (Mar 2018)
Electro Chemistry
One Mark Questions
1. What happens to molar conductivity when one mole KCl dissolved in one
liter is diluted to five liters.
2. How many coulombs of electricity is required to oxidise one mole of Al to
3. Write Nernst equation for Danniel Cell
4. Write the mathematical expression for limiting molar conductivity of
Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
5. Write the anodic reaction taking place at H2-O2 fuel cell
6. How many Faraday of electricity is required to reduce 1 mole of MnO4-
Ions to Mn2+ ions
7. What is a secondary cell?
8. Write SI Unit of molar cnductivity.
Two Mark Questions

1. a) State Faraday‟s first law of electrolysis for the electrode reaction

Zn2++2e- -> Zn(s)
b) What quantity of electricity in coulombs is required to deposit 1 mole
of Zinc (Mar 2015)
2. State : a) Kohlrausch‟s Law
b) Faraday‟s 1st law of electrolysis (Jun 2015)
3. What is secondary cell? Write the equation for the cathodic reaction of
Lead storage battery. (Jun 2016)
4. Write the cathodic and anodic cell reactions of H2-O2 fuel cell. (Mar 2017)
5. om For NaCl, HCl and CH3COONa are 126.4, 425.9 and 91.05 cm3/ml
respectively. Calculate om for CH2COOH. (Jun 2017)
6. Draw a neat tabled diagram of H2-O2 fuel cell. Write the reaction
occurring at cathode of the cell. (Mar 2018)
7. What is molar conductivity? How is it related to the conductivity of a
solution whose concentration is C mol/m3). (Mar 2017)
8. What is corrosion? Name one method to prevent it. (Jul 2014)
Three Mark Questions

Five Mark Questions

1. a) Explain Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE)
b) Calculate ∆Gor for the following reaction -
Fe+2(aq) +Ag+(aq) -> Fe3+(aq) + Ag(s) (Given Eocell = +0.03V, F = 96500C) (M 2014)
2. a) Describe the construction and working of SHE
b) State Faraday‟s II Law of electrolysis.
3. a) Calculate the emf of the cell for the reaction –
Mg(s) + 2 Ag+(aq) ->Mg+(aq) + 2Ag(s) (Given Eo Ag+/Ag = 0.80,
Eo Mg2+/mg = -2.37 V
[Mg2+]=0.001M, [Ag+]=0.0001M, log 105=5)
b) What are fuel cells?
4. a) Draw the neat labeled diagram of SHE and write its symbolic
b) Calculate the emf of the cell in which the following reaction takes
place. Ni(s) +2Ag+(0.002M)->Ni2+(0.160M) + 2Ag(s) Given Eo cell = 1.05V)
(Jul 2015)
5. a) State Faraday‟s First Law of electrolysis. Write its mathematical form
using usual notations.
b) State Kohlrusch Law
c) Write the overall cell reaction taking place in Daniel Cell
5. a) Find the value of ∆Go at 25oc for the following electro-chemical cell
Cu/Cu2+(1M)//Ag+(1M) / Ag : EoCu = +0.34 V, EoAg = +0.8V,
F = 96487C
b) Write the equations of anodic and cathodic reactions occurring during
rusting of Iron.
6. a) The electrode potential for the Daniel cell given below is 1.1 V
Zn(s) /Zn2+(aq) // Cu2+(aq) / Cu(s). Write overall cell reactions and
calculate the standard Gibb‟s energy for the reaction [F=96487C/mol]
b) Mention any two factors which affect conductivity of electric solution.
(M- 2017)
7. a) Calculate the Equilibrium constant for the reaction
Cu(s) +2Ag+(aq) -> Cu2+(aq) +2Ag(s) Eocell=0.46V
b) Write half cell reaction of Eo value of (SHE) Standard Hydrogen
Electrode. (Jun 2016)
8. a) Calculate emf of the cell for the reaction
Mg(s) + Cu2+(0.0001M) -> Mg2+(0.001M) + Cu(s)
b) i) State Kohlrausch‟s Law
ii) What is meant by Limiting Molar Conductance

Chemical Kinetics
One Mark Questions:
1. What happens to the half life period for a first order reaction, if the initial
concentration of the reactant is increased? (Mar 2015)
2. In a zero-order reaction, the time taken to reduce the concentration of the
reactant from 50% to 25% is 30 minutes. What is the time required to
reduce the concentration from 25% to 12.5%? (Jun 2015)
3. What happens to the half life period for a first order reaction, if the initial
concentration of the reactant is increased? (Mar 2016)
4. Rate constant of a reaction is k = 3.4 x 10-4 mol-1LS-1. What is the order of
the reaction? (Jun 2016)
5. Define collision frequency. (Mar 2017)
6. Rate of reaction A-->B increases two times by increasing the concentration
of A by four times. What is the order of the reaction? (Jun 2017)
7. If the Unit of rate constant of a reaction is mol-1LS-1. Then mention its
order. (Mar 2018)
8. For the reaction 2HI --> H2+I2, write its molecularity. (Mar 2014)
9. Give an example of zero order reaction. (Jul 2014)
Two Mark Questions
1. A reaction is first order with respect to reactant A and second order with
respect to reactant “B” in a reaction A + B --> Product
a) What is the differential rate equation?
b) How is the rate of reaction affected on increasing the concentration of
“B” by two times? (Mar 2015)
2) Calculate the half life period of a first order reaction, if the rate constant of
the reaction is 6.93 x 10-35-1. (Jun 2015)
3) The rate constant of a certain first order reaction is 2005-1 What is its half
life period? (Mar 2016)
4) 75% of first order reaction is completed in 30 minutes. Calculate the rate
constant of the reaction. (Jun 2016)
5) Define collision frequency. Give an example for pseudo first order reaction.
(Mar 2014)
In [R]
6) From the following graph, identify the
order of the reaction and mention the →Slope = -k
In [R]
unit of its rate constant.

