ES Parent Bulletin Vol#9 2010 Dec 10

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International School Manila

Volume 09 10 December 2010


DEC Dear Elementary School Parents,
10 Last Day of After School Activities

1st Semester Report Card Distribution We had a great end of first semester assembly this
morning led by our ES Student Council. We had
Student Late Start @ 8.30am
15 students in our strings and choir groups perform,
Early Student Release @ 12pm
along with our second episode of Bamboo Television
End of First Semester ES Edition. Thank you to all of our Student Council
16 - Jan 7 Semester Break members for all of their work and leadership.
10 Start of Second Semester A reminder that our first semester report cards will
be sent out on Wednesday. Students are dismissed
12, 19,
Student Late Start @ 8.30am
26 at 12:00 on Wednesday and class teachers will dis-
ES New Parent Coffee @ 7.30am, ES Faculty tribute the report cards at that time. If you are leav-
Lounge ing for the holiday before Wednesday, please inform
21 ES Parent Bulletin your class teacher and you can either pick up the
25 PTA Bearcat Welcome @ 7.30am, Little Theatre report card after the holiday, or from the school of-
fice during the break. We hope that you find the
UPDATING PARENT CONTACT new report card format to be informative about the
progress your child has been making this year, in-
In order to best serve the ISM Parent cluding their strengths and areas to continue to
Community, it is essential that informa-
tion be quickly disseminated when necessary. For this work towards.
reason, the accuracy of your contact details in our database is
of the utmost importance. Please note that Parent Contact
Information must be updated online by the parent. How- We hope everyone has a great holiday break. Enjoy
ever, submitted information will be screened for correct for- your time with family and friends, and have safe trav-
mat and the parent may be called for clarification. To make
els if you are leaving Manila.
any changes or verification in contact information, please
access one of your children’s data file via the ISM website
( and then under Login, click on Power-
school Public Access and enter your Username and Pass-
word. Yours in Education,

On the page that opens, click on the Demographic Update

icon for changing or updating demographic informa- Simon Gillespie Michael Rourke
tion. Note that if there are siblings also enrolled in ISM,
changes will automatically be made in the data files of all ES Principal ES Assistant Principal
other enrolled siblings in the same family at the same time.
Elementary School Parent Bulletin 10 December 2010

Letter of Confirmation will be sent through the homeroom teachers on:

January 12, 2011 (Wednesday)

Please check your child’s bag or folder. The letter will have your child’s final AFAC Schedule for the Sec‐
ond Semester.


January 17, 2011 (Monday)

On the first week of activities students will be accompanied by their homeroom teachers to the ES
Canteen. The Activity instructors will then accompany them from the cafeteria to their respective ac‐
tivity areas. Campus supervisors will be around the area to provide your child with further assistance.

Tel no: 840‐8485

From Art Department

One-Page School Calendar for
Hi parents.
School Year 2011-2012
The ES art department would like to re‐ is available on the ISM Website.
mind you that we are continually collecting Go to and
recyclable materials to create with. At the click on News & Calendar to
moment we do not require any more download the file.
boxes but would gratefully receive any of
the following‐

Lids Caps, lids

Broken toys Gift wrap
Ribbon Yarn From the Admission Office
Packaging Old tools or uten‐ Dear Parents,
Take away plastic containers with lids or If you will be withdrawing your child(ren) before the start of the sec-
without ond semester or at some other time before the close of this school year,
And any other items you think might be of please read the following information carefully.
use to us.
Withdrawing from International School Manila
Thanks for all of your donations so far this
First of all, we are sorry that you will be withdrawing, or not re-
year. Have an enjoyable holiday season. enrolling, your child in International School Manila. We hope, how-
ever, that their stay, whether for one semester or for many years, was
enriching and rewarding academically, socially and emotionally.
Olivia Jones
ES Art In order to make the withdrawal process go as smoothly as possible,
we would like to remind you of the following:

Elementary School Parent Bulletin 10 December 2010

STEP 1: Please come by the Admission Office to fill out, sign and return a Withdrawal Notification Form. The form is
also available on the ISM website to download and print and it can also be faxed back to the Admission Office at 840-8489.

STEP 2: If the student will be withdrawing BEFORE the last day of this school year, parents or students need to pick up the
following forms from the Admission Office (or download and print the appropriate form):
• The Withdrawal Clearance Slip should be taken to the indicated teachers and offices for signatures.
1. High School Student Withdrawal Clearance Slip (Grades 9-12)
2. Middle School Student Withdrawal Clearance Slip (Grades 6-8)

• For elementary students, the elementary office will handle the withdrawal clearance form for them.
• To receive the child’s YEARBOOK, if withdrawing before the end of the school year, complete and return the correct
form to the child’s school office for follow-up.
1. Elementary School Yearbook: ALAALA
2. Middle School Yearbook: SALINLAHI
3. High School Yearbook: KAWAYAN

• Note that school transcripts and records will be available from the particular school office approximately 5-working
days after the child’s last day of attendance at ISM. Please coordinate directly with the particular school office if
you require other arrangements.

