The Vital Role of Food Preservatives

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The Vital Role of Food Preservatives

An ancient practice designed to prevent spoilage, among the first food preservation practices were the salting of meat and fish, adding sugar in canned foods and pickling vegetables. Today, preservatives
continue this important role.

Food preservatives play a vital role in preventing deterioration of food, protecting against spoilage from mold, yeast, life-threatening botulism and other organisms that can cause food poisoning. By
extension, preservatives reduce food cost, improve convenience, lengthen shelf life and reduce food waste.

Functions, Names and Labeling

There are two modes of preservation: physical and chemical. Physical preservation refers to processes such as refrigeration or drying. Chemical preservation is adding ingredients to a food for the
purpose of preventing potential damage from oxidation, rancidity, microbial growth or other undesirable changes — and is considered a “direct additive.”

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifies both natural preservatives (for example, from lemon juice, salt and sugar) and artificial preservatives as “chemical preservatives.” While many common
preservatives occur naturally, manufacturers often use synthetic versions of these chemicals. Artificial preservatives can be divided into three major groups:

Antimicrobial agents destroy bacteria or inhibit the growth of mold on foods:

 Benzoates – the salts of benzoic acid

 Sorbates – sorbic acid and its three mineral salts, potassium sorbate, calcium sorbate and sodium sorbate

 Propionates – the salts of propionic acid

 Nitrites – the salts of nitrous acid

Antioxidants inhibit oxidation:

 Sulfites – a group of compounds containing charged molecules of sulfur compounded with oxygen, including sodium sulfite, sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, potassium bisulfite and potassium

 Vitamin E (tocopherol) – a fat-soluble vitamin

 Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – a water-soluble vitamin and its salts, sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate and potassium ascorbate

 Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) – a waxy solid used to preserve butter, lard, meats and other foods

 Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) – similar in structure and function to BHA, but in powder form

Chelating agents bind metal ions in certain foods to prevent oxidation:

 Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) – used in food processing to bind manganese, cobalt, iron or copper ions

 Polyphosphates – used as anti-browning agents in dips and washes for peeled fruits and vegetables

 Citric acid – found naturally in citrus fruits

All preservatives added to food products must be declared on the ingredient list on the food label using common names of ingredients. When no such name exists, synthetic forms can be listed. For
example, synthetic vitamin B9 can be listed as “folic acid.” Preservative ingredients must either be identified as a preservative or the specific function must be given, such as “sorbic acid (to retain

The FDA has jurisdiction over all preservatives, with the Food Safety and Inspection Service sharing responsibility for the safety of food additives used in meat, poultry and egg products. The FDA
mandates that preservatives not be used in such a way as to conceal damage or inferiority, make the food appear better than it is or adversely affect the nutritive value of the food. Food additives
approved for use as preservatives are listed in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.

According to the regulatory authorities, preservatives are generally recognized as safe, or GRAS, in the quantities in which they are allowed in individual food products. “Safe” for food additives is defined
to mean “a reasonable certainty in the minds of competent scientists that the substance is not harmful under the intended conditions of use.” Still, there are some preservatives of concern.
Sodium nitrite/nitrate used in processed meats is an example of compounds that may increase the potential of these foods to cause cancer. Studies have linked eating large amounts of processed meats
with an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

Sodium benzoate and sulfites appear to be safe for most people, but may cause adverse reactions in others. A 2007 study published in The Lancet suggests sodium benzoate and artificial food colorings
may exacerbate hyperactivity in young children.

Although butylated hydroxyanisole, or BHA, is listed by the National Toxicology Program as “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen,” the FDA considers it a GRAS substance in minute
quantities. Meanwhile, butylated hydroxytoulene, or BHT, has been banned in some countries but has not been shown conclusively to be carcinogenic.

Final Thought
To be clear, a diet awash with processed foods may contain excessive preservatives — both artificial and natural (think salt and sugar) — and should be limited. But preservatives within the context of an
overall healthful diet help safeguard food and protect consumer health, neither of which are reasonable tradeoffs.

“Removing preservatives compromises food safety, and there is no good scientific reason to avoid them,” says Robert Brackett, PhD, director of the Institute for Food Safety and Health. He used nitrates
as an example: “The
risk of getting botulism from processed meats far outweighs the risk of the preservative especially when consumed in moderation.”