7) In a reaction 2A-->Product, the concentration of A decreases

Time from 0.5 mol
L to 0.4 mol L in 10 minutes. Calculate the rate during this interval.
-1 -1

(Jun 2017)
8) A first order reaction is found to have a rate constant k = 5.5 x 10-14S-1.
Find the half life period of the reaction. (Mar 2018)
9) Derive an expression for half life period of first order reaction. (Jul 2014)
Three Mark Questions
Five Mark Questions
1) a) The rate of a particular reaction doubles when the temperature changes
from 300K to 310K. Calculate the energy of activation of the reaction.
(Given R = 8.314 J/K/mol)
b) Show that half life period of a first order reaction is independent of the
initial concentration of the reactants. (Mar 2014)
2) a) The rate of reaction increases by two times when the temperature of
reaction raises from 300K to 310K. Calculate energy of activation of
the reaction. (Given R = 8.314 J/K/mol)
b) Write any two differences between order and molecularity. (Jul 2014)
3) a) Derive Integrated Rate Equation for first order reaction.
b) According to collision theory, what are the two factors that lead to
effective collision? (Mar 2015)
4) a) Derive Integrated Rate Equation for rate constant of zero order reaction.
b) Show that the rate of first order reaction is doubled when concentration
of the reactant is doubled. (Jul 2015)
5) a) Derive Integrated Rate Equation for rate constant of zero order reaction.
b) Draw a graph of potential energy vs reaction co-ordinate showing the
effect of a catalyst on activation energy. (Jun 2016)
6) a) Derive Integrated Rate Equation for the zero order reaction.
b) Write the energy distribution curve showing temperature dependence of
rate of reaction. (Jul 2016)
7) a) Derive an Integrated Rate Equation for rate constant of a zero order
b) Write i) Arrhenius equation
ii) The formula to calculate half life period of zero order reaction.(M-2017)
8) a) Derive Integrated Rate Equation for first order reaction.
b) Write any two factors responsible for effective collision (Jun 2017)
9) a) Derive Integrated Rate Equation for first order reaction.
b) Draw a graph of potential energy v/s reaction co-ordinates showing the
effect of catalyst on activation energy (Ea) of a reaction. (Mar 2018)

Surface Chemistry
One Mark Questions
1) Out of Physisorption and Chemisorption which one has lower enthalpy of
adsorption? (Mar 2016)
2) What is dispersed phase in emulsion? (Jun 2016)
3) Name the adsorbent used to remove colouring matter from solution?(M -17)
4) What happens to the entropy of a gas after adsorption? (Jun 2017)
5) Name the catalyst used in the decomposition of potassium chlorate to give
potassium chloride and oxygen. (Mar 2014)
6) What is physical adsorption? (Jul 2014)
Two marks questions : NIL

Three marks questions: NIl

Five marks questions:-
1) a) Give any three differences between physisoption and chemisorption.
b) (i) Mention the role of alum in the purification of drinking water.
(ii) Give an example of oil dispersed water emulation. (Mar 2014)
2) a) What is coagulation of a solution. Name two methods by which a
lyophobic solution can be coagulated.
b) What is a homogenous catalysis ? Give examples. (Jul 2014)
3) (a) Write any two differences between physisorption and chemisorption.
(b) Name the phenomenon / effect for the following
(i) Colloidal particles are in zig-zag motion.
(ii) When an electrical potential is applied across two platinum
electrodes dipped in
colloidal solution, particles moves towards one or the other
(iii) Scattering of light by colloidal particles. (Mar 2015)
4) (a) (i) Give any two characteristic of chemisorption
(ii) What is meant by selectivity of catalyst ?
(b) Define (i) Brownian Movement (ii) Tyndall effect (Jul 2015)
5) (a) Mention any three differences between lyophilic and lyophobic collide.
(b) What is heterogeneous catalysis? Give example. (Mar 2016)

6) (a) Give any two differences between lyophilic lyophobic collide.

