Post Test Introduction To World Religion and Belief Systems

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Domingo National High School

Calauag, Quezon
Post-Test in Introduction to World Religion and Belief System
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1. For believing in spiritual or nonphysical world, religion is therefore opposed to:
a. Idealism b. Materialism c. Spiritualism
2. Based on the etymology of the word, “religion” means.
a. To tie or bind b. To join again or to reconnect c. To read carefully
3. This refers to the belief that rejects the reality or existence of God or gods.
a. Atheism b. Agnosticism c. Theism
4. This claims that there is only one god.
a. Monotheism b. Dualism c. Polytheism
5. This study the different religions of the world usually “from the outside”.
a. Comparative religion b. Theology c. Religious studies
6. The topography of Judeo-Christian tradition is characterized by vast sacred ___________ which play
significant roles to provide ideal settings to meet God.
a. Mountains b. Rocks c. Thunder
7. Which of the following is the home of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam religions?
a. South Asia b. West Asia c. North Asia
8. Chinese culture and belief system arrived in ___________ and influenced its local culture and indigenous
a. Japan b. Taiwan c. Thailand
9. Confucianism was originally identified with the Ru tradition, which generally meant:
a. Tradition of rituals b. Tradition of scholars c. Tradition of aristocrats
10. Jews are also called “Hebrews” because they are descendants of __________ who was called a Hebrew.
a. Abraham b. Jacob c. Isaac
11. The __________ refers to the systematic state-sponsored killing of six million Jewish men, women, and
children and millions of others by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II.
a. Anti-Semitism b. Holocaust c. Zionism
12. The Roman emperor who converted to Christianity and made it the state religion of the Roman Empire was
a. Marcus Aurelius b. Constantine c. Julius Caesar
13. The Protestant Church developed from the movement of protest against certain practices of the Catholic
Church that was highly inspired by the publication of the Ninety-Five Theses by ___________.
a. Martin Luther b. John Calvin c. John Knox
14. The former prosecutor of Christians who later on became great defender and propagator of the Christian
Faith was ___________.
a. Peter b. John c. Paul
15. The word “Islam” means ___________.
a. Worship of God b. Surrender/submission to God c. Oneness of God
16. Muslims refer to God in Arabic as ___________.
a. Allah b. Tawhid c. Deus
17. Jesus was baptized by ____________.
a. Joseph b. The high priest c. John the Baptist
18. __________ refers to the hatred toward Jews either as a religious or racial group.
a. Anti-Semitism b. Holocaust c. Zionism
19. The terms “Judaism” and “Jews” were derived from the word “Judah”, which was the name of one of the
twelve sons of ___________.
a. Abraham b. Jacob c. Isaac
20. Because it began only in the 17th Century BCE, __________ is considered the youngest of the major
religions in the world.
a. Judaism b. Christianity c. Islam
21. The religions that called Abrahamic faith are ___________.
a. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam b. Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism c. Judaism, Jinism, and
22. It is the principle that maintains that one’s quality of life in the next life is determined by one’s actions in the
present life.
a. Varna b. Samsara c. Karma
23. This Hindu epic is regarded by some Hindus as the fifth Veda and the great story of India.
a. Ramayana b. Mahabharata c. Rama and Sita
24. Like the Jews and Christians, Muslim also believe in___________.
a. The 5 pillars of prayers
b. An afterlife- hell and heaven
c. The bible
25. The tittle “Buddha” means___________.
a. The anointed one b. The enlightened one c. The chosen one
26. Which of the following religions consider the significance and positive view of women?
a. Confucianism b. Taoism c. Shintoism
27. Both the Jews and Christians have the same sacred writings which is the bible called ___________.
a. Talmud b. Torah c. Tanak
28. ___________ refers to the rebirth or repeating cycle of birth, life, and death.
a. Moksha b. Samsara c. Karma
29. The avatar or incarnation of the supreme Hindu God Vishnu in the Bhagavad Gita is _________.
a. Yama b. Krishna c. Yudhisthira
30. The cause of suffering, according to the Four Noble Truths, is ___________.
a. Craving or desire b. Misfortunate c. Immorality
31. The sacred Buddhist text recognized by both Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism is the
a. Tripitaka b. Lotus Sutra c. Heart Sutra
32. It was during the reign of this government that Shinto was made into a national religion:
a. Tokugawa b. Edo c. Meiji
33. When China came to be under their rule, Taoism almost got extinct in China for they abolished Taoist
Temples and prohibited Taoist practices:
a. Democrats b. Communists c. Technocrats
34. The following is a popular Chinese form of exercise and martial art that is closely associated with Taoism:
a. Feng Shui b. Tai Chi c. Quigong
35. This form of Shinto is also regarded as purely religious:
a. State Shinto b. Shrine Shinto c. Sect Shinto
36. Which of the following is a Dharmic Religion?
a. Confucianism and Buddhism b. Hinduism and Buddhism c. Shintoism and Taoism
37. Which of the following religions have no strict set of moral guidelines to follow?
a. Abrahamic Religions b. Dharmic Religions c. Daoic Religions
38. Which of the following religions has no specific God, they only believe in the universe and flow in the way of
nature as their guide?
a. Daoism b. Shintoism c. Confucianism
39. The religion that originated in Japan is __________.
a. Hinduism b. Shintoism c. Jinism
40. The religion that embrace and practice beliefs of many religions in China, India, and Japan.
a. Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Taoism

Prepared By:
Teacher III

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