STEP 3: When completed, the Withdrawal Clearance Slip must be taken to the Accounting Office Cashier. Only after
the Accounting Office Cashier has received and signed the completed Withdrawal Clearance Slip will the child’s transcript or school
records be released from the Elementary, Middle or High School Office. Please note that one copy of the transcript is provided free
of charge, additional copies cost P100 each, payable at the Cashier’s Office before release. Please coordinate directly with the
particular school office if you require more than one copy of school records.

STEP 4: The refund of the Facilities Upgrade Deposit (FUD) will be available approximately 15-working days after the
signed Withdrawal Notification Form, by the parent, is given into the Admission Office. However, in any event, it cannot be re-
leased before the child’s last day of attendance at ISM and the completed Withdrawal Clearance Slip is signed by the Cashier. The
refund check can be picked up from the Accounting Office Cashier only upon return of the original signed FUD certificate. Note
that the refund of the deposit shall only be made to the person or authorized company representative whose name appears as the cer-
tificate holder on the certificate. Please call the Cashier if you have any question about this.

Please allow the withdrawal process to go smoothly by starting the process early. Thank you for your help and understanding.

If you need help searching for a school at your next location, please try one of the following websites:
• or use a search engine and query ‘independent school search’ or ‘international school search’ or ‘private school search’
for example

Again, we hope that your child has had a successful and enriching stay at International School Manila and we wish you and your
family the very best in the future. If you have any suggestions or comments about Admission, School Life, and/or Withdrawal,
please do not hesitate to contact me.


Gary W. Jerome Margie Endelman

Director of Admission Deputy Director of Admission
[email protected] [email protected]

Elementary School Parent Bulletin 10 December 2010

From the Environmental Council

Elementary School Parent Bulletin 10 December 2010

From the ATAC Office

MS 2nd Season Sports awards Feb 9th
IASAS Basketball will be taking place at ISM Jan 27-
29, 2011 and housing placements are now being ac- HS 2nd Season Sports awards Feb 11th
cepted. As of this week we have 45 students housed
but we require 100 housing slots in total.
All 1st season athletes who were housed this is your BEARCAT DEN:
time to fulfill your responsibility and offer housing for Regular Opening Hours for the Bearcat Den:
Basketball. All varsity and jv basketball teams should
also have returned housing forms by now as well. We Mon, Wed and Fridays from 11:30am – 1:00pm and
welcome offers of housing from anyone in our ISM 2:30pm – 4:00pm.
community. Please support the ATAC Department by
getting these forms in ASAP. It would be great to have Tues and Thurs afternoons from 2:30-4pm. Thanks to all
the housing completed before we go on Christmas our great volunteers. The Bearcat Den will go into
break! Go Bearcats show your pride and support of the Christmas hibernation from Tuesday Dec 14 and will
program and get behind our teams by hosting a pair of reopen on Wednesday Jan 12th 2011.
visiting players from our IASAS sister schools. Housing
forms are available from ATAC office or on the ATAC
Blog at
Mark Pekin
2011/ Athletics & Activities Director

Information about all mid week/weekend fixtures for
ISM teams can be found by going to the GAME
SCHEDULE tab on the ATAC page of the ISM website.
You can also access this information via the ES/MS/HS
divisional web pages. Please note the game schedule
does change often due to involvement with many local
schools so please check the page regularly to find out
the latest information of where and when the Bearcats
teams are playing. Access to the game schedule page
is also available via the ATAC blog. Click on the Bear-
cat logo to be directed to the game schedule


match/schedule details check game schedule
page as above)
PRFU Rugby Tournament at ISM HS field from 8am
MS/JV rugby teams competing Dec 11th
Varsity Touch at Nomads Tournament from 1pm Dec
Varsity/JV Tennis at CSA Dec 11
MS Girls Tennis at ISM Dec 11
Wall climbing Invitational at ISM MS Gym Dec 11
Last Day of School for 2010 DEC 15th Noon dismissal

Elementary School Parent Bulletin 10 December 2010

From the PTA

Football for Good

The Street Athlete Youth Committee is currently work-

ing in cooperation with Football for Good. “Football for
Good” aims to bring football to the poor communities of
the Philippines as well as to orphanages, street children
centers, and various institutions and shelters like Tuloy
sa Don Bosco Street Children Village, Manila Boys
Town, Nayon ng Kabataan, Sisters of Mary Boys Town
& Girls Town and Philippine Christian Foundation. It is
a project that uses football to bring people together
through the sport that they love. “Football for Good”
actively enhances life skills through sport by empower-
ing the youth to positively influence their lives and the
lives of others. The discipline and hard work involved
promotes and develops essential life skills such as char-
acter, a healthy lifestyle, teamwork and self confidence.
The enjoyment, dedication and commitment achieved
will provide them with a sense of hope for their future.
This project consists of several teams of children who
are 12-16 years old. Currently, “Football for Good”
From the Security & Operations Office supports 16 teams, however only 12 of them are being

We are in the process of finding the

necessary assistance to sponsor a team
to enable them to take part in the
games, training and opportunities that
this project has to offer. If you have
old soccer cleats you have grown
out of or no loger use, please drop
them off at the ES Office.

This year, the “Street Athlete Youth Committee” will be

working with a specific team called the MR Mendiola
Team from Taytay, Rizal, Philippines. On December
15th, ISM will be hosting a soccer match with the kids
from the MR Mendiola Team. It will be held in the af-
ternoon and is open to everyone to come watch.

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