Nonetheless, emerging technological innovations aimed at replacing traditional preservatives are in the works. Development of technologies such as high-pressure processing and ultrasonic
preprocessing with pulsed light are promising — and may yield additional benefits such as reduced water usage, energy efficiency and improved food quality.

Efficacy of mint (Mentha arvensis) leaf and citrus (Citrus aurantium) peel extracts as natural preservatives for shelf life extension of
chill stored Indian mackerel.
Viji P, et al. J Food Sci Technol. 2015.

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Efficacy of mint (Mentha arvensis) leaf and citrus (Citrus aurantium) peel extracts in retarding the quality changes in Indian mackerel during chilled storage was investigated. Mint leaf
extract showed higher quantity of phenolics and superior in-vitro antioxidant activities than citrus peel extract. Gutted mackerel were given a dip treatment in mint extract (0.5 %, w/v) and
citrus extract (1 % w/v), packed in LDPE pouches and stored at 0-2 °C. The biochemical quality indices viz. total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), trimethylamine nitrogen (TMA-N), free
fattyacids (FFA) were significantly (p < 0.05) lower in mint extract (ME) treated fishes compared to citrus extract (CE) treated and control fishes (C) without any treatment. Plant extract
treatment significantly inhibited lipid oxidation in mackerel as indicated by peroxide value (PV) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). Aerobic plate count (APC) was
markedly higher in C group followed by CE group throughout the storage period. As per sensory evaluation, shelf life of Indian mackerel was determined to be 11-13 days for C group, 13-
15 days for CE group and 16-17 days for ME group, during storage at 0-2 °C.

Some foods are unique in their ability to eliminate fungi and yeast.

The Kaufmann Diet is designed to do two things very effectively. First, it is designed to eliminate foods from the diet that are commonly contaminated with fungi, yeasts, mold,

and the poisonous byproducts the organisms sometimes produce.

These poisons are known as mycotoxins, and they have been shown to have serious, negative effects on human and animal health. Some, such as aflatoxin, are among t he most

carcinogenic, naturally-occurring substances on earth.

Despite how toxic these compounds are, there are still certain foods which they commonly contaminate, even in developed countries like The United States. Some of these

foods include corn, wheat, soy, and other foods.

The Kaufmann Diet’s second goal is to starve any existing pathogenic yeast within the body that may be contributing to any symptoms. In order to do this, the Kaufmann

Diet restricts sugar and foods high in carbohydrates; these are the kinds of food that pathogenic yeasts and fungi thrive on. When these foods are in steady supply, these

organisms can flourish in the body, often causing an array of miserable health symptoms.
While eliminating certain foods that feed pathogenic fungi is important, it is also important to include foods that contain anti-fungal––or fungus-killing––properties. While some

foods, such as lean proteins are useful for starving fungi, they do not necessarily actively kill fungi. This is an important distinction from foods that actively work to kill pathogenic

yeasts and fungi in the body.

Ideally, your diet includes both foods that are good for starving yeast and fungi, and foods adept at killing yeasts and fungi.

Anti-Fungal Foods

In reality, many foods contain powerful, anti-fungal nutrients. These foods just happen to be particularly adept at helping rid the body of pathogenic yeasts a nd fungi.


Garlic contains a variety of anti-fungal compounds, but thealicinin garlic is among the more potent anti -fungal compounds.


Carrots are higher in sugar than most vegetables, but the phytonutrient, falcarinol, is a known, potent fungus killer. For this reason, carrots are included on both The Kaufmann 1 and

Kaufmann 2 diets.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is rich in a compound called caprylic acid, which is known to kill yeasts. Coconut oil is effective also as a top icalanti fungalagent, as well.


Like garlic, ginger contains some excellent fungus fighting compounds, such as gingerols andshogaols.


Onions contain a number of sulfur compounds that may provide some benefit against yeasts and fungi.
Pumpkin Seeds

The fats inherent in pumpkin seeds can help eliminate yeasts and fungi.

Lemon and Lime

These citrus fruits contain loads of vitamin C and can assist in killing yeasts and fungi.

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