Jupiter Forming Aspects

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Aspect Interpretationsconjunctions SextilesSquares Trines Oppositions

Jupiter conjunct Saturn

The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn shows a serious outlook on life and an involvement in
heavy responsibilities. This aspect makes you much more conservative and practical than may
otherwise be shown in the chart. You have some significant hurdles to get over before you can
achieve the financial security you desire. Optimism can be drained by a series of disappointments
and delays. Larger social issues may play an important part in your life. The conjunction doesn't
deny success, but shows the necessity to work hard and be patient.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus

The conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus produces a good deal of restlessness in your nature. You
dislike restrictions and like to be the one in charge. You are an organizer, a planner and a doer,
and you do especially well when assigned to handle a big project. Your plans have a solid touch
of idealism attached. Your basically very lucky, and you usually get full credit for what you do.
Sudden and unexpected gains are frequently a product of this aspect.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune

The conjunction of Jupiter with Neptune shows creative imagination. You may be very artistic,
and somewhat excessive in the expression of your talents. Often this aspect shows much
idealism, and you may be drawn to a religious or humanitarian life. You may be an escapist, too.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto

A conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto confers the determination to achieve goals that will bring about
improvements for both you and others. You have a very strong and penetrating insight, and a
good deal of leadership ability. You are determined to enjoy life to its fullest. Dedicated to your
ideals, you have a bit of the zealot in you.

Jupiter sextile Saturn

The sextile formed between Jupiter and Saturn shows the good business attributes of caution,
prudence, and good organization, combined with optimism, enthusiasm, and expansion. You are
thus able to carry through plans and fulfill your obligations, earning respect in your business or
profession. You are respected for your honesty and integrity.

Jupiter sextile Uranus

The sextile of Jupiter and Uranus tends to break down orthodox tendencies and add more of a
metaphysical or liberal attitude. Humanitarian goals and issues are more important with this, an
uplifting aspect. Good fortune relating to ideals in life come as a bi-product of actions.

Jupiter sextile Neptune

The sextile between Jupiter and Neptune shows imagination and much hope about the future.
You solve problems in theory, and some ideas may be impractical. An idealist, you are always
trying to help. You are certainly one who is willing to stand and be counted. You want to believe
the best can come from every situation, and of course that is not always true.

Jupiter sextile Pluto

The sextile formed between Jupiter and Pluto indicate your exuberance, enthusiasm, and
ambition. Even with these characteristics, you encourage others to explore their potentials as
much as you do yours. You have many organizational skills, and you are most productive in
business, education, and politics. Your interests are extremely broad based.

Jupiter square Saturn

The square between Jupiter and Saturn denotes some problems with self-esteem. You question
your abilities and put yourself down when you compare yourself to others. Parental influence may
have contributed to this lack of confidence.
Jupiter square Uranus
The square formed between Jupiter and Uranus shows inhibiting conflicts which limit your goals
and achievements. You may be expansive in your imagination and plans. There is a tendency to
be impractical and too idealistic in your thinking. In some cases, eccentric religious beliefs and
practices are shown by this aspect. Speculation, if allowed to get out of hand, can produce
unexpected and unsatisfactory results, and you may have a tendency to go off the deep end in
handling financial matters. Long-shot gambles that may tempt you, rarely work out.

Jupiter square Neptune

The placement of Jupiter and Neptune form a Square aspect in your chart. This aspect shows a
tendency toward exaggeration and confusion. There is a likelihood of being deceived or deceiving
others. In any event, there are emotional excesses and impractical behavior. This aspect is often
associated with religious idealism lacking discipline. There is a degree of self-indulgence
associated with this placement, and this can result in a failure to attain potential success.

Jupiter square Pluto

The square formed between Jupiter and Pluto suggests that you set yourself up as a law unto
yourself and rarely agree with accepted codes. Dogmatic and exaggerating, you could be an
adventurer or a gambler. Oddly enough, you see-saw between overconfidence and self-doubt.
Learn to profit from your experiences and don't exploit others for your own benefit.

Jupiter trine Saturn

The trine between Jupiter and Saturn shows serious purpose to your life which may have been
influenced by a family tradition. Although you are somewhat materialistic and desire the finer
things in life, you lack the motivation and drive to attain them. There is a tendency to seek and
find easy ways of doing everything. Whatever success you are to achieve is apt to come in the
latter part of your life. You have a bad habit of comparing yourself unfavorable to others rather
than realizing your own self-worth.

Jupiter trine Uranus

The trine formed between Jupiter and Uranus shows that you are original, creative, determined
and practical. You can achieve any goal set for yourself. Personal liberty is very important and
you don't like to be tied down to convention. You may have strong mental energy and much
staying power in work that requires you to use you intelligence.

Jupiter trine Neptune

The trine formed between Jupiter and Neptune expands your latent intuitive faculties, giving a
practical application to your hunches. You may find you often gain materially by following the
dictates of your intuition and what just feels good. If you have any artistic leanings, this aspect
helps your expression become more salable. The personality is likely to appear very jovial and
human, allowing you to make friends easily.

Jupiter trine Pluto

The trine between Jupiter and Pluto produces a powerful exuberance in your nature that allows
you to inspire others to their potential, as you likewise are able to achieve your own. You have
wonderful organizational skills that can be useful, especially in business, education, and public

Jupiter opposed Saturn

The opposition between Jupiter and Saturn suggests difficulty in recognizing personal limitations.
In one sense this is good. You continue to plod forward in the face of just about any adversity,
and you may face a good deal of adversity. This aspect often shows success coming in the later
part of life. There is a tendency to compare yourself unfavorably with other people.

Jupiter opposed Uranus

The opposition between Jupiter and Uranus suggest that you are more enthusiastic, independent,
outspoken and willful than may otherwise be shown in your chart. You tend to bite off a bit more
than you can chew, and you want to start at the top without due preparation. Speculation and
gambling should be avoided. Learn moderation in everything, and try not to be hypocritical.

Jupiter opposed Neptune

The opposition between Jupiter and Neptune shows a tendency to promise more than you can
fulfill. You are creatively talented, but you must develop self-discipline to channel your energies in
a productive direction. This aspect showing a lack of practicality damages business and financial
affairs. You are extremely generous and kindhearted, but you may lack discrimination in this
regard. You are somewhat revolutionary and may be over-emotional in your personal
involvements. This aspect often denotes difficulty with drugs or alcohol.

Jupiter opposed Pluto

The opposition of Jupiter and Pluto shows questioning of social ideology. You challenge dogma
by asserting your own views, which may often be out of step with those of society. Autocratic
attitudes and a lack of humility can cause a loss of popularity. This is a powerful placement for
Jupiter, the planet associated with religious and philosophic issues. You may have much to offer
in correcting social injustices.

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