WRBS First Quarter Exam

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The key takeaways are that religion helps humans relate to God and find meaning and purpose. It also establishes moral and ethical codes for societies. The main religions discussed are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and their beliefs and practices.

Examples of monotheistic religions include Christianity and Islam which believe in one God. Polytheistic religions like Hinduism believe in multiple gods. Animistic religions like some indigenous beliefs see spiritual beings in nature.

The main religious texts are the Bible for Christianity, the Quran for Islam, and the Torah for Judaism. The Bible provides the basis of faith for Christians.

Department of Education

Region III
Mangga, Candaba, Pampanga
1st Quarterly Examination in English for Academic and
Professional Purposes
S.Y. 2019-2020

Grade and Section: ___________________ Date:_______________________

I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of your chosen answer. (1 point each)

1. What is the main idea of Religion?

A. It is a man’s way of relating himself to other peers.
B. It is a man’s way of relating himself to God.
C. A kind of congregation who focuses on the teachings of philosophers.
D. A kind of association who focuses on the dwellings of the society.
2. It refers to the way of worshiping, to the rituals that are practiced by followers of the religion.
A. Creed C. Wisdom
B. Code D. Worship
3. In Roman Catholicism, which of these choices is the function of the Pope?
A. Runs the Municipality C. Runs the Country
B. Runs the Church D. Runs the School
4. Which of these choices best described Christianity?
A. A religious congregation whose center of beliefs is Jesus Christ our Lord.
B. A religious organization whose center of beliefs is the congregation of people.
C. A kind of congregation who focuses on the teachings of philosophers.
D. A kind of association who focuses on the dwellings of the society.
5. To differentiate religion as human’s way to God, which of them is a reflection of lived experience of God?
A. Philosophy C. Theology
B. Spirituality D. None of the above.
6. Biblus is a Greek word means book, which of these choices says many books?
A. Literature C. Biblia
B. Encyclopedia D. None of the above
7. How do you reflect on the calling of God “to be with Him”?
A. Go to the school daily C. Praying in the church
B. To be with friends D. To be with my beloved
8. Refers to the ethical values and the system of moral practice directly resulting from an adherence to the beliefs.
A. Creed C. Wisdom
B. Code D. Worship
9. Greeks believe in more than one God. What concept of religion does their belief applies?
A. Monotheistic C. Animism
B. Buddhism D. Polytheistic
10. The following are importance of studying religion, EXCEPT?
A. Is to live a good, happier, and better life.
B. Appreciate our own beliefs by seeing them alongside those of others.
C. Work for Ecumenism through a meaningful exchange of ideas between religious groups.
D. Understand differences and see similarities between nations and cultures both political and
11. Jade believes that there is only one God. In what concept of religion does her belief applies?
A. Monotheistic C. Animism
B. Polytheistic D. None of the above
12. Primitive people believe that soul or spirit exist not only in human but also in plants, animals and
inanimate things.
A.Polytheistic C. Monotheistic
B. Animism D. None of the above
13. Which of the following is an example of Polytheistic religion?
A. Hinduism C. Christianity
B. Islam D. Judaism
14. It is the oldest religion in the world.
A. Buddhism C. Hinduism
B. Islam D. Christianity
15. The laws in the Old Testament are called?
A. 5 Pillars C. 10 Commandments
B. Four Noble Truths D. Bill of Rights

II. True or False: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False, write the your
answers on the space provided before the number. (1 point each)

_______16. Theory or Theology is human’s way to God.

_______17.Philosophy is human’s lived experience of God.
_______18.The Arabic name for God is Allah.
_______19. Animism is defined as the general belief in spiritual being.
_______20. Christians believed Muhammad rose to heaven to learn Allah's will.
_______21. Torah is the Holy book of Judaism.
_______22. Islam has the crescent moon and star as its religious symbol.
_______23. Mosque is the place of worship for Judaism.
_______24. Christianity is most widely distributed world’s religion.
_______25. In the Philippines, the Church and the Religion are separated.
_______26. Christians worship in Synagogues.
_______27. Judaism believes in one God.
_______28. Jesus is the Son of god in Christianity
_______29.Hinduism was developed in India.
_______30. The Holy Land acts as a focal point for the pilgrimages of the Abrahamic religions of
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

III. Identification: Identify what religion does the following practices or terms belong. Write the letter
of your answer on the space provided before the number. (1 point each)

A. Christianity B. Judaism C. Islam

_______31. Koran as the central book studied and lived by.

_______32. Jerusalem as Holy Place
_______33. Bible is the basis of faith.
_______34. The one who surrenders to God.
_______35. Uses cross as its religious symbol.
_______36. There is only One God and Jesus is the only Son of God.
_______37. Torah as the central book.
_______38. Uses the Star of David as its religious symbol.
_______39. Followers are called as Muslim.
_______40. 10 Commandments

IV. Essay: Explain the following statements. Minimum of 5 sentences. (5 points each)

41-45. Religion helps man to bear sufferings.

46-50. It serves as a foundation of societal harmony.

“Trust yourself, you know more than what you think you do”---Dr. Spock

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