DR Okafor PDF
DR Okafor PDF
DR Okafor PDF
Background of the Study
Plantain is a crop plant with green leaves and herbaceous stem. Its fruits are
cherished by many people in Abia and Imo States. Rasheed (2003) stated that more than
60 plantain varieties have been identified. The author stressed that these varieties can all
be grouped into Giant French, Medium or Small French and Dwarf French plantains.
Davies (2006) highlighted species of plantain as Musa sapentium and Musa paradisiaca.
Ogazi (1996) also said that plantain belongs to the Eumusa of the genus Musa (family
Musaceae) with species Musa sapentium and Musa paradisiaca. Agbakoba (2001)
highlighted that plantain species are classified either by bunch type, floral size or size of
the pseudostem (false stem). The author classified bunch type and floral size based on
their characteristics into: french plantain, french horn plantain, horn plantain, false horn
plantain and further classified the size of the pseudostem into: giant plantain, medium
The specie of plantain mostly grown in the area of study is false horn plantain. It
usually produces heavier bunches and greater number of fruits than others. This variety
has similar methods of production like other species. Plantain as contained in Food and
Agricultural Organization (FAO) report (2003) can be eaten in many forms either ripe or
unripe. The author stressed that unripe fruit can be boiled or roasted, eaten with oil or
vegetable; it can also be boiled and pounded or mixed with boiled yams and eaten as
fufu. The ripe fruits can be eaten alone or fried, used for garnishing rice. Plantain is
ground into powder and prepared into food paste called amala which is eaten with
suitable soup. Morton (2006) stated that plantain flour can be mixed with wheat flour to
make bread, cake and biscuits. Ekunwe and Ajayi (2010) stated that many people have
such as puree, flour, jam, jelly, chips, crisps, flakes, vinegar and wine. The author further
said that though plantain fruit is the main economic product, but parts of the crop plant
can be used as food, fodder or as raw materials for the industries used for manufacturing
acids. The leaves are also used for wrapping food items. Adewole and Duruji (2010)
stated that plantain fruit is composed of 75 per cent liquid of different elements and 32
per cent of carbohydrates. It contains several vitamins including A, B, C and is very low
in protein and fat but rich in minerals particularly iron. Also, it is free from cholesterol,
It was reported by Opeke (2006) that plantain is useful in the cure of different
diseases such as cardio vascular and kidney problems, dehydration in infants and diabetic
patients or people with arthritis and gastro-intestinal ulcers. Skinner (2005) stated that the
fruit of plantain is used to treat asthma and bronchitis, diarrhea and constipation; the peel
of riped plantain has antiseptic properties and is used to prepare a poultice for wounds or
even applied directly to a wound in an emergency; leaves of plantain have been used
medicinally for a range of disorder from headache to urinary track infections, the stem
juice was considered as a remedy for gonorrhea. The fruit is easy to carry and peel, it is
of great value to sports men and women as a quick and healthy method of replenishing
energy. In agriculture, plantain products such as the fruits or peels are used as feed for
animals; the peels are used as organic manure by farmers. The dead leaves and
pseudostems of plantain are used for mulching or allow to decay to form organic manure.
Based on the value of plantain as stated above, the farmer involved in plantain
A farmer is an individual that cultivates a piece of land for the purpose of growing
crops and rearing animals. Amusa (2009) defined a farmer as a person who owns or
manages an area of land and buildings on it, for growing crops and/or keeping animals.
Uga (2006) said that a farmer is one who owns his farm and some of the resources and he
is the one who determines priorities. In situations where the farmer is illiterate, the
setting of priorities and determining how to maximize income along with some other
welfare objectives may depend on the advice of an extension agent. In the context of this
study, a farmer is an individual who cultivates land for the production of plantain at
commercial scale. The farmer obtains relevant farm information from the extension
institute to farmers for implementation and also taking the problems of farmers to the
research institute for solutions. These farmers use simple farm tools and family labour in
plantain production. Family labour is sum of work performed by the entire household in
the cultivation and processing of plantain. The researcher observed that most of the
farmers in the study area grow plantain as intercrop and abandon them in the bush after
the harvest of the main crop. The plantain crops in the bush now compete with weeds for
nutrients and struggle with pests and diseases for survival which resulted to low
demand they need to be assessed on what they possessed to determine the existing
discrepancy. Need assessment according to Olaitan and Ali (1997) is a data gathering and
analysis process technique which provide information for curriculum modification and
programme evaluation. Need assessment focused on concept that the significance needs
of any educational system must be determined empirically through data gathering and
analysis in order to identify the discrepancy between "what is" and "what it should be."
Therefore, when "what it should be" to be effective is lacking, there is need for
than before. Galesburg (2007) stated that improved performance on the job by the
employee needs to be consistent and continuous in their use of tools, equipment and
machines. The author also advocated for adequate supervision of activities of workers by
knowledge and skills in the use of facilities. Therefore, for farmers in the study area to
necessary or very useful. In view of Omeh (2010) a need is something required to fill an
existing essential gap. The author further explained need gap as what one requires in
order to meet a target standard. This gap needs to be identified to enable adequate
provision of relevant retraining programme for the farmers to make them become
employee performance and business profit. The author suggested that the entrepreneur is
expected to apply strategic planning to assess if the opportunities provided for growth
are worthwhile and how they could be successfully exploited. The author stressed that
performance of a task through the use of knowledge, skill, attitude and judgment. The
authors emphasized that competency can also be referred to as the state of being
and Graham (2001) involves training situation where trainees have to attain a small
number of specific and job-related competencies. This ensures that participants build
explained by Taba in Olaitan (2003) lays emphasis on knowledge, skills, attitudes and
judgment which is generally required for successful performance of task rather than all
the components comprising the tasks. The author stated that competency-based analysis
involve the identification of relevant elements and using them to carry out some works.
To be competent means that individual has acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes
which are required for performing successfully at a specified proficiency level in any
given work. Entrepreneurial competency in the context of this study refers to identified
knowledge and skills in plantain production that are organized sequentially in the way
that a learner could master them and in addition with business knowledge and skill that
would be used to pilot these competencies into economic success in plantain nursery,
competencies are also required to sustain the farmers in commercial plantain production
for livelihood.
of Tropical Agriculture IITA (2008) is the cultivation of large expanse of land with
plantain plants of different species growing in it for commercial purpose. It requires huge
investment of capital, labour and good managerial ability in order to ensure the
way, the report of FAO (2003) described commercial plantain production as that type of
production in which products are primarily meant for market. This implies that
production of plantain at commercial scale goes beyond production for food for
quantity for market to make profit by the farmers. Commercial plantain production could
be informed of an enterprise.
The production of plantain in Abia and Imo States have been regarded by the
people as a viable enterprise hence they are eager to become involved in it profitably.
body which maybe one person, a family, a company or co-operative for a particular
business operations, undertaken by a farmer and his family in the cultivation of plantain
In the study area, plantain production enterprises include plantain nursery, plantain
provide jobs not only for farmers but also for secondary school graduates. Secondary
school graduates in the view of Onuka (2003) are school leavers who have completed the
senior school certificate programme some of who may continue their studies in the higher
institutions or may decide to enter into occupational fields. In the context of this study,
secondary school graduates are those individuals that have completed six years of
secondary school but could not secure admission into any higher institution or secure
employment in any farm related occupation due to lack of interest and skills in farming.
These unemployed secondary school graduates are found mostly in cities and urban
towns in the area of study such as Aba, Okigwe, Orlu, Owerri among others roaming
about the streets or found at motor parks or other public places as tout seeking for daily
cases they constitute menace to the society. These unemployed secondary school
graduates could have benefited in commercial plantain production if they were mobilized
Plantain is one of the fruit crops that are of high importance to people of Abia and
Imo states. It serves as food for human beings; while the peels serve as feed for animals.
The benefit of plantain to man and animals has increased the demand for plantain in the
area of study; based on this, government of Abia and Imo states have always encouraged
secondary school teachers to teach students plantain production as major crop in order to
improve its availability. Onuka (2008) reported that the curriculum of Agricultural
science in secondary school was broad and made little provision for mastering of crop
plantain to students based on the congestion of the curriculum and interest of the teachers
to teach students for passing external examination. Many students graduated from
occupation. The unemployed secondary school graduates migrate to urban cities where
there are no jobs, causing nuisance such as kidnapping, militancy, stealing and all other
vices; thereby making the study area insecure for life and property. These unemployed
secondary school graduates in the cities therefore, could be mobilized and trained with
identified and packaged into programmes for training them for employment in different
plantain enterprises.
Presently, in the area of study farmers who are involved in plantain production
grow plantain as intercrop with either cocoyam or maize or cassava, when the major crop
is harvested, plantain is abandoned in the farm without care. The crop continues to
compete with weeds, insects and nutrients for survival and at the end develop plantain
with low yield and poor quality. Imo Agricultural Development Programme (ADP)
(2007) reported that government through the extension agents provided farmers with
inputs like fertilizer, improved plantain seedlings and financial assistance. The farmers
diverted these inputs to growing cassava, cocoyam and yam that have almost the same
maturing periods with plantain; while still growing plantain as an intercrop. Therefore,
the low yield and poor quality of plantain still persist. Onuka (2003) reported that
government of Abia and Imo states respectively established skill acquisition centres for
skilled jobs like hair dressing, carpentry among others for equipping people with skills
for work. In these acquisition centres, there were no programmes on plantain production
identified and packaged into entrepreneurial programmes for integration into skill
acquisition centres for training unemployed secondary school graduates for employment
The major purpose of the study was to identify and package entrepreneurial
for employment and retraining farmers in commercial plantain production in Abia and
needed improvement
needed improvement.
graduates for success in employment and retraining farmers for proficiency in any
plantain enterprise.
8. Package the competencies identified for each enterprise for training secondary
The findings of the study were of benefit to Abia and Imo States government;
graduates for employment and farmers for improvement which have been packaged into
competency training programme. The government could direct the skill acquisition
centres to integrate the identified and packaged plantain production programmes into skill
acquisition centres for training secondary school graduates for employment and retraining
for employment and farmers for improvement. The administrators could integrate the
packaged programmes into the skill acquisition centres for training of secondary school
The findings of this study is useful to curriculum planners as they could use it as a
agriculture in plantain production enterprises especially those who are interested in future
agents for retraining the farmers at skill acquisition centres or through small plot
Research Questions
management enterprise?
7. What are the competencies in training needed by trainers for training secondary
school graduates for success in employment and retraining farmers for proficiency
Three null hypotheses were formulated for this study. They were tested at 0.05
level of significance:
nursery enterprise.
for employment and retraining farmers for proficiency on the job. Collection of data was
restricted to the use of questionnaire for obtaining information from the agricultural
science teachers, extension agents and farmers, on the three plantain production
The review of related literature was presented under the following sub-headings.
• Conceptual Framework
• Commercial plantain production
• Approaches to Identification of Competencies
- Job analysis
- Task analysis
- Modular analysis
- Competency based analysis
- Occupational area analysis
- Functions of industry analysis
- Need assessment
- Need gap
- Improvement
• Theoretical framework
- Occupational Theory
- Training Theory
• Literature on:
• Planning plantain production enterprise,
• Plantain nursery practice enterprise,
• Plantain plantation management enterprise,
• Plantain processing and marketing enterprise and,
• Training for any plantain production enterprise
• Related empirical studies
• Summary of literature review.
Conceptual Framework
Concept as defined by Eboh (2009) is the distinctive meaning of a term; that is, it
can be inform of phrase or a single word. According to Khan (1999) concept is an idea or
philosophical term that refers to general ideas. Concept in this study refers to general
ideas used for expressing or given meaning to certain words or phrases that may present
more than one idea to somebody. The idea that best expresses what the researcher is
conveying to the readers is termed a concept in this study. Eboh (2009) defined
mechanisms and relationship deducible from the research problems. In this study,
conceptual framework refers to relationship that exists among the concepts that help to
explain the ideas and principles in plantain production enterprises (See Fig. 2 page 36).
i. Job analysis
Need Assessment
Need Gap
sale, intended for widespread distribution to wholesalers or retail outlets (FAO, 2006)
report. The report stated that it involves farming system which is performed on a large
scale, with the help of machines like tractors and so on. Robinson (1996) emphasized that
immediate family members but rather production of plantain in large quantity for market
The report of FAO (1990) showed that commercial plantain production differs
maximization of plantain yields per hectare through synthetic and natural resources
(fertilizers, hybrid seeds, irrigation and so on). In the report of IITA (2004), commercial
relatively large amounts of capital or labour are applied to relatively smaller areas of land
which relatively large amounts of capital or labour investment are applied to relatively
large areas of land for plantain production. At times, the land is left fallow to regain its
Job Analysis
Job analysis in the view of Olaitan (2003) is a detail listing of duties, operations
and skills necessary to perform a clearly defined job, such operations and skills are
organized into a logical sequence which may be used for teaching, employment or
classification purposes. The author further stated that job analysis is a statement of facts
concerning a job which reveals its content and modifying factors which surround it.
Hernandez (2002) stated that job analysis is a process of identifying and determining in
detail the particular job, duties and requirements and the relative importance of those
duties for a given job. The author further stated that job analysis is a detailed description
of the physical and other demands of a job or job goal based on direct observation of the
job and it describes what the worker does in terms of activities, functions and the workers
task involved.
3. Estimates traits which differentiate success on the job from the success on the
others and furnishing of preliminary estimated in selecting persons for the job.
In view of Guide (2001), job analysis data may be collected from the incumbents
specification of the job and not of the person. The author therefore enumerates the
purposes, methods of job analysis and aspect of a job that could be analyzed as follows:
a. Purpose of job analysis: According to the author, is to establish and document the
b. Training need assessment: Job analysis, the author said is used in training "need
methods of training. The author added that job analysis can be used in
compensable job factors, work environment (e.g. hazard and attentions, physical
positions; Appropriate salary level for the position to help determine what salary
d. For performance review: The author stressed that job analysis is used in
According to Onah (2003) steps in job analysis are as follows: Identify the use to
which the information will be put since this will determine type of data you collect and
how you collect them; Review relevant background information such as organizational
chart, and shows how the job in question relates to overall organization; Selection
activities required, employee behaviour working condition, human traits and abilities
needed to perform the job; Review the information with job incumbents; Develop a job
description and job specification, job description is a written statement that describes the
activities and responsibilities of the job. Job specification summarizes the personal
qualities traits, skills and background required for getting the job done. Fines and
classification. In view of Hernandez (2002) steps in conducting job analysis are: Review
formal job documentation; Understand the organization's strategy and culture; Find out
who the top achievers are and understand why they are successful; Check that you have
the people and resources to do the job; Confirm priorities with your boss and take action.
Job analysis is related to this study as it guided the researcher in identifying skill
Task Analysis
to reach a goal. Task as explained by Mager in Olaitan (2003) is a set of logically related
action required for the completion of a job. The author described task analysis as listing
of all the steps involved in each task in terms of what the person does when performing
Task analysis as stated by Osuala (1999) is the procedure of breaking down job
activities to determine the teachable content in terms of operations, tools, processes and
of difficulty. Task analysis in the view of Martijin (2008) is statement of all facts
concerning a task which reveals its content and the modifying factors which surround it.
It is an attempt to list the skills, knowledge and attitudes the learner must be taught if he
is to learn a trade. Carmen and Marucci (2003) described task analysis as detailed listing
of duties, operations and skills necessary to perform a task. The author maintained that
such operations and skills are organized into logical sequence and may be used for
training and employment. Task analysis in the opinion of Ogwo (1996) is used to select
training curriculum if trainers want to produce workers with skills. In view of Onuka
2) Selecting valid curriculum content for training programme and evaluating the
performance of employee.
1) Provides basis for collecting interrelated information about work in order to allocate
breaking work into smaller components and is derived from an occupational area; the
occupational area is broken down into tasks which are subdivided into sub-tasks. Task
analysis as further explained by the authors involves developing a list of tasks that are
ii. Task clarification: the task clarification involves critical examination of skills
iii Task detailing: this involves breaking of skills into minute parts for handling
during training
iv Task fixing or sequencing: Task sequencing is when tasks are arranged logically
In the view of Hackos and Reddish (1998), task analysis examines what a user is
required to do in terms of action and cognitive process to achieve in a task. The authors
further explained that task analysis makes possible to design and allocate task
appropriately within the system; the functions to be included within the system and the
user interface can then be specified. The authors further listed the following steps of
iii. Draw the sub-task as layered diagram ensuring that it is complete; iv. Continue the
breaking process ensuring that the breaking and numbering are consistent;
v. Present the analysis to someone also who has not been involved in breaking but
In the submission of Watkins (2007) the following are steps in conducting task
iv. Show notes to user: this is to ensure that the representations are correct;
v. It is advisable to go through the preliminary description with the users and input
to the design;
vi. The task analysis diagram can be used directly in discussions about the system
being considered.
The task analysis is suitable for this study because it enables a programme to be
broken into tasks and other teachable skill activities adaptable for students and teachers.
It guided the researcher in organising the identified competencies into relevant tasks in
Modular Analysis
will sufficiently equip the trainee with skills for employment and that it is for immediate
goal attainment and it involves short training period. The author further stated that it
a more traditional system of training in order to ensure quality control. Olaitan and Ali
entry level competencies of students. Anyanwu, Nzewi and Akudolu (2004) stated that
objectives, assessment content, assignment or activities, the authors stated further that
typical learning modules are assigned to enable students move through the content
Chermish and Scott (2002) outlined the importance of modular approach as:
3. Strengthen the ability of the learner to work independently and promoting active
Brophy (2000) identified steps necessary in a modular analysis as: i. Identify the
major concepts to be explained in the course; ii. Establish learning objectives from
taxonomy categories, iii. In this step the list of concepts are transformed into actions that
instructor; iv. Prioritizing the Content; the goal of this step is to identify how critical this
content is towards achieving the major learning outcome for the course; v. Designing
This should not be abstract to enable students noticed the connection between
ii. Listing the task to be performed by the target population on the job;
v. Organizing the selected skills and knowledge into suitable learning units and
developing the training design including brief outline of module content and
vi. Draft expanded outlines of modules including instructional objectives, main body
vii. Experts providing realistic examples and information used in the exercise;
activities into training modules; based on this information, modular analysis is suitable
for unit by unit arrangement of learning activities in plantain production enterprises for
training of secondary school graduates and retraining of farmers with reference to new
process of designing and delivering strategies which help a student to acquire knowledge,
skills and attitudes needed for successful entry into an employment, it involves arranging
measurable objective expressed in form of knowledge and skills that learners have to
master within a given time frame. Competency based analysis in the view of Marrelli,
Tondora and Hoge (2005) is the process designed with the aim that each learner acquires
knowledge, skills, attitude and values essential to be competent. The author explained
further that competency-based analysiss is a set of related behaviours that impact job
training and development. According to Anne, Janis and Michael (2005) competency
based analysis is an organizing framework that lists knowledge, skills, attitude and
judgment required for effective performance of a specific job, job family (i.e. group of
1. Being superior to other approaches such as job analysis method, task analysis
and facilitate a broad application of the same model through out the
2. It generates success profiles of job, the breadth and flexibility built into
competency based approaches are consistent with the need for strategic
which is expected to be more valid, reliable and acceptable to raters and ratees.
as follows:
1. Helping teachers to make decisions relative to what to teach, when to teach it, how
2. Helping teachers to organize knowledge and skill for each task into a hierarchy
and it assures educators that what they are providing about vocational education is
steps are:
iii. Determine what one would need to know and do in order to perform the identified
v. State what would be done in order to master each skill and knowledge
questions are to be answered and these are why is there a need to develop a
competency approach; what is the unit of analysis; what is the relevant time
2. Obtain the support of sponsor (i.e. one who will provide information, resources
4. Plan the methodology: This involves selecting the sample of individuals who will
contribute data for the project, as well as the methods to be used to obtain data.
5. Identify the competencies and create the competency model: This involves three
6. Apply the competency model: The worth of competency model lies in its
7. Evaluate and update the competency model: After development and application,
it is important to evaluate both the competency model development process and the
value of the resulting approach to the organization. In view of Anne, Janis and
iii. Conducts the interview with people who are currently doing the job,
v. Facilitate meetings with people in the organization who are visionaries i.e. people
who really know the jobs, the organization and most importantly the feature of
production enterprise for training secondary school graduates and retraining of farmers
for competencies in plantain production enterprises. Therefore this study identified with
it and the competency based analysis helped the researcher in identifying relevant
members of a society that directly and indirectly yield social and financial consequences
and that constitute a major focus in the life of an adult. In the opinion of Taba in Olaitan
et al (1999) occupational analysis is concerned with listing of all the job as well as
knowledge, skill and attitude, the learner must learn to enable him/her gain entry and
The author stated that some occupations may require competent workers in
planning, organizing, marketing such that the competent personnel who are the experts
and along with other groups combine their efforts towards achieving stated objectives of
the enterprises. For instance, plantain Nursery production enterprise may require
processing enterprise. These professionals along with other staff of the enterprise work to
realize the objectives of each enterprise. The implication of this overlap in technical
competencies is that marketers in one occupational area can offer their services in another
and vice versa (Ehiametalor, 1999). This has serious implications in training and
retraining of secondary school graduates and plantain farmers respectively. For better
Nurser Practice
Plantain plantation
In the contribution of Baker (1996) the identified competencies were common and
to some extent necessary for initial employment in a number of related jobs and or
occupations. The author added that the analysis maybe of good use in curriculum of skill
occupation that involves levels of technical knowledge for efficient performance of the
as follows:
1. Providing an overview of a sector and the common job roles and key occupational
2. Identify any overlaps or gaps in the coverage of existing occupation and identify
where amendment might be necessary and helping to define occupational areas for
etc in the different occupation but with overlapping competencies may be trained on the
same enterprise skill model on planning, marketing, accounting with slight variation to
suite their occupational area. In the report of Human Resource Partnerships Directorate
(HRPD) (2000) the following steps are applicable to occupational area analysis
Define the scope of the occupation or skill set »J» Investigate appropriate methods
of development
Educational institution
Distance learning
The following steps are applicable to occupational analysis according to the report
of the joint International labour organization (ILO) and World Health Organization
(WHO) (2003):
1. Plan and develop occupational programme that will be in line with the policy
of the occupation.
- Induction training
- Skill training
Occupational area analysis is relevant for this study in order to reduce cost and
wastage of time especially when the situation involves planning and marketing across
enterprises. It helped the researcher to identify areas of overlap in the enterprises where
participants in many enterprises could be train together in order to save time and
resources; such areas include planning and marketing within each enterprise that is
planning in plantain nursery, plantation and processing could be trained together, the
operations that must be performed somewhere in the total business or industry in order
according to the demand of the industry or occupation. The author further said that these
tasks or activities form the curriculum content of a training programme for preparing
personnel that can work in similar industry or occupations, provided that adequate and
programme where none has existed before such as zero programme. It can also be used to
example a programme may be developed in crop production, but any time the
programme is not needed again, can be changed to another e.g. animal production. Finch
and Crunkiton (1984) enumerated the steps in functions of industry analysis as:
i. Define the purpose of the industry and identify the essential functions to be
iv. Group the activities and competencies into compatible areas for the purpose of
developing the proper educational mix required to prepare personnel for the
v. A jury of experts should examine the curriculum content and verify its
This study sought information from research centres, farmers and processors of
plantation management, processing and marketing. The study helped the researcher to
Need Assessment
used in determining the various areas of need or discrepancies in education. The author
further stated that need assessment is based on the notion that the relevance of education
must be empirically determined and should identify the discrepancy between "what is"
and "what it should be." Olaitan and Ali (1997) described need assessment as data
gathering and analysis process technique for providing information for curriculum
modification and programme evaluation. The authors stressed the need assessment is
conducted for variety of reasons in educational setting and for the purpose of identifying
different types of needs served by a particular educational system. The authors stated
v. identify the educational areas where desired outcomes have not been attained.
farmers' competency for their retraining i.e, the gap between the competencies they
Need Gap
Need gap in the view of Chuta (1992) is what one requires in order to meet a target
standard; that gap to be filled constitutes a need. Omeh (2010) stated that need gap is a
discrepancy between a current state of affairs and a desired future state. Okeme,
Ifeanyieze and Eze (2009) explained that need gap is the difference between the real
retraining need of the farmers, the need gap must be known through assessment,
therefore the technique of obtaining the need gap as explained by the authors above serve
as a guide to the researcher to obtain the need gap of farmers in plantain production
enterprises. This identified need gaps in competencies where they exist constitutes
improvement needs.
development. The author added that improvement is concerned with promotion in desired
qualities or progress towards what is better. Robinson (2006) stated that improvement is
that will make the farmers become proficient or perform better on the job after retraining.
The conceptual frame work of the study is summarized by the schema below.
The conceptual frame work of the study is summarized by the schema below.