(b) The two steps involved in the mechanism of enzyme catalyzed reaction.
(c) What is the entropy change ( ∆s) for adsorption. (Mar 2017)
7) (a) Write any two applications of adsorption.
(b) (i) What is Tyndall effect?
(ii) In the coagulation of negative sol, arrange the following ions in
ascending order of their flocculating power Ba 2+, Na+, Al3+
(c) What is heterogeneous catalysis? (Jul 2016)
8) (a) Give any two differences between lyophilic lyophobic collide.
(b) Write the two steps involved in the mechanism of enzyme catalyzed
(c) What is the entropy change ( ∆s) for adsorption. (Mar 2017)
9) (a) What is shape selective catalysis ? Give an example of such type of
(b) What are emulsions? Give an example of oil dispersed in water (o/w)
type emulsion .
(c) Mention any one application of adsorption. (Jul 2017)
10) (a) Write any two differences between lyophilic and lyophobic colloids .
(b) What is heterogeneous catalysis? Give an example.
(c) Give an expression for Freundlich adsorption isotherm. (Mar 2018)
General Principals and processes of isolation of elements
One Mark Questions
1) Name the process usually employed for the purification of Nickel (Mar 2015)
2) Which metal is refined by van-Arkel method ? (Jun 2015)
3) Which gas is evolved at cathode during the electrolysis of an aqueous
solution of NaCl? (Mar 2016)
4) Give the composition of copper matte (Mar 2016, Jul 2014)
5) Write the principle involved in zone refining (Jun 2016)
6) Give an example of a metal purified by Mond‟s process (Mar 2017)
7) Name the method of refining of silicon. (Jun 2017)
8) Name the metal refined by Van-Arkel method ? (Mar 2018)
9) Name the refining method used to produce semi-conductors. (Mar 2014)

Three Mark Questions:

1) Describe the three steps involved in the leaching of bauxite to get pure
alumina (Equations not expected). (Mar 2015)
2) Explain the reducing behaviour of carbon in the extraction of iron using
Ellingham diagram. (Jun 2015)
3) a) Name the gas liberated when Zinc reacts dilute HNO3
b) Give reason :
i). PH4 has lower boiling point than NH3
ii) Nitrogen is less reactive at room temperature (Jun 2015)
4) Give the principle involved the manufacture of Sulphuric acid by contact
process with equations. (Jun 2015)
5) In the extraction of Aluminium by electrolysis:
i). Give the composition of electrode used
ii). Overall cell reaction
iii). Role of Cryolite (Mar 2015)
6) With a neat labelled diagram, describe the extraction of Aluminium by
Hall-Heroult Process. (Jun 2016)
7) Write the balanced chemical equation with conditions involved in the
manufacture of Nitric Acid by Ostwald‟s process. (Jun 2016)
8) a) Write any two anomalous behaviour of Oxygen
b) Write the structure of Sulphuric Acid. (Jun 2016)
9) During the extraction of Aluminium by Hall-Haroult process:
i) Give the composition of electrode used
ii) Overall cell reaction
iii) Role of Cryolite (Mar 2017)
10) a) Write the chemical reactions involved in the extraction of Gold using
Sodium Cyanide
b) Write the composition of Copper Matte (Jun 2017)
11) Explain the process of obtaining blister copper from Copper Matte with
equations. (Mar 2018)
12) Draw labelled diagram of Hall-Heroult electrolytic cell for the extraction of
Aluminium. Write the anode and cathode reactions. (Mar 2014)
Five Mark Questions: NIL

P-Block Elements
One Mark Questions:
1) Identify the product “A” in the following reaction. XeF6 + 3H2O→A + 6HF
2) Name the Noble Gas which does not have general noble gas electronic
configuration→ ns2np6 (Jun 2015)
3) Noble gases are chemically inert. Give one reason (Mar 2016)
4) Name the noble gas obtained as decay product of 226Ra (Jun 2015)
5) Which noble gas is most abundant in atmospheric dry air? (Mar 2017)
6) Complete the reaction 2XeF6+ 3H20 --> _____ + 6 HF (Jun 2017)
7) Complete the following equation XeF6+ H20 --> _____ + 2HF (Mar 2018)
8) Give a reason for the chemical inertness of noble gases (Mar 2014)
9) Write the structure of XeF4 (Jul 2014)
Three Mark Questions
1) Write the equations involved in the preparation of Nitric Acid by Ostwald‟s
process by maintaining the reaction conditions
(Mar 2015), (Mar 2016),(Jun 2017), (Mar 2018), (Jul 2017)
2) Complete the following equations:
a) CH4 + 2O2 -->
b) 2Fe3+ + SO2 + 2H2O-->
c) C12H22O11 COCH2SO4 ---> (Mar 2015)
3) a) Which is the strongest acid among the hydrogen halides? Give one
reason [x = F,Cl,Br,I]
b) Write the structure of Chloric acid [HClO3]
4) Give the principle involved in the manufacture of Sulphuric acid by
contact process with equation. (Jun 2015)
5) a) Complete the reaction Cl2+2H2O+SO2 -->
b) i) Which halogen has highest electron affinity electron gain enthalpy
ii) Give the structure of per Sulphuric acid. (Jun 2015)
6) Complete the following equations:
i) PbS + 4O3 -->PbSO4 + ______
ii) Cu + 2H2SO4 -->CuSO4+______+2H2O
iii) Cl122H2O11+S02→ ______ +2HCl (March -2016)

