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Republic of the Philippines

Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology

Institute of Education and Teacher Training (IETT)
Guang-guang, Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental 8200

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education

I. Objectives
At the end of fifty minute period , the pupils should be able to:
a. Talk about famous people , places, events, etc. Using expanding
vocabulary in complete sentences or paragraphs
b. Spell vocabulary words correctly

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic : “Helping my Community ”
b. Reference : Teacher’s Guide -Bamba, Mgtang et.al pp. 375-377
c. Materials : cartolina, pentelpen, manaila papaer printed pictures, laptop,
working sheets

III. Procedure
A. Review
What was our lesson yesterday?

B. Motivation
The teacher will present some pictures of recent happenings in
different parts of the country.

Guiding questions:

1. What does each picture show?

2. What do the people do?
3. What feeling or mood is shown in the picture.
C. Lesson Proper
The teacher will read the conversation

Dina : Did you hear the news today , Roy?

Roy : Yes, I saw on TV how destructive typhoon Yolanda is

Dina : That was terrible A storm surge caused a very high flood that
covered almost all of the places in Tacloban City and some parts of
Leyte and Eastern Samar.

Roy : Have you seen the dead and injured? People were filled with
Ask :
1. : Yes.
What I saw
news did the
andof many
Roy houses and buildings.
2. What caused the high flood in Tacloban City and some parts of Leyte
Roy: We
and have toSamar.
Eastern find ways how we can help the people there.
3. What did Roy want to do?

D. Group activity

The teacher will group the class into 4. Each group must have a leader and a
The teacher will give each group a famous persons, places, events and let them
write sentences about the pictures.

Group 1:

(benguet , hagdang, hagdang palayan)

Group 2:


(Christmas day )

Group 3:
( samapaguita )

Group 4

( Dr. Jose P. Rizal )

(Each group will be given 5 minutes to do their work )

Rubrics :
Content - 10
Delivery - 5
Cooperation - 5
Total 20 points

E. Application

A. “Think. Pair. Share.”

The teacher will instruct the students to reflect on these questions:
1. What should be done when a disaster like typhoon comes?
2. What help can we give the typhoon victims?

Pair up with classmate and talk about these.

Share to the group what you discussed

B. Spell me
The teacher will ask the students to spell the following words:

1. Destructive
2. Typhoon
3. Dead
4. Injured
5. Fear
IV. Evaluation
Direction : Complete each statement with the right word or expression. Based
your answer on the box.

Ruins Destructive

Filled with fear Storm surge

1. Typhoons and earthquakes are _______.They destroy lives and properties

2. The people were ______ as they witnessed armed men fighting.
3. The earthquake left the old churches in __________.
4. Because of the very strong wind, water from the sea rose up to the lands
and caused _________.

V. Assignment
Listen to a news report tonight. In your assignment notebook, write at least
three statements that tell about the news report.

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