Need Gap
production have three (3) major enterprises (plantain nursery, plantation management,
processing and marketing) each is made up modules with task and competencies
analysis, occupational area analysis and function of industry analysis. These modules are
packaged into programmes for each enterprise and utilizable for training secondary
school graduates for occupation in relevant enterprises. The packaged programmes can
also be utilized for retraining farmers after need assessment have been carried out on the
farmers to determine their need gap for retraining which will bring about improvement.
events. The author maintained that statement may take the form of descriptive or
group of interrelated principles and concepts which provides a framework for significant
knowledge. Williams and Jensen (1997) also defined theory as an idea that is intended to
explain certain things or happenings. The authors further explained that theories are
concepts upon which phenomenon are explained. In the context of this study, a theory is
1. Occupational theory.
2. Training theory
Occupational theory
members of a society that directly and indirectly yielded social and financial
consequences and that constitute a major focus in the life of an adult. Occupation as
stated by Mark-Wardt (2001) is what a person devotes one's self to do especially one's
regular work, employment, trade, job, pursuit or means of getting a living. Occupation in
the view of Barnhart (1995) is the work a person does regularly to earn his living. The
author stated further that occupation is a principal activity in one's life which one does to
earn money and activity that serves as one's regular sources of living. Olaitan and Ali
(1997) defined occupation as a number of related jobs that an individual does to earn a
Value in the view of Robinson (1999) is the quality of being useful or desirable,
the degree of usefulness or desirability of a thing. Olaitan, et al, in Dumbiri (2011) stated
that occupation must have value that attracts individual into it, which may be economic,
social or prestige. Okorie (2000) stated that the value of occupational education depends
on the ability of the individual to use the training in gainful employment in any
occupation and that if he cannot get such in any occupation; the training is of no value to
his economic or social life. In this study, the occupational theory of value has relevance
as plantain production enterprise is occupation that has economic value to the people of
Abia and Imo States. Therefore, the major beneficiary of this study such as secondary
school graduates and farmers could earn sufficient money from it for their living. The
plantain enterprises for training secondary school graduates and retraining farmers for
individual must be trained to ensure long employment for living. The author stated that
process for the purpose of practice and mastery. In the view of Ogwo and Oranu (2006)
an occupation must have job clusters with specific skill elements within the occupation to
prevent unemployment. Okoro (1999) stated that for every occupation, there is a
The theory guided the researcher in identifying the skill aspect of the
broken down to into competency elements and list of competencies drawn up. The author
stated further that learning is planned and guided, therefore, what is to be learnt must be
specified in advance and it should be implemented and evaluated. Eneogwe (1996) stated
that body of knowledge is the content or subject matter to be studied, "what" of the study
logically during training for the purpose of mastery. The author stated further that
certificate or recognition cannot be guaranteed; that is, occupation must have contents
that are logically arranged for training of secondary school graduates and retraining
Okorie (2000) observed that for every occupational field, there are specific skills,
body of knowledge and attitudes required to progress in the field; and in planning
occupational instructions for a group of students, the teacher must base his instructional
materials on:
The capabilities and competencies that are needed by all workers in the enterprises;
Attitudes common to an occupational field; Level of skills which are specific to the job a
combining unit elements of the job. In this study, body of knowledge consist of identified
competency elements, logically arranged into modules and packaged into programmes in
Training Theory
employee to acquire basic skills required for the efficient execution of the function for
which he was hired. McNamara (2007) stated that training involves an expert working
with learners to transfer to them certain areas of skill to enable them improve in their
current job.
Some theories have been formulated, and used in the development of work skills
needed for preparing tasks in different jobs. These theories are stated in the form of
guides to trainees in related enterprises (Uko, 2010). Training theories relevant to this
1. Training will be efficient on the job if the environment where the learner is trained
conditions where he is going to work, that is, where he is going to make use of the
environment with farm conditions such as the school farm instead of the
a farmer without farming conditions such as tools, planting materials and land as
conditions for training or train a football player without a ball, football butts and
field. In the context of this study, the secondary school graduates will not be
land for training him for competencies in plantain production and demonstrate his
markets where to sell to make money. This theory guided the researcher to
identify suitable materials and environment for training for success in plantain
2. Training will be efficient if operations during training are carried out in the same
way with the same tools and machines as it should be on the job in the field. In the
view of Olaitan, et, al (1999) training can only be achieved where training jobs are
carried on in the same way with the same tools, operations and machines as in
occupation itself. The authors further stated that the acquisition of knowledge in
equipment habits, doing habits or work methods of operation and process habits in
knowledge and skills in the use of machines, equipment, tools and technicalities
school graduates and retraining the farmers for success in plantain production
effectiveness. This study guided the researcher to identify those materials e.g tools,
equipment among others that are necessary for producing plantain in the field
must be master of the subject matter, method and psychology of learning for him
to play his role effectively, that is he must have the knowledge of what he is to
teach, select appropriate methods and should have knowledge of the behavior of
the learners. Olaitan, et, al (1999) stated that training will be effective if the only
the occupation if the learners must learn and acquire the relevant competencies
In training secondary school graduates for employment and retraining farmers for
proficiency on the job, the instructor must be competent in the relevant competencies in
production enterprises.
succeeds well in an enterprise without adequate planning. Anyanwu, Nzewi and Akudolu
(2004) defined planning as a decision making process about what, how and how much to
be produced in any enterprise. Planning in the opinion of Igbinosa (2002) is the selection
of enterprise objective and department goals and finding ways of achieving them. The
author further stated that planning depend on what to do, how to do it and who should do
it. Olaitan and Mama (2001) stated that planning as a deliberate attempt by the farmers to
arrange and document farm activities in order, before implementing them. They
expressed that planning activities consider certain things such as farm land and its
available for successful farm operations, market demands for the crop and livestock to be
produced. The authors outlined the importance of planning as: it guides the farmer on the
effective way of utilizing available meager resources for its activities such as land,
money and labour; it guides the farmer on the type and size of crops to grow or livestock
to keep; it enables the farmer to direct his farm resources towards meeting demands for
agricultural product; it enables the farmer make adjustments in his farming efforts based
on available information on school and market demands for his products; farm planning
enables the farmer adjust his efforts to suit available technology to .meet school and
market demands; it allows the farmer to maintain a sort of agricultural pattern suitable for
the school farm operation; it enables the farmer to cope with the problem of risk and
ii. Revising the objectives of the farm periodically based on the demand and supply
of the products
iv. Deciding on the farming and cropping system to adopt on the farm
vi. Selection of soil conservation practices for application in the school farm
In the view of Anyanwu, et al (2004) the steps in developing good plan for farm *,
objectives for the community project; selection of project site; determination of the
resources required by the project; assessment of the available resources within the
community for the project; development of the interest of the community members to
participate in the project; budget for time for the project activities benchmarks; budget
for the resources for the project activities; identify specific locations for project resources
Bernard and Nix (1997) outlined the steps required for effective farming as:
planning of farm sufficient size to support the objectives of the farm; fit the capabilities,
interest and knowledge of the farmer to the type of farm operations; identifying sources
of credit for farm operations; plan the farm for as long as possible; design of farm
building for present and future needs; base the cropping system on the type of soil; plan
all farm operations to make most efficient use of the available money; schedule storing
and timing of getting the farm produce to market during the highest price period; plan to
study the farm; leave relevant and adequate space in future changes (for future
expansion); Identifying relevant record to keep for farm operations among others.
In the view of Geoffrey, Robert and Philip (1996) steps needed in business
planning are: decide to go into business; analyse your strengths and weaknesses; select a
product or service; conduct market research; assess your potential share of the market;
select a location for your business; prepare a financial plan; prepare a production plan
In view of Ellah (2004) steps in planning for school farm include: state realizable
objectives in terms of internal environmental constraints and future trends; revises the
objective periodically; make budgets for the farm activities; identifying different levels
of manpower needed for the school farm; determining which resources are needed;
planning all farm operations to make most efficient use of available money
making the commitment to go into business; analyzing your strengths and weaknesses,
paying special attention to your business experience, business education and desires;
choosing the product or service that best fits your strengths and desires; research the
market for your product or service; forecast sales revenue; choose a site for your
records and reports you need and how you will use them; develop an insurance plan;
develop a computer plan, spelling out the ways the computer services can help plan and
control a business; develop a total quality management program and evelop a financial
of the general goal and the definition of more specific and measurable objective relating
situation; formulation of the alternative approaches to reach the desired end result;
plan. The opinions and submission of the above authors helped the researcher to identify
competencies needed for planning in an enterprise for plantain production in Abia and
Imo states.
Literature on Plantain Nursery Enterprise
Nursery is divided into pre-nursery and main nursery.
Pre-nursery as described by FAO report (2003) is a nursery system which involves the
raising of the sprouted seedlings first in the bed, boxes, and trays before transplanting the
young seedlings into large polythene bags in the main nursery. The report stated that the
pre-nursery is more advantageous than the single stage in that:
i It is cheaper
ii It allows better selection of vigorous and healthy seedlings
iii seedlings may remain in the pre nursery for up to 3 weeks while the main nursery is
Pre-nursery as stated by the report is correctly the practice in NIHORT and the
processes are: choose a convenient pre-nursery site free from pests and diseases; cover
with shade materials to ward off excess heat; provide pre-nursery beds or boxes or trays,
with poly bags; fill the boxes, trays, poly bags with topsoil high in organic matter content
in the ratio of 8 head pans of top soil to I poultry manure (8:1); mixed carefully together
before filling in the boxes, trays and poly bag; water the soil in the boxes, trays and poly
bags; arrange the poly bags in rows to form beds; acquire the corms to nurse; slice the
corms into sizes of not more than 2-3cm; arrange the sliced corms one per poly-bag in
rows in the boxes or trays; apply water at alternate days especially during dry season and
transfer sprouting corms into the nursery.
In view of IITA (2008) report, corm should be first planted in pre-nursery where
they remain for 14-21 days before planting in the nursery. The author stated that corms
from pre flowering and harvested plants are used through corm multiplication
techniques. The author listed the four corm multiplication techniques and the steps
involves in each thus:
i. Whole corm technique
Choose a convenient pre-nursery site free from pests and diseases; cover with
shade materials to ward off excess heat; provide pre-nursery beds or boxes or trays with
poly bags; fill the boxes or trays or poly-bags with top soil high in organic matter content
in the ratio of 8 head pans of top soil to 1 poultry manure (8:1); mixed carefully together
before filling in the boxes or trays or poly-bags; water the soil in the boxes, trays and
poly-bags; arrange the poly-bags in rows to form beds; mulch with dry grasses; dig out
whole corms to nurse and wash with water; lose any cover on the bud surface; arrange in
poly-bags or in trays or boxes and cover with soil or saw dust; apply water at alternate
days; observe the buds for sprouting after 14-21 days; remove any weeds on the beds or
Dig out corms and wash immediately under running tap or any other water sources
to remove soil and plant debris; the outer leaf sheaths are stripped back with kitchen knife
to expose the dormant buds at the based of the corm; buds are excised with knife,
scarified and planted in the pre-nursery beds containing top soil covered with saw dust;
water the buds immediately after planting; exercised scarified buds sprout from 1-7 days
after planting; weeding is carried out manually; fence the pre-nursery with shrubs to
prevent goats and other animals from eating the leaves and destroying the plantlets;
praying with insecticides to protect the seedlings from damage by pests; sprouting buds
are transferred to ground beds in a nursery or to polybags and grown to planting size
Choose a flat site, free from pests and diseases for pre-nursery; make a shade with
materials toward off excess heat; prepare pre-nursery beds or boxes or trays with
polythene bags; mix carefully top soil and poultry manure (8:1) that is 8 head pans of top
soil to 1 head pan of poultry manure; fill the boxes, trays, poly bags with mixed top soil
and poultry manure; water the soil in the boxes, trays and polybags; arrange the poly bags
in rows to form beds; acquire the corms to nurse; slice the corms into sizes of not more
than 2 - 3cm; arrange the sliced corms in rows in the boxes or trays and one per polybags;
apply water at alternate days especially during dry season and transfer sprouting corms
Plantains are mainly propagated through the use of corm as stated by Adelaja
(2005) due to its morphological characteristics. The author outlined four methods of
ii excised bud or
flowering stand; remove roots on the corm and ensures that corm is free from nematode
and borer weevil infestation. Note that corm of harvested plantain if to be used for sucker
multiplication must be up rooted for use within 48 hours in order to avoid deterioration
and decay; wash and treat the corm with appropriate fungicides e.g 190 solution of
Benomy/Benlate; (ie 1 gm/litre of water); plant the whole corm in a rich mixture of saw
dust and top soil (1:1) at a spacing of 15cm or 20cmX15 cm; or 20cm; water the pre-
nursery; about fourteen days after planting, sprouts will begin to appear on the corms and
remove immediately and plant in the secondary nursery of trays or polythene bags.
Uprooting a healthy corm that has not been damaged by nematode or borer weevil;
clean and cut the corm into two equal halves and treat the half corms with appropriate
fungicides (Benomy/Benlate). For local farmers, ash slurry could be used. The slurry has
both insecticidal and fungicidal properties; air dry the corms under shade for 24 hours;
plant the half corms in a rich mixture of saw dust and top soil (1:1) at a spacing 15cm or
20cm by 15cm or 20 cm; plantlets are removed/ excised as they sprout from the corm and
plant that is not damaged by nematode or weevil; the corm is thoroughly cleaned to
remove roots; areas of lesions and infections; remove the bud using kitchen knife; the
excised/split bits should be of size ranging from 90gm- 130gm. Note sizes less than
80gm is not desirable as they are prone to early decay soon after planting; treat the cut
bits/excised buds in a solution of 1% Benlate and air dry under shade for 24 hours; the
treated bit/buds are planted in a medium of 1:1 mixture of rich top soil and saw dust at a
plastic); shading the young seedling; mulching with grasses; applying fertiltizer soon
after sprouting; watering which is done twice a day in absence of rain; weeding by hand
and transferring the seedling into the main nursery when the seedling attains 2-3 leaves.
This involves cutting the corm into 4-8 portions called buds depending on the corn
size, with or without visible eyes/buds; treat the buds with appropriate fungicide for 24
partial shading; examine after two weeks for sprouts; these are carefully removed and
each sprout split into four parts; carefully separate multiple shoots and plants out in the
main nursery.
involves various methods of sucker multiplication, the choice of which to use will
however be on the operators. The report described the technique of plants issued from
stem Bits (PIF) as it involves conditioning of an ex-plant obtained from a sucker (stem
bit), then stressing of the stem apical meristem, activation and growing in an appropriate
Pre-nursery according to Eze (2006) takes the following stages: corms are
uprooted and taken to the experimental site; the corms are washed and air dried; expose
the nodes (eyes) with sharp kitchen knife to facilitate sprouting; carefully prune the corm
to remove all roots, pseudostem and any spot which may serve as a host to any pathogen;
allow the corms to 'cure' for two days (48 hours); make a deep cut using a sharp kitchen
knife at the apex of the corm to destroy the growing point (apical dominance); keep for I
hour; weigh each of the corms; plant the corms in the saw dust; water the pre-nursery;
milking out or de-suckering the sprouted ones and plant the plantlets in nursery beds,
stages in plantain tissue culture production include: shoot meristem tips are inoculated
onto culture on agar solidified medium; proliferation of large numbers of shoot buds are
root inducing medium; the final stage is transfer of rooted plants onto hardening medium
to enable them to stand the adverse condition of the weather outside. Note:-the culture is
Plantain suckers are dug out; reduce the suckers with a knife 2-3cm size; Treat in
ethanol and in a mixture of bleach and tween; Rinse thoroughly with sterilized
water; Reduce to 2-3 mm, size with a scapel to bring out the meristem which is the
actively dividing portion of the plant; The meristem is inserted onto the medium
made up of growth nutrient salts, vitamins, sucrose as the typical carbon energy
source and hormones which are growth regulators; The culture is transferred to the
culture room where the temperature, light and dark periods are regulated; The
temperature is maintained between 80 and 82°F; The light duration for 16 hours
The buds which clustered together are separated and inserted onto fresh medium
and allowed to stay for a period 5-8 weeks for further multiplication
As long as the buds stay in the multiplication method, they will continue to
multiply as buds only. They need to form plants by producing roots and shoots.
Another growth media which induces root and shoot formation are prepared. The
buds are inserted onto them and they induce formation of roots and shoots called
The plantlets having growing in the culture room under controlled atmospheric
conditions need to be hardened to enable them stand the adverse weather condition
Green house is a house carefully prepared for plantlets or seedlings just transferred
from tissue culture laboratory. Eze (2006) stated that green house is provides with
1. Green covering of polythene bags or other related materials eg palm fronts, dry
2. Provision of water through land pipes, foot dip watering can, buckets, kitchen
3. Fence the surrounding with dwarf walls or wire netting to prevent invading
Main Nursery
Main Nursery is a place where seedlings transferred from pre-nursery are raised
and cared for before they are transplanted to the permanent site. Main Nursery as stated
by IITA report (2003) is where young seedlings receive the necessary attention and care
to enable them establish before they are transferred into the field for easy adaptation to
of a site for the main nursery practice as: the site should be as level as possible and well
drained; the site should be as close as possible to adequate and perennial source of water;
the site should be easily accessible; the site should be protected from natural hazards
such as erosion, wind or animal damage and the site should be close to the growers
FAO, report (2005) are as follows: selection of well drained site, flat to allow uniform
arrangement of polythene bags and it must be close to the source of water supply. FAO
Nursery in the view of Skinner (2005) should be sited on flat or gently slopping
ground, well drained, insusceptible to flooding, close to permanent source of water. Eze
(2006) stated that nursery starts at the onset of rainy season, in the month of March. The
steps in nursery practice according to the author are as follows: Selection of flat and well
drained site; Clear all vegetation; Pack all the thrashes; burn them or heap them in the
farm or out of the site; Construct shade with palm front into the ground for farm support;
lay oil palm frond across bars to produce shade; Construct a fence by placing 1.20 mesh
poultry wire round the base and the shade provided. This is to keep off rodents and clear
pest from damage to seedlings; Arrange for the supply of top soil and the polythene bag; sto p
soil and manure are collected and mixed together at the rate of 8 head pans of top soil to I
head pan of poultry manure; Transfer the mixture into the nursery poly bags; Apply water
to the soil; Collect sucker from viable strong and healthy plant; Open the middle of soil
in the polythene bags with hand fork;sPlant plantlets in them; Cover the plantlets with
soil and press very hard water judiciously in the morning or evening daily; Spray with
Benomyl or ash slurry with pseudostem base and around the plants; Hand picking of the
weeds in the polythene bag and the nursery area manually; Start hardening of seedling a
week to transplanting by gradually removal of the shade; Grow platelets for 6-8 weeks
Okoro and Tenkouano (2008) stated that plantain sucker could be prepared in
various forms
In situ on ground beds in field; on trays in poly-bags or on raised rectangular
ii. A shade to reduce the rate of evaporation and direct effect of sunlight on the young
splashing from heavy rain and thereby exposing planted buds in the nursery,
iii. Watering should be regulated and applied as appropriate that is when needed.
planted buds,
iv. The use of sawdust to increase the pore spaces for better water percolation,
nursery medium could be made of saw dust only; top soil only; or sandy soil with
appropriate mixture of sawdust and top soil, in ratio 3:1 or in situ (1:1).
Main nursery practice according to FAO report (2005) are as follows: Use of 400
or 500 gauge black polythene bags measuring 40x3 5cm laid flat; Provide bags that are
with a centrally placed perforation at the bottom to allow excess water to drain out; Fill
the bags with top soil from the nursery area or imported from other areas and placed in
square formation of 45x75 cm spacing; Leave the bags for at lest one week to consolidate
before planting; Plant in march/April with the young seedling from the pre-nursery;
Make a hole of the size of the making a hole of the size of the ball of earth holding the
young seedling in the bag; Cut and remove the polybag of the young seedling; Select the
differentiated young seedling from pre-nursery; Place carefully the ball of earth carrying
the young seedling in the hole made; Mulch after planting with partially decomposed
refuse or dry grass; Shade especially in the northern fringes
outside the plantain belt, where harmattan can be particularly severe; Pick pests
like snails, crickets, grasshoppers and caterpillars daily; Protect the nursery by fencing
with wire net against rodents; Weed the nursery regularly which is necessary; Cut of
dead leaves regularly away from the base of the seedlings; Prun all the leaves that are
badly infected with freckle regularly, removed from the nursery and burnt. An older leaf
should be cut off when at least one third of it has become brown/black in colour. This is a
sure sign that the lead is dying and of no further use to the seedlings; Harden the platelets
propagated through the use of corm due to its morphological characteristics and the
i. Clearing the bush or removal of all vegetation from the site, leveling and filling of
iii. The plots should be well managed with good cultural (management) practices
iv. In the absence of NPK, appropriate mixture of urea, muriate of potash and super
phosphate could be applied at about 50% Nitrogen per plant in split application,
vi. Peeper suckers begin to appear at about six months after planting.
vii. These are removed when they attain minimum diameter and height of about 15cm
ix. If the suckers have grown to maidens or late sword sucker stage, these are usually
cut back at the top to about 25 cm after removal to reduce bulkiness and for better
field establishment.
The author said that sucker production in the field can be accelerated through the
following ways:
(i) Sucker production can be speeded up by leaf stripping. This is done by stripping back
the outer leaf sheaths in order to expose the buds at the base,
(ii) The buds are then covered with earth and left to grow into suckers,
(iii) twelve weeks after this operation, peeper or sword suckers would start to sprout
(iv) These are later severed from the mother plant for field planting.
b. Decapitation method: The basic idea of this approach is to remove the apical
dominance factor and induce more sucker development. Okoro and Tenkouano (2008)
stated that mature but non fruiting plants could be decapitated to induce more sucker
1. Cutting off the plantain pseudo-stem at about 0.5 metre above the ground, to get to
ii The growing tip is meshed with a matchet or knife. The meshing ensures total
iii Make a mound of earth around the base of the plant (earthen up) iv The cessation
of growth of the main plant causes loss of apical dominance which ,induces more
(i) The removal of the growing tip, but in this case, a small hole or window is cut through
(ii) The foliage can remain active for up to 3 months after the removal of the meristem;
(iii) The death of the meristem prevents movement of nutrients to the leaves but the
3. Toppling: This is a variation of false decapitation method. The plantain stand is cut
slightly about 1.0m up the middle of the plant and toppled over. Using both false and
total decapitation methods, about 6-15 peeper suckers per plant can be produced annually
from the sixth month of field establishment. Macro propagation techniques are methods
that uses whole suckers or relatively large pieces of the parent plants to produce planting
materials (eye, small sucker, pieces of rhizomes) are grown for five or six months in the
field until new eyes appear at soil level then the plant are cut back with a matchet, 50-
60cm above the ground, three or four months after cutting the back, there will be four or
five suckers per plant, ready for, planting (Imo ADP, 2007)
which the meristem is destroyed, the foliage remains photo synthetically active for about
three months while in complete decapitation, the pseudostem is cut down and the
meristem is destroyed; both methods increase sprouting and sucker multiplication in the
nursery. The rate of suckering ranges from 9 to 14 suckers per annum (IITA 2004). In the
view of Adelaja (2005) removal of small sword suckers in the field as soon as they are
40-50cm high will enable a higher number of suckers to be obtained from each plant.
Reviews of the authors and reports of various research institutes sited above helped the
researcher to isolate relevant competencies needed for pre nursery and nursery
site where they will be cared for until their growing period. According to Blomme and
ii. Complete clearing of the undergrowth to allow free access to all land;
v. Staking out of the land into distance between the future plant row;
vi. Burn the wind rows'Establish essential shading such as centrosema pubiscens to
protect the soil from complete dryness due to heat of the sun. Plantain plantation
ii. flat having an average rainfall of 500-2,000mm per year with a temperature of 150
vii. Line out the field 3m between rows and 2m within rows;
viii. Dig holes of 30cm by 30cm by 30cm for each plant sucker
i. Select suitable site that is well drained, soil rich in organic matter.
iii. Allow debris to decay Line out/peg sports for digging holes;
v. Dig planting holes with a minimum size of 30cm x 30cm (spade size;
viii. Cover first with top soil and then with bottom soil.
i. Choose a good plantain field with average temperature of 25-30°C and average
vi. Dig holes of 30cm x 30cm x 30cm for each of the plantain sucker.
In the opinion of Philips and Lordbanjou (1995) plantain establishment in the field
involves: select suitable site that is easy to access and a deep, light soil which is rich in
organic; clear the undergrowth; larger trees are felled; stumps are removed; clear forest
residues packed/heaped in the windrows and burnt; plough land (3-4cm deep) and disc
harrowed one or two times; lay of drains network especially in areas liable to flooding;
layout in block of 4 hectares. According to IMO ADP report (2007) steps in plantain
i. Choose a site that is accessible with high organic matter or good loamy soil that
is well drained;
ii. Clear the undergrowth with cutlass; iii. Stake and allow drying, avoiding
iv. Mark out the farm with pegs spaced 3m X 2m along and within the row; v. Dig
vi. Dig out the top-soil and place by the side of the row and then the bottom soil;
vii. Fill back the hole first with top soil, insert the platelets or suckers;
viii. Press firmly around the suckers avoiding the presence of air pores.
Planting on the field in the opinion of Eze (2006) are as follows: select desired
seedlings from the nursery site with the ball of earth in polythene bags; remove bottom
portion of the polythene bag to 2cm from the base; cut the poly bag from the top to the
bottom; place seedlings centrally into the hole with the two hands in the poly bag;
remove the poly bag away from the seedlings; refill gradually the hole around the root
ball with the soil until the hole is filled; place dry leaves and twigs around all the
seedlings without contact with the seedling collar; water regularly and appropriately too.
successfully are: select of well differentiated seedling after 7-8 weeks in the nursery;
remove the poly bag; keep a ball of earth on the roots; lower seedling with the ball of
earth into the hole; consolidate the soil round the seedling; replace all stands that failed to
In the contribution of FAO report (2005) steps in planting of seedling are: select
the differentiated seedling from the nursery between May-June; cut the base of the
polythene bag in the already dug hole; fill back the hole first with top soil and then with
bottom soil; support the seedlings with extra soil; press firmly around the seedlings; place
mulch materials around each planted seedlings; water the seedlings daily; sow cover
crops (leguminous crops) like pueraria and centrosema; put wire net at the collar of each
seedling if necessary and replace dead plants 2-3 weeks after planting.
developed seedling that has been growing in the nursery for 7-8 weeks and planting
between May-July; cut the base of the poly bag; remove the polybag away from the
seedlings; place mulch materials around each planted seedlings; press down the soil
firmly around the seedling and put a net at the collar of each seedling at 45cm high, 12cm
Planting of the plantain seedlings as viewed by FAO (2003) are as follows: select
a well developed seedling from the nursery at the on set of rains (May- June) when the
seedling is about 7-8 weeks old; dig planting holes with a minimum size of 30cm x 30cm
x 30cm (Spade size); keep top soil separate from bottom soil; remove bottom portion of
polyethene bag to 2cm; cut the polyethene bag from the top to the bottom hole with the
two hands in the polyethene bag; collect plantain seedlings from the nursery beds, trays
among others with a ball of soil at the roots of the seedlings; place seedlings centrally in
the soil; cover first with top soil and then with bottom soil and support the seedlings with
extra soil. In the opinion of Chadha (2007) steps in planting seedling are:
ii. Peeled/ trimmed corms with matchet to reduce bulkness and improves early
iii. Transport prepared corms to their destination where they are left to dry for
a few days;
iv. Plant suckers at the middle of the rain;Plant seedling at the spacing of 2.5m
x 2.5m or 3m x 2m.