7) a) How is Chlorine prepared using KMnO4?

b) Why is I2 less reactive than ICl? (March-2016)
8) a) How does hot and concentrated Sodium Hydroxide react with
Chlorine? Write the equation
b) How does electro-negativity of halogen vary down the group?(Jun 2016)
4) In the manufacture of Ammonia by Haber‟s process, write the flow chart and
chemical equations with optimum conditions. (Mar 2017) (Mar 2014) (Jul 2014)
5) i) Mention any two reasons for the anomalous behaviour of Oxygen.
ii) Write the balanced chemical equation for the action of concentrated
Sulphuric acid on copper metal. (Mar 2017)
6) i) Complete the following equations:
a) 2NaOH + Cl2 b) CL2 + 3F2 573K

(cold/dil) (excess)
ii) Write the structure of chlorous acid [HOClO] (Mar 2017) (Mar 2014)
7) Complete the following equations:
i). SO2 + Cl2 → ______
ii). 2NaCl + H2SO4 → _______ + Na2SO4
iii). PbS + 4O3→ 4O2 + ___________ (Jul 2017)
8) Give reason
i). ICl is more reactive than I2
ii). Fluorine exhibits only -1 oxidation state
iii). HF is liquid but other hydrogen halides are gases (Jul 2017)
9) a) How is ozonised oxygen prepared in the laboratory? Give equation
b) Give the composition of Oleum (Mar 2018)
10) Complete the following equations:
i). 2NaOH + Cl2 →NaCl + ______ + H2O
ii). Na2SO3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H2O + _______
iii). Cl2 + 3F2 573K> ___________ (Mar 2018)
11) Write the equations for
i). The action of SO2 with Chlorine in presence of Charcoal
ii). The action of SO3 with conc. Sulphuric Acid
iii). The action of Ozone with lead sulphide (Mar 2014)
12) Complete the following equations
i). 2NaOH +Cl2 ---> __________
ii). 2FeSO4+H2SO4+Cl2 ---> ________
iii). Cl2 +3F2 573K > ________ (Mar 2014)
13) a) Describe the preparation of Ozonised oxygen with an equation.
b) Name the ozonised product obtained when ozone reacts with lead sulphide.
(Jul 2014)
14) Complete the following equations:
i). 2Al + 3Cl2 ---> ______
ii). H2S + Cl2 ---> ________
iii). 8NH3+3Cl2---> ___________ (Jul 2014)
D and F Block Elements
Two Mark Questions
1) Give any two differences between lanthanoids and actinoids.
2) Give reasons:
i) Actinoids show variable oxidation state. (Jul 2014)
ii) Cerium (Ce) exhibits +4 oxidation state. (Jun 2015)
3) Zr and Hf have almost identical atomic radii. Give reason (Mar 2016) (Jul 2014)
4) What is Lanthanoid Contraction? Write the general oxidation state of actinides.
(Jun 2016)
5) What is Lanthanoid Contraction? Mention the cause for it. (Mar 2017)
6) Study of actinide elements is difficult. Give two reasons. (Jun 2017)
7) Give reason:
a) Cerium (Ce) exhibits +4 oxidation state.
b) Actinoid contraction is greater from element to element than lanthanoid
contraction. (Mar 2018)
8) What is Lanthanoid Contraction? Mention one of its consequences. (Mar 2014)
Three Mark Questions
1) Give reasons for the following:
a) Transition metals are good catalyst agents
b) Second ionisation enthalpy of copper is very high.
c) The spin only magnetic moment of Sc3+ is zero (z=21) (Mar 2015)
2) Write the equation involved in the preparation of Potassium dichromate from
chromite ore.
3) a) 3d series elements exhibit variable oxidation states. Why?
b) Calculate the magnetic moment of Mn2+ ion [atomic number of Mn =25]
(Jun 2015)
4) Describe the manufacture of potassium dichromate from chromate ore.
5) a) Calculate any spin magnetic moment of Fe 2+
b) Why SC3+ salts are colourless whereas Cr3+ salts are coloured (Mar 2016)
6) a) Cu2+ ions are coloured but Zn2+ ions are colourless. Give reason
b) Write the formula to calculate spin only magnetic moment. (Jun 2016)
7) How is potassium permanganate prepared from MnO2 (Jun 2016) (Mar 2017)
(Mar 2018)
8) i) Calculate the spin magnetic moment of Fe 2+ [Atomic number of Fe = 26]
ii) Which element of 3d series exhibits maximum oxidation state? (Mar 2017)
9) a) Give any two reasons for the formation of large number of complex
compounds by transition metals.
b) Write the formula to calculate spin magnetic moment. (Jun 2017)
10) a) Why do 3d series of elements act as good catalysts?
b) Give reason Ti4+ salts are colourless whereas Cr3+ salts are coloured (M-2018)
11) With reference to first row transition series.
1. Name the metal which possesses maximum number of oxidation states.
2. Among Zn2+ and Cu2+ which is colourless.
3. Between Ti2+ and V+2 which ion contains more number of unpaired electrons
(Mar 2014)
12) Why do transition elements form complex compounds? Name the element which
exhibits highest oxidation state. (Jul 2014)

One Mark Questions
1) How many moles of AgCl will be precipated when an excess of AgNO3 solution is
added to one mole solution of CrCl(H2O)5Cl2? (Mar 2015)
2) What is an ambidentate ligand? (Mar 2018)
Three Mark Questions
1) With the help of Valance Band Theory, account for hybridisation, geometry and
magnetic property of [Ni(CN)4]2- complex ion [ z for Ni = 28] (Mar 2015)
2) a) For the given complex [Co(NH3)5Br]SO4, write the IUPAC name and its
ionisation isomer.
b) Which set of d-orbitals of metal ion atom experience more repulsion in
octahedral field created ligand? (Mar 2015)
3) With the help of Valence Band Theory (VBT) explain hybridisation, geometry and
magnetic property of [CoF6]3- hexafluridocobaltate(III) ion
(Jun 2015) (Mar 2016) (Jun 2017)
4) a) What is the IUPAC name of [Cr(NH3)3(H2O)3]Cl3?
b) Give the facial (fac) and meridional (mer) isomeric structures of
[Co(NH3)3(H2O)3(NO2)3] (Jun 2015)
5) a) Write any two postulates of Werner‟s theory of co-ordination compounds
b) Write the IUPAC name of [Pt(NH3)3(H2O)]Cl2? (Mar 2016)
6) Using VBT, explain hybridisation, geometry and magnetic property of [CoNH 3]3+
ion [z for Co = 27] (Jun 2016)
7) a) Explain ionisation isomerism with an example
b) What are homoleptic complexes? (Jun 2016)
8) Explain hybridisation geometry and magnetic property of [Ni(CN) 4]2- ion using
Valance Band Theory (VBT) [Atomic Number of Ni = 28]
(Mar 2017, 2018, 2014) (Jul 2014)
9) a) Write the cis and trans isomeric structure of [Fe(NH3)2(CN)4]
b) What is the co-ordination number of Fe in [FeCl2(en)2]Cl.
10) a) Give any three postulates of Werner‟s theory. (Jul 2014)
b) Write the structure of trans-isomer of [Co(NH3)4Cl2]+ (Jun 2017)
11) a) Write the IUPAC name of [Co(NH3)4(H2O)Cl]Cl2?
b) Explain Linkage Isomerism with example. (Mar 2018)
12) Give the IUPAC name of [Ti(H2O)6]3+ and draw cis and trans isomers of
[Pt(NH3)2Cl2]. (Mar 2014)
Five Mark Questions

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

One Mark Questions:
1) Name the organic compound formed when chlorobenzene is treated
sodium in dry ether (Mar 2015)
2) R-X +NaI dry acetone > R-I+NaX. What is the name of the reaction? (J 2015)
3) What is Chirality? (Mar 2016)
4) Write the IUPAC name of compound. (Jun 2016)

5) What is the name of the following reaction?

→X + 2Na + X Dry ether + 2NaCl (Mar 2017)

6) Name the Major product obtained when tertiary butyl bromide is heated
with alcoholic KOH solution
7) Name the following reaction
CH3Br +AgF ---> CH3F+AgBr (Mar 2018)
8) CH3Br+AgF -----> CH3F + AgBr (Mar 2014)
9) What are freons? (Jul 2014)
Five Mark Questions
1) a) (i) Write the equation for the steps in SN1 mechanism of the
conversion of tertiary butyl bromide into tertiary butyl alcohol.
(ii) Haloarenes are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions than
b) Complete the following equations:
(i) C2H5OH + SOCl2 __________

(ii) + 2Na Ether __________ (Mar 2014)
2) a) Mention the major product formed in the following reactions:
i) C6H5Br + Mg dry ether ___________
ii) 2-bromo pentone alc. KOH ___________
iii) CH3Cl + NaI dry acetone _____________ 3
b) Write the equations for the steps in SN1 mechanism of tetra-butyl
bromide into tert. butyl alcohol. (Jul 2014)
3) a) Write equations for steps in SN1 mechanism of the conversion of tertial
butyl bromide into tertiary butyl alcohol
b) Identify the products A,B and C in the following equations
CH3OH Cl2 A Nal B C6H5I C
Dry Acetone Na & Dry ether