Barren (2007) highlighted that suckers are planted immediately after field
preparation at the middle of the rainy season. The author outlined steps in planting
seedlings thus:
1. planting holes are prepared with a minimum size of about 30cm x 30cm x 30cm
2. paring of the planting materials to remove all signs of borer or nematode damage
3. Place the seedling at the middle of the hole and cover first with the top soil and
In the opinion of Ekunwe and Ajayi (2010), steps in planting of plantain seedlings
are as follows:
5. The eyes (buds) of the suckers or bits should be 25-30cm below the soil surface.
practices are:
(1) Weeding
Weeding- Weed is a plant growing where it is not wanted. Weed in the view of
Emone (2003) is a plant growing where it is not desired in such away that it constitutes a
nuisance either to man, livestock or to the crops. Weeding is the act of removing weed
from the farms. Valmayor, Jamaluddin Silayoi, Kusumo, Dahn and Pascua (2002) stated
that weeding promotes air and water penetration around the plantain plant thus promoting
the productivity. The authors highlighted ways of controlling weeds in the plantain plantation
as follows;
In the view of Ekunwe and Ajayi (2010) clean weeding is ideal with small
holding up to 2 hectares. The author said that controlling weeds in plantain plantation
Applying weed killer (herbicides) like Aminotriazole, simazine or parawal; Prune the dry
cultivators in between rows to keep plantation weed free; regular hand weeding; In wet
land cultivation, turning of soil to bury the weeds after complete wetting the field
followed by no irrigation for 15-20 days to check weed growth for 2-3 months;
Intercropping with cowpea; Soil mulching with sugar cane trash and paddy straw.
FAO (2006) stated that apart from cultural practices, weeds can be control
3. Pre-emergence herbicide, Ametryne which can suppress general weed growth for 3-4
4. Contact herbicide, Paraquate applied to the weed cover when the plantation is about 6
months old.
The report stated that weeding helps to check weeds and it takes the following
steps: Row weed with hoes or the use of herbicides in the plantain field; Ring weeding
which involves weeding around the base of each seedling; Total weeding which is
weeding the entire plantation with the use of herbicide or cutlass. Weed control in the
opinion of Philips and Lordbanjou (1995) should be done by regular slashing every 6-8
weeks before the canopy closes after about 5-6 months; apply contact herbicide at the
time of planting (when the plantain do not have any leave); applying paraquate (2-4
IITA (2008) in its research findings identified four methods of controlling weeds
i. Manually which involves weeding using hoe; the farmer holds the hoe with one
ii. Chemical control which involves using herbicides such as chloram-bean or diuron
applied at the rate of l-3kg/ha. They are pre-emergence weed control in plantain
iii. Mechanical control which involves the use of machines like harrows, cultivators
iv. Biological control which involves mulching or growing cover crops on plantation.
In the opinion of Daniells, Engiberger and Lovens (2010) mulching is the most
efficient means because a mulch layer can impede or prevent weeds growth. Mulching as
stated by the author involves leaving the soil undisturbed by protecting it with a layer of
straw (grass). The author stressed that plantain respond more effectively to mulching
Fertilizer Application
applied to the soil to increase its fertility. Fertilizer application to plantain plantation
according to IITA report (2006) will normally promote increased yield and should be
ii. Apply fertilizer NPK around the plantain plant in a circle about 50cm in diameter;
iii. Apply 300kg/ha of nitrogen (urea) at the rate of milk tin per plantain plant;
iv. Apply 500kg/ha of potassium (as muriate of potash) 30 days after the first application
at the rate of small tomato tin per plant; v. Apply organic fertilizers in form of mulch
In view of Imo ADP report (2007) the amount of fertilizer needed will depend on
soil fertility and soil type. The report outlined stages of fertilizer application as: Apply
NPK fertilizer to plantain seedlings one months after planting or with the first rains in
existing field; Apply 3 to 4 split doses in equal installment in the 4th, 16th, 24th week;
Apply the last dose before or as soon as flowering commences; Apply magnesium
fertilizer at the 3rd and 4th installments. Blomme and Ortiz (2000) showed the range of
On the need of fertilizer for plantain plant Baigeri and Tenkouano (2006)
remarked that the type and rate of fertilizer applied depends on soil structure natural
fertility of the soil and chemical properties. Fertilizer recommendation according to the
author is a mixture of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (PiOs) and Potassium (K) in the ratio of
400kg active ingredient (a.i), 160kg a.i and 320kg a.i respectively per hectare per year.
iii. Apply 250g (N), lOOgm (P2O5) and 200gm (K) at the rate of 50gm/plant when
it starts to maiden;
iv. Apply Nitrogen and Potassium at regular intervals (split applications) during
growing (rainy) season, at four months after planting (4MAP), 12 MAP, 20MAP
and 2 MAP;
v. Ring applied Urea (or) and muriate of potash (K2O) at 50gm and lOOgm per plant
In view of Chadaa (2007) plantain plant requires very large quantity of nutrients
for growth and yield depending upon cultivar, production system and agro climatic
condition. The author outlined ways of fertilizer application in plantain plantation thus:
ii. Apply urea in 3-4 splits; Apply 150g N/plant in vegetative phase and 50g
vi. Apply organic manure along with growing of green manure crops like crotalaria.
application of 300kg/ha of nitrogen in form of urea to seedlings one mouth after planting
at the rate of milk tin per plantain plant; application of 500kg/ha of muriate of potash 30
days after the first application at the rate of small tomato tin plantain plant; application of
mixed fertilizer of 250 gm (N), 10 gm (P2O5) and 200 gm (K) at the rate of 50gm/plant
Pest is organisms that destroy plants thereby causing reduction in yield while
(2007) stated that a disease may be regarded as an abnormality in health while disease in
the plant.
Onwueme and Sinha (1999), stated that various pests and diseases affect plantain
on the fields which if not controlled immediately can result into poor performance of
plantain plant, increase in cost of production and death of plantain plants on the field. The
authors recommended that appropriate method and chemical should be used to control
(1) Panama
The author emphasized that these diseases reduce yield and may cause premature
ripening of fruits. The author recommended that the disease should be controlled with
appropriate resistant cultivars; application of low volume oil sprays or oil fungicide at
cooler periods of the day and removal of floral parts at fruit tips as soon as the bracts
into roots, foliar and fruit diseases. They outlined these diseases as:
The authors therefore stated that these diseases are controlled by: cultural
practices like mulching, weeding and other phytosanitary measures: pruning (cutting
off); burying or burning affected leaves; Pruning the infected leaves; weed regularly
injections of 50% Glyphosate or 25% round up) (Ogieve, 2003). Onwueme and Sinha
(1999) maintained that these diseases can also be controlled by Mulching; use of
Kerosine and glyposphate 2-4D; Using appropriate fungicides; drainage; Weed control;
Pruning; Use of resistant plantain cultivars; Use bird scaring gun to scare away birds or
animals such as monkey; Hand pick pests or insects on green leaves of plantain
Nematode a minute worm in view of Okoro and Tenkouano (2006) is a major pest of
plantain, which lives in the soil according to the author can be controlled by application
stated that pest of plantain include stem borer, nematodes, lepidoptera caterpillars, locus,
zonocerus variegates, thrips, spider mites. The author outlined methods of controlling
In view of FAO (2005) on disease and pests of plantain, the report stated that
black sigatoka is the major disease affecting plantain while nematode and weevil are the
major pests. They further stated that the only effective means of control is by use clean
planting materials; resistant varieties; mulching; trapping; maintain correct spacing and
The report of IITA (2004) showed that most serious pest of plantain is weevil also
known as plantain borer and beetle; other insect pest damaging plantains are plantain rust
thrips, plantain fruit scarring beetle, plantain scab moth, aphid burrowing nematode.
According to the report various methods can be used to control them: These methods are:
i. Use of clean planting material which has been pared, washed and treated with a
iv. At planting coat each sucker with a mixture of clay a liquid or granular nematicide
(nematicides are applied in a ring around the base of the plantain plant);
Philips and Lordbanjou (1995) stated that the leaf blades of plantain are attacked
eurilochus; All these insects feed on the soft tissue and attack heart leaves. The author
highlighted steps in controlling the insect pest attack in plantain as follows: spray with
appropriate insecticides; weeding regularly; pruning of the infected plant parts. The
authors listed the following steps of regulations governing the use of chemicals as:
1. When the chemical is applied during the dry season. It will be necessary to supply
2. Use recommended insecticide and carefully read the product label before spray
4. Wear protective clothes e.g over all or long sleeved shirt with trousers and gloves,
wide trimmed water-proofed hat, boots, goggles and nose mask or respirator.
5. Avoid spoilage of spray mixture to reduce wastage and skin contamination, tight dips
1. Wash thoroughly all the equipment used after use in the site
2. Avoid using mouth to free blocked nozzles instead rinse the nozzle in running
4. Do not store left-over used chemicals in bottles or containers used for food, store
To avoid plantain bunch from bending and breaking of pseudostem, fruit bearing
stands should be propped. According to IITA report (2006) props are usually long
support sticks with a Y-shaped end. The report outlined steps in propping and debudding
4. Cut the male bud after the fruit has being set when the fingers are not coming out
Harvesting Plantain
stated that harvesting is cutting, digging, gathering and handling of mature crop products
up to their final removal; from the field. Harvesting in view of Hauser (2006) is the
removal of useful crop parts for processing and storage for either home consumption or
for sales. Harvesting in the context of this study concerns with cutting, gathering and
handling mature plantain fruits with matchet or go to hell with the aim of removing the
plantain fruits for consumption, sales or processing. Imo ADP report (2007) stated that
harvesting of plantain depends on the cultivar, the farmers' desire and intended use of
bunches (own consumption, sale in a local or export). The report outline d ways of
harvesting as follows:
iv. Make a nick, two-thirds of the way up to the pseudostem to enable the bunch
v. Then holds the rachis and cuts the peduncle some ways beyond the hand;
polychlonal condition, harvest index varies a lot depending on the variety, proximity to
the market and mode of transportation. The author stated the following steps in
The author emphasized that some tools are used for harvesting of plantain fruit.
These tools are: sharp matchet for cutting the bunch handle with arm's reach; harvesting
knife attached to long pole for harvesting plantain well above ground level; harvesting
knife with short wooden or mental handle for harvesting the plantain bunch and basket or
any good container for putting harvested bunch to where they will be separated.
NIHORT report (2006) stated that plantain is harvested for processing when the pulp
content is over 60%. The following measures according to the report are followed in
plantain harvesting:
ii. Harvest at about 90 days after shooting irrespective of the time of planting;
iii. Cut off bunch carefully and hold on to it while cutting, so it does not drop and
vi. Cut fingers at fall; down the entire pseudostem and chop together with foliage of
vii. Spread chopped pseudostem and foliage over the soil as much for raton crop.
The literature from different authors and research institutes reviewed above helped
management enterprise.
Plantain fruits, like other fruits are highly perishable products. Ogazi (1996) stated
that plantain is usually seasonal in terms of availability, spanning from a period of plenty
to short supplies; In order to address the problem of wastage and ensure the availability
of plantain products during the period of short supplies there is the need to process it into
consumable products that have longer shelf life. Emone (2003) viewed processing as
those operations which take place after harvesting and which is used by the farmer, sent
to the market or sold to various agencies. The author emphasized that processing involves
changing plantain fruits into various forms for consumption. IITA report (2007) stated
that further processing of plantain fruits improve their palatability gives them a longer
self-life, ensures price stability and makes them easier to transport. The report further
stated that some of the products into which plantain fruits can be processed are flour,
chips, malt, plantain Jam, juice, ice cream, wine, Ethanol (Gin), soap, moi-moi, amala,
meat pie among others. The products that are of concern to this study are flour and chips.
bunch of unripe plantain, wash with water to remove dirt and spray residues, peel and
keep pulps in a bowl containing water to avoid turning black, slice into two halves and
oven-dried at 60°C for 18-24 hours or slice thinly to enhance dehydration and sun dried
for 2-3 days and slices can be blended and sieve to obtain flour with fine particles.
cassava flour) can be produced in commercial quantity following these processes: obtain
unripe, green plantain fruits, the plantain fruits are peeled to remove the peels, the peeled
plantain pulp are sliced using knife or automatic dicing machine to an appropriate
thickness of about 15mm, the sliced or diced pulp are then dried under sun or in oven
(cabinet drier), the dried pulp is milled using hammer mill (or grinded/ground) using
domestic grinding machines, until the desired particles size is obtained and the flour is
The processes involved in plantain chip production as stated by Imo ADP (2007)
are: peeling, slicing, frying, cooling and packaging. The report described the processes
(a) Peeling: Plantains fruit are hand peeled using knife as the irregular shape makes it
difficult for mechanical peeling. Blanching the fruits for about 10-15mins softens the
In one case, of the mechanical slicers, the peeled pulp is cut into halves and each
half put into the slicer where it is pressed against the blade by turning the handle to rotate
the blade while at the same time pressing the pulp slices of the desired thickness. The
mode of operation of the other slicer involves the rubbing of the pulp against the blade to
The manually operated mechanical slicers produced more uniform slices than the
hand slicing using knife. The thickness of the slices is between 1mm and 2mm.
(c) Frying: Frying is usually carried out in batch and is fried using the deep-fat fryer.
Fried plantain chips are packaged in polythene bags and cellophane bags. Chips or
crisps production as stated by Adeniji, Tenkouano, Lemchi and Faturoti (2008) is carried
out using these ingredients are unripe plantain as required, vegetable oil deep fry and salt
iv. Heat vegetable oil or palm oil in a frying pan or electric fryer to about 170°C iv.
v. Slice salted fruits directly into the hot oil and fry with constant stirring until
vi. Remove chips into plastic sieve and allow the oil to drain
vii. Spread chips on polyethylene bag or any clean material and allow to cool
viii. Package with an impulse (electric) Sealer or candle flame with the aid of hacksaw
or kitchen knife.
(1) Malt
In view of IITA report (2008) malt (non- alcoholic plantain drink) is produced by
the following ways: obtain figs from plantain i.e dried plantain, mill the figs into powder
and keep until required, reconstitute about 55g (2 heaped tablespoons) of fig powder in
0.3 litres of water and mix, set aside for 5-10 minutes to enable the component of the
power to each into the water, filter through muslin clothes, bottle and allow to sediment,
decant or filter again and add vanilla flavour, granulated or icing sugar to sweeten the
The report also outlined plantain fruit processing into jam as:
2. Blend the ripe plantain and mixed together withl cup of granulated sugar
In view of Adeniji et al (2008), plantain fruits can be processed into juice in the
following ways: obtain some ripe plantain fruits, peel and blend the pulp, soak slurry in
hot water for 10-15minutes for optimum juice extraction, pulp and water should be in the
ratio 1:3, filter through white muslin (Akamu) cloth, pasteurise the juice by boiling and
simmer for 3 minutes, cool and fill into sterilized bottles and colouring may be added
prior to bottling.
As stated in IITA training report (2008); plantain fruits are processed into ice cream. The
report outlined the ingredients used for processing Ice cream and the method involved
Milk (5 heaped table spoons for powdered or preferably 1 tin of evaporated milk)
iii. Soak slurry in hot water for 10-15 minutes for optimum juice extraction
i. Obtain 2kg ripe/over ripe plantain and 250g plantain skin (peels)
iv. Tie the bag and place into a sauce pan (Preferably Aluminum)
vii. Pour the hot liquid over granulated sugar and fruit juice
vii . When the bag is cool, apply pressure to extract as much juice as possible
x. Add the yeast and yeast nutrient into the liquor at 27 - 30°C to extract juice.
xiv. As fermentation proceeds, take record of temperature, Ph and specific gravity xv.
ii. Put few drops of sterilizing solution into the air lock to form a U shape
iii. Plug the top of the trap with cotton wool to enables the yeast to undergo an
iv. Rack occasional by siphoning the wine off the lees of yeast and deposited solids
v. Allow the wine to clear of its own accord, given time, when it does not, you may
have to filter
vi. Keep decanted wine together as long as practicable, and bottle as required. This
The literature from different authors and research institutes reviewed above
guided the researcher to isolate relevant competencies needed for plantain processing.
defined marketing as a place or process in which buyers express their demands for goods
and services and sellers provide the supplies of goods or services to meet their demand or
need. Amoyedo (2007) viewed marketing as all those legal, physical and economic
services that make possible for product from producers to get into the hands of customers
in the various forms desired at the agreeable prices for effective exchange of ownership
or possession. George (2002) explained that marketing is the sums total of all business
strategies that direct the flow of sales of products and services from all business activities
The author outlined the competencies involved as follows: packaging of the farm
products to size, weight and quantity, fixing prices on the bags based on the sizes and
quality, sorting of products into groups, storage of products to preserve quality, helping
customers to transport their goods to their nearest destination if necessary, loading and
offloading of products to and from market and financing market activities. Onuka (2003)
listed marketing competencies to include: the ability to record the number of produce,
keep produce secured and ventilated in containers for market, fix price for the produce,
transporting produce, keep adequate records of produce sales or purchases and those of
carried out by the producer or marketer as the product moves along the marketing
channels. These competencies include: packaging of goods, sort the goods to sizes in the
warehouse, labeling and advertising in order to create consumer awareness, fix their
prices based on production cost, transporting of goods from the farm to market, keep
records of purchased goods and sells made. In view of Ugo (2005) marketing of
Agricultural products required certain competencies which include: advertise the goods
and services for buyers, carry out market survey to know the best time to sell products
for profits, fix price on the products based on the sizes and weight, sell the products to
different buyers, reconcile sells and expenditure to determine "profit and loss, keep
records of purchase and sales made, make choice for the type of transport to be used
4. Sort
5. Grade
10. Reconcile sales and purchase record to identify profit and loss.
In their own opinion Madu, Uzochi, Agu and Kanu (2000) stated that marketing
encompasses those business strategies involved in the flow of goods and services from
pricing and the market information functions. Jhingan (2002) stated that some variables
exist in marketing; these variables according to the author are classified into products,
place, promotion and price, usually called the 4 Ps in marking. The author stressed
further that.
1 Products include the quality, packaging, size of the products, services reforms.
3. Price includes the list price, discount, payment periods and credit terms.
In the view of Udeh (1999) the total sum of all marketing competencies is to
increase sales and make profit and this can be achieved by: advertising the goods or
services, processing, grading and standardization, storage, transportation and selling the
goods or services by placing them in the market. Some of the competencies that could be
adopted by a farmer according to Kotler (2001) include: advertise the products and fix
prices based on production cost, carryout effective market survey to know the best time
to sell products for profit, store the products and keep record of all marketing activities.
succeed on the marketing of agricultural product such basic competencies include: the
ability to calculate time of production, assemble the products into sizes or groups, search
for market, grading and storage of the product, record financial transaction, reconcile
sales and purchases, fix price on the goods based on sizes and vigour and transport the
purchased product.
Arene in Amoyedo (2007) stated that there are many services to be performed by
the marketer or producer as the product moves along the marketing channels. These
competencies are: assembling the products together for further movement, grading or
sorting products into group of uniform quality, processing of products into a suitable
form, transporting by vehicle to processing centre and to the customers, storing products
for future use, financing products until it is sold and assuming risks that are likely to
Marketing of plantain products in the context of this study comprises all the
activities that take place from the point of plantain production (farm gate) until the
plantain products reaches the final buyer or consumer. The opinions and submissions of
the various authors cited above helped the researcher to identify competencies needed for
enterprise. Olaitan, et al, (1999) classified facilities into tools, equipment and
consumables. The authors explained that tools are simple instrument as mechanical
devices that can be handled easily while carrying out special operations and equipment as
mechanical devices for operations in industries. Equipment are more sophisticated than
tools. The authors explained consumables as materials that are utilized in machines as
component. Proper facilities are necessary for efficient plantain management. FAO
report of (2003) stated that materials needed in pre-nursery are land, boxes, trays, bags
poly bags, head pans, building conns, organic matter, knife, water, chemical for control
of disease, saw dust top soil, mulching materials, weeding, hoe, water tank and nozzle
hose. IMO ADP (2007) recommended the following material/resources as necessary for
successful plantain pre-nursery. The report outlined the materials resources as follows
land, sucker, knife, shade, saw dust, wheel barrow, polythene bags, cutlass, rope, tape,
trays, pegs, wire nettings, corm, shade, weighing balance, water, organic manure.
Materials in the main-nursery according to the report include; land, shade, wire
netting, polythene bags, water, hand fork, cutlass, fertilizer, spade, weeding hoe, wheel
barrow, bore hole. In view of Okoro and Tenkuoano (2008) plantain pre-nursery and
nursery prepared in various forms using materials. These materials the author outlined
are: ground beds, trays, polybags, shade, saw dust, top soil. The authors further listed
below some materials resources for main nursery and care of the equipment thus:
Akoroda (1996) are land that is flat, measuring tape, spade, knife, seedlings, rope,
organic matter, pegs and wheel barrow. For land preparation, materials needed are
matchet, axe, and assess roads, line and pegs and fertilizer. Planting: Seedlings, knife,
mulch materials watering can. Maintenance: Hoe, herbicides, pesticides, fertilizer, mulch
materials. Harvesting: Sharp matchet, harvesting knife, long pole and basket.
material resources that are needed in different plantain production enterprises as:
(i) Nursery:
(b) Main Nursery:-Land, polythene bag, wheel barrow, water, spade, head pan,
(a) Land Preparation:- Land, rope, pegs, measuring tape, seedlings, mulch
(iii) Harvesting: Basket, short wooden or metal handle harvesting knife, bucket, wheel
(iv) Plantain Processing: Kitchen knives, frying pots, weighing balance, oven,
automatic dicing, hammer mill slicers, cellophone bags, oil, salt, plastic sieve,
sealer, candle flame, muslin clothes, other resource materials as stated by the
report include water, egg, icing sugar, vanilla powder, citric acid, protective
(v) Marketing Unit: weighing balance, vehicle, head pan, wheel barrow, warehouse,
plantain seedlings, plantain fruits and leaves, plantain processed products, sales
Spade/Shovel:- Used for digging and making of beds, mounds and ridges
production thus:-
(a) Pre nursery/Nursery Practice: Materials needed for this exercise include:- plantlets
or direct suckers, poly-bags, saw dust, seed boxes, water, soil, organic manure,
temporary shede.
of resource material such as cutlass, spade, tape, pegs, suckers, fertilizers, land,
strong forked sticks, dried mulch materials water, knapsack or boom sprayer,
harvesting knife
(c) Processing: To process plantain, it need mature bunches, peeling with stainless
kitchen knives, washing, slicing into chips or flakes, hammer mill is used for
processing bunches into flour. Frying pans, vegetable oil or red palm oil, cabinet
drier, water for washing the peeled plantain, mechanical slicers, salt, bowl,
(d) Marketing Materials: wheel barrow, pick- up vehicles or vans, baskets, weighing
balance, biro and paper for recording. The reviews on materials and equipment on
plantain production guided the researcher in isolating materials needed for each
Training competencies for plantain production enterprise are arranged under the
following headings
i. instructional planning
b. Training procedures.
Instructional Planning
particular references to topics. Olaitan and Ali (1997) viewed instructional planning as
the process of deciding what instructional content, media and other related activities are
necessary for instruction. The authors stated that the basic processes in instructional
planning are: determining the rationale of the course on which the instructional plan is
based, identifying the intended learning outcomes, concept mapping that is making a map
that links the major concepts in the work to be converged and making available
Aguolu (2007) stated that instructional planning is that aspect of teaching where
teacher formulate a course of action for carrying out instruction over a school year,
semester, month, day or a lesson. The author listed instructional planning to involve:
identification and structure the content into topics or units, identification and selection of
instructional materials for teaching in each unit area, write down the concept, facts or
abilities, needs and interests, identification of relevant instructional method for teaching
each unit content, allocation of time of teaching each topic or unit and identification of
performed by the teacher and the learner, determine a need for the content which may be
part of a course or topic, state the objectives or intended learning outcomes expected of
the student to achieve at the end of instruction, identifying major key concepts in the
course or topic which need explanation by the teacher and understanding by the students,
identify and select relevant content and arrange them logically in terms of related
objectives to be achieved, identify and select relevant materials to use to teach selected
topics, identify and select relevant materials, techniques and support systems for teaching
each unit content, identify appropriate evaluation technique for each content area to be
taught so that teachers can use it to find out whether the objectives of the content have
been achieved, study carefully the instructional plan and become familiar with it and
the behavioral objectives of lesson, following the content of the lesson systematically,
developing the lesson appropriate to goal, constructing lesson plans, employing efficient
methods for changing activities, providing room for motivation, selecting materials
activities, establishing long- range goals, capitalizing on outside experience and using
visual aids.
The literature reviewed above will help the researcher to isolate those relevant
instructional planning for this study. Instructional plan are learning experiences and
subject matter that are organised and broken down into units for easy presentation to
student. Aguolu (2007) defined instructional plan as a lesson road map which guides the
presentation of content and evaluation. The author further stated that instructional plan is
a teacher directed unit of instruction which learns itself to proper preparation for utmost
specific objectives.
1. The scope of the class programme, that is, what type of educational experiences
2. The allocation and sequential study of the content, that is at the school level in
which certain instructions should be given and the amount of time to be allocated.
3. Instructional plan must be systematic and the contents logically arranged from know
The author suggested the use of work sheet in developing a good instructional plan,
which should contain the following: subject matter segmented into topics or unit areas,
suggested activities for the teacher and the learners, expected outcomes in learner's
1. Macro: instructional plan which contain: the title (major topic), course units or unit content,
2. Micro: instruction plan- which include: unit course title (or sub- topics), unit sub-topics, sub-
unit objectives, sub-unit content, teacher activities, pupils or learners activities, methods for
delivery system which could be demonstration, discussion, questioning, note taking and other
techniques, materials required and evaluation. The literature reviewed above helped the
researcher to isolate competency items that were developed into questionnaire for data collection.