4) a) (i) Explain the SN2 mechanism

(ii) What is the reagent used in the conversion of alkyl halide into
b) Complete the reaction CH3-CH2-Br + AgCN (Jul 2015)
5) a) Explain the mechanism of SN1 reaction taking 2-bromo-2-methyl
propane (t-butyl bromide)
b) Explain Wurtz-fittig‟s reaction
c) Write the general formula of Grignard reagent.1 (Mar 2016)
6) a) (i) Explain SN2 mechanism taking an example of chloromethane
(ii) Write the general equation for the reaction of primary alcohol with
b) (i) CH3-Br + AgF ---> CH3F + AgBr. Name the above reaction
(ii) P-dichlorobenzene has higher melting point than those of ortho and
meta isomers. Give reason. (3+2) (Jul 2016)
7) a) Write SN2 mechanism for conversion of methyl chloride to methyl
b) Aryl halides are extremely less reactive towards nucleophilic
substitution reactions. Give any two reasons.
c) What is asymmetric carbon? (Mar 2017)
8) a) Write steps involved in SN1 mechanism of the conversion of tertiary
butyl bromide into tertiary butyl alcohol and mention its order.
b) Aryl halides are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions
than alkyl halides. Give reasons. (Jul 2017)
9) a) Write the equation for the steps in SN1 mechanism of the conversion of
ter. Butyl bromide into tertiary butyl alcohol.
b) Explain Fitting reaction.
c) Name the reagent used in the dehydrohalogenisation of halo alkanes.
(Mar 2018)

Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

One Mark Questions :
Al kaline KMnO4
1) Complete the following Chemical reaction RCH2OH i)
ii) H3O _____ (Jun 2016)
Two mark Questions
1) Name the product formed when phenol is treated with acidified solution of
Na2Cr2O7. Give reason
2) a) Write the IUPAC name of major product formed in Friedel-Craft‟s
acylation of anisole
b) Complete the reaction

+HI _____________ (Jun 2015)

3) Explain Kolbe‟s reaction.

4) Write the Raimer-Tiemann reaction with example. (Jun 2016) (Jul 2017)
5) How does anisole react with acetyle chloride [CH3COCl] in the presence of
anhydrous AlCl3? Write the chemical equation for the reaction. (Mar 2017)
6) How does anisole react with bromine in ethanoic acid? Write the chemical
equation for the reaction. (Mar 2017)
7) Complete the following reactions
i) R-CH2OH . Cu . > __________

ii) CH3-CH=CH2+H2O . H+ . _________________

Five Mark Questions
1) a) (i) Explain the preparation of phenol from Cumene
(ii) Complete the following reaction

+ Zn . heat ________

b) Explain Williamson‟s ether synthesis

2) a) What is the effect of:

i) Electron withdrawing group on acidity of phenols
ii) Electron donating group on acidity of phenols
iii) Boiling point of alcohols on increasing number of carbon atoms
b) Give equations for Williomson‟s ether synthesis 2 (Jul 2014)
3) a) Write the mechanism of acid catalysed dehydration of ethonol to ethene
(Jul 2017) (Mar 2017)
b) Explain Williomson‟s reaction. Write the general equations (Mar 2015)
4) a) Explain the Kolbe‟s reaction (Mar 2017)
b) Complete the reactions:
i) R-CH2-OH Cu



ii) Conc.HNO3

c) Write the general equation of Williamson‟s ether synthesis (Jul 2015)
5) a) How is phenol manufactured be Cumene process?
b) Among alcohols and phenols which one is more acidic and why?
6) a) i) Identify “A” and “B” in the following equation:
CH3-CH=CH2 . H2O/H+ . >A CrO3 > B
ii) What is Lucas reagent?
b) Explain Williamson‟s Ether synthesis (3+2) (Jul 2016)
iii) CH3-CH=CH2+H2O H+ _________________

Five Mark Questions

1) a) (i) Explain the preparation of phenol from Cumene
(ii) Complete the following reaction

+ Zn heat ________

b) Explain Williamson‟s ether synthesis

2) a) What is the effect of:
i) Electron withdrawing group on acidity of phenols
ii) Electron donating group on acidity of phenols
iii) Boiling point of alcohols on increasing number of carbon atoms
b) Give equations for Williomson‟s ether synthesis
3) a) Write the mechanism of acid catalysed dehydration of ethonol to ethene
(Jul 2017) (Mar 2017)
b) Explain Williomson‟s reaction. Write the general equations
4) a) Explain the Kilbe‟s reaction
b) Complete the reactions:
i). R-CH2-OH Cu



ii). Conc.HNO3

c) Write the general equation of Williamson‟s ether synthesis (Jul 2015)
5) a) How is phenol manufactured be Cumene process?
b) Among alcohols and phenols which one is more acidic and why?
6) a) i) Identify “A” and “B” in the following equation:
CH3-CH=CH2 H2O/H+ A CrO3 B
ii) What is Lucas reagent?
b) Explain Williamson‟s Ether synthesis (3+2) (Jul 2016)
7) a) Complete the reaction
(i) CoCl H2

(ii) H3C
C = O +Na2OH ---->
(iii) CHO
HNO3/H2SO4 . >273 – 83 K
(b) Explain Cannizzaro‟s reaction with an example (Jul 2017)

Aldhydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

One Mark Questions

1. Name the following reaction

Cl . H2 .> H (Mar 2015)


2. Which oxidising agent is used in Etard‟s Reaction ?

3. Complete the following chemical reaction.
C = O +Na2OH -----> _________+ H2O
4. Formaldehyde [HCHO] undergoes Cannizzaro reaction.
Give reason (Mar 2018)
5. Write the IUPAC name of CH2=CH-CHO (Jun 2017)
6. Ethanol (CH3CHO) undergoes aldolcondensation reaction. Give reason(Mar 2018)
7. Mention the hybridised state of carbonyl carbon atom
8. Give the IUPAC name of CH3CHO
9. Give the IUPAC name of CH2=CH-CHO
Two mark Questions

1. Identify “A” and “B” in the following reaction

2 + KOH ------> A + B

2. How is carboxylic acid prepared from Girnard reagent

3. What is the action of dil NaOH on ethonol [CH3CHO]? Name the reaction(Mar 2016)
4. Ketones are generally less reactive towards neucleophylic addition reaction.
Give any two reasons.
5. What is the action of ammonia [NH3] on benzoic acid? Write equation.(Mar 2017)
6. Among Methanoic acid and ethanoic acid which is more active and why?
(Jun, Jul 2017)
7. Explain the preparation of carbolic acid from Grignard reagent. Give
equation (Mar 2018)
8. Explain Rosenmund‟s reduction of Benzoic Chloride
9. How are carboxylic acids prepared from nitrites?

Five Mark Questions

1. a) (i) How do you convert benzoic acid to benzamide? Write the reaction?
(ii) Complete the reaction

Anhydrous AlCl3/HCl

b) What happens when carbonyl compounds are treated with

Write the reactions. 2
2. a) Write the equation for
(i) The reaction between Carboxylic acid and PCl5
(ii) The reaction between formaldehyde and Conc. KOH/NaOH
(iii) The formation of oxynol from carbonyl compound
b) Explain Aldol condensation with an example (Jul 2014)
3 (a) Write the organic compound formed in the following equations.

+ CH3COCl Anhydrous AlCl3 >

a. CH3
C = O +NaOH ----->
b. CH3-MgBr + CO2 . dry ether .>


(b) Explain HVZ (Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky) reaction with equations (Mar 2015)

4 (a) How would you prepare acetaldehyde from Acetyl Chloride? Name the
(b) Name the reagent used in the conversion of ketone to hydro carbon.
Name the reaction
(c) Acetaldehyde does not undergo Cannizzaro‟s reaction. Why? (Jul 2015)
5. (a) Explain the mechanism of addition of HCN to a carbonylgroup in the
presence of a base.
(b) How is benzamide obtained from benzoic acid?
6. (a) (i) How does benzaldehyde react with acetophenone in the presence of
a dilute alkali?
ii) Name the product formed when acetaldehyde reacts with HCN
(b) Among formic acid and acetic acid, which is more acidic? Give reason (Jul 2016)
7. (a) How is benzene converted into benzaldehyde by Gatterman-KOCh
reaction? Write equations.
(b) Complete and name the following reaction.

C=O . Zn-Hg .>


c) What is the effect of electron withdrawing group on the acidity of carboxylic

acid (Mar 2017)
One Mark Questions: Nil
Two Mark Questions Nil
Three Mark Questions Nil

Five Mark Questions

1) (a) (i) Explain Hpffman”s Bromamide Degradation for the preparation of

(ii) Give the IUPAC name of H3C – N-CH2 – CH3
(b) What is Hinsberg reagent? Between CH3NH2 and C6H5NH2 which is more
basic? (Mar 2014)
2) (a) Identify the reactant “A” in the following reaction: A+2R–X --> R4N+X-
(b) Explain Hoffman‟s Bromamide degradation reaction for the
preparation of methaamine. (Mar 2017)
(c) Which is more basic among aqueous solutions of aniline and
ammonia? Give reason. (Mar 2015)
3) (a) Name the major product formed when nitrous acid is treated with:
(i) Methyl amine (ii) Aniline at low temperature
(b) Explain the Hoffman‟s Bromamide reaction
(c) Write the IUPAC name of (CH3)2N – CH2-CH3 (Jul 2015)
4) (a) Explain Carbyl amine reaction
(b) What is the action of bromine water on benzenamine (aniline) at room
(c) The pkb values of ammonia, methanamine and benzenamine (aniline)
are 4.75, 3.38 and 9.38. Arrange them in increasing order of their basic
strength. (Mar 2016)
5. (a) (i) Explain the reduction of nitro compounds to amines with an
(ii) Why aromatic primary amines cannot be prepared by Gabriel
(b) How is aniline converted into phenyl Iso-cyanide? Write the equation.
6. (a) How is primary amine prepared by Hoffman bromanide degradation
reaction? Write the equation.