Training Procedure
Training is the process of learning a job you need. Chalmers (2003) defined training as
a process of teaching, adapting and moulding of a person to justify his fitness for specific
productive activity or job. Gibb (1996) defined training as an organized learning activities
• Technical ability,
• Productive competency
Ajayi and Laogun (1999) defined training as the act of increasing the knowledge and
skill of an employee in doing a job. The authors explained further that training is mostly
directed at improving the ability of individual to do their vocation more effectively and
efficiently. Farunde (1995) stated that training involves acquiring information and
work. Okorji (2001) said that training may be in form of short term courses, attendance to
In view of Chalmers (2003) training may, and often does involve teaching of new
methods and procedures. The author outline training procedures as follows: the instructor
should start teaching from simple to complex, starting the training programme in the
trainee's language, the instructor should explain the skills sequentially to the trainees,
clarify aided by use of known examples, follow up with questions at intervals to ascertain
whether trainees understand essential elements of the training programme and assessment
Chermish and Schott (2003) highlighted training procedures as: conveying the
training information to trainees in common language they can understand, teach the skills
step by step bearing in mind the logical arrangement, provide a high level of active
practice for all the trainees, assess performance as trainees practice and correct errors,
give the final assessment by testing the practice of each trainee and provide feedback on
the result of trainees performance. In the opinion of Oyetunde (2004) training procedures
include: ensuring adequate supply and utilization of material resources for practices,,
guiding students in the use of appropriate materials, starting the training programme in
the trainee's language without necessarily telling them the specific objectives of the
training unit, relating the training information to the future goals it will help to
accomplish, demonstrating the skills with the use of training material to captivate the
attention materials to captivate the attention and retain the interest of the trainees, asking
the trainees to imitate the instructor in performing the demonstrated skills and allowing
Okeke (2004) outlined training procedures to include: teaching the trainees from
known to unknown, teaching only approved procedures and practices, making sure that
the activities of individual trainees are effectively monitored, provide the materials to be
used and explain each of them to the trainees, demonstrate the skills to be used to the
trainees, trainees observed the skills and practice what the instructor demonsted,
assessment through the use of practical test to know the trainee's ability.
In view of Onuka and Olaitan (2007) some steps on training procedures needed to
guide the instructor on how to train individuals in acquiring skill in egg production
include: the instructor should start teaching trainees from known to unknown, explain the
facilities to be used by the trainer for training each trainee in each competency area of the
programme, explain the skills clearly to the trainees, one after the other or step-by step,
demonstrate the explained skills using appropriate facilities while the trainees observe,
call each trainee to imitate what the instructor has demonstrated while the instructor
observes each trainee perform, correct any mistake made by the trainee, encourage
repetitive practice of the skills learnt, test the practice of a group of related skills towards
the goal of commercial egg production, tell the trainee the result of his performance,
suggest to trainees sources of facilities required for the business and how they can
procure them, encourage visit to other training centres (after they had left) to provide
trainee feedback on their practice in the establishment, identify other hazard to their
establishment in their environment and how they can overcome these problems (eg
insecurity or disease maybe such hazard). Onuka (2008) stated that instructors should
follow the following procedural steps in training people for cassava processing,
i. Teach the skill clearly to trainees, one after the other or step by step.
ii. Explain each of the facilities to be used to the learners and how to use them
iii Try out the facilities and steps of skills learning by the instructor before the
learners on how to carry out the task using the identified facilities
viii. Provide the same facilities to the learners to carry out the task individually or as
small group before the instructor.
ix. Supervise what the trainees are doing and how they are carrying out the task.
x. Assess he job done by the learner to ascertain if they have acquired the necessary
skills required to carry out the job properly
xi. Cause trainees to apply the acquired skills to planning, organizing and
implementation of plants to produces the identified project or practice the task (s).
The literature of authors reviewed above guided the researcher to develop an
instrument for data collection on competencies in training for plantain production
required for success in employment in occupations. A study was carried out by Enete,
of agriculture in southwestern Nigeria for processing cocoyam into flour and chips for
employment on graduation. Three research questions were developed to guide the study.
Three hypotheses were formulated and tested at the probability of 0.05 level of
significance. The study adopted survey research design. It was carried out in
SouthWestern Nigeria. The population of the study was 440 made up of 200 instructors
in the school of agriculture in Ondo and Oyo States respectively and 240 food
processors in the two states. The sample of the study was 56 made up of 26 instructors
from the departments of crop science and Home Economics in the two schools and 30
food processors from the two states. The instrument used for data collection was a 33-
scale of Highly Required, Averagely Required, Slightly Required and Not required with
experts, split half technique and cronbach alpha reliability method were adopted to
retrieved and analyzed using weighted mean and standard deviation where the
The result of the study revealed that 11 skills were required in planning for
cocoyam processing enterprise. It was also found out that 4 skills were required in
general cocoyam processing practices, 4 skills hi processing cocoyam into flour, 4 skills
products. The results of the null hypotheses tested revealed that there were no significant
differences in the mean ratings of the response of instructors and food processors in the
competencies and incorporating the competencies into the curriculum of the schools for
methodology to use for the study such as the design of the study.
A study was carried out by Olaitan, Eze and Elom (2009) on entrepreneurial
competencies required by secondary school graduates for entering into oil palm
processing enterprise in South Eastern States of Nigeria. Three research questions were
developed and answered by the study while three hypotheses were formulated and tested
at the probability of 0.05 level of significance. Survey and function of industry designs
were used for the study. The study was carried out in South Eastern Nigeria made up of
Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo States. Population of the study was 1,102 made
up of 920 teachers of agriculture science in senior secondary schools and 182 registered
oil palm processors. The sample was 459 made up of 277 teacher and 187 oil palm
processors; the sample of the teachers was derived from 3% of the population of the
teachers in each state covered by the study. A 45 competency item questionnaire was
developed from literature reviewed and had a four (4) point response scale of Highly
Needed (HN), Averagely Needed (AN), Slightly Needed (SN) and Not Needed (NN)
and B. part A was used to obtain information on personal data of the respondents. Part B
was divided into 3 sections which are planning skills (11), processing skills (16) and
marketing skills (18). The instrument was face validated by three (3) experts. Split half
technique and Crobach Alpha correlation method was used to obtain reliability of the
459 respondents made of 277 teachers of agricultural science and 182 registered oil palm
processors. All the copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and analysed using
weighted mean and standard deviation to answer the researcher questions, while t-test
were required for success in oil palm processing enterprise the study also revealed that
there was no significant difference in the mean ratings of the responses of the teachers of
agricultural science and oil palm processors on competencies required in planning, oil
palm processing and marketing of palm oil in oil palm processing enterprise. It was
graduate. The study is related to this study in that it guided the researcher in selecting
some aspects of the methodology to use for the study such as survey design.
occupations in South East Nigeria. Eight research questions were developed and
answered by the study. Four null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of
significance. The study adopted the functions of industry and survey research designs.
The study was carried out in Southeast which comprise of Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi,
Enugu and Imo states. The population of the study is 1110, made up of 726 agricultural
extension agents and 384 youths in various cassava processing occupations. The overall
sample size was 348 consisting of 300 agricultural extension agents and 48 youths.
Questionnaire and a rating scale were developed; the instrument was made up of part one
and two. Part one was used to obtain information on the personal characteristics of the
agricultural extension agents, while part two consisted of questions addressed by the
study in form of questionnaire items. The questionnaires items were face validated by
five (5) experts. The questionnaire after validation consisted of the following sections
and items: Section A: Planning skills (13 items), Section B: Organizing skills (7items),
Section C: Implementing skills (14items for starch, 14 for flour, 14 for gam, 11 for low
cyanide chips and 13 for high- cyanide chips), Section D: Marketing (8 items for starch,
9 for flour, 5 for garri and 11 for chips) Section 'E': Evaluation (5 items), Section F:
wastes and by-production management (7items) Section 'G': Facilities (17 items for
Each item in part two of the instrument excepting module G, was assigned a four
point response scale and the response options were. Highly Required (HR), Required (R),
Required little (RL), Not required (NR). Numerical values of 4, 3, 2, and 1 were assigned
to the items. For G, the response scale is discrete. The respondents were required to rank
the response options to an item by checking either "required" (R) or" Not required" (NR).
The researcher also developed a rating scale to be used together with the modules during
training for assessing or judging the performance of the trainees in starch, flour, garri,
and chips. The rating scales were assigned a four response options of excellent
performance (EP), high performance (HP) low performance (LP) and No performance 2
and corresponding to respondents feeling and observations of how well the instrument
represented each items in the rating scale. Cronbach alpha technique used to determine
the reliability of the questionnaire items. The reliability tests yielded the following
reliability coefficients: starch 0. 90, flour 0.88, garri 0.96 and chips 0.90.
gents. The number of copies of the questionnaire retrieved was 271. The data collected
for the study were analysed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The
analysis was on item-by-item basis. Percentages, mean and standard deviation were used
to answer the research questions and t-test statistic for testing the hypotheses at
(1) Nine (9) clusters of skills consisting of 86 skills and facilities were required for the
(2) Nine (9) skill clusters made up of 88 skills and facilities were required for the
production occupation,
(3) Nine (9) clusters of skills made up of 89 skills and were required for the
occupation and
(4) Ten (10) clusters of skills consisting of 99 skills and facilities were required for
production occupation. In the hypotheses tested, the result also revealed that: there
the industry and those trained in the field. It was recommended that
train youths on short course basis to enable them acquire entrepreneurship skills in
(3) Universities colleges and teachers of agriculture could adopt the training modules
aspects of the methodology to use for the study and also guided the researcher in
In another study carried out by Okafor and Ogbazi (2009) on work-skills required
by secondary school graduates for success in cassava production enterprises in Imo State.
Two research questions were developed to guide the study. Two hypotheses were
formulated and tested at the probability of 0.05 level of significance. The study was
carried out in Imo States of Nigeria. The study made use of descriptive survey research
design. The population for the study comprised all the 521 teachers of agriculture and 50
extension agents. The sample for the study was 110 respondents, made up of 89 teachers
of agricultural science and 21 extension agents. The instrument used for data collection
was a 27 skill item questionnaire. The instrument used a four-point likert-type scale for
rating the response options Highly Required (HR), Required (R), Moderately Required
(MR) and Not Required (NR) as well as numerical values of 4, 3, 2, and 1 respectively.
The instrument was subjected to face validation by three experts. The reliability of the
instrument was established using Cronbach Alpha formula to find out the internal
consistency of the validated instruments. A reliability coefficient obtained was 0.89. 110
The data collected for the study were analyzed using mean and standard deviation
to answer the research questions. The study found out that 19 work-skills were required
in cassava production and 8 work-skills required in processing cassava roots into garri.
The study also found out that there was no significant difference in mean ratings of the
recommended that the skills identified should be integrated into the secondary school
curriculum and skill acquisition centers for used in training unemployed secondary
researcher in selecting the methodology to use for the study such as the design which is
technological (SMET) Education, the study sought out to: identify competencies required
of the 21st century work force and identify the work force competencies that need to be
was generated from the literature reviewed and developed for the study. The
Group number one (N = 9) was located in central Iowa and represented small business
firms employing less than 50 people. Group number two (N=10) was located in central
Illinois and represented fortune 500 companies. The first collection of data was
conducted using a paper and pencil survey containing the original 30 item pool. The
second collection of data was conducted listing a focus group methodology from each of
The findings from the study revealed what industry practitioners perceived to be
programmes. The results of this exploratory study indicated that advanced technological
programmes (SMET) must continue to emphasize such issues as group project skills and
quality concepts. But they must also be sure to emphasize co-operation among co-
workers, the welfare of the group over self, customer satisfaction over task completion,
interpersonal communications skills, and team working skills in all aspects of their
the next level must now begin to examine how to improve their graduates' abilities to
understand items such as: (a). How a firms vision, strategies and performance out-comes
effect overall organizational performance, (b) How the organizations culture influences
individual behaviours and (c) How the welfare of group over self must be instilled into
organizational culture. These last items (a-c) need to be integrated and synthesized into
the entire curriculum not just specific courses. It guided the researcher in selecting the
A study was carried out by Olaitan, Amusa and Nwobu (2009) on Quality
Agriculture in Southwestern Nigerian. Four research questions guided the study; survey
research design was adopted. The study was carried out in south western Nigeria;
specifically in Ondo and Oyo states. The population for the study was 200 instructors
from the two schools of agriculture in the area. The sample of the study was 46
instructors purposively sample from the departments of crop production and agricultural
engineering with interest in tillage operations. Two sets of instrument were developed for
the study; they were 25-psycho-productive multiple choice test item in cocoyam
cluster structured questionnaire item for identifying areas where instructors require
The questionnaire was divided into two categories of needed and performance.
The needed category has a 4 point response scale of Highly Needed, Averagely Needed,
Slightly Needed and Not Needed; while the performance category also has 4-point
Performance with a corresponding value of 4, 3, 2 and 1 for the two groups of scale
respectively. The two sets of instrument were validated by three experts. Split-half
technique and Cronbach alpha reliability method were adopted to determine the internal
administered to the instructors of one to one basis with 30 minutes duration for providing
answers to the multiple choice test items. This was carried out personally by the
researchers in the two schools of agriculture. Three weeks later, forty-six copies of the
the schools of agriculture with a two day interval for the completion of the questionnaire.
The entire forty six copies administered were retrieved and analyzed. Frequency and
percentage were used to analyze data from the psycho-productive multiple choice test
items to determine the quality assurance of the instructors while improvement needed
index (INI) was employed to analyze data from the competency cluster questionnaire
cocoyam production to students. In taking decisions on the level of quality assurance and
competence of the instructor, the following percentage range were used: 70% and above
Improvement needed index (INI) was used for taking decision on areas where
schools of agriculture in south western Nigeria. The improvement needed index (INI)
i. The mean (xn) of the needed category was determined for each item,
ii. The mean (XP) of the performance category was also determined for each item.
iii. The performance gap (PG) was therefore determined by finding the difference
the level at which the instructors were performing in teaching the item to students is
lower than what is required where PG is negative (-), it means improvement is not
needed because, the instructors are performing the teaching of the item more than what is
required. Where PG value is zero (0), it means improvement is also not needed because;
the level at which the instructors were performing the teaching of the item is equal to the
level that was required. It was found out that the quality assurance of the instructors in
teaching cocoyam production was average. The study also found out that the instructors
western Nigeria. Therefore the researcher recommended that, the required competencies
identified by this study be package and use to retain the instructors in cocoyam
production to enable them the training needs of students and justifiably motivate their
interest in farming profession. The study adopted survey research design which guided
the researcher and an aspect of method of analyses which is Improvement Need Index
A study was carried out by Olaitan, Alaribe and Ellah (2009) on capacity building
Needs of palm oil and kernel marketers for Enhancing Economic Returns from oil palm
industry in South Eastern Nigeria. Four research questions were developed to guide the
study. Survey research design was used for the study. The study was carried out in South
Eastern Nigeria. The population for the study was 1,099 made up of 920 teachers of
agricultural science and 179 palm oil and kernel marketers. Sample for the study was
456. Sample for the teachers was obtained from 3% of the population of teachers from
the states covered by the study. This is in conformity with the statement of Boll and Gall
palm oil and kernel was developed for collecting data from the teachers of agricultural
science and marketers. The questionnaire had two (2) type of response scale: needed and
performance scales. The needed type of scale had a 4 point response of; Highly Needed
(HN), Averagely Needed (AN), Slightly Needed (SN) and Not Needed (NN) with the
corresponding value of 4,3,2 and 1. This aspect of the questionnaire was designed to
collect data from the teachers of agricultural science and marketers of palm, oil and
kernel, to determine the skills needed by palm oil and kernel marketers in the enterprise.
The performance type of scale had a 4 point response of; High performance, Average
2, and 1. This aspect of the questionnaire was designed to collect data from palm oil and
kernel marketers only, to determine their level of performance of each skill item.
The questionnaire was validated by three (3) experts; two from Crop Science
Department and one from vocational Teacher Education Department (VTE); University
of Nigeria, Nsukka. Their corrections and suggestions were used to produce the final
copy of the questionnaire. Split half technique and Cronbach alpha method were used to
determine the reliability of the questionnaire which yielded a co-efficience of 0.83. Four
hundred and fifty six (456) copies of the questionnaire were administered on the
respondents with the help of five research assistants. All the copies of the questionnaire
were retrieved after two weeks. The data collected was analyzed using weighted mean
and improvement Needed Index (INI) to answer the research questions. Capacity
1. The mean Xn of the needed category was determined for each item.
2. The mean Xp of the perform category was determine for each item.
3. The performance gap (PG) was determined by finding the difference between
Where PG is zero (0), it means that capacity building is not needed for that item
because the level at which the marketers performed the skill is needed. Where PG is
negative (-), it means capacity building is not needed for hat item because the level at
which the marketers performed the skill is higher than the level at which it is needed.
Where PG is positive (+), it means capacity building is needed because the level at which
the marketers performed the skills is lower than the level at which it is needed. It was
found out that palm oil and kernel marketers needed capacity building in planning,
reprocessing and marketing skills in palm oil and kernel enterprise. It was recommended
by the researcher that the findings of this study be utilized to develop capacity building
programs for retraining marketers of palm oil and kernel for greater efficiency. It guided
the researcher in selecting some aspects of the methodology to use for the study and also
of Nigeria. Three research questions guided the study. Survey research design was used
for the study and area of the study covered all the technical colleges that offer auto-
mechanics in the south eastern states of Nigeria. The population for the study was made
(technical) teachers in the five states of the zone. The total population used for the study
was therefore 51. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire
and it was based on a five-point Likert scale of Strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided,
Disagree and Strongly Disagree. The instrument was face validated by five experts.
Cronbach Alpha was used to test the reliability and 0.72 was obtained as the reliability
returned and used for data analysis. The data collected was analyzed using mean. A mean
of 3.50 and above indicated that the respondents agreed to the statement while a mean
score below 3.50 indicated disagreement to the statement. The study identified thirty-
eastern Nigeria to manage auto-mechanic workshops. The researcher made the following
workshop management.
workshop management.
It guided the researcher in selecting some aspects of the methodology to use for
the study and also in obtaining information to support the findings of the study during
enhancing crop production in cross river state, Nigeria. Three research questions were
developed to guide the study. The study adopted survey research design. The study and
the population for the study was 5,560 respondents comprising 5,500 registered crop
farmers and 60 Extension agents. The total sample for the study was 335 respondents
crop farmers while the entire sub-population of Extension Agents (60) was involved in
the study because it was small. The choice of 5% proportionate is in agreement with the
opinion of Boll and Gall in Uzoagulu (1998) that when a defined population is greater
and manuring and fertilizer application was used in collecting data for the study. The
questionnaire had two categories - Needed and Performance. The Needed category had a
4 point response scale of Highly Needed, Averagely Needed, Slightly Needed and Not
respectively. The instrument was face validated by three experts. Cronbach Alpha
reliability method was adopted in determining the internal consistency of the instrument
and a reliability coefficient of 0.85 was obtained. Three hundred and thirty five (335)
copies of the questionnaire were administered on the respondent with the help of thee
hired research assistants on a face to face basis and retrieved with a 100% return rate.
The data collected were analyzed using weighted mean and Improvement Needed Index
(INI) to answer the research questions. The weighted mean of needed category was
represented by (N) while the weighted mean performance of respondents for each item
was represented by (P). The difference between the two means that is (N-P) was
determined to indicate Performance Gap (PG) which could yield a zero (0), negative or
positive value.
a. A difference of zero (0) indicated that there is no need for capacity building
because the level at which the competency is required is the same as the level at
b. A negative (-) difference implies that there is no need for capacity building
because the level at which the farmer could perform the competency is higher than
c. A positive (+) PG indicates that there is need for capacity building because the
level at which the competency is required is higher than the level at which the
farmers could perform. This difference may range from low to average depending
It was found out that farmers required capacity building in soil testing and
analysis, manure and manuring and fertilizer application methods. The researchers
recommended therefore that the skills identified in soil testing and analysis, manure and
manuring, fertilizer application should be packaged and used for retraining these farmers
through workshops and seminars improving soil nutrients for enhancing crop production.
It guided the researcher in selecting some aspects of the methodology to use for the study
and also in obtaining information to support the findings of the study during discussion.
Another study carried out by Olaitan, Alaribe and Nwobu (2009) on capacity
building needs of Teachers of agriculture for effective teaching in Upper Basic Schools in
Abia State. Two research questions guided the study Evaluation and survey research
designs were used for collecting data for the study. Evaluation, as explained by Nwanna
(2007), is an act of deciding whether the end product can be described as adequate or
developed for collecting data from respondents. The study was carried out in Abia state.
Population for the study was 384 teachers of Agriculture at the junior secondary level in
the area of study. The sample for the study was 200 NCE graduates teachers of
skills and technical areas of agriculture was developed for collecting data from the
curriculum they have learnt in the College of Education. The psycho-productive multiple
choice test was based on Simpson's taxonomy of psychomotor domain which are
perception (4 items) set (5 items), guided response (6 items) mechanism (10 items)
curriculum was developed for collecting data from the teachers of Agriculture about
areas of Agricultural education program where they needed capacity building. The
questionnaire had two types of response scale; the needed and performance scale. The
needed type of scale had a four point response of Highly Needed (HN), Averagely
Needed (AN), Slightly Needed (SN), and Not Needed (NN) with a corresponding
corresponding value of 4, 3, 2 and 1 respectively. The two types of instrument were face
validated by 3 experts two from Agricultural Education and one from measurement and
instruments. The test yielded a co-efficient of 0.85 while the questionnaire yielded a co-
efficient of 0.83. The psycho-Productive test was administered to 200 respondents on one
to one basis for 40 minutes. 200 copies of the questionnaire were administered to the
respondents through three research assistants and 196 copies were retrieved after two
weeks. The test was analyzed using frequency and percentage of the teachers in the
Performance score was interpreted as follow: 70% or above very high, 60-69% high, 50-
i. The weighted mean ( X n) of the need scale was determined for each cluster;
ii. The weighted mean ( X p) of the performance scale was also determined for
each cluster,
iii. The performance gap (PG) was determined by finding the difference between
( X n and X p, that is ( X n- X p) = PG
Where PG is positive (+), it means capacity building is required because the rate at
which teachers performed is lower than what is expected. Where PG is negative (-), it
means capacity building is not required because the rate at which teachers performed is
greater than what is needed. Where PG is zero (0), capacity building is not required
because the rate at which teaches performed is equal to what is needed, Olaitan and
Ndomic in Ellah (2007). The study found out that teachers obtained low performance
(49%), in the curriculum content of Agricultural Education Program and also required
capacity building in the same program. The researcher recommended that the findings of
this study be utilized to develop capacity building programs for teachers of Agriculture in
Junior Secondary Schools in the area of study. The study guided the researcher in
selecting some aspects of the methodology to use for the study and also in obtaining
were developed and 4 null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of
from the literature reviewed and developed for the study. The questionnaire was
138 respondents. The same copies of questionnaire was retrieved analyzed using mean,
SD and improvement require index (IRI) to answer the research questions. The t-test
statistic was used for testing the hypotheses. The major findings of the study revealed
that the following work skill items are needed for success hi rice productions. Nursery
winnowing - 19 skills; processing and storage - 58 skills & marketing - 9 skills. It was
found out that out of 35 skills identified as needed in rice production farmers require
improvement in III of them. It was also found out that there was no significance different
in the mean ratings of the responses of the registered rice farmers & the agric extension
agents in 129 skills out of 135 in is rice farmers needed improvement in rice production.
In view of the above, it was recommended that the identified work-skill modules and
their correspondence skill items in rice production be packaged into programmes by the
government and retraining farmers for improved rice production. The study guided the
researcher in selecting the methodology to use for the study and also in obtaining
In a study carried out by Asogwa, Uko and Omeh (2010) on quality assurance of
teachers for teaching oil palm production to students in senior secondary schools in
Enugu State. Four research questions guided the study, survey research design was
adopted. The study was carried out in Enugu State. The population of the study was 484
t4eachers of agricultural science in senior secondary schools in Enugu State. The sample
for the study was 107 teachers of agricultural science. A random sampling technique was
used for the study. A forty-five structured skilled item questionnaire was developed from
the literature and used for the data collection. Five experts validated the instrument; split
half technique and Cronbach Alpha reliability method were involved in determining the
the internal consistency of the instrument. A reliability coefficient of 0.85 was obtained.
The data was analyzed using mean and improvement required index (IRI) to answer the
research questions. The findings of the study revealed that teachers in Enugu state require
capacity building for quality assurance in teaching oil palm production to students in
senior secondary schools in areas of nursery, pre-planting and planting, post planting and
post harvesting operations. It was recommended that the identified skills were teachers
be utilized in retraining the teachers to improve their quality in teaching oil palm
production to students in senior secondary schools. The study guided the researcher in
selecting the methodology to use for the study and also in obtaining information to
task analysis, modular analysis, competency based analysis, occupational area analysis,
function of industry approach, need assessment, need gap and improvement. The
selecting appropriate approaches to be used; it also guided the researcher in selecting the
training theories. The theories guided the researcher in identifying and selecting
guided the research in selecting suitable competency elements and methodology that
employment and retraining farmers for proficiency on the job. Literature was reviewed
The reviewed literature in the above areas guided the researcher to select competency
elements in each of the plantain production enterprises which were arranged into tasks.
Empirical studies reviewed guided the researcher in selecting some suitable aspects of the
methodology used for the study; structuring the questionnaire and also in obtaining
information to support the findings of the study during discussion. The literature
reviewed on modules and functions of industries guided the researcher in packaging the
identified plantain production competencies into programmes which would be used to fill
competencies identified and packaged by this study could be used to train these
secondary school graduates for employment thereby filling the existing gap.
b. the existing gap among the plantain farmers is the discrepancy between possessed
competencies identified and packaged by this study could be utilized to retrain the
farmers for proficiency on the job thereby reducing to the bearest minimum the
existing discrepancies.
This chapter presented the procedure used for carrying out this study. It was
organized under the following subheadings: Design of the Study, Area of the Study,
Population of the Study, Sample and Sampling Technique. It also described the
The study made use of descriptive survey research design. A descriptive survey
research in the opinion of Nworgu (2006) is a design in which a group of people or items
is studied by collecting and analyzing data from a few people or items considered to be
representative of the entire group. Olaitan, Ali, Eyoh and Sowande (2000) explained
descriptive survey as a research design that employs the study of large and small
populations by selecting and analyzing data collected from the group through the use of
for this study since it obtained data from a group of agricultural science teachers,
extension agents and registered plantain farmers through the use of structured
graduates for employment in plantain production enterprises and farmers for proficiency
on the job.
The area of the study was Abia and Imo States. Abia state is made up of three
senatorial zones: Aba, Ohafia and Umuahia; Imo state comprises of three senatorial
zones which are Okigwe, Orlu and Owerri. The two states were located in the tropical
rain forest zone which favours the production of plantain in large quantities and plantain
has a quick turn over; that is within one year plantain can mature while its suckers can
The population of the study was 1,490. This was made up of 644 teachers of
Agriculture comprising 184 Agricultural Science Teachers from Abia and 460 from Imo
State) (Sources: Secondary Education Management Board (SEMB) Abia and Imo States)
(See Appendix B page 229); 766 extension agents comprising 512 from Abia State and
254 extension agents from Imo State (See appendix C page 230), 80 registered plantain
farmers made up of 20 nursery farmers (15 nursery from Abia and 5 nursery farmers
management farmers from Abia State and 10 from Imo States), 26 plantain processing
farmers (16 from Abia and 10 from Imo states) See Appendix D page 231 (Source:,
The sample of the study was 362 which comprised 129 Agricultural science
teachers (37 and 92 Agricultural science teachers from Abia and Imo States,
respectively), 153 extension agents (102 and 51 extension agents from Abia and Imo
States, respectively (See Appendices E and F on pages 232 and 233 respectively) and all
farmers, 34 plantain plantation managers and 26 plantain processors -were very small
Sample for agricultural science teachers and extension agents were obtained using
science teachers and Extension agents from the States covered by the study. This was in
conformity with the statement of Boll and Gall in Uzoagulu (1998) that if a population is
take place; National Institute of Horticultural Research and Training (NIHORT) Okigwe
and Imo State Polytechnics Umuagwo were also visited by the researcher where research
The researcher:
1. Observed the available facilities for performing various activities in require enterprise.
3. Wrote down step by step activities carried out by the instructor in each of the
The records obtained from each of the research centres helped the researcher in
Four sets of structured questionnaire were used to collect data for this study. The
four sets of questionnaire were developed through literature review and information from
the industry. Each of the three sets of the questionnaire covering the three enterprises
were divided into two parts A and B. Part A was used for collecting personal data from
the respondents. Part B was divided into four sections. For example, the nursery
processing and marketing also have their relevant parts, sections and responses
Each item has two response categories of needed and performance. The needed
category had five response options of Very Highly Needed (VHN), Highly Needed (HN),
Averagely Needed (AN), Slightly Needed (SN), Not Needed (NN) with corresponding
nominal values of 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 respectively. The performance category also has five
response options of Very High Performance (VHP) High Performance (HP), Average
Teachers, Extension agents and registered plantain farmers all responded to the needed category
while only the registered plantain farmers answered the performance category (See Appendix G
page 234).
The fourth set of the questionnaire was on training competencies needed by trainers at
skill acquisition centres with five response options of Very Highly Needed (VHN), Highly
Needed (HN), Averagely Needed (AN), Slightly Needed (SN), Not Needed (NN) with
agricultural science teachers and extension agents only (See Appendix H page 280).
The questionnaire for data collection was face validated by five experts: one from
Agricultural Education unit of the Department of Vocational Teacher Education of the University
of Nigeria, Nsukka, one from Crop Science Department, Federal University of Technology Owerri,
one from Crop Science Department of Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo, Owerri, one from
National Institute of Horticultural Research and Training (NIHORT), Okigwe and one from
Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) Owerri. Each expert was served with a copy of each
of the four sets of the questionnaire and was requested to check the competency items for clarity,
ascertain the relevance of each item to the enterprise, supply any missing items and make
suggestions that could help to improve the quality of the questionnaire. The validated instruments
from the experts were retrieved. Their suggestions were utilized to produce a final copy of the
Ebonyi State was informed by a number of factors which include the prevalence of
plantain production in the state and the existence of Ebonyi state within the same
Cronbach Alpha reliability method was used to determine the internal consistency
of the items. The reliability coefficient of 0.88 was obtained for plantain nursery
enterprise, 0.95 for plantain plantation management enterprise, 0.90 for processing and
marketing enterprise and 0.84 was obtained for training competencies in plantain
production enterprises.
Six research assistants were hired (three from Abia State and three from Imo
state); they were instructed on how to administer the questionnaire to the respondents.
Each of the 129 agricultural science teachers and 153 extension agents was given four
sets of the questionnaire while each of the 20 nursery, 34 plantain plantation farmers and
26 plantain processors was given one set relevant to the farmers' enterprise. The
researcher monitored the research assistants very closely while administering the
questionnaire to the respondents. Three hundred and sixty two (362) completed copies of
questionnaire were retrieved after four weeks by researcher from the research assistants
at an agreed place in the headquarter of each State; this indicated 100% return rate.
The data collected from the respondents were analyzed using weighted Mean to
answer research questions 1, 2, 3 and 7 and Improvement Need Index (INI) to answer the
research questions 4-6 while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the null
In deciding on the competency items needed, the real limit of numbers was
Any competency item with a Mean value of 1.50 or above was regarded as needed.
Any item with a mean value less than 1.50 was regarded as not needed. The standard
deviation was used to decide on the closeness or otherwise of the respondents to the
Mean in their responses. Any item with standard deviation of less than 1.96 indicated that
the respondents were not too far from the mean or from one another in their responses.
In deciding on the need gap value that constitutes the improvement needed, the
Improvement Needed Index (INI) was utilized. The Improvement Needed Index (INI) is
1. The mean of each item in the Needed (Xn) category of each item was calculated.
2. The mean of each item in the performance (Xp) category was calculated.
3. The Need gap (NG) was calculated by finding difference between Xn and Xp for
A. Where NG is zero (0) for any competency item, it indicates that there is no need
for improvement because the level at which the competency is needed is equal to
the level at which the farmers could perform the competency items.
B. Where the NG is negative (-) for any item, there is no need for improvement
because the level at which the competency item was needed was less than the level
C. Where the NG is positive (+) for any competency item, there is need for
improvement because the level at which the farmers could perform the
competency item is lower than the level at which it is needed (Olaitan and Ndomi
in Ellah, 2007).
where F-calculated is lower than F-table value or where p-value is greater than 0.05 ; the
hypothesis of no significant difference was rejected where the F-calculated is greater than
the F-table or p-value is less than 0.05. Where there is difference post hoc analysis was
The format used for packaging the programme was that of Uko (2010) with the
following steps:
• Name of programme
• Materials needed
• Training competencies.
The packages were subjected to validation by three experts from the following
training institutions.
This chapter presented the data analyzed and their interpretations for the purpose
Research Question 1:
The data in table 1 revealed that the five modules (A-E) had their mean values
ranged from 4.47 to 4.68, which were above the real unit of 1.50. This indicated that all
the five modules were needed by secondary school graduates for employment in plantain
nursery enterprise in Abia and Imo States. The five modules had their standard deviations
ranged from 0.58 - 0.92 and are positive, these were less than 1.96 indicating that the
respondents were not too far from the mean and were close to one another in their
The five modules had 98 corresponding competency items (See Appendix N, page
308). The mean values of these items ranged from 3.96 - 4.88. The mean values of each
item was greater than the real limit of 1.50 indicating that the 98 competency items were
Abia and Imo States. The 98 competency items had their standard deviation ranged from
0.65 to 1.45 and were positive, each of these values were less than 1.96 indicating that
the respondents were not too far from the mean and were close to one another in their
Research Question 2
The data in table 2 revealed that the 4 modules (A-D) had their mean values
ranged from 4.43 to 4.69 which were above the real limit of 1.50. This indicated that all
the four modules were needed by secondary school graduates for employment in
plantain plantation enterprise in 89 Abia and Imo States. The four modules had their
standard deviations ranged from 0.54 to 0.83, these were less than 1.96 indicating that
the respondents were not too far from the mean and were close to one another in their
The four modules had 89 corresponding competency items (See Appendix N, page
313). The mean values of these items ranged from 4.23 - 4.82. The mean values of each
item was greater than the real limit of 1.50 indicating that the 89 competency items were
Abia and Imo States. The 89 items had their standard deviation ranged from 0.571 - 0.989
each of these values were less than 1.96 indicating that the respondents were not too far
from the mean and were close to one another in their responses. This adds value to the
Research Question 3
vii. Plantain fruits processing into wine (23 items) 4.55 0.64 VHN
C Marketing of processed plantain fruits (flour, 4.57 0.70 VHN
chips, malt, jam etc (9 items)
The data presented in table 3 revealed that the four modules (A-D) had their
mean values ranged from 4.52 to 4.63; which were above the real limit of 1.50. This
indicated that all the four modules were needed by secondary school graduates for
employment in plantain processing and marketing enterprise in Abia and Imo States.
The four modules had their standard deviations ranged from 0.57 to 0.85 each of these
values was less than 1.96 indicating that the respondents were not too far from the mean
and were close to one another in their responses. This adds value to the reliability of the
The four modules had 101 corresponding competency items (See Appendix N,
page 318). The mean values of these items ranged from 3.89 to 4.80. The mean value of
each item was greater than the real limit of 1.50 indicating that 101 competency items
were needed by secondary school graduates for employment in plantain processing and
marketing enterprise in Abia and Imo states. The 101 competency items had their
standard deviation ranged from 0.591 to 1.748, each of these values was less than 1.96
indicating that the respondents were not too far from the mean and were close to one
another in their responses. This adds value to the reliability of the mean.
Research Question 4
Table 4: Need gap analysis of the Mean ratings of the responses of nursery
farmers on entrepreneurial competencies in plantain nursery practice
where they needed improvement. N = 20
NG Remarks
Module Module Statements Xn Xp (Xn - Xp)
Competencies in:
A Planning for plantain nursery
enterprise (13 items) 4.64 2.70 1.94 LIN
B Plantain pre-nursery
i. Sliced corn Technique (12 items) 4.68 2.89 1.79 LIN
ii. Whole corn technique (10 items) 4.62 2.90 1.72 LIN
Data in table 4 revealed that the 5 modules had their need gap values ranged
from 1.72 to 1.94. The need gap values for each of the modules was positive. This
indicated that the plantain nursery farmers need improvement in the 5 modules. The
The 98 competency items had their need gap values ranged from 1.00 to 3.40 and
were positive indicating that plantain nursery farmers need improvement in all the
98 competency items
Research Question 5
Table 5: Need gap analysis of the mean ratings of the responses of plantain
plantation farmers on entrepreneurial competencies in plantain
plantation management where they needed improvement N = 34
Module Module Statement Xn Xp (Xn - Xp) Remarks
Competencies in:
A Planning for plantation management
(14 items) 4.64 2.67 1.97 LIN
iv. Pests and diseases control (7 items) 4.68 2.48 2.20 LIN
V. Debudding and propping (4 items) 4.68 2.96 1.72 LIN
The data presented in table 5 revealed that the 4 modules had their need gap values
ranged from 1.68 to 2.22. The need gap values for each of the modules was positive. This
indicated that the plantain plantation management fanners need improvement in each of
the 4 modules. The 4 modules had 89 corresponding competency items (See Appendix N,
page 328). The 98 competency items had their need gap values ranged from 0.82 to 3.71
and were positive indicating that the plantain plantation management farmers need
Research Question 6
Table 6: Need Gap Analysis of the Mean Ratings of the Responses of Plantain
Processors where they Needed Improvement. N = 26.
Module Module Statements Xn Xp (Xn - Xp) Remarks
Competencies in:
A. Planning activities for plantain fruits
processing (11 items) 4.57 2.50 2.07 AIN
B Plantain Fruit Processing:
The data presented in table 6 revealed that the 4 modules had their need gap values
ranged from 1.63 to 2.36. The need gap values for each of the modules was positive. This
indicated that the plantain processors need improvement in each of 4 modules. The 4
modules had 101 corresponding competency items (See Appendix N, page 333). The 101
competency items had their need gap values ranged from 0.76 to 3.54 and were positive indicating
that the plantain processors need improvement in all the 101 competency items.
Research Question 7
What are the competencies in training needed by trainers for training secondary school
graduates for success in employment and retraining farmers for proficiency in any plantain
Table 7: Mean ratings of the responses of Agricultural science teachers and extension agents
on competencies in training needed by trainers for training secondary school
graduates and retraining farmers plantain enterprise (N = 282)
SN Item Statements X SD Rmks
A Planning for training
1. Structure the plantain programme (nursery, plantation, processing and 4.28 0.989 HN
marketing) contents into topics or units.
2. Arrange the topics or units sequentially in order of presentation 4.26 1.058 HN
3. State the objectives to be achieved by each topic or unit for any plantain 4.21 0.958 HN
4. Identify materials needed for training in each unit of the enterprise 4.22 0.984 HN
5. Select relevant available materials for training in each units of the plantain 4.09 0.964 HN
6. Identify relevant methods for teaching each topic or unit 4.16 1.040 HN
7. Select relevant methods for teaching each topic or unit 4.26 0.925 HN
8. Write down the plantain programme concepts, facts or generalizations to be 4.36 1.064 HN
9 Identify competency performance of plantain programme units needed to 4.01 1.043 HN
10 State instructors and learners activities. 4.25 0.994 HN
11 Identify appropriate evaluation technique for each content area 4.09 0.893 HN
B Training procedure to be adopted by trainers
12 Teach trainees from known to unknown using plantain programme units or topics 4.39 0.929 HN
13 Explain the facilities to be used by the trainer for training each trainee in each 4.13 0.925 HN
competency area of the plantain programme
14 Deliver the contents step by step in logical order to the trainees 4.25 0.965 HN
15 Demonstrate the competencies while the trainees observed during step by step
teaching 4.45 0.775 HN
16 Request the trainees to practice what the instructor demonstrated while the 4.23 0.845
instructor observes them HN
17 Correct wrong practices made by the trainees 4.29 0.834 HN
18 Encourage repetitive practice of knowledge and skills learnt 4.39 0.706 HN
19 Test the practice of a group of related competencies toward achieving of the 4.35 0.793 HN
20 Provide the trainees information about their performance 4.30 0.773 HN
21 Encourage visit to other plantain programme establishments, write a report and 4.16 0.851
submit to the instructor for a feedback system HN
22 Teach the trainee money management and investment procedure into their 4.34 0.815 HN
23 Teach the trainees sources of fund for investment into the enterprise/programme 4.35 0.733 HN
24 Teach the trainees how to manage risk in the enterprises through insurance 4.35 0.695 HN
25 Teach trainee salvage value of materials that can be resold for improving 4.26 0.795
investment into the enterprise HN
26 Teach the trainees knowledge of profit and loss account 4.31 0.833 HN
Key: HN = Highly Needed
The data presentation in table 7 revealed that training in any plantain enterprise
had 26 corresponding competency items. The mean values of these items ranged from
4.01 - 4.45. The mean value of each item was greater than the real limit of 1.50 indicating
that 26 competency items were needed by trainers for training of secondary school
graduates for success in employment and retraining of farmers for proficiency in any
plantain enterprises in Abia and Imo states. The 26 competency items had their standard
deviation ranged from 0.69 - 1.06 each of these values was less than 1.96 indicating that
the respondents were not too far from the mean and were close to one another in their
Table 8 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the Mean Ratings of the Agricultural Science
Teachers, Extension Agents and Farmers on the Entrepreneurial competencies Needed by
secondary school graduates for Employment in plantain nursery enterprise N=302
(Agric science teachers=129, Extension agents=153 and Nursery farmers=20)
B Plantain pre-nursery
i. technique: 144.52 301 0.48 0.19 0.82 NS
ii. Slice corn technique
(12items) 177.72 301 0.59 0.56 0.73 NS
C. Plantain main
Whole corn nursery (22
(10items) 181.99 301 0.60 0.19 0.82 NS
D. Marketing of plantain nursery
seedlings (8 items) 125.36 301 0.41 0.02 0.87 NS
E. Material for effective
management of plantain
nursery (33 items) 151.98 301 0.50 0.08 0.92 NS
Key: NS = Not Significant
Table value = 3.00.
Data in table 8 revealed that modules A - E had their F-cal values ranged from 0.02
to 0.56 which were less than the F-table value of 3.00 and their P-values ranged from
0.73 to 0.92 which were greater than 0.05 indicating that there was no significant
Extension agents and plantain nursery farmers on the five entrepreneurial competency
enterprise. Therefore, the null hypothesis of no significant difference was upheld for the
competency items, out of which 96 items had their f-cal values ranged from 0.00 - 2.60
less than F-tab value of 3.00 and then P-values ranged from 0.73 - 0.93 which were
greater than 0.05 indicating that there was no significant difference in the mean ratings of
the responses of Agricultural science teachers, Extension agents and plantain nursery
no significant difference were upheld for the 96 entrepreneurial competency items. Two
out of the 98 competency items had their F-cal greater than 3.00 and their P-values less
than 0.05, (See Appendix O page 341). Item 8 in module B (ii), the F-cal is 4.03 and P-
value is 0.04 and item 6 in module D the F-cal is 3.28 and P-value is 0.03 indicating that
there was a significant difference in the mean ratings of the respondents on each of the 2
competency items. Therefore the hypothesis of no significant difference was rejected for
Post hoc analysis with sheffe test of multiple comparison was used to show the
direction of the significant difference in the mean ratings of the responses of the three
groups of respondents that is Agricultural science teachers, Extension agents and Plantain
nursery farmers on item 8 in module B and on item 6 in modules D. it was revealed that
for item 8 in module B, the significant difference in the mean ratings of the responses of
the respondents was between the Agricultural science teachers and Plantain nursery
farmers with a P-value of 0.04 but there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of
Agricultural science teachers and Extension agents. For item 6 in module D, the
significant difference in the mean ratings of the responses of the respondents was
between Agricultural science teachers and Extension agents with P-value of 0.03 and
therefore, there was no significant difference between the mean ratings of Extension
plantation management enterprise. The data for testing hypothesis 2 were presented in
table 9:
Table 9: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the Mean Ratings of the Agricultural science
Teachers, Extension Agents and Farmers on the Entrepreneurial competencies
Needed by secondary school graduates for Employment in Plantain Plantation
Management Enterprise. N=316
Module Module statements Total df Mean sum F- P-value Remarks
sum of of square Ratio (sig)
square (residual)
A Competencies in: Planning for
plantain plantation management
enterprise (14 items) 176.31 315 0.56 0.28 0.75 NS
B Plantain plantation
i. Land selection and preparation
(9 items) 183.63 315 0.58 0.57 0.56 NS
ii. Planting plantain in the field (11
items) 148.72 315 0.47 0.22 0.79 NS
iii. Weeding and fertilizer
Application (6 items) 240.38 315 0.77 0.15 0.86 NS
iv. Pest and Disease Control (7 NS
items) 234.12 315 0.73 0.27 0.76
v. Debudding and propping (4
135.98 315 0.43 0.38 0.69 NS
vi. Harvesting (9 items) 176.07 315 0.56 0.18 0.84 NS
Data in table 9 revealed that modules A - D had their f-cal ranged from 0.14 - 0.57
which were less than t-table value of 3.00 and their P-values ranged from 0.56 - 0.87
which were greater than 0.05 indicating that there was no significant difference in the
mean ratings of the responses of Agricultural science teachers, Extension agents and
the four entrepreneurial competency modules. The four modules had 89 corresponding
competency items, out of which 86 items had their F-cal values ranged from 0.00 - 0.82
less than F-table value of 3.00 and their P-values ranged from 0.56 - 0.87 which were
greater than 0.05 indicating that there was no significant difference in the mean ratings of
the responses of Agricultural science teachers, Extension agents and plantain plantation
competency items. Three out of the 89 competency items had their F-cal values greater
than 3.00 and their P-values less than 0.05, (See Appendix O, page 348). Items 7 and 8 in
module B (i) have their F-cal values to be 3.21 and 4.15; item 1 in module B (v) the F-cal
is 5.21 and their P-values are 0.04, 0.02 and 0.01 respectively indicating that there was a
significant difference in the mean ratings of the respondents. Therefore, the hypotheses of
Post hoc analysis with scheffe test of multiple comparison was used to show the
direction of the significant difference in the mean ratings of the responses of the three
groups of respondents that is Agricultural science teachers, Extension agents and Plantain
plantation farmers on items 7, 8 in module B (i) and item 1 in module B (v). It was
revealed that items 7 and 8 in module B (i) and item 1 in module B (v) the significant
difference in the mean ratings of the responses of the respondents was between
Agricultural science teachers and plantain plantation farmers with a P-values of 0.046,
0.03 and 0.01 but there is no significant difference between Farmers and Extension
Table 10: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the Mean Ratings of the Agricultural
science teachers, Extension Agents and Processors on the entrepreneurial
competencies needed by secondary school graduates for employment in
plantain processing and marketing enterprise. N=308
(Agricultural science teachers=129, Extension agents=153 and Processor=26)
Module Module statements Total Df Mean sum F- P-value Rmks
sum of of square Ratio (sig)
square (residual)
Competencies in:
Data in table 10 revealed that modules A - D had their F-cal ranged from 0.00 -
0.07 which were less than 3.00 and their P-values ranged from 0.93 - 1.00 which were
greater than 0.05 indicating that there was no significant difference in the mean ratings of
the responses of Agricultural science teachers, Extension agents and plantain processors
competencies modules. The four modules had 101 corresponding competency items, out
of which 99 items had their F-cal values ranged from 0.00-1.10 less than F-tab value of
3.00 and their P-values ranged from 0.20 - 1.00 which were greater than 0.05 (See
Appendix O, page 354) indicating that there was no significant difference in the mean
ratings of the responses of Agricultural science teachers, Extension agents and plantain
graduates for employment in plantain processing and marketing enterprise. Therefore, the
items. Two (2) out of the 101 competency items had their F-cal values greater than 3.00
and their P-values less than 0.05, these include item 2 in module B (iv), with F-cal value
of 4.04 and item 3 in the same module has F-cal of 5.11 and their P-values are 0.03 for
item 2 and 0.01 for item 3 indicating that there was a significant difference in the mean
rating of the respondents on each of the 2 competency items. Therefore, the hypotheses of
Post hoc analysis with Sheffe test of multiple comparison was used to show the
direction of the significant difference in the mean ratings of the responses of the three
groups of respondents that is Agricultural science teachers, Extension agents and plantain
processors on items 2 and 3 in module B (iv). It was revealed that for items 2 and 3 in
module B (iv), the significant difference in the mean ratings of the responses of the
respondents was between Agricultural science teachers and Plantain processors with a P-
value of 0.03 for item 2 and 0.01 for item 3 but there is no significant difference in the
mean ratings of Plantain farmers and Extension agents with p-values of 0.99 and 0.91.
The following findings emerged from the study based on the research questions
Enterprise 1
It was found out that the 5 entrepreneurial competency modules with their 98
nursery enterprise
1 Choose a flat site, free from pests and diseases for pre-nursery
4 Mix carefully top soil and poultry manure (8:1) that is 8 head pans of top soil to 1
5 Fill the boxes, trays, poly bags with mixed top soil and poultry manure.
10 Arrange the sliced corms in rows in the boxes or trays and one per polybags.
3 Stripped back the outer leaf sheaths of each corm with knife.
5 Arrange whole corms in poly bags or in trays or boxes and cover with soil or saw dust.
2. Clear the bush, level and fill depressions with appropriate technologies
3. Pack and burn all the thrashes or heap them in the farm or out of the site.
6 Collect 8 head pans of top soil to 1 head pan of poultry manure as standard mixture.
7 Mix the top soil and poultry manure together very well with shovel or spade.
8 Provide 400 or 500 gauge black polythene bags with a centrally placed perforation
at the bottom.
9 Fill the bags with the mixture of top soil and poultry manure.
11. Apply water to the soil for one day and leave for at least one week to consolidate
14 Place the sprouted corm with ball of earth into the hole in the polythene bags carefully
17 Spray with benomil or ash slurry around the psudostem base and around plants
22 Transfer the seedlings after 6 to 8 weeks into the main plantation and market the
2. Assemble the seedlings into sides or groups according to viability and vigour
2. Top soil or organic matter for filling in the polyethene bag for planting corms.
5. Saw dust or dry grasses to be used as light mulch on top of the polyethene bags.
6. Water tank to be used to store water for watering the nursery seedlings.
10. Hoe or shovel for scoping top soil or organic matter in the container and for weeding
11. Knife for pruning or removing scales or slicing the corms from the nursery
12. Wheel barrow for carrying soil or organic matter to the nursery shade
20 Ash slurry to be spread around the seedlings to prevent insects from eating the foliage
24 Hand fork for pulverizing the soil or mixing of soil and organic matter before
25 Hand trowel for transplanting of plantain seedlings from trays or boxes into large
polyethene bags
26 Secateurs for pruning dead leaves from the base of the seedlings
Enterprise 2
It was found out that the entrepreneurial competency modules with their 89
enterprise to adopt
7 Identify relevant material inputs and their location (seedlings fertilizers, pesticides,
8 Provide relevant tools and equipment (vehicles, cutlass, hoe etc) for use in plantain
plantation enterprise.
9 Identify different levels of man power needed for plantain plantation management.
10 Plan all farm operations to make most efficient use of the available money.
5. Stump the stems, park off, level and fill depressions with appropriate technologies.
7 Lay the plots in planting spacing of 3m by 2m along and within the rows for digging.
9 Keep the top soil separate from bottom soil of the dug holes.
2 Remove bottom portion of the polythene bag with seedlings to 2cm from the base.
3 Cut the polyethene bag with seedlings from the top to the bottom.
4 Place seedlings centrally into the hole with the two hands and remove the polyethene
6 Fill back the hole first with top soil and then with bottom soil
7 Support the seedlings with top soil and add more soil if not enough.
c. Weeding
1 Weed as weeds appear with cutlass or matchet or row weed about three to four
2 Intercrop with legumes or cocoyam in rows at the young age of plantain or spray
3 Prune the dry leaves and use them as mulch around the base of the plant.
d. Fertilizer application
1 Apply 300kg/ha of Nitrogen in form of urea to seedlings one month after planting
2 Apply 500kg/ha of muriate of potash 30 days after the first application of urea at
3 Apply mixed fertilizer of 250gm (N), l00gm (P205) and 200gm (k) at the rate of
3 Use bird scaring gun to scare away birds or animals such as money
1 Cut the male bud after the fruit has being set when the fingers are not coming out.
4 Dug the stick firmly into the soil to provide support of trunk or fruit until
vi. Harvesting:
5 Cut down the entire pseudostem and chop together with the foliage of the main plant.
6 Spread chooped pseudostem and foliage over the soil as mulch for ratooncrop.
8 Cover the bunch with leaves half way to allow air inside the heap.
3. Identify your customers and invite them for supply and search for market
11 Wheel barrow for carrying organic manure and fertilizer to the plantation site
12 Spade/shovel for carrying soil used to cover the root of the plantain
13 Fertilizer to be applied on the plantation for increasing the fertility of the soil
16 knap Sac prayer or boom sprayer for spraying chemicals e.g. pesticides, insecticides
and herbicides
Enterprise 3
It was found out that the 4 entrepreneurial competency modules with their 101
the secondary school graduates for employment in plantain processing and marketing
enterprise. The 4 competency modules and their 101 corresponding items were listed
4. Decide on the type (small, medium or large) of plantain processing enterprise to adopt
8. Identify different levels of man power needed for the plantain processing and
11. Identify relevant records to keep for the plantain processing and marketing
2. Wash the unripe plantain fruits with water to remove dirt and spray residues
3. Peel the unripe plantain to obtain pulp and keep pulps in a bowl containing water
4 Cut/sliced peeled plantain fruits according to the desired sizes using appropriate
6 Heat vegetable oil or palm oil in a frying pan or electric fryer to about 170°C.
7 Put sliced plantain fruits into the hot oil and fry.
9 Remove the plantain chips into plastic sieve to allow the oil to drain.
12 Seal with candle flame with the aid of kitchen knife and Market the products.
2 Mill the figs with appropriate technologies into powder and keep until required.
3 Reconstitute about 55g (2 heaped tablespoon) of fig powder in 0.3 litres of water and mix.
4 Set the mixture aside for 5-10 minutes to enable the component of powder to leach into the
5 Filter through muslin clothes, bottled and keep to sediment allow to sediment.
6 Decant or filter again, add vanilla flavor and granulated or icing sugar to sweeten
the "malt'
2 Blend the ripe plantain with harmer mill and mixed together withl cup of granulated sugar
6 Preserved the gel with sorbic acid and market the products
2 Peel the ripe plantain fruits and blend the pulp with appropriate technologies.
3 Soak slurry (blended pulp) in hot water for 10 -15 minutes for optimum juice
6 Allow to cool, add colour and fill into sterilized bottles and market the products
2 Peel the ripe plantain fruits and blend the pulp with appropriate technologies
3 Soak slurry (blended pulp) in 500ml hot water for 10-15 minutes for optimum juice extraction
5 Add 12 eggs (alburnum, whisked), 1 cup of icing sugar, a pinch of vanilla powder or few
drops of liquid vanilla flavor essence, 1 tin of milk and mix thoroughly.