(b) (i) Write IUPAC Name of CH3CH2NH2

(ii) Arrange the following amines in the order of their increasing:
(CH3)3, (CH3)3N, (CH3)2NH, CH3NH2
(c) Complete the following equation: C6H5NH2 +NaNO2 + 2HCl. 275 278K

(Mar 2017)
7. (a) Explain Hoffman bromide degradation reaction.
(b) Name the major organic product formed in the following conversion:
(i) When Nitrous acid is treated with methylamine
(ii) Benzene diazonium chloride is treated with KI
(c) Which is more basic among methyl amine and aniline? (Jul 2017)

One Mark Questions
1. Deficiency of which vitamin causes the disease pernicious anemia?(Mar 2015)
2. Name the enzyme used in the inversion of cane sugar (Jun 2015)
3. Write the general structure of Zwitter ion (Jun 2015)
4. Which hormone regulates the sugar level in the blood? (Mar 2016)
5. Which vitamin deficiency causes the disease „Rickets‟? (Jun 2016)
6. Deficiency of which vitamin causes the disease „Scurvy‟? (Mar 2017)
7. Give an example for fat soluble vitamin. Jun 2017)
8. Which is the nitrogenious base present onlyin RNA but not in DNA?(Mar 2014)
9. Name the protein present in hair
Five Mark Questions
1. (a) i) Name the water soluble compound of starch
ii) Mention one water soluble vitamin
iii) Is Lysine an essential or a non essential amino acid?
(b) Write the structure of Maltose
2. (a) (i) What is denaturation of proteins?
ii) Give an example of acidic α - amino acids?
(b) Write the Haworth‟s structure of α -D(+) glucose
3. (a) Write Haworth structure for maltose.
(b) What is meant by denaturation of protein? Which level of structure
remains intact during denaturation of globular protein?
(c) Name the base present only in DNA but not in RNA
4. (a) Give Haworth‟s structure for lactose
(b) What are harmones? Give an example
(c) Which nitrogenous base is present in DNA but not in RNA? (Jul 2015)
5. (a) How do you show that glucose contains a linear chain of six carbon
b) What are essential amino acids? Is glysine an essential amino acid?
(c) Write the general formula of zwitter ionic form of an amino acid. (Mar 2016)
6. (a) Write Haworth‟s structure for maltose
(b) What is nucleoside?
(c) What are fibrous proteins? Give an example
7. (a) 6(a) repeated
(b) Give an example for
(i) Globular proteins (ii) Naturally occuring optically inactive amino acid.
(c) Name the nucleic acid which is responsible for genetic information(Mar 2017)
8. (a) Write Haworth‟s structure for lactose
(b) What are essential amino acids? Give an example
(c) Name the protein sugar present in RNA molecule
9. (a) 8(a) repeated
8 (b) repeated
(b) Write zwitter ionic structure of „glycine‟
(c) Name the nitrogenous base present in RNA but not in DNA

One Mark Questions - Nil -
Two Mark Questions - Nil –
Three Mark Questions - Nil –
Five Mark Questions
1. (a) (i) Explain the preparation of Buna-N
(ii) Give an example for thermosetting polymer
(b) Name monomers used in the preparation of polythene and natural
rubber (Mar 2014)
2. (a) Name the monomers used for getting the following polymers:
(i) PVC (ii) Bakelite (iii) Polystyrene
(b) What is vulcanisation of rubber? (Jul 2014)
3. (a) Write the partial structure of (i) Neoprene (ii) Terylene (Dacron)
(b) Explain the preparation of Buna-N with equation (Mar 2015)

4. (a) How is neoprene prepared?

(b) What are bio-degradable polymers? Give example
(c) What is vulcanisation?
5. (a) Explain addition polymerisation with example
(b) Name the monomers used in the manufacture of Nylon-6,6
(c) Write the partial structure of Neoprene
6. (a) Name the monomers used in the preparation of Nylon-6,6
(b) Explain Vulcanisation of rubber
(c) Give an example of bio-degradable polymer
7. (a) Name the monomers used in the preparation of (i) Polyvinyl Chloride
(PVC) (ii) Natural rubber
(b) Explain the preparation of Buna-N with equation
(c) Give an example of bio-degradable polymer
8. (a) Name the monomers Present in the following polymers (i) Nylon-6 (ii)
Natural rubber (iii) Neoprene
(b) What are co-polymers? Give an example
9. (a) Explain the preparation of Nylon -6,6 with equation
(b) What are thermoplastic polymers? Give an example
(c) Write the structure of isoprene (2 methyl 3 butasilene)
Chemistry in everyday life

Two Mark Questions

1. What is the role of following food additives? (a) Sodium benzoate (b) Aspartame
2. Explain saponification oil / fat with equation
3. What are antibiotics? Give an example
4. What is saponification? Give the equation to form sodium steorate by this
5. What is the role of the following chemicals in food?
(a) Saccharin (b) Sodium benzoate
6. What are anti fertility drugs? Give an example
7. (i) What are tranquilisers?
(ii) Name the first popular artificial sweetening agent
8. Why soaps do not work in hard water?
9. Give an example for (i) Non-narcotic analysis (ii) Antiseptics (Mar 2017)
10. What are anionic detergents? Give an example
11. Name (i) Artificial sweetening agent used only in cold food
(ii) Anionic detergent
12. Give an example each for antifertility drug and antiseptics
13. Give an example each for (a) artificial sweetening agent and
14. What are cationic detergents? Give an example.
15. What are food preservatives? Give example
16. Mention a drug which can act both as an analgesic as well as an
antipyretic. Name an artificial sweetening agent.
17. What are antiseptics? Give an example.

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