1 Select 2kg ripe/over ripe plantain and 250g plantain skins (peel's)
2 Slice peeled ripe plantain fruits and the peels with knife
7 Apply pressure to extract as much juice as possible when the bag is cooled.
10 Add 1 table spoon or 1 sachet (3g) of yeast and juice of 1 ripe grape fruit as yeast
17 Put few drops of sterilizing solution into the air lock to form a U shape
18 Plug the top of the trap with cotton wool to enables the yeast to undergo an
19 Rack occasionally by siphoning the wine off the lees of yeast and deposited solids.
20 Sieve the wine with musline cloth to clear of its own accord; given time, when it
23 Store finished wine in a rack or bin at 13°C or in a refrigerator and market the
Module C: Marketing of Processed Plantain Fruits (Flour, Chips, Malt, Jam, etc)
6. Sell the processed plantain fruits to different buyers according to grades and
Marketing Enterprise
8. Bowls for putting water used for washing peeled plantain fruits
10. Hammer mill used for milling the dried sliced plantain fruits.
nursery practice enterprise. It was found out that plantain nursery farmers needed
enterprise with 98 corresponding competency items. The competency modules and their
8. Identify different levels of man power needed for the nursery enterprise
1 Choose a fiat site, free from pests and diseases for pre-nursery
4 Mix carefully top soil and poultry manure (8:1) that is 8 head pans of top
5 Fill the boxes, trays, poly bags with mixed top soil and poultry manure.
3 Stripped back the outer leaf sheaths of each corm with knife.
5 Arrange whole corns in poly bags or in trays or boxes and cover with soil or saw
2 Clear the bush, level and fill depressions with appropriate technologies
3 Pack and burn all the thrashes or heap them in the form or out of the site.
6 Collect 8 head pans of top soil to 1 head pan of poultry manure as standard
7 Mix the top soil and poultry manure together very well with shovel or spade.
8 Provide 400 or 500 gauge black polythene bags with a centrally placed
9 Fill the bags with the mixture of top soil and poultry manure.
11 Apply water to the soil for one day and leave for at least one week to consolidate
14 Place the sprouted corm with ball of earth into the hale in the polythene bags
carefully and close up the base of the sprouted corms with earth.
17 Spray with benomil or ash slurry around the psudostem base and around plants
22 Transfer the seedlings after 6 to 8 weeks into the main plantation and market
the products.
2. Assemble the seedlings into sides or groups according to viability and vigour
2. Top soil or organic matter for filling in the polyethene bag for planting corms.
5. Saw dust or dry grasses to be used as light mulch on top of the polyethene bags.
6. Water tank to be used to store water for watering the nursery seedlings.
10 Hoe or shovel for scoping top soil or organic matter in the container and for weeding
11 Knife for pruning or removing scales or slicing the corms from the nursery
12 Wheel barrow for carrying soil or organic matter to the nursery shade
20 Ash slurry to be spread around the seedlings to prevent insects from eating the
24 Hand fork for pulverizing the soil or mixing of soil and organic matter before
25 Hand trowel for transplanting of plantain seedlings from trays or boxes into large
polyethene bags
26 Secateurs for pruning dead leaves from the base of the seedlings
plantation management enterprise. It was found out that plantain nursery farmers needed
enterprise to adopt
7. Identify relevant material inputs and their location (seedlings fertilizers, pesticides,
8. Provide relevant tools and equipment (vehicles, cutlass, hoe etc) for use in plantain
plantation enterprise.
9. Identify different levels of man power needed for plantain plantation management.
10. Plan all farm operations to make most efficient use of the available money.
5. Stump the stems, park off, level and fill depressions with appropriate technologies.
7 Lay the plots in planting spacing of 3m by 2m along and within the rows for
9 Keep the top soil separated from bottom soil of the dug holes.
2 Remove bottom portion of the polythene bag with seedlings to 2cm from the base.
3 Cut the polyethene bag with seedlings from the top to the bottom.
4 Place seedlings centrally into the hole with the two hands and remove the polyethene bag.
6 Fill back the hole first with top soil and then with bottom soil
7 Support the seedlings with top soil and add more soil if not enough.
i. Weeding
1 Weed as weeds appear with cutlass or matchet or row weed about three to four
2 Intercrop with legumes or cocoyam in rows at the young age of plantain or spray
3 Prune the dry leaves and use them as mulch around the base of the plant.
1 Apply 300kg/ha of Nitrogen in form of urea to seedlings one month after planting
2 Apply 500kg/ha of muriate of potash 30 days after the first application of urea at
3 Apply mixed fertilizer of 250gm (N), l00gm (P205) and 200gm (k) at the rate of 50
3 Use bird scaring gun to scare away birds or animals such as money
1 Cut the male bud after the fruit has being set when the fingers are not coming out.
4 Dug the stick firmly into the soil to provide support of trunk or fruit until harvesting.
vi. Harvesting:
5 Cut down the entire pseudostem and chop together with the foliage of the main plant.
6 Spread chooped pseudostem and foliage over the soil as mulch for ratoon crop.
8 Cover the bunch with leaves half way to allow air inside the heap.
3. Identify your customers and invite them for supply and search for market
11 Wheel barrow for carrying organic manure and fertilizer to the plantation site
12 Spade/shovel for carrying soil used to cover the root of the plantain
13 Fertilizer to be applied on the plantation for increasing the fertility of the soil
16 Knap Sac prayer or boom sprayer for spraying chemicals e.g. pesticides, insecticides
and herbicides
processing and marketing enterprise. It was found out that plantain processors needed
4. Decide on the type (small, medium or large) of plantain processing enterprise to adopt
8. Identify different levels of man power needed for the plantain processing and marketing
11. Identify relevant records to keep for the plantain processing and marketing enterprise
2. Wash the unripe plantain fruits with water to remove dirt and spray residues
3. Peel the unripe plantain to obtain pulp and keep pulps in a bowl containing water
4 Cut/sliced peeled plantain fruits according to the desired sizes using appropriate
6 Heat vegetable oil or palm oil in a frying pan or electric fryer to about 170°C.
7 Put sliced plantain fruits into the hot oil and fry.
9 Remove the plantain chips into plastic sieve to allow the oil to drain.
12 Seal with candle flame with the aid of kitchen knife and
2 Mill the figs with appropriate technologies into powder and keep until required.
3 Reconstitute about 55g (2 heaped tablespoon) of fig powder in 0.3 litres of water and mix.
4 Set the mixture aside for 5-10 minutes to enable the component of
5 Filter through muslin clothes, bottled and keep to sediment allow to sediment.
6 Decant or filter again, add vanilla flavor and granulated or icing sugar to sweeten
the "malt'
2 Blend the ripe plantain with harmer mill and mixed together with l cup of
granulated sugar
6 Preserved the gel with sorbic acid and market the products
2 Peel the ripe plantain fruits and blend the pulp with appropriate technologies.
3 Soak slurry (blended pulp) in hot water for 10 -15 minutes for optimum juice
6 Allow to cool, add colour and fill into sterilized bottles and market the products
2 Peel the ripe plantain fruits and blend the pulp with appropriate technologies
3 Soak slurry (blended pulp) in 500ml hot water for 10-15 minutes for optimum juice
5 Add 12 eggs (alburnum, whisked), 1 cup of icing sugar, a pinch of vanilla powder
or few drops of liquid vanilla flavor essence, 1 tin of milk and mix thoroughly.
1 Select 2kg ripe/over ripe plantain and 250g plantain skins (peels)
2 Slice peeled ripe plantain fruits and the peels with knife
7 Apply pressure to extract as much juice as possible when the bag is cooled.
10 Add 1 table spoon or 1 sachet (3g) of yeast and juice of one ripe grape fruit as
17 Put few drops of sterilizing solution into the air lock to form a U shape
18 Plug the top of the trap with cotton wool to enables the yeast to undergo an
19 Rack occasionally by siphoning the wine off the lees of yeast and deposited solids.
20 Sieve the wine with musline cloth to clear of its own accord; given time, when it
23 Store finished wine in a rack or bin at 13°C or in a refrigerator and market the products
Module C: Marketing of Processed Plantain Fruits (Flour, Chips, Malt, Jam, etc)
6. Sell the processed plantain fruits to different buyers according to grades and quality
8. Bowls for putting water used for washing peeled plantain fruits
10. Hammer mill used for milling the dried sliced plantain fruits.
school graduates for employment and retraining farmers for proficiency on the job in any
plantain production enterprise. It was found out that the 26 competency items in training
were needed by secondary school graduates for employment and retraining farmers for
3. State the objectives to be achieved by each topic or unit for any plantain enterprise
5. Select relevant available materials for training in each units of the plantain enterprise
12 Teach trainees from known to unknown using plantain programme units or topics
13 Explain the facilities to be used by the trainer for training each trainee in each in
15 Demonstrate the competencies while the trainees observed during step by step
16 Request the trainees to practice what the instructor demonstrated while the instructor
observes them
19 Test the practice of a group of related competencies toward achieving of the objectives
22 Teach the trainee money management and investment procedure into their enterprise
23 Teach the trainees sources of fund for investment into the enterprise/programmes
24 Teach the trainees how to manage risk in the enterprises through insurance policy
25 Teach trainee salvage value of materials that can be resold for improving investment
It was found out from the hypotheses tested that there was no significant difference
in the mean ratings of the responses of the teachers of agriculture, extension agents and
for employment in plantain nursery enterprise but there was significant difference on two
It was found out that there was no significant difference in the mean ratings of the
graduates for employment in plantain plantation management enterprise but there was
It was found out that there was no significant difference in the mean rating of the
101 competency items in plantain processing and marketing needed by secondary school
graduates for employment in plantain processing and marketing enterprise but there was
Discussion of Findings
The findings of the study are discussed based on the research questions answered
items in plantain nursery were needed by secondary school graduates for employment in
plantain nursery enterprise. The modules are: planning for plantain nursery enterprise (13
competency items); plantain pre-nursery technique (22 competency items); plantain main
items); materials for effective management of plantain nursery (33 competency items)
Findings on planning for plantain nursery enterprise were in consonance with the
Olaitan and Mama (2001) who identified competencies in farm planning to include:
formulation of specific objectives for the farm, revising the objectives of the farm
periodically based on the demand and supply of products, deciding on the farming and
cropping system to adopt on the farm among others. The findings on planning was also in
line with the findings of Ellah (2001) in a study carried out on principles and skills
relevant to effective utilization of school farm in Cross River State where it was found out
that the following competencies are needed for planning of farms as follows: identifying
difference levels of manpower needed for the school farm, planning all farm operations to
agreement with IITA (2008) report that the following competencies are needed in plantain
pre-nursery: Choose a flat site, free from pests and diseases, make a shade with materials
to ward off excess heat among others. The findings was also in line with the views of
Adelaja (2005) who outlined pre-nursery competencies as: uprooting corm of a freshly
harvest plantain stand, remove roots on the corm, wash corn and treat with appropriate
Findings on plantain main nursery (22 competency items) was in consonance with
multiplication of banana/plantain in Imo State where it was found out that the following
competencies were needed for plantain main nursery as follows selection of flat and well
dried site clear all vegetables, pack and burn all the thrashes among others. The findings
was also in agreements with the report of FAO (2005) on world musa production which
stated the competencies on plantain main nursery practice as follows: use of 400 or 500
gauge black polythene bags with a centrally placed perforation at the bottom, filling the
bags with top soil from the nursery for the plantain surkers among others.
the view of Ugo (2005) who stated that marketing competencies are as follows: advertise
the goods and services for buyers, carry out market survey to know the best time to sell
products for profits among others. The findings were also in line with findings of Onuka
(2003) in a study carried out on work-skill modules for improving the employment
was found out that the following marketing competencies were needed: Keep records of
purchase and sales, fix price on the seedlings based on sizes and vigour.
with the view of Imo ADP (2007) that the following materials and their usage are needed
for plantain nursery as: land for identification, selection and preparation, top soil or
organic matter for filling in the polyethene bag for planting corn among others. The views
and opinions of the authors cited above add value to the competencies on plantain nursery
items); (ii) planting plantain in the field (11 competency items); (iii) weeding 3
competency items); (d) fertilizer application (3 competency items); (iv) pests and
items); harvesting 167; marketing of plantain fruits (11 competency items); materials
for plantain plantation enterprise (18 competency items) (see Appendix N, page 313).
agreement with the views of Anyanwu, et al (2004) who outlined competencies in farm
planning to include: reviewing of the farm objectives, establishing rules and regulation for
workers, identifying manpower and market outlet among others. The findings on planning
was also in consonance with the opinions of Bernard and Nix (1997) who outlined
competencies in farming as: identifying sources of credit for farm operations, plan all
farm operations to make most efficient use of the available money, identifying relevant
were in agreement with the views of Chadha (2007) who listed competencies on land
selection and preparation as: selection of suitable site that is well drained loamy soil,
under brushing of the under growth, stumping of all trees among others. The findings
were also in line with the views of Aturoti Tenkouano, Lemchi and Nnaji (2006) who
outlined competencies in land selection and preparation as: lay out the blocks of 4
hectares, dig holes of 30cm by 30cm by 30cm for each of the plantain sucker among
The findings on planting plantain in the field were in line with report of FAO
plantain in the field as: selecting a well develop seedling when the seedling is about 7-8
weeks old, Revove bottom portion of the polyethene bag by to 2cm among others. The
findings were also in agreement with the opinions of Rasheed (2003) that the following
competencies on planting plantain in the field were: removing the polybag away from the
seedlings, place mulch materials around each planted seedlings among others.
Findings on weeding were in agreement with the views of Ekunwe and Ajayi
(2010) who listed competencies in controlling weeds as: Intercropping with legumes or
cocoyam in rows at young age of plantain, prune the leaves and use as mulch around the
base of the plant among others. Findings on fertilizer were in consonance with the IITA
(2006) report that the following competencies were needed in fertilizer application as:
apply 300kg/ha of nitrogen (urea) at the rate of milk tin per plantain plant, apply 500kg/ha
of potassium (as muriate of potash) 30days after the first application at the rate of small
The findings on pests and diseases control were in agreement with the views of
National Institute of Horticultural Research and Training (NIHORT) (2006) report which
outlined pest and diseases competencies as follows: hand pick pests or insects on green
leaves of plantain plant, application of insecticides to destroy insect pests, use bird scaring
gun to scarce away birds among others. The findings were also in line with the report of
IITA (2008) on plantain cultivation that stated the competencies on pest and disease
control as follows: plant resistance variety to guide against diseases, maintain correct
spacing, remove insect or disease infested leaves and burn among others.
in conformity with the IITA (2006) report that the following competencies were needed
as: cut the male bud after the fruit has being set when the fingers are not coming out, get a
stick that has "Y" shape, the "Y" shaped stick is hooked on to the fruit among others.
the view of Imo ADP (2007) that the following competencies where needed in harvesting
as: identify mature plantain fruits for harvesting, Harvest using sharp matchet among
others. The findings were also in line with the NIHORT (2006) report that outlined
competencies in harvest of plantain as: cut down the entire pseudostem and chop together
with foliage of the main plant, collect the harvested bunches together for airing.
Findings on marketing of plantain fruits were in line with the views of Stanton
(1996) who stated that marketing competencies include: carryout market survey for sale of
plantain bunches, identify customers and invite them for supply. The findings on
marketing were also in consonance with the opinions of Danielles, Engiberger and Lovens
(2010) who outline marketing competencies as: sort the goods to sizes in the weigh house,
agreement with the IITA (2006) report that the following materials and their utilization
were needed in plantain plantation establishment as: land for planting seedlings, cutlass
for clearing bushes, hoes used for removing weeds among others. The views and opinions
of the authors cited above add value to the competencies on plantain plantation
items in plantain processing and marketing were needed by secondary school graduates
for employment in plantain processing and marketing enterprise. The modules are:
planning for plantain fruits processing and marketing (11 competency items); plantain
fruit processing into: (i) flour (8 competency items); (ii) Chips (13 competency items);
(iii) malt (8 competency items); (iv) jam (7 competency items); (v) Juice (7
competency items); (vi) ice cream (8 competency items); (vii) Wine preparation (23
Materials for plantain processing and marketing enterprise (See Appendix N, page,
consonance with the views of Anyanwu, Nzewi and Kudolu (2004) who highlighted
up programme or plan for the farm activities, identifying sources of credit for farming
among others. The findings on plantain fruit processing into flour were in line with
unripe, green plantain fruits, peel to remove the peels, slice the plantain pulp using knife
or automatic dicing machine among others. The findings were in agreement with IITA
(2006) report which outlined competencies in plantain flour making as: the sliced diced
pulp are dried under sun or oven, milled the dried pulp using hammer mill, sieve, packed
Findings on plantain fruits processing into chips were in conformity with view of
Imo ADP (2007) that competencies in processing plantain fruits are as follows: peeling
the plantain fruits, hand slicing using knife among others. The findings were also in the
line with the Adeniyi, Tenkouano, Lemchi and Faturoti (2008) who stated that
competencies in plantain fruits processing to chips include: select unripe plantain fruits,
with the views of IITA (2008) report that outlined malt competencies as: obtain figs from
plantain, mill the figs into powder, and keep until required among others. Findings of
plantain fruits processing into Jam were in line with IITA (2008) report who outlined the
competencies in preparing jam to involve: select 2 or 3 ripe plantain, blend the ripe
plantain with harmer mill and mixed together with 1 cup of granulated sugar among
Findings on plantain fruits processing into juice were in agreement with the views
of Adeniyi, et al (2008) who outlined competencies of plantain fruits processing into juice
as: obtain some ripe plantain fruits, peel and blend the pulp, soak slurring in hot water for
10 - 15 minutes for optimum juice extraction among others. Findings on plantain fruits
processing into ice cream were in agreement with IITA (2008) report that enumerated
competencies in ice cream production as: obtain 20 - 24 ripe plantain fruits, peel and blend
the pulp, soak slurring in hot water for 10 - 15 minutes for optimum juice extraction
among others.
The findings on wine production were in line with the views of IITA (2008)
report that stated the competencies in wine production (aerobic) as: obtain 2kg ripe/over
ripe plantain and 250 plantain skin (peel), slice peeled plantain and the peels, place in a
clean, sterilized white cloth bag, tie the bag and place into a source pan among others.
The findings on marketing of processed plantain fruits were in consonance with the
views of George (2002) who stated competencies in marketing processed plantain fruits
as: packagings of the farm products, helping customers transport their goods to their
nearest destination if necessary among others. The findings on materials for usage in
plantain processing and marketing were in agreement with the opinions of IITA (2007)
report that listed materials needed in plantain fruits processing as: mature plantain bunches
to be used as raw materials for processing, knife for peeling the plantain fruits among
others. The views and opinions of the authors cited above add value to the competencies
items in planning for plantain nursery enterprise; 22 competency items in plantain pre-
The findings of the study were in agreement with the findings of Asogwa, Uko and
Umeh (2010) on quality assurance of teachers for teaching oil palm production to schools
in senior secondary schools in Enugu State, where it was found out that teachers in Enugu
State require capacity building for quality assurance in teaching oil palm production to
planting and post harvest operations. The findings of the study were in agreement with the
needs of farmers in rice production in Ebonyi State. The study found out that farmers
requires improvement in 111 out of the 135 skills identified as needed in rice production.
The findings of the authors above help to add value to the validity of the findings.
The findings in this study were in conformity with findings of Olaitan, Amusa and
found out that the instructors required improvement on teaching the planning, pre-
schools of agriculture in South Western Nigeria. The findings also were in agreement with
findings of Olaitan, Alawa and Ekong (2009) in a study on capacity building needs of
farmers in improving soil nutrients for enhancing crop, production in Cross River State,
The study found out that farmers required capacity building in soil testing and
analysis, manure and manuring and fertilizer application methods. The findings of the
authors above helped to add value to the validity of findings of this aspect of the study.
items in planning for plantain processing; 8 competency items in plantain fruits processing
into flour; 12 competency items into chips; 7 competency items into malt; 6 competency
items into juice; 7 competency items into jam; 11 competency items into ice cream; 23
competency items into wine (aerobic and anaerobic); 9 competency items in marketing of
The findings on this study were in consonance with findings of Olaitan, Alaribe
and Ellah (2009) on capacity building needs of palm oil and kernel marketers for
enhancing Economic Returns from oil palm industry in south Eastern Nigeria. The study
found out that palm oil and kernel marketers needed capacity building in planning,
processing and marketing skills in palm oil and kernel enterprise. The findings of the
authors cited above helped to add credence to the findings of the study on improvement
The study found out that 26 corresponding competency items in training were
needed by trainers for training secondary school graduates for success in employment and
Findings on training for any plantain enterprise (nursery, plantation, processing and
marketing) page 162 were in line with findings of Aguolu (2007) in a study carried out on
post primary schools in federal capital territory Abuja where it was found out that the
following training competencies were needed: structure the content into topics or units,
identification and selection of instructional materials for teaching in each unit area, write
down the concepts, facts or generation to be learnt among others. The findings were also
in agreement with the findings of Olaitain and Onuka (2007) in a study carried out on
production in Abia state where it was found out that the following training competencies
were needed: start teaching trainees from known to unknown, explain the facilities to be
used by the trainer for training each trainee, correct any mistake made by the trainee
among others. The views and opinions of the authors cited above add value to the
Discussion of Hypotheses
Ho1: Finding of the study in hypothesis one revealed that there was no significant
difference in the mean ratings of the agricultural science teachers, extension agents and
farmers on the five modules (A-E) with their 96 out of 98 competency items needed by
page 341). The implication of the above finding is that the occupational experience and
professional training of the three groups of respondents did not significantly influence
their opinions on the 5 modules and their 96 out of the 98 competency items needed for
Ho2: Finding of the study in hypothesis two revealed that there was no significant
difference in the mean ratings of the agricultural science teachers, extension agents and
farmers on the four modules (A-D) with their 86 out 89 competency items needed by
O page 482). The implication of the above finding is that the occupational experience and
professional training of the three groups of respondents did not .significantly influence
their opinion on the 4 modules and the 86 out of 89 competency items needed for
Ho3: Finding of the study in hypothesis three revealed that there was no significant
difference in the mean ratings of the agricultural science teachers, extension agents and
farmers on the four modules (A-D) with their 99 out of 101 competency items needed by
Appendix O page 354). The indication of the above finding is that the occupational
experience and professional training of the three groups of respondents did not
significantly influence their opinions on the 4 modules and their 99 out of 101
commercial plantain processing and marketing but significantly influence their opinions
study, procedure used as well as the findings of the study; conclusion, educational
implications, recommendations and suggestions for further study were also presented.
Plantain is a crop plant with green leaves and herbaceous stem. It is used as food
by man and animal. The materials are used to manage health. In agriculture, their peels
are used as organic manure by farmers. Presently, in the area of study, farmers who were
involved in plantain production grow plantain as intercrop with little care. The crop
continues to compete with weeds for nutrients and struggle with insects and pests for
survival and at the end resulted into low yield with poor quality. Government of Abia and
Imo states had assisted the farmers through extension agents by providing farm inputs
such as fertilizers, financial assistance among others to boast plantain production; but the
farmers diverted these inputs to growing cassava, cocoyam and yam that have almost the
same maturing periods with plantain, while still growing plantain as an intercrop.
Therefore, the low yield and poor quality of plantain still persist. Government of both
states did not relent in their efforts to boost plantain production therefore mandated
secondary school teachers to teach students as a major crop in order to improve its
availability. Due to congestion of the curriculum, the objectives of the government could
not being achieved, students graduates without the needed competencies in plantain
production. The government of both states established skill acquisition centres in various
locations of the states like Aba, Umuahia, Owerri, Okigwe among others for unemployed
secondary school graduates and others; in order to equip them with ethical jobs and for
retraining farmers for proficiency on the job. It was observed that there were skill jobs
such as barbing, hair dressing, sewing among others in the acquisition centres established
but there were no programme on plantain production for empowering the unemployed
needed improvement.
needed improvement.
8. Package the competencies identified for each enterprise for training secondary
The study adopted descriptive survey research and function of industry designs.
The study was carried out in Abia and Imo states. The population of the study was 1,490
made up of 644 agricultural science teachers (184 teachers from Abia state and 460
teachers from Imo state), 766 extension agents (512 extension agents from Abia state and
254 extension agents from Imo state), 20 nursery farmers (15 nursery farmers from Abia
and 5 nursery farmers from Imo), 34 plantain plantation management farmers (24 from
Abia and 10 from Imo), 26 plantain processors (16 from Abia and 10 from Imo). The
sample was 362 made up of 129 agricultural science teachers, 153 extension agents and
80 registered plantain farmers. The population size of the groups of farmers was small
and therefore, all of them constituted the sample. The population size of agricultural
science teachers and extension agents were large and therefore, 20% proportionate
Four (4) sets of structured questionnaire were developed to obtain data from the
training needs respectively. The four sets of questionnaire were face validated by five (5)
experts. Cronbach alpha reliability method was used to determine the internal consistency
of the four sets of questionnaires. The reliability coefficient of 0.88, 0.95, 0.90 and 0.84
Six (6) research assistants helped to administer four (4) sets of questionnaire to 3
fanners. The data collected were analyzed using weighted mean and improvement Need
Index to answer the research questions while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistic
1. Five (5) modules with their 98 corresponding competency items in plantain nursery
3. Four (4) modules with their 101 corresponding competency items in plantain
for employment.
6. Plantain processors needed improvement in four (4) modules with their 101
7. Twenty-six (26) competency items in training were needed by trainers for training
secondary school graduates for employment and retraining farmers for proficiency
8. The entrepreneurial competencies identified by this study were packaged into three (3)
enterprises namely:
1. It was found out that there was no significant difference in the mean ratings of
school graduates for employment in plantain nursery enterprise but there was
2. It was found out that there was no significant difference in the mean ratings of
3. It was found out that there was no significant difference in the mean ratings of
The government of Abia and Imo states made efforts to boost plantain production
through Agricultural Developmental Programnie (ADP) and schools but the results were
not very favourable. Hence, the government established skill acquisition centres for
training secondary school graduates for occupation but these skill centres were devoid of
competency training programme for training secondary school graduates for employment
in the plantain production enterprise and retraining of plantain farmers for proficiency on
the job.
competencies in commercial plantain production for training secondary school graduates for
employment and retraining farmers for proficiency on the job in Abia and Imo States. The
study therefore found that entrepreneurial competencies were needed by secondary school
plantain processing and marketing enterprises. Addition, the study found that plantain
1. If Abia and Imo state governments make use of the direct the identified and
marketing) see Appendices J, K and L on pages 283, 290 and 297 respectively
through their skill acquisition centres to train secondary school graduates and
demands, increase economy of the states and provide jobs for unemployed
processing and marketing) are integrated into skill acquisition centres. It will
3. If the identified and packaged plantain programmes are integrated into the
curriculum planners it will help for effective training of students who are
production enterprises are utilized for retraining the farmers through small plot
states. It will help farmers to improve their techniques and production thereby
The researcher did not try test the identified competencies in plantain production
required by modular approach which this study identified with. Try testing the identified
competencies before packaging them into plantain programme will entail high resources
(1) Finance: Trial testing the package will involved experiences on land to be acquired
involved for the try testing for a period of time, payment for other material resources
like plantain suckers, farm implements, irrigation if there is no water and security for
the period of time taken for the nursery trial testing to plantation to processing and
(2) Time-It will take along period to obtain results from the experiment which is not
conducive for the researcher on the job. Alternatively, to obtain a similar result like
trial testing, the researcher adopted the functions of industry approach. The
the enterprise as carried out by the instructors. The researcher identified the
in the research centres and have them validated by the experts in the centres. The
findings of this study will yield similar result as the practice of the industry from
where the instrument of this study was developed and administered for collecting
data analysis
1. Abia and Imo States government should direct the acquisition centres to integrate
(nursery, plantation, processing and marketing) into skill acquisition centres for
training secondary school graduates for employment and retraining farmers for
2. The administrators of skill acquisition centres should integrate the identified and
training secondary school graduates for employment and retraining farmers for
3. The curriculum planners should use these findings to advise the schools and
4. The extension agents should utilize the identified and packaged programmes in
retraining farmers through small plot adoption techniques to make them improve
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S/N Zone Population of Teachers of Agriculture
1 Aba 82
2 Ohafia 46
3 Umuahia 56
Total 184
S/N Zone Population of Teachers of Agriculture
1 Okigwe 80
2 Orlu 112
3 Owerri 268
Total 460
Source: Secondary Education Management Board (SEMB) Abia and Imo States.
Date ……………………………
Dear Sir,
I am a postgraduate student in the above Department and University, currently
undertaking a research project aimed at identifying Entrepreneurial competency training
programme required by secondary school graduates and farmers for economic success in plantain
production enterprises in Abia and Imo States.
The attached is a draft cope of the questionnaire designed for the study. You are please requested
to vet the items for clarity, relevance and total coverage for use in collecting data for the study
you are also requested to put down your comments and suggestions for improving the quality of
the instrument.
A copy each of the purpose of the study and research questions guiding the study are
attached with this letter.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Sir,
I am a postgraduate student in the above Department in the university, currently
undertaking research project titled “Entrepreneurial competency Training Programme Required
by Secondary School Graduates and Farmers for economic success in plantain production
Enterprises in Abia and Imo States”.
The attach schedule is to elicit the necessary information. You are please requested to
respond to the items as confidential and will be used strictly for this research.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Yours faithfully
Okafor Oluchi, E
Please, you are requested to supply all relevant information to items below:
3. Nature of work
a. Teacher of agriculture
b. Extension Agent
4. Qualification of Respondent
Introduction: Please check the response options on the level at which each item below is
Please, you are requested to supply all relevant information to items below:
3. Nature of work
a. Teacher of agriculture
b. Extension Agent
4. Qualification of Respondent
Introduction: Please check the response options on the level at which each item below is
i Weeding
vi. Harvesting:
Please, you are requested to supply all relevant information to items below:
3. Nature of work
a. Teacher of agriculture
b. Extension Agent
4. Qualification of Respondent
Introduction: Please check the response options on the level at which each item below is
Please, you are requested to supply all relevant information to items below:
3. Nature of work
c. Plantain processor
4. Qualification of Respondent
Part Two
As a plantain farmer, please check the response options that best represents your
option on the level at which each competency item is required by plantain farmers. This
Column II – it requires information on the level of performance, of farmer; the response options
No Performance (NP) = 1
Please, you are requested to supply all relevant information to items below:
3. Nature of work
c. Plantain processor
4. Qualification of Respondent
Part Two
As a plantain farmer, please check the response options that best represents your
option on the level at which each competency item is required by plantain farmers. This
Column II – it requires information on the level of performance, of farmer; the response options
No Performance (NP) = 1
1. Item Statement
2. Formulation of specific objectives
for plantain plantation management
3. Review the objectives of the
plantain plantation enterprise
periodically based on changes in
market demand and supply
4. Draw up programme plan for the
plantain plantation enterprise
5. Decide on the type (small, medium
or large) of plantain plantation
management enterprise to adopt
6. Identify sources of credit for
plantain plantation enterprise
7 Budget for plantain plantation
8 Identify relevant material inputs and
their location (seedlings fertilizers,
pesticides, herbicides) for plantain
plantation enterprise
9 Provide relevant tools and
equipment (vehicles, cutlass, hoe
etc) for use in plantain plantation
10 Identify different levels of man
power needed for plantain
plantation management.
a. Weeding
vi. Harvesting:
Please, you are requested to supply all relevant information to items below:
3. Nature of work
c. Plantain processor
4. Qualification of Respondent
Part Two
As a plantain farmer, please check the response options that best represents your
option on the level at which each competency item is required by plantain farmers. This
No Needed (NN) = 1
Column II – it requires information on the level of performance, of farmer; the response options
No Performance (NP) = 1
7 Place in a freezer until
required & market the
vii. Competencies in Plantain Fruits Processing into Wine
1 Select 2kg ripe/over ripe
plantain and 250g plantain
skins (peels)
2 Slice peeled ripe plantain fruits
and the peels with knife
3 Place in a clean, sterilized
white cloth bag.
Tie4 Tie the bag and place into a
saucepan (preferably
Add5 Add 4 litres of water, boil and
simmer for 20-30 minutes.
6 Add granulated sugar and fruit
juice in the boiled liquid
7 Apply pressure to extract as
much juice as possible when
the bag is cooled.
8 Add the extracted juice to
sugar liquor
9 Shake to dissolve the sugar and
cool in cold water.
10 Add 1 table spoon or 1
sachet (3g) of yeast and
juice of 1 ripe grape fruit as
yeast nutrient at 27-30OC to
extracted juice
11 Record the initial
temperature and
specific gravity.
12 Keep the extracted juice in
jar for a week in a
room temperature.
13 Agitate the jar occasionally
by giving it a shake
14 Record the data of
temperature, PH and specific
15 Collect data until
fermentation quickens after
about 1 week
16 Plug air lock (fermentation
trap) to the fermenter.
17 Put few drops of sterilizing
solution into the air lock to
form a U shape
18 Plug the top of the trap with
cotton wool to enables the
yeast to undergo an
anaerobic method of self-
19 Rack occasionally by
siphoning the wine off the
lees of yeast and deposited
The format used for packaging the 3 plantain programmes namely (plantain nursery,
Name of programme
Materials needed
Training competencies
6 Apply water at alternate days.
7 Mulch with dry grasses
8 Observe the buds for sprouting after 6 – 8 days.
9 Remove any weeds on the beds or trays or polythene bags.
10 Transfer sprouted beds into nursery.
22 Transfer the seedlings after 6 to 8 weeks into the main plantation and market the
4. Materials Needed:
a. Personnel needed for the programme: Plantain managers, trainers, technicians,
labour providers, marketers, clerical officers, messengers/attendants
b. Material Resources Needed
1. Land for nursery establishment: Identification, selection and preparation.
2. Top soil or organic matter for filling in the polyethene bag for planting corms.
3. Temporary shade for protecting the corm in the pre-nursery.
4. Corm as planting materials to be raised in polyethene bags or tray or boxes.
5. Saw dust or dry grasses to be used as light mulch on top of the polyethene bags.
6. Water tank to be used to store water for watering the nursery seedlings.
7. Water can to be used for watering the seedlings.
10 Plan all farm operations to make most efficient use of the available money.
11 Make rules and regulations for successful plantain operations.
12 Identify market outlet for the plantain products.
13 Identify relevant records to keep for plantain plantation enterprise
14 Identify a site for plantain plantation enterprise
5. Stump the stems, park off, level and fill depressions with appropriate technologies.
7 Lay the plots in planting spacing of 3m by 2m along and within the rows for digging.
9 Keep the top soil separated from bottom soil of the dug holes.
6 Fill back the hole first with top soil and then with bottom soil
7 Support the seedlings with top soil and add more soil if not enough.
8 Press the soil firmly around the seedlings
9 Place mulch materials around each planted seedlings
10 Water the seedlings daily.
11 Put wire net at the collar of each seedling if necessary.
C. Weeding and fertilizer application
i. Weeding
Competency Elements:
1 Weed as weeds appear with cutlass or matchet or row weed about three to four months
interval based on the nature of soil fertility.
2 Intercrop with legumes or cocoyam in rows at the young age of plantain or spray weeds
with appropriate herbicides.
3 Prune the dry leaves and use them as mulch around the base of the plant.
b. Fertilizer Application
Competency Elements:
1 Apply 300kg/ha of Nitrogen in form of urea to seedlings one month after planting at
the rate of milk tin per plantain plant.
2 Apply 500kg/ha of muriate of potash 30 days after the first application of urea at the
rate of small tomato tin per plantain plant
3 Apply mixed fertilizer of 250gm (N), 100gm (P205) and 200gm (k) at the rate of
50gm/plant when it starts to maiden.
iv. Pest and diseases control
Competency Elements:
1 Hand pick pests or insects on green leaves of plantain plant.
2 Maintain clean weeding of plantain plantation.
3 Use bird scaring gun to scare away birds or animals such as money
vi. Harvesting
Competency Elements:
1 Identify mature plantain fruits for harvesting
2 Harvest with sharp matchet by bending down to cut the pseudostem
3 Place with a forked stick or a helper to receive the bunch
4 Cut the pseudostem half way, then cut the bunch.
5 Cut down the entire pseudostem and chop together with the foliage of the main
6 Spread chooped pseudostem and foliage over the soil as mulch for ratoon crop.
7 Collect the harvested bunches together for airing.
8 Cover the bunch with leaves half way to allow air inside the heap.
9 Sell to buyers if it is for marketing or process if necessary.
Module C: Marketing of plantain fruits
Competency Elements
1 Identify mature plantain fruits for harvesting
2 Harvest with sharp matchet by bending down to cut the pseudostem
11 Wheel barrow for carrying organic manure and fertilizer to the plantation site
12 Spade/shovel for carrying soil used to cover the root of the plantain
13 Fertilizer to be applied on the plantation for increasing the fertility of the soil
16 knap Sac prayer or boom sprayer for spraying chemicals e.g. pesticides,
13 Explain the facilities to be used by the trainer for training each trainee in each in
competency area of the plantain programme
14 Deliver the contents step by step in logical order to the trainees
15 Demonstrate the competencies while the trainees observed during step by step
16 Request the trainees to practice what the instructor demonstrated while the instructor
observes them
17 Correct wrong practices made by the trainees
18 Encourage repetitive practice of knowledge and skills learnt
19 Test the practice of a group of related competencies toward achieving of the
20 Provide the trainees information about their performance
21 Encourage visit to other plantain programme establishments, write a report and
submit to the instructor for a feedback system
22 Teach the trainee money management and investment procedure into their
23 Teach the trainees sources of fund for investment into the enterprise/programmes
24 Teach the trainees how to manage risk in the enterprises through insurance policy
25 Teach trainee salvage value of materials that can be resold for improving investment
into the enterprise
26 Teach the trainees knowledge of profit and loss account
12 Seal with candle flame with the aid of kitchen knife and Market the products.
iii. Plantain fruit processing into Malt (Non-alcoholic drink)
Competency Elements:
1 Select figs from plantain
2 Mill the figs with appropriate technologies into powder and keep until required.
3 Reconstitute about 55g (2 heaped tablespoon) of fig powder in 0.3 litres of water and
4 Set the mixture aside for 5-10 minutes to enable the component of powder to leach into
the water.
5 Filter through muslin clothes, bottled and keep to sediment allow to sediment.
6 Decant or filter again, add vanilla flavor and granulated or icing sugar to sweeten the
7 Finally bottle, refrigerate and Market the products
20 Sieve the wine with musline cloth to clear of its own accord; given time, when it does
not, you may have to filter.
21 Bottled the sieve wine as required.
22 Store wine in sterilized bottles and corks.
23 Store finished wine in a rack or bin at 13OC or in a refrigerator and market the
Module C: Marketing of processed plantain fruits (flour, chips malt etc)
Competency Elements:
1. Carryout market survey for sale of processed plantain fruits.
2. Package the processed plantain fruits into bags and grade.
3. Fix prices on the bags based on size and quality
4. Advertise the sales of the processed plantain fruits
5. Identify your customers and invite them for supply.
6. Sell the processed plantain fruits to different buyers according to grades and quality
7. Help customers transport their goods to their nearest destination if necessary.
8. Keep record of sales made
9. Reconcile sales and expenditure record to determine profit or loss.
4. Material Needed:
i. Personnel needed for the programme plantain managers, trainers,
technicians/labour providers, marketers/clerical officer, messengers/attendants
7. Select relevant methods for teaching each topic or unit
8. Write down the plantain programme concepts, facts or generalizations to be learnt.
9 Identify competency performance of plantain programme units needed to develop
10 State instructors and learners activities.
11 Identify appropriate evaluation technique for each content area.
12 Teach trainees from known to unknown using plantain programme units or topics
13 Explain the facilities to be used by the trainer for training each trainee in each in
competency area of the plantain programme
14 Deliver the contents step by step in logical order to the trainees
15 Demonstrate the competencies while the trainees observed during step by step
16 Request the trainees to practice what the instructor demonstrated while the
instructor observes them
17 Correct wrong practices made by the trainees
18 Encourage repetitive practice of knowledge and skills learnt
19 Test the practice of a group of related competencies toward achieving of the
20 Provide the trainees information about their performance
21 Encourage visit to other plantain programme establishments, write a report and
submit to the instructor for a feedback system
22 Teach the trainee money management and investment procedure into their
23 Teach the trainees sources of fund for investment into the enterprise/programmes
24 Teach the trainees how to manage risk in the enterprises through insurance policy
25 Teach trainee salvage value of materials that can be resold for improving
investment into the enterprise
26 Teach the trainees knowledge of profit and loss account
Research Question 1:
Mean ratings of the responses of Agricultural science teachers, extension agents and
farmers on entrepreneurial competencies needed by secondary school graduates for
employment in plantain nursery enterprise. (N = 302)
S/N Item Statement Mean SD Rmks
1. Formulate specific objectives for the nursery enterprise 4.65 0.680 VHN
2. Review the objectives periodically based on market demand 4.53 0.648 VHN
and supply
3. Draw up programme plan of activities to cover 4.63 0.879 VHN
4. Decide on the type (small, medium, or large) of nursery 4.58 0.898 VHN
enterprise to adopt
5. Identify sources of credit for nursery enterprise 4.40 0.744 HN
6. Make budget for the nursery enterprise 4.27 0.813 HN
7. Identify the relevant material inputs and their locations 4.41 0.760 HN
8. Identify different levels of man power needed for the nursery 4.68 0.897 VHN
9. Establish time for plantain nursery 4.67 0.919 VHN
10. Make rules and regulations for successful nursery practice 4.26 0.924 HN
11. Identify market outlet for the nursery products 4.12 1.013 HN
12. Identify relevant records to keep for nursery enterprise 4.51 0.959 VHN
13. Identify site to purchase for nursery enterprise 4.65 0.935 VHN
1 Choose a flat site, free from pests and diseases for pre-nursery 4.31 0.992 HN
2 Make a shade with materials toward off excess heat. 4.53 1.060 VHN
5 Fill the boxes, trays, poly bags with mixed top soil and 4.09 1.026 HN
poultry manure.
6 Water the soil in the boxes, trays and polybags. 4.83 0.991 VHN
8 Observe the buds for sprouting after 6 – 8 days. 4.85 0.912 VHN
9 Remove any weeds on the beds or trays or polythene bags. 4.65 0.861 VHN
1 Select site that is flat well drained and easily accessible. 4.44 0.912 HN
2 Clear the bush, level and fill depressions with appropriate 4.53 0.915 VHN
3 Pack and burn all the thrashes or heap them in the farm or 4.42 0.952 HN
out of the site.
4 Prepare a shade over the nursery 4.66 0.858 VHN
5 Construct a fence with 1.20 mesh poultry wire. 4.69 0.956 VHN
6 Collect 8 head pans of top soil to 1 head pan of poultry 4.72 1.028 VHN
manure as standard mixture.
7 Mix the top soil and poultry manure together very well with 4.29 0.967 HN
shovel or spade.
8 Provide 400 or 500 gauge black polythene bags with a 4.64 0.892 VHN
centrally placed perforation at the bottom.
9 Fill the bags with the mixture of top soil and poultry 4.30 0.907 HN
10 Arrange the poly bags in rows of beds on the cleared land 4.43 0.992 HN
11 Apply water to the soil for one day and leave for at least one 4.39 0.896 HN
week to consolidate
20 Prune dead leaves from the base of the seedlings. 4.39 1.405 HN
21 Harden the seedlings through gradual removal of the shade. 4.57 1.124 VHN
22 Transfer the seedlings after 6 to 8 weeks into the main 4.79 1.081 VHN
plantation and market the products.
1. Carryout market survey for sale of nursery seedlings 4.56 0.794 VHN
2. Assemble the seedlings into sides or groups according to 4.57 0.869 VHN
viability and vigour
3. Fix price on the seedlings based on sides and vigour 4.51 0.792 VHN
Research Question 2:
Mean ratings of the responses of Agricultural science teachers, extension agents and
plantain farmers on entrepreneurial competencies needed by secondary school graduates
for employment in plantain plantation enterprise. N = 316
1. Select well drained soil rich in organic matter. 4.56 0.705 VHN
2. Clear the undergrowth of the selected land with appropriate 4.76 0.754 VHN
6 Fill back the hole first with top soil and then with bottom 4.54 0.881 VHN
7 Support the seedlings with top soil and add more soil if not 4.31 0.692 HN
8 Press the soil firmly around the seedlings 4.63 0.857 VHN
11 Put wire net at the collar of each seedling if necessary. 4.72 0.900 VHN
i Weeding
1 Weed as weeds appear with cutlass or matchet or row weed 4.58 0.927 VHN
about three to four months interval based on the nature of
soil fertility.
3 Prune the dry leaves and use them as mulch around the 4.34 0.831 HN
base of the plant.
ii. Fertilizer application
2 Apply 500kg/ha of muriate of potash 30 days after the first 4.51 0.677 VHN
application of urea at the rate of small tomato tin per
plantain plant
3 Apply mixed fertilizer of 250gm (N), 100gm (P205) and 4.63 0.712 VHN
200gm (k) at the rate of 50gm/plant when it starts to
iv. Pests and Diseases Control
1 Hand pick pests or insects on green leaves of plantain 4.55 0.786 VHN
2 Maintain clean weeding of plantain plantation. 4.47 0.675 HN
3 Use bird scaring gun to scare away birds or animals such as 4.69 0.805 VHN
4 Plant resistant variety to guide against diseases 4.37 0.814 HN
1 Cut the male bud after the fruit has being set when the 4.68 0.775 VHN
fingers are not coming out.
4 Dug the stick firmly into the soil to provide support of 4.71 0.636 VHN
trunk or fruit until harvesting.
vi. Harvesting:
2 Harvest with sharp matchet by bending down to cut the 4.69 0.759 VHN
3 Place with a forked stick or a helper to receive the bunch 4.73 0.708 VHN
4 Cut the pseudostem half way, then cut the bunch. 4.59 0.716 VHN
5 Cut down the entire pseudostem and chop together with the 4.32 0.989 HN
foliage of the main plant.
6 Spread chooped pseudostem and foliage over the soil as 4.60 0.850 VHN
mulch for ratoon crop.
7 Collect the harvested bunches together for airing. 4.55 0.658 VHN
8 Cover the bunch with leaves half way to allow air inside the 4.54 0.728 VHN
9 Sell to buyers if it is for marketing or process if necessary. 4.36 0.699 HN
1. Carryout market survey for sale of plantain bunches 4.56 0.695 VHN
2. Advertise the sales of plantain fruits 4.62 0.851 VHN
3. Identify your customers and invite them for supply and 4.33 0.793 HN
search for market
4. Inform customers on the arrival of plantain products 4.61 0.782 VHN
5. Identify suitable whole sellers and retail agents 4.58 0.875 VHN
6. Sort the bunches to sizes in the weigh house. 4.58 0.764 VHN
7 Fix prices based on the weight or size of the bunches. 4.62 0.797 VHN
8 Sell the plantain bunches to the buyers . 4.63 0.874 VHN
9 Transport the purchased bunches to buyers if necessary. 4.67 0.878 VHN
10 Keep records of purchase and sales made 4.65 0.801 VHN
11 Reconcile sales with cost of resource input to determine 4.64 0.689 VHN
profit or loss.
Module D: Materials Needed For Plantain Plantation Enterprise
S/N Item Statement Mean SD Rmks
4. Ropes for determining straight lines for blocks laying 4.62 0.849 VHN
5. Measuring tape for determining areas to be used in the 4.63 0.834 VHN
6. Buildings for storing resource materials and for 4.33 0.691 HN
administrative purposes
7 Bore hole to be used as sources of water for irrigation 4.59 0.739 VHN
8 Watering can to be used for watering the plantation 4.48 0.752 HN
9 Cutlass for cutting grasses 4.72 0.699 VHN
10 Hoe for removing weeds 4.58 0.709 VHN
11 Wheel barrow for carrying organic manure and fertilizer to 4.78 0.833 VHN
the plantation site
12 Spade/shovel for carrying soil used to cover the root of 4.34 0.854 HN
the plantain
13 Fertilizer to be applied on the plantation for increasing the 4.82 0.989 VHN
fertility of the soil
14 Herbicides for controlling weeds 4.34 0.829 HN
15 Pesticides and insecticides for controlling pests and insects 4.66 0.858 VHN
16 knap Sac prayer or boom sprayer for spraying chemicals 4.37 0.938 HN
e.g. pesticides, insecticides and herbicides
17 Sharp matchet for harvesting plantain bunch 4.67 0.891 VHN
18 Pickups or trucks for carrying harvested bunchy to the 4.77 0.965 VHN
Key: X = Mean, SD = Standard Deviation, N = No of respondents,
VHN = Very Highly Needed; HN = High Needed.
Research Question 3:
Mean ratings of the responses of Agricultural Science teachers, extension agents and
processors on entrepreneurial competencies needed by secondary school graduates for
employment in plantain processing and marketing enterprises in Abia and Imo States
N = 308.
S/N Item Statement Mean SD Rmks
1. Formulate specific objectives for plantain fruit processing 4.58 0.788 VHN
2. Review the objectives of plantain fruits processing periodically 4.27 0.872 HN
based on market demands and supply
3. Draw up programme plan of activities to cover in different 4.66 0.877 VHN
processing enterprise
4. Decide on the type (small, medium or large) of plantain 4.26 0.847 HN
processing enterprise to adopt
5. Identify sources of credit for processing enterprise 4.58 0.810 VHN
6. Make budget for plantain processing enterprise 4.67 0.799 VHN
7. Identify relevant material inputs and their locations 4.32 0.846 HN
8. Identify different levels of man power needed for the plantain 4.15 0.825 HN
processing and marketing
9. Make rules and regulations for successful processing enterprise 4.37 0.791 HN
10. Identify market outlet for the processed plantain fruits 4.50 0.835 VHN
11. Identify relevant records to keep for the plantain processing 4.67 0.777 VHN
and marketing enterprise
6 Allow to cool, add colour and fill into sterilized bottles and 4.61 0.864 VHN
market the products
vi. Competencies in Plantain Fruits Processing into Ice Cream
1 Select 20-24 ripe plantain fruits 4.73 0.769 VHN
2 Peel the ripe plantain fruits and blend the pulp with appropriate 4.37 0.688 HN
3 Soak slurry (blended pulp) in 500ml hot water for 10-15 4.67 0.591 VHN
minutes for optimum juice extraction
4 Filter the slurring through white muslin (akamu) cloth. 4.40 0.852 HN
5 Add 12 eggs (albumum, whisked),
1 cup of icing sugar, a pinch of vanilla powder or few drops of 4.54 0.692 HN
liquid vanilla flavor essence, 1 tin of milk and mix thoroughly.
6 Pour the mixture into cream cups or seal in polyethylene bag. 4.54 0.868 VHN
7 Place in a freezer until required and market the products 4.27 0.726 HN
vii. Competencies in Plantain Fruits Processing into Wine
1 Select 2kg ripe/over ripe plantain and 250g plantain skins 4.57 0.860 VHN
2 Slice peeled ripe plantain fruits and the peels with knife 4.38 0.878 HN
3 Place in a clean, sterilized white cloth bag. 4.80 0.593 VHN
Tie Tie the bag and place into a saucepan (preferably aluminum) 4.39 0.879 HN
Add Add 4 litres of water, boil and simmer for 20-30 minutes. 4.55 0.685 VHN
6 Add granulated sugar and fruit juice in the boiled liquid 4.33 0.879 HN
7 Apply pressure to extract as much juice as possible when the 4.47 0.857 HN
bag is cooled.
Research Question 4:
Need Gap Analysis of the mean ratings of the responses of plantain nursery farmers on
entrepreneurial competencies in plantain nursery where they needed improvement.
N = 20
S/N Item Statement NG Rmks
X n X p ( X n- X p)
1. Formulate specific objectives for the nursery HIN
enterprise 4.75 1.35 3.40
2. Review the objectives periodically based on
market demand and supply 4.30 1.50 2.80 AIN
3. Draw up programme plan of activities to cover 4.75 1.95 AIN
4. Decide on the type (small, medium, or large) of
nursery enterprise to adopt 4.70 2.75 1.95 LIN
5. Identify sources of credit for nursery enterprise 4.65 3.20 LIN
6. Make budget for the nursery enterprise 4.50 2.55 LIN
7. Identify the relevant material inputs and their
locations 4.70 1.75 2.95 AIN
8. Identify different levels of man power needed for
the nursery enterprise 4.70 2.85 1.85 LIN
9. Establish time for plantain nursery 4.75 1.80 AIN
10. Make rules and regulations for successful
nursery practice 4.65 1.70 2.95 AIN
11. Identify market outlet for the nursery products 4.80 2.45 AIN
12. Identify relevant records to keep for nursery
enterprise 4.45 1.50 2.95 AIN
13. Identify site to purchase for nursery enterprise 4.65 2.55 AIN
Research Question 5:
Need Gap Analysis of the mean ratings of the responses of plantain plantation farmers on
entrepreneurial competencies in plantain plantation where they needed improvement
N = 34
S/N Item Statement NG Rmks
Xn Xp ( X n- X p)
1. Formulation of specific objectives for plantain
plantation management 4.85 2.52 2.32 AIN
2. Review the objectives of the plantain
plantation enterprise periodically based on
4.70 1.97 AIN
changes in market demand and supply 2.73
3. Draw up programme plan for the plantain
plantation enterprise 4.47 2.38 2.09 AIN
4. Decide on the type (small, medium or large) of
plantain plantation management enterprise to
4.61 1.44 HIN
adopt 3.17
5. Identify sources of credit for plantain
plantation enterprise 4.55 2.88 1.67 LIN
6. Budget for plantain plantation management.
4.67 1.85 2.82 AIN
7 Identify relevant material inputs and their
location (seedlings fertilizers, pesticides,
herbicides) for plantain plantation enterprise 4.58 2.58 2.00 AIN
8 Provide relevant tools and equipment (vehicles,
cutlass, hoe etc) for use in plantain plantation
enterprise. 4.70 3.04 1.66 LIN
9 Identify different levels of man power needed
for plantain plantation management. 4.55 1.94 2.61 AIN
10 Plan all farm operations to make most efficient
use of the available money. 4.52 2.58 1.94 LIN
11 Make rules and regulations for successful
plantain operations.
4.64 1.64 3.00 HIN
12 Identify market outlet for the plantain products. 2.97
4.58 1.62 LIN
13 Identify relevant records to keep for plantain
plantation enterprise 4.82 2.00 2.82 AIN
14 Identify a site for plantain plantation enterprise 1.61
4.64 3.03 HIN
i Weeding
1 Cut the male bud after the fruit has being set
when the fingers are not coming out. 4.67 3.05 1.62 LIN
2 Get a stick that has Y shape 4.64 3.03
1.61 LIN
Research Question 6:
Need gap analysis of the mean ratings of the responses of plantain processors on
entrepreneurial competencies in plantain processing and marketing where they needed
improvement. N = 26
S/N Item Statement NG Rmks
Xn Xp ( X n- X p)
1. Formulate specific objectives for plantain fruit
processing 4.62 2.69 1.93 LIN
2. Review the objectives of plantain fruits
processing periodically based on market
4.26 1.80 AIN
demands and supply 2.46
3. Draw up programme plan of activities to cover
in different processing enterprise 4.65 2.84 1.81 LIN
4. Decide on the type (small, medium or large) of
plantain processing enterprise to adopt 4.61 1.19 3.42 HIN
5. Identify sources of credit for processing
enterprise 4.61 2.96 1.65 LIN
6. Make budget for plantain processing enterprise 4.50 1.92 AIN
7. Identify relevant material inputs and their
locations 4.53 1.57 2.96 AIN
8. Identify different levels of man power needed
for the plantain processing and marketing 4.53 2.65 1.88 LIN
9. Make rules and regulations for successful
processing enterprise 4.30 1.91 2.39 AIN
10. Identify market outlet for the processed plantain
fruits 4.53 2.34 2.19 AIN
11. Identify relevant records to keep for the plantain
processing and marketing enterprise 4.73 2.84 1.88 LIN
2 Peel the plantain fruits with knife 4.23 1.88 2.34 AIN
4 Add 30-35ml lime juice in the mixture. 4.80 1.84 2.96 AIN
5 Boil the mixture and allow the formed gel to cool 4.30 2.54 1.77 LIN
4 Tie the bag and place into a saucepan (preferably
aluminum) 4.42 1.53 2.88 AIN
5 Add 4 litres of water, boil and simmer for 20-30
minutes. 4.68 2.42 2.26 AIN
6 Add granulated sugar and fruit juice in the boiled
liquid 4.53 1.57 2.96 AIN
7 Apply pressure to extract as much juice as possible
when the bag is cooled. 4.60 2.11 2.49 AIN
8 Add the extracted juice to sugar liquor
4.53 1.46 3.07 HIN
9 Shake to dissolve the sugar and cool in cold water. 4.57 2.73 LIN
10 Add 1 table spoon or 1 sachet (3g) of yeast and
juice of 1 ripe grape fruit as yeast nutrient at 27-
30OC to extracted juice 4.53 1.96 2.57 AIN
11 Record the initial temperature and specific gravity. 4.38 2.65 LIN
12 Keep the extracted juice in jar for a week in a
room temperature. 4.57 3.02 1.55 LIN
13 Agitate the jar occasionally by giving it a shake 4.57 1.46 3.11 HIN
14 Record the data of temperature, PH and specific
gravity. 4.57 1.03 3.54 HIN
15 Collect data until fermentation quickens after
about 1 week 4.76 2.00 2.76 AIN
16 Plug air lock (fermentation trap) to the fermenter. 4.52 3.23 1.29 LIN
17 Put few drops of sterilizing solution into the air
lock to form a U shape 4.07 2.42 1.65 LIN
18 Plug the top of the trap with cotton wool to enables
the yeast to undergo an anaerobic method of self-
reproduction. 4.73 1.50 3.23 HIN
19 Rack occasionally by siphoning the wine off the
lees of yeast and deposited solids. 4.42 2.46 LIN
20 Sieve the wine with musline cloth to clear of its
own accord; given time, when it does not, you
may have to filter. 4.76 2.42 2.34 AIN
21 Bottled the sieve wine as required. 4.38 1.46 2.92 AIN
22 Store wine in sterilized bottles and corks. 4.61 2.53 2.07 AIN
4. Advertise the sales of the processed plantain fruits 4.42 2.00 2.42 AIN
3 Mechanical slicer for slicing peeled plantain fruits 4.54 2.78 1.77 LIN
4 Water for washing peeled plantain fruits 4.58 1.96 2.61 AIN
5 Cabinet drier for drying sliced plantain fruits 4.77 1.73 3.03 HIN
6 Salt for spreading on sliced plantain fruits 4.50 2.61 1.88 LIN
7 Sterilized bottles used for keeping juice 4.65 1.62 3.03 HIN
Research Question 7:
Competencies in Training Needed by Trainers for Training Secondary School
Graduates for success in employment in any Plantain Enterprise N = 282
S/N Item Statement Mean SD Rmks
13 Explain the facilities to be used by the trainer for training 4.13 0.925 HN
each trainee in each in competency area of the plantain
14 Deliver the contents step by step in logical order to the 4.25 0.965 HN
15 Demonstrate the competencies while the trainees observed 4.45 0.775 HN
during step by step teaching
16 Request the trainees to practice what the instructor 4.23 0.845 HN
demonstrated while the instructor observes them
17 Correct wrong practices made by the trainees 4.29 0.834 HN
18 Encourage repetitive practice of knowledge and skills 4.39 0.706 HN
19 Test the practice of a group of related competencies 4.35 0.793 HN
toward achieving of the objectives
20 Provide the trainees information about their performance 4.30 0.773 HN
Hypothesis One:
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the Mean Ratings of the Agricultural Science Teachers,
Extension Agents and Farmers on the Entrepreneurial competencies Needed by secondary
school graduates for Employment in plantain nursery enterprise.
7 Arrange the poly bags in rows to 173.579 301 0.580 0.916 0.190 NS
form beds
8 Acquire the corms to nurse 189.023 301 0.632 0.129 0.879 NS
9 Slice the corms into sizes of not 315.222 301 1.052 0.327 0.721 NS
more than 2 – 3cm.
10 Arrange the sliced corms in rows in 179.659 301 0.601 0.028 0.593 NS
the boxes or trays and one per
11 Apply water at alternate days 71.272 301 0.238 0.259 0.772 NS
especially during dry season.
12 Transfer sprouting corms into the 153.470 301 0.512 0.297 0.643 NS
ii. Whole Corm Technique
1 Prepare the pre-nursery as in Bi (1 315.844 301 1.056 0.181 0.622 NS
to 7) above
2 Dig out whole corms to nurse and 303.868 301 1.016 0.621 0.379 NS
wash with water.
3 Stripped back the outer leaf sheaths 267.540 301 0.894 0.982 0.151 NS
of each corm with knife.
4 Loose any cover on the bud surface 161.593 301 0.532 1.474 0.123 NS
5 Arrange whole corm in poly bags 78.874 301 0.264 0.327 0.693 NS
or in trays or boxes and cover with
soil or saw dust.
8 Observe the buds for sprouting 123.447 301 0.389 4.034 0.045 S*
after 6 – 8 days.
9 Remove any weeds on the beds or 298.189 301 0.996 0.182 0.834 NS
trays or polythene bags.
12 Open the middle of soil in the 179.470 301 0.600 0.145 0.865 NS
polythene bags.
13 Select the differentiated young 410.440 301 1.369 0.364 0.696 NS
seedlings from pre-nursery (B i or
ii above)
14 Place the sprouted corm with ball 437.699 301 1.461 0.343 0.710 NS
of earth into the hole in the
polythene bags carefully and
close up the base of the sprouted
corms with earth
15 Apply water in the morning and 122.742 301 0.410 0.064 0.938 NS
evening daily.
16 Apply NPK fertilizer 20:10:10 89.222 301 0.298 0.105 0.901 NS
17 Spray with benomil or ash slurry 243.262 301 0.813 0.022 0.978 NS
around the psudostem base and
around plants to prevent insects
from eating the foliage
18 Mulch with partially decomposed 194.374 301 0.649 0.169 0.844 NS
refuse or dry grass.
19 Weed with hoe and hand pick 367.046 301 1.225 0.263 0.769 NS
pests regularly
20 Prune dead leaves from the base 218.755 301 0.731 0.054 0.947 NS
of the seedlings.
21 Harden the seedlings through 263.179 301 0.877 0.520 0.595 NS
gradual removal of the shade.
4. Advertise the seedlings for sale 108.887 301 0.364 0.107 0.599 NS
5. Sell the seedlings to different 86.546 301 0.069 1.240 0.087 NS
6. Transport the purchased 284.719 301 0.550 3.288 0.036 S*
seedlings to the buyer’s field if
7. Keep records of purchase and 173.735 301 0.580 0.230 0.795 NS
sales made
8. Reconcile sales and expenditure 141.672 301 0.474 0.039 0.762 NS
to determine profit or loss.
12 Wheel barrow for carrying soil 359.593 301 1.201 0.242 0.785 NS
or organic matter to the nursery
13 Polyethene bags/trays/boxes for 190.040 301 0.635 0.037 0.964 NS
holding soil for planting
14 Wire nets for fencing the pre- 424.437 301 1.418 0.148 0.862 NS
nursery off rodents or predators
15 Rake for removing cut grasses 295.523 301 0.988 0.042 0.959 NS
out of the site
16 Palm fronts used to make shade 118.175 301 0.394 0.542 0.582 NS
for nursery seedlings
17 Shade for protecting the 133.222 301 0.445 0.107 0.899 NS
plantain seedlings in the nursery
18 Knife for opening the middle of 135.023 301 0.451 0.224 0.799 NS
soil in the polyethene bags
19 NPK fertilizer to be applied on 311.020 301 1.040 0.046 0.955 NS
the nursery seedlings
20 Ash slurry to be spread around 185.868 301 0.618 0.771 0.463 NS
the seedlings to prevent insects
from eating the foliage
21 Chemicals e.g. pesticides for 381.394 301 1.274 0.170 0.844 NS
controlling insects pest
22 Borne hole to be used as water 393.368 301 1.314 0.172 0.842 NS
source for irrigation
23 Head pan for carrying soil or 156.202 301 0.522 0.214 0.807 NS
organic matter or plantain
24 Hand fork for pulverizing the 323.540 301 1.080 0.327 0.721 NS
soil or mixing of soil and
organic matter before filling in
polyethene bags
25 Hand trowel for transplanting of 210.795 301 0.705 0.055 0.946 NS
plantain seedlings from trays or
boxes into large polyethene
26 Secateurs for pruning dead 262.043 301 0.876 0.004 0.996 NS
leaves from the base of the
27 Polyethene bags/trays/boxes for 319.351 301 1.068 0.030 0.970 NS
putting soil
28 Basket for carrying plantain 204.172 301 0.682 0.099 0.905 NS
29 Booth to be wore as protection 276.609 301 0.925 0.047 0.954 NS
30 Hand glove to be wore as 175.894 301 0.588 0.080 0.923 NS
Hypothesis Two:
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the Mean Ratings of the Agricultural science Teachers,
Extension Agents and Farmers on the Entrepreneurial competencies Needed by secondary
school graduates for Employment in Plantain Plantation Management Enterprise.
S/N Item Statement Total df Mean F- P- Rmks
sum of sum of Ratio value
square square (sig)
1. Formulation of specific objectives 146.237 315 0.466 0.492 0.612 NS
for plantain plantation
2. Review the objectives of the 229.595 315 0.732 0.333 0.717 NS
plantain plantation enterprise
periodically based on changes in
market demand and supply
3. Draw up programme plan for the 260.440 315 0.830 0.387 0.679 NS
plantain plantation enterprise
4. Decide on the type (small, medium 149.047 315 0.476 0.039 0.962 NS
or large) of plantain plantation
management enterprise to adopt
5. Identify sources of credit for 243.304 315 0.776 0.208 0.812 NS
plantain plantation enterprise
6. Budget for plantain plantation 154.288 315 0.491 0.538 0.585 NS
7 Identify relevant material inputs 265.722 315 0.847 0.390 0.677 NS
and their location (seedlings
fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides)
for plantain plantation enterprise
8 Provide relevant tools and 152.747 315 0.488 0.139 0.870 NS
equipment (vehicles, cutlass, hoe
etc) for use in plantain plantation
9 Identify different levels of man 311.418 315 0.993 0.319 0.727 NS
power needed for plantain
plantation management.
10 Plan all farm operations to make 270.595 315 0.864 0.087 0.917 NS
most efficient use of the available
11 Make rules and regulations for 200.592 315 0.639 0.443 0.643 NS
successful plantain operations.
12 Identify market outlet for the 366.592 315 1.169 0.242 0.785 NS
plantain products.
13 Identify relevant records to keep 415.326 315 1.327 0.011 0.990 NS
for plantain plantation enterprise
7 Support the seedlings with top soil 79.722 315 0.254 0.199 0.820 NS
and add more soil if not enough.
8 Press the soil firmly around the 174.190 315 0.555 0.387 0.680 NS
9 Place mulch materials around 154.380 315 0.491 0.613 0.542 NS
each planted seedlings
10 Water the seedlings daily. 167.089 315 0.533 0.228 0.796 NS
11 Put wire net at the collar of each 305.225 315 0.974 0.109 0.897 NS
seedling if necessary.
iii. Weeding and Fertilizer Application
i Weeding
1 Cut the male bud after the fruit 268.136 315 0.869 5.215 0.008 S*
has being set when the fingers are
not coming out.
2 Get a stick that has Y shape 452.418 315 1.439 0.680 0.507 NS
3 Hook the Y stick shape on fruit 124.038 315 0.396 0.199 0.820 NS
4 Dug the stick firmly into the soil 90.718 315 0.290 0.002 0.998 NS
to provide support of trunk or fruit
until harvesting.
vi. Harvesting:
1 Identify mature plantain fruits for 247.858 315 0.791 0.202 0.818 NS
2 Harvest with sharp matchet by 201.934 315 0.645 0.019 0.981 NS
bending down to cut the
3 Place with a forked stick or a 378.608 315 1.210 0.013 0.987 NS
helper to receive the bunch
4 Cut the pseudostem half way, then 222.797 315 0.711 0.210 0.811 NS
cut the bunch.
5 Cut down the entire pseudostem 269.772 315 0.861 0.091 0.913 NS
and chop together with the foliage
of the main plant.
6 Spread chooped pseudostem and 178.440 315 0.568 0.537 0.585 NS
foliage over the soil as mulch for
ratoon crop.
7 Collect the harvested bunches 148.430 315 0.473 0.348 0.706 NS
together for airing.
8 Cover the bunch with leaves half 247.554 315 0.789 0.337 0.714 NS
way to allow air inside the heap.
Hypothesis Three:
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the Mean Ratings of the Agricultural science teachers,
Extension Agents and Processors on the entrepreneurial competencies needed by secondary
school graduates for employment in plantain processing and marketing enterprise.
S/N Item Statement Total df Mean F- P- Rmks
sum of sum of Ratio value
square square (sig)
1. Formulate specific objectives for 138.701 307 0.454 0.290 0.749 NS
plantain fruit processing
2. Review the objectives of plantain 230.532 307 0.755 0.258 0.773 NS
fruits processing periodically based
on market demands and supply
3. Draw up programme plan of 255.698 307 0.838 0.092 0.912 NS
activities to cover in different
processing enterprise
4. Decide on the type (small, medium 154.114 307 0.505 0.201 0.818 NS
or large) of plantain processing
enterprise to adopt
5. Identify sources of credit for 242.633 307 0.793 0.425 0.654 NS
processing enterprise
6. Make budget for plantain processing 151.828 307 0.498 0.015 0.985 NS
7. Identify relevant material inputs and 263.698 307 0.864 0.090 0.914 NS
their locations
8. Identify different levels of man 152.312 307 0.499 0.049 0.953 NS
power needed for the plantain
processing and marketing
9. Make rules and regulations for 314.818 307 1.028 0.561 0.571 NS
successful processing enterprise
10. Identify market outlet for the 270.987 307 0.888 0.044 0.957 NS
processed plantain fruits
11. Identify relevant records to keep for 199.221 307 0.653 0.064 0.938 NS
the plantain processing and
marketing enterprise
9 Remove the plantain chips into 284.269 307 0.932 0.019 0.983 NS
plastic sieve to allow the oil to drain.
10 Spread chips on clean material to 465.179 307 1.525 0.002 0.739 NS
allow the plantain chips to cool
11 Sort and bag the plantain chips into 79.750 307 0.261 0.083 0.474 NS
various sizes
12 Seal with candle flame with the aid 174.883 307 0.573 0.017 0.811 NS
of kitchen knife and Market the
iii. Competencies in malt (Non-alcoholic Plantain Drink)
1 Select figs from plantain 169.805 307 0.556 0.129 0.879 NS
2 Mill the figs with appropriate 324.221 307 1.062 0.158 0.854 NS
technologies into powder and keep
until required.
3 Reconstitute about 55g (2 heaped 324.273 307 1.061 0.321 0.726 NS
tablespoon) of fig powder in 0.3
litres of water and mix.
4 Set the mixture aside for 5-10 429.883 307 1.408 0.171 0.843 NS
minutes to enable the component of
powder to leach into the water.
5 Filter through muslin clothes, bottled 238.169 307 0.780 0.170 0.844 NS
and keep to sediment allow to
6 Decant or filter again, add vanilla 131.675 307 0.431 0.087 0.917 NS
flavor and granulated or icing sugar
to sweeten the ―malt’
7 Finally bottle, refrigerate and Market 376.247 307 1.233 0.014 0.986 NS
the products
iv. Competencies in Processing Plantain into Jam
1 Select 2 or 3 riped plantain 524.997 307 1.718 0.284 0.753 NS
2 Blend the ripe plantain with harmer 337.714 307 0.808 4.042 0.025 S*
mill and mixed together with1 cup of
granulated sugar
3 Add 200ml or 2 cups of water and 239.338 307 0.776 5.111 0.009 S*
mix together.
4 Add 30-35ml lime juice in the 362.971 307 1.189 0.093 0.911 NS
5 Boil the mixture and allow the 282.971 307 0.927 0.167 0.847 NS
formed gel to cool
6 Preserved the gel with sorbic acid 303.987 307 0.996 0.078 0.925 NS
and market the products
2 Peel the ripe plantain fruits and blend 444.519 307 1.453 0.503 0.605 NS
the pulp with appropriate
3 Soak slurry (blended pulp) in hot 123.698 307 0.404 0.452 0.637 NS
water for 10 -15 minutes for
optimum juice extraction
4 Filter the extracted juice through 91.519 307 0.299 0.303 0.739 NS
white muslin (akamu) cloth
5 Pasteurize the juice by boiling and 250.078 307 0.820 0.022 0.978 NS
simmer for 3 minutes
2 Peel the ripe plantain fruits and blend 273.987 307 0.898 0.027 0.974 NS
the pulp with appropriate
3 Soak slurry (blended pulp) in 500ml 173.221 307 0.567 0.156 0.856 NS
hot water for 10-15 minutes for
optimum juice extraction
4 Filter the slurring through white 150.455 307 0.493 0.017 0.983 NS
muslin (akamu) cloth.
5 Add 12 eggs (albumum, whisked),
1 cup of icing sugar, a pinch of
vanilla powder or few drops of 253.828 307 0.830 0.320 0.726 NS
liquid vanilla flavor essence, 1 tin of
milk and mix thoroughly.
6 Pour the mixture into cream cups or 114.841 307 0.376 0.021 0.979 NS
seal in polyethylene bag.
7 Place in a freezer until required and 111.205 307 0.364 0.398 0.672 NS
market the products
vii. Competencies in Plantain Fruits Processing into Wine
1 Select 2kg ripe/over ripe plantain and 291.273 307 0.954 0.181 0.835 NS
250g plantain skins (peels)
2 Slice peeled ripe plantain fruits and 174.633 307 0.572 0.224 0.799 NS
the peels with knife
3 Place in a clean, sterilized white cloth 143.675 307 0.470 0.293 0.746 NS
4 Tie the bag and place into a saucepan 204.919 307 0.672 0.012 0.988 NS
(preferably aluminum)
5 Add 4 litres of water, boil and simmer 118.169 307 0.386 0.455 0.635 NS
for 20-30 minutes.
6 Add granulated sugar and fruit juice 139.805 307 0.458 0.098 0.906 NS
in the boiled liquid
7 Apply pressure to extract as much
juice as possible when the bag is 66.532 307 0.218 0.351 0.704 NS
8 Add the extracted juice to sugar 63.130 307 0.207 0.140 0.869 NS
9 Shake to dissolve the sugar and cool 129.880 307 0.425 0.191 0.826 NS
in cold water.
10 Add 1 table spoon or 1 sachet (3g) of
yeast and juice of 1 ripe grape fruit
as yeast nutrient at 27-30OC to 196.737 307 0.643 0.550 0.578 NS
extracted juice
11 Record the initial temperature and 132.062 307 0.432 0.412 0.662 NS
specific gravity.
12 Keep the extracted juice in jar for a 296.221 307 0.971 0.042 0.959 NS
week in a room temperature.
13 Agitate the jar occasionally by giving 141.828 307 0.465 0.131 0.877 NS
it a shake
14 Record the data of temperature, PH 370.792 307 1.215 0.077 0.926 NS
and specific gravity.
15 Collect data until fermentation 371.828 307 1.216 0.358 0.699 NS
quickens after about 1 week
16 Plug air lock (fermentation trap) to 200.455 307 0.657 0.006 0.994 NS
the fermenter.
17 Put few drops of sterilizing solution 431.542 307 1.413 0.172 0.842 NS
into the air lock to form a U shape
18 Plug the top of the trap with cotton
wool to enables the yeast to undergo 304.062 307 0.996 0.093 0.911 NS
an anaerobic method of self-
19 Rack occasionally by siphoning the
wine off the lees of yeast and 119.429 307 0.391 0.051 0.951 NS
deposited solids.
22 Store wine in sterilized bottles and 320.971 307 1.052 0.041 0.960 NS
23 Store finished wine in a rack or bin at 186.737 307 0.612 0.028 0.973 NS
13OC or in a refrigerator and market
the products
6 Salt for spreading on sliced plantain 126.078 307 0.711 0.065 0.937 NS
7 Sterilized bottles used for keeping 74.805 307 0.413 0.002 0.998 NS
8 Bowls for putting water used for 260.633 307 0.244 0.518 0.596 NS
washing peeled plantain fruits
9 Frying pan used for frying plantain 383.130 307 0.854 0.028 0.572 NS
10 Hammer mill used for milling the 260.130 307 1.256 0.071 0.732 NS
dried sliced plantain fruits.
11 Sealer or candle knife for sealing the 269.805 307 0.852 0.080 0.823 NS
cellophane bag
12 Trucks for conveyance of processed 236.555 307 0.884 0.129 0.879 NS
products to market
Key: NS = Not Significant;
S* = Significant
Level of Significance = 0.05
Table value = 3.00